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View Full Version : yugioh ITP tournament Ornithology Department

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-10, 10:34 AM
"Greetings, I am Ebenezer Crowley, curator of this department, and I will be adjudicating your duels here."

(OOC: This thread is reserved for the tournament matchup between Strategos and mercenary Pen)

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-10, 06:20 PM
BOR1-S the psychopathic robot entered the exhibit, scowling at its curator with thinly veiled hatred of all things living.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Bring on my victims."

Deck name: Iron Storm

Removed from play:-



main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina Fortress
4- machina gearframe
5- machina gearframe
6- machina gearframe
7- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
8- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
9- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
10- ancient gear beast
11- ancient gear beast
12- ancient gear knight
13- ancient gear knight
14- ancient gear knight
15- ancient gear golem
16- ancient gear golem
17- ancient gear golem
18- cyber dragon
19- cyber dragon
20- geartown
21- geartown
22- geartown
23- future fusion
24- mystical space typhoon
25- mystical space typhoon
26- limiter removal
27- supervise
28- dark hole
29- monster reborn
30- overload fusion
31- dark coffin
32- dark coffin
33- dark coffin
34- statue of the wicked
35- statue of the wicked
36- statue of the wicked
37- magical hats
38- magical hats
39- mirror force
40- torrential tribute

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- skill successor
8- skill successor
9- skill successor
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

Opening Draws:[roll1]
Re-rolls if needed:[roll2]

2010-12-11, 02:47 AM
Kanna looks around the department. "Oui ghuf, E'ja hajan naymmo megat pentc ymm dryd silr..."

She scowls when she hears BOR-1S speak. "No need to blow a gasket I'm right here."

Initiative: [roll0]
Hand: [roll1][roll2][roll3][roll4][roll5]
Re-rolls: [roll6][roll7][roll8][roll9]

Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 40 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
4 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
5 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
6 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
7 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
8 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
9 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
10 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

11 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
12 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
13 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
14 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
15 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
16 Machina Fortress
17 Machina Fortress
18 Machina Gearframe
19 Machina Gearframe
20 Machina Gearframe

21 Genex Neutron
22 Genex Neutron
23 Dark Hole
24 Machine Duplication
25 Machine Duplication
26 Machine Duplication
27 Solidarity
28 Solidarity
29 Mystical Space Typhoon
30 Mystical Space Typhoon

31 Monster Reborn
32 Karakuri Showdown Castle
33 Karakuri Showdown Castle
34 Solemn Judgement
35 Call of the Haunted
36 Alchemy Cycle
37 Alchemy Cycle
38 Bottomless Trap Hole
39 Bottomless Trap Hole
40 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 15 Cards

3 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
2 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Side Deck ~ 15

2 x Prohibition
2 x Light-Imprisoning Mirror
2 x Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
2 x Mask of Restrict
2 x Cyber Dragon
2 x Thunder King Rai-Oh
2 x Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
1 x Book of Moon


Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 07:54 AM
"I will begin"
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm

Removed from play:-

Face-down:Statue of the wicked (S/T2), Dark Coffin (S/T4)

Torrential Tribute
Ancient Gear Golem
Machina Fortress

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina Fortress
4- machina gearframe
5- machina gearframe
6- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
7- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
8- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
9- ancient gear beast
10- ancient gear beast
11- ancient gear knight
12- ancient gear knight
13- ancient gear knight
14- ancient gear golem
15- ancient gear golem
16- ancient gear golem
17- cyber dragon
18- cyber dragon
19- geartown
20- geartown
21- future fusion
22- mystical space typhoon
23- mystical space typhoon
24- limiter removal
25- supervise
26- dark hole
27- monster reborn
28- overload fusion
29- dark coffin
30- dark coffin
31- statue of the wicked
32- statue of the wicked
33- magical hats
34- magical hats
35- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- skill successor
8- skill successor
9- skill successor
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"I will begin by summoning Machina Gearframe, using its effect to search Machina Fortress to my hand. I will then set two cards face-down and end my turn."

MG= machina gearframe (ATK: 1800, DEF: 0)
f= face-down

2010-12-11, 08:01 AM
"Alright then, my draw!"

Draw: [roll0]

"I'll start by playing Mystical Space Typhoon to blow away your facedown in row 2. I'll follow that up by summoning my own Machina Gearframe and using its effect to add Machina Fortress to my hand. Then, byd discarding Machina Fortress and Barrel Shinkuro (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Barrel_mdl_96_“Shinkuro”) to the Graveyard, I special summon Machina Fortress. Fortress will then attack your Gearframe, while my Gearframe attacks you directly. Unless you have any objections, I'll set one card facedown and end my turn."

MG = Machina Gearframe (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Machina_Gearframe) 1800/0 (ATK)
MF = Machina Fortress (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Machina_Fortress) 2500/1600 (ATK)
F = Facedown

Life Points: 8000

Hand ~ 2
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”, Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”

Face Downs
S/t 3 = Call of the Haunted

Graveyard ~ 2
Mystical Space Typhoon
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 33 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
4 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
5 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
6 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
7 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
8 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
9 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

10 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
11 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
12 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
13 Machina Fortress
Machina Fortress
14 Machina Gearframe
15 Machina Gearframe
Machina Gearframe

16 Genex Neutron
17 Genex Neutron
18 Dark Hole
19 Machine Duplication
20 Machine Duplication
21 Machine Duplication
22 Solidarity
23 Solidarity
Mystical Space Typhoon
24 Mystical Space Typhoon

25 Monster Reborn
26 Karakuri Showdown Castle
27 Karakuri Showdown Castle
28 Solemn Judgement
Call of the Haunted
29 Alchemy Cycle
30 Alchemy Cycle
31 Bottomless Trap Hole
32 Bottomless Trap Hole
33 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 15 Cards

3 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
2 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 08:29 AM
"My face down in column 2 was Statue of the Wicked (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Statue_of_the_Wicked), when it is destroyed, I special summon one 'Wicked Token' to the field in defence position."

MG= machina gearframe
WT= Wicked Token (atk: 1000, DEF: 1000)

2010-12-11, 08:33 AM
Kanna sighs. "Well then, although I can't attack you directly this turn Machina Fortress will still destroy your Gearframe, dealing 700 damage to your lifepoints, while my Gearframe destroys your Wicked Token. Any other response? Or are you ready to take your turn?"

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 08:40 AM
"I'd say I was born ready, but as a machine that's not quite true."
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm
Graveyard:Statue of the Wicked
Machina Gearframe

Removed from play:-

Face-down:Dark Coffin (S/T4)

Torrential Tribute
Ancient Gear Golem
Machina Fortress

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina gearframe
4- machina gearframe
5- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
6- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
7- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
8- ancient gear beast
9- ancient gear beast
10- ancient gear knight
11- ancient gear knight
12- ancient gear knight
13- ancient gear golem
14- ancient gear golem
15- cyber dragon
16- cyber dragon
17- geartown
18- geartown
19- future fusion
20- mystical space typhoon
21- mystical space typhoon
22- limiter removal
23- supervise
24- dark hole
25- monster reborn
26- overload fusion
27- dark coffin
28- dark coffin
29- statue of the wicked
30- statue of the wicked
31- magical hats
32- magical hats
33- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- skill successor
8- skill successor
9- skill successor
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"I will start by discarding Ancient Gear Golem from my hand to special summon my own Machina Fortress- ramming it into yours during our battle phase to activate the effects of both Machina Fortresses, allowing each of us to pick and destroy one card the opponent controls- I'll destroy your Machina Gearframe, leaving you with no choice but to destroy my face-down Dark Coffin (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Coffin) and take its effect, foprcing you to choose between destroying a monster on your side of the field or discarding 1 card from your hand to the graveyard. Take your pick..."


f= face-down

2010-12-11, 08:48 AM
"Since I don't have any monsters left on the field, I'll discard Bushi Muzanichiha (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Bushi_mdl_6318_“Muzanichiha”) to the graveyard. Anything else?"

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 09:01 AM
Deck name: Iron Storm
Graveyard:Statue of the Wicked
Machina Gearframe
Ancient Gear Golem
Machina Fortress
Dark coffin
Ancient Gear Golem
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
Ancient Gear gadjiltron Dragon

Removed from play:-


Torrential Tribute
Ancient Gear Golem
Machina Fortress

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina gearframe
4- machina gearframe
5- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
6- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
7- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
8- ancient gear beast
9- ancient gear beast
10- ancient gear knight
11- ancient gear knight
12- ancient gear knight
13- ancient gear golem
14- ancient gear golem
15- cyber dragon
16- cyber dragon
17- geartown
18- geartown
19- future fusion
20- mystical space typhoon
21- mystical space typhoon
22- limiter removal
23- supervise
24- dark hole
25- monster reborn
26- overload fusion
27- dark coffin
28- dark coffin
29- statue of the wicked
30- statue of the wicked
31- magical hats
32- magical hats
33- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- skill successor
8- skill successor
9- skill successor
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"During the second main phase of my turn, I'll activate the spell card Future Fusion, sending an Ancient Gear Golem and two Ancient Gear gadjiltron Dragons to the grave for the chance to get Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem in two turns. Then I'll activate Geartown and end my turn."

GT= Geartown
FF= Future Fusion
f= face-down

2010-12-11, 09:04 AM
Despite herself, Kanna brightens when she catches a glimpse of the Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem. "Wow! That's some pretty strong machina you've got there."

Draw: [roll0]

"First things first, I activate my facedown Call of the Haunted Trap to bring back my Machina Fortress. Then I'll summon Bushi Muzanichiha (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Bushi_mdl_6318_“Muzanichiha”) from my hand. My Fortress and my Bushi both attack you directly, inflicting a total of 4,300 damage. I'll then set one card facedown and end my turn. "

6318 = Karakuri Bushi mdl 6318 "Muzanichiha" (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Bushi_mdl_6318_“Muzanichiha”) 1800/600 (ATK)
MF = Machina Fortress (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Machina_Fortress) 2500/1600 (ATK)
C = Call of the Haunted (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Call_of_the_Haunted) @ Machina Fortress.
F = Facedown

Life Points: 8000

Hand ~ 0
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”,

Face Downs
S/t 4 = Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard ~ 4
Mystical Space Typhoon
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Machina Gearframe
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6318 “Muzanichiha”

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 33 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
4 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
5 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
6 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
7 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
8 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
9 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

10 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
11 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
12 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
13 Machina Fortress
Machina Fortress
14 Machina Gearframe
15 Machina Gearframe
Machina Gearframe

16 Genex Neutron
17 Genex Neutron
18 Dark Hole
19 Machine Duplication
20 Machine Duplication
21 Machine Duplication
22 Solidarity
23 Solidarity
Mystical Space Typhoon
24 Mystical Space Typhoon

25 Monster Reborn
26 Karakuri Showdown Castle
27 Karakuri Showdown Castle
28 Solemn Judgement
Call of the Haunted
29 Alchemy Cycle
30 Alchemy Cycle
Bottomless Trap Hole
31 Bottomless Trap Hole
32 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 15 Cards

3 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
2 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 09:15 AM
"Well, this may be more interesting than I expected, but I'm sure I'll cope."
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm
Graveyard:Statue of the Wicked
Machina Gearframe
Ancient Gear Golem
Machina Fortress
Dark coffin
Ancient Gear Golem
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
Ancient Gear gadjiltron Dragon

Removed from play:-

Face-down:Ancient Gear Knight (M2), Torrential tribute (S/T4)

Torrential Tribute

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina gearframe
4- machina gearframe
5- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
6- ancient gear beast
7- ancient gear beast
8- ancient gear knight
9- ancient gear knight
10- ancient gear knight
11- ancient gear golem
12- cyber dragon
13- cyber dragon
14- geartown
15- geartown
16- mystical space typhoon
17- mystical space typhoon
18- limiter removal
19- supervise
20- dark hole
21- monster reborn
22- overload fusion
23- dark coffin
24- dark coffin
25- statue of the wicked
26- statue of the wicked
27- magical hats
28- magical hats
29- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- skill successor
8- skill successor
9- skill successor
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"I shall set one monster in defence position, and then set one monster face-down. End turn."

Life points: 3000
GT= Geartown
FF= Future Fusion (1 standby phase passed)
f= face-down

2010-12-11, 09:20 AM
"Stalling for your powerful monster are you?"

Draw: [roll0]

"I summon Merchant Inashichi (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Merchant_mdl_177_“Inashichi”) to the field. I use Inashichi's ability to add Soldier Nisamu (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Soldier_mdl_236_“Nisamu”) from my deck to my hand. Moving on to the Battle Phase. Muzanichiha attacks your facedown monster If it's destroyed, Fortress and Inashichi attack you directly, finishing off your 3000 life points. Unless you have a counter that is."

6318 = Karakuri Bushi mdl 6318 "Muzanichiha" (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Bushi_mdl_6318_“Muzanichiha”) 1800/600 (ATK)
MF = Machina Fortress (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Machina_Fortress) 2500/1600 (ATK)
177 = Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 ""Inashichi" (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Merchant_mdl_177_“Inashichi”) 500/1500 (ATK)
C = Call of the Haunted (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Call_of_the_Haunted) @ Machina Fortress.
F = Facedown

Life Points: 8000

Hand ~ 1
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”

Face Downs
S/t 4 = Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard ~ 4
Mystical Space Typhoon
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Machina Gearframe
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6318 “Muzanichiha”

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 31 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
4 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
5 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
6 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
7 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
8 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

9 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
10 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
11 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
12 Machina Fortress
Machina Fortress
13 Machina Gearframe
14 Machina Gearframe
Machina Gearframe

15 Genex Neutron
16 Genex Neutron
17 Dark Hole
18 Machine Duplication
19 Machine Duplication
20 Machine Duplication
21 Solidarity
22 Solidarity
Mystical Space Typhoon
23 Mystical Space Typhoon

24 Monster Reborn
25 Karakuri Showdown Castle
26 Karakuri Showdown Castle
27 Solemn Judgement
Call of the Haunted
28 Alchemy Cycle
29 Alchemy Cycle
Bottomless Trap Hole
30 Bottomless Trap Hole
31 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 15 Cards

3 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
2 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 09:40 AM
"I activate my face-down Torrential Tribute, destroying all monsters on the field- including my own ancient gear knight."

2010-12-11, 09:42 AM
"Ouch. A little too hasty for my own good. I end my turn."

((And I'm off to bed now sorry,:smallfrown: I'll have to continue this later.))

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 09:50 AM
"Well, time to turn this around."
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm
Graveyard:Statue of the Wicked
Machina Gearframe
Ancient Gear Golem
Machina Fortress
Dark coffin
Ancient Gear Golem
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
Ancient Gear gadjiltron Dragon
Ancient Gear Knight
Torrential Tribute

Removed from play:-



main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina gearframe
4- machina gearframe
5- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
6- ancient gear beast
7- ancient gear beast
8- ancient gear knight
9- ancient gear knight
10- ancient gear golem
11- cyber dragon
12- cyber dragon
13- geartown
14- geartown
15- mystical space typhoon
16- mystical space typhoon
17- limiter removal
18- supervise
19- dark hole
20- monster reborn
21- overload fusion
22- dark coffin
23- dark coffin
24- statue of the wicked
25- statue of the wicked
26- magical hats
27- magical hats
28- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- skill successor
8- skill successor
9- skill successor
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"During my standby phase, the effect of future fusion activates, special summoning Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem to the field. Entering my main phase, I use the effect of Geartown to summon Ancient Gear Beast with one tribute fewer than usual- ergo none. I will then attack with both monsters and end my turn."

Life points: 3000
UA= Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem (ATK: 4400, DEF: 3400)
AB= Ancient Gear Beast (ATK: 2000, DEF: 2000)
GT= Geartown
FF= Future Fusion (2 standby phases passed- Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem summoned)
f= face-down

2010-12-11, 03:33 PM
" When you summon your Ultimate Golem I activate my Face-down Bottomless Trap Hole, destroying it and removing it from play. Unfortunately, you can still grab a regular Golem with it's effect. "

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 03:45 PM
Deck name: Iron Storm
Graveyard:Statue of the Wicked
Machina Gearframe
Ancient Gear Golem
Machina Fortress
Dark coffin
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
Ancient Gear gadjiltron Dragon
Ancient Gear Knight
Torrential Tribute
Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem

Removed from play:-



main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina gearframe
4- machina gearframe
5- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
6- ancient gear beast
7- ancient gear beast
8- ancient gear knight
9- ancient gear knight
10- ancient gear golem
11- cyber dragon
12- cyber dragon
13- geartown
14- geartown
15- mystical space typhoon
16- mystical space typhoon
17- limiter removal
18- supervise
19- dark hole
20- monster reborn
21- overload fusion
22- dark coffin
23- dark coffin
24- statue of the wicked
25- statue of the wicked
26- magical hats
27- magical hats
28- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- skill successor
8- skill successor
9- skill successor
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"And I shall indeed claim my Ancient Gear Golem, attacking you directly with both monsters and ending my turn... maybe you would have been better off destroying gear beast to save yourself some pain?"

Life points: 3000
AG= Ancient Gear Golem (ATK: 3000, DEF: 3000)
AB= Ancient Gear Beast (ATK: 2000, DEF: 2000)
GT= Geartown
f= face-down

2010-12-11, 03:50 PM
Kanna shrugs. "Maybe, but that Ultimate Golem of yours would have wiped me out in two hits anyway."

Draw: [roll0]

"Well, it was a slim chance of drawing what I needed anyway. I forfeit this game to you, let's move on to the next one."

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 03:57 PM
"certainly, as the losing party, you have the choice of first or second turn."

2010-12-11, 04:00 PM
Side Deck Alterations
-2 Genex Neutron
-2 Alchemy Cycle
+2 Cyber Dragon
+2 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity

Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 40 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
4 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
5 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
6 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
7 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
8 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
9 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
10 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

11 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
12 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
13 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
14 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
15 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
16 Machina Fortress
17 Machina Fortress
18 Machina Gearframe
19 Machina Gearframe
20 Machina Gearframe

21 Cyber Dragon
22 Cyber Dragon
23 Dark Hole
24 Machine Duplication
25 Machine Duplication
26 Machine Duplication
27 Solidarity
28 Solidarity
29 Mystical Space Typhoon
30 Mystical Space Typhoon

31 Monster Reborn
32 Karakuri Showdown Castle
33 Karakuri Showdown Castle
34 Solemn Judgement
35 Call of the Haunted
36 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
37 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
38 Bottomless Trap Hole
39 Bottomless Trap Hole
40 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 15 Cards

3 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
2 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Hand: [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3][roll4]
Re-rolls: [roll5][roll6][roll7][roll8]

"This time, I'll go first."

2010-12-11, 04:11 PM

Draw: [roll0]

"I set one monster and two other cards facedown. Your move."


Life Points: 8000

Hand ~ 3
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”, Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”, Machina Fortress

Face Downs
Monster 3 = Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
S/t 2 = Bottomless Trap Hole, S/t 3 = Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard ~ 0

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 34 cards

Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
4 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
5 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
6 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
7 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
8 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

9 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
10 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
11 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
12 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Machina Fortress
13 Machina Fortress
14 Machina Gearframe
15 Machina Gearframe
16 Machina Gearframe

17 Cyber Dragon
18 Cyber Dragon
19 Dark Hole
20 Machine Duplication
21 Machine Duplication
22 Machine Duplication
23 Solidarity
24 Solidarity
Mystical Space Typhoon
25 Mystical Space Typhoon

26 Monster Reborn
27 Karakuri Showdown Castle
28 Karakuri Showdown Castle
29 Solemn Judgement
30 Call of the Haunted
31 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
32 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
Bottomless Trap Hole
33 Bottomless Trap Hole
34 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 15 Cards

3 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
2 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 04:15 PM
"I make no changes to my deck. Take that as you will."

Deck name: Iron Storm

Removed from play:-

Face-down:Limiter Removal (S/T2), Statue of the Wicked (S/T4)

Hand=2:Ancient Gear Knight
Dark Hole

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina Fortress
4- machina gearframe
5- machina gearframe
6- machina gearframe
7- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
8- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
9- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon

11- ancient gear beast
12- ancient gear knight
13- ancient gear knight
14- ancient gear knight
15- ancient gear golem
16- ancient gear golem
17- ancient gear golem
18- cyber dragon
19- cyber dragon
20- geartown
21- geartown
22- geartown
23- future fusion
24- mystical space typhoon
25- mystical space typhoon
26- limiter removal
27- supervise
28- dark hole
29- monster reborn
30- overload fusion
31- dark coffin
32- dark coffin
33- dark coffin
34- statue of the wicked
35- statue of the wicked
36- statue of the wicked
37- magical hats
38- magical hats
39- mirror force
40- torrential tribute

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- skill successor
8- skill successor
9- skill successor
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

Opening Draws (including first turn): [roll0]
Re-rolls if needed: [roll1]

"I will activate the field spell Geartown, using its effect to summon Ancient Gear Beast without tribute. I'll attack your face-down monster, then during main phase two I shall set two cards on my rear line and end."

Life points: 8000
GT= Geartown
AB= Ancient Gear Beast

2010-12-11, 04:26 PM
"I activate my facedown Bottomless Trap Hole, destroying your Beast and Removing it from the game. Does this change your turn at all?"

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 04:40 PM
Deck name: Iron Storm

Removed from play:Ancient Gear Beast

Face-down:Limiter Removal (S/T2), Statue of the Wicked (S/T4)

Hand=2:Ancient Gear Knight
Dark Hole

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina Fortress
4- machina gearframe
5- machina gearframe
6- machina gearframe
7- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
8- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
9- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
10- ancient gear beast
11- ancient gear knight
12- ancient gear knight
13- ancient gear golem
14- ancient gear golem
15- ancient gear golem
16- cyber dragon
17- cyber dragon
18- geartown
19- geartown
20- future fusion
21- mystical space typhoon
22- mystical space typhoon
23- supervise
24- monster reborn
25- overload fusion
26- dark coffin
27- dark coffin
28- dark coffin
29- statue of the wicked
30- statue of the wicked
31- magical hats
32- magical hats
33- mirror force
34- torrential tribute

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- skill successor
8- skill successor
9- skill successor
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"Bottomless trap hole prevents me from attacking, the cards on my back row are set exactly as before. End turn."

Life points: 8000
GT= Geartown

2010-12-11, 04:45 PM
"Alright then. My turn."

Draw: [roll0]

"By discarding Machina Fortress (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Machina_Fortress) and Bushi Muzanichiha (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Bushi_mdl_6318_“Muzanichiha”) from my hand I can summon Machina Fortress to the Field. Then Fortress will attack you directly for 2500 damage. I'll set one card and end my turn, unless you have any responses."

MF = Machina Fortress (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Machina_Fortress) 2500/1600 (ATK)
F = Facedown

Life Points: 8000

Hand ~ 1
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”

Face Downs
Monster 3 = Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
S/t 3 = Mystical Space Typhoon S/t 4 = Call of the Haunted

Graveyard ~ 2
Bottomless Trap Hole
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 34 cards

Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
4 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
5 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
6 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
7 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
8 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

9 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
10 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
11 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
12 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Machina Fortress
13 Machina Fortress
14 Machina Gearframe
15 Machina Gearframe
16 Machina Gearframe

17 Cyber Dragon
18 Cyber Dragon
19 Dark Hole
20 Machine Duplication
21 Machine Duplication
22 Machine Duplication
23 Solidarity
24 Solidarity
Mystical Space Typhoon
25 Mystical Space Typhoon

26 Monster Reborn
27 Karakuri Showdown Castle
28 Karakuri Showdown Castle
29 Solemn Judgement
Call of the Haunted
30 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
31 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
Bottomless Trap Hole
32 Bottomless Trap Hole
33 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 15 Cards

3 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
2 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 05:02 PM
"Okay, let's do this."
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm

Removed from play:Ancient Gear Beast

Face-down:Limiter Removal (S/T2), Statue of the Wicked (S/T4)

Hand=1:Dark Hole

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina Fortress
4- machina gearframe
5- machina gearframe
6- machina gearframe
7- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
8- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
9- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
10- ancient gear beast
11- ancient gear knight
12- ancient gear knight
13- ancient gear golem
14- ancient gear golem
15- ancient gear golem
16- cyber dragon
17- cyber dragon
18- geartown
19- geartown
20- future fusion
21- mystical space typhoon
22- mystical space typhoon
23- supervise
24- monster reborn
25- overload fusion
26- dark coffin
27- dark coffin
28- dark coffin
29- statue of the wicked
30- statue of the wicked
31- magical hats
32- magical hats
33- mirror force
34- torrential tribute

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- skill successor
8- skill successor
9- skill successor
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"I'll begin by special summoning Cyber dragon to the field by its effect, sending both it and your Machina Fortress to the graveyard to special summon Chimeratech Fortress Dragon to the field. Next I'll summon Ancient Gear Knight in attack position, attacking your face-down with Ancient Gear Knight and then attacking directly with Chimeratech. End turn."

Life points: 5500
GT= Geartown
CFD= Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (ATK: 2000, DEF: 0)
AK= Ancient Gear Knight (ATK: 1800, DEF: 500)

2010-12-11, 05:17 PM
"I'm afraid you won't be attacking me directly this turn. My facedown monster is Barrel Shinkuro (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Barrel_mdl_96_“Shinkuro”) who needs to be attacked twice in order to be destroyed. Shall I assume your Fortress Dragon will finish the job?"

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 05:28 PM
"You guess right, I'll shove fortress dragon right down its proverbial throat. Apart from that, my turn stands."

2010-12-11, 05:31 PM
"Mad'c tu drec!"

Draw: [roll0]

"I start by activating Call of the Haunted, summoning Machina Fortress from my graveyard. Now my Fortress attacks your Fortress Dragon, destroying it and inflicting 500 damage to you. In my second main phase I summon Merchant Inashichi (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Merchant_mdl_177_“Inashichi”) and use his effect to grab a Bushi Muzanichiha (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Bushi_mdl_6318_“Muzanichiha”) from my deck. That's me done, your turn."

MF = Machina Fortress (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Machina_Fortress) 2500/1600 (ATK)
177 = Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 "Inashichi" (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Merchant_mdl_177_“Inashichi”) 500/1500 (ATK)
F = Facedown
C = Call of the Haunted @ Machina Fortress

Life Points: 8000

Hand ~ 2
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”, Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”

Face Downs

S/t 3 = Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard ~ 3
Bottomless Trap Hole
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 "Shinkuro"

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 31 cards

Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
4 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
5 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
6 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
7 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

8 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
9 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
10 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Machina Fortress
11 Machina Fortress
12 Machina Gearframe
13 Machina Gearframe
14 Machina Gearframe

15 Cyber Dragon
16 Cyber Dragon
17 Dark Hole
18 Machine Duplication
19 Machine Duplication
20 Machine Duplication
21 Solidarity
22 Solidarity
Mystical Space Typhoon
23 Mystical Space Typhoon

24 Monster Reborn
25 Karakuri Showdown Castle
26 Karakuri Showdown Castle
27 Solemn Judgement
Call of the Haunted
28 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
29 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
Bottomless Trap Hole
30 Bottomless Trap Hole
31 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 15 Cards

3 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
2 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 05:55 PM
"Is that all you can offer me?"
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm
Graveyard:Cyber Dragon
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Ancient Gear knight

Removed from play:Ancient Gear Beast

Face-down:Limiter Removal (S/T2), Statue of the Wicked (S/T4)

Hand=1:Dark Hole

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina Fortress
4- machina gearframe
5- machina gearframe
6- machina gearframe
7- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
8- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
9- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
10- ancient gear beast
11- ancient gear knight
12- ancient gear knight
13- ancient gear golem
14- ancient gear golem
15- ancient gear golem
16- cyber dragon
17- geartown
18- geartown
19- future fusion
20- mystical space typhoon
21- mystical space typhoon
22- supervise
23- monster reborn
24- overload fusion
25- dark coffin
26- dark coffin
27- dark coffin
28- statue of the wicked
29- statue of the wicked
30- magical hats
31- magical hats
32- mirror force
33- torrential tribute

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- skill successor
8- skill successor
9- skill successor
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"By the effect of Geartown, I will now tribute Ancient Gear Knight to summon Ancient Gear Golem, attacking your Inashichi and inflicting piercing damage when it switches to defence position. With that I'll end my turn."

Life points: 5000
GT= Geartown
AK= Ancient Gear Golem (ATK: 3000, DEF: 3000)

2010-12-11, 06:05 PM
"Cu vyn cu kuut."

Draw: [roll0]

"I tribute my Fortress to Summon Cyber Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Cyber_Dragon) my Dragon then fuses with your Golem to summon my Fortress Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Chimeratech_Fortress_Dragon)! Then, by discarding Soldier Nisamu (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Soldier_mdl_236_“Nisamu”) and Bushi Muzanichiha (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Bushi_mdl_6318_“Muzanichiha”) I can summon my Fortress back to the field. Now, both of my monsters attack you directly, inflicting 4,500 damage. Your turn."

MF = Machina Fortress (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Machina_Fortress) 2500/1600 (ATK)
CFG = Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Chimeratech_Fortress_Dragon) 2000/0 (ATK)
F = Facedown

Life Points: 6500

Hand ~ 0

Face Downs

S/t 3 = Mystical Space Typhoon

Graveyard ~ 7
Bottomless Trap Hole
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6318 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 "Shinkuro"
Call of the Haunted
Cyber Dragon
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6318 “Muzanichiha”

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 30 cards

Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
4 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
5 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
6 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
7 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

8 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
9 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
10 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Machina Fortress
11 Machina Fortress
12 Machina Gearframe
13 Machina Gearframe
14 Machina Gearframe

Cyber Dragon
15 Cyber Dragon
16 Dark Hole
17 Machine Duplication
18 Machine Duplication
19 Machine Duplication
20 Solidarity
21 Solidarity
Mystical Space Typhoon
22 Mystical Space Typhoon

23 Monster Reborn
24 Karakuri Showdown Castle
25 Karakuri Showdown Castle
26 Solemn Judgement
Call of the Haunted
27 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
28 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
Bottomless Trap Hole
29 Bottomless Trap Hole
30 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 14 Cards

3 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
1 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 06:20 PM
"Thank you so very much for leaving such space for what would otherwise have resulted in collateral damage."
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm
Graveyard:Cyber Dragon
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Ancient Gear knight
Ancient Gear golem

Removed from play:Ancient Gear Beast

Face-down:Limiter Removal (S/T2), Statue of the Wicked (S/T4), Mirror Force (S/T5)


main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina Fortress
4- machina gearframe
5- machina gearframe
6- machina gearframe
7- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
8- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
9- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
10- ancient gear beast
11- ancient gear knight
12- ancient gear knight
13- ancient gear golem
14- ancient gear golem
15- cyber dragon
16- geartown
17- geartown
18- future fusion
19- mystical space typhoon
20- mystical space typhoon
21- supervise
22- monster reborn
23- overload fusion
24- dark coffin
25- dark coffin
26- dark coffin
27- statue of the wicked
28- statue of the wicked
29- magical hats
30- magical hats
31- mirror force
32- torrential tribute

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- skill successor
8- skill successor
9- skill successor
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"I'll now activate the spell card Dark Hole, destroying both of your fortress monsters, then I'll set one card on my back row and end."

Life points: 500
GT= Geartown

2010-12-11, 06:24 PM
"Okay, almost there, just a little bit more."

Draw: [roll0]

"First things first I activate my Facedown Mystical Space Typhoon on your newly set card. I'll follow that up by summoning Machina Gearframe, who adds Machina Fortress to my hand. Gearframe will then attack for the game, barring any response you may have."

MG = Machina Gearframe (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Machina_Gearframe) 1800/0 (ATK)

Life Points: 6500

Hand ~ 1
Machina Fortress

Face Downs


Graveyard ~ 10
Bottomless Trap Hole
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6318 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 "Shinkuro"
Call of the Haunted
Cyber Dragon
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6318 “Muzanichiha”
Machina Fortress
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Mystical Space Typhoon

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 28 cards

Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
4 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
5 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
6 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
7 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

8 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
9 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
10 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Machina Fortress
Machina Fortress
11 Machina Gearframe
12 Machina Gearframe
Machina Gearframe

Cyber Dragon
13 Cyber Dragon
14 Dark Hole
15 Machine Duplication
16 Machine Duplication
17 Machine Duplication
18 Solidarity
19 Solidarity
Mystical Space Typhoon
20 Mystical Space Typhoon

21 Monster Reborn
22 Karakuri Showdown Castle
23 Karakuri Showdown Castle
24 Solemn Judgement
Call of the Haunted
25 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
26 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
Bottomless Trap Hole
27 Bottomless Trap Hole
28 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 14 Cards

3 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
1 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 06:32 PM
"No response, though you seem to have been quite lucky picking out Mirror Force like that. Nonetheless, there is a third duel to play, and I will go first this time."

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 06:38 PM
(OOC: that last was more my persona grumbling than me... don't worry about it)

Side Deck Changes:
-2x Statue of the Wicked
-1x Dark coffin
+3x Skill Successor

"Time to break this deadlock."
Opening Draws: [roll0]
Re-rolls if needed: [roll1]

Deck name: Iron Storm

Removed from play:-

Face-down:Torrential Tribute (S/T1), dark Coffin (S/T5)

Hand=4:machina Gearframe
Overload Fusion
Machina fortress
Ancient gear golem

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina Fortress
4- machina gearframe
5- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
6- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
7- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
8- ancient gear beast
9- ancient gear beast
10- ancient gear knight
11- ancient gear knight
12- ancient gear knight
13- ancient gear golem
14- ancient gear golem
15- cyber dragon
16- cyber dragon
17- geartown
18- geartown
19- geartown
20- future fusion
21- mystical space typhoon
22- mystical space typhoon
23- limiter removal
24- supervise
25- dark hole
26- monster reborn
27- dark coffin
28- Skill Successor
29- Skill Successor
30- Skill Successor
31- statue of the wicked
32- magical hats
33- magical hats
34- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- Dark Coffin
8- Statue of the wicked
9- Statue of the wicked
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"I'll start by summoning Machina Gearframe, allowing me to add machina fortress from my deck to my hand, then I'll set two cards face-down and end my turn."

MG= machina Gearframe (ATK: 1800, DEF: 0)
f= face-down

2010-12-11, 06:49 PM
Kanna nods at the machine's statement. "Right. Let's do this!"

Side Deck Alterations

-2 Karakuri Showdown Castle
+2 Mask of Restrict

Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 40 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
4 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
5 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
6 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
7 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
8 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
9 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
10 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

11 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
12 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
13 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
14 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
15 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
16 Machina Fortress
17 Machina Fortress
18 Machina Gearframe
19 Machina Gearframe
20 Machina Gearframe

21 Cyber Dragon
22 Cyber Dragon
23 Dark Hole
24 Machine Duplication
25 Machine Duplication
26 Machine Duplication
27 Solidarity
28 Solidarity
29 Mystical Space Typhoon
30 Mystical Space Typhoon

31 Monster Reborn
32 Mask of Restrict
33 Mask of Restrict
34 Solemn Judgement
35 Call of the Haunted
36 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
37 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
38 Bottomless Trap Hole
39 Bottomless Trap Hole
40 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 15 Cards

3 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
2 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Hand (Including 1st Draw): [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3][roll4]
Re-rolls: [roll5][roll6][roll7][roll8][roll9]

((:smallsigh: I accidently put the roll for my draw in the re-roll section, so I'm going to use the second re-roll die as my draw for this turn since the first one's a duplicate.))

"Okay, I'll start by setting one monster and one card facedown. Your turn."

-|-|F| |-[/table]

Life Points: 8000

Hand ~ 4
Cyber Dragon, Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro” Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”, Monster Reborn

Face Downs

Monster 2 = Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
S/t 3 = Call of the Haunted

Graveyard ~ 0

Removed from Play

Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 34 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
4 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
5 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
6 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
7 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

8 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
9 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
10 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
11 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
12 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
13 Machina Fortress
14 Machina Fortress
15 Machina Gearframe
16 Machina Gearframe
17 Machina Gearframe

Cyber Dragon
18 Cyber Dragon
19 Dark Hole
20 Machine Duplication
21 Machine Duplication
22 Machine Duplication
23 Solidarity
24 Solidarity
25 Mystical Space Typhoon
26 Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn[s]
27 Mask of Restrict
28 Mask of Restrict
29 Solemn Judgement
[s]Call of the Haunted
30 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
31 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
32 Bottomless Trap Hole
33 Bottomless Trap Hole
34 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 15 Cards

3 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
2 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-11, 07:28 PM
(OOC: I had noticed this time- having taken a moment to count your opening draws... It's for that reason I tend to [rollv]6d40 and close the tag rather than doing each individually- it really comes into its own when Magical Merchant makes an appearance...)
"Let's roll."
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm
Graveyard:Machina Fortress

Removed from play:-

Face-down:Torrential Tribute (S/T1), dark Coffin (S/T5)

Hand=3:Overload Fusion
Ancient gear golem
Ancient Gear Knight

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina gearframe
4- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
5- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
6- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
7- ancient gear beast
8- ancient gear beast
9- ancient gear knight
10- ancient gear knight
11- ancient gear knight
12- ancient gear golem
13- ancient gear golem
14- cyber dragon
15- cyber dragon
16- geartown
17- geartown
18- geartown
19- future fusion
20- mystical space typhoon
21- mystical space typhoon
22- limiter removal
23- supervise
24- dark hole
25- monster reborn
26- dark coffin
27- Skill Successor
28- Skill Successor
29- Skill Successor
30- statue of the wicked
31- magical hats
32- magical hats
33- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- Dark Coffin
8- Statue of the wicked
9- Statue of the wicked
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"I'll start off by summoning another Machina Gearframe, searching out another machina Fortress from my deck. next I'll discard two machina fortresses from my hand to the graveyard to summon one of them to the field. I'll attack first with one Gearframe, then the second, then follow up with fortress and end my turn after that."

MG= machina Gearframe (ATK: 1800, DEF: 0)
MF= machina fortress (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1600)
f= face-down

2010-12-12, 05:36 AM
((Thanks. I keep forgetting that that's an option. :smallredface:I'll try and remember it for next time.))

"Hud cu vycd! My facedown monster is my Soldier Nisamu (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Soldier_mdl_236_“Nisamu”) since he was destroyed by battle I get to summon another Karakuri from my deck, and I'll choose a second Nisamu. If my Soldier is destroyed, I'll then summon Bushi Muzanichiha (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Bushi_mdl_6318_“Muzanichiha”) to defend me. Will your Machina army be attacking all of my monsters?"

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-12, 07:55 AM
"In a word, yes."

2010-12-12, 04:14 PM
"Here goes nothing..."

Draw: [roll0]

"Since you have monsters on the field, I can special summon Cyber Dragon from my hand. I then fuse it with all three of your monsters to summon myFortress Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Chimeratech_Fortress_Dragon)! But that's not all. I activate Monster Reborn to bring Cyber Dragon back from the graveyard. Then I summon Barrel Shinkuro (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Barrel_mdl_96_“Shinkuro”). Shinkuro will then tune with Cyber Dragon to summon Shogun Burei (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Shogun_mdl_00_“Burei”) and since Burei was Synchro Summoned I get to summon Soldier Nisamu (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Soldier_mdl_236_“Nisamu”) from my deck. Now all of my monsters attack you directly, for a total of 8000 damage, ending the match unless you have a counter."

-|-|F| |-[/table]
CFG = Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Chimeratech_Fortress_Dragon) 4000/0 (ATK)
00 = Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei” (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Shogun_mdl_00_“Burei”) 2600/1900 (ATK)
236 = Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu” (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Soldier_mdl_236_“Nisamu”) 1400/200 (ATK)

Life Points: 8000

Hand ~ 2
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”, Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”

Face Downs

S/t 3 = Call of the Haunted

Graveyard ~6
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Monster Reborn
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Cyber Dragon

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 30 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
4 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

5 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
6 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
7 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
8 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
9 Machina Fortress
10 Machina Fortress
11 Machina Gearframe
12 Machina Gearframe
13 Machina Gearframe

Cyber Dragon
14 Cyber Dragon
15 Dark Hole
16 Machine Duplication
17 Machine Duplication
18 Machine Duplication
19 Solidarity
20 Solidarity
21 Mystical Space Typhoon
22 Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn[s]
23 Mask of Restrict
24 Mask of Restrict
25 Solemn Judgement
[s]Call of the Haunted
26 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
27 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
28 Bottomless Trap Hole
29 Bottomless Trap Hole
30 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 13 Cards

2 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
1 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-12, 04:33 PM
"I will activate Torrential Tribute in response to your summon of Barrel Shinkuro, how much does that change your turn?"

2010-12-12, 04:38 PM
"Quite a lot, I end my turn."

-|-|F| |-[/table]

Life Points: 8000

Hand ~ 2
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”, Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”

Face Downs

S/t 3 = Call of the Haunted

Graveyard ~7
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Monster Reborn
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Cyber Dragon
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 31 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
4 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
5 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

6 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
7 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
8 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
9 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
10 Machina Fortress
11 Machina Fortress
12 Machina Gearframe
13 Machina Gearframe
14 Machina Gearframe

Cyber Dragon
15 Cyber Dragon
16 Dark Hole
17 Machine Duplication
18 Machine Duplication
19 Machine Duplication
20 Solidarity
21 Solidarity
22 Mystical Space Typhoon
23 Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn[s]
24 Mask of Restrict
25 Mask of Restrict
26 Solemn Judgement
[s]Call of the Haunted
27 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
28 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
29 Bottomless Trap Hole
30 Bottomless Trap Hole
31 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 13 Cards

2 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior
1 x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-12, 04:48 PM
"Well, thank you very much for doing so much, it makes my job all the easier."
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm
Graveyard:Machina Fortress
Machina Gearframe
Machina Gearframe
Torrential Tribute
Ancient Gear Golem

Removed from play:-

Face-down:dark Coffin (S/T5)

Hand=1:Overload Fusion

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina gearframe
4- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
5- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
6- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
7- ancient gear beast
8- ancient gear beast
9- ancient gear knight
10- ancient gear knight
11- ancient gear golem
12- ancient gear golem
13- cyber dragon
14- cyber dragon
15- geartown
16- geartown
17- geartown
18- future fusion
19- mystical space typhoon
20- mystical space typhoon
21- limiter removal
22- supervise
23- dark hole
24- monster reborn
25- dark coffin
26- Skill Successor
27- Skill Successor
28- Skill Successor
29- statue of the wicked
30- magical hats
31- magical hats
32- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- Dark Coffin
8- Statue of the wicked
9- Statue of the wicked
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"I shall begin by activating the field spell Geartown, then I'll summon ancient gear knight. I shall then discard ancient gear golem from my hand to special summon one of my Machina Fortresses back from the grave. Now both monsters will attack you directly, with knight stepping into the breach first, followed by fortress. After that, I'll end my turn."

GT= Geartown
MF= Machina Fortress (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1600)
AK= Ancient Gear Knight (ATK: 1800, DEF: 500)
f= face-down

2010-12-12, 04:57 PM
"Ouch. Mad'c caa fryd E lyh du rana..."

Draw: [roll0]

"I Activate my facedown Call of the Haunted to bring back Cyber Dragon from my graveyard. I then fuse my Dragon with your Fortress and Knight to summon forth url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Chimeratech_Fortress_Dragon]Fortress Dragon[/url]. Fortress Dragon will attack you directly for 3000 damage. In my second Main phase I summon Merchant Inashichi (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Merchant_mdl_177_“Inashichi”) who grabs a Soldier Nisamu (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Soldier_mdl_236_“Nisamu”) from my deck. Your turn."

-|-|-|- |-[/table]
CFG = Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Chimeratech_Fortress_Dragon) 3000/0 (ATK)
177 = Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi” (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Merchant_mdl_177_“Inashichi”) 500/1500(ATK)

Life Points: 3700

Hand ~ 3
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”, Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”, Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”

Face Downs


Graveyard ~8
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Monster Reborn
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Cyber Dragon
Call of the Haunted

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 31 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
3 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
4 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

5 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
6 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
7 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
8 Machina Fortress
9 Machina Fortress
10 Machina Gearframe
11 Machina Gearframe
12 Machina Gearframe

Cyber Dragon
13 Cyber Dragon
14 Dark Hole
15 Machine Duplication
16 Machine Duplication
17 Machine Duplication
18 Solidarity
19 Solidarity
20 Mystical Space Typhoon
21 Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn[s]
22 Mask of Restrict
23 Mask of Restrict
24 Solemn Judgement
[s]Call of the Haunted
25 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
26 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
27 Bottomless Trap Hole
28 Bottomless Trap Hole
29 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 13 Cards

2 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-12, 05:14 PM
"What's the matter, having to rely on mercenaries to do the jobs that your karakuri monsters can't?"
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm
Graveyard:Machina Fortress
Machina Gearframe
Machina Gearframe
Torrential Tribute
Ancient Gear Golem
Machina Fortress
Ancient Gear Knight

Removed from play:-

Face-down:dark Coffin (S/T5)

Hand=1:Overload Fusion

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina gearframe
4- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
5- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
6- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
7- ancient gear beast
8- ancient gear beast
9- ancient gear knight
10- ancient gear knight
11- ancient gear golem
12- ancient gear golem
13- cyber dragon
14- cyber dragon
15- geartown
16- geartown
17- future fusion
18- mystical space typhoon
19- mystical space typhoon
20- limiter removal
21- supervise
22- dark hole
23- monster reborn
24- dark coffin
25- Skill Successor
26- Skill Successor
27- Skill Successor
28- statue of the wicked
29- magical hats
30- magical hats
31- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- Dark Coffin
8- Statue of the wicked
9- Statue of the wicked
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"I will set a field spell, destroying my face-up Geartown and allowing me to special summon Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon from my deck. I'll then flip face-up a new copy of Geartown and call on Gadjiltron Dragon to attack Inashichi before I end my turn."

Life points: 5000
GT= Geartown
AD= Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon (ATK: 3000, DEF: 2000)
f= face-down

2010-12-12, 05:22 PM
"Say what you will, but these 'mercenaries' are great at breaking through your defences."

Draw: [roll0]

"I summon Strategist Nishipachi (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Strategist_mdl_248_“Nishipachi”). I'll use my Strategist's effect to switch your Gadjiltron Dragon to defence mode. Now, Fortress Dragon attacks your Gadjiltron Dragon while Nishipachi attacks you directly for 500. Your turn. "

-|-|-|- |-[/table]
CFG = CFG = Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Chimeratech_Fortress_Dragon) 3000/0 (ATK)
248 = Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi" (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Strategist_mdl_248_“Nishipachi”) 500/1600(ATK)

Life Points: 3700

Hand ~ 3
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”, Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”, Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”

Face Downs


Graveyard ~9
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Monster Reborn
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Cyber Dragon
Call of the Haunted
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 28 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
2 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
3 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

4 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
5 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
6 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
7 Machina Fortress
8 Machina Fortress
9 Machina Gearframe
10 Machina Gearframe
11 Machina Gearframe

Cyber Dragon
12 Cyber Dragon
13 Dark Hole
14 Machine Duplication
15 Machine Duplication
16 Machine Duplication
17 Solidarity
18 Solidarity
19 Mystical Space Typhoon
20 Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn
21 Mask of Restrict
22 Mask of Restrict
23 Solemn Judgement
Call of the Haunted
24 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
25 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
26 Bottomless Trap Hole
27 Bottomless Trap Hole
28 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 13 Cards

2 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-12, 05:32 PM
"You're doing well, but I'm not down yet..."
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm
Graveyard:Machina Fortress
Machina Gearframe
Machina Gearframe
Torrential Tribute
Ancient Gear Golem
Machina Fortress
Ancient Gear Knight
Ancient Gear gadjiltron dragon

Removed from play:-

Face-down:dark Coffin (S/T5)

Hand=1:Overload Fusion

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina gearframe
4- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
5- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
6- ancient gear beast
7- ancient gear beast
8- ancient gear knight
9- ancient gear knight
10- ancient gear golem
11- ancient gear golem
12- cyber dragon
13- cyber dragon
14- geartown
15- future fusion
16- mystical space typhoon
17- mystical space typhoon
18- limiter removal
19- supervise
20- dark hole
21- monster reborn
22- dark coffin
23- Skill Successor
24- Skill Successor
25- Skill Successor
26- statue of the wicked
27- magical hats
28- magical hats
29- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- Dark Coffin
8- Statue of the wicked
9- Statue of the wicked
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"I will activate Dark Hole to clear your side of the field, then end my turn."

Life points: 4500
GT= Geartown
f= face-down

2010-12-12, 05:37 PM
"Running out of resources are you?"

Draw: [roll0]

"Since you wanted to see more of my Karakuri, it's only right that I show you some now. I summon Soldier Nisamu (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Soldier_mdl_236_“Nisamu”) to the field. Nisamu will attack you for 1400. Your turn."

-|-|-|- |-[/table]
236 = Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu” (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Soldier_mdl_236_“Nisamu”) 1400/200 (ATK)

Life Points: 3700

Hand ~ 3
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”, Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”,

Face Downs


Graveyard ~ 11
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Monster Reborn
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Cyber Dragon
Call of the Haunted
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi"

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 27 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
2 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

3 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
4 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
5 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
6 Machina Fortress
7 Machina Fortress
8 Machina Gearframe
9 Machina Gearframe
10 Machina Gearframe

Cyber Dragon
11 Cyber Dragon
12 Dark Hole
13 Machine Duplication
14 Machine Duplication
15 Machine Duplication
16 Solidarity
17 Solidarity
18 Mystical Space Typhoon
19 Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn
20 Mask of Restrict
21 Mask of Restrict
22 Solemn Judgement
Call of the Haunted
23 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
24 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
25 Bottomless Trap Hole
26 Bottomless Trap Hole
27 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 13 Cards

2 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-12, 05:48 PM
"Perhaps I'm at low ebb, but sometimes you fight better with your back to the wall."
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm
Torrential Tribute
Future Fusion
Dark coffin
Dark Hole

Removed from play:Machina Fortress x3
Machina Gearframe x3
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron dragon x3
Ancient Gear Beast x2
Ancient Gear Knight x3
Ancient Gear Golem x3
Cyber Dragon x2


Hand=1:Overload Fusion

main deck:1- Machina Fortress
2- machina Fortress
3- machina gearframe
4- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
5- ancient gear gadjiltron dragon
6- ancient gear beast
7- ancient gear beast
8- ancient gear knight
9- ancient gear knight
10- ancient gear golem
11- ancient gear golem
12- cyber dragon
13- cyber dragon
14- geartown
15- future fusion
16- mystical space typhoon
17- mystical space typhoon
18- limiter removal
19- supervise
20- monster reborn
21- dark coffin
22- Skill Successor
23- Skill Successor
24- Skill Successor
25- statue of the wicked
26- magical hats
27- magical hats
28- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- Dark Coffin
8- Statue of the wicked
9- Statue of the wicked
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"I'll start by activating the spell card, Future fusion, revealing Chimeratech Overdragon to send two cyber dragons, two ancient gear golems, two ancient gear knights, two ancient gear beasts, two ancient gear gadjiltron dragons, one machina gearframe and one machina fortress from my deck to the graveyard. Next I'll activate my trump card, Overload Fusion, removing from play all nineteen machine type monsters in my graveyard to summon another Chimeratech Overdragon from my extra deck to the field. Due to the summon of Overdragon, all other cards on my field are sent to the graveyard. I'll attack your monster and end my turn."

Life points: 3100
COD= Chimeratech Overdragon (ATK: 15200, DEF: 15200)

(OOC: Have just corrected my deck for a Machina Fortress I forgot to remove earlier)

2010-12-12, 06:07 PM
"My my, this new machina of yours is strong. When you destroy my Soldier, I get to Special Summon Strategist Nashipachi (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Strategist_mdl_248_“Nishipachi”), Nashipachi switches your Overdragon to defence mode. You don't happen to have a counter for this do you?"

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-12, 06:10 PM
"Not at present. Though had you chosen anything else, I would have been able to charge straight through it with one of my monster's follow-up attacks..."

2010-12-12, 06:15 PM
"Okay, just one more card."

Draw: [roll0]

"I...I may have just made a mistake. I summon Merchant Inashichi (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Merchant_mdl_177_“Inashichi”) who uses his effect to add a Bushi Muzanichiha (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Bushi_mdl_6318_“Muzanichiha”) to my hand. I then tune my Merchant with my Strategist to Synchro Summon Ally of Justice Catsator (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ally_of_Justice_Catastor) in defence mode. I'll end my turn."

-|-|-|- |-[/table]
AC = Ally of Justice Catsator (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ally_of_Justice_Catastor) 2200/1200 (DEF)

Life Points: 3700

Hand ~ 3
Solidarity Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”, Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”

Face Downs


Graveyard ~ 13
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Monster Reborn
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Cyber Dragon
Call of the Haunted
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi"

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 25 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
2 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
3 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
4 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
5 Machina Fortress
6 Machina Fortress
7 Machina Gearframe
8 Machina Gearframe
9 Machina Gearframe

Cyber Dragon
10 Cyber Dragon
11 Dark Hole
12 Machine Duplication
13 Machine Duplication
14 Machine Duplication
15 Solidarity
16 Mystical Space Typhoon
17 Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn
18 Mask of Restrict
19 Mask of Restrict
20 Solemn Judgement
Call of the Haunted
21 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
22 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
23 Bottomless Trap Hole
24 Bottomless Trap Hole
25 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 13 Cards

2 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-12, 06:45 PM
"Now to mop up."
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm
Torrential Tribute
Future Fusion
Dark coffin
Dark Hole

Removed from play:Machina Fortress x3
Machina Gearframe x3
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron dragon x3
Ancient Gear Beast x2
Ancient Gear Knight x3
Ancient Gear Golem x3
Cyber Dragon x2

Face-down:Skill Successor (S/T1)

Hand=1:Overload Fusion

main deck:1- geartown
2- future fusion
3- mystical space typhoon
4- mystical space typhoon
5- limiter removal
6- supervise
7- monster reborn
8- dark coffin
9- Skill Successor
10- Skill Successor
11- Skill Successor
12- statue of the wicked
13- magical hats
14- magical hats
15- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- Dark Coffin
8- Statue of the wicked
9- Statue of the wicked
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"I'll switch Chimeratech Overdragon back to attack, attack and destroy Catastor, then set one card and end my turn."

Life points: 3100
COD= Chimeratech Overdragon (ATK: 15200, DEF: 15200)
f= face-down

2010-12-12, 06:51 PM
Kanna shakes her head."Cdibed Cdibed, Cdibed."

Draw: [roll0]

She visibly brightens when she sees which card she drew."by discarding Machina Fortress and Barrel Shinkuro (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Karakuri_Barrel_mdl_96_“Shinkuro”) to the graveyard, I summon Machina Fortress (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Machina_Fortress) to the field, in defence mode. And then I'll end my turn."

-|-|-|- |-[/table]
MF = Machina Fortress (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Machina_Fortress) 2500/1600 (DEF)

Life Points: 3700

Hand ~ 2
Solidarity, Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”

Face Downs


Graveyard ~ 15
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Monster Reborn
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Cyber Dragon
Call of the Haunted
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi"
Ally of Justice Catastor
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”

Removed from Play

Deck Deck – Like Clockwork ~ 23 cards

1 Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Barrel mdl 96 “Shinkuro”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 “Inashichi”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 “Nisamu”
2 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”

Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
3 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Karakuri Bushi mdl 6381 “Muzanichiha”
Machina Fortress
4 Machina Fortress
5 Machina Gearframe
6 Machina Gearframe
7 Machina Gearframe

Cyber Dragon
8 Cyber Dragon
9 Dark Hole
10 Machine Duplication
11 Machine Duplication
12 Machine Duplication
13 Solidarity
14 Mystical Space Typhoon
15 Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn
16 Mask of Restrict
17 Mask of Restrict
18 Solemn Judgement
Call of the Haunted
19 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
20 Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity
21 Bottomless Trap Hole
22 Bottomless Trap Hole
23 Mirror Force

Extra Deck ~ 13 Cards

2 x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei”
2 x Ally of Justice Catastor
1 x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 x Goyo Guardian
2 x Black Rose Dragon
2 x Iron Chain Dragon
2 x Lightning Warrior

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-12, 07:02 PM
"Now, this presents something of a Conundrum."
Draw: [roll0]

Deck name: Iron Storm
Torrential Tribute
Future Fusion
Dark coffin
Dark Hole

Removed from play:Machina Fortress x3
Machina Gearframe x3
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron dragon x3
Ancient Gear Beast x2
Ancient Gear Knight x3
Ancient Gear Golem x3
Cyber Dragon x2

Face-down:Skill Successor (S/T1)

Hand=1:Overload Fusion

main deck:1- geartown
2- mystical space typhoon
3- mystical space typhoon
4- limiter removal
5- supervise
6- monster reborn
7- dark coffin
8- Skill Successor
9- Skill Successor
10- statue of the wicked
11- magical hats
12- magical hats
13- mirror force

extra deck:
1- chimeratech fortress dragon
2- chimeratech fortress dragon
3- chimeratech fortress dragon
4- chimeratech overdragon
5- chimeratech overdragon
6- ultimate ancient gear golem
7- ultimate ancient gear golem
8- ultimate ancient gear golem
9- elemental hero gaia
10- elemental hero gaia
11- elemental hero absolute zero
12- elemental hero absolute zero

Side deck:
1- Light-imprisoning mirror
2- light-imprisoning mirror
3- shadow-imprisoning mirror
4- shadow-imprisoning mirror
5- consecrated light
6- consecrated light
7- Dark Coffin
8- Statue of the wicked
9- Statue of the wicked
10- king of the swamp
11- king of the swamp
12- polymerisation
13- polymerisation
14- elemental hero prisma
15- elemental hero prisma

"Now, I have little choice but to keep going and hope you run out of monsters. Unfortunately, that particular monster is problematic. Lacking any way to break past it, I will have to concede."

Life points: 3100
COD= Chimeratech Overdragon (ATK: 15200, DEF: 15200)
f= face-down

2010-12-21, 10:45 AM
Sam enters the Ornithology exhibit first. She deploys her duel disc and waits for her opponent to arrive.

Init: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Reroll: [roll2]

True Soul: 40 cards
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
3. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
4. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
11. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
12. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
13. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
14. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
15. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
16. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
17. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
18. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
19. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
20. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
21. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
22. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)

23. Book of Moon
24. Book of Moon
25. Book of Moon
26. Dark Hole
27. Monster Reborn
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Mystical Space Typhoon
30. Pot of Duality
31. Pot of Duality
32. Pot of Duality

33. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Bottomless Trap Hole
35. Compulsory Evacuation Device
36. Compulsory Evacuation Device
37. Compulsory Evacuation Device
38. Royal Oppression
39. Solemn Judgment
40. Torrential Tribute

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

SIDE: 15
Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Dust Tornado
Dust Tornado
Gozen Match
Gozen Match
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

2010-12-22, 02:28 PM
The Pharaoh walks in and activates his own Duel Disk.



