View Full Version : Any microphone and or podcast software?

2010-12-04, 11:59 PM
So I'm supposed to do a creative project for school within a week or so, and I decided (at the last minute) to do a podcast. I have the subject covered well, but I have no idea how to make a microphone work on a computer, as well as having no idea how to make a podcast/use podcast software.

I'm terrified either way of viruses (been the downfall of my computer before), so I'd like to know the reputable programs for microphones and podcasts, as well as how to use them correctly.

Oh, and it has to be free, of course.

2010-12-05, 07:18 AM
Audacity, Audacity, Audacity.

It's completely free and I know for a fact that many pod-casters use it.

2010-12-05, 09:08 AM
Was gonna come here to recommend Audacity but been beaten to the punch :P

2010-12-05, 02:02 PM
As for getting microphones to work you should just need to plug them into the right socket. I believe the sockets are pink for mics. Also yes, Audacity is brilliant.

2010-12-05, 02:41 PM
Fun and tangentially related:

How to use Headphones as a Microphone. (http://everything2.com/title/Using+headphones+as+a+microphone)

You generally need to ramp the gain up quite a bit to make it audible, but it does work. :smallbiggrin: