View Full Version : Ditto's IRCCYOARE [Too many initials, eh?]

2010-12-06, 04:55 AM
That stands for Internet Relay Chat Choose Your Own Adventure Room Escape.
I think.
Anyways, here I'll post the wacky installments of me narrating the IRC audience out of a room. Updates EVERY DAY (so far).
Day 1:
[ditto] You awake in a small ROOM. You are sitting on a BED furnished with a MATTRESS and PILLOW. Beside the table is a NIGHTSTAND upon which is a LAMP. There is a PAINTING on the wall, and a DOOR, which you think is locked just by looking at it. A LIGHT SWITCH is on the wall, and the LIGHTS are off. Type in commands using ?
[ditto] >, sorry, type in commands with >
[godskook] >Inspect Door
[Dispo] >retrieve arms
[ditto] The DOOR is indeed locked.
[godskook] What is the door made of?
[ditto] The ARMS have been retrieved.
[Dispo] >turn on light
[ditto] You cannot see very well in the DARKNESS.
[Dispo] >turn on lamp
[ditto] The LIGHTS have been turned ON, and the DARKNESS vanquished.
[Dispo] oh, ok
[Dispo] or that
[ditto] Still lamp?
[Dispo] no
[ditto] Ok.
[godskook] But! 1.I can feel 2.I can hear
[Dispo] >look PIANTING
[Dispo] also >look painting
[Cute_Riolu] > Remove PAINTING, retrieve ARMS
[ditto] The PAINTING depicts a classy background- a lake and a forest, with some mountains in the distance.
[Dispo] >regard painting fondly
[GralaminShieldheart] > Retrieve ARMS
[Dispo] arms have already been retrieved >:
[ditto] Behind the PAINTING is a METAL SQUARE, with a 10-digit NUMBER INPUT.
[Dispo] >look room
* godskook doesn't get the "retrieve ARMS" joke, but still finds it amusing.
[ditto] It appears to be some sort of SAFE
[ditto] (MSPA)
[Dispo] it's from MS paint adventures
[GralaminShieldheart] (MSPA)
[Dispo] (an an awesome in joke)
[ditto] The PAINTING has been fondled.
[Dispo] (and*)
[Cute_Riolu] > Your other ARMS, doofus!
[ditto] You can only find one set of ARMS in the ROOM.
[Dispo] (/me sits back and lets other take the lead)
[godskook] >Inspect bed
[Dispo] (except for)
[Dispo] >look room
[ditto] Upon the BED is a MATTRESS and PILLOW. They appear mildly comfy.
[Cute_Riolu] > This is disatisfactory. Create ARMS with BED components.
[godskook] >Remove Pillow, >Examine Pillow
[ditto] You do not have the necessary LAB EQUIPMENT, to do so without them would be disatrous and result in death.
[ditto] The PILLOW is limp and lifeless, and seems quite cold. Underneath it is a SMALL SILVER KEY.
[godskook] >Take key, >Hide key from party
[ditto] Inventory: PILLOW.
[ditto] Inventory: PILLOW, SMALL SILVER KEY
[Dispo] >test lamp's working nature, if working, unplug and take
[godskook] >Ambient Temperature
[ditto] Upon turning the LAMP on, you notice it sheds a PECULIAR PURPLE LIGHT, and something on the DESK appears; the LIGHT makes it impossible to read, however.
[godskook] >Turn off wall switch
[Dispo] lol
[godskook] >Develop plans for cold fusion with pillow that is clearly not same temperature as room
[ditto] You turn the LIGHTS off, and the PECULIAR PURPLE LIGHT shows a MESSAGE written in some sort of INVISIBLE INK, now visible.
[ditto] Perhaps later.
[Dispo] >read letter
[ditto] The MESSAGE shows but 5 numbers: 07 42 69 94 16
[Dispo] >write numbers on new paper
[Dispo] >enter numbers in safe
[ditto] PAPER? You have no PAPER.
[Dispo] >rue lack of paper
[ditto] You enter the MESSAGE into the SAFE, and it opens with a hiss, revealing a slice of BLACK FOREST CAKE on some FINE CHINA.
[ditto] The LACK OF PAPER has been rued.
[godskook] >loathe lack of cold fusion
[ditto] Inventory: PILLOW, SMALL SILVER KEY, MESSAGE (memorized)
[ditto] The LACK OF COLD FUSION has been loathed.
