View Full Version : Art Upgrade

2010-12-10, 07:35 PM
Maybe it's just me paying closer attention to details, but has there been an art upgrade that went unnoticed? I think it's just been art evolution, but here are the changes I've seen:

When Haley runs, part of her stomach shows, and the shirt is shown trailing behind her.

Ever since Tarquin showed up, it looks like the Giant is having fun giving all the characters even more expressive arm movements

Very subtle, on the new poster, clothing has seams, Roy's sword has a pattern on the handle, and Durkons shield has a darker rim.

Has anyone seen any other small improvements?

2010-12-10, 09:32 PM
Now that you mention it actually, I do kind of. Very small, but there...

Good find :smallsmile:

2010-12-11, 12:50 AM
Well yeah, the art has been getting better all the while, the only time Rich ever called attention to it was in the early strips but as Haley pointed out, the characters aren't supposed to notice. :smallwink:

Though I guess you could have figured that out. My own two cents thrown in I'll just add that all the chars seem to have more texture to them. That is appear less flat as though their body was just one shape. Which makes me sad because as the series goes on I have a more and more difficult time drawing my own pictures in this style. (if you've ever seen my drawing, it's terrible. This style is the best I can manage and I still seem to be able to mess it up.)

2010-12-11, 08:25 PM
Thanks! I didn't catch that, but I did see something related, the colors being a different shade depending on where they are in relation to the 4th wall

2010-12-14, 08:35 PM
Durkon gets a minor art upgrade in comic 124.
His symbol thingy permanently has a loop on the end, unlike in earlier comics.

I'm not sure if that counts though.