View Full Version : Watched King Kong the other day...

2010-12-09, 04:59 PM
Like the title says, I watched King Kong (the Peter Jackson remake). Anyway, three quick questions about the film for you:

1) There's a line that I just noticed that could be considered as foreshadowing and I want a second opinion to see how far off this idea is. I've seen the movie before but was surprised I never considered it to be foreshadowing before. I don't remember the quote exactly, but I'll paraphrase it best I can:

Jack Driscoll: I'm in love with the theatre.
Carl Denham: No you not. If you really loved it, you would have jumped. (referring to the ship they're on leaving the docks).

Is this foreshadowing...
how Kong dies (falling from the Empire State Building). It's kind of a stretch. I mean, Kong fell which is a different action than jumping, but they both do involve descent. Not to mention Kong climbed the thing because he was trying to protect Ann. Again, it's a stretch, but could you consider it foreshadowing?

2) What was the deal with Kong and Ann on ice in Central Park? Seriously, a giant gorilla should crash through it. I remember seeing the film in theatres and pointing that out to one of my friends I was seeing it with about the ridiculousness of the scene. Has this ever been addressed? I mean, it just seems so dumb and inplausible I surprised no one pointed it out to Peter Jackson and someone fix it.

3) Why come only one kong? I don't consider this such a huge plot hole as the ice, but seriously, was the official reason? I mean, for plot, yeah, there can be only on kong, and this question has been asked before (at least in pop culture). I'm just wondering if there's ever been official reason why Kong is the last living, giant gorilla. Again, I don't really mind this so much as the story couldn't work otherwise, (I don't even mind the whole eagle thing from Lord of the Rings) but I'm just wondering if there's an official reason.

2010-12-09, 06:55 PM
2) The physics of it aren't the only thing terrible about this scene. I consider it the low point of the movie that threatened to bring the whole thing down with it by the gravity of its sappiness.

2010-12-09, 07:15 PM
Wait wait wait wait....You watched that chick get so much whiplash from being tossed around and caught during the fight scenes between Kong and the T-Rex knockoffs and your worried about the ice?

Besides, thick enough ice can hold the largest cars and trucks and in newyork the pond would be nearly completly frozen so one multi ton animal is no problem considering that it probably distributes its wieght much better then a car.

As for there only being one kong, there was a book called the flora and fauna of skull island that explained that most of the mega kongs slowly died out due to the MASSIVE overabundence of the T-Rex thingys (seriosuly that island must be the size of madagascar to hold more then 3 rexs and dozens of the long neck dinos).

2010-12-09, 07:33 PM
Wait ICE is your problem? not giant insects that live in a canyon? Including ones that have no conceivable way of sustaining themselves?

2010-12-09, 10:13 PM
3) Why come only one kong? I don't consider this such a huge plot hole as the ice, but seriously, was the official reason? I mean, for plot, yeah, there can be only on kong, and this question has been asked before (at least in pop culture). I'm just wondering if there's ever been official reason why Kong is the last living, giant gorilla. Again, I don't really mind this so much as the story couldn't work otherwise, (I don't even mind the whole eagle thing from Lord of the Rings) but I'm just wondering if there's an official reason.
As was stated before, World of Kong notes that the Megaprimatus kong species was outcompeted by the V. rexes (the "T. rex knockoffs").

The titular kong is basically the boxer desperately waiting out a tough match, when some crazed fan (Denham and company) leaps over the rails and hits him with a left hook out of nowhere.

...That was a stranger metaphor than I thought.

2010-12-09, 10:16 PM
Wait ICE is your problem? not giant insects that live in a canyon? Including ones that have no conceivable way of sustaining themselves?

It mentions how they sustain themselves in the book I think but I'd have to read it again to find out. Plus the movie critters weren't the most implausible of the stuff they dreamed up.

2010-12-10, 07:29 AM
It mentions how they sustain themselves in the book I think but I'd have to read it again to find out. Plus the movie critters weren't the most implausible of the stuff they dreamed up.

Like being able to feed a mega ape on that super tiny ship they had?

An Enemy Spy
2010-12-10, 09:25 AM
1. No. I don't think that line was foreshadowing.

2. Ice can be really strong sometimes. It's not like he was pounding on it.

3. I'm pretty sure he was the only one left, which is probably one of the reasons he liked Ann so much, because she was someone to be with.

And the whole concept of King Kong is ludicrous anyway. You want realism, watch a documentary.

2010-12-10, 01:43 PM
Like being able to feed a mega ape on that super tiny ship they had?

Actually I was thinking of the book only critters like the giant spider that feeds on dinosaurs by paralyzing them, then sucking them dry leaving a forest of petrified victims.