[Dispo] >test cake for traces of lie
[Dispo] (old overused meme is old and overused :D )
[godskook] >Inspect china
[ditto] The BLACK FOREST CAKE is, indeed, a LIE.
[Dispo] >sing Still Alive
[ditto] The FINE CHINA is blue, and quite fine.
[ditto] You do not know what "Still Alive" is, how could you sing it?
[Dispo] >take fine ********
[ditto] The LIE seems to have HINGES on it in the back that were hidden from the point of view, and it seems to be made of a hollow plastic.
[godskook] What good is china that's less than 6inches across?
[ditto] There are no FINE ******** here.
[Dispo] >take fine china
[Dispo] >flip lie cake
[ditto] Inventory: PILLOW, SMALL SILVER KEY, MESSAGE (memorized), FINE CHINA
[ditto] The LIE moves back and reveals a LARGE GOLDEN KEY.
[godskook] @ditto, is there any diminuitive china?
[ditto] There is not- only the one PLATE upon which the LIE lay.
[godskook] >take 5 golden keys
[ditto] There is but ONE.
[godskook] >Search for 4 calling birds
[ditto] There is only you and your STASH of SWEET LOOT, along with the rest of the ROOM.
[godskook] (was extending previous joke)
[ditto] I know. I know all.
[godskook] >Remove bed
[ditto] Impossible, you are too weak to move the BED a smidge, the foundation is in the CEMENT FLOOR.
[godskook] >remove matress
|<-- Gral_Bot has left irc.gamesurge.net (Read error: EOF from client)
|<-- GralaminShieldheart has left irc.gamesurge.net (Quit: Change is a fundamental tool to transform things from what they are into what they need to be.)
[ditto] You remove the MATRESS and find the BED FRAME underneath, through which you can see the FLOOR. There is a PIECE OF PAPER on the FLOOR.
[godskook] >Take Paper
[godskook] >Take Floor
|<-- AgentPaper has left irc.gamesurge.net (Ping timeout)
[Dispo] >take life
[godskook] >Destroy Matress
[ditto] You cannot take the FLOOR.
[ditto] The MATRESS is quite springy and hard to tear.
[godskook] Why? Holding out for its one true love?
[ditto] There are no LIVES to take.
[ditto] To which>
[godskook] The floor
[ditto] Yes, it it. It's LOVER, the HARDWOOD in the FOYER, will kill you if you take it, you must not risk this.
[ditto] You wonder why you are so crazy as to think FLOORs can love.
[ditto] You notice some WRITING upon the PIECE OF PAPER.
[godskook] >Read paper
[godskook] >Grumble about emotionless floors
[ditto] The PAPER reads: "I don't have much time to explain, but use the key under the BED to open the DRAWER, from there you should be able to escape. I feel I will be killed getting out after placing this, but it will be worth it to know you, my FRIEND, will live. Godspeed."
[Dispo] you! black emperor
[ditto] Hmm?
[godskook] >Open drawer
[ditto] The DRAWER is LOCKED.
[godskook] >Unlock drawer
[ditto] You have two KEYS.
[godskook] >Try gold key
[ditto] The LARGE GOLDEN KEY is much too large for this LOCK, obviously.
[Dispo] (Godspeed you! black emperor is a band (: )
[ditto] Ah
[godskook] >Try Silver Key
[godskook] >Grumble about calling birds
[ditto] The SMALL SILVER KEY is a much better fit- custom, you might even say. A better LOCK and KEY combination there has never been! The LOCK clicks open with an AUDIBLE CLICK.
[ditto] No one is around to hear you.
[godskook] >Open Drawer
[godskook] >Inspect contents
[ditto] The DRAWER opens.
[Dispo] >look inside drawer
[ditto] The CONTENTS are quite bare- just a NOTEBOOK that looks like most of its PAGES have been ripped out.
[godskook] >Read Notebook
[ditto] There are but two PAGES left. One says "Turn the LIGHTS off and the LAMP on." And the second says "The CAKE is a LIE."
[godskook] >Lights off, >Lamp On, >Cake Lie
[ditto] The LIGHTS are shut off, throwing the ROOM into DARKNESS. You wish you had turned the LAMP on first. You stumble around and manage to turn the LAMP on which shows you the MESSAGE that you've already seen.
