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View Full Version : Redoing Crackdown 2.... [Spoilers]

2010-12-10, 05:50 PM
OK so I recently finished Crackdown 2. And realized that it really dropped the ball a bit story wise. Though admittedly it's hard to pull that sort of twist twice in a row. But I still like the setting and the ability to be vague about the events of the first game allows for some fun in the time period of the second.

However having never done this before Leads me to ask.

How best could this be accomplished? I'm not asking for full blown campaign planning but I can't just directly transfer the Console game to Tabletop. That would defeat the purpose, and I only have the imagination of one person...

So far I was thinking of having The Activation of the units be primarily a superficial thing at the end of a dungeon crawl, and have there be fewer of them, one set per district. With the Freak lair being the boss fight at the end.

Aside from that I want to deliver on the illusion of a choice between Cell and The Agency that was hinted at but never used in the game. Have it so the agents (PCs if that wasn't assumed to begin with) can choose to go rogue and support cell.

Yes I think I'll keep the freak swarms at night. (One encounter with a group of them unless they try to accomplish their goals at night.)

How would you stat up some of the settings weapons?