View Full Version : I choose you Geo dude!

2010-12-08, 11:12 PM
(I'm totally lazy and dont want to think of this myself so i'm posting here for ideas)

I was thinking about a Pokemon tabletop and about a summoning specialist and stuff when i realized some stuff like Earth elementals just need a reskin (all mechanics are the same, just describe it different) to basically be some earth pokemon.

So what monsters out there are basic enough to basically be pokemon you know of but with a different description.

2010-12-08, 11:18 PM
Shocker lizard for you pika pika needs.

2010-12-08, 11:24 PM
MM4 has a few elemental types in the front. Each is a servant of a prince of elemental evil, so they're a bit different from your typical elementals.

The bigger question is, which pokemon game are you basing this off of? There's so many games out now, and how many pokemon exist now? Over 500? 600?

Mando Knight
2010-12-08, 11:25 PM
Charizard is roughly the size of an average adult male human, height-wise. Also, it looks and acts like a fire-breathing dragon (and is in the Dragon egg group). Thus, a Wyrmling Red fits almost perfectly. "Almost," because the Wyrmling red is a lot weaker than Charizard would be. Thus, since most Dragon stats are somewhat interchangeable, I'd use Young Blue Dragon stats (primarily size and HD) with the Red Dragon special abilities, speeds, and breath weapon type (and area type, if you so desire), then progressing it via class levels. Use Wyrmling Black with the same changes and remove the fly speed for Charmander, then Charmeleon is a Wyrmling Blue with the same changes as for Charmander.

big teej
2010-12-08, 11:32 PM
the easiest ones are, of course

ekans and arbok

followed by the other 'animal' substitute pokemon (such as pidgey, spearow, krabby, raticate, butterfree, etc.)

you could PERHAPS refluff a bulette into onyx (probably not, I just really wanted to refluff the bulette as a pokemon)

I imagine the hardest ones would be things like
Nidoran nidorino/a and nidoking/queen
the 'starter' pokemon
legendary/hyper rare creatures

most of them.

though rapidash could be a nightmare rework perhaps?

can't think of anything at all for things like magnemite, electabuzz etc.

grimer and muk are simple oozes (but with better intelligence/wisdom)

perhaps a refluffed kobold could serve as charmander?

2010-12-09, 12:11 AM
Shocker lizard for you pika pika needs.
Beguiler (Shining South) Incarnate (Magic of Incarnum) with Lightning Gauntlets Soulmeld = looks like and shocks like pikachu.

Here is an entertaining Beguiler (race) based build of the Pikachu knock-off Ling Ling from Drawn Together. (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=1276.0)

Monstrous Crab (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040221a) = Kingler

2010-12-09, 08:01 AM



Sir Swindle89
2010-12-09, 08:09 AM
BESMd20 has a "Pet Monster Trainer" base class right in the core book