View Full Version : West Marches IC

Cadian 9th
2010-12-04, 01:05 AM

You've all travelled to the New World, to arrive in this seaside port town - named, somewhat unimaginably " Seaport ". You're all looking down the main street of Seaport, gazing upon the familiar sight of a seaside town... but, small things are out of place. A huge man and an ogre watch a cage full off blue, spined monkey-like creatures, while a man and woman argue off to the side of the street in front of a weapon stall.

Overhead a group of Draconic humanoids fly over, lightly armoured but heavily armed. They swerve to steer clear of a steel spire, a large spike of rune carved metal that has burst from the ground. The ground beneath your feet shakes as a small dragon and it's rider land, the heavily armoured warrior hefting his lance as he lifts his visor. The dragon lurches forward, prowling through the streets.

Stalls line the street in addition to small houses - at the end of the street, before it turns, there's the arbitrary Inn, though this one's a sight cleaner than those you may have seen before. A few shadowy, lightning fast figures leap over the rooftops and dissapear, while a gnome wizard and his raven familiar haughtily walk past you, towards the docks. A lumbering humanoid construct regards you with a cold eye, following.

Over at the weapon stall, from what you can see, there's a variety of exotic weapons on display. Currently a Dwarf is talking to what looks like the owner, a tall, imposing human.

A variety of guild outlets are around, that you've heard off, and there's a mageware shop (two in fact) just on this street. There's also a mecenary guildhouse, and as you watch a small, spiky construct with a spiked chain enters, eyed warily by a heavily built, plate armoured orc.


Ones you can see at the moment:

The White Robes: Good aligned wizards, looks like.
Churches: As Cityscape.
Mercenatile: As you would think.
Knights of the Arcane Order: This, from what everyone's heard, is a guild for martial adventurers who either protect mages or are mages themselves.
Blue Lily: Dedicated to the aqquisition of powerful artifacts, before others.
Paragonostic Assembly: As Complete Champion, basically here to document everything. Fighty Bookworms be here. Or just bookworms.

If you want your own guild, such as one you've created that could exist, I'll see what I can do.

If you want to set up your own guild, go for it.


You're free to pursue anything that grabs your attention. If you want to look for something in particular, or want there to be a store for something, or just want to "look around" I'd be happy to add it for you. Seaport's big enough to include anything, besides, it's more fun this way.

2010-12-04, 09:47 AM
When the lookout first shouted for land, Kard had set down the latest in a long string of books that he'd been reading about the new continent, and walked into the bow of the ship, watching for this marvelous new land of opportunity. There was no telling how much, if any, of the things written were true, but an unreliable guide is at least a little better than no guide at all.

Now that the ship has docked, Kard is among the first travelers to disembark; there's positively a spring in his step. He heads straight for the guild of the Blue Lily- while tomb robbing isn't precisely his beat, the information network that such an organization would possess is undoubtedly useful for the opportunity to find further arcane writings and ritual areas.

2010-12-04, 10:57 AM

Finally settling down in the town for the moment, Sch'atte'ng'eist comes out of a small alleyway to look around. The place was quite alive, unlike the desert city of Awnight. Such attractions didn't mean much to him, what mattered was to get his job done so he could return to Awnight, the people there were in shortage of gold.

The other members of his band were staying in an inn near the alleyways in case the need to escape arises. Sch'atte'ng'eist usually worked alone, leaving his other members on recon duty or info gathering, and it worked best that way. Sch'atte'ng'eist jumps up on a building at the top and takes a look around, seeing for any big, royal palaces or castles that he could persuade to give charity for Awnight.

Alright, I'll make a spot check. [roll0]

2010-12-04, 02:17 PM
It had been a long voyage, and fortunately relatively uneventful. Erin was not overly fond of boats, whether small or big, and this voyage, quiet though it had been, had still been a bit of a trial to her and she was glad it was over.

Several other passengers had already disembarked from the ship by the time she picked up her backpack and made her way down the gangplank to solid ground.

She had planned to head to the mercenary guildhouse once she landed, but the fresh aromas that wafted under her nose lead her to a small bakery. After concluding a brief bit of haggling with the owner, she walks away a few coins lighter, but carrying several piping hot meat pies. As she munched contently on one she walked past a weapon stall where a dwarf was talking to the human owner. Curious she looked over the various weaponry available, assessing it for quality, and for the range of weapons available. It was always good to know what was available.

Diplomacy (Haggling for the meat pies): [roll0]
Let me know what half a dozen meat pies would cost ;)
(Note: I'm planning on having Erin frequent the bakery whenever she is in town)

Appraise (appraising the quality of the weapons): [roll1]
Would also like to know how much the human is charging (compared to what Erin would have expected to pay back on the mainland), and what sort of range of weaponry is displayed in the stall?

2010-12-04, 11:01 PM
Panril (Real name: Leo Silverkin)

The unassuming man finishes up writing in his journal, puts it in his backpack, and starts walking down the gangplank. He loves collecting stories but is even more eager to seek out his own. He walks away from the dock joined by his strange dog, (though you didn't see the dog get off the ship), and peruses the stalls. He stops by the mercenary guildhouse to inquire within about service. He also stops by the blue lily guildhouse. Unsure which would make a better adventure, the simple man continues to peruse the stalls, seemingly overwhelmed by it all... Is this how adventure begins?

Cadian 9th

Do you want everyone to roll a knowledge arcane to recognize my blink dog?
I cast friendly face before perusing the two guild houses giving me +5 to diplomacy for an hour. Also if I see anybody at the bar I cast it again.
Also I memorized every face I saw at both guild houses. I'll roll Diplomacy checks for each. If I see any of them tonight at the tavern, I'll approach them. From the mercenaries I will seek to learn about any impending battles, new contracts or inquiries, and the general disposition and strength of local mercenary units. From the Blue Lily I will seek to learn the location of artifacts but also mineral deposits or anything relevant their eyes and ears have heard. Most important though is just building up contacts, so I won't burn any bridges pressing the issue for intel.

Gather Info

2010-12-05, 06:31 AM

Direna leaves the ship, striding down the gangplank and onto land. This would be a good opportunity to do more work on the Technique, and if she was lucky there might be someone who knew something about her past here.

However,once she got off of the ship Direna was...less than certain about what to do. After some deliberation, comprised mostly of checking mental and physical charts of what the Ultimate Technique had yet to cover, she bought three identical pieces of bread* and quickly ate one, marking a few notes in a scrawling hand on some parchment.

After a few minutes of studying, writing and eating Direna was satisfied with her findings and scouted out a new place to go. Noticing a weapons stand, she headed in that direction to analyze the weapons and people there, staying a few feet to the side of the ones involved in conversation.

*Price? Or should we not worry about little things like bread?

2010-12-05, 09:09 PM
IC Kyra's arrival:
Kyra stepped through the dimension door and found herself standing just down the coast from a seaside port town. You should go to that town there. Why haven't we left yet? Can you hear me? Why aren't you answering me?Why did I make you again? We just got here give me a chance to get some bearings and then we'll head out.Sorry..it is just you said you wanted to find that new world and see what they knew about shaping! What if you finally found it after all those other...While I do not share my counterpart's enthusiasm and drive, I do agree that town might be able to assist us in our journey.Kyra grumbled to herself as she checked to make her weapons were secure. She surveyed the area around her, her penetrating purple eyes taking in the breathtaking view. She then fastened her hair into place with her stylus needles. She headed off towards the city ahead, luckily this trip had placed her close to a city.

