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2010-12-08, 08:14 AM
Worker Golem

Warning! Warning! Civilians are prohibited here! You have 30 seconds to leave this area!! This is not a test!

22...System Error!

Genocide Mode!
Researchers, evacuate to the shelter immediately!!

No one is quite certain where they come from, who built them, or even what purposes they were meant to serve, but one thing is clear a Worker Golem often spells trouble for any it views as a threat. For the lucky individual the Worker Golem believes to be its master, there is still no knowledge on how one becomes designated as such, life couldn’t be easier. A Worker golem will follow commands dutifully, even if they put itself in immediate danger. Most Worker Golems will not, however, change their original name, and will only respond to that which their original creator gave to them, usually something more out of utility than endearing, along the lines of ‘Golem 6’ or ‘Golem 9’ All Worker Golems posses an incredible intellect, but almost never question the commands of their master, which makes them ideal laborers because they can carry out complicated commands without question, Worker Golems speak one language chosen at the time of creation, however it understands all forms of language.

Most Worker Golems discovered suffer from the incredible lack of maintenance and wear of the ages, and may end up damaging itself if carrying out its more complex functions.

Ancient Worker Golem
Large Construct
Hit Dice: 16d10+30 (118 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 25 (-1 size, -2 Dex, +18 Natural), 7 touch, 27 flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+25
Attack: +20 Slam (2d6+15)
Full Attack: +20 Crush (2d6+20)
Space/Reach: 10ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Compress, Crush, Destroy, Dispose, Self Destruct
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft, DR 10/Adamantine, Battle Savvy, Immunity to Magic, Low-light vision, Poor Maintenance, Strong Back
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +5
Abilities Str 31, Dex 7, Con Ø, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills: Climb 19, Jump 19, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 19, Profession (Any Two Skills) 21
Feats: Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (1rst Profession), Skill Focus (2nd Profession), Power Attack, Improved Initiative
Environment: Any, often found in ancient ruins.
Organization: Solitary (1), Crew (2-5), or Union (12-22)
Challenge Rating: 12
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: (17-22) Large
Level Adjustment: -

The shambling steel giant approaches you, sputtering in a long forgotten language, walking with a strange limp. Ages of rust cover its armor like body and two large eyes glow from behind a helmet like shell. Suddenly it snaps to attention, eyes shifting from a soft pink to a deadly red, focused on you.

Combat Though the Ancient Worker Golem does not relish combat it will defend anything it has been ordered to defend, and destroy anything it has been ordered to destroy. The Anceint Worker Golem places no value on life or existence of any kind, existing only to do as it has been ordered to. However many of the special attacks of the Ancient Worker Golem come at a high cost, and if the Ancient Worker Golem may complete a task without using them, it will.

Compress (Ex): While Grappling an opponent, the Ancient Worker Golem may automatically deal 4d6+20 damage to the opponent with a successful grapple check. Initiating this attack deals 2d10 damage to the Ancient Worker Golem (See Poor Maintenance below).

Crush (Ex): As a full attack action the Ancient Worker Golem may make an attack with a powerful drill hidden behind its right arm. This functions as the Ancient Worker Golem’s normal Slam attack, except it is considered Adamantine, Cold Iron, Alchemical Silver, Magical, Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reductions. Further this attack ignores hardness. This attack deals (2d6+20) damage, and the Ancient Worker Golem suffers 2d10 damage (See Poor Maintenance below).

Destroy (Ex): The Ancient Worker Golem may, as a free action, initiate a grapple attempt directly after successfully making a Slam or Crush attack, however the initiation of this grapple deals 2d10 damage to the Ancient Worker Golem (See Poor Maintenance below). This provokes no attack or opportunity, and does not require a touch attack.

