View Full Version : [Nexus] War Island I: It's back!

2010-12-08, 07:53 PM
War Island is a fairly large tropical island. On it are castles for: AMEN, GLOG, WATCHTOWER, NO, SAINT, LANTERN, and HALO. There's also a castle for those working out of their own agenda.
Basically, War Island is a massive contest. Whoever can destroy the other's base, steal their flag, or survive (there are other ways of winning though), their team get's a lot of cash and magic items.
You can access War Island through a portal outside each base (or in it for LANTERN and HALO and SAINT). There's also a portal in Inside.

What if one of my PCs die, or all my characters are doing [insert]
You can always say it's a clone/android/plot clone version.

Will all teams be fighting each other, no diplomacy?Of course not! Alliances will be forged and broken!

Will more castles appear as more groups are formed?
Of course :smallbiggrin:

Each castle has a mighty wall surrounding it, and a robot army to fight for it's group (AMEN has it's minions as an army though). More detailed info of the castles will be posted


A plotclone Maxios arrives in LANTERN's castle. "I guess I'm the first one here." he mutters

((Also, each group can describe their own castle))

The Alexandrian
2010-12-08, 08:19 PM
[Castle AMEN]

A plotclone Mad Hatter arrives at AMEN's base.

"How'd I get here...oooo look minions!"

The Hatter is wearing red cultist robes, black boots, and a black mask currently. He levitates off the ground as he draws a pen and graphing paper out of his robes, scrawling notes about relative elevations, rivers, trees, essentially attempting to create a large detailed map of the area as he orders the minions to,

"I want trenches around this position. Fortified. Setup artillery positions on the nearby highground. If we have mines, setup a minefield around here and mark designate it on some sort of map so we won't run into it and go all blowey uppy. And for Pirate Pete's sake, could someone please get a shield generator up and running?"

Then Hamnet and Doc Rout port in as plotclones near Castle AMEN.

"Tell us why we're helping you again."

Rout asks. He and Hamnet are wearing the same outfit as the Hatter.

"Because independent sides won't win the war."

"Yeah, no."

Hamnet announces as he and Doc Rout teleport to an independent castle called Castle Freedom and command their army to begin entrenching the surrounding land, fortifying the castle, securing the nearby highground, setting up sentinels, and attempting to construct a shield generator and barricade around their castle (because most factions will try to shield their base from cheap missiles which would serve as one hit eradication and a really unfair way to end the war).

If shield generators cannot be constructed or are disallowed, these characters build better barricades instead.

2010-12-09, 03:45 PM
((Shield Generators can be made. It'll be fine as long as they're not impervious to everything))

Maxios is spying on AMEN with a telescope. "Never seen that newcomer before." he mutters, then writes down that they currently have 1 member, and are attempting to build something.

2010-12-09, 09:55 PM
The Professor arrives, dropping his twin suitcases to the floor of Castle Excelsior. The suitcases promptly sprout spindly arms and legs and scuttle off, pulling various gizmos from inside themselves as they begin to construct.... Something or other.

2010-12-09, 09:57 PM
The newcomer alarm rings in LANTERN Fortress.

"Looks like there's someone new." Maxios mutters.

A plotclone of SPARTAN-255 arrive's in NO's fortress
A plotclone of Mask arrives in WATCHTOWER's fortress
A plotclone of Evil Maxios arrives in AMEN's fortress

2010-12-09, 10:06 PM
Plotclones of Krystal and Runner pop up in GLoG.

Runner's in his robot form, with his last transformation having been the small helicopter.

I do believe I shall set about making the defenses better here.

Krystal nods a little. Sounds good to me. I'll do some scouting. And Krystal starts patrolling the area.

2010-12-09, 10:07 PM
The newcomer alarm goes off again. An annoyed Maxios proceeds to smash it with a bat :smalltongue:

2010-12-09, 10:18 PM
Krystal may run into the Professor, as he roams around the island on his folding chair, which has a machine gun strapped to the bottom and moves on it's own power.

2010-12-09, 10:21 PM
A note appears, saying that Maxios is off exploring.

Maxios will fly over to GLOG base, to see if they can negotiate with them.

2010-12-09, 10:24 PM
Well, as Krystal is walking rather than flying, she might not.

However, when Maxios comes up, she stops and waves. Hey. What's up?

2010-12-09, 10:25 PM
"Nothing much. I would like to form an alliance with GLOG." Maxios says, still hovering.