Cadian 9th
2010-12-12, 07:57 PM

You head over to the Blue Lily guildhouse, a two storey black building of functional design. Moving up to the small courtyard (Similar to a peasant dwelling's vegetable garden in size proportionally), you meet two, heavily armoured living contructs, both armed with halberds. A gnome clears his throat and taps your leg to get your attention. He wears a rather fabulous red top hat and long, black robes that cover his figure. The sleeves are short, however, revealing a few glowing bracelets and a timepiece, chain wrapped around one hand while the gnome clutches a piece of parchment in the other.

" Good day to you, Ratchet, Librarian of the Blue Lily. " He says, with an air of self importance. You notice an emblem that slips into view around his neck, a medallion with a Blue Lily on it.


You leap around to the top of the nearby Inn, the tallest non-guild, non-shop building around. Surveying the area, you see the edge of the town, walled, then expanses of what looks like Jungle, though the trees are huge, different, with bright spots of color. Flocks of birds wheel about the canopy, occasionally rising to the sky then diving again. To the north west (West is inland, by the way) you see a break in the forest where you see plains, occasional small villages near ruined structures. Over to far west you see the mountains, but you can't spot much detail except that there's no snow on the peaks.

As you look more closely you do spot a small castle and walled port some 15 miles down the coast. Banners fly from the keep, you can't see what they depict, but you do so a solitary dragon land within the walls.

You can hardly believe you missed it the first time, but there's a large, silvery green lake over South west - Small chunks float on the river, and vapor hisses where the lake meets the forests. A metal spire has punched through the lake, reflecting light as the sun goes down. Looking around, you notice more metal spires - they seem to burst from the ground. That's about all you can see at the moment.


Travelling around, you indeed find several pies and successfully haggle the price from a bored looking, large human male. The pies are no delicacy, but very meaty. You're sure the pie will give you plenty of energy and protein, even if it isn't that nice.

Now making your way to a weapons stall, you enter the shop (I assume) and are greeted by a young human female assistant, in a shop that looks like it is owned by a strong, large human male. He's conversing the Dwarf over a large, dwarven looking waraxe. " While it be a great axe, made i' me'self, it ain't good for cramped battles, yer know? " He's saying, to a nodding stall owner.

The price signs reveal more or less standard pricing, though exotic weapons seem to be slightly higher than normal. Deeper in the shop you chance upon some mithril weaponry, but also weapons made of other materials, from common weapons such as short swords, to the more exotic Hook Swords and Monk's Spades.

The young assistant is wearing loose, functional clothing, pale blue with black hems and a simple black belt. She's quite pretty, in a cold, angular way, and her smile is cautious. " Can I help you? " She asks.


Your journal completed, you make your way to the Mercenary Guildhouse. Perhaps stereotypically, you're greeted with a menacing stare from a hulking ogre in full plate with a halberd, then, curiously, a dark elf awaits you at a desk. The Dark elf is not particuarly handsome but has a cold seriousness that could freeze a rhino stampede mid charge. His desk is quite organised, with a few inkwells and quills neatly grouped, and every now and then a human aide comes and takes away the stack of papers at his desk. There's one other clerk sitting at another desk beside him, but this one's a human with more or less the same air, ableit with a less organised desk.

An orc is in the process of being registered (looks like) with the human, but the dark elf is free. A minotaur has just left the building with a disgusted look on his face.

We'll work on your other things after this.

Ah, not really. You can always tell them if you like. I'll post OOC about this.


(now for our first interaction!)

You buy some bread from a functional stall, selling simple, wholesome food, perfect for soldiers. You see one of the other people from the boat, a tall, lithe, strong human woman with short, dark brown hair framing a well tanned face. She buys a few pies but doesn't see you, instead continuing the weapon stall you saw earlier.

Entering the weapon stall you spot the woman again, being greeted by an assistant. The Dwarf is talking to the stall owner.


Now making your way to a weapons stall, you enter the shop (I assume) and are greeted by a young human female assistant, in a shop that looks like it is owned by a strong, large human male. The price signs reveal more or less standard pricing, though exotic weapons seem to be slightly higher than normal. Deeper in the shop you chance upon some mithril weaponry, but also weapons made of other materials, from common weapons such as short swords, to the more exotic Hook Swords and Monk's Spades.

The young assistant is wearing loose, functional clothing, pale blue with black hems and a simple black belt. She's quite pretty, in a cold, angular way, and her smile is cautious. " Can I help you? " She asks.


You end up in one of the forests, nearby to the town. The forest floor is covered in leaf litter, small glowing fungi, and laced with strong, thick tree roots. Large spiders crawl as glowing bugs flit about the massive tree trunks, and bright flowers open their heads slowly and close again like jellyfish. Each black treetrunk is dotted with bright specks.

A huge beast rushes past you, not seeming to notice you for some reason. It's bleeding heavily, blood leaking from large gashes and punctures along its carapace. It's four legged gait limps as you spot torn muscles on it's quarter. The thing had two under tusks, like a boar, and was black and red.

Travelling onward (warily?) you chance upon a ruined stone platform, cracked by roots. It's mostly covered in leaf litter and expeditous fungi, but you can spot some runes and slowly you see signs of where the pillars were and a few chunks to mark where they've fallen. The place is damp, humid like a rainforest.

(You're pretty close to the Town, so you can leave if you like)

OOC: Still to hear from Kris and Cardea, but we should be able to run this for a while without them.

2010-12-12, 10:25 PM
Kard nods to the two living constructs before bowing, smoothly moving into a kneeling position to speak to the Librarian face to calm, smiling face.

"A pleasure, Mr. Ratchet," he replies, extending his right hand.

"I'm Kard Zene, a man far more trustworthy than his name may suggest. I'm interested in joining your fine guild, and aiding in the understanding of older cultures. May I sign up with you, or should I speak with someone else?"

2010-12-13, 01:24 AM
I am examining your selection...however, I am also trying to find a posture and position that allows for the maximum sight range while still allowing for specific equipment to be focused on instantly, and to allow for quick changes to view things that are not particularly visible... Direna begins. If the other seems willing to listen, she goes into a deep explanation of angles, postures and other variables that change one's field of view.

After doing this, she starts looking for a place where she can see all or most of the shop(and turn to see the rest quickly). Once she's there she'll take a closer look at some of the weapons.

2010-12-13, 11:39 PM
Ah... the cold menacing stare. Why do soldiers so ofter think they have to look menacing to be menacing? They always seem to be looking for a challenge. No matter, once he is placated he will open up. Good afternoon kind sir. I'm sorry to bother you. You look very busy, but you look like the person who can get things done around here. I just arrived and, well, I'm looking for adventure... Panril flashes a wry, knowing grin. I'm no blademaster, but I'm pretty good with the pointy ends. Is there any work available for a man and his dog? Hopefully the elf isn't stupid and knows the soft spoken modesty of a true warrior. Depending on how the elf responds, Panril will know whether this is a outfit worth working for.

First sorry about doing too much in one post... guess I got overly excited :p

Second, I can take the diplomacy from last time, or [roll0]

2010-12-13, 11:44 PM

Kyra warily moves along. When she comes across the stone tablet she stops and examines it a bit more. What are you doing? This isn't getting us to the town.Why are we stopping? What..What are you doing now?? Clearing that off is going to take forever!I thought this might hold clues for us later.This does seem a wise course of action. The condition of that beast worries me though, we should be on our way as soon as possible.She gently clears off the symbols she sees and begins to sketch them on a piece of parchment. She then sketches the entire area around her quickly before moving on towards the city.

2010-12-17, 06:52 PM

At sight of the castle it looked like the jackpot of treasuries, but the dragon there would raise the risk to an incredible level, even for Sch'atte'ng'eist. The Thri-Kreen took another look around before heading back to the inn. Upon arrival, he noticed his group was awake and awaiting his arrival. "So I see we are all set then?" he said in a semi-monotone voice, his usual tone when talking.