Dispose (Su): The Ancient Worker Golem has a powerful energy cannon built into its chassis, which it may activate as a standard action. This cannon is unerringly accurate, and strikes any one target within 120 ft. of the Ancient Worker Golem. This attack deals 7d6 damage to the targeted creature, further any creature reduced to 0 or less hp by this attack must succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude save or be disintegrated (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/disintegrate.htm) as per the spell of same name. This attack ignores hardness and deals full damage to objects. This powerful attack taxes the Ancient Worker Golem twice as much as its usual functions and deals it 4d10 damage (See Poor Maintenance below).

Self Destruct (Su): When the Ancient Worker Golem is destroyed it will announce a Self-Destruct Function in the Language of its original creator. 1d4-1 rounds after its destruction, on its initiative the Ancient Worker Golem will explode in a 60 ft. radius of shrapnel and force, any creatures caught within this 60ft. burst suffer 8d6 damage, half of which is piercing and the other half is force damage. A successfully Reflex save, DC 18, reduces this damage by half. There is a 25% chance after announcing its Self Destruct activation that there will be a System Error, and the Ancient Worker Golem will not activate the explosion after it has been destroyed. An Ancient Worker Golem may be ordered to use this special attack at any time. If it does so before it has reached 0 hp, it is reduced to 0 hp upon exploding.

Battle Savvy: The Ancient Worker Golem has a number of attacks of opportunity available to it per round equal to its intelligence modifier. (2)

Immunity to Magic: The Ancient Worker Golem is immune to all Divine spells that allow for spell resistance, Arcane spells seem to effect it normally. In addition certain spells or effects work differently on the Ancient Worker Golem as detailed below.

A magical attack that deals electricity damage slows the Ancient Worker Golem as per the Slow ( http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/slow.htm) spell for 3 rounds without a saving throw.

Any magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the Ancient Worker Golem and heals it 1 point of hp for every 3 points of fire damage it would have done.

Poor Maintenance: All of the Ancient Worker Golem’s Special Attacks tax the Ancient Worker Golem’s system, dealing it 2d10 damage for each use.

Strong Back: The Ancient Worker Golem is considered a Huge sized creature for carrying and lifting capabilities. Calculate the Ancient Worker Golem’s Light, Medium, and Heavy loads as those of a Huge sized creature, as well as it’s Lift over head, and push/pull capacity.

Superb Worker Golem
Large Construct
Hit Dice: 22d10+30 (151 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 36 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +24 Natural ), 12 touch, 33 flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple: +16/+34
Attack: +29 Slam (2d6+21)
Full Attack: +29 Crush (2d6+28)
Space/Reach: 10ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Compress, Crush, Destroy, Dispose, Self Destruct
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft, DR 15/Adamantine and Magic, Battle Savvy, Immunity to Magic, Low-light vision, Strong Back
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +6
Abilities Str 38, Dex 14, Con Ø, Int 18, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills: Climb 26, Jump 26, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 29, Profession (Any Four Skills) 21
Feats: Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (1rst Profession), Skill Focus (2nd Profession), Power Attack, Improved Initiative, Improved Ability (Dispose), 22
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary (1), Team ( 1 Superb Worker Golem With 2-5 Ancient Worker Golems), or Branch (1 Superb Worker Golem with 12-22 Ancient Worker Golems)
Challenge Rating: 14
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

The Steel Giant shines in the sunlight, its movement seems to be clean and smooth, with sharper precision than an elven arrow. It lifts a block of lead twice its size as if it were doing a simple chore, and puts it in place. Two soft pink eyes remain deftly focused on their work.

Combat Like the Ancient Worker Golem, the Superb Worker Golem would rather complete constructive tasks, or do the menial labor of thousands than enter into battle directly, but it obeys the commands of its master in all ways that it can, including destroying itself if it need to. Because the special attacks of the Superb Worker Golem are not as taxing on it’s well maintained body, it will eagerly use these to complete any task it has been put to.

Compress (Ex): While Grappling an opponent, the Superb Worker Golem may automatically deal 4d6+28 damage to the opponent with a successful grapple check.

