View Full Version : help with warforged components

2010-12-09, 12:54 PM
i dont know if this has been posted but can you guys help me find all the warforged components from books and offical sources. maybe some homebrewed components too if there within reason no uber components unless they are artifacts.
i already have these books

Races of Eberron
Eberron Campaign Setting
Eberron Sharn City of Towers
Eberron Secrets Of Xen drik
Eberron Player's Guide to Eberron
Magic Of Eberron
Eberron The Forge of War
Faiths of Eberron
Eberron Explorer's Handbook
Eberron City of Stormreach
Eberron Five Nations

2010-12-09, 02:12 PM
This belongs in the Roleplaying forum, not this one.

As I have no idea what the WotC ones actually do, i'm dubious about brewing more for fear of repeaing them. I have, however, produced a buttload if the things before for a different synthetic race, so if you have anything you'd like maknig into a coponent, just ask...

2010-12-09, 03:56 PM
This belongs in the Roleplaying forum, not this one.

The Red Towel: Quite. Moved to Roleplaying.

2010-12-09, 03:57 PM
sorry i just made this account today. well any components are welcome homebrewed if they are balanced or close to balanced. forget about where they came from if i already have them oh well ill ignore them or ask for different ones and thank you.