View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Question regarding the Drunken Master from the APG

Mr. Horyd
2010-12-10, 01:55 PM
The Drunken Master from the Advanced Player's Guide able to drink to gain temporary "drunken ki" points. Can these points be spent on the core monk abilities, like Wholeness of Body and Abundant Step? A link to any official ruling or errata would be most helpful, but opinions with rationale are also great.

2010-12-11, 02:25 AM
The Drunken Master from the Advanced Player's Guide able to drink to gain temporary "drunken ki" points. Can these points be spent on the core monk abilities, like Wholeness of Body and Abundant Step? A link to any official ruling or errata would be most helpful, but opinions with rationale are also great.

Here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk#TOC-Drunken-master) is my reference.

It looks like to me that you need to have any single "drunken ki" point to spend any ki points on your drunken master abilities. There is a shared pool of ki points of both drunken and normal ki that you can use to fuel any ability that requires them; however, if it is a drunken monk ability, you must have at least 1 ki created by drinking in that pool.