View Full Version : The Power That's Inside [IC]

2010-12-10, 10:35 PM
"So, like I was saying, Josh, it is highly improbable that the rumours you have heard about a sighting of Raikou last week are anything more than just that. Nobody has shown me any evidence for their claims, so I see no reason to believe them. Is there anything else you wanted to discuss with me?"
The gym leader sat back in his chair, waiting for Josh's response.

When Kamon arrived in Ecruteak, he got off the ferry to find that people were gathering outside. For what he did not know, but there were certainly more than usual of them.
Look at all those people we don't know! Any of them could be criminals! We should deal with them now!
Looks like Gardevoir's being a bit... temperamental today?

You have just returned to Ecruteak now. You haven't been here in a while, but where are you going to go now that you're here?

Jesse Drake
Watching Ecruteak from the sky, you hear a noise coming from in the Gym... "I don't have... don't... stay away... go... no... no... no..."
You also see a moderately large group of people over by where the ferry arrived, if you'd want to investigate that.

Please post your actions. OOC notes regarding actions should be in spoilers, general OOC goes in the OOC thread.

Raikou Rider
2010-12-11, 11:01 AM
Josh let out a sigh. "I figured you'd track them just as well as I do. You're the first person I come to with information about them. Speaking of information," he sighed as he removed his blade from its sheath and placed it on the table between them, "do you recognize this from anywhere? That legend has to have some historical counterpart. Is there anything you found in ruins around here to support this?"

2010-12-11, 11:45 AM
"Really, I can't say I have anything I've found to specifically support the existence of such a blade... But there is something related to the legend of a Rider you may be interested in hearing. Unfortunately, though... well, here, take a look at this."
Morty handed Josh a sheet of typewritten paper, that seemed to be an official Pokémon League memo.

MEMO #L-316
We have had reports that some Gym Leaders have been giving privileged
information to certain Trainers. We remind you that the information in memo
L-315 is not to be given to any Trainers who have not defeated your Gym,
and that even then you are to use your best judgement in who to give this
information to.

"It doesn't really make sense to me either - I don't trust people who can fight well that much more than anyone else, and you're certainly more trustworthy than a lot of trainers, but that's the policy."

2010-12-11, 02:13 PM
As Django steps out of the Magnetic Train he sighs.Ecruteak was a place he sorta missed,but not much.Maybe he could challenge the Gym leader.Curious however he goes to the Burned Tower.Wondering how magniffic it must have been during ancient times he smiles and looks to the east,towards the Tin Tower.On top of them the two statues of the Pokémon he most wished.Now it was better to walk around and meet again with old friends

Then he smiles and starts to walk towards the house of the Kimono girls.They were probably the ones he most missed

Raikou Rider
2010-12-11, 02:28 PM
Josh sheathed his sword. "Well, if this is the case, I would like to make a battle appointment with you. What is your schedule within the next few days, and what are your terms of battle? It would give me time to prepare." He paused. "It's been a while since I've had an official battle with anyone."

2010-12-11, 02:59 PM
"Well, tomorrow I'm meeting with a few others to discuss League business... in two days, perhaps? A standard six on six battle should be good. Trainers are forbidden from in any way coming into physical contact with pokémon during the battle, including to administer items - held items are, however, permitted."

A sign on the door reads "CLOSED - please return later." Unusual, at this hour...

Raikou Rider
2010-12-11, 04:13 PM
"Two days is perfect," Josh replied. "I shall see you then." He waved toward the Leader, then left the Gym. "Excellent." The Gym being close to the outskirts of town meant he could release his Pokemon freely. He grabbed the yellow-painted Ball from his belt, staring at it for a few seconds before releasing its contents. The Manectric inside barked in approval upon his entrance. "Saber, feel up to taking me to the usual training spot west of town?" He put on his rubber gloves and climbed onto the Electric-type.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-11, 04:43 PM
"Trouble- in the gym? Who'd be so stupid?" Wynn, who was flying atop Knight, has his armored ally drop him off near the gym. "It's probably just some fool scared by Ghost Pokemon... still, I've got to check it out." Wynn carefully enters the gym.