One of his members, a human male, stood up. "We've been expecting that you'd be longer actually," he said in a cheerful tone. Another one, a half-elf female spoke, "Some of us were rather impatient," she snarked, talking about the human male and the burly minotaur, "But I have them in control." The minotaur slammed his mug on the table. "I've been up all night wanting to get out of this town. What do you have for us chief?" His voice was loud, but obviously caring to his "chief" Sch'atte'ng'eist. The human female and male half-elf were absent, Sch'atte'ng'eist sent them off on recon duty in the meantime.

The Thri-Kreen said, "There is a castle a long ways down the coast, possibly abandoned. It is guarded by a dragon. I want everyone to stay clear of it at this time. There is however, an interesting lake off to the southwest. I will be heading there. Ashela," he said to the half-elf female. "You are to accompany me this time. Marcus, Rulke," he said to the male human and minotaur respectively, "Find Wans and Chella, they're long overdue to come back," the male half-elf and human female of Sch'atte'ng'eist's group. Once they agreed, the Thri-Kreen's band of rouges split off to do their tasks.

Okay, if anyone's interested in coming with me to the lake, just say hello to my character, or follow him inconspicuously :smalltongue:

Just to let you know Cadian, Ashela is a Rogue 1/Cleric 4.

2010-12-18, 06:29 AM
I am examining your selection...however, I am also trying to find a posture and position that allows for the maximum sight range while still allowing for specific equipment to be focused on instantly, and to allow for quick changes to view things that are not particularly visible...Direna begins.Erin defers to the other woman who responds to the young assistant's question, as she looks around the store, but her attention is quickly drawn back to the woman as the other speaks of sighting and ranges. She awaits a pause in the woman's speech and then she smoothly adds, "I couldn't help overhearing your earlier discussion, and it being a topic of particular interest to myself, I was wondering what sort of equipment you use and whether you've found it enhances accuracy and power. I prefer a crossbow myself, having discovered that certain techniques are particulary efficient in combination with the precision and power that a crossbow can deliver."

@PersonMan: I'm happy to either RP a full discussion between Direna and Erin, or to fast-forward over the 'technical discussion', whichever you prefer. :)

2010-12-18, 05:27 PM
Direna, slightly surprised by the sudden appearance of the other, considers for a moment before replying. What are...ah, I see. You mean for ranged combat? Well, I'm currently working on most melee-based techniques, but for ranged combat...Well, the primary advantage of the crossbow is that it is easy to master-the other bows requires more effort to learn. I would prefer the bow, myself, primarily because it allows for a faster firing rate than the crossbow.

As for increases in accuracy, I've found that apart from magical enhancements most weapons are about as accurate as one another. Power depends on the wielder, but can also be increased via magical modification.

For now we can play it out-if it gets tedious we can always skip the rest.

2010-12-19, 05:27 AM
The lithe woman with the short, dark brown hair responds,"I wouldn't say that the crossbow is easy to master, instead that it is easy to learn but it requires both time and technique to master. For instance, with the correct technique, the crossbow can easily match the bow for rate of fire in the hands of equally skilled individuals. Similarily, when applying the correct technique, I've found that precision not only affects accuracy, but also the power imparted to the shot over certain ranges."
She pauses a moment before continuing, "... but you were speaking of close combat. There I have found maintaining ones own concentration and disrupting ones opponents concentration to be most efficient. Do you perhaps subscribe to the same thoughts?"

The woman suddenly looks embarassed for a moment, "But I must apologise", and she extends a hand, "I'm Erin"

Kris Strife
2010-12-30, 01:57 AM
Sorry for delays, waiting on PM responses + Christmas and family stuff.

Kevnan walks down the ship's ramp, dark cloak pulled up over his head and armor. Taking a moment to orient himself, he uses the directions he was given to head towards the temple district. He knows that his religion doesn't have a dedicated temple as yet, but he still needs to check in with the followers that are present here. He makes note of both the fliers over head and the knight mounted on the blue dragon, but takes no other action yet. When he does arrive at the temple district, he looks for an allied church, hoping they'll be able to give him more specific directions.

2011-01-02, 03:45 AM
Direna narrowed her eyebrows for a moment, considering the wording of the one she was speaking with.

I disagree on your last point. Precision can allow one to better impart the same amount of power from a shot in a more efficient way, but it doesn't change the actual amount of power in the shot.

Currently, I am developing the Technique for personal use. As such, I focus more on my own actions in combat than those of my enemies. I am currently on the brink of a breakthrough in one aspect of the Technique, so I am putting all of my effort into completing that before turning my attention to other aspects of the Technique for more than short periods of time. Direna continued, considering showing her still-incomplete record of the Technique that she was compiling. Perhaps she would be able to connect the final variables for the next phase of the nearly-completed technique that Direna was finishing?

Direna is surprised when the women suddenly apologizes. Before she can inquire as to why, however, she reached out and Derin realized what she was doing. I am Direna. It is good to meet you, Erin. I believe that you may have the expertise necessary to aid me, I have reached a difficult point in the development of my Technique, perhaps you could help me? She asked, shaking the offered hand.

Cadian 9th
2011-01-07, 03:55 AM

" I suppose you could. " Ratchet says, taking your hand. His hand is gloved with white, though you spot inkstains on it as he withdraws his hand. " Right this way, if you will. " He says, beckoning.


The Dark elf gives you a blank stare, then a wry smirk, writing plainly " Warrior " on his paper with an elegant quill. " May I ask what you're specifically good at? Commanding troops, tracking, ranged combat, polearm use? Perhaps the " Gish " style, or Duskblades of my high race, as they call it? "


You successfully sketch without incident for about half a minute until an earth shattering roar echoes some small distance away, coming closer. Your sketch is basic, not overtly detailed, and you haven't had time to sketch more than the basics and landmarkings of the area.


The Inn is exactly as you expect for an Inn. It's specifically made to make Adventurer's feel at home, so you find it well equiped. However, the main room is circular and brightly lit, so it's hard to find a dark corner. That said, you all managed to meet in a room (10 gp for your whole group) that has a strong, thick door and adequate storage area. It's got few places to hide in as well, adding extra security.

Your action proceed as you wished, without interruptions. The streets are as usual well packed but the crowds later in the afternoon consist less of freshmen and more of veterans. You spot a dead knight on his horse led by another grim human knight on horseback, dour expression telling a tale of woe. The dead knight has huge scratches that rent his armor, as well as warped areas of his figure, as if the cuts rent not only the armor but reality itself.

Direna and Erin

In response to your first question, the salesperson girl looks slightly puzzled, but manages to keep up. " I know the difference between a Guisarme and a Billhook, a Spiked Chain and a Drow chain, but I haven't heard such language since I attended fighter academy back in Thay. And that was from a veteran who was staying the night... " She said. " Can't think of his name, but he was handsome, talented and more... I'm afraid that we aren't in the business of Magical equipment, but I can show you this exotic weapon that seems to have what you seek... Allow me to go and get it. "

This happens before you talk too much, so she comes back after your next posts with the weapon.


Walking towards the shrines of good, Kevnan spots a good few attractions - coming down to afternoon, he can see the veterans returning from expeditions - You spot a dead knight on his horse led by another grim human knight on horseback, dour expression telling a tale of woe. The dead knight has huge scratches that rent his armor, as well as warped areas of his figure, as if the cuts rent not only the armor but reality itself.

Curiously, however, you chance upon - no, you find yourself, bumping into none other than a Half Silver Dragon, lightly armoured with a bow and two rapiers... Noble features and, perhaps by fate, the symbol of Bahamut upon his breast. He eyes you with a wide admiration...


