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2010-12-04, 12:48 PM
Global News update. 8:00 am. 1st January 2125

"The year begins with applause as Mexican forces raise the American flag over Clarksville, signifying the final victory in the liberation of Texas.

Officials still question the Mexican government's refusal to return the reclaimed land to the CSA, but Mexican officials assure the populace that 'the land will be returned to it's rightful owners in due course' "

"In other news, the new government of Greece has announced it will be joining the European union. The former one-party state was thrown into a civil war when the governments’ racial persecution against Albanian’s was brought to the public’s attention. The new prime minister; Vojnomir Novak released an official statement this morning, thanking the nations of the world for their help in the conflict."

Now, it's live to Bengal for the latest on hurricane Hibaru...

Pc nation stats

The Eurasian Federation (Murska)
Total: 44.25
Military: +++++ ++++
Morale: ++++-
Economy: +++++ ++++
Research: +++++ ++++-
Espionage: +++++ + / +++++ -
World Opinion: +++-

United Commonwealth (Imperial Psycho)
Total: 39
Military: +++++ ++++-
Morale: +++
Economy: +++++ +-
Research: +++++ +++-
Espionage: +++ / +++++ +++
World Opinion: ++++-

The United States of America (Exthalion)
Total: 38.75
Military: ++++
Morale: +++++-
Economy: +++++ ++++-
Research: +++++ +++
Espionage: +++++ + / ++++-
World Opinion: +++-

The United States of Australia (Bahumat)
Total: 35.5
Military: +++++ +
Morale: ++++-
Economy: +++++ +++-
Research: +++++
Espionage: +++++ - / +++++
World Opinion: +++-

The Triumvirate (thelonius)
Total: 34
Military: +++-
Morale: +++-
Economy: +++++ +++++ +++
Research: +++
Espionage: 0/+++++
World Opinion: +++++ +++-

Points: 27.5
Military: ++++- / +++++ -
Morale: +++-
Economy: +++++ +-
Research ++++-
Espionage: 0/++
World Opinion: +++++ ++

Argentina (ArcaneStomper)
Total: 24.75
Military: 0
Morale: +++
Economy: +++++ +++++ ++
Research: +++-
Espionage: +/+++++ -
World Opinion: ++-

Sanctum (daelrog ~ Razovor)
Total: 19
Military: +++-
Morale: ++++-
Economy: +++
Research: +++
Espionage: +-
World Opinion: +++-

The Freemasons (distant quasar)
Total: 9.75
Military: ?
Morale: ?
Economy: ?
Research: ?
Espionage: ?/+++++ ++++-
World Opinion: +++++

The Great Fleet (Forum Explorer)
Total: 4
Military: ?
Morale: ?
Economy: ?
Research: ?
Espionage: ?/++++
World Opinion: ++

Npc nations
Austria: (Rational Goblin ~ Mashimoto ~ Razovor )
Espionage:+++++ +
World Opinion:+++++ +

Central African Republic: (Razovor)
The Central African republic is ruled by the Empress Arriane Verene. She rules as head of the government, while an elected minister rules as head of state.

Arianne Vérène, Empress of the Central African Republic
Théodore Maurice, Minister of the Central African Republic
Military: ++-
Morale: +++-
Economy: ++
Research: +++++ +++-
Espionage: +/+++
World Opinion: +++

Eden Arcologies (TheDarkDM ~ TsukikoJ)

The Eden Arcologies is a communist isocracy. Every decision is made by popular vote. The decisions themselves are chosen by an elected body, from which individuals can be dismissed or added as the population demands. Every citizens receives an equal wage, independent of their occupation.

Military: 0/++++
Morale: +++++ +++++ -
Economy: +++++ +++++ -
Research: ++++
Espionage: +++
World Opinion: ++

Egyptian Empire (Razovor)
VIP:Tanya Nasim
Military: +++++
Morale: ++++-
Economy: ++
Research: ++
Espionage: ++
World Opinion: ++++-

Gibraltar (ImperatorAlpha ~ Razovor)
Military: +++
Morale: +++++ ++-
Economy: +++
Research: +++++ +++
Espionage: +++
World Opinion: +++

Greenland (TsukikoJ)
A corporate state, controlled by the Smart Electronics Corporation.

VIP: Sigurd Kristensen, CEO of Smart Electronics
Military: ++-
Morale: ++++
Economy: +++++ +++++ +-
Research: +++++
Espionage: +++
World Opinion: +++++ +++++ +

Indonesian Pirates (Razovor)
Military: +++++ +-
Morale: +++
Economy: +++++
Research: +++++
Espionage: +++++ -
World Opinion: 0

Iran (Razovor)
Iran is a one-party democracy, ruled by the Iranian Nationalist Party, founded by General Emin Omer, a war hero renowned for his actions after World War III.

VIP: Emin Ömer, President of Iran
Military: +++++ +++++ +++++ +++
Morale: +++
Economy: +++
Research: +++
Espionage: 0/+++++ ++
World Opinion: +

Islamic Republic (Razovor)
An odd place for a republic of Islam. The old republic was destroyed along with Mecca in the war. The new one was formed from a union of Mauritania, Guinea and Senegal. They restored their neighbouring regions, and adopted them into the republic. Officially the republic is a democracy, where the state religion is islam, and certain state-laws are over-ruled by islamic laws.

The Islamic republic is disliked across the world, for the suspected funding of extreme islamic terrorist activities.

VIP: Iskandar Haider, President of the Islamic Republic
Military: +++
Morale: +++
Economy: +++
Research: +++
Espionage: +++
World Opinion: +

Japan, Greater (Razovor)

In WW III Japan was hit by nuclear missiles, but the majority of it's populace survived. Seeing the devasted lands to their west, the Japanese swept in to 'maintain order'. Critics are still unsure as to whether many of these nations actually required help.

In the case of the mongolians, The mongolian liberation army still claims that one of the warlords taken down when the japanese 'invaded' was actually the true government of Mongolia.

Eventually the Japanese set themselves up as the ruler of these nations, to form the nation of Greater Japan. The people were won over with speeches, festivals, and what many claim to be 'propaganda'

Airi Keiko, Prime Minister of Japan
Nori Takeshi, Emperor of Japan
Yuuki Fujimoto, General of Japan

Military: +++++ ++
Morale: +++++
Economy: +++++ +-
Research: +++++ +++-
Espionage: +++++-
World Opinion: ++++-

Kazakstan (TsukikoJ)
Military: +
Morale: +++++
Economy: +
Research: +
Espionage: +
World Opinion: ++++-

Marathon Industries - Alaska (TsukikoJ)
Marathon Industries is a corporate state dating back to the Marathon Oil Company founded in 1887. Now they deal primarily in plastic, and medicines. Marthaon industries rules Alaska as a Minarchist state. They maintain the police, military, laws, courts and prisons, and nothing else. The people of Alaska are safe, and enjoy the freedom this offers them.
Military: +
Morale: +++++ +-
Economy: +
Research: +
Espionage: +
World Opinion: +++

Mongolia (TsukikoJ)
Military: +++++ +++-
Morale: ++-
Economy: +++
Research: +++
Espionage: +++++ +++-
World Opinion: ++-

New German Monarchists (TsukikoJ)
Military: ?
Morale: ?
Economy: ?
Research: ?
Espionage: ?/+
World Opinion: ++++

Ottoman Empire (Razovor)
Military: ++-
Morale: +++
Economy: +++
Research: +++
Espionage: +++++ +++++ / 0
World Opinion: ++

Southern Alliance (Brazil, Argentina and Mexico)

Military: +++++ +++-
Morale: +++
Economy: ++++-
Research: +++++
Espionage: ++/+++++ -
World Opinion: +++-

Brazil (Razovor)
Brazil's rain forests were closer to depletion then ever before during the World War. The economy of Brazil had suffered and was on the brink of collapse.

But Eco-tec was watching. Previously known for being the forefront in 'green' technologies and developed many techniques to allow for maximum civilian comfort with minimal environmental cost. Eco-tec began first with preserving samples in both DNA and seeds of all endangered fauna and flora of the rain forests and beyond, as insurance in case extinction becomes inevitable. From their they had began the purchase and revival of the rain forest areas. Over the course of almost a century, with the advanced sciences of Eco-tec, the rain forest is closer to its untouched state then ever before. When the rain forest came back, the natural resources, science expeditions and tourism returned. Eco-tec was such a strong force in Brazil, they officially began governing it.

VIP: Elisabete Leticia, Ceo of Eco-Tech
Military: +++++ ++++
Morale: +++
Economy: ++
Research: +++++ ++++
Espionage: +- / +++++-
World Opinion: +++

Mexico (Razovor)
A well liked nation, known for their work quelling the american warlords. The government is well liked for their social spending.

VIP:Esmeralda Belén, Prime Minister of Mexico
Military: +++++ +++
Morale: +++-
Economy: ++
Research: ++
Espionage: + / +++++ -
World Opinion: +++++ +++-

Syria (TsukikoJ)
VIP: Makari 'Aziz
Military: ++
Morale: ++
Economy: ++
Research: +++++ ++-
Espionage: +++++ ++
World Opinion: ++

Tanzania (TsukikoJ)
Military: +
Morale: ++
Economy: +-
Research: +-
Espionage: +
World Opinion: +++++ +-

Venezuala (TsukikoJ)
Military: ++
Morale: ++
Economy: ++++-
Research: ++
Espionage: +++++
World Opinion: ++

World Map

International Organisations

Aqua-Vita Foundation
Supporting states:

Great Fleet

Economy: +

United Nations:

Member States:

Central African Republic
Eurasian Federation
Egyptian Empire
Islamic Republic
Indonesian Federation
Mediterranean Federation
Ottoman Empire
United Kingdom

Non-Member Powers:

The Freemasons
The Great Fleet
Eden Arcologies
United States of Australia

Anti-Psionics Coalition
Member states:


Research: +

Global Economic Council
Members: Greenland (Chairman)
Eden Arcologies.

Nuclear Disarmament Commission
Member states:

United Kingdom (++)
Central African Republic
The Mediterranean federation
New South Africa
The Egyptian Empire
Syria (-)
The Freemasons (+)
New Germany (-)
Gibraltar (-)
United States of America (-)

Combined Espionage Capacity: +++++


Amendment to the Geneva Protocol banning the use of nuclear weapons (- world opinion in nations with nuclear weapons)


For the purposes of simplicity it is assumed all religious are exclusive and in open competition with each other.

A religion must either be supported by a nation or funded by it's own assets, otherwise it will slowly lose followers and dissolve completely. A supporting nation may choose how many resources it dedicates to it's religion, the exact amount may depend on the power and current situation of the nation.

Religions may use their power over the people to perform actions on a global scale. Religions can perform a certain number of actions each turn dependent on their size. Too many actions, and membership in that religion will drop.

Any religion that performs no actions, will grow automatically of their own accord.

New Way Forward: 23.3%
Supported by the NWF Council

Islam: 15.4%
Supported by Indonesian Federation, Iran and Islamic Republic
Fanaticism: Grants a bonus to actions taken by this religion.

Catholicism: 14.2%
Supported by Gibraltar and Mexico

Ancient Egyptian: 13.8%
Assets: ?

Humanism: 7.5%
Supported by United Kingdom and the EF

Progressionism: 7.5%
Supported by Sanctum

Church of Aqua: 8.3%
Supported by Great Fleet

Orthodox-Protestant: 4.7%
Supported by Alaska

Buddhism: 2.8%
Assets: 0

Agnosticism: 2.0%
Assets: 0

Chinese Folk Religion: 0.4%
Assets: 0

2010-12-04, 02:23 PM

To Brazil

Greetings to the leaders of Brazil,

Kazakhstan has many environmental problems, due to technological mismanagement during the time of USSR and pollution from the industry. We are interested in aquiting your expertise.

To Ottoman Empire

Greetings to the esteemed Sultan of the rising and prospering Ottoman Empire.

Triumvirate strongly believes in honesty and courtesy. Our conglomerate would like to establish a cultural exchange program, to educate the people of the land we supervise your values. We also would like to provide scholarships and donations to your education system, in hopes of acquiring young and promising talent for our organizations.

To The UK

Sunshine Corporation seeks the UK civil servants as its target market, offering easy to use software, seminars on the topics of social policies and implementations and provides consultants, where required.

Canada - Warlords

Inter-Law Inc. offers the services of its mercenaries to the warlords wishing to expand their territories or secure their lands from an enemy attack. The contracts specify, that Inter-Law won't take a contract that would put it at odds with its own mercenaries and won't break international laws of warfare.

To Australia, Russia, New South Africa, The Central African Republic.

I propose we hold a conference on the future of the nuclear energy. Our nations control the major Uranium deposits in the world. We should discuss the pricing policies and marketing strategies to encourage use of nuclear energy worldwide.

Baikonur Cosmodrome

Dios Inc. is seeking to lease one of the world's largest space launch facilities. We are ready to negotiate with any country, interested in furthering their space program.

To The Great Fleet

Our coglomerate would rather pay protection money, then deal with your attacks on our oil rigs and tankers. Are you interested, and if yes, to whom do we forward the checks?


My corporation is interested in acquiring intelligence assessment of Uzbekistan's vulnerability to foreign takeover of any type - military, economic or covert ops. We are also interested to know the potential pitfalls - intervention of foreign nations, resistance movements, high cost of occupation.

CEO of Dios Inc.

2010-12-04, 04:37 PM

Sounds like a plan. I'm already running a fair bit of nuclear energy, but I don't mind selling more uranium for power uses. Set us a date.

Also, regarding Dios Inc's bid for the use of a space facility- we have several older launch facilities which we would be willing to lease to Dios. We would offer part-time use of our main facility, but sadly standard launch craft are not compatible with our Mass Driver. What would you be offereing?

2010-12-04, 04:49 PM

To Triumvirate:
All right. We'll participate.

To Brazil, Greater Japan and European Union:
As the world technological leaders, I propose cooperation in order to solve mankind's problems. Possible projects could be a massive particle collider to unlock the secrets of theoretical physics, fusion reactors and pollution-free energy for the world or colonization of space to solve the growing resource crisis here on Earth. If you are interested, we invite you into a conference in Moscow in three months' time.

2010-12-04, 07:07 PM
Austrian Empire

The Coronation:

Across the Austrian Empire, television screens are filled with the Austrian flag, and an official-sounding voice sounds off.

"This program will be interrupted for state news coverage of the coronation of our new Emperor, Felix von Hapsburg. We take you now live to St. Stephen's Cathedral to witness this historic event."

The flag disappears, being replaced with a camera showing the inner cloister of Saint Stephens, grandest of the Hapsburg churches. Thousands line it's walls, and thousands more cluster in the middle of the edifice.

A man clad in the vestments of a priest places a glittering crown upon a kneeling man. The kneeling man is garbed in white robes lined with golden fringes.

The priest clears his throat, and shouts. "Hail, Felix the First, Emperor of the Austrian Empire reborn!"

Felix stands, and strides over to a podium placed in the middle of the cathedral.

"Thank you, Archbishop. But I prefer to think that the majesty of the Hapsburgs never ceased; we've gone on for over ten centuries, by my count. But enough of that foolishness.

My people, I am honored that you have asked; nay, demanded my coronation. I am pleased that you, the rivals and competitors of Central Europe have united as peacefully as these troubled days will allow.

Subjects you are, but you are blessed, you are an intelligent and industrious band of nations, and are under the leadership of those who have been taught for generations to rule, command, lead, and act!

I promise you that in my rule as monarch, as your lifelong guide and governor I will lead your nations to greater heights! Under the Hapsburgs, your lives will be made the greatest of any on earth!

Austriae est imperare orbi universo!"

The crowd rumbled as one in approval of the restoration of the Hapsburgs, and the countless multitude clapped and stomped in a frenzy of pro-monarchy sentiment.

After allow the applause to continue for a few seconds, Felix held up his hand for silence. The crowd abruptly obeyed their new emperor, though wondering for what reason he had quieted them. The reason was soon found when carefully selected men and woman began singing pro-Hapsburg songs created for the occasion like "God Save The Hapsburgs" and "Vienna, Prague, and Budapest In Accord". Tears were brought to many an Austrians eye as the masses joined in singing.

And all through this, Felix von Hapsburg was standing imperiously silent, though with a small half-smile lighting his features.

While this was happening, the Emperor's brother Leopold had began open communications with several nations, which anyone so interested could read.

To the European Union

To the dignitaries of Europe,

We hope this letter sees all the leaders in the Union in good health. While we are not in the EU, we whole-heartedly admire your values: peace, stability, and prosperity are honorable goals.

Which brings us to the point of this message. We would like to join the European Union, but your member nations tend to squabble, and as such never get much done. Our belief as to why you squabble is thus: the various leaders of your nations, and their subordinates beneath them are not related. They do not share a common family, and blood is thicker than water.

Thus, we have formed our so-called "Hapsburg Empire" in the tradition of your EU; a federated union, but bound by blood. Our question is this: Would the EU as a whole join us in an loose military and economic alliance, and allow your nations to break off and become a Hapsburg state if they so choose?

Yours in Service,
Archduke Leopold

2010-12-04, 07:49 PM

USA (Australia)
Sanctum and the USA stand isolated geographically from the rest of the world. With the threat of piracy always a concern, as well as the occasional militaristic Warlord from Indonesia or New Guinea, it is prudent that we strengthen our ties economically, if not militarily as well.

The Great Fleet
Sanctum would like to live up to its own name to its citizens. Is there a possibility for peace that does not include paying a protection fee?

Greater Japan-GM
Sanctum at this point would like to extend its hand outward into the world, starting with your strong and noble state. We would like a more formal set of trade laws established as well as potentially negotiations to help start a regional committee with your state as the figurehead.

2010-12-04, 08:13 PM
Eco-tec presents: Brazil

Televised New Years talk show

"Remember, when your garden is a wreck, try Eco-tec."

"This is a paid advertisement from the makers of the EZ-grow pot and the bio-degradable bullet and the great nation of Brazil."

"And we are back to 'New years in the Jungle', I am your host Patricia Mor'ee, here with the CEO of Eco-tec and the leader of our proud country."


"So how have you felt this past year?"

"The past years restoration efforts will pay off in the long run, the rainforest proves to be the attraction." proclaimed Beck Renard, CEO of ECO-TEC incorporated.
"Indeed is will Beck, the rainforest had been denied the respect is rightfully deserves for too long, many had said it was a lost cause. Look at it now, it is quite the sight. But theirs still a way to go." replied Khale Stryss, the Eco-tec appointed leader of Brazil.
"Patience, it will recover, in the meantime we have hit the black on its restoration, profit from here on out."
"I believe the profit had begun rolling in much before we made money on its recovery.
"It will definetly be an interesting year."

You require help on cleaning up your nation? I believe we can be of assistance.


We would be honored to attend your conference.

Forum Explorer
2010-12-04, 11:56 PM
The Great Fleet

The new year goes by mostly unnoticed amoung the Great Fleet. Though there were celebrations on many of the boats and in the rig cities aboard the Audacity no lights or sounds could be found. A single computer ran to recive and send messages.

To the Triumvirate
We are intreasted but we would prefer rescourses to money

To Sanctum
The only possible way for there to be peace without paying protection money is if you join the Great Fleet

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-05, 07:59 AM
United Kingdom
To the Austrian Empire
Greetings, from one monarch to another.
I understand the sentiment behind your appeal to the EU, but I do not think it likely they will accept. They do not merely stand for peace, stability and prosperity, but also democracy. It is for this reason the UK's entrance to the EU has been vetoed time and time again, and I do not feel it likely they will accept you. Despite my doubts, however, I wish you every success in this endeavour.

As a fellow European Monarchy, I wish to formally extend the hand of friendship. I believe our nations will benefit greatly from our Alliance.

2010-12-05, 08:39 AM

While pirates are an issue, at this time we see no need for military strengthening at this time. How would you suggest strengthening economically? We may be neighbors, but until recently you had no interest or contact with us. Let us be plain. What do you want, and what are you willing to give in return?

If you are in need of materials or assistance with that moon project of yours, let us know. We'll cut you a deal.

2010-12-05, 08:57 AM
The Ottoman Empire

The Sultan is delighted by your proposal, and will gladly accept. All donations to our education system would be gladly recieved, and we will begin enacting our deal right away.

2010-12-05, 10:00 AM
Global News Update

"A protest today in japan, by supporters of the Mongolian liberation army, was quickly put down by the Japanese police force. Japanese officials report a minimal number of casualties."

International communications

Japan to Sanctum
Japan is willing to help formulate this new set of trade laws. We see no problem with becoming the figurehead of the new committee. We will attend negotiations on the matter.

EU to Austrian Empire
"The EU will continue to trade with your state, and help you in any just war, but we can not allow any non-democratic nation state to be a part of our organisation. Our nation states are free to change their allegiance to us, but we doubt they would want to be a part of your dictatorship."

Japan to Russia
"We will attend your technological conference."

European Union to Russia
"We are honoured that you would give us this chance to better humanity. We will attend the conference."

Canadian warlords to Triumvirate
You receive perhaps one-hundred warlords requesting your mercenaries. Most of them are small offers, with some conflicting. One offer stands out in particular;

Out in the wastelands, the strength of men waves like the wind. Warlords rise and fall every year. Their is only one constant; the ravens. I am Victor Gaines, leader of the Raven Warlords, the greatest and most powerful warband in all of Canada. Before the end of my days, I will see this land united under my banner.

If you would see this vision come true, I will pay you three times your normal fee, for the privilege of being your only buyer in canada. I can offer a long-term agreement, and i have the money to hire more mercenaries than any other warlord."

New South Africa, Central African Republic to Triumvirate
We will attend this nuclear conference.

2010-12-05, 12:43 PM

All is quiet in the America's...

What sort of deal?

What is the situation of the country around me?

How you doing guys?

We shall see

2010-12-05, 01:15 PM

To razovor

Ok market research time.


Past history of turning on their partners?
Financial Analysis - do they have the money and where do they get it?
Do they prefer direct way of solving problems or is it more important to for them to get results?

Financial Numbers:

Profitability of a single contract with Ravens vs. multiple contracts with a hundred warlords. Factor in chances other warlords will unite against Raven/Inter-Law or that Raven will attempt to sabotage Inter-Law, if we side with Warlords.

2010-12-05, 06:11 PM

We'll sell to you at a discount, and waive the fees of launching materials up there.

2010-12-05, 06:30 PM
Global news Update

"It is with deep regret that we must report the death of First Captain Doroteo Perez of the Mexican Restoration Army. Only one month ago, First Captain Perez was awarded the highest military honours for his work in the liberation of Texas. The First Captain was killed in a shoot-out between the Mexican Army and American insurgents in Louisiana."

"With the victory in Texas only a short time ago we have invited Colonel Isidoro Gonzales into the study to say a few words about the Mexican Restoration Armies recent work. Over to the studio...


"So, Colonel, how long have you been in the military"

"Eighteen years. I've been working in the Restoration Project since its start."

"Would you mind summarising the project for the audience?"

"Certainly. Other than the CSA, and Alaska, North America has been in a state of anarchy since the war. Mexico itself was relatively unscathed, but we did suffer economically for a few decades. When we finally got ourselves stable again we decided to lend a hand.

In 2120 we began Project Restoration. It was an effort co-ordinated with several other nations to reclaim North America, and restore security to the people. It has been a long ongoing effort, with some very good successes over the years. In 2122 we restored California, and as of this year Texas is also restored."

"What exactly is meant by 'restored' ?"

"We've pushed all the warlords out the region, funnelled in aid to help the sick and hungry, set up industries and businesses to help repair the economy, and re-established their democracy.

There was some worry recently; the next election for the Californian president was scheduled for three years time, but that president is now technically also ruling Texas, who didn't get to vote. Thankfully the president has agreed to step down and call another election."

"Why not simply give the new regions to the CSA? They are an already existent United States power"

"The top brass are a bit edgy on that subject. Generally though, there are two conditions they require of the CSA. The CSA must grant independence to their Canadian territories, and upon combining their land with the restored American regions, they must for call for an immediate re-election."

"Interesting. What are the future plans for the restoration project?"

"Louisiana is next. From there we'll continue to expand outwards. Plans are still being drafted for the rest of the regions, so we'll see."

Dm to Greystone
Is that good enough?

Dm to Triumvirate
The Ravens have been mostly stable with their alliances. Victor prefers to use intimidation and force to get what he wants, rather than cunning.

The Ravens do have the money. Victor owns a quite good stretch of land, and while he is certainly a tyrant, the civilians under his command live a quite stable life. Money is reinvested into the community, and there is some trade with other allied warlords.

The Ravens generally use direct, brute force tactics. Overwhelming their enemies through numbers, and better equipment.

Though the Ravens can hire a large number of men, even with their offer of increased fees, a contract with multiple warlords would be more profitable. Raven is already a major threat in the area, and no warlords have managed to unite. With the extra threat of hired mercenaries, it is probably even less likely a union would be formed.

The Ravens have almost no capability to sabotage Inter-Law actions. They could specifically target the warlords you make contracts with, but that would only cost them more for no extra gain.

Uzbekistan to CSA
We're doing okay. How about you?

2010-12-06, 02:22 AM

The Great Fleet
Thank you for your clear and honest response. We look forward to discussing the matter again at a later date.

A vid-response fro Alsandra Winheim is sent.

To the administartion of the United States of Australia,

As you know, Snactum is held is very low regard, due to... me. Our isolation from the rest of the world due to both our intenral problems as well as our geographic location has allowed rumor and heresay to define us. Now that Sanctum is secure internally, it is time to spread out into the world and rebuild our long lost alliances and trade routes.

What I want is a formalization of trade to help spark interest of other coutnries in the region, and the world. We also would like your support in an upcoming session we plan to host for the Western Pacific nations to once and for all combat piracy for good in our region. Recent communications with the Great Fleet have shown that unless we join the Great Fleet, or pay a protection fee that is ntohing short of ransom, we cannot expect peace. Needless to say, either of those demands is out of the question. The session we plan to hold is our response to them and your support is pivotal.

Western Pacific Nations (Russian Federation, Greater Japan, USA, the two or three most powerful Warlords from Indonesia and Southeast Asia
Sanctum would like a join sanctum amonst our great nations to once again rebuild world order. Sanctum feels at this time that piracy, a seriosu concern to all of us, is a threat we all share in common, and a rallying point to renew alliances and make a safer world for all of us.

We propose creating a defensive pact with Great Japan at its head to ensure mutual goodwill and cooperation to deal with both the Great Fleet, and any other threat in these changing times. We offer our own city of Sancuary to meet, but are willing to host it in another nation's domain if asked to.

Greater Japan
That is good news to hear. If you would prefer to keep the meeting between only recognized states, we understand and the role of the very few Warlords invited will be zero, their presence a mere courtesy. If you are agreeable to them, then we wll make sure they have an active role in the pact.

2010-12-06, 10:46 AM
Project Earth (whoa, freudian slip)

To Ravens (razovor)

Inter-Law Inc.

We've checked the numbers and supporting other warlords is more profitable. But we will accept your offer, if you sign up a second agreement with our partners Dios Inc. and Sunshine Inc.

From Dios Inc. and Sunshine Inc.

The infostructure and industry in Canada is in a sorry state and you have lost many specialists, required to restore them. We are interested in making massive investment in your nation, if you were to offer low taxation scheme and preferential treatment to our corporations. We require that these policies remain in effect for 15 years, after which you can change taxation and laws as you wish. We believe that rapid restoration of Canadian economy will provide greater benefits to you and Canadian people, compared to alternatives.

(Dios Inc. is especially interested in control of the Uranium deposits and Sunshine Inc. in IT companies).

To Brazil

Are you interested in fighting Global Warming? We can offer assistance of our marketing experts and connections to lobbyists in various nations to help enact anti-carbon emissions measures. Our corporations would also be willing to make appropriate donations to this cause.

Nuclear Conference (Russia, Australia, New South Africa, Central African Republic)

1. Marketing Nukes

After the Nuclear War, public's trust in the nuclear energy is shaken. Triumvirate proposes formation of a fund dedicated to restoring good image of nuclear power among people and lobbying for investment in nuclear energy among world governments.

Our job - make nations switch from the inefficient energy forms to the cheap and low-pollution nuclear energy.

2. Costs of Nuclear Plants

The main economic deterrent to widespread construction of nuclear plants is their high capital cost. Triumvirate proposes joint research effort to make nuclear power cheaper to build, and perhaps even portable in the future.

3. Project Orion

At the dawn of space age, we need to make interplanetary travel cheap. And it can be done with the use of nuclear propulsion. I believe my Australian colleagues can speak at greater length of the efficiency of this type of engine in comparison to our current models. Project Orion will allow inexpensive travel to Mars and moons of Saturn, when it is implemented.

The project was originally scrapped due to the concerns about the fallout in the Earth's atmosphere. But Australian Mass Driver system eliminates this problem entirely.

Forum Explorer
2010-12-06, 11:40 AM
The Great Fleet

We have a proposition for you. How would you like to 'liberate' Sanctum from its 'goddess'. As long as you promise us free reign in how we deal with them we'll have them begging to join the United States of Austrailia in no time.

To Greater Japan
Is there any territory by the coast that your looking to aquire? We'd be willing to cause enough problems in those territories so that you can move in to 'protect' them for some research favours.

2010-12-06, 07:51 PM
Austria to EU

To our Unionist friends,

I think you misunderstand our governance system. While yes, we do use the old titles, and Emperor Felix is essentially an absolute monarch as long as no laws are violated, we are no dictatorship.

We like to call our government a "familial bureaucratic monarchy". You see, what would be "presidents" in your government are high-ranking Hapsburg family members. The thing is, we have been around for hundreds of years. There's over a thousand of us. And this isn't the sixteenth century any longer.

While we still contend that our family is simply better prepared to lead and govern by the sheer weight of years of our traditional education, we acknowledge merit in the bureaucratic fashion above all else. Say you are 456th in line for the throne. It is no longer a matter of age or relation to the current monarch.

Instead, we increase the rank and responsibility of the family member through examining the stability and prosperity in their current area of governance. If the people of a region give their current ruler a mark of approval, he is increased in rank, and moved up in the government. For we are a monarchy of deeds and ability, you see. Governing well gives more clout then mere bribes or marriage to a Hapsburg, even if marrying a Hapsburg gives access to the higher levels of government.

And even a non-Hapsburg that does well can be adopted if the proper regulations are fulfilled. Like the old Romans, we can adopt strangers who have proved invaluable.

We are no dictatorship, merely a nation of merit, not politics.

In service,
Archduke Leopold

Austrian Empire to United Kingdom

To the British,

We do not think that the EU will accept our request. It is a mere gesture of friendship; a formality at best. We have explained the true nature of our government to the Union in hopes that they might understand us a little better. Feel free to read our little manifesto to the EU. It is no secret.

In any case, we thank you for the support, and wholeheartedly accept the alliance. It will be economic and militarily defensive in nature, yes? Then let the last monarchies of Europe band together in Alliance.

In service,
Archduke Leopold

Austrian Empire to Russian Federation

Greetings to our friends in Russia,

We would like to create a defensive military alliance with you. Any state that attacks Austria will also be attacking Russia, and vice versa.

Secondly, we would like to combine our two nations technological abilities on a few projects. Interested?

In Service,
Archduke Leopold

2010-12-07, 03:19 AM
International negotiations

EU to Austrian Empire
Interesting. We will need to send investigators to confirm this. If you are telling the truth we can offer you a more formal alliance.

Greater Japan to Great Fleet
Greater Japan does not condone the use of such tactics. In particular we must ask that you do not harass our close allies; Bhurma.

On another note, we are willing to pay you protection money if your ships stop raiding our shores. To give your men in that region something to do, we are also willing to pay another sum, if you can clear our coastline of all warlord and other pirate vessels.

Greater Japan to Sanctum
We are agreeable with the Warlords playing an active role in the region and corresponding discussions.

On the matter of pirates, we have no trouble with them, and thus see no reason to help you with your sanctum.

Ravens (canadian warlords) to Triumvirate
This offer is great news for our people. We are both thankful and honoured that you would invest such much in us. We accept.

2010-12-07, 05:26 AM
Russian Federation to Austrian Empire
A military alliance is most agreeable. As for the projects... what do you have in mind?

2010-12-07, 01:15 PM

To All Nations
Sanctum, after a long period away is now opening its borders up for trade. Any interested nation looking to import our fish, industrial machinery, sea salt, and a number of other minor exports, we are more than happy to oversee and sign the necessary legal forms of your respective lands.

Some may question why now? It is because Sanctum's internal struggles have finally come to an end, and is now ready to be a contributive member to the world community.


We at Sanctum realize that the world has many concerns about us, and we would like to answer those question in a forum. Send your questions by mail, phone e-mail, or contact your local representative to hand over to us. We will answer the toughest, yet appropriately worded, questions asked.

OOC: PM me any number of questions. Sanctum will choose 4-5 to answer.

2010-12-08, 02:07 PM
Russian Federation to the Sanctum Initiative:
Russia will attend the meeting at Sanctum. We're interested in a limited defensive pact, though the exact terms need to be negotiated to be unobstrusive to national interest.

Nuclear Conference:
The Russian Federation uses plenty of nuclear power as a cheap method of providing services to all the citizens of our far-flung nation. We've got materials, resources, expertise and initiative to export. However, other than a general good-will sentiment from the state itself, marketing is left to the initiative of corporations themselves. Especially since it would be an unwise move politically to endorse nuclear energy, after Russia suffered so badly in the war.

As for the costs, there is also the problem of waste placement. We at Russia suggest that funds be channeled to the research on fusion power, which provides more, cheaper and pollution-free energy without negative connotations.

Project Orion sounds interesting and we would be willing to participate.

Scientific Conference (Brazil, Russia, EU and Japan)

Opening Speech by Nikolai Yeltsev, a famous Russian biologist:
Well, I'm not much of a speaker. Like many of you, I prefer spending my time with things I can understand. So, I will be very brief, which probably makes those of you who've just in from the plane and missing your cup of coffee thankful.

But there's something I want to say to every one of you, and that something has to do with a key element in a great many fields in one form or another.


Unity is strength. Division is weakness. Division is strife, unity is peace. But the wrong kind of unity leads to despotism and tyranny. The kind of unity Earth needs to heal the wounds of the wars and to patch the gaps between different cultures is cooperation. As long as we meet each other, see each other and talk to each other, our people will realize that we are all human. Interpersonal disputes may be nasty, but only someone detached can push the red button on another country's people.

Historically, the scientific initiatives have always been the key and the leader of peaceful cooperation. From Renessaince to the global scientific community of the change of the millenia scientists have always chosen to work with each other to solve problems of a more fundamental nature than what politicians preach about. And from those solutions, new theories and new foundations of technology, have always grown the answers to the troubles of the politicians, as well as the questions of the future.

For progress, science must be free. For progress, science must be united in it's freedom, and free in it's unity.

Thank you.

The conference concerns a lot of different fields of science, comparing the efforts of their respective top scientists, many lectures and speeches by influential figures and new names, looks into the most important current works in various areas for those who've specialized in something different and such. For governments themselves, Russia's initiative is to increase cooperation in projects that 'solve political troubles'. There are three key projects being discussed:

An international initiative to reconstruct the Large Hadron Collider, only bigger. This would have a great impact on our understanding of physics and many leading scientists have been talking about it for a long time.

A joint project to pour funds and attention into the crucial research of Fusion energy, which would provide plenty of cheap, pollution-free energy without negative political connotations that nuclear plants have.

And the construction of a facility in orbit with the intention of being a self-sufficient station utilizing an efficient route from Earth to orbit, as a connection to farther in the Solar System. This project would naturally lead to spreading colonies as well as other space-based missions such as asteroid mining.

All of these projects would of course be helped by the participation of other nations, but the initiative must come from the leading technological states of Earth.

2010-12-08, 04:04 PM

While the threat of the Great Fleet is a concern, they're still a loose confederation of vigilantes spread across the world. They would only become a certain threat if they gathered the full Fleet in one location.

We will support the reopening of trade channels with Sanctum to the rest of the world. We hope you look to us for the majority of your needs.

Sanctum Initiative
Australia will attend to discuss the possibility of cooperating in defense of vessels moving through international waters.

Great Fleet
Foodstuffs, $35,000,000. Medicine, $2,000,000. Manufactured goods, $26,000,000. Etc.
Your fleet has assaulted our vessels for years. Why would we trust anything you say? In any event. the USA does not have a sufficient ground army, or intelligence network, to consider an assault on Sanctum a worthwhile endeavor.

Nuclear Conference
1. Nuclear energy is a good resource. But many nations have been denied it for good reason in the past- Nuclear plants can be used to create nuclear weapons, and the world is still uneasy about this fact. While we encourage the use of safe nuclear energy, the fact remains that there is little benefit to pay other countries to adopt this scheme.

2. The USA has attempted to make inroads into this in the past, but research was very slow. We wholeheartedly support this initiative, and are willing to restart our research into this with other countries' assistance.

3. We designed the Mass Drivers to give us a rapid-launch facility that vastly reduced the amount of fuel required to get into space. Sadly, we have as yet only made this system 98% efficient, and until we work that issue out nuclear launch will remain slightly unsafe for the environment. However, launching conventionally and then meeting up with a colony ship built in orbit- that could be more workable.

2010-12-15, 04:11 PM
Start of Turn Two

A bullet through the head. Security officals rush to the body, but theres nothing they can do.

Helicopters are at the scene almost immedietly. Police scour the rooftops, but the killer isn't found.

Emperor Felix the First of the Austrian empire is declared dead at the scene. At 3:17 pm, on the 2nd March.

International Communications

To all nations of the world
"Though the reign of my comrade, Emperor Felix was short, i feel his life is something we can all cherish. We will be holding a state funeral, and I would be honoured if a representative from each of your nations would attend."

Emperor Patrick the third of Austria

Questions to Sanctum

1) What portion of your population 'worship' alsandra?
2) What is your state religion?
3) What have you done to combat the violent reputation of Alsandras cultists?
4) Do you have no strong views on genetic manipulation, or is their a limit where it becomes wrong?

2010-12-15, 05:12 PM

Official Press Conference to the World Answering Questions

Alsandra Winheim appears before a small army of intenrational journalists. Word has spread that five questions were selected based off the nubmero times they were asked.

She is wearing a business suit and pants, a nameless local newsman reading her the questions.

"Ms. Winheim, thank you so much for coming here tonight. As we all know now, Sanctum is reaching out to the world again. Of course, the thing on everyone's mind is why? Why now?"

Alsandra took a moment to take the question in ebfore answering. It had become a common tactic for her, claiming that leaders that answered questions quickly and immediately were mistaking politics for a racetrack. "Stability within our own borders is what heralded the change, Donny. Up until recently, the city of Sancuary, and the greater region that eoncompasses our two islands was plagued with violence, corruption, poverty, and instability. The aftermath of the devastation last century saw a peaceful nation collpase upon the pressure of tens of millions of refugees. Only now have we overcome this test, and have had the ability to once again join with the world as a productive and stable partner."

"I see. Well, as most countries will only be shooting fifteen minutes of this broadcast, let's get to the questions shall we?"

Alsandra nodded.

"Very well, first question comes from a citizen of the Great Fleet. What portion of your population 'worships' you, Alsandra?"

She tapped her finger twice on the table, and then answered. "Polling has indicated that anywhere from twenty to seventy percent 'worships' me, depending on one's definitions of worship. The low estimates indicate a traditional vdefinition of religion, and those that actually see me as a Goddess. The higher estimates indicate at least some belief in a higher power involved, with the most moderate of followers simply believing I am a tool of our Lord on Earth. My overall popularity is seen anywhere from seventy-five to eighty percent."

"I see, a very good explanation Ms. Winheim." (Donny no doubt was a follower himself.) "The second question is what is Sanctum's state religion?"

"We have no official state religion. It is my belief that nation's far too often focus on making one's culture official. Official songs, official birds, official religions, official languages. If something is worthy to be called official, then it does not need the title. So no, the state of Sanctum has no religion, though Our Lady ALsandra does make up a plurality of the population. However, due to our history of refugees, we have citizens of all faiths."

"I see. Third question my Lady. What have you done to fight the violent reputation of your cultists?"

Alsandra shook her head. No doubt she knew the question was coming. Most likely, it was a display of her dismissal. "This is waht I am doing now. Communication breaks the bonds of ignorance. These allegations stem from two separate grievances from the world. The first was the city of Sancuary's violence. The second was the coming of a new faith that challenged the established religions. Rather than observe these factors separately, it became more conveninet to tie them together, to make them the same. However, as you can see, these cultists the media speaks of came out on top, and as the wrold can clearly see, Sanctum is now one of the most prosperous nations in the world. I ask the world this then, if it was those who followed me committing the violence, how is it now that things are peaceful. Is it not more likely that the gangs and oligarchs that were taking over the city were gone, and that the reason for our stability is their removal from power."

"My Lady, do you have no strong views on gentic manipulation, or is there a limit to what becomes wrong?"

"Sanctum, and I, hold no strong views on genetic manipulation. It is something that exists for both good and ill, and the matter is for each state to decide. Should it come to light that such genetic manipulation is used in a negative way across the borders of two or more nations, then an international dialogue may be necessary. As for limits, there are few things in the world which do not have moral limits to them. In the matter of genetic manipulation I suggest moderation."

"A jsut response my Lady. Final question. Why not have the entire population undergo the same procedure as your goddess did?"

Alsandra took a moment, then answered. "Let me give two answers to this one. First of all, I am not a Goddess, at least not in my mind. When I think of a god, I think of the power to fire lightning bolts from my fingertips, to move continents, to tap into the dreams of the masses, all things I cannot do, nor desire to do. What I am is a genetically altered human being. I was created to be stronger, faster, more intellgient, and mroe reasoned than the common man. This was not a choice I made, but something forced upon me on my birth. I will not hate the men and women who created me for this burden, nor will I thank them. I am who I am, and as what I am would be considered superior to many, I have taken the mantle of leadership.

"To better answer the question, is that the knowledge and resources used to create me has been lost. After an investigation to my own origins, it was discovered that factions split amongst the researchers who created me, and most were killed as a result. It is irony that while attempting to find a way to make humans more reasonable and peaceful, theyturned upon each other. To date, no complete documents have been recovered. Even if they were, it is my impression that it was an expensive and comprehensive process, one not feasible on a large scale. Even if it was, I would not do so at this time as the world ma be compelled to take action, and I will not have my people involved in such a war."

"Thank you my Lady. Hopefully the world can see the true face of Sanctum."

2010-12-15, 05:57 PM

Austria (GM)
We will be sending a representative. We share your pain in this difficult time.

The USA is launching more and more regularly from their Mass Driver.

2010-12-16, 12:18 PM
To the nations of the world:
Sirs, Madams,
I am commanded by His Majesty King Solomon The Second to initiate diplomatic contact. His Majesty's Ambassadors will be arriving in your lands shortly, and consequently a large number of diplomatic communiques will soon follow.
I hope for prosperity between us,
Your Obedient Servant,
His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign and Diplomatic Affairs.

To the Great Fleet:

I am commanded by His Majesty, King Solomon The Second, to make initial overtures towards your government regarding the flagrant violations of our sovereignty over our dominions, including sea, sky and land.
Regularly, vessels of your fleet have entered our territorial waters. I have to warn you that future violations may provoke an armed response as part of standing orders in effect on this matter.
In future, all ships entering our territorial waters must ensure that they have first filed a course plan with the Maritime Trade Board, at least six working days in advance of the proposed entry. Failure to do so will result in the ship being classed as a rogue, and may be attacked without warning and destroyed.
In the interests of fairness, I must inform you that our territorial waters stretch from Cape St Vincent to the corresponding point on the same line of longitude, and to 2 degrees, 10'30"W longitude on the other side of our territory.

His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign and Diplomatic Affairs.
His Majesty's First Lord of the Fleet.
His Majesty King Solomon The Second.

To Algusinia:

By the Command of His Majesty King Solomon The Second, His Majesty's Ambassador will be available to attend on you at your convenience to discuss matters pertaining to a potential Mutual Defence Pact which we would be glad to sign with you.

Yours Sincerely,
His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign and Diplomatic Affairs.

2010-12-16, 03:30 PM

Canada - Warlords

Triumvirate is staying the present course here.


Triumvirate is buying control of the country’s politicians so that they would promote Trimvirate friendly tax policy and facilitate smooth takeover of the natural resources and local businesses by the Triumvirate. Some PR campaigns to win over the public are also initiated. I’d like to buy as much control as they are willing to sell.

The deal for Inter-Law mercenaries to protect Uzbekistan against foreign incursion, with big discount is thrown to the politicians, so they can show it to the public and improve image of the corporations.Uzbekistan’s other neighbours are
Greater Japan and Islamic Republic – Triumvirate looks good compared to those guys.

The final goal is to take over as much of the Uzbekistan’s economic potential as possible and begin its development for profit.

European Union

If the Uzbekistan plan gets rolling well:

The investors in EU are offered investment opportunities in Uzbekistan (with Triumvirate retaining majority of shares).

Campaign to secure charity aid for the suffering population of Uzbekistan is launched. The image of a struggling, but proud country facing mighty powers of Great Japan and Islamic Republic is used. Triumvirate will try to take some deserved credit for attracting charity aid to improve its image in Uzbekistan and develop their economy, which in turn should aid our own investments.

The Great Fleet

Would Great Fleet be interested in purchasing the services of Inter-Law mercenaries to aquire some ports from Warlords in Indonesia and Korea?

We will provide good discount for our services, if you allow us to manage the captured cities - our mercenaries can mantain order, while the Great Fleet is away on your buisness and our skilled professionals will make sure the facilities are ready to service your ships and the neccessary supplies are delivered on time. We can also be a relaible partner in sale of the surplus materials your Fleet could aquire.

Forum Explorer
2010-12-16, 04:19 PM
The Great Fleet

To Triumvirate
I'm afraid we have no intreast in aquiring port cities. However we have a different deal for you. As you may know many nations in the world views the Great Fleet as a bunch of untrustworthy pirates, but they take the oppurtunity to hire us a mercernies when it is convient for them. I propose a merger of our mercerny forces as well as a trade war agianst other mercerny companies so that between us we can control a monopoly of all mercerny forces in the world.

To the Rock
You seem to labouring under a misunderstanding about the Great Fleet's territory. Our sovrign waters is any place that we can sail our boats on water. Any ship of ours has the right to sail where it wants by the dint of being able to sail there.

I want some more information on Nepal please. Mostly possible resistance groups and stuff about the current goverment.

2010-12-16, 04:35 PM
To the Great Fleet:
We do not recognise your claim to such waters and must insist that your ships file their proposed routes in advance of the proposed voyage. Whilst we appreciate that in such a disordered group it is difficult to overcome the inherent anarchy, failure to comply risks damage to your own property. You cannot surely want that.

2010-12-16, 04:55 PM
International Communications

Nuclear Conference (Russia, Australia, New South Africa, Central African Republic, Kazakstan)
1.) New South africa and the Central African Republic agree to donate to the fund.

2) New South africa and the Central African Republic agree to help with the research.

3) The Central African republic would like to aid Australia in perfecting their mass driver. New South Africa would prefer to stick with other methods.

Scientific Conference
1) They are willing to help reconstruct the Hadron Collider

2) They are willing to help research fusion energy

3) They are willing to help construct this orbital facility

1) They are willing to provide a significant portion of the costs, provided the collider is built in their lands.

2) They are willing to help with the research.

3) Once again, Japan is willing to provide a significant portion of the funds, provided the facility is in orbit over their lands.

NPC nations to Gibraltar
All nations publicly accept your initiation.

The Eu, Mexico, New South Africa, Uzbekistan, and Algunisia express an interest in setting up embassies in your land.

Algusinia to Gibraltar
"Such a meeting would be convenient for us now. We have a facility in Algiers that should suffice. Is a week long enough for you to prepare for the journey?"

Updates for Triumvirate (DM level secrecy)

Control is good. The government begins passing legislation to improve your trade. Some of the best deals are still restricted to you. Businesses are harder to acquire, but progress is definite.

The government thanks you for your offer regarding Inter-Law.

Access to those really good deals will cost you ++ economy. A temporary cost of course.

Investors jump to the opportunity.

(is this campaign being launched from the EU, or Triumvirate?

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-16, 05:06 PM
To Gibraltar
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland officially recognises the Kingdom of Gibraltar as a sovereign state. We also have an interest in occupying former British naval bases, in exchange for a small fee.

To Austria
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland mourns with you. We wish to state that no changes will be made to our previous Economic and Military Defensive pacts, and we will fully support any new regime that brings stability to Austria.

Forum Explorer
2010-12-16, 05:10 PM
The Great Fleet

to the Rock
We will pass the message around. The responsability for a ship's wellbeing untimatly lies with the captain of that ship.

2010-12-16, 05:11 PM
To the Great Fleet:
We thank you for your agreement on this matter.

To the EU, Mexico, New South Africa, Uzbekistan, and Algunisia:
We would be glad to accept your requests. It will take around a moth for the necessary facilities to be dug, however, after this time, we will welcome your ambassadors. Your diplomatic staff will receive diplomatic immunity from minor prosecution in the interests of facilitating diplomatic exchange, though abuse this at your own peril.

To the DM:
The facilities will, of course, be bugged, as is standard procedure in embassies around the world.

To Algunisia:
A week will be more than sufficient, thank you.

2010-12-16, 06:00 PM


The PR for charity is done in EU, nothing in Kazahstan. I’d like to get some Uzbekistan faces for the campaign, so it’s their WO ++++, everybody is seeing, when they go for their check books.

If I attract investors from EU can the cost of lucrative deals be reduced by one? This will leave EU some stake in business and will reduce my profits a bit. I can seek out more investors, if that’s not enough.

To Great Fleet/GM

This proposition makes sense. Inter-Law lacks forces in naval warfare and your level of combat intelligence, but has good financial backing and equipment. There should be significant synergy between our mercenary forces.

Triumvirate signs a deal with Great Fleet to attempt seizing the mercenary market for the mutual profit of both sides.

2010-12-17, 07:05 AM
The Ottoman Empire
To the world
Greetings, the great and mighty Sultan has seen fit to keep you all aprised as to our actions, for you see, unlike so many of you, we do not hide behind secret messages, all is open for you to see and inspect.

In order to keep up to standards of modern military, we would like to announce our project to increase our military, and improve it through the use of cybernetic modification of our soldiers, I the hope that you too will one day come to leave behind your ways of lies, plotting and deciet, and follow the path of truth.

We would also like to reeterate our distaste at the secrecy used by many of you, why hide your dealings unless you have secrets? We would plead that you throw off your concealing ways, and embrace truth and trust. this way we can become a better world.

2010-12-17, 09:12 AM

To Ottoman Empire
Triumvirate applauds Ottoman's call for transparency and honesty in international relations. We follow the same principles in our everyday dealings.

Triumvirate has began research of the software that will aid in combating the dangers of secrecy on the Internet. The anonymity provided by the World Net has allowed countless crimes to be committed and adversely affected the character of people. Sunshine Corporation will seek to remove this concealing darkness, so that every person on the Internet would be as responsible for his actions and words, as people are in the everyday life. We hope Ottoman Empire will become our first client, once this technology is perfected.

Triumvirate is interested in continuing our support for the Ottoman Empire's educational system. We would also like to move some of our laboratories and research centres to your country, so we can benefit from your young specialists and science friendly climate.

Our recent investment in the economy of Uzbekistan can also lead to increase in trade between our nations. If Ottoman Empire's industry requires materials and energy to produce some new military hardware, we are ready to supply.

2010-12-17, 09:45 AM
On the Ottoman broadcast

Almost every nation remains silent. Alaska comes forward to announce new work in curing AIDS. Algusinia mumbes something about virtual realities.

Iran and Japan have a good laugh.

A broadcast by the European Union

"Thank you. I am speaking today, to inform the world of our new campaign. The nation of Uzbekistan has been suffering under economic depresion for too long. We will be providing aid, and support to help them get back on their feet. We hope that we can encourage all other nations to join us in this project. Together we can help make millions of lives brighter. That is all.

Dm to Russia
Your spies in the EU inform you, that before launching this campaign, The cabinet of the EU held a vote to check everyone agreed with it. Your spies note that several individuals who were previously against the idea, voted in favour this time round.

Dm to Triumvirate
Yes, that would work.

2010-12-17, 04:34 PM
Russia to DM: Our agents are instructed to make tentative contact with any politicians who're generally regarded as extremely trustworthy and uncorruptible, and who aren't implicated by the recent events. We relay them our suspicion and evidence that interests outside the EU are affecting their internal politics with bribery, blackmail and/or other kinds of shady methods. Corruption is a problem that has only lately been going away in Russia itself, and it would hate to see EU suffer of the same affliction.

2010-12-17, 04:40 PM

Nuclear Conference
Australia respectfully declines the Central African Republic's assistance. We are certain we'll have it fixed shortly, no help is necessary. We do thank you for the offer, however.

2010-12-17, 06:44 PM
DM to Russia
A few of the politicans were suspicious already, most are suprised by your claims. Nonetheless they thank you for voicing your concern. They would be greatly appreciative if you could find the source of the corruption before it leads to anything harmful. They offer you whatever small aid they can.

DM To Great Fleet
The current government is a hindu dictatorship. The church rules the populace. Any non-hindu's are presecuted. There are a few rebel factions, the largest is an islamic group known as The Shahadah. The Shahadah are very violent, and considered terrorists by Nepal.

Forum Explorer
2010-12-17, 06:56 PM
Great Fleet

Great Fleet to Shadhadah
How would you like to have our help in bringing down the goverment of Nepal?

2010-12-18, 06:26 AM
To Japan:
I am Commanded by His Majesty to initiate initial dialogues concerning an economic, research and trade treaty between us. This to be done in the best interests of our nations.
Secretary of State for Foreign and Diplomatic Affairs
To the Ottoman Empire:
His Majesty thanks the Sultan for his recent comments. The matter is under review.
To Algunisia:
His Majesty's Ambassador's initial offer concerning an treaty:
Our Offers:

A Mutual Naval Defence Pact to be signed between us.
An Economic Treaty to be signed between us.
Matters concerning Algunisia collected by our spy corps will be made available, at a reasonable cost.

Our Requirements:

A demilitarised zone will exist within 30 miles of the Gibraltan border. No military movements will be made in this area without prior notification of His Majesty's embassy.
A mutual land defence pact will be signed between our realms..

To the Triumvate:
His Majesty's government has a number of satellites which we are interested in putting into orbit. We would like to loan use of your launch facilities for this purpose.

2010-12-18, 06:33 AM

The USA 'intelligence' is slowly spreading to see whether the world cares about their launches.

2010-12-18, 09:52 AM
State Visit by the British Monarch to Gibraltar
“Welcome to the Gibraltan Broadcasting Corporation’s Official State Coverage of the Royal visit by King William VI. His Britannic Majesty has arrived offshore on a seaplane, which is now taxiing to the jetty. As it docks, the Guard of Honour, today provided by one-hundred soldiers of the Defence Force and one-hundred from the Royal Gibraltan Marines are called to attention by their commanding Officer, Admiral Sir Stuart Rogers RM. As the king takes his first step onto Gibraltan soil, the Marine band strike up the British National Anthem, ‘God Save the King’.
“And there below us we can see His Britannic Majesty acknowledging the salute of the Admiral, as on the reviewing stand, His Gibraltan Majesty, King Solomon The Second, rises to his feet and, for reasons of historical oddity, the band plays the Gibraltan National Anthem, ‘God Save the King’.”
The two monarchs meet, shaking hands, His Britannic Majesty in his robes of office, His Gibraltan Majesty in the uniform of the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Navy. As the band dies away, the British flag breaks on the flagstaff and the first of the 21-gun salute in order to him is fired. Each ship in the fleet one gun, at five second intervals, until the final shot finishes rolling around the bay. The two rulers get into a pair of classic Rolls-Royce motor cars, and drive down the main road, escorted by the Marines in front, the Soldiers behind. Crowds on both sides of the road cheer their rulers, until the cars enter the rock of Gibraltar, heading towards the palace.

Having taken luncheon with the leading figures in His Majesty’s Government, the two Kings make their way to the Grand Hall, where the assembled members of the World’s press are waiting to hear the reason for this historic meeting. As they enter, a herald plays the tune ‘Royal Salute’, and with a crash, the sentries around the room present arms.
His Gibraltan Majesty is the first to speak:
“Your Majesty, Ladies, Gentlemen. I thank you for assembling here today on this historic occasion. This is the first time in my nine-year reign I have had the honour to entertain a fellow monarch. Today, a great treaty will be signed between us. The details will be available to the public immediately after this meeting. In summary, however, we have agreed to a mutual defence pact and to an economic agreement between us.
“This will, I hope, herald a new dawn of enlightenment for both our peoples, and so, with no further ado, I invite my friend, King William to take the floor.”

"Thank you. I hope this meeting marks the beginning a long and unbreakable friendship between our two nations. I believe our nations have much to offer each other, as allies and as trade partners. I am sure today will forever be marked in the history books. The last part was spoken quietly, almost a whisper.

A herald takes the floor. “The treaty will be signed now, before you all.” King Solomon bends over the long document, drawing a feather quill from the inkstand on the desk. He signs with a flourish.
King William VI stands over the document, and signs the thing at arms length, leaving a black spidery scrawl on the page.

Back in the studio.
“So, what does this treaty mean for the common citizen? I’m asking the GBC’s diplomatic editor, Nick Robinson.”
“Well, firstly it means we’ll see more variety in the shops. Trade with British merchants will be facilitated, and so we should also see prices dropping slightly.”
“So good news then. What about the defence clauses?”
“These are no more than what we would expect from the agreement. The basic idea is that we help them at sea, they help us on land.”
“And the first bit, about ceding land?”
“This is historical, but fundamentally, there was no official separation between Britain and Gibraltar. When the nuclear war broke out, the Governor-General of the day simply became King, and the civil service simply stopped sending reports to Britain. This clause merely ratifies the ownership, so no claims can be made.”

After signing the treaty, the Kings proceed around the peninsula. Visiting the dock-halls, some of which are deep underground, others in the heights of the rock, King William is impressed by the scale and standard of the equipment available. On reaching dock-hall 3A, at sea level, a second announcement is made, permitting British warships to use this dock-hall exclusively. The hall is away from the main complex, and the key to the connecting passageway is formally handed to King William.
Leaving the dock-halls, the Kings make their way towards the laboratories, where the latest tranche of communication satellites are being readied for orbit. A large room full of computers is next on the tour; the work done in here is described as ‘theoretical computer physics’.
Continuing towards the hydroponic gardens, the Kings are proceeding through a corridor when an explosion ruptures the wall on one side. A crack sounds, and one of the Gibraltan attendants collapses. Then, the bodyguards of the Kings charge forwards, and tackle a young man to the ground. He is disarmed, bound and hustled off to the nearest cells. The guard is doubled, and the Kings head straight for the naval base, where they will be safe from attack.

“A statement has been issued by the King’s private office on the assassination attempt earlier today. His Majesty’s Guard apologise to the British Monarch for any distress caused, and are investigating the matter. The attempted assassin has not yet been named.”

The next day, amid tight security, the British delegation departs. They are seen off by the King.

The Treaty Between the UK and Gibraltar
BEING a binding treaty between the rulers of the KINGDOM OF GIBRALTAR and of the UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND;

Treaty Designation: UK/02/16122010
BE it enacted as follows:
1. The territory of Gibraltar will be formally ceded to the rule of King Solomon The Second of Gibraltar, for He and His heirs to rule in perpetuity. This to be done effective from the signing of this treaty. This clause cannot legally be rescinded without the agreement of the Kingdom of Gibraltar.
2. Both realms shall consider themselves bound by ties of duty to ensure the protection of each other, ensuring that all intelligence pertaining to threats directed at the realm is passed on in a timely manner, and ensuring that forces are available if called upon to support each other’s operational commitments.
3. Trade rights will be accorded to corporations wholly of the above nations, to trade without let or hindrance from government, to be accorded exclusive trading rights in certain fields and to pay reduced taxes, that business might be better facilitated.

His Majesty King Solomon The Second of Gibraltar
His Majesty King William VI of Great Britain and Ireland

2010-12-19, 07:52 AM
His Majesty's Government regrets to announce that, owing to the rising costs of policing the waters of the Mediterranean, His Majesty has no choice but to levy a nominal charge on use of the Straits of Gibraltar. This charge will be kept as low as is possible. In exchange for this, compensation paid on ships sunk in the channel by overzealous officers or by pirates will be increased by 10%.

2010-12-19, 10:32 AM

To Hapsburgs: A Russian representative will attend, and the whole country wishes to express their grief over the loss of a man so loved and important to every one of us.

Scientific Conference:

1: The collider will be very large. Russia would agree to the main control stations being in Japanese land, but for the best results and in order to avoid construction work in areas with plenty of urban population, the collider itself would most likely run under both Japan and Russia in a huge ring.

2: Great. The facilities and personnel allocation are discussed, as well as other such minor details, but the work will be well underway.

3: The most suitable place for the station is in geostationary orbit over the launch facility. If we aren't calling Australia into the project to use their mass driver, Japan would need to construct a similarly efficient launch system. If that condition is cleared, Russia will agree to it being located over Japan.

EU (DM only): The Russian espionage does their best to trace the transactions. With the authority of the EU officials behind them, it should be easier, since we can quietly detain those we believe to have been compromised and interrogate them. The whole thing is very hush-hush, but the EU people whom we trust are kept updated.

2010-12-19, 02:16 PM


We are glad to provide the Baikonur facilities for the lunch of your satellites.

Mexico (GM)

As your intelligence might have informed you, we are currently in employ of a warlord, who can potentially restore order and unity Canada. Our corporation believes that once the economic prosperity is secured for that northern nation, the democratic principles will soon follow. We wish to negotiate trade agreements and joint projects to restore infostructure necessary for transportation and communication, so Canada can rejoin the North American community.

OOC - How much of my military is engaged in Canada? Will I have enough to spare for a major operation on the next turn?

Uzbekistan (GM)

Okay, as I'm making progress buying businesses, the fact that Dios Inc. and Sunshine Inc. become the major employers in the country is used for additional political influence. Basically use the fact people receive their wages from us to control their voting decisions. If the current incompetent and corrupt government is playing ball, then support them.

The social companies branch of Sunshine Inc. is used to educate the locals in how to secure financial assistance from EU - what files to file, how to argue your case for charity, how to present the results of charity work. This is of course done for a fee from procured funding with favorable statistic showing how much aid such organizations helped secure.

2010-12-19, 06:20 PM
Mexico to Triumvirate
We have indeed heard rumours of such. It is good to hear it confirmed. We will be glad to negotiate these treaties with you.

Triumvirate (GM)
One quarter of your military is engaged in canada

You have enough control in Uzbekistan to influence decisions, but there are still politicans it might be useful to vote out. The next vote is scheduled for next year

Your agents in the EU learn that russian operative are investigating EU politicians

Scientific Conference
Japan accepts the terms of the proposal. They will build the main control centre in their lands, but remain silent as to whether they will be constructing a launch facility.

Russia (GM)
Your agents in the EU, learn that the transactions originate from The Triumvirate.

Japan to Gibraltar
"Very good. Dialogues may begin at once."

Algunisia to Gibraltar
We can accept that treaty.

Shahada to The Great Fleet
We would like that very much.

2010-12-19, 06:34 PM
EU (DM): I give all the evidence to the trusted EU officials to do with as they wish.

I also use this event to gain useful contacts for my related project in the Espionage section of my first EoT.

2010-12-20, 11:33 AM
The Ottoman Empire
It appears that the EU is not clear as to our empire's policy concerning secrecy and plotting, so it lies on us to bring the secrets into the light. The EU claims to have proof that the Triumvirate has been bribing EU officials. A most disturbing thought, and the Ottoman Empire demands to see this proof, and demands a responce from the Triumvirate concerning this accusation. the truth will be out, and you are all urged to tell all you know. If any other nation knows of this your sins of concealing it will be forgiven by you providing all the information you have.
Peace and Truth.

2010-12-20, 11:55 AM

Official Statement

Triumvirate will respond to any accusations, once they are officially brought up against us. We hope this is just a case of genuine miscommunication, that will be resolved swiftly without damage to the reputation of the involved parties.

2010-12-20, 02:16 PM
European Union

"We have no idea what The Sultan is refering to. We look forward to receiving this evidence as much as everyone else."

2010-12-20, 02:53 PM


Is it possible for the EU to inform us the source of the evidence as well as the details of the accusation? If one of our regional managers has broken the law, Triumvirate will certainly fully cooperate with authorities to uncover the truth.

Also, are you saying you weren't communicating with Ottoman Empire on the subject?

2010-12-20, 03:00 PM
The European Union

"We were not communicating with the Ottoman Empire on the matter. This is the first time we have heard it suggested that there is corruption in our government".

2010-12-20, 05:01 PM


Triumvirate is currently employed by one of the Canadian warlords, that has good chances of uniting and restoring the nation. Now would be a fine time for the UK to re-establish connection with its former Commonwealth member and subjects of the UK royal family. Certainly the renewal of trade with Canada would be of both economical and political benefit to UK. Triumvirate can facilitate such development with our connections to the warlord leadership, expertise and resources.

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-20, 05:14 PM
United Kingdom

To Triumvirate
Certainly. The United Kingdom is always glad to see restoration of a Commonwealth nation, though we must question the use of the Warlords. When will legitimate government be established?

Forum Explorer
2010-12-20, 05:29 PM
To Shahada
We need an excuse to attack Nepal so we would like you provide one by capturing a citizen of the Great Fleet. Then once we attack you have to make it seem as if the whole country is rising up agianst the goverment so that internation pressure will force them to change goverments

2010-12-20, 06:26 PM


The ''Warlord'' in question is a reasonable and stable authority. There is already a precedent of Alaska's warlord becoming a legitimate state. Mexico has already expressed willingness to work with the new Canada. A timely recognition by UK will secure your nation a lot of good will.


Can I get a status update on Canada? When will the Ravens get control of most of the territory?

Also if UK and Mexico recognize Canada as a legitimate power, Triumvirate uses it to begin issuing stocks and attracting foreign investment.

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-20, 06:28 PM
To Triumvirate

I regret to inform you the United Kingdom will not recognise the current government of Canada as legitimate at this time.

2010-12-20, 06:30 PM
Shahada to Great Fleet
Seems like a good plan. We'll begin preparations immedietly.

Triumvirate (GM)
I'll upgrade the raven warlords to nation status next turn. Then I'll give it them another turn to unify all of canada.

Forum Explorer
2010-12-20, 08:16 PM
The Great Fleet

To Shahada
Good to know

I'm going to begin scouting Nepal's costal defences, I'm looking for a lightly defended town. Meanwhile spies are going to inflitrate and look for minor goverment officals/ police cheifs that could be considered vulnerable to assassinations or kidnapping. Will also look into how easy of a target the faimlies of such people are as well

2010-12-21, 05:30 AM
To Japan
His Majesty's Government is prepared to sign the following treaty:

A scientific collaboration to be permitted between scientists from Greater Japan and Gibraltar. Scientists to be free to move between our nations.
Reduced taxation on trade between corporations wholly of our respective nations.

We hope you will be amenable to these terms, which we are prepared to discuss.
His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign and Diplomatic Affairs
To the Triumvirate
His Majesty has commanded me to thank you for your agreement on this matter, and to pursue additional enquires.
How much will it cost?
What is the maximum launch capacity?
What security already exists around the facility?
What additional security may we provide?

We are also not particularly interested in lunching satellites, as per your initial reply.
His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign and Diplomatic Affairs

To the UK
Initial interrogations of the attempted assassin have yielded no results. However, forensic intelligence has discovered links to EU-based arms suppliers. We are now investigating these links. A request will shortly be submitted to the international community for permission to increase the level of interrogation undertaken, and to send investigators into the EU.
Once more, our apologies for the distress caused to His Majesty.
His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign and Diplomatic Affairs.

2010-12-21, 05:56 AM

To Gibraltar

The Space Launch

Dios Inc. is willing to present a competitive price. We are interested in developing long-term trade relations with other nations and Giblartar's position and fleet make it a valuable buisness partner.

Baikonur Cosmodrome is the largest space launch facility in the world.

The current security is standart space launch facility security. We will be willing to strengthen security measures on recommendation of your specialists.

2010-12-21, 07:09 AM
To Triumvirate:
His Majesty's government's representatives will shortly be arriving to inspect the launch facilities. Further to this, our own launch control centre is now being set up. We have a large network of 47 satellites to be put into orbit, fortunately, these are based on CUBESAT (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CubeSat) models, and so can all be launched from only three craft, which will be flown to the launch sites once final agreement is reached.

To the nations of the world
Following the recent assassination attempt against the Kings of Gibraltar and the United Kingdom, forensic intelligence has uncovered information that the detonators and explosives were sourced from an arms dealer in the EU.
Consequently, further investigation is warranted, and our investigators will need access to the European Union, its corporations and its law-enforcement information and apparatus. We hope there need be no trouble over this matter, and would be glad to work alongside our European friends in bringing these attempted murderers to justice. We furthermore invite independent witnesses from the Ottoman Empire to oversee our investigation, and the UK intelligence services to work with us.

2010-12-21, 09:18 AM
European Union

"We see no reason to involve outside forces. We are perfectly capable of finding the arms dealer on our own. We will require a copy of the information Gibraltar has recovered so far.

2010-12-21, 10:00 AM

Western Pacific Conference

The city of Sancuary, a city with two faces, greets the arrived guests from the Russian Federation, Greater Japan, the prominent Warlords of Indonesia and Southeast Asia, and the United States of Australia. They can see that while the city is an industrial nightmare, the very scene of urban development gone too far, changes are being made. Trees are starting to be planted as of a couple years ago, and city is slwoly, but surely being cleaned up. There is still a long way to go.

The guests are shown their quarters in the White Star Hotel, the most luxurious hotel in all of Sanctum. Cameras on every floor and a small army of security guards ensure their safety. The conference itself is held at the city's amphitheatre.

There, Alsandra Winheim greets them, and starts with her proposal.

"Greetings, and welcome to the city of Sancuary. The fact that you have all come here is promising, and shows signs that perhaps the world is at a point where it is willing to move twoards unity and peace, hopefully.

"However, we live during a time of great change. We are entering an age where the catastrophe of the last century no longer hangs around each one of our necks, like a weight. Many of the wounds have healed and we are once again ready to strive for progress. History shows hwoever, that rarely are such times peaceful. As each power vies to spread its will across borders and oceans, conflict will naturally arise as we find unccommon values in government, policy, economics, religion, culuture, language, race, ethnicity, and etiquette. In order to ensure that each of our repsective nations can survive in this time of great change, we must be sure of our security, and nothing can ensure that security more than the colelctive strength of several states. For this I propose two great laws to be put into effect. First, that those of us here today say a security treaty to ensure that no member here need go to war with antoher, that diplomacy and only diplomacy be used to settle matters amongst us. Second, I propose that we create a formal organization to regulate thsoe affairs that effect the region, headed up by Greater Japan.

"Ladies and gentelmen, you have the floor."

2010-12-21, 11:52 AM
To the EU (Copied to all other nations):
His Majesty's Government regrets that this is not an acceptable option. The event is of such magnitude that we must ensure there is no chance of a cover-up, which is why we wish to undertake this investigation ourselves, with international impartial witnesses.

2010-12-21, 12:06 PM
The Ottoman Empire
To the EU and the world.
We will not tolerate this continued affront to what is right. We have been informed of a secret sect within the EU which has contacted us to give them aid against the Triumvirate and those politicians they claim have been bribed. It should be clear that we will not tolerate this manner of secrecy, the group who has contacted us without being known to the main EU body will reveal and explain itself at once. failure to comply will have serious consiquences.

We will resieve your "proof" as to the triumvirate's alleged crimes at the designated time and place as expected, and what is revealed there will clear this matter up. I hope that we are clear.

Truth and peace.

2010-12-21, 12:36 PM

To Ottoman Empire

I'd just like to check if Ottoman Empire has confirmed/rejected Triumvirate's offer to relocate some of our scientific facilities to your nation.

2010-12-22, 05:23 AM
The Ottoman Empire

We see no reason at this time to halt any dealings with the Triumvirate, we shall gladly accept research facilities into our country.

2010-12-22, 09:07 AM
European News Broadcast

"Breaking news! We have just received word that Eurostar Flight 742 has crashed in the Pazardzhik Province of Bulgaria. Witnesses report that they saw what looked like an explosion in the planes engines, before it dived wildly, and collided with a cliff face. So far, no survivors have been found."

Ottoman Empire (GM)
Flight 742 is the one which the EU agent was supposed to be on.

2010-12-22, 09:31 AM
His Majesty's government would like to express deepest sympathy for the families of those killed. We would furthermore like to offer all possible support to the investigation into this crisis.

OOC:<Disclaimer Starts>The reason I was able to reply so quickly is I was preparing my EoT report, not that I was waiting for this. <Disclaimer ends>

2010-12-22, 09:32 AM
The Ottoman Empire

The information the Ottoman Empire was due to recieve concerning the possoble bribing of EU officials has been destroyed in the plane crash i'm sure many of you heard about.

If any nation was indeed responsible for this event reveal yourself at once and face minor consiquences, or hold your truth and face destruction when the truth comes out. and it will come out.

I the event this was simply an accident, we urge this information to be sent again, in a safer manner. using the internet risks it being intercepted, however we will hold so secrets, the information will be released to all when it is recieved by Turkish officials, there is no need to worry about others reading it from the internet.

2010-12-22, 09:53 AM
The Space Launch
At the Baikonur cosmodrome, three spacecraft are lined up on launch pads. Their mission: to insert into orbit some 47 assorted satellites. As dawn breaks, the fuel in the first ignites, and it lifts off towards the stars. Three hours later, the second takes off, followed by the third.
Two days later, the government announces a complete success, all satellites are perfectly inserted into orbit.

To the EU:
We have still not heard your response to our request for full investigative access to follow this attempted assassination.

2010-12-22, 10:01 AM
European Union

"We can see how it would be important to avoid a cover-up. We'll allow investigators from The Ottoman empire, Sanctum and Australia to assist us."

2010-12-22, 10:09 AM
To the EU: (Copied to the UK):

[Assuming the last comment regarded the assassination attempt rather than the plane crash]

His Majesty's government regrets to observe that the European Union again misses the point of the objections raised. His Majesty's government will be continuing its investigation, with or without the aid of the European Union. It might be better that this was done with input from European Authorities, lest we get the wrong end of the stick.
At present, it seems almost as though the European Government was intent on excluding from the investigation the two countries it most directly affects. This can only have one reason, if it is the case.
Any further attempts to avoid this matter will be viewed with extreme displeasure and gravity.

Your obedient servant,
His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign and Diplomatic Affairs
His Majesty's Director of Security
His Majesty King Solomon the Second, By the Grace of God, King.

2010-12-22, 10:34 AM

Triumvirate was hoping for a swift and clean resolution to this situation, but it doesn't appear to be forthcoming. The name of our corporation was dragged into this affair by a group claiming to be a secret part of EU, presenting some evidence, that got destroyed in a plane crash. This is just ridiculous.

We have the name of our brand in EU and good relations with Ottoman Empire at stake. Triumvirate requests to be kept in the loop on any developments as well as an explantion, why Sanctum and USA are invited to provide assitance, being so geographically remote and so far unconnected to this affair?

2010-12-22, 11:14 AM
To GM: Concerning the recent developments, assuming the plane crash and the whole situation coming out into the open has forced the Triumvirate agents and corrupted officials in the EU to move, while Russian agents have been lying low, we should be able to gather more information about their network and capabilities by observing them.

2010-12-22, 11:20 AM
European Union

"It is because of their unconnection that we feel confident allowing them to join the investigation. Hopefully they can be trusted to be neutral."

Flight 742 Investigation

The investigation reveals that the crash was caused by sabotage.

Announcement by David Fortin, leader of the French democratic party, Second minister of France.

Fortin makes his announcement to a tiny body of reporters, in his house in paris. The house is currently surrounded by no less than a dozen members of the French secret service. The announcement is broadcast live to the European news.

"Greetings. I am speaking today to confirm that I am a member of the EU group which has been informed of the corruption within our government. We have decided that despite the risk to ourselves, the group requires a public face, to make it easier to communicate with us.

We are all deeply sorrowed by the crash of flight 742. We accept that the deaths resulting from the flight were are fault. We believed that by hiding amongst civilians, our enemies would not be able to find us. We were wrong.

We have more copies of the information regarding the bribery, which we will send to all trusted nations, in a manner which should hopefully prevent such an incident recurring."

Western Pacific Conference

"Thank you. We are honoured that you would chose us to spearhead the organisation. We will do our best to ensure security and stability in the region, for the sake of the people."

"I'm not one for words. But I will say that this idea seems a good one, and we will do our best to support it.

"Ha, i hope he's joking. No violence? That idea may be fine for you big players, but us warlords don't have that kind of security. What are we supposed to do if we're attacked?"

International Communications

EU to Gibraltar
"Perhaps we would be a little bit more forthcoming if you would stop subtly threatening us with every message you send."

Russia (GM)
You are able to locate the main centre of the network, where most of the co-ordination for the bribery goes on. The centre is a private investigative agency in Berlin, with loose connections to the Triumvirate Inter-Law Corporation.

2010-12-22, 01:10 PM
As information on the crash filled the news feeds of the world, the citizens of a dozen nations watched intently, whispers of terrorism, sabotage, and war filling the global zeitgeist. Then, at precisely 12 pm GMT, the news feed cut out. In its place was a single woman seated behind a sleek crystal desk before a wall of windows. Through the glass was a paradise, an arboreal valley of waterfalls and rolling fields, a view that had been lost since the nuclear fire of past decades. But as marvelous as the background was, the woman was even more striking. Backlit by the golden glow of an artificial sun, she was garbed in a gleaming white jacket, equally suited for a lab or a social function with the world's super elite. A high collar clung to a slim neck, and gleaming raven hair was held in a tight bun. Silver lines ran down the sides of her face, linking the corners of her mouth and the tapered corners of her eyes. And what eyes they were, glowing a mechanical, electric blue. A slight smile twisted her full lips as she folded white gloved hands before her.

"Greetings, people of the world. For decades, you have toiled beneath the shadow of the Third great war, your friends and families ravaged by the depredations of savage warlords. We at Eden Arcologies were lucky enough to escape the touch of nuclear fire, and now, in this increasing climate of peace, we have decided to step from our hidden sanctuary. We offer an open invitation to any government for full diplomatic relations, and we hope that our technologies will help to forever dispel the lingering nightmares of the old world. Go in peace."

Then the woman was gone, and the coverage of the crash resumed. Meanwhile, in the seats of power of every major government a data packet was received detailing methods by which the Arcologies could be contacted.

2010-12-22, 01:48 PM
To GM: We secretly contact the EU people on our side and organize a strike to arrest everyone there.

Of the highest concern is to have the strike happen as quickly as possible to avoid them having time to erase the data. For this, we'll surround the entire area and then cut off all communications lines at the exact moment when operatives enter the building from above as well as rush in from all ground-level entrances and suitable windows. If possible, casualties are to be avoided and everyone's to be captured alive. Flashbangs, smoke, tear gas, whatever it takes.

2010-12-22, 01:54 PM

To Eden Acrologies


Are your civilians travelling in the dangerous parts of the world? Is someone threatening your home. Inter-Law Mercenaries would be there for you, for a reasonable fee.

2010-12-22, 04:39 PM

"We will accept assisting the EU in the investigation."

Western Pacific Conference
"I assume that the goal is that none of those invited will attack each other. If another faction attacks, the defending party is allowed to defend themselves, correct? If that is the case, the USA supports the first initiative.

However, we have reservations on the second. Define 'regulate' for us please. Because at the moment, it's quite vuage as to what the organisation you propose is supposed to do."

Carpentaria Launch Facility
The launching of material into orbit continues steadily. Two of Australia's three space stations are undergoing major overhauls, and the USA is continuing to deploy more and more satellites.

2010-12-22, 07:08 PM
USA space launches:
Russians are getting a bit curious about what's going on. Not really any espionage investigation about the matter, but some inquiries are made. Especially after the decision to bring the joint-project 2, International Space-Station Omega, into orbit during the year 2126.

2010-12-23, 11:59 AM

Western Pacific Conference

With the Russian Federation abstaining for the moment, Alsandra beigns to address the other nations' queries.

"As to concerns pertaining to conflict, this pact amongst us is here to ensure the safety of our borders. Should one of us go against this, they will have gained little in return for the enmity of every other power in the region. This is not based on humanitarian sentiments, or goodwill, but to serve as a deterent. By signing a treaty of non-aggression towards one another, we bind our pride of nation, and our reputations worldwide. This alone should be enough to satisfy us, and even if it is not, the presumed military interaction by the other members of this gathering is.

"To clarify what I mean by regional concerns are subjects such as war, natural disaster, mutual trade secutiry between our nations. Its purpose is not to regulate the indepent action of any of our nations, but to coordinate any concern that effects us all. If a new disease spread across the east Asian coastline, that is something that effects us all. If a foreign power invades one of our nations with intent to continue its conquest through the rest of us, that is also something that effects us all. Piracy, trade that goes beyond two parties, refugees, these are things I speak of when I humbly ask Greater Japan to take the lead role in. It will not affect the sovereignty of our respective nations, but to formalize communications when the need arises.

"As to the concerns of the Warlords in the difference of military strength, I assure that this is the first step that will potentially lead to a formalized military alliance between our states, something to be discussed once our preliminary measures prove successful."

2010-12-23, 12:32 PM
Russia at Pacific Conference

"The Russian Federation will agree to cooperation. We would hope that in such a day and age as this is, mutual non-aggression agreements would be meaningless as the global community has the responsibility to interfere in potentially destructive conflicts regardless of the states involved. However, we will sign it if necessary.

But Russia will not formally join any sort of a Pacific powerbloc. It is against our national interest right now. We will individually sign such treaties as we deem necessary with either each of the participants separately or the entire alliance you are proposing."

2010-12-24, 07:22 AM
USA at the Pacific Conference
"We agree with Russia. We'll sign pacts of non-aggression, but not outright military alliance. There is no need for such things at the current time."

2010-12-24, 11:37 AM

Western Pacific Conference

"That is reasonable, and also to be expected. I do believe it is time for a brief recess, and hopefully we should conclude this conference soon.

Alsandra wishes to speak to the Australian representatives in private during the conference's recess.

Russian Federation
Alsandra wishes to speak to the Russian representatives in private during the conference's recess.

GM Only
Sink those bloody pirates with a small group of submarines. I'll assume that hopefully they have no submarines of their own, and if they do, they're much older and slower than mine.

2010-12-25, 07:47 PM
Turn 3 begins here

"A combination of Russian, and EU agents, stormed a private investigative agency in Berlin, suspected of being connected to the reports of corruption in the EU. There were reportedly a dozen people in the building at the time, who have all been arrested, with no casualties.

The European Union are still refusing access to the Gibraltar agents trying to acess their soil. The EU requested aid from Australia and Sanctum, in investigating the matter themselves. So far, Australia has accepted, with Sanctum being non-responsive.

"The Triumvirate, with assistance from the 'Great Fleet', have began attacking warlord controlled ports in Indonesia and Korea. So far three ports have claimed, with the attackers meeting little resistance. None of the warlords involved in the western Pacific conference have suffered any losses.

"Speaking of the Great Fleet, one of their larger raiding parties in South-Western Pacific Ocean was attacked and destroyed by Sanctum submarines. Sanctum suffered minimal loses.

"While we're on the topic, the Great Fleet also attacked a port in Orissa, India. The Great fleet has taken a large portion of the ports, mostly civilian, population hostage. Nepal forces are mobilising to retaliate against the fleet, which are still docked in Orissa.

"Recent activity in Canada, has attracted international attention. A Canadian war band, known as the Ravens, has began making significant progress uniting the region. The war band has received significant support from the Triumvirate, both militarily and economically. The leader of the Ravens, Victor Gaines, has announced that after unifying the region, he will not remain in power, but allow the nation to become a democracy."

"And now, for the main news topics."

"Brazilian astronomers have spotted a new space object. The object, spotted by Brazilians latest infra-red telescope, appears to be a small city. The city is in space, in low-orbit around the earth. Astronomers across the world have no idea how the object managed to remain undetected for so long, but it is clearly of human make. Various nations have attempted to contact the city, with no replies so far."

"An unidentified virus, has swept across Europe, Africa, South America and Southern Asia. The virus is plant-based, and very short lived. Despite its short life, it has had catastrophic effects. Most of the crops in the affected countries have died. Food shortages are expected across the globe, with mass-starvation to follow. Scientists have been unable to identify the virus, which disappeared almost as suddenly as it appeared.

Virus (Everyone read this)
All nations in the affected area will be required to find some sort of solution, or lose - economy, and - morale at the end of the turn.

This also extends to any nation that imports most of their food from the affected nations.

Any nation that is already importing food from the unaffected nations will need to renogotiate with their sellers, as food prices will be rocketing up, and their isn't enough for everyone.

Russia (GM)
The operation was a success. The facility contains documents listing all the bribed officials, including a few you didn't pick up on before. There are taped meetings between Inter-Law officials, and this agency, regarding the bribery (audio only). And there are financial documents showing money being transferred from the Triumvirate to the bribed officials.

List of nations willing to accept Raven-liberated canada as a nation

European Union
The Austrian Empire

2010-12-25, 09:07 PM
Russian Federation

To Sanctum: The Russian representative is available.

To EU(GM): All the proof will be given to the good guys at EU to be made public. This is the final blow, I hope. Russian agents will do everything they can to cooperate with any arrests as well as restructuring of the EU government that is certain to follow. We'll try to place the blame squarely on Triumvirate.

On Canada

As long as the promise of real democracy comes true, the Russian Federation will support the Ravens. If not...

On Pacific attacks

The Great Fleet attacks are reprehensible and need to be stopped. We cannot allow them to gain a foothold in Indonesia or piracy will become a difficult-to-purge scourge on the sector. We're willing to offer any assistance we can for the situation at Orissa. Russia also pleads for Triumvirate to stop their association with piracy.

To GM: Another public relations blow to Triumvirate here. We'll be using that one aswell. Their dirty corporate image won't be helped by this, I'm sure, and if we can link them with everything evil happening in the world today, the better. It's not like it isn't true.

2010-12-25, 11:41 PM

Russian Federation
Alsandra entered the room. There was no mistaking her beauty. Apparently appearance is something the scientists who made her also had in mind.

She also happened to speak perfect Russian with a flawless Moscow accent.

"Greetings. In light of your stance earlier today, I felt it would be the next reasonable option to consider a more formal alliance between the two of our nation's respectively. However, that was before news arrived of the Great Fleet's movements and oddly enough, the Triumverate's involvement.

"I will be frank with you. The Western Pacific Conference was little more than a show of power to the Great Fleet. I had a strong inclination that they intended harm to Sanctum, so in order to avoid conflict, I thought gathering every powerful nation in the greater region onto our side would stay their hands. However, it appears that this conference might actually serve a more substantive purpose. As you no doubt know by now, I have already shown my hand and pirate blood now rests in Indonesian waters.

"I am not asking you to look at me as a Goddess, nor to even like me. I am asking you to kill pirates, and make sure they don't gain a foothold of land on this side of the Pacific."

How confident do you feel considering the recent attacks by the Triumverate and Great Fleet.

Sanctum publicly asks what the Triumverate's purpose in fighting with the Warlords so far from their own borders? At this time Sanctum hopes that the Triumverate understands that as of yet, Sanctum's actions have been solely against threats and violence from piracy. If you can offer a valid reason for your recent aggression, we will reconsider our position.

Great Fleet
Sanctum declares that it attacked Great Fleet vessels because they strayed far too near Sanctum trade routes (OOC: that's actually the truth). Unless the Great Fleet publicly rescends its aggressive position with Sanctum, publicly apologizes for it, , and signs a declaration non aggression with Sanctum-whether it must be signed by one man, or every Captain-we will treat further encroachments as attacks as well.

EDIT: Removed message to Great Japan as they were not attacked.

2010-12-26, 12:48 AM
~Underground base~

Aton stands looking over a satellite display map. The guerilla campaign was going nicely, they had managed to crush a supply line or two with their efforts in the past years, but it hadn't truly been a war until now. Now, instead of just a few small groups surrounded on all sides by the forces of The Great Enemy he now saw rows of artillery shelling critical bases, and troops moving through established and fortified tunnels underneath the bombardment while a diversionary force was sent up top. Inside the facility they were re taking there had been a good deal of munitions and food supplies stored. They needed this in order to continue the campaign, and avoid the current viral outbreak that had been plaguing the farms until it died out due to a lack of hosts.

The men who charged the front gates to their deaths, heavy machine gun nests cutting down any who dared come into range did so valiantly, and without hesitation. Heavy Mortar shells crumbled fortification, shattered the very men who charged it's walls, and shook the earth as if god himself had called his wrath.

Underground, the elite commando forces knew that the sacrifices of their brothers would not be in vain, they emerged at the Cistern that served as the aging fortresses sewage lane, treading knee deep in unmentionable muck as they opened fire on the paltry amount of guards stationed there, a single cry of an assault rifle's burst being the last thing they heard.

Unfortunately for the Commando's it was enough to alert the base, cries of alarm barked throughout the compound in Japanese, the defense forces rallying against the surprise attack even as a grenade flew into the North East Towers machine gun nest and broke the two men inside it as easily as it would paper.

This daunted not the fearless morale of the Japanese forces, centuries of culture that gave the absolute doctrine of NO SURRENDER would not allow them to be captured, they would die fighting, or not at all. For their surprise, and lack of formidable man power, the Japanese fought well radio'd reinforcements were only a few hours away, and if they could hold the fort until then. The day would be theirs.