1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Obelisk the Tormentor
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Hardened Armed Dragon
6. Hardened Armed Dragon
7. Nimble Momonga
8. Nimble Momonga
9. Nimble Momonga
10. Gilasaurus
11. Gilasaurus
12. Gilasaurus
13. Jester Confit
14. Jester Confit
15. Dandylion
16. Dandylion
17. Marshmallon
18. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
19. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
20. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
21. Mosaic Manticore
22. Quickdraw Syncron
23. Quickdraw Syncron
24. Dark Bribe
25. Dark Bribe
26. Dark Bribe
27. Divine Wrath
28. Divine Wrath
29. One for One
30. Mirror Force
31. Bottomless Trap Hole
32. Bottomless Trap Hole
33. Fiend's Sanctuary
34. Fiend's Sanctuary
35. Fiend's Sanctuary
36. Metal Reflect Slime
37. Dark Hole
38. Torrential Tribute
39. Giant Trunade
40. Monster Reborn

Extra Deck:

1. Turbo Warrior
2. Turbo Warrior
3. Turbo Warrior
4. Drill Warrior
5. Drill Warrior
6. Drill Warrior
7. Junk Archer
8. Junk Archer
9. Junk Archer
10. Nitro Warrior
11. Nitro Warrior
12. Nitro Warrior

2010-12-22, 02:32 PM
I'll start.


One monster in defense.


8000 LP


One For One
Dark Hole
Hardened Armed Dragon
Fiend's Sanctuary

1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Obelisk the Tormentor
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Hardened Armed Dragon
6. Nimble Momonga
7. Nimble Momonga
8. Nimble Momonga
9. Gilasaurus
10. Gilasaurus
11. Jester Confit
12. Jester Confit
13. Dandylion
14. Dandylion
15. Marshmallon
16. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
17. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
18. Mosaic Manticore
19. Quickdraw Syncron
20. Quickdraw Syncron
21. Dark Bribe
22. Dark Bribe
23. Dark Bribe
24. Divine Wrath
25. Divine Wrath
26. Mirror Force
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Fiend's Sanctuary
30. Fiend's Sanctuary
31. Metal Reflect Slime
32. Torrential Tribute
33. Giant Trunade
34. Monster Reborn

Extra Deck:

1. Turbo Warrior
2. Turbo Warrior
3. Turbo Warrior
4. Drill Warrior
5. Drill Warrior
6. Drill Warrior
7. Junk Archer
8. Junk Archer
9. Junk Archer
10. Nitro Warrior
11. Nitro Warrior
12. Nitro Warrior


M3: Arcana Force 0: The Fool

2010-12-22, 02:58 PM
Draw: [roll0]

She smiles as she sees her opponent, clearly amused. "That's definitely a nice get-up. It looks like they really did grab us from all over the place. I'll start my turn with Pot of Duality (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pot_of_Duality)."

Duality: [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]
(Koa'ki Meiru Sandman, Koa'ki Meiru Wall, Neo-Spacian Grand Mole)

"I'll take Neo-Spacian Grand Mole and summon Koa'ki Meiru Sandman to the field. He'll attack and destroy your facedown monster, then I'll set two cards and reveal Grand Mole to keep Sandman alive when I end my turn."

3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Compulsory Evacuation Device
4. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 1
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Compulsory Evacuation Device

Main Deck: 33
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
3. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
4. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
11. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
12. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
13. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
14. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
15. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
16. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
17. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
>. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
18. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
19. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
20. Book of Moon
21. Book of Moon
22. Book of Moon
23. Dark Hole
24. Monster Reborn
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
26. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
27. Pot of Duality
28. Pot of Duality
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
30. Bottomless Trap Hole
31. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
32. Royal Oppression
>. Solemn Judgment
33. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-22, 03:07 PM
The Pharaoh flips up the indestructible Arcana Force 0.


One more monster to defend me.


8000 LP


One For One
Dark Hole
Hardened Armed Dragon
Fiend's Sanctuary

1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Obelisk the Tormentor
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Hardened Armed Dragon
6. Nimble Momonga
7. Nimble Momonga
8. Nimble Momonga
9. Gilasaurus
10. Gilasaurus
11. Jester Confit
12. Jester Confit
13. Dandylion
14. Dandylion
15. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
16. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
17. Mosaic Manticore
18. Quickdraw Syncron
19. Quickdraw Syncron
20. Dark Bribe
21. Dark Bribe
22. Dark Bribe
23. Divine Wrath
24. Divine Wrath
25. Mirror Force
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Fiend's Sanctuary
29. Fiend's Sanctuary
30. Metal Reflect Slime
31. Torrential Tribute
32. Giant Trunade
33. Monster Reborn

Extra Deck:

1. Turbo Warrior
2. Turbo Warrior
3. Turbo Warrior
4. Drill Warrior
5. Drill Warrior
6. Drill Warrior
7. Junk Archer
8. Junk Archer
9. Junk Archer
10. Nitro Warrior
11. Nitro Warrior
12. Nitro Warrior


M4: Marshmallon

2010-12-22, 03:11 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I'll summon up Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Neo-Spacian_Grand_Mole), who attacks your Fool and bounces both cards back to the hand. Sandman attacks your other facedown monster, and I end my turn, revealing Grand Mole for Sandman."

3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Compulsory Evacuation Device
4. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 1
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/) (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Compulsory Evacuation Device

Main Deck: 32
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
3. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
4. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
11. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
12. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
13. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
14. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
15. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
16. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
>. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
17. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
18. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
19. Book of Moon
20. Book of Moon
21. Book of Moon
22. Dark Hole
23. Monster Reborn
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
25. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
26. Pot of Duality
27. Pot of Duality
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
30. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
31. Royal Oppression
>. Solemn Judgment
32. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-22, 03:17 PM
Take 1000 damage for attacking Marshmallon.


I once again Set a monster.


8000 LP


One For One
Dark Hole
Hardened Armed Dragon
Fiend's Sanctuary
Arcana Force 0: The Fool

1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Obelisk the Tormentor
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Hardened Armed Dragon
6. Nimble Momonga
7. Nimble Momonga
8. Nimble Momonga
9. Gilasaurus
10. Gilasaurus
11. Jester Confit
12. Jester Confit
13. Dandylion
14. Dandylion
15. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
16. Mosaic Manticore
17. Quickdraw Syncron
18. Quickdraw Syncron
19. Dark Bribe
20. Dark Bribe
21. Dark Bribe
22. Divine Wrath
23. Divine Wrath
24. Mirror Force
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Fiend's Sanctuary
28. Fiend's Sanctuary
29. Metal Reflect Slime
30. Torrential Tribute
31. Giant Trunade
32. Monster Reborn

Extra Deck:

1. Turbo Warrior
2. Turbo Warrior
3. Turbo Warrior
4. Drill Warrior
5. Drill Warrior
6. Drill Warrior
7. Junk Archer
8. Junk Archer
9. Junk Archer
10. Nitro Warrior
11. Nitro Warrior
12. Nitro Warrior


M3: Arcana Force 0

2010-12-22, 03:20 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I'll summon Thunder King Rai-Oh, who attacks your facedown. I'll then end my turn, revealing Grand Mole."

3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 7000

3. Compulsory Evacuation Device
4. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 1
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 4
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/) (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Compulsory Evacuation Device

Main Deck: 31
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
3. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
11. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
12. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
13. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
14. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
15. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
>. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
16. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
17. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
18. Book of Moon
19. Book of Moon
20. Book of Moon
21. Dark Hole
22. Monster Reborn
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
25. Pot of Duality
26. Pot of Duality
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
30. Royal Oppression
>. Solemn Judgment
31. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-22, 03:28 PM
Arcana Force 0.


And, another monster in defense.


8000 LP


One For One
Dark Hole
Hardened Armed Dragon
Fiend's Sanctuary

1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Obelisk the Tormentor
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Hardened Armed Dragon
6. Nimble Momonga
7. Nimble Momonga
8. Nimble Momonga
9. Gilasaurus
10. Jester Confit
11. Jester Confit
12. Dandylion
13. Dandylion
14. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
15. Mosaic Manticore
16. Quickdraw Syncron
17. Quickdraw Syncron
18. Dark Bribe
19. Dark Bribe
20. Dark Bribe
21. Divine Wrath
22. Divine Wrath
23. Mirror Force
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Fiend's Sanctuary
27. Fiend's Sanctuary
28. Metal Reflect Slime
29. Torrential Tribute
30. Giant Trunade
31. Monster Reborn

Extra Deck:

1. Turbo Warrior
2. Turbo Warrior
3. Turbo Warrior
4. Drill Warrior
5. Drill Warrior
6. Drill Warrior
7. Junk Archer
8. Junk Archer
9. Junk Archer
10. Nitro Warrior
11. Nitro Warrior
12. Nitro Warrior


M2: Arcana Force 0

2010-12-22, 03:30 PM
"You're going to have to take the offensive sometime if you're going to beat me."

Draw: [roll0]

"I summon Neo-Spacian Grand Mole, which bounces The Fool to your hand. Rai-Oh attacks your facedown, and I end my turn, revealing Grand Mole for Sandman."

3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 7000

3. Compulsory Evacuation Device
4. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 1
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 5
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/) (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Compulsory Evacuation Device

Main Deck: 30
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
11. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
12. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
13. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
14. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
>. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
15. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
16. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
17. Book of Moon
18. Book of Moon
19. Book of Moon
20. Dark Hole
21. Monster Reborn
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Pot of Duality
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
29. Royal Oppression
>. Solemn Judgment
30. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-22, 03:34 PM
Another Fool is revealed.


I'll set a monster and discard Gilasaurus.


8000 LP


One For One
Dark Hole
Hardened Armed Dragon
Fiend's Sanctuary
Arcana Force 0: The Fool

1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Obelisk the Tormentor
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Hardened Armed Dragon
6. Nimble Momonga
7. Nimble Momonga
8. Nimble Momonga
9. Gilasaurus
10. Jester Confit
11. Jester Confit
12. Dandylion
13. Dandylion
14. Mosaic Manticore
15. Quickdraw Syncron
16. Quickdraw Syncron
17. Dark Bribe
18. Dark Bribe
19. Dark Bribe
20. Divine Wrath
21. Divine Wrath
22. Mirror Force
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Fiend's Sanctuary
26. Fiend's Sanctuary
27. Metal Reflect Slime
28. Torrential Tribute
29. Giant Trunade
30. Monster Reborn

Extra Deck:

1. Turbo Warrior
2. Turbo Warrior
3. Turbo Warrior
4. Drill Warrior
5. Drill Warrior
6. Drill Warrior
7. Junk Archer
8. Junk Archer
9. Junk Archer
10. Nitro Warrior
11. Nitro Warrior
12. Nitro Warrior


M3: Arcana Force 0: The Fool

2010-12-22, 03:52 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"Next measure, same as before. I summon Grand Mole, who attacks and bounces your Fool. Rai-Oh attacks your facedown, probably another Fool, and I end my turn, revealing Grand Mole as I do."

3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 7000

3. Compulsory Evacuation Device
4. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 1
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 6
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/) (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Compulsory Evacuation Device

Main Deck: 29
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
13. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
>. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
15. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
16. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Book of Moon
19. Dark Hole
20. Monster Reborn
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
28. Royal Oppression
>. Solemn Judgment
29. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-23, 01:31 PM

I'll set a monster, whose identity I'm sure you already know.


8000 LP


One For One
Dark Hole
Hardened Armed Dragon
Fiend's Sanctuary
Mosaic Manticore

1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Obelisk the Tormentor
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Hardened Armed Dragon
6. Nimble Momonga
7. Nimble Momonga
8. Nimble Momonga
9. Gilasaurus
10. Jester Confit
11. Jester Confit
12. Dandylion
13. Dandylion
14. Mosaic Manticore
15. Quickdraw Syncron
16. Quickdraw Syncron
17. Dark Bribe
18. Dark Bribe
19. Dark Bribe
20. Divine Wrath
21. Divine Wrath
22. Mirror Force
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Fiend's Sanctuary
26. Fiend's Sanctuary
27. Metal Reflect Slime
28. Torrential Tribute
29. Giant Trunade
30. Monster Reborn

Extra Deck:

1. Turbo Warrior
2. Turbo Warrior
3. Turbo Warrior
4. Drill Warrior
5. Drill Warrior
6. Drill Warrior
7. Junk Archer
8. Junk Archer
9. Junk Archer
10. Nitro Warrior
11. Nitro Warrior
12. Nitro Warrior


M2: Arcana Force 0: The Fool

2010-12-23, 01:42 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I'll activate a second Pot of Duality (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Pot_of_Duality)."