That's all for now, folks... Gotta go.

2011-01-07, 05:50 PM
Satisfied with her sketch and worried for her own safety Kyra darts off towards the city. I hope I can make it to that city safely. Kyra heads directly for the city now, only detouring enough to avoid the threatening sound in the distance. As she gets closer she draws puts her hair up in a twist and pulls the hood of her cloak up. Kyra does her best to shrink back into the hood to make her features harder to distinguish, one never knows who or what inhabits the city ahead.

Kris Strife
2011-01-08, 01:10 PM
Kevnan smiles and turns to face his fellow half dragon, lowering the hood of his cloak as he does so. "My name is Kevnan, I've just arrived and need to speak with the local leader of Bahamut's followers. I was told he was somewhere in the temple district, but they didn't give me a more exact location. Would you be able to help?"

2011-01-09, 09:50 AM

As Sch'atte'ng'eist and Ashela came upon the knight, the Thri-Kreen took a study at the dead one while Ashela conversed with the mourning one. "Oh come now," she began to get the knight's attention. "What tragedy had befallen your comrade? You must have gone quite a ways for death such as that to occur." Neither Sch'atte'ng'eist or Ashela had seen something like this before.

The Thri-Kreen took a close look at the warped cuts, which looked out of this continent from what he had seen. He took a rock nearby and touched one of the warped areas with it, to see if there was a reaction. "What caused these wounds...?" he asked himself.

2011-01-10, 01:51 PM
Kard nods happily, and follows after Ratchet.

"Glad to hear that, sir."

Soon, very soon, one of the finest information networks of this continent would be at his fingertips...

2011-01-11, 06:39 AM
Responding first to the initial point under discussion, Erin states simply "I hold a different opinion there, as I have found that precision can affect not only the accuracy of the shot, with proper training, it can in fact also increase the amount of damage you do."

In response to Direna's request she nods with a smile, "Of course, I would be happy to help, and if nothing else, a reliable sparring partner would not go amiss. I had thought to visit the mercenary guild and perhaps find a place to sleep. If you would care to accompany me perhaps we might manage some time for sparring and discussion after that?"

As the salesgirl returns, Erin eyes not only the weapon, but the girl too, attempting to assess her knowledge of weapons and their use.

2011-01-11, 10:14 AM
Direna nods. If you mean damage, yes. As I said, the actual power of the shot is unchanged, but a more efficient application allows it to deal more damage.

I will accompany you. I don't actually have a place to sleep myself, securing one now is probably better than doing so once it gets dark. Direna says, nodding again. It would be good if she could finally make some progress. This one aspect of the technique was crucial, and once she got ahold of it Direna would be able to fight much more efficiently.

Cadian 9th
2011-01-12, 08:41 PM

You enter the city gates which are guarded by a human and an ogre. They're not there to stop you from coming in, it seems, and they pay no further attention to you once they ascetain that you are not an eldritch abomination.

Entering the city at sundown, you see the streets of the city that are starting to settle down and only the jungle veterans are returning. A few minutes of walking past closed shops and open taverns/inns and you chance upon a dead knight on a horse, armor rent by huge strokes that seem to have warped reality as they hit, lead by a live knight on horse being questioned by a Thri-keen.

OOC: That's Starsign's character. You can move past if you like, the'res an Inn ahead that you can rest the night in, adventurer specific.


The other Half Dragon shakes his head. " My name is Cedric Lance. "

" You were misinformed, it seems. There is no leader at the moment. I know of 6 other followers of Bahamut - 2 of the Dragonborn, 2 humans, and 1 elf and 1 half - elf. And Kit, the Halfling. " He says, adding with a smile. " I can take you to our meeting place. It's more of a temporary one, in the main Inn.

" Tiamat's forces are here. " He whispers.

Ahsela and Sch'atte'ng'eist ( And Kyra)

The knight looks at you for a second. " There be weird creatures out there. This one towered above us both - we fought best we can yet the beast got a lucky hit on Edmund there and that was the end of him. It rent his armor like 'twas nought but sand... " He says.

" This is by far the deadliest we've encountered. It seems to roar like nothing else, and the other animals flee from 't no matter where they stand. "

While the knight looks away, Sch'atte'ng'eist touches the wound with a rock. The rock shows no adverse effects, except for a mild discoloration (Yellowish) where the rock touched the rent armor.

OOC: Sleight of hand check, Sch'atte'ng'eist, if you don't want the knight to notice.


Following Ratchet into the Blue Lily guild house, you see several blue glowing orbs working away at large shelves, seemingly guarding those weighty tomes. A couple of display cabinets show off replicas of some artifacts: here, a warped skull, there, a huge, long thin bladed fullblade with a serrated hilt and a second handle up about halfway up the blade. A helmet looking like it's made for an animal.

You arrive, following Ratchet, to an office. Before you enter, a Gnomish scholar wizard begins checking you. One of the Blue orbs flies over and hovers abit above your shoulder. " A magical examination. " Ratchet says.

Erin and Direna

The assistant returns holding a long, exotic crossbow in one hand, just above the stock where the trigger is. The Crossbow is elegant, with a grooved bolt holder, reinforced metal on the bow part - the string is wound, flexible metal. Most interesting of all, the crossbow has a twin set of blades mounted on the front. It also has a unique lever reload system, but most impressive is the telescopic sight and leather hand grips.

" This is a Crossbow sold to us by a Gnome wizard - It's a crossbow, obviously, but here, heft it. It's light, handy in a fight, steady and has extreme range. " She says. " I have other exotics, if you'd care to see them. I'll wait until you're satisfied with this one, first. " She says with a smile.

2011-01-13, 10:32 AM
Kyra stops and watches the Thri-kreen from a short distance away. She is curious as to what he is doing. She hears the knight explain what happened. I wonder if that is the beast I heard earlier. If so I'm happy I got out of there when I did or I'd be just like that rent fellow.Yes. Yes. But how does any of this help us with what we came for? Lets go go go!Some days little one you can be most bothersome. If we are going to continue to search this land we need to find out what we are facing. A few friends to travel with may not be a bad idea either.

Does Kyra notice the rock or do I need to make a spot/search check? I'm not actually up in the conversation, I'm directly watching the injured/dead knight and Thri-kreen.

2011-01-13, 11:23 AM

The Thri-Kreen did his best to not look suspicious while he "sampled" the warped wound with the rock. Ashela, in attempt to assist him, tried distracting the knight with her charm. "How close by was this monster?" she asked, trying to convey some more info in the process. "I would doubt such a monster would kill your friend here at this place. How far was it that the two of you found and got attacked?" She gave a wink and inched closer to the knight. Sch'atte'ng'eist in the meantime turned around after examining. "Company..." he quietly said to Ashela, who was still busy distracting the knight. The Thri-Kreen turned to the dead knight and asked the new person. "Do you know what caused these wounds?"

I'll make a Slight of Hand check: [roll0]
Ashela (who has 16 Cha) makes a Charisma check to keep the knight distracted: [roll1]

2011-01-14, 10:31 AM
Kard looks around the museum appreciatively, then strikes a jaunty pose and offers the wizard a friendly smile.

"I suppose that's fair enough. Will I need to remove my boots?"


[roll0] (for any information concerning the artifacts these items are replicas of.)

2011-01-14, 11:09 AM
Erin examines the crossbow carefully testing heft, balance and weight before turning to look at the salesgirl, "What's the maximum range on this? 1000ft?"

As she listens to the woman, she offers the crossbow to Direna if her companion is interested in examining it also.

2011-01-16, 05:14 AM
Direna shakes her head at the offered weapon. Her interest wasn't in ranged weapons, at least for now. Once she had finally resolved this final issue she might work on a ranged aspect of the Technique, but otherwise she wouldn't be dealing much with non-melee weapons.

Kris Strife
2011-01-16, 07:00 PM
Kevnan nods and smiles. "Thank you, shall we go now, or should I meet up with you some other time." He nods more subtly to the whisper, responding quietly. "I had noticed, but now is not the time or place to discuss them.

2011-01-17, 07:32 PM
Kyra pulls herself further into the cloak. She does not wish for others to see her features just yet, her kind was not always accepted. If that is your intent perhaps you should fasten your veil then?Always the wise one, I thank you. Kyra takes the advice and pulls her veil up and fastens it. Satisfied that she is covered except for her eyes A problem I will one day have to fix. She muses she approaches the group in front of her. Her purple eyes swirling like a tempest storm she approaches the half-elf and knight, it is clear the Thri-kreen is wishing to be secretive. If I respect his "wishes" perhaps he will do the same for me. As she approaches she moves herself to face the creature and speaks to the knight."I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but to overhear your conversation. Having just made it out of the woods into the city myself I too would love to hear more of your story if you don't mind."

Cadian 9th
2011-01-19, 09:38 PM
Sch'atte'ng'eist and Kyra

The knight responds with a slight indigence, glancing at Kyra as well... " Fresh, I see. Out about 2 hours ride, in the highland ruins. As we came back, with new artifacts, we were attacked in the forest. The artifacts we found were lost. "


Ratchet shakes his head and, satisfied that the magic is in place, leads you into his office. " I've seen a fair few warriors in my time, but you are the first I've seen apart from Rayden who has the poise born of Sublime Discipline. " He says, motioning for you to take a seat.

Unfortunately, you don't (and neither does anyone else) know much about these, but from small snatches of conversation and idle gossip you recognize The Blade as one of the ancient weapons. It's a very powerful weapon that wields light and quick, easilly causing critical wounds. You hold it either one or two handed but it's much easier to wield two handed. Ancient warriors called the " Immortals" used them.

The skull is warped as the result of a blow. One of the creatures out there in the forests deals chaos energy wounds, which warp reality.

The animal mask, idle gossip suggests that the ancient race used them to give animals sentience.

Erin and Direna

The assistant smiles modestly. " It has no maximun range, and you'll find that the scope makes it incredibly effective, consistently at 750ft, then a little less for every 750ft... She says.

Seeing Direna is not interested, she frowns apologetically. " Perhaps I did not understand your request... "


He smiles and leads you on, through some alleys, then to a nondescript apartment next to a mageware line of shops. " This is the way... " He says on the way. He moves with considerable dexterity but less strength than you're used to. He's very quick to act, it seems.

2011-01-19, 10:05 PM
"Hahaha!" Ashela chuckled loudly upon hearing the thought of ancient artifacts in the ruins. Sch'atte'ng'eist had his 4 arms crossed as he watched his half-elf partner, though he was getting tired of it. "Well, ain't that a sob story," she snarked. "Come on, why don't you let us-"

"That's enough Ashela," Sch'atte'ng'eist's voice crackled in a deep tone, giving a glare to the half-elf for her almost suggestive manner. She backed off immediately and took numerous steps back as the Thri-Kreen approached the knight. "My apologies with my subordinate," she said rather bluntly. "i ask for directions about this highland ruins. Would it happen to be near a lake of crystal down this path?" He pointed one of his hands to the direction that he and Ashela were going until they met with the knight.

2011-01-20, 02:43 PM
The assistant smiles modestly. " It has no maximun range, and you'll find that the scope makes it incredibly effective, consistently at 750ft, then a little less for every 750ft... She says."No maximum range, and consistently effective at 750ft ..." She murmus, mostly to herself, before turning to reply to the assisstant "If what you say is indeed true, incredible as it sounds, then I am most definitely interested. What price are you asking for it?"

2011-01-20, 09:30 PM
Kard smiles calmly, and slides into a chair.

"I'd heard that some things were clear to people traveling on the Way, but beyond the grasp of most others. Such elusive truths could be of use to me, so I trained for long enough to gain some understanding of them. I'm impressed that you could identify me so easily."

Kris Strife
2011-01-21, 01:37 AM
Kevnan follows Cedric, moving slightly slower than his guide, glancing around frequently to see if anyone is heading towards them. In an attempt to get him to slow down, Kevnan starts some light conversation. "So Cedric, how did you come to serve Bahamut?"

2011-01-21, 01:40 AM
Seeing Direna is not interested, she frowns apologetically. " Perhaps I did not understand your request... "

Direna shakes her head. It was my companion who requested this weapon, not me. As such, it would be impossible for you to misunderstand my request, as I did not make one. Therefore, there is nothing to misunderstand...except perhaps that there is something to misunderstand.

Cadian 9th
2011-01-25, 03:55 AM
Sch'atte'ng'eist and Kyra

The knight looks a little disconcerted and a little indignant. He frowns at the girl, bloodstained and grimy armor going with his grim expression. " Yes. Beyond the forests, we were attacked near the lake. " He says.

" If you were to retrieve them... "

Direna and Erin

" Yes, it is a most incredible weapon. Of course, it is not of natural artifice, but magically assisted. It is not magical, however. " She says, sinking into a topic she's familiar with. " Ray has a good conection with the wizard (River) and gets these at a cheap price, by comparison. Old River doesn't have to go to the trouble of selling it and gets a good amount of coin... "

" I'm sorry, sometimes I ramble. This weapon will cost you about 780 gold pieces. "

To Direna, " Please look around. You might find something you're looking for. I'll help you once I've helped your companion here... " She glances at Erin. " Terribly sorry, I'm Natasha. " Natasha says, frantic.


Ratchet gives you a wise look, then breathes. Opening a large, blue book, he selects a long feathered quil from a container and dabs it in the black ink well, saying " My brother, Kiri, took up the path in our childhood. He advanced the path as I studied the arcane arts and artifice. We adventured together, for a time, joined by others. I'd recognize the poise and quiet, confidence any day. " He says, in a storytelling voice.

You notice a pile of small, scrolls on the desk, made of parchment and wooden rolls. A hefty spellbook, administrative papers and drawings are neatly arrayed.

Spot DC 20:

A small mouse darts between two piles.


" I grew up in a world where expectations were high and I was to achieve everything. " Cedric says. " Amongst the elves, I sought guidance, yet Correlon would not have me. He said my heart did not belong to him. My heart was ordered, not free, and until that day when I stood for freedom and no rules but my own, I might. " He says, sadly.

" I searched out the guide who would take me on. Bahamut, I found as the Platinum Dragon, in a dream. I thought him " Draco " and he gave me the strength and guidance in my darkest hour. Then, as I left the elves and frequented the mountains, I came across a great silver. " He says.

He leads you to the door, gives you a reassuring look and with a flash of shadow, disappears. The door opens, after several locks are undone, and Cedric beckons you in.

2011-01-25, 09:46 AM
Kyra watches and listens to the events unfold around her. These ruins and crystal like might hold information I'm looking for.... I shall wait and ask this Thri-kreen later to describe them for me.

2011-01-25, 04:17 PM
Kard listens intently.

"I see. So, then, what led to the end of your adventuring days?" he inquires politely.
Kard's Spot modifier is -1, so he cannot possibly see whatever is hidden.