[ditto] You already know the CAKE is a LIE.
|<-- Emerald has left irc.gamesurge.net (Quit: I can piss on Calais from Dover)
[godskook] >Inspect Notebook
[ditto] It appears to be small and black, with only two PAGES inside, and spiral-bound. The PECULIAR PURPLE LIGHT is quite disconcerting.
[godskook] >Search for other hidden messages, possibly in notebook
[godskook] >attack darkness
[ditto] Inventory: PILLOW, MESSAGE (07 42 69 94 16), FINE CHINA, LARGE GOLDEN KEY, PAPER
[ditto] The DARKNESS is too powerful to attack without some sort of WEAPON.
[ditto] There are no other hidden MESSAGES you can find.
[godskook] >Light on, >Lamp off
[godskook] >Try golden key on door
[ditto] The LIGHTS have been turned on and the LAMP has been turned off.
[ditto] The LARGE GOLDEN KEY seems to fit the DOOR even better than the SMALL SILVER KEY and the DRAWER! You didn't think that was possible! It slides in smoothly and beautifully.
[godskook] >giggity
[ditto] awjea
[godskook] >Open door
[ditto] The DOOR opens, and you are greeted by a BRIGHT LIGHT.
[ditto] Ending Inventory: PILLOW, MESSAGE (07 42 69 94 16), FINE CHINA, PAPER
[ditto] I've gotta go to sleep
[ditto] I'll see if I can do another later though.
[godskook] >ditto sleep
[ditto] Thank you for taking part in this APERTURE SCIENCE EXPERIMENT.
[ditto] There will be cake.
Participants: godskook, Dispo, Cute_Riolu, GralaminShieldheart
Inventory: PILLOW, MESSAGE (07 42 69 94 16), FINE CHINA, PAPER
Thanks to: godskook and Dispo for logs.
If you want to participate, join the IRC! I may also be doing a forum-hosted one later. So, thoughts, etc.?

2010-12-13, 10:03 PM
* Now talking in #cyoa
* Dispo ([email protected]) has joined #cyoa
<@ditto> Hola~
<Dispo> won't be participating thugh
<@ditto> Aww
* TheDarkFiddler ([email protected]) has joined #cyoa
* Pink ([email protected]) has joined #cyoa
<@ditto> ello
* Vaynor ([email protected]) has joined #cyoa
<Pink> I'll just lurk in the corner here, you'll barely notice I'm around.
<@ditto> So many lurkers ;-; sounds cool though
<Vaynor> Woops caps
<TheDarkFiddler> NOTICING
<Pink> What can I say, I like to watch ;P
<@ditto> Heh
<@ditto> this reminds me of my first IRC name, pple
<@ditto> @pple
<Vaynor> :P
<@ditto> So hmm... now for planning this out
* godskook ([email protected]) has joined #cyoa
* UglyPanda ([email protected]) has joined #cyoa
<TheDarkFiddler> >come up with ideas
<Pink> North Pole! Santa's little helpers :P
<@ditto> You awaken in a DESOLATE LAND, filled with SNOW and PENGUINS. :P
<Vaynor> > I cuddle the penguins.
<Dispo> ^ +1
<Vaynor> > Extensively.
<@ditto> The PENGUINS squawk awkwardly, unsure of their RELATIONSHIP STATUS with you
<Dispo> lol
<Vaynor> > Stop cuddling penguins and look around at the surrounding area. Any landmarks?
<godskook> Take Penguins
<TheDarkFiddler> >disregard landmarks, walk blindly
<Vaynor> Oh right, can I put a penguin in my inventory?
<UglyPanda> Punch the penguin in the beak to establish superiority.
<Vaynor> Shush TDF
<@ditto> No, you have no POCKETS and are naked.
<@ditto> Brr. It is cold.
<godskook> Take Penguin
<Vaynor> > Grab penguin and use it for warmth
<TheDarkFiddler> >huddle inside flock of penguins for heat
<@ditto> The SURROUNDING LANDSCAPE is flat and white, a sheer blanket of snow.
<Dispo> >cover modesty with penguin
<TheDarkFiddler> >spam too many responses for ditto to respond to
<@ditto> The PENGUIN you pick up starts making NOISES and flails about, but seems to calm down as you rub the PENGUIN against your CHEST.
<@ditto> Modesty? You have no MODESTY in your INVENTORY.