2010-12-12, 04:30 AM
Kamon absentmindedly picked at the gauze on his right arm, adjusting his backpack, and was reminded of his Umbreon. His first pokemon. Still almost a month after its death, he missed the familiar weight there- it never went in a pokeball, and consequently lived for most of its short life inside his backpack. Now all there were was some supplies and a few paperbacks.
Never again.
The gauze was from an arcanine's bite he took on behalf of his blaziken- not only did it tear the flesh and fracture the bone there, but it also caused 2nd degree burns. Oh, the splint was gone and it didn't hurt to move anymore, but the itching was almost as bad as the pain. And what did he get for his troubles? Nothing. The rat bastard didn't even have the decency to stay around long enough to get captured.
Lost in his reverie, it was a few moments before the Gardevoir's urgings registered.
It was a few more moments before he overcame the confusion. Normally it was more prone to withdrawing than pushing for action whenever something bad was happening. Or, really, anything at all.
"Um, yeah... definitely. Listen, why don't you go and... see what you can find out. Don't do anything, just teleport back to me when you find something..."
He shook his head, and it was off. He instantly regretted it. He'd been taught hard lessons about how others treat one's pokemon... and even harder lessons about leaving them unattended.
He briefly considered sending Scizor out to escort it, but decided against it. He'd probably just start a fight.
Back to picking at his gauze, he stepped into the town proper and resolved just to keep an eye on her as she prowled about. The Gym, however, caught his attention, and he spent a few minutes staring at it. He knew he'd be drawn to it sooner or later... so, well, best to make that later.
Looking back, the Gardevoir was nowhere to be found. Sighing, he shook his head and headed towards the crowd to get a better look.

2010-12-12, 12:17 PM
The Electric-type dashed off towards Route 38, staying away from other people's sight. While it wasn't forbidden to have your pokémon out like this, in populated areas some people didn't seem to like that. You arrive there without incident. What exactly are you going to do to train?

As you're about to enter the gym, you hear please don't take... oh no... oh no.... It seems like it might actually be coming from... behind the gym, not inside it?

Coming closer to the crowd, they seemed to be holding signs... One sign read "Keep pokémon off the streets!". Another, "Pokémon should stay in their balls"... Protesters, it seemed. Gardevoir was still not in sight.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-12, 12:30 PM
"Kip- Dora-" Wynn summons out two of his Pokemon, and gives them the sign to stay above and keep an eye on him. Then he carefully rounds the corner, trying to see what's going on.

2010-12-12, 02:19 PM
Kamon groans, and heads towards the crowd, drawing his pokeball. He takes a... less incensed protester by the shoulder.
"Excuse me, but have you seen a gardevoir anywhere around here? It needs to go back into its pokeball."

Raikou Rider
2010-12-12, 03:45 PM
After passing the west city border, Saber began weaving around the few trees in the open, as if he were on a twisty race course. "Be ready to take a right soon!" The rubber gloves kept most of the static away from Josh, but there was still enough coursing through him to cause the hair on his arms to stand on end.

2010-12-12, 09:37 PM
Once he sees the dance theather closed Django raises an eyebrow,amused.Apparently things had changed in Ecruteak

Without that he could either go to the Tin Tower in hopes of knowing more,or give a try to the Gym as far as he remenbered.Being quite sure that Ho-oh would require a lot more power than he currently had he heads to the gym

2010-12-15, 08:23 AM
Saber, well trained in racing, has no difficulty adapting what he's learned from the track to the fields. (Good thing it wasn't icy, on the other hand.)

The protester begins to respond to you:
It was wandering around back there... just go grab it quick, okay?
However, as soon as he finishes his sentence, another speaks up:
NO! I saw him let that thing out intentionally! That shouldn't be allowed!

When you arrive where you hard the sound, you see... nothing. And hear nothing, for that matter.

The gym has some Trainers, well, training. Is there something specific you wanted to do there?

2010-12-15, 03:55 PM
Kamon palms a pokeball. He sighs, frustrated, but keeps a facade of politeness. "Yes, and now I'm looking to put it back. Will you tell me which direction it went, or shall I release my other 5 to look for it?"

Raikou Rider
2010-12-16, 11:07 AM
Saber slid hard toward the forest on the north side, killing his speed. "Thanks, Saber! That was fun!" Josh patted his Pokemon's head lightly, then dismounted. "Think you can sniff out something to practice our combat skills on?" The boy followed at a distance, his hand on his sword hilt. Just in case.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-16, 05:14 PM
Wynn scratches his head, and signals for his birds to join him below. "Whatever..." He mutters, scoping about once more. Assuming he sees nothing, even after a double check, Wynn will head back to the front of the gym.

2010-12-18, 09:21 PM
Okay, you're back at the front.

Saber seems to be having a bit of difficulty.. in fact, it seems oddly peaceful around where you are.

It's over there...
The protester points off to the other side of the group of protesters.
And hurry up or I'll have you arrested!
You know you can't actually have him arrested, right?
Be quiet! He doesn't know that.

Please make a post by Dec 23rd, but preferably much earlier.

2010-12-18, 09:29 PM
Kamon heads over to where the man pointed, in that case, shaking his head. People these days...

Jesse Drake
2010-12-18, 09:47 PM
Wynn will head into the gym, and seek out the leader. He's really curious as to what is going on, and perhaps he'll have some answers.

2010-12-18, 09:49 PM
((OOC:Sorry man,I was travelling XD))
Django enters the Gym,dramatically pushing both doors and making some noise,taking a look aroud,he smiles at the sight of some ghost pictures.Nothing could scare someone who was from Ecruteak

Taking a look at whoever was on the position of the Gym Leader and walks in that direction.If the rumours of some of the man with who he traded were true the person in charge was probably the one who knew most about the legends of the city

2010-12-18, 10:16 PM
Wynn and Django
For neither of you is it easy to speak with Morty. You are stopped soon after your entry:
State your business here.
And you find... exactly zero Gardevoir.