2011-01-25, 06:10 PM

The Thri-Kreen showed a small grin on his face that only Ashela could tell. The half-elf knew where this was going. "We continue as planned," Sch'atte'ng'eist told Ashela. "Perhaps take a look at the ruins as well." The half-elf broasted a smile as she asked the knight, "Were there any other artifacts there that might be worth a visit?" As she chatted with the knight, Sch'atte'ng'eist turned to the cloaked person. "Interests?" he asked her somewhat scornfully. "I care not for your goals if they do not follow the same path as ours."

2011-01-26, 01:06 PM
"I merely wondered what this crystal lake looked like. It may be of interest to me to travel there and to these ruins seeking information I need. I may not be able to undertake the journey alone however."

Kris Strife
2011-01-26, 05:42 PM
He walks in, stopping to place a hand on Cedric's shoulder and turning to him. "With out those that would stand and fight for order, only the strong, the cruel, and the merciless would have freedom, and that is easy to forget when it has been too long since you've had to fight for yours." He then enters the doorway fully, looking around.

Kevnan has dark vision.

2011-01-26, 08:21 PM
Sch'atte'ng'eist gave a sort of passive glare to the cloaked person. "Hmm... well if these monsters are..." he paused to turn back to the dead knight, "Able to cause such wounds, then it would be helpful to travel together." He turned back to the cloaked person. "But I would like to ask what info you seek before we decide to work together. I have a habit of removing any adversaries in the way if they already have known me..." Ashela kept conversing with the knight, or was trying to at least.

2011-01-27, 07:57 AM
Direna and Erin

" Yes, it is a most incredible weapon. Of course, it is not of natural artifice, but magically assisted. It is not magical, however. " She says, sinking into a topic she's familiar with. " Ray has a good conection with the wizard (River) and gets these at a cheap price, by comparison. Old River doesn't have to go to the trouble of selling it and gets a good amount of coin... "

" I'm sorry, sometimes I ramble. This weapon will cost you about 780 gold pieces. "

To Direna, " Please look around. You might find something you're looking for. I'll help you once I've helped your companion here... " She glances at Erin. " Terribly sorry, I'm Natasha. " Natasha says, frantic.Erin looks over the weapon once again and then sighs, "I'm definitely interested in the crossbow, however my funds don't stretch that far right now. Would it be possible to order a similar weapon without the dual blades on the front, or would that affect its ranged functionality? If it could be ready within a month, I anticipate having sufficient funding by then."
Erin almost regretfully hands the weapon back to Natasha.

2011-01-27, 08:25 AM
"I've heard rumors of a land that has reshaped itself how it sees fits despite the current inhabitant's efforts. I'm hoping I have finally found this land, seeing the lake should tell me. If so I hope these artifacts give me a clue as to how this is possible. I merely wish to study them and learn what knowledge they have. I care little for any other value they hold and don't plan on keeping them."Take Care, you may not want to travel with these people. Perhaps we should see how they react and perhaps move on to find other traveling companions.

Cadian 9th
2011-01-29, 11:02 PM

" They have not ended, walker of the way. " He says.

" If I could record your other details, Sir, that would be agreeable. " He says, writing " Kard Zene " on a form, dipping an exotic feathered quill in black ink as he writes in a fluid handwriting.

Ok. You didn't spot anything. ^.^

Sch'atte'ng'eist and Kyra

The Knight, tired of this now, sighs. " The artifacts, I know not what they were. A set of masks, a steel lance, a sceptre. " He says. " I am affronted that you press me when I have my comrade to bless and keep in repose. " He continues, meaning to be on his way.


" Indeed. " Cedric says, leading you through a hallway, where you come into a living room area. A human woman and male elf are eating dinner, laughing and talking. The human woman wears white robes, and the male elf is clad in a thin breastplate and wears his sword. A draconic, leatherbound human male broods in the corner, turning over a rock over and over, and a Halfling cleric kneels before an altar.

Finally, so still you nearly fail notice, a humanoid construct sits next to the fire, glancing into it with a huge platinum greatsword in his hands.

Cedric clears his throat, and the elf and the woman turn and look, while the construct humanoid continues staring into the fire. The Draconic Human looks up and shifts his eyes to you, taking in everything... " Everyone, this is Kevnan. "

At this, the humanoid Construct stands, still holding his massive greatsword, and inclines his head. Greetings, Kevnan. I am Aion. " he says, tapping his stained plating, white and blue robe draped over one shoulder.

Noted. Would Kevnan know what a Warforged is?

Erin and Direna

Natasha looks sad at your predicament, (Like girls who are shopping who can't get something) and nods.

" I can reserve this one for you, if you wish, or I can see if I can secure one without the blades. The blades don't add much value, by the way, but they aid you in melee, of course. " She says.

2011-01-30, 12:00 AM
Sch'atte'ng'eist eyes the cloaked figure upon hearing her reason to being here. "If what you say is what you truly mean," he finally says after a moment of silence. "Then I do not see an issue for you to come along. Ashela," he then commands, the half-elf by his side as soon as he said her name. "Happen to have a name?" She asks, not really happy with someone like this cloaked figure coming along, but Sch'atte'ng'eist's orders were orders. "I'd honestly rather not have to call you 'Mrs Cloak' but it's all I can think of you..."

2011-01-30, 11:39 PM

" They have not ended, walker of the way. " He says.

" If I could record your other details, Sir, that would be agreeable. " He says, writing " Kard Zene " on a form, dipping an exotic feathered quill in black ink as he writes in a fluid handwriting.

Ok. You didn't spot anything. ^.^

Kard nods, and tries to peer over to see the details required.

"Very well; whatever information you need, I'll be happy to provide."

2011-02-02, 11:31 AM
Kyra waits for the knight to finish leaving. "You can call me Kyra. I appreciate you allowing me to travel with you. I will do my best to stay out of matters that do not concern me while traveling with you. I am however interested in any rumors you may have heard of about how this land came to be as it is now. Also my desire for gold and items is minimal if that helps assuage things for you."

2011-02-02, 01:39 PM
"Then we should be off," Sch'atte'ng'eist states. We'd be in more danger if we can't reach the ruins by night, though preferably I'd like to get back to the city before dark." He then started making his way down the road to the lake, Ashela coming right along.

So Cadian, shall we split to the new thread now?

2011-02-08, 01:37 AM
Erin and Direna

Natasha looks sad at your predicament, (Like girls who are shopping who can't get something) and nods.

" I can reserve this one for you, if you wish, or I can see if I can secure one without the blades. The blades don't add much value, by the way, but they aid you in melee, of course. " She says.Erin nods gratefully, "If you could secure one without the blades I would be most grateful, Thank you. You can place the order under the name of Erin, Erin Brown."

After thanking Natasha, Erin turns back to Direna and with a jaunty grin she continues, "Lets see if we can find the guild and a decent place to sleep shall we".

Cadian 9th
2011-02-08, 03:55 AM
Kyra and Sch'atte'ng'eist

The knight, having tarried enough and been chastised enough, nods, finishes up and " bid thee tharewell. " before trotting off with his dead comrade.

You travel outside, beyond the gate. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10330362#post10330362)


Ratchet takes you through the standard details, age, origin, etc, then asks you:
" What are your abilities, and weaknesses, and what are your origins? I will only write a small ammount, but I am interested in all walkers of the way. " He says.


Backstory time :smallamused:

But seriously, brief is fine. Everything is up to you.

Erin and Direna

To Erin, Natasha nods, makes all the relevant records and wishes you well. " About when shall you be picking it up? I understand if you want a flexible arrangement. I'm, We're used to adventurers. " She says, biting her lip as the man who seems to own the store finishes talking with the dwarf, and dissapears upstairs. Something tells you this isn't the first time that's happened.

Wait for PersonMan, I suppose.

