View Full Version : Does a Cloak Of charisma count on your leadership score??

Moose Man
2010-12-04, 08:10 PM
the question is in the title. can this be???

2010-12-04, 09:15 PM
From the SRD:

A character’s base Leadership score equals his level plus any Charisma modifier.

Cloak of Charisma: ...it adds a +2, +4, or +6 enhancement bonus to her Charisma score.
I would say yes.

2010-12-04, 09:17 PM
Your Leadership score is character level + cha mod. All the Cloak of Charisma would do is increase your cha mod which would in turn increase your leadership score.

2010-12-04, 09:26 PM
What happens with your cohort when you put it on? Do he just gain a few levels, do you get a new one?
What then happens if you take it off? Does say "you're not good enough for me" and take off?

2010-12-04, 09:32 PM
What happens with your cohort when you put it on? Do he just gain a few levels, do you get a new one?
What then happens if you take it off? Does say "you're not good enough for me" and take off?
Put on the cloak when you take Leadership, and never take it off. :smalltongue:

2010-12-04, 09:34 PM
What happens with your cohort when you put it on? Do he just gain a few levels, do you get a new one?
What then happens if you take it off? Does say "you're not good enough for me" and take off?
The cohort is at the level you'd get without the cloak. If you keep it on long enough, you can get more followers, but the cohort isn't automatically at the highest possible level.

2010-12-04, 10:03 PM
Yeah, but say you are a 6th level character with a CHA of 8 (a -1). Your Leadership score is 5, and you have a 3rd level cohort. When you put on a cloak of +2 charisma, your score goes up to 6, and you can fire the old cohort and get a new one at level 4.

Then you take off the cloak. Your score is back to 5, so your cohort should be level 3 - does he lose levels? Does he suddenly get killed and then raised? Can you use a Thought Bottle to harness the free XP gained from this routine?

2010-12-04, 11:07 PM
I'd say the cohort stays at his level as normal. If your Charisma doesn't go up, or you don't gain some other relevant leadership bonus, he'll gradually become dissatisfied and leave on his own.
I'd give it 3-4 weeks if combat isn't involved. Less if it's a cheesy optimizing ploy geared to cheese in combat.

That, or the cohort will begin demanding a full share of the treasure.

2010-12-05, 03:32 AM
I like the idea that like int-items and skillpoints you don't get a benefit above your base.

2010-12-05, 07:06 AM
Arcanous has the right idea. As long as you're always wearing the cloak or otherwise have your charisma boosted by the same amount when in public, you keep the followers and cohort level. If you stop for a week, you lose followers until your total matches the table, and your cohort realizes he deserves a full share of treasure (and starts getting a share of xp).

2010-12-05, 04:15 PM
The Leadership rules do say that if a cohort would advance to one level below you, they instead remain 1 XP short. That said, if your players are the kinds of people to do this (put a cloak on to get a better cohort, then take it off to keep their cohort at a higher level than it should be) it's better to just keep them from taking Leadership in the first place.

2010-12-05, 04:19 PM
Then you take off the cloak. Your score is back to 5, so your cohort should be level 3 - does he lose levels? Does he suddenly get killed and then raised? Can you use a Thought Bottle to harness the free XP gained from this routine?

He realizes you aren't as cool as you were, and is no longer your cohort. A friendly NPC, who may accompany you as a cohort once again when you gain another level or your cha goes up, but for now he does his own thing.

2010-12-05, 06:08 PM
What then happens if you take it off? Does say "you're not good enough for me" and take off?

I like this :smallbiggrin: