View Full Version : Can anyone help me check over these "style builds" for my homebrew setting?

2010-12-07, 11:36 PM
Hi everyone, thanks for reading. Firstly, let me explain what I mean by "style build". It is a build that basically epitomizes the fighting style that it uses; I'll throw in a bit of cultural information too, if that will help.
The setting is e6, by the way.

Alright, if you are willing to help, here is the first one:

Elanti Shak Sharpstorm Cutter

Cultural Information
The Elanti were a nomadic folk, the most common culprits for any of the mixtures between cultures; they seemed to have an uncanny predilection for stories, which they collected like a dragon hordes gold. They traveled in caravans across the entire breadth of the continent, completely and utterly defying any attempts to make them settle down and form villages.

At least, that's an accurate description of the Elanti before the schism; in approximately the year 34 AI (Before the Empire), a leader of one of the caravans began to force other caravans to join his, greatly expanding the number of people under his command. Soon, he had almost two-thirds of the entire culture under his rule; however, a group, calling themselves the Shak, began to fight back, using the traditional combat razor style known as the Sharpstorm. Although this ruler, who eventually tied the culture to the Alai Empire, and thus causing them to lose their ability to wander free, exterminated the grand majority of these so called Shak Cutters, a small number of them survived; divorced from the rest of their culture, they kept to the old ways, and never joined the Empire.

After the Empire's three and a half centuries of prosperity, it, for unknown reasons, fell to pieces. The Elanti Shak, having kept to their old wandering ways, were easily able to avoid areas of civil unrest; their estranged brethren, however, were too fully assimilated into the surrounding cultures, and fought and died with the rest of them.

Silverbrow Human Bard 6
Equipment: 2 Gnomish Quickrazors. You're gonna dual wield these puppies.

1st: Combat Casting
Human: Two Weapon Fighting
Flaw: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (GnomishElanti Quickrazor)
3rd: Spellrazor
6th: Smiting Spell

Basically, the idea is that, while Mr. ESSC is fighting for the first three levels, he learns more and more tricks while TWF; one such trick is using a full-round action to cast a touch spell, use it, and then attack with your Quickrazor.

Here's a question I have: if I use Smiting Spell to channel a touch spell into a Quickrazor attack, does that mean I get my normal extra attack from TWF and the extra attack from the Spellrazor feat? Or do I just get two attacks, nothing more, nothing less?