View Full Version : ELs for a 7 pg party

Uncle Casw
2010-12-07, 01:35 PM
On a damp and dark night, our GM throwed 4 CR 6 and 3 CR 9 (all at once, of course) at our little low-opt 7-people 5-level party.

Just in case someone is asking, it was a TPK.

Now, the whole session was retconned to some kind of bad dream/omen from the BBEG but such a mistake cannot be repeated :smallmad:

So... what EL shoul be a solid "everyday fight" for our little big party?
Any advice on the composition? (you know... a single huge baddie can kill a toon on a full attack, many little mooks makes a round last an eternity etc.)

Thanks :smalltongue:

2010-12-07, 01:38 PM
A handy encounter calculator (http://www.penpaperpixel.org/tools/d20encountercalculator.htm). If taken with a grain of salt and not followed slavishly, can be useful.

(btw, it says this encounter was "overpowering")

2010-12-07, 06:32 PM
On a damp and dark night, our GM throwed 4 CR 6 and 3 CR 9 (all at once, of course) at our little low-opt 7-people 5-level party


So... what EL shoul be a solid "everyday fight" for our little big party?

I wold say 8.

Most critters are over CR'ed. For a party that size I usually use a main encounter 3 CR higher than standard.