View Full Version : [3.5] Item of Dual Wand Wielder?

2010-12-06, 03:00 AM
A player in my module is playing an artificer and wants to buy an item of Dual Wand Wielder, as per feat. Good idea? Pricing? Prerequisites (Two Weapon Fighting)? Currently at level 8, module won't progress past level 9, and almost no time to craft, so it's going to be hard to pull shenanigans, at least until the module is over.

2010-12-06, 03:07 AM
Something like Gloves of the Balanced Hand (MIC 105, 8000gp) would probably be appropriate. The feat is useful, but it has low pre-requisites and is easy to gain.

Replace the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting option with Dual Wand wielding for characters who already have Craft Wand and Two-Weapon Fighting.

Since the feat has 2 pre-reqs I would up the price a bit. At least 1.5x or 2x.

2010-12-07, 01:55 AM
Hmm. I'm pretty sure he already has Craft Wand, as per Artificer. However, since he'll be buying an already-made item, instead of simply making it, this could work....

2010-12-07, 07:38 AM
MIC has Rod of Many Wands. You can fit three wands to it.

2010-12-08, 01:16 AM
Yeah, I mentioned that to him. His response? "Can I dual wield those?"