2010-12-09, 10:27 PM
The Professor notes this conversation going on, and hovers up to listen in.

2010-12-09, 10:28 PM
Oh. Uh, well, really only two of us here right now. Not enough people to make something like that.

Um, maybe a truce, at least? We don't shoot you, you don't shoot us?

2010-12-09, 10:29 PM
"Deal." Maxios says, saluting Krystal, he then flies off to go see AMEN base.

2010-12-09, 10:32 PM
As this conversation goes on, Prog. Konradd reaches down and hits a button on his glove. It begins projecting a hologram slide-show of Maxios's writings on the Wall, various disasters led by him and even Magtok's newscast about LANTERN.

2010-12-09, 10:33 PM
Maxios, curiously seeing Magtok's report says "That was falsified. Magtok was a biased reporter, working for AMEN."

The Alexandrian
2010-12-09, 10:36 PM
[Castle AMEN]

"We need plasma machine gun nests right there too and a few mortar positions right over there. And somebody please put up the an elecric barbwire fence that says 'Please do not enter. Violators will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.' we really don't need any enemies around right now and I for one would like to stay on good terms with our neighbors so that we can repel the aliens better once they arrive."

The Hatter is quite sure that "aliens" will begin to attack and abduct everyone later on and wants to be prepared...

He might be under the impression that this is some fancy, new residential community.

Anyway, the henchmen set to work and the Hatter goes into the surrounding area to setup a system of trip wires and thermal cameras to act as a warning if anyone approaches.

This is going to take awhile before he gets this grid setup.

He still hasn't described the castle so another AMEN member can.

[Castle Freedom]

"We need artillery right here and right here."

"Sounds good to me."

"If we look into the local terrain we could make use of the advantages of the landscape."


Thus Hamnet and Doc Rout get to the castle ramparts and begin to search for ways to exploit the landscape for a tactical advantage. Since they are working on a smaller amount of tasks, their work should progress at a decent speed, though it still will take a long time.

2010-12-09, 10:39 PM
The Professor just shrugs. The moment Maxios is out of sight, he'll soot of towarde LANTERN's castle.

2010-12-09, 10:40 PM
LANTERN's castle is very regal looking. The wall's around it are made of stone. The castle itself looks a lot like a mansion.

Maxios flies over to AMEN's castle.

2010-12-09, 10:43 PM
The Professor points his arm at the castle, and subsonic tremors should rip part of the roof to very tiny bits, leaving a hole larye enough for him to drop through.

2010-12-09, 10:44 PM
He succeeds. He'll land in the bathroom, which has talking toilets.

The Alexandrian
2010-12-09, 10:52 PM
(And the Professor and beings like him are the reason both the castles my characters are at have shield generators.)

Maxios might see henchmen attending to various tasks as he approaches the castle. They smile and wave at him as he approaches and one of them who is quite burly and muscle-bound signals for Maxios to approach calling,

"Hey! If you are going to head to the castle walls we are going to have to have you fill this visa, please."

The henchmen seem to be quite cheerful and nice right now. Probably because they are currently under the command of the Mad Hatter who, albeit evil, isn't rude towards guests or openly hostile towards Maxios right now. Probably not what he was expecting, but hey.

The henchman attempts to hand Maxios a stack of papers to read and sign full of puzzling, complicated legalese. It isn't evil and doesn't have any hidden clauses, but it still should be difficult for him to read.

2010-12-09, 10:53 PM
Maxios, using the power ring's abilties to hurridley sign annoyed legal contracts, signs everything within about a...8 minutes.

The Alexandrian
2010-12-09, 11:04 PM
[Castle AMEN]

The henchman takes the forms and replies,

"Please enjoy your stay in Wonderland."

So that is what they are doing...interesting.

"Just follow this path to the gate right over there and someone will assist you when you show them your visa."

The path currently has vehicles rolling down it, but a freshly constructed path of gravel leads up to a gate near where a barricade is being built.

The castle should be just visible now, but the details are still indistinguishable.

All that can be deciphered currently is that it is black, red, and white (at least, that is all the unassisted normal human eye can decipher).

The gate is large and metallic. To either side of it are the foundations of bunkers. built into the barricade. There is an engineer standing nearby directing the construction. He has a small circular comm device in his hand, and smiles cheerfully at Maxios as he approaches.

All the other henchmen also greet Maxios as he passes with something along the lines of


"Fine day we're having."