2010-12-23, 01:43 PM
Duality: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
(Mystical Space Typhoon, Bottomless Trap Hole, Monster Reborn)

"Monster Reborn's my choice, this time. I then summon Grand Mole, bounce your Fool, attack your facedown with Rai-Oh, set a card, reveal Grand Mole, and end my turn." She says the last in one long breath.

3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
2. Facedown card
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 7000

2. Compulsory Evacuation Device
3. Compulsory Evacuation Device
4. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 2
Pot of Duality
Pot of Duality

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 6
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/) (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Monster Reborn

Main Deck: 27
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
13. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
>. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
15. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
16. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Book of Moon
19. Dark Hole
>. Monster Reborn
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
26. Royal Oppression
>. Solemn Judgment
27. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-24, 04:09 PM
I hope for both our sakes that one of us draws something soon that will change this.


I'll set a face-down and a monster.


8000 LP


One For One
Dark Hole
Hardened Armed Dragon
Fiend's Sanctuary
Mosaic Manticore


1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Obelisk the Tormentor
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Hardened Armed Dragon
6. Nimble Momonga
7. Nimble Momonga
8. Nimble Momonga
9. Gilasaurus
10. Jester Confit
11. Jester Confit
12. Dandylion
13. Dandylion
14. Quickdraw Syncron
15. Quickdraw Syncron
16. Dark Bribe
17. Dark Bribe
18. Dark Bribe
19. Divine Wrath
20. Divine Wrath
21. Mirror Force
22. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Fiend's Sanctuary
25. Fiend's Sanctuary
26. Metal Reflect Slime
27. Torrential Tribute
28. Giant Trunade
29. Monster Reborn

Extra Deck:

1. Turbo Warrior
2. Turbo Warrior
3. Turbo Warrior
4. Drill Warrior
5. Drill Warrior
6. Drill Warrior
7. Junk Archer
8. Junk Archer
9. Junk Archer
10. Nitro Warrior
11. Nitro Warrior
12. Nitro Warrior


M3: Arcana Force 0: The Fool
ST3: Dark Bribe

2010-12-24, 09:21 PM
"You ask, and I deliver. When you end your turn, I activate two Compulsory Evacuation Devices (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Compulsory_Evacuation_Device), jettisoning Arcana Force 0 and Marshmallon to your hand."

Draw: [roll0]

"I summon Neo-Spacian Grand Mole, who bounces your facedown. Sandman and Rai-Oh attack directly, and I set one card and end my turn, revealing Grand Mole for Sandman."

3. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Thunder King Rai-Oh (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Thunder_King_Rai-Oh) (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 7000

3. Book of Moon
4. Solemn Judgment

Graveyard: 4
Pot of Duality
Pot of Duality
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Evacuation Device

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 6
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/) (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Monster Reborn

Main Deck: 26
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
13. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
>. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
14. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
>. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
15. Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
16. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
>. Book of Moon
18. Dark Hole
>. Monster Reborn
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Pot of Duality
>. Pot of Duality
21. Pot of Duality
22. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
25. Royal Oppression
>. Solemn Judgment
26. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-25, 09:23 AM
I surrender. There is no one card in my deck that could save me.

((Will start next duel tomorrow or Monday, Christmas and all that))

2010-12-25, 10:52 AM
OOC: Sure, no problem there. My access will be pretty sporadic today, too.

Side Deck Changes
+2 Gozen Match
+2 Effect Veiler
-1 Royal Oppression
-3 Thunder King Rai-Oh

True Soul: 40 cards
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
3. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
4. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
5. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
6. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
11. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
12. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
13. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
14. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
15. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
16. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
17. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
18. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
19. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
20. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
21. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)

22. Book of Moon
23. Book of Moon
24. Book of Moon
25. Dark Hole
26. Monster Reborn
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Pot of Duality
30. Pot of Duality
31. Pot of Duality

TRAP: 10
32. Bottomless Trap Hole
33. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Compulsory Evacuation Device
35. Compulsory Evacuation Device
36. Compulsory Evacuation Device
37. Gozen Match
38. Gozen Match
39. Solemn Judgment
40. Torrential Tribute

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

SIDE: 15
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Thunder King Rai-Oh (LIGHT Thunder 4; 1900/800)
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Crevice into the Different Dimension
Dust Tornado
Dust Tornado
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Royal Oppression
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

Draw: [roll0]
Reroll: [roll1]

2010-12-27, 10:16 AM
Side Deck Changes:

+2 Prohibition
+1 Forbidden Chalice
-3 Nimble Momonga

Pharaonic Power:

1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Obelisk the Tormentor
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Hardened Armed Dragon
6. Hardened Armed Dragon
7. Prohibition
8. Prohibition
9. Forbidden Chalice
10. Gilasaurus
11. Gilasaurus
12. Gilasaurus
13. Jester Confit
14. Jester Confit
15. Dandylion
16. Dandylion
17. Marshmallon
18. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
19. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
20. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
21. Mosaic Manticore
22. Quickdraw Syncron
23. Quickdraw Syncron
24. Dark Bribe
25. Dark Bribe
26. Dark Bribe
27. Divine Wrath
28. Divine Wrath
29. One for One
30. Mirror Force
31. Bottomless Trap Hole
32. Bottomless Trap Hole
33. Fiend's Sanctuary
34. Fiend's Sanctuary
35. Fiend's Sanctuary
36. Metal Reflect Slime
37. Dark Hole
38. Torrential Tribute
39. Giant Trunade
40. Monster Reborn

Extra deck:
1. Turbo Warrior
2. Turbo Warrior
3. Turbo Warrior
4. Drill Warrior
5. Drill Warrior
6. Drill Warrior
7. Junk Archer
8. Junk Archer
9. Junk Archer
10. Nitro Warrior
11. Nitro Warrior
12. Nitro Warrior

I shall start.


2010-12-27, 10:51 AM
I'll set one monster and place a facedown.


8000 LP


Hardened Armed Dragon
Dark Hole
Quickdraw Syncron

1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Hardened Armed Dragon
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Prohibition
6. Prohibition
7. Forbidden Chalice
8. Gilasaurus
9. Gilasaurus
10. Gilasaurus
11. Jester Confit
12. Jester Confit
13. Dandylion
14. Dandylion
15. Marshmallon
16. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
17. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
18. Mosaic Manticore
19. Quickdraw Syncron
20. Dark Bribe
21. Dark Bribe
22. Divine Wrath
23. Divine Wrath
24. One for One
25. Mirror Force
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Fiend's Sanctuary
29. Fiend's Sanctuary
30. Fiend's Sanctuary
31. Metal Reflect Slime
32. Torrential Tribute
33. Giant Trunade
34. Monster Reborn


M3: Arcana Force 0
ST3: Dark Bribe

2010-12-27, 11:47 AM
Draw: [roll0]

"I summon Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo in attack position and attack your facedown. I then set two cards and end my turn."

3. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fossil_Dyna_Pachycephalo) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 8000

3. Book of Moon
4. Compulsory Evacuation Device

Graveyard: 0

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 0
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)

Main Deck: 34
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
3. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
4. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
5. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
11. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
12. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
13. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
14. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
15. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
16. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
17. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Book of Moon
18. Book of Moon
19. Book of Moon
20. Dark Hole
21. Monster Reborn
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. Pot of Duality
25. Pot of Duality
26. Pot of Duality
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
29. Compulsory Evacuation Device
30. Compulsory Evacuation Device
31. Gozen Match
32. Gozen Match
33. Solemn Judgment
34. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-27, 12:01 PM
As I'm sure you're used to by now, my Fool cannot be destroyed.


I summon Hardened Armed Dragon, who destroys Dyna. I then set a second face-down.


8000 LP


Dark Hole
Quickdraw Syncron

1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Hardened Armed Dragon
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Prohibition
6. Prohibition
7. Forbidden Chalice
8. Gilasaurus
9. Gilasaurus
10. Gilasaurus
11. Jester Confit
12. Jester Confit
13. Dandylion
14. Dandylion
15. Marshmallon
16. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
17. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
18. Mosaic Manticore
19. Quickdraw Syncron
20. Dark Bribe
21. Divine Wrath
22. Divine Wrath
23. One for One
24. Mirror Force
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Fiend's Sanctuary
28. Fiend's Sanctuary
29. Fiend's Sanctuary
30. Metal Reflect Slime
31. Torrential Tribute
32. Giant Trunade
33. Monster Reborn


ST3: Dark Bribe
ST4: Dark Bribe

2010-12-27, 12:16 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I set one card facedown and end my turn."

3. Facedown card
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 7700

3. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
3. Book of Moon
4. Compulsory Evacuation Device

Graveyard: 1
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fossil_Dyna_Pachycephalo) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)

Main Deck: 33
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
3. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
4. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
11. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
12. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
13. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
14. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
15. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
16. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Book of Moon
19. Dark Hole
20. Monster Reborn
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Pot of Duality
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
28. Compulsory Evacuation Device
29. Compulsory Evacuation Device
30. Gozen Match
31. Gozen Match
32. Solemn Judgment
33. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-27, 12:20 PM

I'll set another monster for now.


8000 LP


Dark Hole
Quickdraw Syncron

1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Hardened Armed Dragon
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Prohibition
6. Prohibition
7. Forbidden Chalice
8. Gilasaurus
9. Gilasaurus
10. Gilasaurus
11. Jester Confit
12. Jester Confit
13. Dandylion
14. Dandylion
15. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
16. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
17. Mosaic Manticore
18. Quickdraw Syncron
19. Dark Bribe
20. Divine Wrath
21. Divine Wrath
22. One for One
23. Mirror Force
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Fiend's Sanctuary
27. Fiend's Sanctuary
28. Fiend's Sanctuary
29. Metal Reflect Slime
30. Torrential Tribute
31. Giant Trunade
32. Monster Reborn


ST3: Dark Bribe
ST4: Dark Bribe
M2: Marshmallon

2010-12-27, 12:26 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"No attacks? Then I'll do so. I summon Koa'ki Meiru Sandman, who attacks your Hardened Armed Dragon, then end my turn, revealing Guardian for Sandman's effect."

3. Facedown card
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
3. Facedown card
4. Facedown card

Life Points: 7700

3. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
3. Book of Moon
4. Compulsory Evacuation Device

Graveyard: 1
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fossil_Dyna_Pachycephalo) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)

Main Deck: 32
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
3. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
4. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
11. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
12. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
13. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
14. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
15. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Book of Moon
18. Dark Hole
19. Monster Reborn
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Pot of Duality
23. Pot of Duality
24. Pot of Duality
25. Bottomless Trap Hole
26. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
27. Compulsory Evacuation Device
28. Compulsory Evacuation Device
29. Gozen Match
30. Gozen Match
31. Solemn Judgment
32. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-27, 12:30 PM
So be it.


I discard Dandylion to summon Quickdraw Synchron and 2 Fluffy Tokens. I then tune Quickdraw with a token to summon Drill Warrior, who attacks Sandman. Response?


7600 LP


Dark Hole

1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Hardened Armed Dragon
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Prohibition
6. Prohibition
7. Forbidden Chalice
8. Gilasaurus
9. Gilasaurus
10. Gilasaurus
11. Jester Confit
12. Jester Confit
13. Dandylion
14. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
15. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
16. Mosaic Manticore
17. Quickdraw Syncron
18. Dark Bribe
19. Divine Wrath
20. Divine Wrath
21. One for One
22. Mirror Force
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Fiend's Sanctuary
26. Fiend's Sanctuary
27. Fiend's Sanctuary
28. Metal Reflect Slime
29. Torrential Tribute
30. Giant Trunade
31. Monster Reborn


ST3: Dark Bribe
ST4: Dark Bribe
M2: Marshmallon

2010-12-27, 12:38 PM
"When you summon Drill Warrior, I chain Compulsory Evacuation Device (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Compulsory_Evacuation_Device), returning it to the Extra deck."