<@ditto> That you know od.
<@ditto> *of
<Vaynor> > Dig a hole in the snow to retain warmth.
<TheDarkFiddler> >check inventory
<@ditto> ((I'm surprised we haven't had a >retrieve arms command yet :P ))
<Vaynor> > Retrieve arms
<TheDarkFiddler> I just said >check inventory
<@ditto> You manage to dig about a foot down in the SNOW before hitting FROZEN GROUND.
<@ditto> Inventory: Nothing.
<Vaynor> Stupid ground always being beneath things.
<TheDarkFiddler> >Make sure to check all crevices
* XiaoTie ([email protected]) has joined #cyoa
<@ditto> There are no CREVICES around here, and all the ones on your BODY have been checked.
<TheDarkFiddler> >continue onward blindly
<Vaynor> ^ this
* XiaoTie ([email protected]) has left #cyoa
<Pink> what, no pengiun sledding?
<@ditto> You leave the PENGUIN COLONY and start wandering about in the DESOLATE WASTELAND, stumbling through the SNOW. The SUN appears to be moving slowly through the SKY.
<Vaynor> Setting or rising?
<TheDarkFiddler> >iron heart surge the sun
<Vaynor> > iron heart surge the cold
<TheDarkFiddler> >iron heart surge your previous iron heart surge
<@ditto> I don't know what IHS is so yeah
<@ditto> The SUN is rising.
<Vaynor> > iron heart surge you
<UglyPanda> It's a maneuver that stops conditions from affecting you.
<UglyPanda> It has been noted that it's so badly written, that you could use it on the sun.
<TheDarkFiddler> Maybe
<UglyPanda> It's badly written because it's vague.
<TheDarkFiddler> >continue onwards, it will only get warmer now
<Vaynor> Also gravity
<@ditto> Ah
<@ditto> Trudging through the SNOW with the PENGUIN, you decide you need to name him so that he is easier to refer to.
<Vaynor> > Name penguin Jose.
<TheDarkFiddler> >name penguin happy
<TheDarkFiddler> >name it Aang, actually.
<Pink> > +1
<Pink> ^
<@ditto> one sec, my dnd group is dividing loot >.>
<Vaynor> Haha are you playing D&D at the same time?
<TheDarkFiddler> Multi-tasking.
<Vaynor> I'm impressed.
<@ditto> Yeah I'm doing a lot right now >.<
<Vaynor> Say hi to them for me.
<@ditto> So what are we naming the PENGUIN?
<Vaynor> > Jose
<@ditto> And is it a BOY or a GIRL?
<@ditto> :P
<TheDarkFiddler> >Aang
<TheDarkFiddler> >Hermaphrodite
<Pink> > Aang
<@ditto> Alright, 1 is Jose, 2 is Aang, I'll roll in #giantitp
<UglyPanda> You need blood analysis to tell the difference between penguins.
<Vaynor> **** yeah Jose
<TheDarkFiddler> >1 is Aang and 2 is Jose
<@ditto> The PENGUIN's name is JOSE
<Vaynor> What now
<Pink> :D
<UglyPanda> >Activate Gambit Schema
<@ditto> The PENGUIN is too small to be used as a SLED and you appear to be on a flat plane of snow
<TheDarkFiddler> >Look around for clothing
<@ditto> There is only SNOW and JOSE
<TheDarkFiddler> >Dig around the snow to see if there is anything
<Vaynor> > keep walking snow isn't deep enough to dig
<@ditto> You dig around the snow, but instead of ground you find a SHINY METAL SURFACE
<Vaynor> Why does it only work when he does it :(
<TheDarkFiddler> >instruct Jose to tell Vaynor to SUCK IT
<TheDarkFiddler> >examine surface
<@ditto> The SURFACE is SHINY and METALLIC and also SILVER
<UglyPanda> >Instruct Jose to Round Trip Slap the other penguins.
<TheDarkFiddler> >try to break surface
<@ditto> The OTHER PENGUINS are too far away
<@ditto> You punch the SURFACE and with a clang, your HAND bounces back, aching terribly.
<@ditto> It seems to have no effect
<TheDarkFiddler> >continue onwards looking at the ground
<Vaynor> > Hit surface with penguin repeatedly
<@ditto> What? No! You love JOSE too much to do something like that to him.
<@ditto> JOSE would not do that to you.