Crush (Ex): As a full attack action the Superb Worker Golem may make an attack with a powerful drill hidden behind its right arm. This functions as the Superb Worker Golem’s normal Slam attack, except it is considered Adamantine, Cold Iron, Alchemical Silver, Magical, Epic, Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reductions. Further this attack ignores hardness.

Destroy (Ex): The Superb Worker Golem may, as a free action, initiate a grapple attempt directly after successfully making a Slam or Crush attack. This provokes no attack or opportunity, and does not require a touch attack.

Dispose (Su): The Superb Worker Golem has a powerful energy cannon built into its chassis, which it may activate as a standard action. This cannon is unerringly accurate, and strikes any one target within 320 ft. of the Superb Worker Golem. This attack deals 10d6 damage to the targeted creature, further any creature reduced to 0 or less hp by this attack must succeed on a DC 23 Fortitude save or be disintegrated (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/disintegrate.htm) as per the spell of same name. This attack ignores hardness and deals full damage to objects.

Self Destruct (Su): When the Superb Worker Golem is destroyed it will announce a Self-Destruct Function in the Language of its original creator. 3 rounds after its destruction, on its initiative the Superb Worker Golem will explode in a 120 ft. radius of shrapnel and force, any creatures caught within this 120ft. burst suffer 11d6 damage, half of which is piercing and the other half is force damage. A successfully Reflex save, DC 21, reduces this damage by half. A Superb Worker Golem may be ordered to use this special attack at any time. If it does so before it has reached 0 hp, it is reduced to 0 hp upon exploding.

Battle Savvy: The Superb Worker Golem has a number of attacks of opportunity available to it per round equal to its intelligence modifier. (4)

Immunity to Magic: The Superb Worker Golem is immune to all spells and spell like abilities that allow for spell resistance. In addition certain spells or effects work differently on the Superb Worker Golem as detailed below.

A magical attack that deals electricity damage slows the Superb Worker Golem as per the Slow ( http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/slow.htm) spell for 3 rounds without a saving throw.

Any magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the Superb Worker Golem and heals it 1 point of hp for every 3 points of fire damage it would have done.

Strong Back: The Superb Worker Golem is considered a Huge sized creature for carrying and lifting capabilities. Calculate the Superb Worker Golem’s Light, Medium, and Heavy loads as those of a Huge sized creature, as well as it’s Lift over head, and push/pull capacity.

A Knowledge (Arcana) check reveals the following:

15|Construct Type, Immunity to Magic (But not Specifics)

20|An Ancient Creation.Poor Maintenance special quality.

26|Difference between Superb and Ancient worker. 2 special attacks, Electrical Weakness.

32|Reveals all special attacks and weaknesses of both creatures.[/table]

A Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) check reveals the following:

15|Looks like it is designed to do heavy labor. Strong Back Special Quality.

25|Whether or not it is suffering from Poor Maintenance

30|2 special attacks. Electrical Weakness.

35|Self Destruct Special Attack

50| How to ‘Reset’ the Monster’s master.*[/table]
*This process may be as complicated as retrieving a specific key, or as simple as stating a simple command word.

A Knowledge (History) check reveals the following

15|Designed to carry out heavy labor and specific jobs. Strong Back Special Quality.

25| Language spoken and profession skills possessed by an individual Worker Golem.

30|Self Destruct Function, Battle Savvy Special Quality.

40|Command Word Override for Self Destruct Function.*[/table]
*As a move action the player may activate or deactivate any Self Destruct Function of the Target Worker Golem.

Ancient Worker Golems cannot be Constructed as that they are the result of thousands of centuries wearing away at a well built machine.
However a DC 30 Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) skill check is usually enough to figure out exactly what needs to be done to activate a deactivated one.

A Superb Worker Golem may be constructed by the following:
A Superb golem's body is constructed from iron, steel, and some trace other materials forged and treated with special oils and rare tools that are expended in the process costing at least 16,000 gp. Assembling the body requires a DC 25 Craft (Armorsmithing) check or other appropriate skill check, in addition to a DC 30 Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) check.