2011-02-08, 08:24 AM
After thanking Natasha, Erin turns back to Direna and with a jaunty grin she continues, "Lets see if we can find the guild and a decent place to sleep shall we".

Direna nods, her mouth curving into a slight smile. A flicker of her eye is the only response she has to the dwarf's movement-and Natasha's reaction. Presumably, he was doing something illegal, judging mainly by the girl's expression. This could be useful-if there was something going on "under the table", so to speak, Direna could use it to her advantage...Although, blackmailing the dwarf probably wouldn't bring much. Oh, well. He could always be turned in to the authorities for a reward, or even just their trust. It was always good to have multiple forms of power-one of the primary reasons why she would need to devote more time and energy to creating the Social Technique later on...

Although I'm a bit low on funds at the moment, it shouldn't be difficult to find a place to stay, at least for now. Direna says after a moment, toying with one of the 220 coins in her possession. Although she remained composed, Direna was a bit annoyed-her head was aching slightly, and if she had bad luck it would soon get worse.

2011-02-08, 12:16 PM

Ratchet takes you through the standard details, age, origin, etc, then asks you:
" What are your abilities, and weaknesses, and what are your origins? I will only write a small ammount, but I am interested in all walkers of the way. " He says.


Backstory time :smallamused:

But seriously, brief is fine. Everything is up to you.

Kard shrugs, shifting a bit uncomfortably in his seat.

"I have some skill in matters of stealth, diplomacy, and hand-to-hand combat. I also know a few rather useful magical tricks, mostly pertaining to the song of the world. If I had to choose a weakness as my greatest, it would probably be a lack of wilderness survival skill.

I come from a storytelling tradition in the old country- my little hamlet was called Stormholme, for the rather poor weather- and have picked up most of my skills on the road. My martial skills were honed at a roadside monastary, under Master Vergil of the Iron Heart."

Cadian 9th
2011-02-13, 01:27 AM

Ratchet listens intently, occasionally writing something down on his forms, but otherwise listening intently. " I have not heard of Stormholme. You must tell me off it, another time though. One must not learn everything at once, lest you lose something on the way. " He says.

Looking over his papers, he reads over what he's written, then sits back in his chair. " I'd be happy to take you on, Kard Zene. "

A rat crawls up his arm and perches on his shoulder. He looks down for a second, then nods his head and the rat scurries away. Moments later, an ecentric looking human enters. He's got short hair, and young, rugged features, yet the sheer amount of stuff on him is amazing. He's wearing 2 belts, with a telescope hanging off one, loads of pouches, a few vials of liquid, even a military water bottle. Strapped to his legs are more pouches, and his dagger. He's got a few wands holstered on the other thigh, while a sash across his breast has one, compact vial of blue liquid in it, 4 exactly. A medallion over a loose (But it's close to him, due to the belts and pouches) proclaims him as a member of the Blue Lily.

His forearms are bracers, each with a few gems inset. Two shoulder pads comprise all his armor, yet he manages to look pretty tough. With a darting look, he pats a "dog", that is, a 4 legged, iron mawed constuct sculpted like a dog. Amazingly, the dog responds to his pat.

" This is Hiro. " Ratchet says. " He's a gifted Artificer - one I hope to see you working with in the future. For now, he will show you to your quarters, and in the morning, your vault. " He says. " Oh, I almost forgot. You will be searching, analysing and unlocking knowledge in this new world. What we send you out for is for the guild, and you'll give it to us. Whatever else you find, you show to us, but otherwise it is for you to keep." He pauses.

" Of course, it could be decided that some item you find we need for the whole guild - in that case, we'll be happy to compensate you, whether in artifact or coin. "


Natasha smiles. " There he goes again, upstairs. And he wonders why I manage the shop while he's not here... " She says.

What authority? :smalltongue:

Just banter, I guess, till person man gets back.

2011-02-13, 09:52 PM

Ratchet listens intently, occasionally writing something down on his forms, but otherwise listening intently. " I have not heard of Stormholme. You must tell me off it, another time though. One must not learn everything at once, lest you lose something on the way. " He says.

Looking over his papers, he reads over what he's written, then sits back in his chair. " I'd be happy to take you on, Kard Zene. "

A rat crawls up his arm and perches on his shoulder. He looks down for a second, then nods his head and the rat scurries away. Moments later, an ecentric looking human enters. He's got short hair, and young, rugged features, yet the sheer amount of stuff on him is amazing. He's wearing 2 belts, with a telescope hanging off one, loads of pouches, a few vials of liquid, even a military water bottle. Strapped to his legs are more pouches, and his dagger. He's got a few wands holstered on the other thigh, while a sash across his breast has one, compact vial of blue liquid in it, 4 exactly. A medallion over a loose (But it's close to him, due to the belts and pouches) proclaims him as a member of the Blue Lily.

His forearms are bracers, each with a few gems inset. Two shoulder pads comprise all his armor, yet he manages to look pretty tough. With a darting look, he pats a "dog", that is, a 4 legged, iron mawed constuct sculpted like a dog. Amazingly, the dog responds to his pat.

" This is Hiro. " Ratchet says. " He's a gifted Artificer - one I hope to see you working with in the future. For now, he will show you to your quarters, and in the morning, your vault. " He says. " Oh, I almost forgot. You will be searching, analysing and unlocking knowledge in this new world. What we send you out for is for the guild, and you'll give it to us. Whatever else you find, you show to us, but otherwise it is for you to keep." He pauses.

" Of course, it could be decided that some item you find we need for the whole guild - in that case, we'll be happy to compensate you, whether in artifact or coin. "

Blue Lily Guildhouse

Kard nods. "That's quite fair. I look forward to working for you. My main desire is knowledge, so I'm sure that I'll be satisfied with the recompense, should any personal effects come to be of interest."

He then stands, and nods to the Artificer.

"Please, lead on, great Hiro. I would like to become acquainted with my quarters, and the rest of the guildhouse, if you don't mind..."

2011-02-14, 02:03 AM
Erin and Direna

To Erin, Natasha nods, makes all the relevant records and wishes you well. " About when shall you be picking it up? I understand if you want a flexible arrangement. I'm, We're used to adventurers. " She says, biting her lip as the man who seems to own the store finishes talking with the dwarf, and dissapears upstairs. Something tells you this isn't the first time that's happened.Erin responds, "I hope to pick it up within a month, but perhaps a flexible arrangement would be best."

Once the necessary paperwork as so forth is all done, Erin looks to Direna and steps towards the door, preparing to head to the mercenaries guild, and hopefully to find a place to sleep.

2011-02-14, 07:48 AM
Direna follows her companion from the store, still considering what sorts of things might be going on in the town that she could capitalize on. Although personal power was her current focus, Direna was planning on expanding the Technique to other things, so sooner or later she would need experience in political associations.

Kris Strife
2011-02-14, 07:33 PM
Kevnan looks around the room, making mental notes of the faces, returning the nod to Aion. "It is an honor to meet you Aion. Cedric neglected to mention that there was a warforged amongst Bahamut's faithful in this city, though it gladdens my heart to see any who count themselves amongst the Platinum King's followers. I take it there are at least a few who are not present?"

If there isn't an obvious outward sign, detect evil on the room, just in case, and on another note: I just realized your name is a 40k reference. :smallredface:

Cadian 9th
2011-02-17, 02:14 AM
Erin and Direna

Saying bye to Natasha, you both exit the shop. Erin leads Direna on to the front of the Mercenaries' Guildhouse. Perhaps stereotypically, you're greeted with a menacing stare from a hulking ogre in full plate with a halberd.