"Wazzap broski?"

"Enjoy your stay in Wonderland."

"How are you doing this glorious day?"

It is kind of eerie but they all seem genuinely glad.

2010-12-09, 11:10 PM
(Yes, the Professor is quite powerful, and capable of leveling buildings. That's why he's on his own side.)

The Professor pulls a tiny device from his pocket, and throws it to the floor. It shatters and emits a massive EMP pulse which should knock out any electronics in the base. Then he attempt to head towards LANTERNs flag.

2010-12-10, 01:34 PM
He won't find it easily. There are many doors in LANTERN fortress.

2010-12-10, 01:38 PM
The Professor may have a easier time of it than normal, as he turns on his Sub-Sonic Tremor Inducer, which should cause the castle to begin crumbling around him as the tremors rip up the floors and walls. He also turns on his X-Ray goggles, and continues to look for the flag, heading straight for it if he sees it.

2010-12-10, 01:40 PM
The castle is barely effects by the trumbles. It was built to withstand nuclear bombs. The Professor will see the flag, in a door close by. Two robots are standing guard.

2010-12-10, 01:44 PM
See, that's the nice thing about this handy little device. The tremors it induces are very small, but designed to wipe out buildings made of anything short of pure diamond. Because of the way it works, with rythmeless, tiny, constant shocks every millisecond, it can literally rip apart almost anything. Devices designed to withstand nuclear bombs can still be destroyed by it, because it's not the sturdyness of the building that matters, it's how much it reacts to vibrations. The Professor merely raises his ahnd, places it on the door and waits for it to rip itself apart.

2010-12-10, 01:47 PM
Vibrations? A couple cracks appear in the walls, but the most damage is all the vases and paintings that fall to the ground that get smashed.

The door is blown to pieces.
"Exclamation: Intruder! Intruder!" both robot guards say, and they attempt to shoot the professor with laser rifles.

2010-12-10, 01:55 PM
Grodammit! Why is it always lasers?! Prof. Konradd says, rolling and taking cover behind the wall as he retieves a EMP grenade.

2010-12-10, 01:56 PM
The guards run to a posistion where they can fire (The guards look like the TV robots from Fallout: New Vegas)


2010-12-10, 01:57 PM
As soon as they move through the door, Prof. Konradd hurls a EMP grenade at them.

2010-12-10, 01:58 PM
The EMP grenade hit, and the robots are destroyed.

A gizmo on Maxios begins ringing. "We're under attack ALREADY!?!?" he says angrily, before flying back to LANTERN HQ.

((Whenever a robot or member of LANTERN gets destroyed/killed/injured, the gizmo rings))

2010-12-10, 02:01 PM
Prof. Konradd leaps to his feet and dashes towards the flag, activating his stealth device as he runs and trying to grab the flag.

2010-12-10, 02:09 PM
Maxios arrives, and immediantly runs to the flag room. He doesn't notice the Professor, since he is invisible, but is standing guard. He doesn't know somebody is in the flag room, but he assumes that's the part that would most likely be under attack

2010-12-10, 02:11 PM
The Professor reaches out and tries to grab the flag and teleport away.

2010-12-10, 02:12 PM
The second he grabs the flag, alarms start sounding, and a pit will open up beneath the Professor.
Maxios snarls in anger, saying "There you are!" and a Halo Energy Sword appears in his hand.

2010-12-10, 02:15 PM
Good thing he can fly as he zooms up towards the ceiling, flag in hand and rams into, turning up his tremor device to the maximum and trying to tear through the roof, which should work as it worked last time he tried it.

2010-12-10, 02:18 PM
The roof tears. A giant conjured hand will attempt to smash the Professor into the ground.

2010-12-10, 02:21 PM
(How is MAxios seeing the Professor? He's invisible, as is anything touching him.)

2010-12-10, 02:24 PM
((Maxios doesn't know WHO the professor is, or where he is. He is assuming that since the hole in the wall suddenly appeared, that means whoever the flag snatcher may be, is trying to escape.))

2010-12-10, 02:35 PM
The Professor is smacked by the giant hand,but it's only a glancing blow (meaning he only almost broke a handful of ribs) and he flies through the hole and towards Castle Excelsior.

2010-12-10, 02:36 PM
Maxios will fly through the hole, then will use his ring to see anything invisible.