CL 16th; Craft Construct, Disintegrate, Enlarge Person, Gaes/Quest, Interposing Hand, Limited Wish, Unseen Servant caster must be at least 16th level; Price 200,000 gp; Cost 100,000 gp + 8,000 XP.

Encounter 1: The Time Machine [Encounter Level 11]
Professor Eggton has finally finished working on what he believes to be an ancient time machine, but because he fears time travel he needs a set of volunteers to go back and peacefully learn the language of the ancients, or bring back some document that he could transcribe, or something to aid him with his work. But the time machine turns out to be a deactivated Ancient Worker Golem. Eggton activates the machine, as it spurts out its last command in Infernal ‘Destroy all flesh.’ The Ancient Worker Golem will attack any obviously fleshy creatures nearby, ignoring heavily armored creatures, or creatures not made of flesh (stone giants or warforged), however if such a creature impedes its destruction of flesh, it will not hesitate to remove the issue.

1x Infernal Speaking Ancient Golem.

Tricks in the Laboratory:
Windston: Windston is Eggton’s Clockwork Butler. He is a Medium Sized Animated Object (Human Shape) ( http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/animatedObject.htm). Any player may use a standard action to crank Windston’s Turn Key, After having his Turn Key Cranked Windston will Activate for 1d6+1 rounds, after which Windston will return to his unanimated state. Windston Obeys Simple (read ‘one or two words’) Commands spoken in Gnomen.

Shelf of Unlabeled Jars: Eggton can be rather absent minded, there is a shelf with nigh completely unidentifiable substances in jars. If a player grabs any of these jars and uses it for any means, roll on the following table to see what substance was used. Do not roll until the substance is used. (Thrown, Swallowed, Anointed, Ect)
3|Tanglefoot Goo (Works the same as the bag)
4|Alchemist Fire
5|Alchemist Frost
6|Thunderstone Goo (Works like a Thunderstone)
7|Alchemical Electricity
9|Wood Grain Alcohol
11|Healing Salve (1d4+1 hp)
12|Universal Solvent
13|Sovereign Glue
14|Trapped Air Mephit ( http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/mephit.htm#airMephit)
15|Liquid Soap
18|Iron Clay (1d4+1 rounds after opening turns iron hard)
20|Experimental Substance Reroll twice (ignore result of 20)[/table]

Idiomus Mustela Chamber: The phrase ‘Idiomus Mustela covers two doors next to a large lever. Anyone throwing this lever will release two trained Dire Weasels (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/direweasel.htm) Peatypeteliosamienta-Ritrit, and Sharl. These Trained Weasels are trained to not attack Eggton, and that’s about it.

Lead Shield Wall: There is a small nook near the Shelf of Unlabeled Jars with a Heavy Lead Wall (5 inches), Door (5 inches), and Permanent Clairvoyance spell linked to a looking glass that displays the entirety of Eggton’s Lab.

Tools of the Trade: Any one of the following tools may be found with a DC 15 Search check, and a full-round action:
Adamantium Light Hammer (Small)
Light Hammer (Medium)
Improvised Heavy Shield (+2 AC, -1 to Attack)
Improvised Tower Shield (No AC Bonus, Mobile Cover.)
Improvised Rope (20 feet)
Improvised Throwing Club (-4 to attack, 10ft range)