<@ditto> You continue walking on, the SNOW now covering the GROUND again.
<Vaynor> I was hoping Jose would be strong enough to break through
<@ditto> He is but a PENGUIN
<TheDarkFiddler> >Instruct Jose to use Ancient Power on the surface
<Pink> >clear off more snow around metal area
* ditto is now known as ditto_afk
<@ditto_afk> brb
* Dispo is now known as Dispo_movies
* ditto_afk is now known as ditto
<@ditto> JOSE does not have any SPECIAL POWERS that you can think of, you only just em
<@ditto> met
<Vaynor> wb
<@ditto> After clearing more snow, you find more of the SURFACE
<@ditto> tanks
<TheDarkFiddler> >yell at Jose
<TheDarkFiddler> >welcome ditto back
<@ditto> JOSE begins crying, he doesn't understand why you're so angry at him
<Vaynor> > pat Jose reassuringly
<TheDarkFiddler> >apologize in a HEARTFELT manner
<@ditto> JOSE waddles over to somewhere in the SNOW and dances there for a while
<TheDarkFiddler> >ponder whether this is due to happiness or penguin-ness.
<@ditto> You have no CLUE as to why JOSE is doing this
<UglyPanda> >Take pictures.
<Vaynor> > Go to where Jose is dancing
<Vaynor> > Start digging
<Vaynor> (maybe it's his penguin senses)
<@ditto> You have no PICTURE-TAKING DEVICE
<@ditto> After digging out the SNOW, you see more SURFACE
<@ditto> But this section has a CIRCULAR PATTERN upon it
<TheDarkFiddler> >lick the surface
<Vaynor> > Are there any other markings except for the circle?
<@ditto> You don't lick the SURFACE! Your TONGUE would get stuck!
<TheDarkFiddler> >but it must taste like snowcones!
<@ditto> There is just a CIRCLE, and inside that is two CIRCLES. Within each of these CIRCLEs are two more, and so on.
<TheDarkFiddler> >stand in the center of the largest circle
<@ditto> When your FOOT hits the CIRCLE, the CIRCLE rises up- a CYLINDER actually, It grows to about six feet in height. There is a FLAT DISPLAY that shows "USERNAME:
<@ditto> and "PASSWORD:"
<TheDarkFiddler> >USERNAME: GLaDOS
<TheDarkFiddler> >PASSWORD: CAKE
<@ditto> The DISPLAY shows and ERROR MESSAGE and goes back to the HOMESCREEN
<UglyPanda> >PASSWORD: LIE
<TheDarkFiddler> >USERNAME: Jose
<@ditto> You still need a PASSWORD
<TheDarkFiddler> >Ask Jose to input password
<@ditto> You hold up JOSE and he randomly hits a few KEYS
<@ditto> The CYLINDER goes back into the SURFACE, but the CIRCLE is now illuminated
<Vaynor> Jose is the answer!
<Vaynor> > Step on circle.
<@ditto> As soon as you step on the CIRCLE your vision goes black, and looking up, you realize you are shooting down at a RIDICULOUS SPEED
<TheDarkFiddler> >consider how lucky you are to have named Jose properly
<Vaynor> Consider how lucky YOU are.
<Vaynor> And you wanted to name him Aang.
<Vaynor> Pffft.
<@ditto> Yeah, you guys would be screwed if AANG was the username
<TheDarkFiddler> >hug Jose
<@ditto> JOSE is sort of floating about three feet above the CIRCLE but you hug him tight so that when you stop he doesn't hit the ground hard.
<@ditto> JOSE seems thankful
<Vaynor> > Pat Jose.
<@ditto> You pat JOSE as the CYLINDER seems to slow to a halt. One side opens, revealing a ROOM.
<TheDarkFiddler> >search doorway for TRAPS
<@ditto> There are no TRAPS as far as you can see
<Vaynor> > Look around room
<UglyPanda> >Search doorway for the other type of trap.
This was a new one, in #cyoa on Gamesurge.net so as not to clutter #giantitp. Funfun.

2010-12-13, 10:22 PM
Posting because she whipped me D:

2010-12-13, 10:27 PM
What no, he posted here of his own volition. Totally.

2010-12-13, 10:28 PM
I am also posting of my own volition. No threats were used.

2010-12-13, 10:29 PM
No threats... heh. See!