They had not counted on Mongolian Air, the gurellia's had never displayed such capabilities, the closest they had ever come being stolen choppers. However, this was new, the design resembling that of the latest Japanese attack helicopter but with elements that were decidedly different.. only a few had ever been shot down. How did they manage to copy the design so swiftly?

These last thoughts were cut off by a hail of missile fire, the Mongolian's raised their flag upon the pole of the fortification, claiming it's ample food supplies and munitions for the people of Mongolia who had farmed it ages ago, who had laid it's foundations with their blood, and built it on the backs of the impoverished citizens that Greater Japan had delegated this area to after the assassinations.

The eight armed star of the Mongolian flag was raised, the cheers of the few remaining commando's erupting throughout the compound even as troop transports rolled in and immediately got to work rebuilding the fortifications, and exploding the cistern.

This was the first official day the Mongolian Liberation Army had claimed a victory, and by all that was holy. It would not be the last.


Start Research of Radar proof materials, dedicating all tech to.


Delivered in a hand written note that has obviously passed many hands. Is a single bandanna, adorned with the eight armed star. Tattooed on the inside, is a simple statement. "Help us. Help you."

Forum Explorer
2010-12-26, 01:08 AM
The Great Fleet

A public newscast of the captured ports is shown around the world. Many buildings are on fire but there don't seem to be many civilan casualties thus far. Most are being herded into compounds guarded by armed pirates. The much feared face of Frank Gwen is suddenly focused on by the camara. Here me World! Nepal has stolen someone precious from the Great Fleet and Nepal shall not know peace until they are returned saftly to us! As soon as the person mentioned is returned we will gladly leave. If the goverment is so incompatent that it can't find one forginer then we demand a new goverment! You have two weeks before we begin drowning prisoners. Gwen spits on the ground here We have heard rumours claming that we're trying to claim the cities we captured as our own. You landslugs are welcome to them! We of the Great Fleet care not for the land, as the mighty ocean is our domain! And I won't shakle the freedom of any of the Captains of the Great Fleet! They can go where they want! The camera zooms over the imprisoned survivors one last time before fading to black.

To Shadhadar
Jessica Cyclin meets with their leader. She walks with a spitting cobra wrapped around your neck and two bodyguards behind her. Greetings, it looks like I'll be your prisoner for the next while. Its time to strike gentlemen before the goverment of Nepal can organize agianst our attack.

To Greater Japan
Ball is in your court now

To World
We would like you to direct all questions to the Trimverate regarding Indonesia operations.

2010-12-26, 01:19 AM
To Sanctum:
"We are already preparing to move against the Great Fleet. Our own ports and most important coastal areas are secure, and we are massing to attain strike capability against them. No pirates will gain any ground on Russian soil, and we will take the fight to them once we are finished.

We ask but one thing of you. For as long as Triumvirate is cooperating with the pirates, do not stay your hand of attacking them aswell."

Sanctum also receives a message from the Russian Federation:
With the threat of pirates growing near your waters, Russia would like to set up a few trade routes using a new design of trade airship, well capable of carrying large amounts of resources over any terrain. They're also capable of defending themselves against any normal pirate raid. In exchange we would like some tax benefits.

We're also willing to sell the design in exchange for (+ Econ).

To Mongolian Liberation Front:
"Russia hears the call, and will answer. However, as of yet, we must do so discreetly. Set us up a few locations to help supply your efforts, and you will have supplies and weapons."

To Eden Arcologies:
Due to your secrecy, we assume your strongholds must be located in rather unhospitable areas. We've constructed trading fleets of airships well capable of transporting large amounts of supplies over any sort of terrain. If you wish to set up trading posts, we will link you to the rest of the world in exchange for prioritizing Russian goods on your markets.

To Mediterranean Federation:
Your lands surround the Mediterranean Sea, which has been a source of wealth for the area for as long as anyone may remember. However, trade by sea is risky, especially with the assaults of the Great Fleet recently. Russians have developed and constructed trading fleets of airships capable of transporting large amounts of goods quickly over any terrain. They are quite capable of protecting themselves against any normal pirate raids, aswell. We would like to set up an agreement for a few trading routes, and would be willing to sell you the designs for your own trade in exchange for (+ Econ).

To the New Way:
I'm sure you have a lot to offer to the world below. But on the other hand, we have plenty of goods that you cannot produce. Trade would be the sensible way onward. Russia is the only nation on Earth capable of efficient trading with your nation, for we have developed airship trading fleets quite capable of transporting large amounts of good over any distance. In exchange for setting up a route for you we would like you to grant us preferential treatment in access to your own exotics.

To Greenland:
Your nation is isolated, but rich in natural resources. However, the rest of the world has much to offer, if you take it's gifts with a grain of salt and a careful eye.

Russia has developed a design of airships capable of transporting masses of goods over any terrain. We are willing to set up supervised trading posts with you in exchange for preferential treatment on the market, or even sell you the designs in exchange for (+ Econ).

To Argentina:
Carefully controlled trade will bring great wealth and welfare to us both. Russia has developed an airship design capable of transporting large amounts of goods over any terrain. With the pirate-infested seas of the modern world, we would be willing to set up trade routes of your choosing in exchange for preferential treatment on your markets.

To Greater Japan(GM):
With the threat of piracy to your shipping, the Russian Federation is willing to sell you designs of an airship trading fleet capable of transporting large amounts of goods over any terrain unhindered. As a price we ask only (+ Econ).

With the threat of piracy near your waters growing, we would like to offer setting up trade routes with our new design of airship, well able to transport large amounts of goods over any terrain and to defend itself against any normal pirate raids. In exchange, we would like some advantages in taxing.

We are also willing to sell the design, for (+ Econ).

Forum Explorer
2010-12-26, 01:54 AM
The Great Fleet

To Russia, Sanctum, and USA
We have no intention of maintaining any sort of port city. We'll be gone as soon as what was stolen from us is returned.

To Triumvirate
It would be in your own intrest to explain what's going on in Indonesia unless you want your gains to be taken by the international community. Also be careful, you may get attacked by Russia if they are not satisfied with your response.

At the first sign of a serious attack on the ports in Nepal the forces their will retreat after slaughtering the prisoners. Ships also begin massing in order to defend from an attack from Russia or Sanctum.

2010-12-26, 04:54 AM
GM: Australia did respond to whether they'd assist in the investigation with the EU.

Thanks but no thanks. We have assets to defend our shipping, and have no need of your Airships. We thank you for the offer though. Of course, one does wonder how you plan to get across territorial waters and lands of other nations in the first place....

The Great Fleet
We will be watching you.

To All New Nations That Joined This Turn.
Australia is the world's primary exporter of raw and manufacured goods and foodstuffs. If you wish to trade with us, let us know. We will trade with you fairly.

To all nations affected by the Virus:
The USA sends its strongest condolences in the wake of this tragedy. If you need additional supplies, let us know. We'll give you all due consideration for your current circumstances in determining our prices.

2010-12-26, 07:03 AM
"His Majesty's Government today announced that the assassin who attempted to murder King Solomon and King William was sentenced to death for treason and hanged this morning."
To the GM:
Has this virus affected my hydroponic gardens?

Continue research on Quantum Computers.
Task Force Alpha is to put to sea at once. This comprises a pack of eight nuclear-powered hunter-killer submarines, under the command of Commodore Ramirez, aboard HMS Valiant. mission details to follow shortly by encrypted message.

To the Great Fleet:
His Majesty's government regrets that you have opted for an aggressive course of action and must inform you that as of now, the straits of Gibraltar are closed to belligerent shipping.

To the Sanctum:
His Majesty's Navy is happy to provide support against the Great Fleet. In return we will require some support, particularly in terms of supplies for our submarines, and would like to sign a trade treaty with you.

To the EU:
In light of your incessant refusal to give way on the matter of the assassination investigation, His Majesty's Government has commanded that a further compromise is made between us:
Given the recent news of corruption within your government, His Majesty's Investigators will not be able to hand over, in its entirety the investigation, however they will be willing to work alongside your investigators, and those of the neutral, impartial witnesses. We would also request that members of the British Secret Service are allowed to attend the investigation.
We furthermore regret that the assassin has been condemned to death and was consequently hanged this morning. We do not believe there was anything further he could have told us, and so we had to see that justice was done.
I regret and apologise that my previous messages were somewhat aggressive, and can only plead the stress of the matter.
His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign and Diplomatic Affairs.

2010-12-26, 07:08 AM
Eden Arcologies

Once again, the news-feeds were interrupted, flashing again to the cavernous shining office and the strangely cybernetic woman. He face was drawn in a concerned frown.

"People of the world, we are deeply grieved by the recent disaster that has struck. However, we find ourselves blessedly able to help feed the people of the world. As we speak, we are preparing to ship an entire crop worth of our own Intelli-crop seed to the areas affected by the virus. These strains have been specifically designed to thrive in the blighted soil of the modern world, and we predict yields at least thirty percent greater than those of your traditional crop. We intend to distribute these supplies free of charge, and with luck the hardiness of the strains will result in a harvest this year, if slightly later than usual. We ask that the governments of the world cooperate with us in this effort, and with our partners in Russia who have graciously offered to transport the seeds to affected regions in Asia, Europe, and Africa. Go in peace."

To World

Sadly, the proprietary nature of our Intelli-crops makes their genome extremely fragile. Please do not attempt to cross breed the crop with any local breeds, or serious genetic mutation may occur. Please contact us if you desire another shipment of Intelli-crop seed when the new growing season comes - we are sure we can reach an agreement.

To Russia

Thank you for your offer. While our markets are very small due to our relative self sufficiency, we would greatly appreciate your help in distributing our Intelli-crops to the devastated regions of your neighbors. We hope the global acclaim and goodwill shall serve as sufficient repayment. Afterwards, we should be able to discuss a more meaningful exchange.

A series of coordinates are relayed to the Russian government. If they investigate, they find exactly one thousand shipping containers nestled in a Carpathian valley, watched over by a dozen white suited people bearing similar cybernetic implants to the woman in the broadcasts.

To Argentina

You will find our Intelli-crops at these coordinates.

Investigators discover one hundred shipping containers of Intelli-crop seed nestled in an Andes valley, watched over by a pair of white suited people with similar cybernetic implants to the woman in the broadcasts.

To Brazil

You will find our Intelli-crops at these coordinates.

Investigators discover one hundred shipping containers of Intelli-crop seed nestled in an Andes valley, watched over by a pair of white suited people with similar cybernetic implants to the woman in the broadcasts.

2010-12-26, 08:10 AM
To Eden Arcologies: The response is an agreement to the plan. However, we'd wish you wouldn't announce our participation to the world before we actually agree.

As for the markets, I'm sure you're self-sufficient in all the basics and many luxury items too, but there's always exotics, goods built in foreign lands that your people might want to try. And trading away your surplus builds up your capital if you want to make any larger acquisitions later on

--- ---

Three massive airborne vessels lower from the sky nearby, hovering above the valley as the area has no suitable landing zone. They're roughly oval-shaped, but the stern has a large metallic framed engine.

Large hatches open in the ships, and a dozen small helicopters lower down, landing nearby, a few more staying in the air to keep watch. A bunch of men slide down with ropes and start setting up lightweight ladders for the rest of the crew as well as machinery to raise the cargo into the ships.

One official-looking figure walks to the Eden personnel from a chopper. "Good morning. I am Captain Stavsky, and I heard you had some seeds for us that should help the lands ravaged by the virus. Do you have a spreading plan as to where I should leave them? We can make the arrangements to help the infected territories in the EU, Africa and Asia, but since you're the provider, you get the final say in where the stuff goes and when."

To Australia: Russia has good relations to most nations. We will fly over the high seas if necessary, but we're sure to be able to secure our routes overland with almost any state on Earth. After all, they trade with us already and planes already fly between us; what's the difference now?

2010-12-26, 09:45 AM

Press Release on Indonesia/Korea Situation

Triumvirate has many business interests across the world and sometimes a show of force is required to advance them. We of course never engage in practices that are against the law.

The ports in question were in a state of lawlessness and without a legitimate national authority. The Western Pacific Conference didn't acknowledge their autonomy, by exclusion of any representatives from these territories.

The Great Fleet was assisting our operation in Indonesia as a mercenary force. They have showed professionalism and reliability in this capacity.

The Indonesian ports will be managed by the Triumvirate. We won't extend our influence any further, without consulting the regional power block. We hope to establish profitable trading relations with the local powers and assist in the stabilization of the region. Should a national authority be established in Indonesia and Korea, Triumvirate will open negotiations for either terms of lease or reintegration of the territories.

Indonesia/Korea (To GM)


Stage 1:

The order is brought to the ports, relations with neighbours are stabilized, investments are made to get everything running and working once more. The ports can operate with a loss, I'm getting profit in Stage 3.

Stage 2:

The low standards of living, threat of violence from Warlords, threat of famine (as exports to Indonesia will be shifted to EU and South Asia) + greedy capitalists = Cheap Immigrant Labour. I'm getting people signed up with long-term contracts and shipped to work overseas - news of work opportunities are spread around. Infostructure to manage the recruits is developed.

Stage 3:

The workers are paid minimum wage (Chinese?), but conditions are better, then if they've signed up with human traffickers and worked in sweat-shops. Everything owed is paid, money sent to their families on time, if they want to go back at the end of contract, let them. There is a basic (low cost) system of motivation for work.

I'm sending them to anywhere with shortage of workforce: Canada and Kazakhstan (I'm going to industrialize). But I'll start reducing their numbers, once the jobs dry up and locals start get angry. (I'll detail it in EoT).

To Greenland

Triumvirate would like to propose a partnership in a massive investment project in the North America. you may have heard about the situation in Canada. Before the fighting is completely over, it is the prime time to invest. While Triumvirate dominates the natural resources and IT sectors, we would like to point you out to the great agricultural and tourism potential, you may find there.

But Canada is only the beginning. If we were to combine our economic power, we should be able to begin restoration of the former USA industry - the once largest economy in the world can be up and running again, with a sizable profits going to our partnership.

Would you be interested in this project?

Famine (To GM)

As far as I can tell after a brief check on wiki, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are self-sufficient, but not exactly major food exporters. Canada used to be a major exporter.


We hope that Canadian food exports will be added to the current arrangments and trade in other areas will be expanded as well.


Rally in Support of EU

Several thousand men have gathered in Tashkent to a Rally to Support of EU. A rising star on the political arena, Ahad Babaev addresses the crowds:

''The EU hasn't forgotten our nation. When Uzbekistan required help to get on our feet and restore our nation to prosperity, they have extended their hand to us. It is true that there could be bad apples on every tree, but the soil from which it grows is good and rich. I believe the people of EU will see through the current events and come out of them with greater unity and strength.''

Food Relief Initiative

Ahad Babaev speaks before the cameras, sending his message to the world:

''I urge the nations of the world, unaffected by this terrible famine, to bring food aid to the suffering people. I personally will see a bill passed, that will ensure Uzbekistan will contribute to the humanitarian effort to save the human lives and alleviate suffering, until this crisis ends. This is the opportunity for the world to show unity and our leaders ability to serve the people.''

Uzbekistan (To GM)

Hmm, you know what, forget special economic deals I want to get my claws into the Uzbekistan's World Opinion.

1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should get stuffed with people on Triumvirate's pay-roll.

2. Internationally known politics, diplomats and famous Uzbekistanis will be bought or new faces brought into the spotlight. Those, who oppose Triumvirate will be pushed into the obscurity.

3. The Media that is broadcast/printed internationally should be acquired.

4. I'm launching the Food Aid program (and I'm behind support EU rally). Triumvirate secretly sponsors it, Ahad Babaev makes it into a subsidy for farmers to gain popularity among people and Triumvirate marketing/media people make sure the Uzbekistan's efforts are portrayed as noble and selfless. (They are poor, but they are willing to give! The scope of corruption in Uzbekistan is clearly exaggerated).

I'm paying for it by diverting money from the current effort to acquire Uzbekistan's economy, plus some additional funds are allocated, if required.


We would like to negotiate a certain deal with you. Shall we proceed to a more secure location for our talk?

(CSA Espionage To Read)

We offer a cooperation between our two nations. The terms are:

Triumvirate delivers:

1. After unification of Canada the question of land is inevitable. The Mexican Wildlands, the current CSA's land in the former Canadian territory and Alaska - one can't be sure of how things will go. We'll provide our influence and the big stick of our mercenary forces to make sure CSA comes on top of any developments.

2. Triumvirate will enact an investment program to boost CSA economy.

3. Triumvirate will assist with CSA's space program, including provision of our Cosmodrome for the launch of your satellites and shuttles. We will provide our nuclear technology expertise and research to aid with you program.

Triumvirate wants:

1. Full cooperation from the CSA Espionage, to aid Triumvirate in counter-espionage and fighting the rebels and insurgents in the nations, where Triumvirate holds interest. We won't require any espionage/infiltration against other nations or things that would put CSA in jeopardy.

If CSA accepts, we require an immediate assistance against Anti-Bureaucratic Front (see Operation Bureaucrat).

2. Future gains from the CSA space program, with Triumvirate holding minority shares in the enterprise.

Operation Bureaucrat (To DM)

Fighting the Anti-Bureaucratic Front.

If I failed to secure CSA's aid, then security is boosted and alerted, the reinforcements are moved to be ready to swoop in and success is used as a PR in media to break their Moral.

If I secured CSA, then they are allowed to capture the weapons (most of the crates will contain dummies and fakes, just a small number of working one's on the top, plus everything is bugged). Anti-Bureaucrats are traced to their hideouts with satellites and bugs, then I attack them, before they have the chance to organize. The captured intelligence is analysed to find their financial backers and supply caches. I'm targeting their Economy.

To Greater Japan

A diplomat is sent to explain the Triumvirate's actions in Indonesia and smooth over relations.

(Greater Japan Espionage To Read)

In diplomatic-speak and with extreme politeness the following statements are delivered. Triumvirate and Greater Japan have good relations currently. If Greater Japan would oppose Triumvirate's involvment in Indonesia/Korea, these relations would inevitable sour. If relations between the two nations are no longer good, Triumvirate will consider providing assistance to the Mongolian Liberation Army.

Triumvirate also informs GJ that it recieved unconfirmed information that Mongolian Liberation Army is looking for foreign support. It might be wise to keep an eye on them.

2010-12-26, 10:17 AM
Famine Business to GM:
Since Russia wasn't hit, but many areas around them did, we'll be, in addition to carrying Eden seeds to those who wish to try them for free, giving of our own food stocks to those most in need and selling with normal market prices to those less affected.

2010-12-26, 10:44 AM

Nationally Televised Speech by President General Velasco Guadalupe

The President General appears sitting behind his desk. Behind him hangs the great Argentinian flag.

"My people for too long have we stood by and watched the world scrabble and fight after the Great Wars. And now we pay for our silence. A great plague has spread through our land and it has caused our crops to wither and die. Some of you may think this was a natural virus, but I say NO. No this was no natural thing. It was a product of man. Of some twisted nation's scientists working their evil designs. And I say to you that this shall not stand. Argentina will take it's rightful place in the world and we shall hunt down the despicable beings responsible for this. So stand tall my countrymen and know that though their may be hardships ahead, we shall overcome."

OOC:Disclaimer: President General Guadalupe has no special knowledge of whether or not the virus is natural. He is merely spouting a line of propaganda to keep the people from revolting.

To the Warlords of South America (GM)

In these dark times it is vital that we, the people of South America, come together. We offer you a golden opportunity. We offer to you the opportunity to join with us. In return we open up our food stores to as you are surely more affected than us. Do not fear for your status we will integrate your forces with ours and offer you a choice of either continuing to command those forces or to establish a civilian government of your region. All your factories and towns will be seamlessly be merged with our own and you will gain the benefit of the protection of our glorious army. We urge you to consider our proposal.

The Board

To Brazil (GM)

In these dark times it is vital that we, the companies of South America, come together. As a fellow partner in business surely you can see the benefits of more open trade agreements. And so we offer to you the opportunity to do away with trade agreements entirely. Join Brazil's economy to Argentina's and reap the benefits of of both. Besides the economic benefits you will also gain the protection of our defense forces to protect your assets from all the raiders and pirates that the world has to offer. We urge you to consider our offer and know that even if you refuse there will be no hard feelings. We will still be willing to enter a mutually profitable trade agreement with you.

The Board

To Mexico and the CSA (GM)

As you know our food supplies have been devastated by the terrible virus that has swept through the world. Because of this we wish to enter into a trade agreement with you to buy any of your spare food supplies and ship it down to feed our starving people.

The Board

To Russia

We do appreciate your offer to set up airship trading routes with us as we do not have control of the seas far from our shores. However at the moment we our busy dealing with the crisis of our devastated food supplies. As such we cannot enter into any preferential trade deals at this time as that may cut off other potential partners who can supply us. However do know that if you are willing to trade us food stocks we will definitely regard you with favor in the future. And that once this crisis is over we will be more than happy to negotiate new deals with you.

The Board

To Australia

As you know our food supplies have been devastated by the terrible virus that has swept through the world. Because of this we wish to enter into a trade agreement with you to buy any of your spare food supplies and ship it to feed our starving people.

The Board

To Eden Arcologies:
A military convoy quickly reaches the coordinates given. It packs up the containers and sends them down to waiting scientists. It then proceeds to establish a base camp and begin sending out search parties to try and track down where the shipping containers came from. If the people are still there they are taken into custody and questioned.

The seeds them selves are taken out of the shipping containers and transferred into crates. Both the shipping containers and the seeds are closely examined. A heavily quarantined field is prepared and a small quantity of seeds are planted.

2010-12-26, 10:47 AM
Eden Arcologies

To Russia

We apologize for publicizing your involvement before receiving a formal agreement. Rest assured that we shall refrain from doing so in the future. As for trade, while we in the Arcologies require little in the way of goods, we are in need of foreign currency to facilitate our emergence into the world. Therefore, we would be willing to replace the Triumverate as Russia's supplier for various rare minerals, at competitive prices. We propose the establishment of a surface Arcology at a location of your choosing to better facilitate our relationship.

--- ---

As the airships sent their loading helicopters down towards the containers emblazoned with the Arcology logo, a silver haired young woman stepped towards the Captain. Taking his hand in a firm grip, she brought a slim silver tablet up with her other.

"Pleased to meet you Captain, Elena Demichev. According to our research, there are several locations that should serve as optimal distribution centers for the seed. Depositing one hundred containers each in Geneva, Budapest, and Madrid should ensure distribution in Europe, two hundred in New Delhi and one hundred in Kunming should cover distribution in South Asia, and deposits of one hundred each in Addis Abbaba, Bamako, Pretoria, and Niamey should allow for adequate distribution through Africa. We obviously wish to avoid the coastal regions to avoid the Great Fleet. Does that meet with your satisfaction Captain?"

To EU, Algunisia, and Austrian Empire

We intend to deliver the Intelli-crop seed to Geneva, Madrid, and Budapest, and would appreciate your aid in distributing the crop.

To Central African Republic, Egyptian Empire, Islamic Republic, and NSA

We intend to deliver the Intelli-crop seed to Addis Abbaba, Bamako, Niamey, and Pretoria, and would appreciate your aid in distributing the crop.

To Nepal and Greater Japan

We intend to deliver the Intelli-crop to New Delhi and Kunming, and would appreciate your aid in distributing the crop.

To Argentina

The two representatives of the Arcologies come peacefully with the military escort. There is no sign of where they came from, and within a fifty mile radius there seems to be nothing but mountains and foothills. They answer no questions, claiming to be diplomatic representatives to the great nation of Argentina. Their sole tool is a sleek silver touchpad, which no Argentinan scientist seems able to manipulate, reacting only to the touch of the cyborgs. In captivity, one of the men requests to speak with the man in charge, giving his name as Adolfo Perri.

Within the quarantine zone, the seeds begin to sprout after a matter of weeks, seeming to thrive even in the relatively inhospitable ground. All tests reveal it to be nothing more than an especially swift growing and nutritious strain of corn, and it seems the boasts of yield are true, as the seeds seem given to sprouting secondary plants in addition to the main stalk. However, any attempt to splice the plant's genome in the lab result in a genetic reaction that leaves the seed irrevocably tainted.

2010-12-26, 11:20 AM
To Argentina: As stated previously, Russia will be giving grain free to those worst affected, and selling the rest of our stock at pre-crisis market price without dragging it up on the skin of the people in need. In fact, this may be a good situation to open up the trade routes we spoke of; we cannot afford having the grain fall into the hands of pirates at such a time.

To Eden Arcologies and GM: Indeed, we have plenty of suitable locations. For a central site, would somewhere near the Urals be sufficient?

--- ---

"Of course." The captain shakes her hand. "It sounds as though you've prepared everything. Do you have links in place at the target cities to take over the cargo or do we place them in Russian warehouses until the governing nations finish their own preparations?"

The Russians begin checking the cargo and readying it for loading. They work very efficiently and are courteous to the EA people, affirming the correct safety procedures in handling the supplies and such.

2010-12-26, 11:31 AM
Eden Arcologies

To Russia

A location in the Urals sounds ideal. We shall be sending our equipment from our location in the Carpathians - please inform your air defenses to expect six large contacts once you transmit the final coordinates. Our representative Elena Demichev will accompany your airship fleet back to your capitol in order to coordinate our efforts.

--- ---

The Eden Arcologies representatives give the Russian workers what help they can, pointing out a series of magnetic locks affixed to the containers that aid in their secure storage. Elene stands to the side with the Captain.

"We are currently waiting for responses from the various host governments, but we hope that by the time we reach our destination all preparations will be made."

2010-12-26, 12:12 PM

Russian Federation
We are in full agreement with you. Naturally, we did not expect a sufficient resposne from the Triumverate, but it was necessary to at least try. If nothing else, we now have a better understanding of their motives.

As to your mode of transporting goods, we will accept this as a means to trade with you. However, the (+ economy) is more than we can afford given the times.

Great Fleet
What precisely was stolen from you, and why does invading Nepal, Great Japan, and assisting in the colonization of Indonesia and Korea seem the logical choice? The Great Fleet has (24 hours real time) to state exactly who and what was stolen, and by whom.

Goddess-Queen (or President if you will) Alsandra Winheim makes a public announcement in between sessions for the Western Pacific Conference.

"We at Sanctum find the Triumverate's actions and motives unacceptable. Sacntum too has economic interests in both regions, especially Indonesia due to its close proximity and location compared to our trade routes with Great Japan and the Russian Federation. That does not give us the right to turn into imperialists and colonize whatever ports we deem fit.

"Sanctum does not recognize the Triumverate's sovereignty in the pacific and as of now will cease all trade with Triumverate-controlled regions."

Western Pacific Conference
"Welcome back to our second and final session. I think the past few days have proved eventful, and unfortunately the concerns I stated concerning invasion by foreign force has proven true, albeit soone than even I would have imagined.

"Sanctum will not accept the legitimizing of piracy by accepting their invasions over details they are not forthcoming with. Sanctum will not accept the Triumverate's colonization in the region so they can fill their purses.

"This is a new age of change, where the ghosts of last century's failure is now cast off, and each world power vies for position to increase its influence, its culture, and as the Triumverate has so clearly demonstrated, its economy. I put out the new initiative to those nations gathered here. Formalize the Western Pacific Conference into a military alliance until such a time as the threat of the Triumverate and the Great Fleet have been dealt with. I suggest we includ Nepal from here on out, and we reach out to the world to deter ether of the aggressors from plunging our waters and shores into war.

"Only by unity and pooling our resources can we hope to face the coming challenges. Thank you."

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-26, 12:28 PM
The United Kingdom
The UK is slightly less hit by the virus than other European nations, but only barely. The Government announce an initiative, to provide farmers with seed to regrow their crops, and to help protect them again future biological attacks.

Yes, we would be interested in the import of food from the Triumvirate, as long as you can offer a fair price.

Eden Arcologies
The United Kingdom is of the opinion that traditional crops will suffice. The virus did not infect the soil, merely the plants.

Yes, we would be interested in the import of food from the USA, as long as you can offer a fair price.[

2010-12-26, 12:53 PM
To Eden Arcologies:
All right. We have a handful of possible areas you might want to consider, transmitting details now.

--- ---

After everything's been stored properly, the captain offers his hand again. "The ships will depart to different Russian landing sites now. We will separate the cargo into lighter vessels and have those carry them to the target cities. I'm going with the RDF Asylum, which is going to route to St. Petersburg and from there to the European targets. Afterwards, we will return to Moscow. Would you care to join us to see that your valuable cargo is adequately handled?"

Western Pacific Conference
"The Russian Federation will cooperate in ridding the Pacific waters of piracy, but will, again, not join a formalized military alliance. For this, and other possible future events, we're open to cooperating on operations and initiatives but I am not authorized to tie ourselves to other nations at this time."

To the United Kingdom:
Russian airship trading fleets are available to provide crisis help with grain if necessary. After any threat of famine has passed, we will continue to provide supplies at pre-virus market prices, without any markup for the tragedy. We are currently transporting grain, both natural and EA's genetically modified, to many nations around the world and can make sure our airships are safer from pirates than naval trade ships.

2010-12-26, 01:04 PM

To Sanctum

The trade restriction will always hurt the civilian population most. It’s a dirty tactic to resort to.

We would like to know, if Sanctum would consider a military action against our interests in Indonesia and should our trading fleet be on alert against your submarines.

To Major Indonesian Warlords (GM)

The Warlords we took out were small fries. We won’t treat you the same way. You may know from our activities in Canada that Inter-Law successfully worked with a major Warlord group there.

You are not in equal position with other powers at the table. When the big decisions will be made, you should realize, who will get the short end of the stick. Triumvirate can provide mercenary forces that can significantly improve your bargaining position. The mere threat that you can resort to calling us over, would be a significant factor in your favour. Plus, ask yourself, who do you trust more – us or Sanctum?

We can put in writing, that there will be no attempt on our part to take over – business contract is sacred for our organization.

To Great Japan (GM)

Top secret negotiations (GJ Espionage to read)

The anti-imperialistic rhetoric Sanctum is using rings dangerous in the view of Great Japan’s formation. You have established your nation by bringing order and harmony to the Warlord controlled territories. Now Sanctum is saying such action would be ‘’colonialism’’.

If Indonesia and Korea are either united or controlled by other powers, this will greatly upset status quo in the region. Does Great Japan really need that? If you support our presence, Triumvirate can work to maintain the current status quo in the region – that of the Great Japan’s Hegemony.

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-26, 01:13 PM
United Kingdom
To Russia
Russian airships are welcome in the United Kingdom, though the UK is not at a great deal of risk due to piracy, due to our relatively large Naval and Air forces. Of course, Russian trade is always welcome.

To Argentina
The United Kingdom maintains it's claim to the Falkland Islands, and requests they be returned to British control.

2010-12-26, 01:15 PM


Sanctum does not accept criticism from a state that solves its economic problems through armed conflict. Trade embargos do affect all parties, but it does not end lives. Consider that to some, lives are more important than lining our pockets with the wealth of foreign powers.

Whether or not Sanctum feels that armed conflict is necessary in dealing with the Triumverate's aggression is still being discussed. For Sanctum's part, it will conduct itself accordingly and give ample warning if its military will become involved in stopping the Triumverate's takeover.


What is your stance concerning the Triumverate's involvement with Korea and Indonesia.

2010-12-26, 01:32 PM

To Sanctum

It appears Sanctum is acting under a mistaken impression that Triumvirate is a pirate, plundering the captured cities. At this moment our security forces are making sure, people can walk safely on the streets, hospitals are being resupplied with medicine and new construction is being planned in the captured cities. We seek profit – by restoring, building and developing.

Triumvirate can provide videos from the ports to confirm this. And anybody, who doubts this information can visit our holdings in Indonesia in person.

2010-12-26, 01:51 PM

To Russia
What is the carrying capacity of your airships. We admit that we aren't confident of protecting convoys of ships coming from that far away either. So if your airships can carry the necessary amounts then we agree that this would be a fairly ideal solution. And is there anything that you wish to import in return. After all it would be a shame for your airships to fly half way around the world and then return empty.

To the UK
Your claim is long since expired. We have held the Falklands for decades. They have been fully integrated into our country and have no desire to return to your rule.

To Eden Arcologies
Adolfo Perri is escorted to a rather grim building where he is placed in a small comfortable looking office. Sitting behind a rather plain desk is a small bespectacled man who introduces himself as Captain Ferdanez. After motioning for Perri to sit down in seat facing the desk he says, "Hello and welcome to our little country. We appreciate what you've been trying to do by delivering your seeds to us. But there were however a few irregularities that arose when you did. For instance you didn't fill out the appropriate entry forms. We can fix this very easily though." Captain Ferdanez pulls out a form from his desk. "Since you had such noble intentions I'll fill it out myself and we can it processed right away. Now first off just for the record what country are you from?"

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-26, 02:03 PM
United Kingdom
To Argentina
The Falklands were taken less than 50 years ago, during the British Civil War. We find it hard to believe that the 4,000 or so people who lived there suddenly changed their minds about the issue after your illegal invasion.

2010-12-26, 02:17 PM
To Argentina: The carrying capacity rivals that of most trade ships, and the speed is much faster.

Even though the state is sponsoring the set-up phase of the first airship trade routes, they're still civilian enterprises as most economical matters are. Therefore the return cargo will be on the shoulders of the captains and the companies who will buy the ships themselves from the state. But for the first shipments that are under the Federation's jurisdiction, we would be interested in getting a discount on some industrial machinery. After all, Russia has plenty of natural resources and our heavy industry is having a boom right now.

Forum Explorer
2010-12-26, 03:35 PM
The Great Fleet

To Sanctum
Who has been taken? We'll keep her name a secert to the international community as she is our head of espionage and one of the most powerful and respected Captains in the fleet. When she went missing in Nepal our people screamed for vengance so we've moved in to demand that she be returned or that the goverment changed. It was either this or just attacking and killing everyone we could hit.

Also when did we attack Greater Japan? All of the targets hit were part of Nepal. (OOC: Seriously they should've been I specified Nepal in my EoT)

The events in Indonesia and Korea are entirely seperate. The Triumvirate approached many of our Captains with the offer of some mercerny work and many of them decided to make some cash helping the Triumvirate spread their intrests. We have no intreast in owning a port city.

To Gibraltar
They acted first and what you see is our response. Nothing more nothing less.

2010-12-26, 03:48 PM

The Great Fleet
OOC: Orissa, China. According to Razovor's end of turn/new turn post, the Great Fleet attacked China too which is Great Japan territory.

Gibraltar (Sorry, missed your post earlier)
That is agreeable to us. We will sign a trade pact, and your own naval forces may use our ports to resupply. We are at the moment staying our hand unless conflict is absolutely necessary. Sanctum will corrdiante its efforts with you if it comes to war.

2010-12-26, 04:40 PM

Gopala Kavi, Governor of the Indian region of Tamil Nadu, is meeting with the various religious leaders of Nepal at the Azhagar Kovil Temple, in Madurai, to discuss the attack by the Great Fleet

"Greetings, enlightened people of Nepal. The attack by the Great Fleet has surprised us all, but I am regretful to say it was not unexpected. Our government has kidnapped one of the Great Fleets citizens. Doubtless, many of you are surprised by this. But it is true. The decision was not made lightly, but we believe it was necessary.

There mutters of discontent from the audience, until Prabhat Kiran, respected leader of Shaktist Hindu Church, stands up to speak

"This is outrageous! There is nothing in the Sanātana Dharma that allows such!"

"You question the most enlightened minds in the nation?"

"I do when it affects all of us. What has driven you to such madness?"

"The Great Fleet was a potential risk to our citizens, we needed to take steps to ensure our safety."

"Steps!, look at what these steps bring to our nation. Violence and Bloodshed.

"Umm... sirs, I believe there has been some sort of mistake. We havn't kidnapped any Great Fleet citizens...."

This was from Dipaka Ashok, one of the advisors for the ruler of Nepal.

"Lies! You see the response your actions have brought and seek to cover it up. I am not fooled so easily. I demand you return the Hostage immedietly!

"Hmph. You never could see the bigger picture. This meeting is over.

"I will not be silenced!

Prabhat, normally a peaceful man, reached down to his belt, and drew his sword from it's sheathe. A dozen other Shaktists at the meeting joined him. Gopala responded with gunfire, and before long the whole temple had burst into chaos.

Within a week, the entire Shaktist church was in open combat with the Government. The Smarists joined the Skatists soon after, with the Shaivists remaining in the support of the Government.

The Vaishnavist remained neutral for a few days, but it was there forces that led the attack to reclaim Orissa from the Great Fleet. They were met with a horrific scene, as the Great Fleet butchered all their prisoners and fled. Within minutes the Vaishnavists had joined the fight against the government.

Nepal has fallen into Chaos.

A proper talling of damages, leads to an average estimate of 75% crop loss across all the affected areas.

Western Pacific Conference

"We are willing to join the military alliance, and allow Nepal to be included."

"We will allow Nepal to be included, but we have yet to see whether the Triumvirate are a threat to the region."

Triumvirate (GM)
Thievery! - Economy has been stolen from the Dios Inc treasuries by foreign agents. Inter-law was not able to catch the agents, but the money they stole has been traced to the Great Fleet.

Uzbekistan To Sanctum
We have no problem with Triumvirates actions in Korea and Indonesia. We would be strongly offended if you were to retaliate against them with violence.

Major Indonesian Warlords to Triumvirate
We are unsure who to trust at this time. For now, we'll call it a no.

Greater Japan to Triumvirate
We have established our nation by bringing order and harmony to the Warlord controlled territories. Not by encouraging other nations to do the same. We will take Indonesia when the time is right, and do not appreciate you trying to steal it for yourself. Sanctum is not a problem, and we do not require your help managing our Hegemony

EU, Algunisia, Austrian Empire, Central African Republic, Egyptian Empire, Islamic Republic, New South Africa, Nepal and Greater Japan to the Eden Arcologies
We will assist you in distributing the crops.

Great Fleet (GM)
Where is your flagship; Audacity, right now?

Russia (GM)You receive a number of good offers from Syria, New South Africa, and Brazil for your spare food.

CSA to Triumvirate
We accept your offer.

EU to Gibraltar
We have changed our mind. We will allow your agents in to help us in the investigation.

Gibraltar (GM)
Yes, your hydroponic gardens were affected.

Japan to Russia
That sounds like a good deal. We accept.

Nepal To Sanctum
The attacks worry us, but it is only a small thing, for now they seem to have to intention of expanding further.

Sanctum (GM)
Due to the Triumvirate having a similar espionage score to you, your agents were only able to steal - economy from Dios Inc. Dios Inc has tightened their security after the attack, so it might be wise to wait until next turn before trying again.

South American Warlords to Argentina
A few warlords accept your deal, but they are scattered across Northern South America, and they are a minority in their regions.

Brazil to Argentina
We do not want to join our economy with yours at this time. A trade agreement sounds better.

Mexico and CSA to Argentina
We are willing to join this trade agreement. You must understand that international demand has forced us to raise our prices.

2010-12-26, 05:13 PM

To Ravens (Canadian Warlords)

Triumvirate has a proposal to you. Canada is going to be recognized as a world power soon. It's important for you to gain the prestige and world sympathy to attract further investment, cultural exchange and join the world organizations. There is a way to do so.

Canada used to be a major agricultural exporter. With some additional investment from Triumvirate, you'll be able to recover that position pretty quickly.

Next step would be to join the humanitarian effort proposed by Uzbekistan's politician Ahad Babaev.

To DM, if PM stuff works,
There is going to be a conference held in the New South Africa and Triumvirate will make sure your representatives will be invited. Our image makers will help to prepare your people. It would be good, if you requested their aid to set up democratic elections.

OOC - I might be going in red with all these spending... I'll see about getting other investors and finding new sources of income. That operation in Indonesia is a disaster. I probably could have bought those Warlords for a penny. That's for breaking mercenaries first rule - fight only, when you are paid for it. Never again.

Press Statement on Indonesia Situation

It appears we have acted recklessly without properly considering the situation. Triumvirate realizes the concept of sunken costs and we won't pursue the course of action that will lead to further losses. We will withdraw from the region, if the regional power block will order it. Triumvirate doesn't wish the areas currently occupied to fall into the chaos of power vacuum. We will require to know, to which authority we should relinquish control of the ports, before we depart.

To Iran (GM)

Negotiations are opened to allow mass transit of people from Nepal to Uzbekistan. Triumvirate will pay the costs of this operation.


Ok. Cheap Immigrant Labor plan = Nepal. I would have saved a fortune, if I knew what Great Fleet was plotting.

I'm making arrangments to get refugees from dirt poor, war-torn, starving nation. They'll work for peanunts. And some of them will end up growing food in Canada. (I'll make sure appropriate minimal wage exceptions to laws are passed).

To Sanctum

You realize that Greater Japan is going to attempt annexing the Indonesia eventually?

2010-12-26, 05:19 PM

Western Pacific Conference
"Then this appears to be the consensus amongst us then, that all those represented here will sign a pact of non-aggression, something that will allow stability and trade to flourish in the region.

"As to the matter of a formal military alliance, we are not fully in agreement. As Sanctum is in favor of it, we do extend the offer between us and any single nation here, in hopes that in time a more unified alliance can be workd out in the future.

"Regarding the matter of the Great Fleet, Triumverate, and Nepal, we will have to wait and see what comes of it. Nepal has expressed confidence in its current situation, and we will respect that. They will be invited for our next gathering. In regards to the Triumverate, although all here hope to avoid bloodshed, I suggest that all parties present be prepared for that scenario. Unless there is anything left to discuss, this will conclude the 1st Western Pacific Conference."

We offer you luck and good wishes then.

Thank you for letting us know your position. Understand though, that currently we do not feel comfortable nor satisfied with the Triumverate's actions. Though we will try to avoid any armed intervention, it may be unavoidable if the Triumverate risks our security.

EDIT: Ah, it seems as if the crisis has been averted. Still, we thank you for your response.

We were unaware of that, though this does not surprise us. Thank you for that information and we will keep it mind.

2010-12-26, 05:23 PM
To GM: I'd like an update on how the information from the raid helps the anti-corruption faction in EU. It's extremely important to my plans.

Russian airships are delivering the Eden Arcologies' seeds to those nations willing to accept them in Europe, Africa and Asia. For those who are in the greatest need, Russians give free ordinary grain from their own untouched storages, and offer to sell the rest with pre-virus market price, no markup because of the tragedy.

Pacific Conference:
"Regarding the Triumvirate situation in Indonesia, we believe that the best course of action right now would be to work together in this matter to make sure this powerbloc is taken as a serious effort and not just a PR-move by us.

We suggest that control over the ports be relinguished to a joint committee made up of officials from all our nations, headed by Greater Japan of course. Together, we should attempt to link the native governing authorities up and hopefully build a peaceful regional power of Indonesia under our supervision. All of the current warlords will of course have their say on how things are done. Assuming true unification is a lost cause, at least cooperation between the various minor regional powers should be achieved before we can hand over the governing to the Indonesians themselves.

Anarchy is always a transitive state. We can only affect which direction it goes in. The unification will happen eventually one way or the other; let us make sure it doesn't happen by the way of tyranny."

2010-12-26, 05:29 PM

To the EU:
We thank you for your cooperation on this matter. His Majesty's Investigators will be arriving shortly.

To Russia:
His Majesty's Government regrets that owing to the virus, it has been forced into buying foodstuffs. We hope that amicable trade can be built up from this terrible beginning.

To the GM:
Task Force Alpha is to wait for further instructions before carrying out its previous orders. (Just in case you didn't get my PM)

To EU, Mexico, New South Africa, Uzbekistan, and Algunisia:
Embassy facilities are now available within Gibraltar for your diplomatic staff to take up residence.

2010-12-26, 05:49 PM
To Gibraltar: We will of course offer you a noticeable discount due to the crisis currently going on. But let us look to the future; after all many nations around the world are working together to prevent famine.

After you see the effectiveness, speed and transport capability of the new Russian airship trade fleets, maybe we can set up a permanent route. After all, the high seas are dangerous nowadays, and our nation has plenty of raw resources for you, while you have products we lack.

2010-12-26, 05:50 PM

To all Non-accepting South American Warlords except the ones in Peru. (GM)
Very well we can understand your lack of interest. We maintain our offer if you wish to accept it in the future. Also realize that those who did accept are now under our protection. Any attempts to harm them will be viewed as attempts to harm us.

The Board

To the Warlords in Peru (GM)
From the desk of the President General

By not accepting this proposition you have proven yourselves to be allies of those who would blight this world. I offer you three choices. Surrender, leave the continent, or be destroyed.

President General Velasco Guadalupe

To Brazil (GM)
We can understand your reluctance, but we are true to our word. We propose that both of our countries lower tariffs on all trade goods by at least 50%. That should stimulate trade between our two great nations. If you are willing to do this or have some other better offer please let us know.

The Board

To Mexico and CSA (GM)
We fully understand that prices have risen. We are willing to pay as necessary to make up our shortfall. Let us know when you are ready to ship the food and we will send naval escorts to ensure nothing happens to it on the way. It is our understanding that pirates have been particularly active of late.

The Board

How many trade agreements do I need to make to actually get enough food?

To Russia
Very good we accept your offer then. And we wil make sure to offer a substantial discount on all our industrial goods to reflect our thanks for your help in this time of need. Will your airships need any help getting across the Pacific? We understand that they are considerably faster than the cargo freighters used till now, but we can still dispatch naval and air escorts if needed.

The Board

To the United Kingdom
Which is precisely why the original settlers no longer live there. The current inhabitants consist of loyal Argentinian colonists and one of our Atlantic naval bases. And before you accuse us of massacring innocent civilians know that we simply relocated them. Most of them live in Chile now.

The Board

2010-12-26, 05:53 PM
To Argentina: We have aerial escorts with them, but once we leave African airspace and head over the Atlantic, we would be grateful of any extra fighters you could allocate to their protection. Naval escorts shouldn't be necessary, we intend to fly rather high, but it is of course your choice what to do in your territorial waters.

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-26, 06:07 PM
To Argentina
My point exactly. It is the homes of the Falkland Islanders we are fighting for. They were deported as part of an illegal invasion of sovereign territory of the British Crown.

2010-12-26, 07:20 PM
European Union

There are two announcements by the EU. The first is a minor thing. An address to the government of Argentina. The address itself is spoken in a civil tone, but the speaker is General Thorsten Huber, commander of the EU's armed forces.

"It is the opinion of the European Union, that the Falkland islands are the property of the United Kingdom of Great Britan and Ireland. As such, the nation of Argentina must relent it's control over the islands, and return them to their rightful owners."

The second announcment is more important. It comes from David Fortin, the face of the anti-bribery group in the EU

"Greetings. With much assitance from Russia, we have been able to obtain proof of the Triumvirates bribery of our officials. I have copies of this proof with me now.

Fortin lifts up the briefcase he his holding in his left hand.

"And we will be making it public. Today. So all people may now the truth.

Even amongst us; The few who knew, there were doubts. Some of us did not believe the Triumvirate capable of such. And I say, they were right to be suspicious. An act of this scale, is inhuman. Rulers capable of this, should never have risen to power.

But they did. No one could doubt it now.

The speech ends. Fortin opens his briefcase, takes out the evidence, and holds it up to the nearest camera.

Proof (everyone may read)
The evidence includes;

Taped confessions from thirteen of the confirmed seventeen bribed officials.
Taped conversations between the Triumvirate corporation Inter-Law, and Ermitteln (a private investigative organisation in Berlin) discussing, in detail, the briberies.
Taped confessions from six of the twelve leaders of Ermitteln
Financial documents showing large sums of money transferred from the Triumvirate to Ermitteln, and from Ermitteln to the bribed officials.
Written orders from the Triumvirate, to Ermitteln, regarding the recent vote in the EU, about whether to start a campaign to provide financial support to Uzbekistan. The orders are to ensure that all seventeen individuals voted in favour of the campaign. All of these individuals did vote in the favour of the campaign, despite some having expressed strong views against it in the past.

2010-12-26, 08:33 PM

To the UK (Copied to the EU)
We did not deport them. We realized we might have issues with you eventually so we took some steps. First every citizen of the Falklands was bought out for between 5 to 10 times the market value of their lands. Then we subsidized the purchase by Argentinian citizens of the land from our agents. Then the new citizens of the Falklands passed a referendum declaring their own sovereignty followed by a referendum petitioning to join Argentina. We harmed no one and it was all perfectly legal. If you wish to reclaim it then you will have to buy it back.

To the EU (GM)
As we told the UK the rightful owners of the Falklands are the Argentinian citizens currently living there. We will inspect these treaties, but we doubt they would change anything.

OOC:Seriously Argentina still claims sovereignty right now in real life. It's even in their constitution. I really doubt that the Argentina I wrote the background for would give up those claims for any reason on any treaty. And other than something definitive like that I'm not sure what a treaty would change given that nothing has stopped them from claiming it up to now.

To Russia
Good then if you will let us know when they are supposed to reach the Atlantic we will dispatch a wing of escorts.

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-26, 08:48 PM
To Argentina
The Territory was not owned by the Falkland Islanders, it was simply leased to them by the British Crown. Any sale of this land would simply be a transfer of this lease, and would not give them the right to hand over sovereignty, which remains in the hands of the British Crown. The United Kingdom, however, finds it hard to believe the sale of the land was not carried out under duress.
I am aware that Argentina currently maintain their clam to Falklands to this day. Hell, it's why I decided they snapped up them while the UK was occupied

2010-12-26, 09:06 PM
To the UK
Ah you are apparently not fully acquainted with all the relevant laws. We put this deplorable state down to the insurrection you suffered during the War. As it happens your own government granted the Falklands a constitution of its own which expressly grants them the right for self determination. Regrettably they never used it to take the proper action, but it was there. We managed to save a copy of it that we can show you if you no longer have access to your own copy.

I just read the Falklands Constitution. I never want to do that again for a game.

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-26, 09:09 PM
To Argentina
I think you will find that purchasing land on the Falklands does not make you a citizen of the Falkland islands. Unless you claim they applied for British citizenship too?

Such a referendum on citizenship would also have to be called by the either the British Government, or the Government of the Falklands, who are representatives of the Crown. I am not aware of either doing so.

2010-12-26, 09:26 PM

Sanctum is going to spend (-economy) on non-perishable foodstuffs to give to Europe in light of the food shortage. No strings attached, and Sanctum does not publicize it... though news of it does reach major news networks.

Also (- economy) is going to spent on bribing the Great Fleet's information network. The purpose of this is to turn them into Sanctum's information network. This is not going to be a (-economy) payment each turn, but a one time large bribe, and then a Sanctum payroll after.

Assuming that Sanctum grabs a small portion of it (I know I can't get them all with only that much money) they are to keep a low profile worldwide, but to start to question the Great Fleet's leadership, promoting independence, not unity amongst the pirates.

2010-12-26, 09:37 PM
To the UK
Quite true which is why the referendum did not happen until 8 years later after all the new landholders had received citizenship and by dent of their majority put their own representatives into office. We have no idea why you have no records of this happening, perhaps you should investigate whether other records have been misplaced.

Yes admittedly that's a long term plan that the UK would probably have noticed and responded to. But on the other hand they let it sit for 50 years without disputing it. So I think Argentina has a bit of valid claim here.

2010-12-26, 10:22 PM
Mediterranea News

(Note: former Algunisia. It's an inofficial name now).

In Algier, President Ruiz today announced that, despite crop losses, the Oasis Settlement project would continue, along with the wider and more long term Saharan Terraforming Project.
"It has been twenty years now, since we began the program, and our detractors ask: where are the results of the Saharan projects?
And I tell you: we have always said that your grand children would see the results, and live in a Sahara grassland that was not a desert of stone and sand, but fertile farmland. But what have we achieved today? The sand has stopped spreading north and south. We have fortified oases with rows of bushes and weeds that hold the sand together. Larger bushes and trees will be coming soon.
We have gathered water from the air, and lead it inland in great pipes. The project is working, and already, the berber population will be able to tell the improvement. It is not a useless project."

In related news, the minister of agriculture, Ali Ibn Muhammad, publicly thanked the Eden Arcologies, Russia and Australia for the promised help and stated that already, the Federation's top biologists, among the best in the world, were working on a cure for the virus, and on resistant strains.

To Russia:

We would be more than interested in these technologies. However, currently the Mediterranean economy is fully taxed fighting the virus and feeding it's population. Would you accept either a delayed payment, or a payment in rates?


We do indeed need foodstuffs to get over the current crisis, and would be grateful for any special trade considerations.

To Eden Arcologies:
We greatly appreciated your help and would also welcome future collaborations. Your experience in genetics would greatly benefit our terraforming efforts.

To the Great Fleet:
The Mediterranean federation would be interested in an alliance, which could of course be signed with single captains or the entire fleet, if any man was able to speak for them.
Terms would be possible military help from fleet ships, and a reduction in piracy on federation ships, in exchange for favourable trade and safe ports along the north African and southern European coasts if they were necessary. Of course, the exchange of money for such military services would be out of the question.


Two projects in addition to those mentioned:
After receiving Intelli-crops from the Eden arcologies, Algunisian labs immediately try and secretly retro-engineer their genomes, to try and find useful new applications and make their own genetically enhanced crops.

Second: in an of course highly secret action, we are trying to introduce the virus to Gibraltar's hydroponics.

Forum Explorer
2010-12-27, 01:08 AM
The Great Fleet

The Audacity would be with the fleet that attacked Nepal. That fleet will now withdraw towards the Indian Ocean. I'm not sure what other people are planning so I won't go into more details than that for now. Though without interfernce they'll head to a rig city for some downtime.

To Meddertainian
As its very hard to get the entire Fleet to agree on one thing we offer you this deal in exchange. The right for your ships to fly the banners of the Great Fleet so that while your ships are at sea they will be considered ships of the Great Fleet and for your ports to be considered rig cities. If you want more details on what this means we'll be glad to tell you. In return for this we would also require acess through the Suez channal.

Agian Frank Gwen's face is broadcast to all television stations. The quality is much worse and the background now shows the open ocean. As I suspected the goverment of Nepal is full of incompatence and lies. I regret having to slaughter those people but I could not allow any more of my own men to be put at risk for no reason. I give you this offer: Find where our civilian is or bring her to us and to the group that does so will be offered our help and aid. Fail to do so and we will strike again in two weeks time.

2010-12-27, 02:51 AM

Press Release On EU Bribery Situation

We would like to receive an independent confirmation on the validity of this evidence. The circumstances of investigation were very suspicious, involving secret messages to Ottoman Empire, planes crashing and assassination attempts. It was obtained with the assistance of the Russia, which is a known competitor to Triumvirate. We have also stated several times, that we would cooperate with investigation, but our offices haven't seen any investigators asking questions or requests to provide documentation.

David Fortin has stated that he couldn't believe we were involved in the crime. Then why didn't he even tried to interview our top management or employees, to hear our side of the story? Triumvirate would put the character of David Fortin under question. It sounds like cheap populism to call alleged bribery in a vote to provide charity to a suffering nation, an inhumane crime. His actions hurt international image of EU and drive frictions between its members.

To Iran and Uzbekistan

The current situation in Nepal is dangerous. Greater Japan is known for expanding territory by consuming lands in chaos.

Would you consider formation of a defensive alliance to keep Greater Japan out of Nepal?

To GM Only

Ok. First I'd like to check on those transfers from Triumvirate to Ermitteln.

Second, I'd like to know how profitable it would have been for Triumvirate to bribe EU (considering the only profit for us, were the fees for assisting people in getting it in Uzbekistan). If I can get proof it was unprofitable, it would be nice.

Waiting on: Humanitarian Conference by Uzbekistan and confirmation from CSA about theft of Economy and great fleet.

2010-12-27, 05:52 AM
To Russia:
His Majesty's Government would be glad to purchase food, and we will discuss the setting up of a permanent aerial trade route after this crisis is over.
Such aerial forces as we have will be available to escort the airships.

To the GM:
Firstly, is the above discussions with Russia enough to resolve this crisis. Secondly, get intelligence looking into the origin of the virus, as for it to infect the hydroponic gardens, which are, by their very nature a sealed system, there must have been a man-made cause. [Or did you not know this, in which case let me know].

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-27, 06:27 AM
To Argentina
The British Government does not recognise these citizenships as valid, and has no record of such citizenships ever being applied for. As such, no legitimate election could have taken place. Also, the Government of the Falkland Islands is only partially elective. The de facto head of state is the Governor, appointed and acting on behalf of the British Crown. We know this Governor did not sanction any election, as he fled to Britain to seek asylum upon the Argentinian invasion.
Essentially they let it sit as the previous King didn't care.

2010-12-27, 06:44 AM
To the Mediterranean: All right. We can agree to (- Econ) now and another (- Econ) in two turns' time. Meanwhile, we will of course be helping supply you with food.

To Argentina: All right. I'll attach the flight-plan details now. Thank you for your cooperation.

To Gibraltar: Good. We'll attach the schedule details now. It won't be long. Thank you for your cooperation.

Bribery situation:

The Russian Federation would like to confirm that it loaned the assistance of two squads of elite anti-corruption investigative units to the EU for the purposes of this. The proof is right there and in multiple copies available to anyone who wishes to check it's validity. As for an inhumane crime, the investigation is currently still on about the so-called 'accident' of the downed airplane, proven thus far to be an act of sabotage.

2010-12-27, 07:12 AM

The UK
How about (approximately one quarter of my free foodstuffs) in exchange for (- economy)? We regard this as a very good deal, and hope that this act will endear us to you in the future.

How about (approximately one quarter of my free foodstuffs) in exchange for (- economy)? We regard this as a very good deal, and hope that this act will endear us to you in the future.

(Apologies for missing your pacific conference request. If you want to retroactively discuss something, the delegate would be willing)

Launching my new 'toys' into their satellites and installing them.

2010-12-27, 10:32 AM

Press Release on EU Situation

Triumvirate requests from the anti-bribery group, to present a motive for this crime. What would make our corporation risk its good name, anger our major business partner and spend this much resources?

David Fortin hasn't presented a shred of proof about the perpetrators of the sabotage that lead to the crash of the Eurostar Flight 742. His remark about the ''inhumane crime'' is therefore completely out of place. If somebody believes otherwise, please watch the news from Nepal.

Triumvirate's Investigation

We request the following information in order to persue our own line of investigation into the truth of the matter:

1. Who informed the David Fortin's of the bribery in EU?
2. When did Russia got involved in the investigation and who requested their assistance?

2010-12-27, 11:14 AM
to GM only!: Beginning the first phase of the operation - media blitz. We have more than enough ammunition, ask for independent people to check the validity of the proof, spread copies over the internet for anyone to see, after things get rolling bring up a few smaller cases of corruption and such to fuel the fires. Try to get the people of the EU angry.

Oh, and have Forbin keep his initial sources confidential, citing the airplane crash as reason, not wanting to endanger private citizens for their vigilance.

2010-12-27, 11:59 AM
Eden Arcologies

To Argentina

Adolfo smiled at the Captain and crossed his legs in the uncomfortable chair, smoothing his jacket.

"That is a most interesting question Captain. My grandparents originally came from your fine country and pre-War Peru. However, in our present situation it seems most appropriate to claim citizenship in Eden Arcologies."

To Russia

Once a location had been agreed upon, six large contacts were picked up by Russian air defense radar. As escort fighters were launched, reports began streaming into Russian command of six massive, black aircraft, as large as two antiquated Boeing 747 planes places side by side. Each was propelled by four glowing V-Tol engines, and though they were relatively slow they reached their target in a matter of hours and landed with surprising grace. As soon as they touched down, their bellies opened and disgorged a number of shining pre-war construction robots, including a massive sonic drill. As they began breaking ground, a single cybernetic representative approached the gathered Russian workers sent to help, basic architectural plans in hand.

--- ---

Elena Demichev favored the Captain with a smile.

"Thank you, that would be ideal. My colleagues will accompany your other two ships in order provide similar safeguards, if they may?"

2010-12-27, 12:25 PM

Concerning the ports controlled by the Triumverate
Sanctum suggest implementing the Russian Federation's idea for a cooperative effort between the western pacific nations to restore stablity and legitmately seek out the local powers that be that should be in charge.

EDIT: Sanctum also signs a petition to have Triumverate leave the ports and asks that the other Westernn Pacific power do so as well.

Sanctum is looking to expand it trade to the western hemisphere. However, concerns over piracy prevents us from committing to it. What are your thoughts on the matter?

2010-12-27, 12:37 PM
To Eden Arcologies(and GM):
The plans are agreed upon. If EA needs any help, the Russians will provide. Of course they'll generally look over what's going on to avoid someone building a hidden nuclear missile silo or whatever on their backyard, but there won't be any real breach of privacy.

--- ---

"Of course." The interior of the ships has been somewhat customized by the captains and crew themselves - the one Elena gets on has an 'antique' feeling with wooden interior decor and carvings. However, small signs show the ship is both new and very efficient.

((OOC: GM, the seeds are transported as planned.))

2010-12-27, 02:12 PM
The Ottoman Empire
We are glad that the EU has at last put everything out into the open. We hope they now understand that this is a better way, and that they will continue to follow this example in the future.

It seems that indeed there has been some misdeed on the part of the Triumvirate. The Ottoman Empire will say to the EU that if they have a problem witht their officials, they should keep a closer check on them in the future. The Ottoman Empire does not condemn the actions of the Triumvirate. We do ask instead that in the future, if your actions are put on question you will explain everything imediately, as this will help avoid the embarrasing investigation that we have all endured.

The greater problem appears thus: the sabotaged plane originally carrying the proof. The Ottoman Empire announces it is starting a project to increase our investigation abilities, to enable us to seek out the truth where others conceal it. Our first order of business will be to discover which nation or group sabotaged the plane. This was not merely an attack that cost lives, it was an attempt to stop the unveiling of the truth that the plane carried and this afront can not be laid to rest.

2010-12-27, 02:35 PM

On EU Bribery Scandal

Triumvirate still requests that Anti-Bribery Group presents our supposed motive for this crime, before we will say our final word on the whole affair. We also request that Russia reveal the details of their involvement. Certainly by lifting the veil of secrecy, no harm could come to the honest.

We would also like condemn the way Anti-Bribery group has conducted themselves - as some sort of secret organization, instead of pursuing the matter through proper open channels. This has led to much confusion and deaths of people. The good intentions don't excuse improper conduct. We expect voluntarily resignation of David Fortin.


To Ottoman Empire (Espionage 0)

The situation couldn't be explained immediately, because the leadership of the Triumvirate was as in the dark as you. It is possible, that some of our local managers are behind the corruption. If that is true, they have acted without informing their superiors and will suffer the consequences.

2010-12-27, 04:40 PM
EU Bribery Scandal

The extent of Russian involvement was making available two squads of specially trained police officers for the purposes of the investigation, who helped with tracking some leads, advised in planning of the operation and participated in the latest raid in Berlin. This help was given to EU freely, the initiative coming from the Russian government. Said squads have since returned to Russia, where the campaign against corruption has finally been officially finished.

As for the motive, we would like to ask Triumvirate to conduct an investigation on their own officials, finding out the culprits, and asking them. After all, investigating without permission on another nation's affairs could be considered espionage, and we cannot know how high-level a decision it was. However, the proof is undoubtedly valid, so it remains a fact that the deed was done, for one reason or another.

2010-12-27, 05:09 PM

To Russia, Anti-Bribery Group and EU:

Would russian government explain, why your agents were investigating the EU officials in the approximate time period, when the Ottoman Empire was contacted about possible corruption in EU? You weren't invited by the official EU government, as they weren't aware of the corruption at the time. This could be a serious issue, after all, investigating without permission on another nation's affairs could be considered espionage. And recruiting the aid of foreign nations to preform secret operations that affect your own government can be considered treason.

We have began investigation of our own officials. We will allow other nations to check any information we find and provide reasonable cooperation to any official investigation.

To Ottoman Empire


There is a cloud of darkness surrounding the EU. But we will shine the light of truth on it.

On Espionage

Triumvirate proposes a cooperation between our secret services. As a sign of trust we will provide full access to data on our counter-espionage and intelligence operations, so you will know that Triumvirate is pursuing a policy of honesty and truth. This should double the amount of information your current secret agencies have access to. We hope that you will return the gesture by providing assistance for counter-espionage effort in the territories, where Triumvirate has business interests and training for the mercenary forces of Inter-Law Inc.

To GM (secrety-secrety)

Really secrety!

Ok just wanted to list all secret things I'm doing:

1. CSA assisted investigation on Theft of Economy. Confirm that it was(n't) Great Fleet., Alternative Suspect: Gibraltar.

2. Investigate Triumvirate officials mentioned in ''Bribery Proof'', check if anybody was subverted. See connections with point 1 (theft of Economy).

3. Prepare proof, that Triumvirate didn't steal any of the EU fianacial aid to Uzbekistan. Just was paid fees for securing the aid.

2010-12-27, 05:31 PM
The answer is simple: Russian agents were not. In fact, there is no such thing as Russian 'agents'. The assistance offered was in the form of two squads of policemen. As you might have noticed, David Fortin publicized their investigation. Russia simply heard of a possible corruption scandal and, considering our own stance on corruption, decided to offer our specialists to help.

2010-12-27, 05:41 PM

To Russia and EU

Then we have information that directly contradicts this statement. Triumvirate presents the reports and memos that detail ''Russian Agents'' investigating the EU officials. Their validity can be checked with a proper investigation, preferably without involvement of Anti-Bribery Group and Russia, as they have vested interests in the outcome.

2010-12-27, 05:46 PM
Agent (noun) "Agent may refer to one who acts for, or in the place of, another, by authority from him; one intrusted with the business of another."

I'm sorry, we assumed you meant some sort of movie secret agents or somesuch. Yes, Russian police officers with specialist training did help the EU.

2010-12-28, 06:43 AM
The Ottoman Empire

Triumvirate (Esp. 0)
We would be glad to combine our intelligence forces for our investigation. We look forward to working with you and thank you for the help in finding the criminals reponsible for the sabotage.

2010-12-28, 01:56 PM

Ottoman Empire/GM

Triumvirate will provide full assistance in the search for those responsible in the sabotage. In return we request your assistance in our investigation into the corruption in the Triumvirate ranks.


Would you be interested in purchasing the services of Inter-Law mercenaries in your current military campaign? While Argentina's military is certainly formidable and bound to win, the addition of our troops will bring an overwhelming advantage that will help you cut the costs and time of war.

2010-12-28, 07:06 PM
The battle for mongolia rages on. Both sides have taken equal losses, but Japan has the greater industry. Three weeks after the first victory by the Liberation army, the Japanese research division releases their latest project. Bullet-proof, heat resistant, full body, light-weight battle armour. The armour is being mass-produced and released to all troops on the front lines.

Media Frenzy
The EU bribery scandal has risen to become a major article of every nations news. Almost every day, another government official appears on the T.V. to chastise the Triumvirate for their scandalous behaviour. Tension is building, as the public begin to lose faith in the Triumvirate.

CSA to Triumvirate
We are able to confirm that the Great Fleet did not steal the money from your treasuries. We were not able to find the real culprit.

CSA to Sanctum
We know you stole money from the Triumvirate. Give us a reason not to tell them.

Mongolian Liberation Army (GM)
Recent fighting decreases your military by -, The Japanese suffered similar loses, but their latest project negates that.

CSA to Mongolian Liberation Army
You seem to be in a bit of a pickle. We are willing to offer you assistance. For a reasonable price.

Triumvirate (GM)
After a thorough investigation, the CSA are unable to find any traitors in your organisation. No nation has an espionage score greater than the CSA, so if there were traitors, they should have found them.

The money transfers seem valid. You have equally valid documentation of your own which contradicts them.

The bribery would be unprofitable for you. Unfortunately, in one of the tapes, an Inter-Law official explains that they wern't expecting to get a profit from this bribe. It was only the first of several planned bribes.

Sanctum (GM)
Foodstuffs brought. Information network bribed. Independent thought being sowed.

2010-12-28, 07:09 PM
To GM: I see the EU morale is... growing. Surprising, considering the recent developments. Let's up the propaganda ante to see what we can do to countermand this.

2010-12-28, 09:38 PM
To Sanctum:
"We are already preparing to move against the Great Fleet. Our own ports and most important coastal areas are secure, and we are massing to attain strike capability against them. No pirates will gain any ground on Russian soil, and we will take the fight to them once we are finished.

We ask but one thing of you. For as long as Triumvirate is cooperating with the pirates, do not stay your hand of attacking them aswell."

Sanctum also receives a message from the Russian Federation:
With the threat of pirates growing near your waters, Russia would like to set up a few trade routes using a new design of trade airship, well capable of carrying large amounts of resources over any terrain. They're also capable of defending themselves against any normal pirate raid. In exchange we would like some tax benefits.

We're also willing to sell the design in exchange for (+ Econ).

To Mongolian Liberation Front:
"Russia hears the call, and will answer. However, as of yet, we must do so discreetly. Set us up a few locations to help supply your efforts, and you will have supplies and weapons."

Russia: (5 ESP to read.)

"They are made, and they are ready. We appreciate your efforts, and have done our best to.. obscure their design in the eyes of our enemy. The people of Mongolia are indebted to you."

2010-12-28, 09:52 PM
To MLF: "We wish you luck in your struggle, and will help more once additional resources come available. As long as our name isn't attached to the war, we will supply you in secret."

2010-12-28, 11:54 PM

If you wish to tell them, that is your decision. What we can offer you is the reason for our actions, and the end result should you divulge your discovery.

As to our motives, it was our attempt to prevent warfare in Indonesia and Korea. If the Triumverate had stayed, I assure you that there would have been war, and with the Great Fleet acting as mercenaries, the war will have been bloody on all sides. So, we broke up their alliance as best as we could, and the end result speaks for itself. No bloodshed, balance restored, and (-economy) sent to aid Europe with its terrible famine.

Now then, as to what will happen should you divulge your discovery to the world, the Triumverate will jump on this opportunity and drown the worldwide press with what they will claim to be a great evil, trying to push their own case of corruption under the rug. Not only this, but the Triumverate may just change its mind and keep its colonies resulting in the war which the Russian Federation seemed eager to start. The Great Fleet will take the opportunity to act as a martyr, and may even go so far as to declare war on Sanctum. We at Sanctum will stand behind our actions and use the prevention of war as pretext. Other powers such as the Great Japan, and USA may take the opportunity to gain grounds on both the Triumverate and Sanctum. Other nations may take the chance to stand on a soapbox and speak their mind. Then nothing.

In essence, nothing meaningful will come of revealing our actions save perhaps more media frenzy, more tension, and even possibly war when it was the prevention of such which guided my hand.

Now that you have appoached me, which I am grateful of, there is something I would like to dicuss with you. I am looking for a way to bring the two ends of the Pacific together through trade, but so long as piracy controls the routes, I see no feasible way to do this on a large scale. I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter, and ways you think we could successfully start off trade which has been silent for decades. I think we both agree that while the Triumverate has several issues it must clear up, Sanctum has much more stability and potential to become a lasting partner with the CSA.

I would like to visit you at your capital and discuss the possibility of such a trade agreement betwen continents and what both our parties would want in the exchange.


Alsandra Winheim

2010-12-29, 04:34 AM

EU Scandal

Triumvirate has concluded our investigation. There is no corruption within our ranks and we weren't involved in the bribery scandal. The results of the investigation would be available to any nation, that wishes to confirm its validity.

We would like to point out that the evidence against our corporation was collected through illegal means, by a secret cabal within EU, with aid of foreign nation, that was acting on EU soil without permission of the official government.


Ok. So can I organize Humanitarian Conference to combat famine by the proxy of Uzbekistan and Ahad Babaev in New South Africa? I can make the post myself, if it's within Triumvirate's power to arrange. I'm also plotting to have Ravens join in on the effort to boost their WO.

Also, did the operation against the Anti-Bureaucracy Front with aid of CSA happened? (We were letting them get fake weapons shipment, tracking it to their bases. With info aquired in their bases, strike against their supplies and financial backers).

My research teams begin cooperation with CSA on their space program. I'll detail it in EoT.

Unfortunately, in one of the tapes, Inter-Law official explains that they wern't expecting to get a profit from this bribe

And identity of this ''official''?

OOC - I've realized there were probably no traitors, but I've already sent the orders. I switch between impulsive and calculating ever other turn.

2010-12-29, 07:50 AM
The Mongolians were moving.

They had marshaled their soldiers, and what few items of body armor they had been able to salvage from the fallen Japanese. Reinforced with the strength of ill gotten artillery, and newly constructed naval power they marched towards their goal under the cover of night.

Decades of experience in Gurellia warfare taught them that to strike at the hours before dawn was best, as most encampments were still at rest, and the watch was light. Today, they assaulted a labor camp, used for the relatives of the former Mongolian Government along with any political disedents that had dared challenge the rule of glorious Japan.

The scout force gestured towards each other on the mossy overlook at the northeast, they were to lay the ground for the primary strikeforce whilist an armored column struck from the south east moments later. The plan was to split the majority of the Japanese forces away from the armored transports and tanks while the foot soldiers, artillery, and air support drove a wedge into their lines so the armored columns and the infantry regiments could meet, and mop up remaining forces.

Coils of steel cable were tossed down, and repelling equipment was set up as the two scouts assumed sniping positions, the barret .50 cal equipped with a highly illegal silencer on the end of the barrel. The IR scope lit up, and the world swirled into a haze of colors. Two moving shapes on each corner and two more patrolling the walls.

The two scouts with rifles took aim, aiming for the centers of heat. The brain, and the heart. Two small reports signaled the end of the north east corner. The trick was to snipe each man before they reached the check in point with each of the machine gun nests guards. Two more reports, two more bodies.

However, by now, the Japanese had noticed the silence, and the smoke coming from each corners smoking guard had stopped. A single high keening alarm went off, and the scout force immediately moved to the side, rows of Mongolian Foot Soldiers began to repel down the walls even as machine gun fire focused in on them from the surviving nest on their side.

A man came forward, carrying a rocket propelled grenade launcher, and he steadied his aim even as his brothers fell around him. His whole body tensed as he pulled the trigger, a gout of flame issuing from the back as the launcher delivered it's deadly payload a single man diving from the nest as the gunner got hit in the chest, and the .50 cal he was working turned to ash with his bones.

By now, the armored column had begun to roll in, dust roaring around the treads of a battle tank rushing full speed against the walls. The terrain here had initially been chosen due to it's ease of clearing with the machine gun nests, and the targeting of infantry with the mortars. It had been planned before the Mongolian Liberation front had been anything. However, that did not mean that the Japanese hadn't made updates since the last encounter where a commando force broke their last fortress near the Mongolian Capital.

A Japanese tank, bearing the rising sun flag fired, vaporising an approaching Hum Vee, it's passengers either leaping or being crushed under the oppressive firepower of such massive gunnery. The artillery of the Mongols wasn't inactive either however, even as they drove at a full 58 miles per hour, they thundered their shells away into the walls of the fortress, high explosive and custom acidic rounds burning through and breaking fortification even as the majority of the Japanese forces turned tail to encounter the Mongol main force.

Aircraft were sundered, the skies filled with fire even as with the last wave of Mongol troops. The leader himself advanced, taking down a Japanese defense troop with a well placed blow to the temple. The strength of the man's powerful arms, combined with the strength of his martial arts, causing the man's head to cave in, and he fell over. Already dead before he hit the ground.

The Mongols objective was clear, to first clear out the women's and childrens quarter before tending to the men. Each of these men were valuable informants, and would serve well in teaching the Mongols Japanese tactics, and their politics.

The report of a cannon broke the staccato of gunfire every 3rd second, the back and forth of the tank battalions engaging in a brutal and bloody war where every meter had to be scrapped and bled for even as the North East bank set up it's artillery emplacements and AA guns, each being wheeled in on the back of Humvee's, the massive crash of artillery shaking the world as if God himself had come down to smite the enemies of Mongolia. To the soldiers of Japan it may as well have been the sky that had come crashing down upon their barracks the few soldiers who had not yet been ready being crushed to death underneath tons of wood, and concrete.

Anton marched fearlessly at the head of his men, his martial arts coupled with his marksmanship, and tactical prowess bringing his unit much glory as they drove the wedge, an RPG signalling the end of the last tank even as he turned to the west, the women's and children's quarter. He marched towards it, his unit providing cover and knowing well his tactics even as he opened fire with a Japanese rifle, placing two rounds square into the eyes of the last of the Japanese opposition.

He turned, examining the squalor that these children were forced to live in, hay topped shacks that didn't even keep out the rain, let alone provide protection against the brutally harsh winters of Mongolia. He raised his hand to open the door, and found the children all huddled against the wall. He advanced intending to welcome them back to their homeland personally when a Japanese that had been in hiding exploded from cover, screaming something about the spawn of filth not being worthy of life if they would not serve greater Japan, and firing off a staccato burst into the mass of children. The scream of a small girl overwhelmed the sound of the report.

Rather than the splorch of blood though, of a child's last breath passing twixt it's lips, down dull thuds followed by a tearing sound and a grunt were heard.

Anton had interposed himself between the children and the gunfire, the rounds being more advanced than what his prototype armor could handle, had torn through. Blood oozed from two wounds on his back, and had torn his back muscle to shreds.

Yet, he moved. Yet, he stood. He turned to the Japanese soldier that had fired, a remorseless look in his eyes as he crossed the room in seconds, disarming the Japanese by breaking his wrist with an intricate blow. A retort to the Japanese's earlier statement, in the man's own language passing through the man's lips. A harsh whisper, with the killing intent of a gun pressed against his temple even as Anton settled into a mixed martial arts stance of Greecian Military Unarmed training, and the way of the intercepting fist.

"Filth who would fire on children do not deserve to live."

He then proceeded to lash out one time, the Japanese now officer from the brands on his uniform, his fist piercing through the eye socket of the man, pushing apart tendon and bone as Anton broke the man who had dared to aim upon a child. His fist withdrawing, covered in gore as he turned to his soldiers and gestured towards the children. The men rushing in the room, and hurriedly exiting even as Anton fell to one knee. He breathing harsh.. he.. He still had work to do. He could not let himself die as long as this injustice continued. Never the less. Anton was no fool, and he called for a medic.

It would be many hours before one reached him, the cries of the dying, maimed, and injured all around him.. the dull roar of fire mixing with this as he faded from the anesthetic the medic had administered.

"Truly. There is no hell like war."

2010-12-29, 06:08 PM

To the UK
So then your claim is that the citizenships are not valid because the legitimate government of the Falklands abandoned its post. And for more than 50 years no representative of the United Kingdoms ever even made an inquiry to see what was going on. We feel that is a fairly strong argument for our claim. Either the government was legitimate and the citizenships are valid or else the UK abandoned the Falklands and is now trying to retrieve them after Argentinian citizens have spent decades developing them economically. That would be a very low move on the part of the UK and so of course we have immediately discarded it as an invalid motive. Instead we feel that your inquiries are instead made because of genuine concern for the former citizens of the Falkand Islands. To which we can only say that none of them were ever harmed and they are now living peacefully on the mainland.

To the Eden Arcologies
The captain smiles. "Ah you see we have run into another problem. We have no record of the Eden Arcologies as a country. But do not worry in chaos following the great wars there were many countries that were formed and dissolved. So in the interests of efficiency we have created this quick form. Just answer a few quick questions and I'll send it over to the foreign affairs office and we can recognize your right away. Simply tell us where your country is, what kind of government you use, and whether you have any interest in establishing permanent relations." He smiles again. "Why I'm sure we could even set you up with an embassy if you would like."

To Sanctum
We very much agree that pirates are a major problem. Fortunately our naval patrols are ever vigilant and have kept our coasts free of infestation, but we can't say the same for the ocean past our own territorial waters. What plans do you have to deal with them?

To Triumvirate
We appreciate your offer. The addition of your forces would greatly speed our military's victory. For now though our forces appear to be more than sufficient for the job, so for now we see no need of your services. However our plans do include the need for additional forces in the future. If you could forward your payment plans for various levels of force we would be greatly appreciative.

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-29, 06:14 PM
United Kingdom
To Argentina
The Falklands government did not abandon it's post. They were forced off by foreign, and illegal invasion. Diplomatic effort was made, telling Argentina to pull it's forces off of British territory, but expediencies of nuclear war, and the following civil war ensured that they were not a major focus.

The United Kingdom maintains it's claiim, which is recognised by the EU. We are prepared to take further action if necessary to ensure our claim is upheld.

2010-12-29, 06:27 PM

To the UK
We forced no one off. In fact he only military forces involved were a small coast guard cutter which was simply sent over to see if the Falklands required any help with its foremost ally embroiled in civil war. We have no idea why the governor chose to flee as no Falklanders were harmed. As to your diplomatic efforts we received nothing. We put this down to the same departmental miscommunication that lost all the requests for citizenship we sent.

We are interested in hearing what exactly you are trying to do by claiming it thought. The original Falklanders have been living in their new homes for decades and have built up lives and relations there. And so have the Argentinian colonists living in the Falkland islands. Do you propose to relocate both groups and disrupt the lives of at this point well over 12,000 people.

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-29, 06:29 PM
To Argentina
If you prefer, I could pay them large sums of money, move the original Islanders back on, and have them call a referendum?

2010-12-29, 06:43 PM

To the UK
Well we have nothing against you buying the land. In fact if you refer back to our earlier messages you will notice that we actually suggested that as a course of action. We do warn you though that when we orignially bought the land from the Falklanders we were forced to pay them a far higher price than the market value of their land. Our Argentinan colonists will probably feel the same and the land has been heavily developed since then.

2010-12-29, 07:12 PM

On the space station Henry Carter.
"Sir, we've finished installation of both the new reactor and the main weapon. All systems are showing green."

"Good. Pull back the team, and fire up the satellite's thrusters. Move it to high orbit, and rotate to aim for the asteroid belt. Might as well get a range on this thing."

"Very good. Moving now, ETA in four hours."

Canberra,the President's Lodge.
All right, so our new system's installed." stated Alexander Graham, President of the USA.

"Yes sir. The military's moving to test-fire it now."

"Good. But we have other pressing matters. Get the UK and Meditterania on the line. We need to find out whether they've accepted our offer before we start shipping."

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-29, 07:19 PM
United Kingdom
To Argentina
The United Kingdom will not allow it's sovereign territory to be bough and sold as goods. However, we are willing to let the issue stand, for now.

To Australia
The United Kingdom accepts your offer.

2010-12-29, 07:33 PM

All across the world, on all frequencies, a transmission goes out.
'Greetings. This is a transmission from the NWF. You may not have heard of us, but we have been in existance for several decades. We have seperated ourselves from the mass of the planet for some time in order to pursue our search for the truth, but recent events have forced us to intervene. We request that all research on space-based weapons systems cease immediatly. We further request that the perpertrators any and all actions that take place within the arena of space contact the NWF for permission before acting. These are simply to protect our soverign territory. Any and all astronauts in space may be evacuated, but we request that you contact us previously before doing so. We apologise for any inconvienince that this may cause.'

To the GM
Our spacecraft recieve instructions to destroy the american space station immediately, with missiles or lasers at full range. When tha tis complete, ships are to begin docking all around the globe at various satelites, and will sieze control - or destroy if control cannot be siezed - of them immediately.
On an unrelated note, we must now begin construction of some form of power projection on the ground. I was thinking utilising our direct neural links in a robot with a minimal AI on board the space station, interpreting the feed of data coming in, marking targets, etc and projecting that in a HUD over the pilot's (who is also on board the space station, of course) view. The actualy robot would be somewhat larger than a human, but would be almost entirely armor for the mechanical devices inside. I was thinking make outer shell out of carbon nanotubes and the inner layers out of ceramics and the like. Anyway, we should be able to place the central conhtrl system in a relatively secure enviroment, and the whole thing should be nigh-impossible to kill without serious firepower. I don't know how strong a meter or so of carbon nanotubes and buckypaper is, but I guess it should stand up to most stuff. The important thing is that we try and get something that can survive a drop from terminal velocity, and hopefully has some form of control over it's descent. Perhaps adding a deployable foam matress thing that spread the impact area and increased the stopping time would help, but really, i'm no aeroengineer. But it should be doable. What do you think?

And finally, because war looks fairly likely, it is time to attatch propulsion systems to excess satelites and determine the required propulsion times and the like to drop them on various targets on the earth's surface. Major cities, for one.

To Russia
I believe we can come to a deal. We have a wide array of exotic materials, extremely advanced computers, and a full willingness to trade. What do you have that you would be willing to exchange? We already can acquire our limited needs of metals.

2010-12-29, 08:16 PM
Eden Arcologies

After only five weeks of construction, the surface Arcology in the Urals is completed. Though they are prevented from examining the internal workings of the building, Russian inspectors are led through the massive structure, allowed to marvel at the arboretum that dominated the center. Within days, precious gold, cadmium, titanium, chromium, and more were flooding from the Arcology, in addition to more common iron, copper, and lead. At the same time, seismographs begin to pick up strange readings both from the new Arcology and from an underground location deep in the Carpathians.

Meanwhile, in each location visited by the Russian aid fleet, members of the Arcologies disembark to both ensure the security of the Intelli-crops and to begin formal diplomatic relations with the various nations of Europe, Asia, and Africa.


In light of the recent bribery scandal involving Triumvirate, it has occurred to us that you may wish to open trade relations with another partner able to supply you with a similar quantity of industrial materials. We are in such a position, and would be honored to sign a formal trade agreement with your nation.

To Russia

In light of our new Arcology, a formal trade agreement seems in order. Should that prove amenable to your government, we would like to pursue closer diplomatic ties with the Russian Federation.

To Sanctum

Greetings. Our leader is most interested in building a relationship between our two nations, and in meeting your miraculous Ms. Winheim. Would it be possible to arrange a meeting between the two?

To Argentina

Adolfo's smile never wavered as his neon eyes met the Captain's.

"Of course. We are currently located in several subterranean locations, but I am not at liberty to say more. I am sure in light of our humanitarian aid, you will be satisfied with that."

2010-12-29, 08:25 PM
To Eden Arcologies: Of course. Let us draft up the formal agreement.

We're curious however, what are those odd seismograph readings? You understand, they make some of our scientists nervous.

((OOC: The area isn't /that/ resource-rich, any large mineral deposits have long since been mined out. But with your tech, I'm sure you find some things.))

To the New Way: We have large amounts of all kinds of natural resources, of course, as well as industrial goods of all kinds. But most of all, I'm sure your populace would like to see what all kinds of luxury goods, exotic foods and such the world has produced during your isolation.

2010-12-29, 08:37 PM

To Russia
True. However, the populace does not need to be distracted from their tasks by such fripperies. We see that you have a vast amount of industrial capacity. Would you be willing to assist us in the construction of an industrial project or two? Specifically, what is the worlds research status on metamaterials and the like? If research has not advanced in thay area would you be willing to assist us in an extension of our air fleet?

Forum Explorer
2010-12-29, 09:03 PM
The Great Fleet

We would like to offer you a defensive alliance as it seems that both of our nations will have no interference from each other. You do whatever you want in space and we can do what we want with the sea.

2010-12-29, 09:08 PM
Eden Arcologies

To Russia

Ah, yes, the seismograph readings. We cannot disclose full details until Russia has formally recognized our sovereignty, of course, but please do not worry. Our facilities are linked by an underground mag-lev system, and we are simply expanding it to include the new Arcology.

Now, for the trade agreement, if the Russian Federation recognizes our sovereignty and our right to exploit as-yet unexplored resource veins within the Ural mountains, we shall agree to trade them to you at a favorable price, as well as supplying you with our patented Intelli-crops at 80% of the price we shall be asking from other nations. Are these terms acceptable?

2010-12-29, 09:21 PM
To NWF: We'd be willing to build up your airforce for you, not including any systems you wish to keep secret, in exchange for getting their designs and you supplying the nonstandard materials. As well as a standard price-per-unit of course, but we can negotiate a lower cost for that.

To EA: Ah, a Mag-Lev. If you would like to provide us with details of the route it'll take, considering it'll be going under Russian territory, we would be grateful.

We are producing a surplus of food, as well as normal metals. We'll of course be willing to buy more rare metals if you offer a good price. However, most of Ural Mountains is privately held, and the Government areas are generally already in use. You will of course be allowed to exploit the zone you have been given for your construction, but you will have to negotiate with private companies for the rights to other parts. ((OOC: Total of + Econ here if you want full access or - if you want partial.))

However, we would be very interested in high-tech production goods, such as machinery, computers and such. Or perhaps a project; if you are willing, we could give you (- Econ) and trading benefits in exchange for building a mag-lev network between our major cities.

2010-12-29, 09:36 PM

To The Great Fleet
It is good to see a like-minded power in this uncertain world. I believe we can come to an agreement.

To Russia
We have a deal.

To the MLF
It occurs to us that you have a problem. Thousands of your people are dying every day in the struggle to liberate your country. We offer assistance, in return for the prototype armor that you have acquired. We simply need a few suits to examine, and we can save thousands of lives. We both win.

2010-12-30, 12:00 AM
"What the hell? Why are they acting up now?"

"We don't know. But they have at least as much power as us in space."

"But what's this crap about 'soveriegn territory'? Space cannot be a sovereign territory by current standards."

"We'll contact them and see if we can straighten this out."

We apologise, but what happens in over our sovereign area of control is none of your business. You are not a recognised nation, and until that occurs you have no sovereign control. However, we do not intend to ruffle any more feathers than we have to. Leave our operations alone, and we will not interfere with you, and will supply favourable terms in negotiations for the quality exports we create. Given we have the most ideal method of launching them out to you at this time, we'll also waive launch fees. We find that the vacuum of space is an ideal place to test weapons that could have an adverse affect on the earth's environment, which is why we're testing in the first place.

2010-12-30, 12:11 AM

The flickering figure moved through the metaverse, was waved through the firewalls, and stepped into the communciation center. It spoke. 'Councilmembers, we have recieved a communication from the surfacers. I request your permission to delay the destruction of the unauthourised weapon.'
'Granted... For now. Keep the weapons primed and in position. Instruct a ship to land and sieze control of the station. '

On of the small ships, over the course of an hour, moves up to the station. One docking action later, it locks onto the hull with electromagnets. Inside the station, a hiss is heard as that section of the hull is cleanly cut out with thermal lances and a buzz-saw equivilent, and five armed men move out. Swiftly, they occupy strategic points, searching the station for living targets.
Having satifiyed themselves that they are alone, they proceed to go through the station's technology, eventually leaving. They then send a collection of robots into the station, and begin an expert examination of the reactor.
No. Things are simpler than that. We control space, by right. Our arrival there makes a space's first colonists, and thus we control it. We control it with as much value as you control your lands. As for lack of recigntion, we have not reconised you, either. We are willing to make a deal, but you must understand that any further invasions of our territory will be met with deadly force. Do not start a war for your right to build highly destructive weapons in our territory. We are willing to negotriatite a return of your space station. Are there any astronauts on board?

We are sorry to see that you have built a base on the moon. We will be landing shortly to move the inhabitants back to earth. Any objections may be voiced on any frequency in the short-wave band.

2010-12-30, 12:24 AM

Do you believe you will be able to produce the Great Fleet's spymaster- yes, the Great Fleet told us that is who was missing -in the time frame allotted or will you require assistance? Naturally our help will not come for free, but at the moment I think we can both agree that time is of the essence.

Because let us be frank, the chances that your nation actually captured and have been holding their spymaster, for some mastermind plan that involves the fracturing of your central government is unlikely.

USA and Russian Federation
First of all, Sanctum would like to remind you both to sign the accord that asks the Triumverate to leave Indonesia and Korea.

Secondly, Sanctum is considering giving some assistance to Nepal. The Great Fleet's claim is not sufficient, that their spymaster is the missing person in question. Even if that is the case, their actions are unacceptable and I would prefer a strong Nepal that is in Sanctum's and perhaps your, debt, not an anarchic region where the Great Fleet may or may not get a foothold on land.

Currently we ae speaking with the Central States of America as well, and may extend our discussions with other eastern pacific powers. What I have in mind is to cleanse the pacific of the Great Fleet. The mercenary actions in Indonesia and Korea, their invasion and subsequent killings in Nepal, and their threats towards us specifically has given me the conclusion that they are a threat to the region, and to any potentiall trade between the east and west.

I would like to come personally to Argentina to discuss the matter soon (next turn). Would that be acceptable?

2010-12-30, 12:32 AM
I believe you'll find we've been in space longer than you. If I recall, your station was only assembled a short time before the Third War and while you may have lived in space, this does not give you the right to declare it your domain. That said, your lack acknowledgement of us as a nation means nothing. One must be acknowledged by other nations to be a nation, and we are acknowledged by all. We are willing to let your interception of our test satellite go for now, though, as we see no reason to launch an attack on your station. While we do not hold acknowledge your territorial claims, we can see that the construction of our weaponry is a clear and present threat to your station. We are willing to negotiate on this matter.

2010-12-30, 12:35 AM

To the USA
Good. Now, would you like to make a deal? We have examined your space station, and we find the technology to be most intresting. Do you have any more similar devices? Perhaps we could make an exchange.

2010-12-30, 01:37 AM

Well, first, we'd advise you to get off the satellite, as it has private military secrets, and we do not wish to be forced to destroy it. In regards to a technology swap, what would you have to offer? I would like to keep the technology in question secret and exclusive (that is, you may not trade the tech i trade you, and vice versa). We have several instances of the technologies you are referring to, all of which are currently being refitted to match that satellite. On the other hand, what do you have to offer us?

2010-12-30, 01:53 AM

'Looks like we have a problem. Ship beta-twelve, we have recieved infomation the the station is volatile. It posseses security devices that may be remotely detonated. Evactuate. '

'If we must.

The robots scuttle back into the ship and move away. The robots send a highly advanced virus into the system before leaving, which is then controlled from home by a team of highly trained virtual breachers. When the self destruct is found and secretly neutralised, the robots move back. They continue taking the place apart.

2010-12-30, 01:59 AM

To the MLF
It occurs to us that you have a problem. Thousands of your people are dying every day in the struggle to liberate your country. We offer assistance, in return for the prototype armor that you have acquired. We simply need a few suits to examine, and we can save thousands of lives. We both win.


We have secured more than enough aide for our battle against Japan. We thank you for the offer, but you asked for the one thing we cannot spare, that armor is the livelyhood of our troops, who are our fathers and our husbands.

I could give you a few sets in the near future when production has been isolated, but as it is, it is difficult even scavenge up the scrap metal for tanks, or armored cars.

I stripped the metal from my own garage to provide armor for a troop transport. If you could offer something for our facilities to put to use in making these things.. then we may have a deal.

2010-12-30, 02:05 AM

To the MLF
We understand. We ask for a single suit - would that be possible? If you would prefer, we can pay for it, but we would prefer to pay in saving lives. If it is truely impossible, then we can provide metals and the like. How much would be nessesary?

2010-12-30, 02:22 AM

To the MLF
We understand. We ask for a single suit - would that be possible? If you would prefer, we can pay for it, but we would prefer to pay in saving lives. If it is truely impossible, then we can provide metals and the like. How much would be nessesary?


A single suit could be spared.. I shall give you my own. For it is only my life that I have the right to bargain with, and those who have chosen to take the lives of others that I face.

It has a few marks where it's been repaired from recent gunshot wounds, but otherwise, it should be in almost new condition.

However, before I can promise you that, what aide can you offer us?

2010-12-30, 02:28 AM

To the MLF
We thank you. We can offer tremendous air support, and, if you approve, will deploy a good proportion of our planes in the skies above mongolia. We should be able to acquire air superiority in a matter of days, and we should be able to prevent the opposition from assembling large forces. Needless to say, we will always be on call if you need aid at a point.

2010-12-30, 02:32 AM

To the MLF
We thank you. We can offer tremendous air support, and, if you approve, will deploy a good proportion of our planes in the skies above mongolia. We should be able to acquire air superiority in a matter of days, and we should be able to prevent the opposition from assembling large forces. Needless to say, we will always be on call if you need aid at a point.


Air is the one area we have been lacking completely in, at most we've managed to scavenge a chopper or two for major engagements and that is at a heavy cost of repair and time.

Very well. We will also do our best to make sure any wrecked plains from enemy AA fire are turned to you post haste, though the worst of the wreckages burnt out beyond all recognition should not be too hard for us to process. We will of course return the bodies to you. With your permission...

2010-12-30, 02:37 AM

To the MLF

Excellent. We would be suprised if any can be destroyed - they will excerse caution, and are extremely well armored. However, we are grateful for the offer.

2010-12-30, 03:06 AM
To Argentina

Very well, our prices will be delivered to you with a curier. We will await your offer.

To South American Warlords (except Peru) (GM)


Triumvirate wishes to offer you the services of our Inter-Law mercenaries. We would also be willing to sell you food at affordable prices.

1. Inter-Law contracts are offered to largest, most organized Warlords.
2. Food is sold only to Warlords, who have contracts with Inter-Law. Price is high, but not exuberant.
3. Payment in Cash. Payment in resources and businesses is allowed based on Triumvirate risk/profitability evaluation (how likely nationalization, is it profitable to run with additional costs of Inter-Law security).

To Russia (Russian espionage to read)

The news of Eden Acrologies resources flooding the market are disturbing. Should we expect a deep plunge in commodity prices?

2010-12-30, 08:59 AM
Western Pacific Conference:

Russia signs the initiative to ask for Triumvirate to leave the Indonesian ports, the joint control over the areas of the nations of the Pacific Bloc as well as the development of a national authority in the region.

To Triumvirate: The prices of metals and mineral resources will probably fall somewhat, but the Arcologies simply don't have enough production to create any real crashes, according to our estimates. It is not like metals concentrate on mountainous regions.

2010-12-30, 09:19 AM
Eden Arcologies

To Russia

Ah, we were unaware that the mountains were privately held. We are more than willing to restrain our mining efforts to the area around the Arcology.

Rare metals make up almost the entirety of what we are willing to trade in terms of resources. As of yet we are not prepared to trade our processed technology, though our efforts to re-integrate into the world are ongoing, and we should soon be able to offer a variety of upgraded pre-War technology. As far as a Mag-Lev system, we would be most willing to aid you in construction of a system of your own.

As far as our own network, we would be more than happy to inform you of the full extent of our underground facilities in Russian territory once our sovereignty has been formally recognized.

distant quasar
2010-12-30, 09:38 AM

To Eden Arcologies (5esp. to read)
This communication is not taking place. You have never contacted the Freemasons, or been contacted by them. Understood?
The masons wish to formulate an alliance, not to be brought to the attention of the other countries. It is rather simple, and mutually beneficial. In exchange for your technology, we give you our information services.
Send your response to the Freemason Lodge near you. You can be assured it will go where it needs to.
Regardless of your answer, no one is to know of this.

2010-12-30, 11:04 AM
To EA: Of course. The deal is, then, that you gain rights to the area given to you in the Urals as well as trade and benefits as to the favoured trading system of purchasing rare minerals and metals in exchange for us supplying you with whatever goods you may require in trade and you helping us with the construction of a Mag-Lev network between our cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Rostov and Stavropol.

As for your sovereignty, we would suggest taking it to the EU, as the nation with the most authority in international matters. To be formally recognized as a country you will need to have undisputed claims to sovereign territory, which in today's world might be difficult; unless you're based on Antarctica there's no place on Earth not claimed by someone. Or in space, apparently, looking at the NWF. We're willing to offer you diplomatic sovereignty on the Ural Arcology, akin to what embassies of foreign nations get, once you gain official recognition for the status. Before that, our legal system will treat you as a foreign corporation with extraterritoriality on your land.

2010-12-30, 11:13 AM
Eden Arcologies

To Russia

That sounds most amenable. We shall send one of our engineers to your capital to begin drawing up plans for the transit system. As to our sovereignty, we thank you for your advice in regards to the EU. With such legal assurances, we are willing to inform you that, in addition to the Arcology in the Urals, we have an extensive complex in the Carpathians as well as a separate transit hub, all of which are linked by underground Maglev. In addition, several Maglev lines lead out of these facilities, but we have no more settlements in your territory.

To Freemasons (Freemason Esp. to read)

A message is sent to a Freemason outpost in Budapest.

We are amenable to a secret alliance, and are very interested in your apparently impressive intelligence services, but we must inquire what technology you are specifically interested in before we agree to a formal alliance.

distant quasar
2010-12-30, 11:42 AM

To Eden Arcologies (5esp. to read)
We seek access to your communication and jamming technologies, which you have demonstrated several times. We also request the knowledge of how to make and improve these for ourselves, as well as access to any related technology that has not been used.

2010-12-30, 05:01 PM

"They're not moving off sir."

"Well, push the damn button!"

"We can't sir! It seems to be being jammed, or it's malfunctioning."

"All right. Do we still have control over the rest of it?"

"No, they've cut our control.."

"Alright, here's what we do."

It's a cunning plan, alright.
The ship detects another satellite, near the USA space station that seems to be relaying the messages, moving up towards the disabled satellite.

2010-12-31, 07:22 AM


A number of nations including EU are ready to accept Canada as nation. Perhaps it would be beneficial, for the UK royal family to reaffirm connection to their commonwealth subjects? Triumvirate also invites UK to invest in the Canadian economy.

To Argentina

We would like to offer you our assistance in economic recovery of the Peru, once it becomes part of Argentina. Triumvirate has unique experience in restoring economies of the former Warlord territories to their full potential. Our expertise will help you to quickly establish full control and have the industry of Peru working for you in no time.

To Ottoman Empire

Triumvirate is interested in construction of light and heavy industry in the Ottoman Empire. We ask for reasonable tax rates and permission to bring our own labour force to the factories (middle managements can be hired from the local population).

Imperial Psycho
2010-12-31, 07:57 AM
To Triumvirate
We will recognise Canada on the understanding that it institutes democratic elections. As for the Royal Family, Canada may accept our King as Head of State if they wish.

2010-12-31, 09:18 AM
The Ottoman Empire
To the Triumvirate
we would be glad to accept your proposition, however our own labour force is also in need of work. we would ask that 50% of the work force in the factories would come from local turkish workers, and the other 50% can be made up of Triumvirate workers. We hope this is acceptable.

2010-12-31, 10:25 AM

To Ottoman Empire

We are ready to employ Turkish labour, but only qualified specialists in jobs requiring high education. Since Triumvirate has invested in Ottoman Empire’s universities, you should have good supply of such people looking for employment now. We would also like to invite Eden Acrologies expertise in construction of the industry, if Ottoman Empire has no objections. Triumvirate proposes Ottoman Empire to finance part of the construction in exchange for 30% shares in this investment project.

We are ready to form a joint shipping company with 100% Turkish labour force. The investment scheme – 60% Ottoman Empire, 40% Triumvirate. They business will certainly be profitable, delivering the goods from the Triumvirate/Ottoman Empire constructed industry all around the world. We will ensure the security of the shipments against piracy.

We would also be interested in employing Ottoman Empire soldiers in the mercenary work for Inter-Law Inc. Their contract will be held by Ottoman Empire and will specify to the types of engagement they can participate in, as well as their wages. The combat experience from all around the world could be beneficial to the Ottoman Empire’s army, once they return home.

To Eden Acrologies

Triumvirate would like to offer you an investment opportunity. Eden Acrologies is currently producing raw materials in Ural. Triumvirate wishes to invest in industry in Ottoman Empire. You can secure a market for your raw materials and a share of profits from Ottoman Industries, if you invest 20% of the cost of our project. This investment will be in the form of your technological expertise, to make sure that the newly built factories have cutting edge technology.

2010-12-31, 05:56 PM
European Union: Bribery

The Anti-Bribery Front concludes that as the Triumvirate were unable to find any corruption in their government, the orders must have come from the top, the giants of Dios Inc themselves.

European Union: Public pressure

The EU's third major public investment this month, the repair of Berlins Olympic Stadium has been overshadowed once again by talk of corruption in the government. Public opinion of the EU, something which looked like it was beginning to rise for the first time in decades, is taking a sharp fall.

EU Morale drops by -

Western Pacific Conference
Japan has something to say, before the Conference ends.
"We have all seen the troubling situation Nepal is in now, and as a major power in the region, Japan feels it is its responsibility to help stop the chaos, before it causes more damage.

We would like to propose an investigative force be send to Nepal, to find the truth of these kidnapping claims."

Such an action will be considered a declaration of war.

Ravens to Triumvirate
The idea of regaining our position as a major agricultural producer of the world is one we like the sound of.

Iran to Triumvirate
Iran allows the transit of people from Nepal to Uzbekistan

Warlords of Peru to Argentina
You would not risk attacking us. We have all seen how the world responds to such 'expansionism'.

Brazil to Argentina
We accept the lower tariffs

Iran, Uzbekistan to Triumvirate
We will join an alliance to stop Japan expanding into Nepal.

Triumvirate (GM)
The officials name is Bronislav Demyan. The CSA investigation found no trace of corruption in him. You have circumstantial evidence that he was in India, at the same time he supposedly appeared in the tape in berlin, but you can't prove it.

Nepal Loyalists to Sanctum
We have no intention of producing the hostage at this time. The Great Fleet is bluffing.

South American Warlords (except Peru) to Triumvirate
We are sorry, but anyone susceptible to such an offer has already been grabbed by Argentina.

2010-12-31, 07:15 PM

Eden Arceologies
Yes, a meeting can be arranged soon (next turn)

Japan and other at the Western Pacific Conference
So far Nepal had been intent to show a strong face despite obvious evidence that their situation is serious. If Greater Japan has the means to persuade them to allow international intervention, Sanctum will be a part of it.

We also would like to encourage Greater Japan and the USA to sign the accord to have the Triumverate remove iself from Korea and Indonesia and end the possibility of war in our region.

I think we understand the situation better now, thank you.

2010-12-31, 07:20 PM
Humanitarian Conference (to all NPC Nations, untouched by virus, including Canadian Ravens. To the Eden Arcologies, Russian Federation, Sanctum, USA and Ottoman Empire)

Ahad Babev, a prominent political figure in Uzbekistan, has began negotiations to hold a conference on the global famine in New South Africa.

''While many nations of the world have worked out agreements to procure food or technological solutions to the crisis, there are those, who are left forgotten. The people of the former nations of Madagascar, Tanzania, Venesuela, Colombia and Peru have been afflicted by the virus, but don’t have national governments to take care of them. It falls on the shoulders of the international community to address this humanitarian crisis. We ask the members of this conference to contribute food aid and technology to save tens, if not hundreds of thousands of human lives.

I propose, that New South Africa and Mexico as trusted members of the international community, handled the distribution of aid, due to their close location and expertise in dealing with the Warlords.

Ahad Babaev to New South Africa and Mexico high ranking officials (private conversation, GM only)

This could be a good opportunity for you to begin a process of peaceful restoration of the Warlord states. By aiding people and controlling the distribution of food, you can exert influence on the warlords to begin democratic reforms and unification process.

Triumvirate is recommended as a mercenary force in conversation, to keep order during the distribution of food in Warlord territories, because of their expertise such work. The issue isn’t pressed, if New South Africa and Mexico are hesitant.

To Canadian Ravens

Triumvirate uses its influence to convince Ravens to attend the Humanitarian Conference and donate food to the initiative, in order to raise Canada’s international prestige.

They are also advised to request New South Africa’s assistance in holding the democratic elections in Canada.

Triumvirate would be willing to extend credit to Canadian Government to finance the measure, if they feel their budget is tight.

2010-12-31, 08:04 PM

Press statement from The Board
In light of this terrible famine we the citizens of Argentina feel that is our duty to help those less fortunate than ourselves. For even though we too were affected by the virus, unlike our unfortunate neighbors we have the means to buy more.

So today we are announcing the start of a new initiative. We will begin delivering food to all the citizens of South America who are in need. Because of the unfortunate lack of infrastructure we have been forced to start with our nearest neighbors. But in time we will reach all our fellow south Americans and help them overcome this crisis and its aftermath.

To Triumvirate
Thank you for the offer. We will keep it in mind as well as your offer of mercenary services. We would indeed appreciate your assistance with revitalizing the economy of these territories. Once we have to dealt with the regional warlords and have a better idea of what there is to work with we will contact you again.

To Sanctum
Yes that would be acceptable. Send us the details on when you wish to arrive and we will make the necessary arrangements.

To Eden Arcologies
The captain matches Adolfo's smile with one of his own. "I'm afraid not. You see during the turbulent times in the past many smugglers would attempt to pass off some remote part of the world as a true country that had issued them valid customs permits. So nowadays we require actual locations on all our forms. I am truly sorry about this, but without a valid country we have to treat you as a smuggler. Don't worry though we stopped executing smugglers almost two decades ago." The captain makes a small signal with his hand and soldiers enter the room and escort him to fairly nice house. It has all the amenities of modern life except windows. And the doors only open from the outside.

Meanwhile the military starts setting up seismographic mapping stations in the mountains. Once the quarantined plants produce grain it is carefully fed to a variety of test animals who are also quarantined.

2010-12-31, 09:37 PM
Eden Arcologies

A transmission is sent out to all countries contacted by Uzbekistan:

While we at Eden Arcologies recognize the hardships facing those without a unified government, there is a reason we did not deliver our product to them. What guarantee is there that the Warlords ruling these regions will not simply steal and horde whatever foodstuffs we deliver, further solidifying their power and potentially forcing the civilian population to become increasingly militaristic?

To Triumvirate and the Ottoman Empire

Aiding the Ottoman Empire in expanding its capabilities. We shall of course require a contract and at least a five year commitment to using our trademarked technologies, but we foresee a long and productive working relationship.

To Sanctuary

We look forward to receiving the details.

To the Freemasons

Our equipment is all integrated into secure facilities, and therefore we cannot offer you direct access. However, we are willing to provide the technical schematics to our arrays, as well as technological aid in improving them, in return for your intelligence services.

To Argentina

The crops seem harmless to the animals, and if anything their health improves as they feed on the enriched produce. However, before they have a chance to ship the seed, the Arcologies representatives request a meeting with the Captain. When brought in to see him, Adolfo smiles sadly.

"I have considered it, and we shall require a full, public recognition of our sovereignty from your government before revealing the location of our enclave. Should you agree, we shall immediately inform you and the distribution of the Intelli-crops can begin. However, use of our trademarked products is reliant on this concession."

Forum Explorer
2011-01-01, 12:12 AM
The Great Fleet


Assuming that Nepal has failed to meet my demands it time for the next attack. The target will be the naval base that is closest to the Indian Ocean and furthest from population centers. A night assult lead by whatever underwater craft I've got followed by an attack by the Audacity and supporting ships. Once the defenses are down prisoners are taken whenever resonably possible, any who resist are killed and any who try to flee are killed. Its important that no one escapes so there are sweeps to look for survivors to kill or take prisoner. All gear that can be quickly looted is as well as fuel and ammo. Any Nepalian ships that somehow survive the attack are taken, those that are too damaged to be stolen but not enough to sink are scuttled. Finally 'evidence' is planted of Nepal planning kidnappings and assassinations of high profile captains in the Great Fleet. Once this is done than the Fleet will retreat back into the Indian Ocean.

2011-01-01, 04:20 AM
Humanitarian Conference

To Eden Acrologies

It is indeed a valid concern. That is why I proposed New South Africa and Mexico to handle the distribution. They have great experience dealing with Warlords and would see that such scenario doesn’t come to pass. I would also advise neutral security forces to protect food distribution effort.

distant quasar
2011-01-01, 10:52 AM
The Freemasons

To Eden Arcologies (5esp. to read)
We accept these terms. When can we expect these schematics?

2011-01-01, 12:53 PM

Official Response to the 'Humanitarian Conference'
Sanctum at this time will watch eagerly to see the success of the new philanthropy project. However, at this time we will wait until the intitial success of the Humanitarian Conference is seen before we pool are resources into it, as well as the full implications of its enactment will be.

Eden Archeologies
We are now setting up Alsandra's schedule for visiting other nations. Which of your locations would it be best for Alsandra to visit. If left to us, the nearest location will be sufficient.

Russian Federation
Alsandra is about to go on an intenrational tour meeting with other nations one by one. We would like to add you to hte list. Is this acceptable?

Great Japan
Alsandra would like to meet with Greater Japan's leaders in private this next season to discuss relations between our two nations. Can we arrange this?

Alsandra would like to travel to Nepal sometime this next season to meet with your leaders in person. Can we arrange this meeting?

We would like to send oour head of state, Alsandra Winheim, to meet with your leaders in Mexico in regards to trade between the two sides of the Pacific. Will you accept?

2011-01-01, 01:59 PM
Humanitarian Conference

Ahad Babaev to Snactum

Sanctum's reluctance costs lives of the people. The sooner this initiative takes off, the less people will die from famine and its social consequences. The lack of food can ignite conflicts and lead to attempts to procure it by the force of arms in the Warlord territories.

Uzbekistan has proposed that New South Africa and Mexico would have oversight over this humanitarian effort. I sincerely believe in their integrity and ability to manage it.

Edited: Correcting Misunderstanding

2011-01-01, 02:45 PM

Response to Triumverate
Sanctum is disappointed in the Ahad Babaev's disrespect. There are other means to provide aid than through this Humanitarian Conference as well as other groups in need during this trying time. We will not be guilted into mindless joining this one specific project until we have seen it in action.

Sanctum stands by its stance that we will wait to see whether this Humanitarian Conference is the most effective way to provide aid. We suggest that other nations do not fall prey to being guilted, or told that not to help this one specific project will be synonymous with being murderers. We also ask that each state respect the decision of its peers, and to not use this one specific project as an excuse to increase tensions among nations.

2011-01-01, 03:57 PM
Humanitarian Conference

Ahad Babaev

''As of now there was only this initiative and Argentina’s offer to distribute relief to their neighbours.
I know not of any other humanitarian effort to aid the people in the warlord territories, afflicted by the famine. Someone always has to make the first step.

I would hope that Sanctum wouldn't actively discourage participation of other nations in this initiative. We aren't labeling anyone ''murderers'' - this remark is slanderous.''

Ahad Babaev to Argentina

''I would like to invite Argentina to join the humanitarian effort to combat global famine. The combination of our efforts will see swifter aid delivered to the people.

I apologize for not inviting your nation to the conference before. It was my incorrect assumption, that Argentina was focused on dealing with your own famine crisis.''

2011-01-01, 06:27 PM
To Sanctum: All right. We will make the arrangements.

Humanitarian Conference

The Russian Federation is glad to see that the international community is taking care of it's own, even in areas such as the warlord states of South America.

We will be focusing our efforts to helping those suffering in Europe, Africa and Asia in the meanwhile.

2011-01-02, 02:51 PM

To Humanitarian Conference

The Triumvirate corporation agrees with Sanctum. We will observe the success of this initiative, before making our decision, whether to join it or not.

Ahad Babaev to Russia (Humanitarian Conference)

''I propose Russian Federation to either join global humanitarian effort or coordinate your private initiative in Africa with ours to achieve maximum efficiency.''

2011-01-07, 05:12 AM

This is Alpha-B reporting to base. We report a satelite moving towards us. This is lilkely some form of plan from the controllers, sir.
In a flurry of lasers, the USA satelite is turned into so much cosmic junk.

2011-01-07, 07:03 AM

"Sir, they launched an attack on our secondary satellite."

"Fine. Destroy the original satellite, along with their ship. We will not allow them to think that a show of force wil cow us. Move our satellites back into defensive formation. We don't want this to escalate. Just to be safe, bring the Charged Particle Cannons online. Those we at least were able to test on the ground.

And get me the location of where those lasers came from!"

The nearest other satellite opens several tubes, and begins launching missiles in the direction of the the original satellite. The missiles pick up speed, and the NWF picks up LOTS of incoming missile contacts heading that way.

I just recieved word that you have attacked another of our satellites. Explain yourself. We are in the middle of discussions, and you allow such a blatant act of aggression against us.

If you do not immediately halt in your blatant violation of our sovereign rights, we will have no choice but to resort to force to protect our military secrets. We don't want to fight with you, but if you keep pushing we will retaliate with all the force we can muster.

GM-Super Secret
Should this escalate into full scale war, our primary plan will be to either blast the space station ou of orbit with lasers, or crash a nuclear satellite into it and blow it to kingdom come. Assume that there are satellites moved into place to do that.

2011-01-07, 02:30 PM

This is Alpha-B, to base. We are under fire. Commencing evasive manuvers, and releasing a cloud of decoys. Iniating laser diverters.
Ahhh... Damn. Good luck, Alpha-B. Things are going to be just fine. I suspect they are firing on the space station, not you. Fire EMP drones in the flight path, and begin towing the space station out of the fire line. They should be stopped by the decoys, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Drag it into a safe position, and then prepare to move it on my orders.
Base to Sigma-A instalations. Prepare to return fire. Lock on to targets throughout Australia, prepare to destroy any space stations that look like thet can return fire. Prepare nuclear weapons to knock that godamn astroid out of orbit. If they want war, we will give it to them.

We apologise. Simply, the pilots felt that any attempts to move satelites in our area without a prior discussion with us was likely to be agressive, and our pilots responded with due force. Given the fact that they are now under attack, that concern would seem to be justified. The ships have men aboard. Cease fire and explain. Neither of us want full scale war - next time if you want something, ask.
Any satellites moving in a hostile way will be attacked, just as you would fire at us if you saw our ships over Brisbane at two in the morning. If you have a non-agressive plan for them, please let us know first, or we will need to assume the worst.

2011-01-07, 04:09 PM

(Note: Since when have you had access to EMP? It's never been stated. Especially since you haven't stated where it's coming from, and we're above my airspace, which is crawling with my own tech. Also, good luck using nukes on my asteroid. Considering how distant it is, and the fact that it's a planet killer size, and therefore virtually immune to conventional weaponry. Also, where did you get refined uranium for use in nukes? People don't just let you steal that. Lasers are fine, but deciding you have emp and nukes with a faction that seems rather computer dependant seems oxymorinic, since one EMP would likely kill off your entire population in the right spot. Since all the neural implants would fry as a result.)

"Looks like they're intercepting."

"So, they definitely want it. How are the cannons' preliminary chargeups coming?"

"98%. We're ready to fire when ready."

"Alright. Move so that their craft is not in the line of fire. Begin target input."

As I recall, we warned you to get off our satellite. You refused, and proceeded to hack through our main firewalls. When we began to move another satellite up, you destroyed it without warning, costing us several million dollars. You are now attempting to steal our satellite.

Also, did your pilots bother to check if my second satellite had men aboard? No? Then why should we care if you have almost deliberately thrown away the lives of the invaders you sent at us? It is you who have provoked us, not the other way around. We were perfectly happy to leave you alone, and work out technology and trade deals.

You will move off of it, immediately, and return it to us. Do this, and we will forget this debacle, and return to the negotiation table. Do not, and we will not be responsible for the outcome, or the lives of your people.

2011-01-09, 03:06 PM
(Emp is fairly common. I presume I have it in the same way I presume I have access to rifles. However, if you would prefer...)

Fine. What would you prefer we do with the space station?

2011-01-09, 06:05 PM

(EMP is relatively common. But having a powerful enough EMP to knock out military hardware would be powerful enough to affect a hell of a lot more (like everything else in orbit in that area, including your people). If you had the tech to contain the EMP, then you should state that.

Why a high technology faction would use such a weapon is beyond me, though.)

Simply, we wish for you to evacuate your invading force off our satellite and leave our airspace so that we may discuss that tech deal you were talking about. Return our satellite, and we can continue those talks.

2011-01-10, 05:55 PM
Global News Update. 1st October 2125

"The space object that was spotted last season has been identified. The object is a space city, owned by an organisation known as the New Way Forward. In response to their discovery, the New Way Forward has responded with several attacks on military and civilian satellites around earth.

