View Full Version : [3.P] If the rules allow me to make Astral Construct Power Armor...

2010-12-03, 12:10 AM
These are the only range limits I've found for manifesting astral construct (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/astralconstruct.htm):
-The construct must be made within Close range.
-The construct can't appear inside another creature or object. (Metacreativity disicipline limitation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicPowersOverview.htm#metacreativity).)
-I must have line of effect to the target area.

Because of this, I see every reason to allow Astral Construct Power Armor. Here's how:
-Manifest an astral construct of at least your size category. It must be big enough to cover you completely, but I assume you can fit snugly or comfortably inside. I advise making small holes on the face for breathing and seeing, and holes in the hands through which to use touch powers and rays.
-Mentally direct it.to act as you wish. You did give it all the transportation modes you needed, right?

Power Armor: Allies and Mounts
You can manifest this 'power armor' on your allies as well. They'd go on your initiative and use the STR and DEX scores of the construct while being able to act normally. Effectively, the construct is a mount that surrounds the target instead of merely staying under the target.

Yes, this allows you to turn normal mounts (horses, ponies, force dragons...) into power armored mounts.

Here's how to make a larger power armor than your size category.
-Fly, levitate, or otherwise hover in the place you want to be when your power armor appears. I recommend near the face or in a specifically-crafted hole in the construct.

-Watch this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgQhyquS9Ms) and pay special attention to 0:16. Start singing at 0:20.

Astral Construct as a No-Save-Just-Lose Power
With no save and no power resistance, you can make such "power armor" to encase your foes. They'll probably get a STR check to override the AC's actions, and they can teleport out, but an Astral Construct Mobile Encaser seems like an awesome use for this power!

Skin of the Construct
PS: The feat Skin of the Construct (Complete Psionic 57) is worse once you realize how you can use astral construct by the rules.

2010-12-03, 12:26 AM
You assume you can make hollow AC's. You can't.
I get the idea of gutting out a zombie and making half-living armor.
Or here the psionic version.
But the power simply does not work like that.
I like the idea though. And in a rule of cool game you could totally do it.
You can always make similar power that does allow for this idea in a raw game.

2010-12-03, 12:53 AM
I'll have you know that unconsciously began singing, out of instinct. Thats was a beautiful moment, thank you.

2010-12-03, 01:07 AM
Complete Psionic has a feat that allows you to fuse an astral construct into your body. It's not quite what you're trying to do, but it's something.

2010-12-03, 01:12 AM
Power Armor that you can Summon? Awesome. That'd be cool.

But I don't think it works. An astral construct is a creature...and as far as I know there's no rules for what's inside a creature. I don't think they're hollow. This seems like a case of "The rules don't say I can't do X, so I can do X."

2010-12-03, 01:35 AM
How's this sound? You take an armor, say a mithral breastplate for example, and you make it into a psionic item. Using the universal item feat you enhance the armor in such a way that it can manifest astral construct modified by skin of the construct on its wearer. Skin of the construct says that the construct fused to the character doesn't count against his limit of constructs manifested. Therefore, manifesting the power, as modified by the feat, multiple times grants multiple menu A choices to the manifester. Craft your armor so that it manifests the power multiple times in a single use. Cost is determined as normal for a psionic/magic item. For the ultimate expression of this idea, craft it such that the effect is permanent. As long as you're wearing it you get several, or even all menu A choices. EG Speed increase and Fly speed would cost 20,000gp.

Strife Warzeal
2010-12-03, 01:43 AM
*Note* In order to do this (assuming it can be summoned/appears by command word) the command word must be [insert favorite power rangers morphing phrase]
Example: "IT'S MORPHING TIME!" Followed by singing the theme song.

2010-12-03, 02:18 AM
Our friend SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/astralConstruct.htm) says this about astral construct appearance:

An astral construct generally appears as an animate clump of ectoplasm with a vaguely humanoid shape, but the manifester can mold or sculpt one according to his or her whim within the limits imposed by the creature’s size. The quality of such “construct sculpture” is determined by a Craft (sculpting) check.

So yeah. Sculpt that contruct into what you want. Make it hollow and fit you, or your target.

2010-12-03, 02:28 AM
This reminds me of the old "I take off my platemail and stand inside it, thus getting full cover" argument.

2010-12-03, 02:38 AM
The AC must appear "in an open location capable of supporting it". Another creature's space is not an open location. Even if it did work (and I would allow you to create an AC with a hollow space and then climb/fly in), any protection you gain comes at the cost of not having LoE to anything else. Adaptations to allow you LoE allow other people to target you right back and defeat the whole armor point of the deal.

Add in how the short duration keeps you from using this as a regular protective device, and the only real benefit comes from using its movement modes. At which point, you have more an astral mount than an astral steed shell. Nice, but not as cool as the power armor idea. And the trapping trick is right out.

2010-12-03, 04:48 AM
If I can make something in the space, the space is open!

Regarding 'power armor,' my astral construct can make me a gish for a short time. Go ahead and dump STR and DEX when you have a reliable means of replacing them, from level 1 in some cases!