View Full Version : Interesting Encounters and screwing the Rules

2010-12-09, 05:01 PM
So, I'm coming up one the end-of-semester adventure, which is also the first adventure in a few weeks, so I want to give my PC's something special.

My PC's, stay out. You Know Who You Are.

I mean it, seriously, get out. I know you're reading this "Joey Subdola". Don't you still have some Starcraft 2 to play?

Okay, they're gone, lets get started.

The campaign is a western setting, the PC's are a Gunslinger and a Beguiler. They are going to be contracted by a criminal organization they're friends with. A group of bandits have taken over said organization's headquarters, which happens to be a casino.
anyway, before they can move into the Casino itself, they need to rescue two groups of hostages being held in the Hotel and the Restaurant.
Now, here is the odd bit, I'm creating a pair of characters to guard these hostages, and I'm building them according to Rules as I Feel Like It. The point of both these bosses is that they will wipe the floor with my players if said players try to fight them head on.
And before you ask, my players are okay with me treating the rules like this.
First: Four Barrel Frankie, he will be guarding the Hotel, along with a few thugs. His name comes from his habit of duel-wielding Shotguns and unleashing both barrels from each in a single devastating barrage. Now his weakness is that it takes him a long time to reload after pulling off this trick, which is why Frankie has hidden caches of shotguns all over the hotel. When he shoots, he just throws the guns away and grabs some new ones.

If they don't want to be facing a deadly storm of shot each round, the PC's will need to do something clever, lure him somewhere he can't get more weapons and hit him when he reloads, or trap his Shotguns or something.

Second: in the restaurant you've got Lucy Longknives, a killer famed for moving with blinding speed to take out her opponents with knives. Basically, I'm treating her as a superpowered scout, giving her a crazy bonus to Tumble checks (The beguiler is really, really fond of using Legion of Sentinels, and I'd rather "Fight Smart" be more than "Use your favorite spell against her") and increasing her Skirmish AC bonus and Fast Movement. With her, the PC's will need to trick her somehow , or lure her into an enclosed space where she can't use her superior mobility.

I'm trying to avoid a Single-Spell solution to either of these bosses. It's against my DMing philosophy to invalidate a tactic mid-game via DM Fiat, but I really want these bosses to be memorable. So yeah, thoughts? Suggestions?