2010-12-27, 12:39 PM
"When you summon Drill Warrior, I chain Compulsory Evacuation Device (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Compulsory_Evacuation_Device), returning it to the Extra deck."

I chain Dark Bribe, so can I assume you sacrifice Sandman?

2010-12-27, 12:40 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"No. Sandman can't chain to counter traps. I do use Book of Moon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Book_of_Moon) when you attempt to attack, though."

2010-12-27, 12:43 PM
Ah yes, I forgot about Spell Speed. Anyway, I end my turn.

2010-12-27, 12:54 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"First, thanks for the free draw. Mystical Space Typhoon (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Mystical_Space_Typhoon) destroys your remaining facedown. I then flip-summon Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder), and summon Effect Veiler (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Effect_Veiler) from the hand. The two tune, giving me a powerful Ally, the Ally of Justice - Catastor. It attacks and destroys your facedown Drill Warrior, then Koa'ki Meiru Sandman attacks your Fluff token. I then end my turn, revealing Guardian for Sandman's effect."

3. Ally of Justice - Catastor (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ally_of_Justice_-_Catastor) (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)

Life Points: 7700


Graveyard: 6
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fossil_Dyna_Pachycephalo) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
Book of Moon
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Mystical Space Typhoon
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Effect Veiler (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Effect_Veiler) (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)

Remove from Play: 0

Hand: 3
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)

Main Deck: 30
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
3. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
4. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
10. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
13. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
14. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Book of Moon
17. Dark Hole
18. Monster Reborn
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. Pot of Duality
21. Pot of Duality
22. Pot of Duality
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
25. Compulsory Evacuation Device
26. Compulsory Evacuation Device
27. Gozen Match
28. Gozen Match
29. Solemn Judgment
30. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 14
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
>Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-27, 01:01 PM
MST destroyed my other Dark Bribe.


Prepare yourself! I activate Monster Reborn to bring back my Hardened Armed Dragon. Then, I sacrifice all of my monsters to summon Obelisk the Tormentor, who cannot be destroyed by effects now. Sorry, Catastor! Obelisk then destroys Sandman. Your move, though I doubt there is much you can do.


7600 LP


Dark Hole

1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Hardened Armed Dragon
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Prohibition
6. Prohibition
7. Forbidden Chalice
8. Gilasaurus
9. Gilasaurus
10. Gilasaurus
11. Jester Confit
12. Jester Confit
13. Dandylion
14. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
15. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
16. Mosaic Manticore
17. Quickdraw Syncron
18. Dark Bribe
19. Divine Wrath
20. Divine Wrath
21. One for One
22. Mirror Force
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Fiend's Sanctuary
26. Fiend's Sanctuary
27. Fiend's Sanctuary
28. Metal Reflect Slime
29. Torrential Tribute
30. Giant Trunade



2010-12-27, 01:04 PM
OOC EDIT: Sorry. I realized that you still had a Fluff Token, so I switched Sandman's attack to that almost immediately. I can revert it if you prefer.

2010-12-27, 01:05 PM
OOC EDIT: Sorry. I realized that you still had a Fluff Token, so I switched Sandman's attack to that almost immediately. I can revert it if you prefer.

Sure. Either way, I get Obelisk, so no worries there.

2010-12-27, 01:06 PM
"So that's why you were so defensive. Let's see what I can draw."

Draw: [roll0]

"You know why I love this deck? Because, when we and my band mates get together, we can handle whatever comes our way. I summon the D.D. Warrior Lady (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/D.D._Warrior_Lady) in attack position. She attacks first, taking on your Obelisk head-on, and her effect lets me remove both monsters from play without destroying them. That lets Catastor go direct for 2200 damage. I then end my turn."

3. Ally of Justice - Catastor (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ally_of_Justice_-_Catastor) (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)

Life Points: 3100


Graveyard: 7
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fossil_Dyna_Pachycephalo) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
Book of Moon
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Mystical Space Typhoon
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Effect Veiler (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Effect_Veiler) (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)

Remove from Play: 1
D.D. Warrior Lady (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/D.D._Warrior_Lady) (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)

Hand: 3
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)

Main Deck: 29
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
>. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
3. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
13. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Book of Moon
14. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Dark Hole
17. Monster Reborn
18. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
19. Pot of Duality
20. Pot of Duality
21. Pot of Duality
22. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
24. Compulsory Evacuation Device
25. Compulsory Evacuation Device
26. Gozen Match
27. Gozen Match
28. Solemn Judgment
29. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 14
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
>Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-27, 01:12 PM


I activate Dark Hole, then Fiend's Sanctuary. That empties my hand and ends my turn.


5400 LP



1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Hardened Armed Dragon
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Prohibition
6. Prohibition
7. Forbidden Chalice
8. Gilasaurus
9. Gilasaurus
10. Gilasaurus
11. Jester Confit
12. Jester Confit
13. Dandylion
14. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
15. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
16. Mosaic Manticore
17. Quickdraw Syncron
18. Dark Bribe
19. Divine Wrath
20. Divine Wrath
21. One for One
22. Mirror Force
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Fiend's Sanctuary
26. Fiend's Sanctuary
27. Metal Reflect Slime
28. Torrential Tribute
29. Giant Trunade



2010-12-27, 01:14 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"I'll summon Koa'ki Meiru Guardian in attack position, then activate Monster Reborn (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Monster_Reborn) to summon Catastor in attack position. Guardian destroys your Metal Fiend at the cost of 1900 of my life points, and Catastor goes direct for another 2200 of yours. That ends my turn, revealing a second Guardian for the one on my field."

3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Ally of Justice - Catastor (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ally_of_Justice_-_Catastor) (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)

Life Points: 1200


Graveyard: 8
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fossil_Dyna_Pachycephalo) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
Book of Moon
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Mystical Space Typhoon
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Effect Veiler (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Effect_Veiler) (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Monster Reborn

Remove from Play: 1
D.D. Warrior Lady (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/D.D._Warrior_Lady) (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)

Hand: 2
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)

Main Deck: 28
1. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
>. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
3. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
13. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Book of Moon
14. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Dark Hole
>. Monster Reborn
17. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
18. Pot of Duality
19. Pot of Duality
20. Pot of Duality
21. Bottomless Trap Hole
22. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
23. Compulsory Evacuation Device
24. Compulsory Evacuation Device
25. Gozen Match
26. Gozen Match
27. Solemn Judgment
28. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 14
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
>Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-27, 01:19 PM
I'm on my last legs now.


A monster in defence.

To save time when you attack:

Arcana Force 0, meaning that Ally of Justice will automatically destroy it, though I take no damage if Guardian attacks first.


3200 LP



1. Obelisk the Tormentor
2. Obelisk the Tormentor
3. Hardened Armed Dragon
4. Hardened Armed Dragon
5. Prohibition
6. Prohibition
7. Forbidden Chalice
8. Gilasaurus
9. Gilasaurus
10. Gilasaurus
11. Jester Confit
12. Jester Confit
13. Dandylion
14. Arcana Force 0: The Fool
15. Mosaic Manticore
16. Quickdraw Syncron
17. Dark Bribe
18. Divine Wrath
19. Divine Wrath
20. One for One
21. Mirror Force
22. Bottomless Trap Hole
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Fiend's Sanctuary
25. Fiend's Sanctuary
26. Metal Reflect Slime
27. Torrential Tribute
28. Giant Trunade



2010-12-27, 01:22 PM
Draw: [roll0]

"That draw's more than even I expected. I summon a second D.D. Warrior Lady, who attacks your facedown and removes it from play. With your field cleared, Guardian and Catastor attack directly for game."

OOC EDIT: Also, just a note, but Catastor's effect activates before the attack target is flipped up. That means that if it attacks a facedown card, it won't trigger even if it's facing a non-DARK monster.

3. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Ally of Justice - Catastor (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ally_of_Justice_-_Catastor) (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)

Life Points: 1200


Graveyard: 8
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Fossil_Dyna_Pachycephalo) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
Book of Moon
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Mystical Space Typhoon
Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Boulder) (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
Effect Veiler (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Effect_Veiler) (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Sandman) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Monster Reborn

Remove from Play: 2
D.D. Warrior Lady (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/D.D._Warrior_Lady) (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
D.D. Warrior Lady (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/D.D._Warrior_Lady) (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)

Hand: 2
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Koa'ki_Meiru_Guardian) (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)

Main Deck: 27
>. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
>. D.D. Warrior Lady (LIGHT Warrior 4; 1500/1600)
2. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Effect Veiler (LIGHT Spellcaster 1T; 0/0)
>. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
3. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1300)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
4. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
5. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Sandman (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
6. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
7. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
8. Koa'ki Meiru Wall (EARTH Rock 4; 1900/1200)
9. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
>. Koa'ki Meiru Boulder (EARTH Rock 4; 1200/1000)
10. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
11. Legendary Jujitsu Master (EARTH Rock 3; 1300/1800)
12. Morphing Jar (EARTH Rock 2; 700/600)
13. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (EARTH Rock 3; 900/300)
>. Book of Moon
14. Book of Moon
15. Book of Moon
16. Dark Hole
>. Monster Reborn
17. Mystical Space Typhoon
>. Mystical Space Typhoon
18. Pot of Duality
19. Pot of Duality
20. Pot of Duality
21. Bottomless Trap Hole
22. Bottomless Trap Hole
>. Compulsory Evacuation Device
23. Compulsory Evacuation Device
24. Compulsory Evacuation Device
25. Gozen Match
26. Gozen Match
27. Solemn Judgment
28. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 14
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (DARK Machine 8; 0/0)
>Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Ally of Justice - Catastor (DARK Machine 5; 2200/1200)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Black Rose Dragon (FIRE Dragon 7; 2400/1800)
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Sea Serpent 6; 2300/1400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Flamvell Uruquizas (FIRE Pyro 6; 2100/400)
Goyo Guardian (EARTH Warrior 6; 2800/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Stardust Dragon (WIND Dragon 8; 2500/2000)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER Dragon 9; 2700/2000)

2010-12-27, 01:26 PM
((To anyone who saw this before, yes, I copied the whole thing before deleting it. Deal with it.))

So, I have lost. Hahahaha! It's strange that I find this funny, given the stakes, but I think it's because I get the last laugh. Proxima cannot capture me. Behold!

The Pharaoh presses a button on his scepter, revealing a secret compartment with a card. He picks it up.

Obelisk was not the most powerful monster at my disposal. This is. Behold, the Winged Dragon of Ra!

Ra appears in a burst of flame as the card is placed on the Duel Disk.

Proxima cannot capture me, because there will be nothing left of me. I activate... Point to Point Transfer, giving away all of my energy. Farewell.

The Pharaoh's body begins to turn into light, heading towards Ra. He is still speaking, though barely.

I know you plan to free everyone after this tournament is over. Please, take Ra, and free me as well. Make sure everyone knows this: to release me, you must call on Ra and recite the following:

Almighty protector of the sun and sky, I ask of thee, please heed my cry.
Surround thyself in orb of light, and free the Pharoah from his plight.
I beseech thee, grace this humble hall.
I summon you with this mighty call! Winged Dragon of Ra!

You will win this tournament. I can sense it. Hopefully, we shall meet again. Until then...

The Pharaoh continues to vanish until he is but a single eye. With a final burst of energy, the eye also dissapears, along with the Duel Disk and deck. Ra falls to the ground, waiting to be claimed.

2010-12-27, 01:30 PM
She flinches from the sudden light and flames that consume half of the arena. "Tch, better to die than be killed, but a hell of a way to go." She walks over to where her opponent was, picking up the card before the adjudicator could reach her.

"I'll claim this per my opponent's request, and I'll win this tourney." She says this firmly to the judge, without a trace of hesitation. "Then," she smiles, entirely without humour, "I'll destroy you, and free everyone you've trapped in here."

Mercenary Pen
2010-12-27, 01:49 PM
"I, Ebenezer Crowley do hereby witness this," came the dry voice of the curator, "The trustees will be most displeased that our exhibit chose to destroy itself, but I believe we have sufficient data to create a functional replica- particularly when we clear up the ashes and check them for any remnants of DNA."