Professor Eggton
Chaotic Neutral Male Gnome Expert 6
Init: -1, Senses: Listen +4, Spot +5, Low-light vision
Languages: Common, Gnomen, Dwarven, Elven, Draconic, Giant
AC: 9 (-1 dex), touch 9, flat-footed 10 (+4 vs Giants)
hp: 49 (6 HD)
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +6 (+2 vs Illusions)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee: +1 Light Hammer +6 melee (1d3+1) x3 (+1 Atk vs Kobolds and Goblinoids)
Ranged: +1 Light Hammer +5 ranged (1d3+1) x3 (+1 Atk vs Kobolds and Goblinoids) [20ft]
Base Atk/Grp: +4/+0
Atk Options: See Tricks in the Laboratory
Spell Like Abilites: Caster level 1st. (1/day. Save DC 12 + spell level, 14 if illusion):
Speak With Animals (Burrowing Mammals Only), Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Abilities Str 10, Dex 9, Con 17, Int 19, Wis 13, Cha 14
Feats Skill Focus [Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering)], Martial Weapon Proficiency (Light Hammer), Alchemical Genius (See Below)
Skills: Craft (Alchemy) +15, Craft (Armorsmithing) +13, Craft (Clockwork)* +13
Craft (Weaponsmithing) +13, Knowledge (Arcana) +13, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +16, Knowledge (History)* +13, Knowledge (Nature) +13, Knowledge (The Planes) +13, Profession (Mad Engineer ( http://cowbirdsinlove.com/46))* +10, Search +4 (+6 to find secret doors and hidden compartments).
*Offer a +2 synergy bonus on Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) checks to activate Ancient Worker Golems
Possessions 500 gp remaining (If this is not enough incentive for the players, Eggton will offer to build fantastic contraptions for them as payment.)
+1 Light Hammer (2,301 gp)
Laboratory (Partially funded by local Magic School, 3,200 gp)

Encounter 2: Sentience is a Curse [Encounter Level 16]

As the adventurer’s crest the hill they come across 1 Superb Worker Golem fighting 6 Ancient Worker Golems. It begs the party for help in Antique Elven, and will take full turns to explain that it wants no harm from the party, and would appreciate any assistance they would offer it. If the party manages to destroy the 6 other Ancient Worker Golems the 1 Superb Worker Golem will gladly speak with them and tell them his story.

My name is Caermin, and I live in that box over there. I’ve lived there for the last 1,500 or so years, I’m sorry, I haven’t kept the best of records… I was never intended to do actual labor, you see. I was built as what I am told was an exercise in something called ‘Free will’, supposedly I was meant to have it, and don’t. In that regard I am the eleventh failure of my master’s, and his greatest disgrace. My master explained to me, on many occasions, that he had intended to give me this ‘Free will,’ but because I loved him, that is the word, yes? Love? I loved him, I would do anything he told me to. Even live in a box until he returned. He told me that this is not the ‘Free will’ thing I am supposed to have. But he did love me. He told me that I was his favorite construction, and we had spent many nights in each other’s arms. He was so light and delicate, and the pounding of his heart against my steel chassis would ease my feelings of doubt and confusion. He was my master, and I was his Worker. I worked at comforting him. One day my master did something strange. He put his lips on me here, under my eyes. I did not fully understand the action, but I found myself enthralled by it, he did this for a long time before his mate entered the room. There was a lot of shouting in a language I can’t remember, and my master told me to enter that box over there until he returned. I do not believe he will be returning… You see I have encountered many Workers like the ones you helped me defeat, they are all his work. Shoddy, and not intended to last, like me. But they are tasked with destroying me. Normally they do not come more than once or twice a decade, in groups no bigger than two or three… but I believe I have many more to face, and possibly soon. One of them was named in my language 537, you see, we’re named after our construction number…
Caermin, Male Aspect Superb Worker Golem.
6x Ancient Worker Golems.

Alchemical Genius
Magic? Speak not of Magic to me man, this is Science!
Prerequisite: Intelligence 12+
Benefit You may craft Alchemical materials without the need of caster levels, further you may craft alchemical items at a rate of (Check Result X DC) in gold pieces per week, or silver pieces per day.
A Chump’s Twopence:
Thanks to Vorpal Tribble for his Monster Making For the Feebleminded (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43009) which helped me out with this a lot.
The Construction Cost has been completely ‘eyeballed,’ I have no idea if that’s anywhere near accurate for this guy.
Lore is kind of new to me, I’ve never been too keen on the 10+HD of monster DC for knowledge checks, but if ya’ll think these are too low I suppose I could increase them.
P.E.A.C.H.ing and Grammar/Spelling assistance appreciated.