Aion gives you a nod. Glancing at Cedric, who gives a nod, he speaks. " Indeed. Many of my kind have not begun to follow any gods, yet, I recognize the Platinum Dragon as the guidance I seek in a world where I have no purpose. Forged in war, I see Lord Bahamut in the blades of the faithful, the glint in the eyes of the good, the shield of faith that protects us from evil. " He says. " In his honor, I wield a blade of Platinum. It is so heavy only I can wield it, yet its blows strike hard against enemies of good. "

" Ariel has not yet returned from her trip with Draen, they will arrive soon. " He finishes.

Long speech.

Guess what, he has a name, a backstory and a personality. You know what this means, right? :smallbiggrin:

Detect Evil fails to show anything. They are, not evil. Do you conceal your casting?

And finally, yeah, it is. :smallsmile: Like the new avatar?

Kris Strife
2011-02-17, 01:11 PM
Kevnan nods and smiles. "Well, I am glad to have you as a brother Aion, and I hope that the rest will soon find their way, if not to our Lord, then to one of his allies." His face grows more serious. "And I'm sorry to hear that two among you are not present, do you know when they might return? I hear you do not yet have a leader among you, and I would prefer to only have to explain my presence once if possible."

He's a recurring NPC, probably 2-3 times my level? :smalltongue:

And I'm only using it if there is not visible effect of it (there's nothing either way in the PH), as you said, part of a Gray Guard's duty is finding evil that hides amongst good.

Yup, just embarrassed I didn't realize it sooner. :smallredface:

Cadian 9th
2011-03-02, 07:18 PM

" Many of my fellows joined the Lord of Blades, yet others joined the becoming god. It pains me I must take arms against former comrades from the last war... Such is the price for upholding our cause. " Aion replies.

" They will return in an hour or so. " Says Cedric.

Kris Strife
2011-03-04, 07:31 AM
Kevnan sighs slightly. "No one ever said that following your own path would be easy, and it seldom ever is." He turns to Cedric, thinking for a moment. "Then I shall wait. Please, tell me everything you know about the city and the surrounding wilderness. Start with confirmed facts, then move on to the rumors and hearsay."

Cadian 9th
2011-03-09, 06:58 PM

Cedric gives you a slightly blank look. " There is a lot to tell. Perhaps we can discuss this over time, have you eaten? " He says. He looks tired, but draconic vigor probably sustains him past his race's normal endurance.

Kris Strife
2011-03-10, 10:20 PM
He shakes his head and smiles at Cedric. "It has been a while, but I'm not hungry at this time. Please, if you wish to rest and have something to eat, do so. While faith may sustain the spirit, it does little if the body can not keep up. Aion, perhaps you can give me what information you've discovered?"

Cadian 9th
2011-03-28, 07:01 PM

Aion nods with characteristic calmness. Cedric gives you a "Been a long day and I'll catch up with you later" look, crosses to the table and starts fetching himself a drink before starting to cook. Aion beckons you further into the dwelling to a kind of office, where sheets of paper adorn desks. In the corner of the room a long, silver haired girl sketches a diagram (Some sort of runic circle) with a pencil. She's a young, pale human.

Aion takes you on a tour. He describes the state of things, how they are remaining secret in these times - in order to better combat enemies of the Platinum Dragon, wether they be the spawn of Tiamat or agents of other evil.

" This is currently our largest threat, a foul servant of darkness who draws strength from the shadows around him. " Aion says, pointing out a sketch of the creature. Humanoid in shape, a black cloak swirls behind him as a veil of darkness shrouds his form. In one hand, a scepter of green fire is brandished. In the other, a blade of shimmering colors protudes from his forearm, about as long as a rapier and as deadly looking.

Next to the drawing are several writings pertaining to observations of this enemy, including some logs that look like dairy entries. " We don't know his original race, yet we know his exposure to this land and his dark gifts have warped his body beyond roots of any race known. "

You notice another drawing, of a swarm of bettles with the caption " The Metal Swarm. " A detail of an individual beetle is shown, a hard metallic thing with glowing red eyes and a melted looking mouth.

OOC: Pausing here to give you a chance to respond.

Kris Strife
2011-04-08, 04:38 AM
Kevnan frowns, studying the images, especially the scepter, before shaking his head. "I'm afraid I can't tell you much more on these other than this..." He indicates the scepter, before looking at Aion. "Has some sort of religious significance. I don't believe that it has any connection to Bahamut or his allies however. If we can find out which deity it belongs to, we'll probably have a good clue on the identity of the wielder, or at least some idea of where to find him."

Cadian 9th
2011-04-28, 07:04 PM

Aion glances at Kevnan, tilting his head. By now you've realised this is one of his ways of expressing interest, as his facial expression ability is... limited. " Interesting... I thought it to be magical, of the arcane, possibly crafted by the figure himself... " He says. He relays this information to the silver haired girl, who you notice has pure, white eyes, with no pupils.

Kris Strife
2011-05-01, 10:20 PM
Kevnan watches, saying nothing for the moment, observing their faces while they speak with one another.

Sorry for the short post, just couldn't think of much for him to do at the moment.

Cadian 9th
2011-05-05, 07:53 PM

The two talk for a minute, then Aion turns to you again. The girl leaves the room. " You have given us much to think about. What you consider pausing this tour for now and joining in our discussion, in the main room? " he asks.

Kris Strife
2011-05-06, 04:15 PM
Kevnan nods. "Certainly, though I thought we were waiting on the return of Ariel and Draen?"

Cadian 9th
2011-05-16, 06:15 PM

Aion nods his head. " Verity, the pale girl, has received word that they are in the city. They'll be here very soon. " He says. Kevnan hears movement over in the main room.

Kris Strife
2011-05-29, 01:23 AM
Kevnan nods. "Ah good, glad to hear it..." The half-dragon turns to the other room when he hears movement. "In fact, I think they might be here now. Shall we go look Aion?"

Sorry, could have sworn I'd responded already :smallredface:

Cadian 9th
2011-06-22, 09:58 PM

Aion agrees, bringing you to the main room. Cedric is sitting, going through some papers. The human woman is serving up mild food while the elven male who had been there earlier is eating a small meal thoughtfully, his slanted eyes staring off into space. He's removed his thin plates of armor.

The draconic male human is nursing to a deep tanned, almost black skinned elf, who you presume to be Draen. The elf has a long, recurve bow on the table next to him, and has black hair, bright eyes. He wears more or less thin clothing, a few daggers at his belt and a heavy tome bound to his belt by a loop of leather. He glances over at you and gives a slight smile before wincing as the draconic male removes the elf's bracer, revealing a gash.

The halfling cleric is chanting and holding a silver holy symbol over probably the most beautiful human you've ever seen. Smooth, flawless, skin, long, red hair and a perfect body are the main factors, however your eye is drawn by some incredible force of personality. As you watch, her closed eyes are strained as open wounds close and color is restored to her exposed wound areas. She's wearing leathers and has a long sheath on her belt, which fits the profile of a long, thin blade resting on the table to the side. A few scrolls are looped to her belt, and on the table also is a canister, of the sort that could hold a small package or letter.

Her eyes open, and you are immediately disconcerted - they're very blue, but when she blinks you see lingers of complete black. It must be Ariel.

" Ariel, Draen. Cedric, Kevnan has some information to share. " Aion says. You notice he glanced a few times at his sword, which is leaning against the wall near the fireplace, as he came in.

Apologies thanks for sticking round

Kris Strife
2011-07-22, 09:09 AM
Kevnan nods to both of them. "A pleasure, if you need any help with healing them, please let me know." He waits while they're seen to, taking a relaxed stance if he's not needed. Once their wounds have closed, and they sit up, he looks to them. "I see you ran into some trouble, do you have anything to report?"