2010-12-10, 02:39 PM
Well, seeing as The Professor has never encountered a power ring before, he doesn't know how to shield against them and is completely visible. He of course doesn't know this, and continues towards Castle Excelsior at great speed.

2010-12-10, 02:41 PM
Maxios will fire a homing missile at the Professor

2010-12-10, 02:47 PM
Oh, f**** this! He shouts, and activates his rocket boots. Only, unlike comic rocket boots than can actually be steered, these are real, capable of breaking through the atmosphere rockets he strapped to his shoes, along with two jet engines. Let's just say it's a good thing he can survive crashing through one of Castle Excelsior's walls, because that's pretty much his only way to stop.

2010-12-10, 02:50 PM
[Skies over War Island]
Maxios is fires several other homing missiles at the Profesor

2010-12-10, 02:56 PM
By now, the good Professor Konradd has managed to reach Castle Excelsior though, and is protected by it's shiny new anti-missile system. He is also about to hit a wall. *Crunch*.

2010-12-10, 02:57 PM
Maxios will land beside the Professor. He has dual energy swords in both his hands, and will swing both at the Professor.

2010-12-10, 02:59 PM
Interestingly enough, the anti-missile systems also work against flying enemies, meaning Maxios will probably want to dodge eight lasers shooting at him as he tries to land in the castle. Which will be hard as, you know, lasers move really, really frickin fast.

2010-12-10, 03:01 PM
The lasers hit, which causes Maxios to go flying to the ground, coincedentlly next to the Professor.
"I've been hit with over 50 arrows at once, and you try to take me down with 5 lasers? Seriously?" He says getting up. He is limping though.

2010-12-10, 03:02 PM
Actually, there are eight lasers. The Professor says, pointing at the three remaining lasers, which are shooting at Maxios very, very fast.

2010-12-10, 03:04 PM
"Darn." he mutters. One laser hits him in the knee, one in the arm, and one grazes his side.
"Now THAT hurt a little." he mutters. He then proceeds to yell "EGGSBENEDICT!"

2010-12-10, 03:11 PM
Sunnysideup. The Professor says, and tries to kick Maxios in the face. SHould this work he will activate his boot rockets, meaning Maxios will get his face fried and probably be thrown across the island as well.

2010-12-10, 03:13 PM
Maxios narrowly dodges the kick. Really narrowly, as in the jet boots burnt off his hair.
"I'M BALD AGAIN!?!?" he says angrily

2010-12-10, 03:14 PM
Meanwhile, the Professor is flying backwards into another wall, and bashes through it, landing on the inside of Castle Excelsior.

2010-12-10, 03:15 PM
Maxios flies right next to the Professor, and will attempt to attack with his energy sword.

2010-12-10, 04:02 PM
The Professor draws his own blade, a two foot piece of adamantine extending from his robotic right arm, and beginning to flicker as it starts to rapidly phase in and out of this plane of existence. The blade is very powerful, capable of slicing through kevlar, flesh and more importantly, forcefields and other things made of energy. He lifts the blade to block Maxios's assault.

2010-12-10, 04:05 PM
A yellow glow begins to appear around Maxios. It's not really bright.

Maxios attacks again, angrily

2010-12-10, 06:43 PM
The Professor activates his rocket boot and attempts to use the thrust to kick MAxios in the gut with massive force.

2010-12-10, 07:29 PM
"Ouch." Maxios says when he's hit, and flies into the wall. His uniform is now on fire.
"Great! I'm bald AND I'm one fire." Maxios mumbles, before getting back up on his feet. He will then attempt to attack the Professor again, with the energy sword.

The Alexandrian
2010-12-12, 04:40 PM
Meanwhile, Castle AMEN and Castle Freedom have increased their defensive capabilities.

Castle AMEN and Castle Freedom are now equipped with a shield generator, barricade, artillery, minefields, turrets and artillery, traps along the outskirts of their territory, trenches, roads, artillery, electric fences, and a few bunkers (machine gun emplacements etc.). They are now working on constructing forward bases and doing research into utilizing stupidity as a weapon. They seem to have temporarily joined forces in order to repel the "alien invasion" more efficiently most of the structures they "are now equipped with" are not finished, but they are getting there.

2010-12-13, 04:47 PM
The Professor doesn't wait for him to get back up, lowering his blade right at Maxios's gut and activating his rocket boots, flying forward with incredible speed.

2010-12-13, 05:57 PM
Maxios goes flying into the wall, hit. The yellow aura around him is very bright now.