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View Full Version : [oWoD] How many generations kinfolk?

2010-12-07, 02:38 PM
How many generations would a single line of people stay kinfolk, assuming no true werewolves breeding in during that period?

Two different scenarios:

a) Village above the genetic variability minimum (since there's going to be a touch of relation, even if people are kinfolk to a wide variety of tribes). All people in the village are kinfolk. No outbreeding at all. Superstitious, they kill all true-born Garou as soon as they manifest. How long would the people remain kinfolk?

b) Garou and mate. Child of couple A mates with Normal Human. Child of Couple B mates with Normal Human, and so on. At what point are the children not kinfolk?

2010-12-07, 02:41 PM
I belive it mentions in one of the Werewolf books that you could, if you really wanted to, play a White Howler ( the tribe that fell and became the Black Spiral Dancer) born from their few survivng Kinfolk and they were effectively wiped out during the Roman invasion of Britain

2010-12-07, 04:21 PM
I belive it mentions in one of the Werewolf books that you could, if you really wanted to, play a White Howler ( the tribe that fell and became the Black Spiral Dancer) born from their few survivng Kinfolk and they were effectively wiped out during the Roman invasion of Britain

Nope, a tribe is bound together by a tribal totem, not a function of werewolf "genetics" (for a lack of a better term), and since the white howlers no longer have a totem you can't join the tribe. You could however play a white howler "throwback" member of another tribe. Such a throwback would almost definitely be hunted by the black spirals in order to convert or destroy however.

2010-12-07, 04:54 PM
As far as I know, and I could be wrong, it's mostly random.
were+were = u% were(metis) + v% kin +w% normal
were+kin = x% were + y% kin +z% normal
kin+kin = a% were + b% kin +c% normal
were+normal = d% were + e% kin +f% normal
kin+normal = g% were + h% kin +i% normal

any or all of {w,z,c,d,f,g} could be very small

as for your scenarios:
for simplicity, we'll assume that the percentages are followed exactly, rescale the pupulation to 1, and assume a and g are small.

Gen1: 100%kin

Gen2: b%kin c%normal

Gen3: bb+2bc+cc = pairings -> (bbb+2bch)%kin +(bbc+2bci +cc)%normal

Genn: (b*((kin in Gen(n-1))^2) + 2h*((kin in Gen(n-1))*(normal in Gen(n-1))))kin + (c*((kin in Gen(n-1))^2) + 2i*((kin in Gen(n-1))*(normal in Gen(n-1))) + ((normal in Gen(n-1))^2))normal

sorry, haven't figured out the series as a function of n

for simplicity, we'll assume that the percentages are followed exactly, and assume the first child(were+normal) was a kin and start there.

Gen0: kin
Gen1: h% kin
Gen2: h^2 % kin
Gen3: h^3 % kin
Gen4: h^4 % kin
Genn: h^n % kin

The % s are there to show what I mean in the first part.
because % = 1/100, I should have divided by 100 every time I multiplied a variable to keep the units consistent.
If it bothers you, if you remove all percentage symbols, and the units will fix themselves.