The Egyptian Empire and The Islamic Republic are among some of the nations subject to this attack. Both nations have demanded the immediate return of their stolen satellites."

"Canada has finally been united. After months of fighting, the warband known as The Raven Warlords has successfully taken control of all of Canada, and are restoring order as we speak. The Ravens report that they will be following up on their promise to start democratic elections. The leader of the Ravens has stated he will be standing for the election. The elections are scheduled for November."

"After the bribery scandal, officials in the EU have been pushing for a re-election of all seats. The EU have now confirmed they will be holding this election, in December of this year."

"Iranian and Syrian military forces have clashed in the Ilam Province of Iran. The Iranians are calling it a 'planned attack' and have declared a state of war with Syria. The Syrian government denies any claim of an attack, stating simply that it was 'an accident'. The Iranian military is moving forward with their first offensive, tommorow."

"The Mexican liberation army has been met with great success in the field. As of this season, all of Southern American has been liberated. The Mexican and CSA presidents met for a celebratory dinner, last week in Mexico City."

"The nation state of Argentina has begun military actions into Peru. The Argentinian government claim that the Peruvian warlords were refusing to allow them to distribute food to the virus-stricken people of Peru.

The Warlords claim that the Argentinian government was only willing to distribute the food on the condition that they become a part of Argentina."

"The Civil war in Nepal continues. The Loyalist action appears to be failing, with the rebels having far greater numbers. The Nepal government has released a plea to all nations for support in this conflict."

"After a series of successful Triumvirate attacks, the Ant-Bureaucratic front are suffering major economic losses. However, with the bribery scandal a major concern, public opinion of the ABF is beginning to improve."

Regarding the Bribery scandal, the Triumvirate has released a document to all nations, against the claims of their guilt. The document is not proof of innocence, but certainly makes their side seem more credible."

"Emperor Patrick of Austria has released an official statement regarding the assassination of his predecessor. He claims to have found the culprit of the attack, and that he will be taking decisive action against them in the immediate future"

"Now, for our major story."

"A nuclear weapon has been detonated in the Falkland islands. One-thousand people are expected to have died in the initial blast, with hundreds more wounded. The entire island chain is flooded with radiation. Mass evacuation by the Argentinian government is already under-way. The culprit of the attack is unknown."

Japanese speech

Commander Furuta Shinichirô Yasushige of the Japanese Military makes a speech in Tokyo, to a crowd of international reporters.

"Free People of Japan, it is with great sadness that I must report another defeat by our glorious army against the Mongolian swine. But do not fear, while we may lose a battle, we will win the war.

These 'Mongols' claim to fight for liberation, but in their blind hatred they do not see that no one is enslaved. The People of Japan are happy, free and equal. The People of Mongolia are the same. The only people being suppressed are those forced to fight for this false rebellion.

And that is why we will win. We fight for more than petty hatred. We fight for freedom, for our people, for peace.

distant quasar
2011-01-11, 09:12 AM

To All Nations
Greetings to the countries of the world. The Freemasons have observed the destruction caused by the detonation of a nuclear weapon by an unknown nation on the peoples of Argentina. No clear provocation for this has been observed. What has been clearly observed is that this detonation caused the death of many innocent people.
While we Freemasons choose to work in shadows and secrecy ourselves, we for one do not use secrecy to cause destruction, but rather to prevent it. The nation responsible for this crime clearly does not. The Freemasons will find who is responsible, and they will be brought to justice.

Imperial Psycho
2011-01-11, 12:03 PM
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom offers it's condolences to Argentina, and to the families of those who died in this attack. The UK is prepared to assist Argentina, or indeed the Freemasons, in discovering the culprit, and in bringing them to justice. The United Kingdom would like to take this opportunity to assure Argentina, and the world, that it had no part or knowledge in this barbaric act.

2011-01-11, 05:41 PM

A television broadcast:

The majestic strains of the Greenlandic national anthem play over beautiful footage of the iconic vökna Hydro-electric power station over Dettifoss waterfalls. It is as clear a symbol of The Unified Economic Nations of Greenland as the Eiffel tower is of France. After a few seconds, the scene fades to an attractive young woman. “Inuugujoq, Hello. My name is Laila Brúsidottir, and I speak to you today on behalf of The Unified Economic Nations of Greenland, Iceland, Finland, Sweden and Norway. For too long, the Greenlandic peoples have not be active enough in the international community. Recent upheavals and events in the world beyond our borders have served to remind us of our duty to our fellow nations. Although our nation is a modern utopia, it is not enough to serve ourselves. We must be philanthropic in our outlook, and extend our hand of friendship to every nation. Peace be with you, and Ajunnginniarna” The young woman fades away to musical accompaniment. Brief scenes are shown, combining Greenland’s natural beauty and resources with its industry and people, giving a sense of the diversity of Greenland, and a great impression that we are proud of our industriousness.

Addressed personally to the head of espionage / secret service of Gibraltar.
Dear Sir,
I write to you on behalf of my nation. In recent years Greenland has been regrettably inwards-focussed, and we have, as a result, been woefully unaware of the actions of the other nations of the world. The development of international espionage to the levels it has achieved today is therefore, a great barrier to us, with inadequate intelligence. I write to you sir, in the hope that our nations can reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Greenland is a prosperous nation, producing oil, petroleum, uranium, metals and minerals, and of course rubies (as represented by the red of our flag). We would like to initiate trade with you – please consider what we can offer you. The service we would be paying for is the sharing any information your spies receive regarding the Triumvirate.
Your assistance in gaining a foothold in the world of international espionage would be appreciated and rewarded greatly. I look forward to your response.
Yours Sincerely,

Jaak Stefánsson

CEO of Taama, Cabinet.
Addressed personally to the head of espionage / secret service of the Triumvirate.
Dear Sir,
I write to you on behalf of my nation. In recent years Greenland has been regrettably inwards-focussed, and we have, as a result, been woefully unaware of the actions of the other nations of the world. The development of international espionage to the levels it has achieved today is therefore, a great barrier to us, with inadequate intelligence. I write to you sir, in the hope that our nations can reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Greenland is a prosperous nation, producing oil, petroleum, uranium, metals and minerals, and of course rubies (as represented by the red of our flag). We would like to initiate trade with you – please consider what we can offer you. The service we would be paying for is the sharing any information your spies receive regarding Gibraltar.
Your assistance in gaining a foothold in the world of international espionage would be appreciated and rewarded greatly. I look forward to your response.
Yours Sincerely,

Jaak Stefánsson

CEO of Taama, Cabinet.
The Great Fleet
Addressed personally to the head of espionage / secret service of the Great Fleet.
Dear Sir,
I write to you on behalf of my nation. In recent years Greenland has been regrettably inwards-focussed, and we have, as a result, been woefully unaware of the actions of the other nations of the world. The development of international espionage to the levels it has achieved today is therefore, a great barrier to us, with inadequate intelligence. I write to you sir, in the hope that our nations can reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Greenland is a prosperous nation, producing oil, petroleum, uranium, metals and minerals, and of course rubies (as represented by the red of our flag). We would like to initiate trade with you – please consider what we can offer you. The service we would be paying for is the sharing any information your spies receive regarding the Triumvirate.
Your assistance in gaining a foothold in the world of international espionage would be appreciated and rewarded greatly. I look forward to your response.
Yours Sincerely,

Jaak Stefánsson

CEO of Taama, Cabinet.

To the President, Chairman or ruler of the New Way Forward.
I, Kattak Suersaq, Chairman of Greenland, write you this missive personally. I hope that our nation can reach a mutually agreeable solution to the territory conflict that our satellites have been involved in. Prior to your public announcement, Greenland had no apprehension of your presence. I wish it to be known that the launching of communications and military satellites in no way constituted an attack upon you, and we very much regret having inadvertently place our satellites into your sovereign territory. However, although we respect your right to remove our satellites, their loss has caused problems for our nation. Greenland is of course, composed of the territories of Greenland, Iceland, Finland, Sweden and Norway. The distance separating these territories make our satellite communications essential. Having them taken from us has forced us into a technological dark age in communications, in which it is impossible to conduct modern business and administration.
We understand that the other nations of the world will not recognize the New Way Forward as a nation in its own right, nor its claim on the territory beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Greenland would be proud to be the first to grant you official recognition. This would also involve opening trade discussions, to your benefit, as Greenland has the world’s strongest economy. In return, we would like you to host a minimal number of communications satellites on the edges of your territory to allow Greenlandic communications to continue as before.
An old Greenlandic saying, Umiatsiaasara pullattagaq nimerussanik ulikkaarpoq, encourages one to seek relationships that are mutually advantageous. I hope that you will allow Greenland the honour of being the first to befriend humanity's newest nation.
Yours Sincerely,
Chairman Kattak Suersaq

2011-01-11, 05:47 PM
Evidence from the Triumvirate
[LIST] Financial documents showing the Triumvirate would have made a loss from the bribery.
Various documents showing that some of the Inter-law officials involved in the taped conversations were busy doing other things at the supposed time of their recording.

Lesser corruption
In the media chaos over the supposed bribery of EU officials, a number of other smaller cases of corruption are brought to the international communities attention. Triumvirate officials using their position to steal money from Kazakhstan citizens, racketeering, insurance fraud, bribing the police, and an array of other offences.

Of particular note is Captain Nestor Gerasim, one of the Triumvirate ship Captains involved in the attack on the Indonesian warlords. It seems the Captain was smuggling Indonesian girls out of the liberated towns for... personal use.

CSA to Sanctum
We will let the issue drop. In return, we are sure you would have no problem arguing for a better deal for us in this trade pact.

:smalleek: A small force of helicopters and gunmen, bearing the Japanese flag, have assaulted your Central Arcology. The force gunned their way through to the research labs, where they stole several valuable research documents. With research in hand, they returned to their helicopters, and fled the scene.

You do not know how they knew where your Arcology was, but evidently they do.

EU to EA
Greetings. Given your recent actions against the virus, we think it would be appropriate to offer you some sort of reward. As such we would like to discuss a trade agreement with you, to help you bring more money into your nation.

Iran to EA
A trade agreement between our factions would benefit us both, and help us survive this hideous war the Syrians have forced us into, without too many civilian casualties. Are you willing to form some sort of deal?

Imperial Psycho
2011-01-11, 05:52 PM
United Kingdom

The EU
After the difficulties caused by the virus, we must look to regain the cost of the damages. As such, we would like to propose a mutually beneficial trade agreement between our nations.

The Mediterranean Federation
After the difficulties caused by the virus, we must look to regain the cost of the damages. As such, we would like to propose a mutually beneficial trade agreement between our nations.

After the difficulties caused by the virus, we must look to regain the cost of the damages. As such, we would like to propose a mutually beneficial trade agreement between our nations.

We would also be interested in the exchange of advanced weapons technology for (- economy)

2011-01-11, 06:02 PM
EU to UK
That sounds most beneficial. We accept.

The Great Fleet strikes again
Despite pressure from the Great Fleet, the Nepal loyalists have yet to release their supposed hostage. In response, the Great Fleet have struck again. This time, the attack is a naval base, in the Kerala region of India.

The exact result of the battle is unknown. The great fleet appeared to be losing the battle, but the bases communication network fell part-way through. Nepal rebel forces are on-route now to see what happened.

The Great Fleet (GM)
Victory! You suffer moderate losses, but manage to secure the base. The citizens and surviving soldiers are rounded up, and taken prisoner. Your evidence is planted successfully.

Japan to Sanctum
We will gladly accept your leader into our nation for your proposed talks. Perhaps together we can stop these misguided Mongols from disrupting order in the region.

Nepal to Sanctum
Given the civil war currently brewing in our nation, we must ask if you intend to meet with the loyalist, or rebel leaders?

Mexico to Sanctum
Yes, we accept.

New South Africa to Ahad Babaev of the Humanitarian Conference of Uzbekistan.
You are right, this does sound like a good opportunity. We will accept your proposal.

Mexico to Ahad Babaev of the Humanitarian Conference of Uzbekistan
You make a good point. Your proposal is accepted.

New South Africa To Triumvirate
We would like to hire your mercenaries to help us reclaim the last warlords regions of Africa

Argentina (GM)
A battle update. Your forces sweep into Peru, and begin claiming land. When they realise your threat was real, the warlords form into a coalition, and put up a good fight. But as hard as they try, they can only slow you down.

Your men haven't been able to seize sufficient infrastructure yet, but the people back home are impressed by your actions, and public opinion of your government improves.

You lose - military, and gain - morale.

2011-01-11, 07:04 PM

World Broadcast
Alsandra Winheim announces a tour that will bring her into contact with several sovereign nations. The list of countries and the order that she will meet with them are as follows...

Greater Japan
Eden Archeologies
Russian Federation
Central States of America

Concernining Indonesia
The Russian Federation and Sanctum have signed an accord to have Triumverate leave Indonesia and Korea while Greater Japan and USA should be signing it soon. In light of news of child smuggling, it is time the Triumverate made good its promise to leave.

Had you accepted our help earlier, we would have been able to commit more resources. However, our hands are more tied than they were. We can however provide you with some personnel that could deal with some of your would-be usurpers. The Great Fleet may have free reign to attack your coasts, but so long as your mainland is secure, you should be able to ride out the storm.

EDIT: Of course, we will be meeting with the Loyalists.

Greater Japan-GM
Alsandra arrives in Greater Japan. OOC: To save time, and let me RP with the players' nations on my list, here are the things she will discuss. 1. Making sure Greater Japan signs the accord to have Triumverate abandon Indonesia and Korea. 2. Sign a military pact with Sanctum in the hopes the the Western Pacific powers follow suit. 3. Add their voice in support of trade across the Pacific Ocean. 4. Inquire the status of the Mongolian Rebellion. 5. Get a general feel of their leadership and what they think of her.

(She has two of her 'special agents' acting as bodyguard.)

Forum Explorer
2011-01-11, 08:00 PM
The Great Fleet

And the shaky cam is back. This time its the deck of an aircraft carrier. There is still signs of blood and damage from the recent battle. The camera pulls over to a long line of prisoners. It goes up to the face of one, a young man with a bloody bandage covering his eyes.What's your name and rank?! The gruff voice of Captain Gwen demands from offscreen. I am Corperal Abheek. Do you want to die Corperal?
I'm fully prepared to die for my country.
Oh? Why is that?
You basterds killed my faimly in your last attack. Every member of our nation should be prepared to die in order to stop you and those traitors.
You're quite the brave man, lets see if your country values you as much as you value it. And how about you? Are you prepared to die? The camera flashs over to the next prisoner in line; a young women with no signs of injury.
N-n-no, I want to live.
and what was your job and what is your name?
M-my name is Bala and I was a seceratary for the commander of the base.
And why do you want to live so badly?
I need to take care of my son and I want to see my parents again. By this time Bala is sobbing Please I don't want to die.
And we don't want to kill you. How about you sir? Do you want to live or die? The camera flashes to the next person in line who gives a short blurb saying who he is and why he wants to live. Every person in the line is interviewed over the next few hours. Many are injuried and only the captured military personal are able to keep tears from their face.

Afterwards the camera shifts around and focuses on the face of Captain Gwen. Once more I call upon the goverment of Nepal to return my missing civilian. You did not negotiate before and have payed for it. These people are all loyal to your nation and have lives of their own, and dreams they wish to achive. Will you callously sacrifice more of your people by refusing to contact us to return our civilian?

Do not try to save these people by force. We will not hesitate to execute them. If you think that we're bluffing you not only are incompatent but are fools as well. Your military has proven to be ineffective in stopping us and we will continue our attacks until our demands have been satisfied!

To the rebel forces and the rest of the world. If any of your forces come across our missing civilian than we will gladly work with the international community to restore peace to Nepal alongside your forces.

To Greenland
We will sell you information on the Triumvirate in return for fuel, oil, and underwater tools.

2011-01-11, 08:16 PM
Russian Federation to Greenland (NOTE: Current Defensive Espionage Rating: ++++)
As according to our earlier message, we would be interested in selling you the designs for advanced cargo airships. They are faster than naval ships and much better protected, especially against the current threat of piracy in international waters. They can easily carry as much if not more as traditional merchant fleets, and in a fraction of the time, with less costs involved in having to store, for example, foodstuff without it spoiling.

I believe if you have paid attention to the efforts to combat the crops-killing virus you will have seen their effectiveness. We think they would suit your nation well, seeing the distances affecting your trade.

We will provide you with their designs as well as designs for their main form of defense, light anti-air gunships carried onboard, for either (+ Econ) or (- Econ) now and another (- Econ) during the two following turns.

Other than that, we would like to open trade negotiations with your nation. Even if you do not purchase the designs, we can use our own fleets to transport goods faster and cheaper than any of our competitors world-wide. We're both major producers of raw materials, but Russia has plenty of industrial goods and luxuries and you possess great quantities of things we do not have, such as certain precious minerals and stones, machinery adapted to arctic conditions and of course your own brands of luxury items. I am sure we could arrange for a mutually beneficial taxing and import/export solution for these.

2011-01-11, 08:20 PM

Even before the Nepalese government asks permission, my 'special agents' will be trying to uncover what the mystery is behind this captured civilian, as well as execute any rebel leader of importance after questioned if they are given the opportunity for either.

Great Fleet (and rest of world)
Do not wipe your hands free of guilt. For one citizen who is as of yet unnamed, you would execute civilians and soldiers, a gross violation of all that is decent. Should you murder any more citizens of Nepal who do not fight back, and Sanctum will hold the Great Fleet and rebel forces trying to usurp the rightful authorities at fault.

2011-01-12, 11:01 AM
Nepal Assassination
Kumari Lilavati, leader of the Vaishnavist Hindu church of Nepal has been assassinated. The Vaishnavists are currently part of the rebel faction in Nepal. The new leader of the Vaishnavists reports they will be continuing to support the rebels, though it is obvious that she lacks the fervour of her predecessor.

Sanctum - Greater Japan (GM)

1. Japan signs the accord
2. Japan signs the military pact
3. Japan adds their voice in support of trade across the pacific
4. The Mongolian rebellion is not going well. Japan has greater resources and manpower, but they fear other nations are secretly funnelling supplies to the rebels.

5. The Japanese leadership maintain an air of rightness; they speak and act as if they only trying to help their people. But given enough time, one starts to get the feeling that it is somewhat of a façade.

On Alsandra, the Japanese are mostly apathetic. Whereas some people are offended by her genetic modification, the Japanese seem more jealous than anything.

Sanctum - Nepal (GM)
The Nepal leaders thank you for any help you can offer.

After some investigation, you find that the hostage held by the Nepal government is Jessica Cyclin herself. (One of the Great Fleet's VIP's. Heres what Forum Explorer wrote about her:

'Captain Gwen's fiercest rival and captain of the submarine Black Knife. Infamous for her inflitration abilities, the greatest being the poisoning of an entire crew over the span of a week. She is also one of the few captains to control multiple ships with proxy captains. Recently she has managed to replace the captains of all other underwater vehicles in the Fleet with her supporters.'

Nepal was planning to capture several other captains, to cripple the Great Fleet, so it would have to stop raiding their shores.

The questioning of Kumari Lilavati doesn't reveal much you don't already know. The Vaishnavists support the rebels because they believe these attacks by the Great Fleet were caused solely by the loyalists actions.

2011-01-12, 11:57 AM

Greater Japan-GM
All the thank yous and formalities are followed as Alsandra leaves.

Sanctum, the Russian Federation, and now Greater Japan have signed the Accord to ask the Triumverate to leave Korea and Indonesia. This leaves you as the only non-Warlord power left in the region.

Thank you for your consent. We have discovered that the supposed missing person is Captai nGwen of the Black Knife, sheddign some light as to why the Great Fleet would go so far. Our investigation has also found that she was captured by your government and there were plans to do so to other prominant Captains. Here are the options we would reccommend.
1) If you have her, turn her over. This is not the time and place to deal with the Great Fleet
2) If you are unaware of her presence, that is only a minor faction is responsible, pull your resources into finding her
3) If she is not in Nepal, and somewhere else safer while Nepal is falling apart, ask for the neighboring countries.
4) Consider changing the top of your leadership to stall the Great Fleet. Of course, we suggest if you go this path, make sure those who replace are trusted and loyal
GM OnlyI want to take a closer look at this Shadahah group a little.

Eden Archeologies
Alsandra arrives in the Himilayas to meet with Eden leaders.

Forum Explorer
2011-01-12, 12:47 PM
The Great Fleet

Another broadcast is sent from the Great Fleet. Unlike the last it does not orginate from the Audacity or even the same ocean. Its also much more professional with clear picture, good sound, and even multiple camera angles. It shows the inside of a yauht, specifically its ballroom. However its filled with dark blue robed figures sitting down in prayer as a large figure covered in a similar robe but with gold trim preaches at them and the audiance from stage.

Bow down blessed brothers of the faith and reflect upon the truth of the mystery that you have learned. Remember the sacred rules of our Faith! The ocean is the source of all life and inherintly holy! But those who dwell on land have forgotten this fact. Its up to us, her holy few, to protect and sheperd the creatures of the sea from those who would abuse and seek the destruction of the ocean! And in return the ocean shall embrace us and we shall become one with its glory! Us of the Great Fleet reconize that true humans were not meant to live on land but to return to the sea. Those on land were cast out for being unworthy of its majesty!

They travel across the ocean with their filthy ships, killing and raping the ocean's natrual resources. Recources meant for the worthy! They dump their oil and waste into the sea in their hatred of the pure seeking to corrupt us with their filth! And when we act to protect the holy ocean they call us anarchists and pirates! We are merely collecting the intrest owed by humanity. And finally some are getting the message. Russia has developed wonderous new Airships to avoid transgressing, the Eden Archologies have burrowed under the Earth and built their homes their, and the New Way Forward have built a fine home for themselves in orbit! These people should be seen as heroes for understanding that the ocean is a place to be left to her holy ones!

Similarly other land dwellers may be redeemed. I call out to them now. Come join the Great Fleet and cast off your troubles and live the way that humanity was meant to live! Free yourself from your corrupt goverments who care not for the lives of their people! Free yourself from the prejudice of your neighbors who would bring you down so they don't have to try and achive anything of worth! Free yourself and join the Holy Church of Aqua! Break free of the shakles of society and become your true self!

With that the broadcast ends.

A new VIP is here! Description in nation description will be up shortly.

Imperial Psycho
2011-01-13, 12:23 PM
United Kingdom
The British government issues a statement, urging Iran to seek a diplomatic way to resolve any dispute with Syria. It condemns the declaration of war, and notes that the idea that Syria would attack Iran is farcical, given their relative military strength. The UK is prepared to issue economic sanctions, and urges other nations to do the same.

2011-01-13, 02:46 PM
Eden Arcologies

Sanctum (In person)
Alsandra arrives at the agreed upon coordinates to find a rather unusual sight. Within the isolated mountain valley, there is no sign of large scale construction, or industrialization of any kind. Indeed, it is hauntingly idyllic, its frozen contours giving the impression that a sculptor created it, rather than nature. Set up on the valley floor was an incredibly advanced tent, next to which was one of the Arcology's gleaming black hovercraft.

As Alsandra's transport touched down, an impeccably dressed Arcology aide walked to meet it, giving a slight bow to the Goddess-President as she disembarked.

"If you'd please follow me, madame president."

Alsandra was led inside the tent, to where a gleaming silver table sat with two chairs. In one sat Gianna Weiss, who stood as she saw Alsandra, extending her hand.

"Madame President, a pleasure. I am Gianna Weiss, leader of Eden Arcologies. Please, sit."

As both women sat, the aide emerged as if from nowhere, a platter carrying a pitcher of water and two glasses in hands. Putting it down, she exited.

"Madame President, the Arcologies feel that an alliance between our two nations could have immense benefits to both our peoples. We both wish to see the influence of the Triumvirate reduced, and the Great Fleet brought to justice, and it is our opinion that these goals would be much sooner in coming if we worked together."


We would of course be interested in entering into a trade agreement with the EU. With your permission, we could establish a surface Arcology in France and begin supplying you with a variety of precious minerals and technical services. Implicit in this of course is that the EU acknowledge our right to sovereign territory once we inform you of our Arcology locations. We can provide the deeds to the tacks we occupy, if that is an issue.

To Iran

We are reticent to engage in trade talks under the specter of war. However, as the Syrian government has not denied breaching your territory, and given the tumultuous relationship between your nations, we believe you are in the right. We would be interested in erecting a surface Arcology for trade in the region of your choice, once you recognize us as a sovereign state of course.

To Mediterranean Federation

We apologize for not responding sooner. The stress of the relief effort held all of our attention for a time. However, we would be most interested in aiding you in your terraforming efforts and in a trade relationship.

To Russia

We have reason to believe that a recent attack perpetrated against us was carried out by the Mongolian Liberation Front. We would ask that you join us in condemning them.

To Nepal Loyalists

Greetings. We are grieved that your stand against the anarchy of the Great Fleet has led to war, and would like to provide what assistance we can. We have no armies, but our research facilities are second to none, as is our technical expertise.

2011-01-13, 03:20 PM
To EA: We do not officially acknowledge the existance of an internationally recognized faction called 'Mongolian Liberation Front' because that would give them leverage and credibility in global politics. However, if you have any leads, we can try and help you track them down.

Where was the attack and what happened exactly?

2011-01-13, 03:29 PM
European Union
As the EU elections draw nearer, a number of media sources have begun to question the usefulness of the elections. The recent bribery scandal certainly shakes the peoples faith in their elected ministers, but at the same time, the EU's problems may be deeper.

The sheer size of the union makes decision making an arduous and troublesome task. Coupled with pressure from their neighbours, and poor secret services, there are a rising number of people in favour of dissolving the union.

Currently though that faction is only a small percentage. For now, their pressure serves only to demoralise the people.

EU morale drops by -

2011-01-13, 03:37 PM
Russian Federation to European Union:
We would like to request a priority meeting between the very highest level leaders of the governments of our nations. (Using PMs.)

2011-01-13, 04:54 PM
Eco-Tech (esp 0)
It has come to our attention that there is a great deal of potential in the amazon rainforest that has been as of yet untapped by yourself and those before you. We would like to to send scientists in to explore and discover new sciences in the amazon forest. We feel that working together to uncover the secrets of the forest, we can advance the scientific prowess of both our nations. We hope your reply is the right one.
Peace and truth

2011-01-13, 05:04 PM

Eden Archeoligies only-unless you have spies in the middle of the Himilayas:smallconfused:
Alsandra let a small crack of a smile open up at her words. "The Triumverate is troubling, however they have been dealt with for the moment. Did you know that Dios Inc, Triumverate's main corporate sponsor had funds stolen from them, and that it... seemed as if the Great Fleet was responsible, the very same faction they were using as mercenaries in Indonesia? Although no one can say for certain if that was why they immediately withdrew their bid for the islands and Korea, but the timing would suggest so." She paused, taking a sip of water to wet her lips. "I doubt we have seen the last of their conquests, but at the moment they need to improve their standing in the world before they try to reach into someone else's cookie jar."

"As for the Great Fleet... your timing could not have been better. As you know, my tour is to encourage trade between the two sides of the Pacific. As you also know, the Great Fleet currently controls the ocean. I will be asking Russia, the CSA, Mexico, and Argentina to join Sanctum in ridding the largest oceans of any meaningful pirate influence. There are also a few other nations I have in mind who can put a dent in their presence in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans as well. Is this something you would be interested in being a part of?"

2011-01-13, 05:07 PM
The Argentinian army has stream-rolled through Peru, crushing the warlords arrayed before them. The warlords have pulled back to the western capital city of Lima, where they are preparing for their final defensive. A victory here could be a decisive turning point in the war.

Argentina loses - military, and gains - economy.

Brazil to Ottoman empire
We appreciate the gesture, but it is simply not possible. We already have a massive project going in the Amazon, adding another nation into the mix would confuse matters more than it would help them.

What we really require are donations. Money goes a long way in a project like this. If you can offer a large enough sum, we may be willing to grant you access to some of our latest discoveries before they reach the public.

EU to Russia
Request accepted.

Brazil to Argentina
We are currently involved in an extensive exploration project of the Amazon rainforest. A large and potentially valuable portion of the rainforest extends into Peru. We were previously unable to access it due to the warlords. We would like to negotiate for the rights to that area of the rainforest, once your invasion of Peru has finished.

2011-01-13, 05:32 PM
The Ottoman Empire
To Eco-tech (esp 0)
That was the wrong answer. I must say, I am dissapointed, I had great faith in you to do the logical thing. Clearly this faith was misplaced.

In light of your refusal, we have an alternative suggestion. Warlords hold territory in your rightful land. We have an advanced army. if we give you governance over the forest, could you not give us access?
Peace and Truth. Always.

Imperial Psycho
2011-01-13, 05:47 PM
United Kingdom

To Ottoman Empire
Your nation claims it is dedicated to the truth. That it refuses to lie. I believe a test is in order.

What are the locations, armaments and training of all Ottoman armed forces? Keep me updated on this. Not doing so will be considered withholding information.

Are there any exploitable weaknesses in Ottoman defenses?

Please transmit any and all data that Ottoman espionage teams have gathered.

What are the Ottomans intentions in the amazon? Are there any reasons other rainforests are not suitable?

2011-01-13, 05:52 PM
Iran and the EU publicly recognise the Eden Arcologies as a Sovereign state

EU to Eden Arcologies
The Council agrees unanimously to your proposal.

Iran to Eden Arcologies
Thats sounds like a good deal. There is a location in the Yazd province we believe would be suitable for your arcology.

Brazil to Ottoman empire
Thats sounds like a good trade. It might damage our relations with Argentina, but at least we won't have to pay them for the right to use the forest.

Nepal Loyalists to EA
Thank you. It is good to see someone else who understands our motives. Any assistance you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Perhaps you could assist us on a few of our weapon projects? We'd obviously be willing to give you some of the schematics as compensation.

Forum Explorer
2011-01-13, 06:15 PM
The Great Fleet

To Russia
With your new airships you hardly need your old transport ships you currently have. We would be willing to buy them off you