((OOC: All players - nickname all your party pokémon. Deadline for this is Dec 21. DukeGod - please put one space after a comma, like so, and two spaces (or one if you must) after a period. Like that. EDIT: The forums software does not allow two spaces in a row without shenanigans, so one is fine.))

2010-12-18, 10:55 PM
Kamon bites his lip. This was... not good. Not good at all. He asks a few more people on the other side of the crowd if they'd seen a gardevoir around- he'll follow their directions, but if he doesn't find it 'till then, he'll just run around calling its name.

Raikou Rider
2010-12-18, 11:31 PM
It was still...too still. Normally there'd be all kinds of chatter around here. There was always something to practice against. "Anything?" Josh asked Saber. Saber shook his head. "Really? Nothing?" Josh didn't know whether to be disappointed or worried. He dismounted, then recalled Saber for Blitzen. The two headed deeper into the woods, Josh trailing the electric-type closely.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-19, 12:02 AM
"I'm here to see the Gym Leader-" Wynn answers. "I heard some noises, and they seemed to come from nowhere- and I figured that a Ghost Master might know a thing or two about that."

2010-12-19, 07:14 AM
Looking at his newfound companion, Django imagines if he is crazy. He surely heard nothing behind the Gym. Ignoring it for now, he also states his own purposes

"I'm also here to see the Gym Leader. But I have no intent to challenge him yet, only to ask some questions, related to the stories of Ecruteak"

2010-12-19, 08:31 AM
Wynn and Django
I'm sorry, but the Gym Leader is not in right now. You could come back in two or three days, perhaps, if you wished to see him.

Thankfully, as you return to where you released Apple, it appears that it teleported back to your prior location as opposed to your current one. Crisis averted.


Jesse Drake
2010-12-19, 09:03 AM
"Bummer." Wynn begins to leave, but turns to Django. "Heh- right now, we're kinda in the same boat I guess." He says softly. "My name is Wynn." He realizes he must sound a bit crazy right now, but he definitely heard something... maybe he shouldn't have blurted it out. "So- what kind of stories are ya following?" If this guy was after the birds too, maybe he could help.

Raikou Rider
2010-12-19, 04:13 PM
Blitzen, likewise, shook his head, unable to find anything. "Nothing here, either..." he sighed in disappountment. "Alright, let's just head back." He carefully climbed onto the Luxray. "Just head south and we'll find the path again."

2010-12-19, 04:19 PM
Give me a WIS check, please.

Raikou Rider
2010-12-19, 05:09 PM
Perception: [roll0]

2010-12-19, 09:03 PM
"I am Django, a Pokémon collector. Nice to meet you"

Once they are outside the Gym, asked about what he wanted, Django points to the top of the only tower remaining in Ecruteak

"The Golden Phoenix of Ecruteak. The Pokémon who was said to live in the top of that tower. He is known by many names and I have met lots of people who saw him in the sky

Jesse Drake
2010-12-19, 09:30 PM
"A giant bird that glimmers like a rainbow... I've heard the tales too." Wynn smiles a wide smile. "It seems we are here to see the same thing."

Wynn pulls out his Pokedex. "I'm from Kanto- and we have some local birds of interest, and I've met a couple." Wynn flips to an entry of Articuno- "I've seen her- and Zapdos. And found proof of Moltres-" He then flips his 'dex shut, and reaches for three Pokeballs. "And by exposing a rare evolution pokemon to the feathers of these birds, I have achieved amazing effects..." He throws all three out with one swift maneuver.

Flying before Wynn are three special Pokemon. A winged Glaceon, Jolteon, and Flareon each with a few other adjustments. "Ace, Dora, and Tron-"

2010-12-19, 09:46 PM
"Eeveelutions! With a twist! Oh my, any collector would die for having the chance to even take a glance at them!"

Django pulls a small camera from his pocket, and after asking for Wynn's permission, takes pictures of them if allowed

"My Shiny Dratine, that might be my rarest Pokémon probably pales in comparions. This is truly a interesting world"

After thinking more howeve he pulls something out of his mind. And old story of the Ho-oh

"However, I believe you look for another bird. This Pokémon was said to command three creatures o the same elements. However they were not birds, but rather feline or canine beasts!"

Jesse Drake
2010-12-19, 10:16 PM
Wynn gives permission for the photos. "That's cool- I haven't heard much on the bird, but I'd like to." He recalls his Pokemon, and then back to the conversation, says "I've only heard so much- from Falkner, and Vance-" He realizes Django probably has no idea who he's talking about, so he turns towards the tower. "But I've got a sixth sense for these things, and when I get close enough to the birds, I'll know it."

2010-12-20, 03:27 AM
Kamon immediately zaps Apple back into her ball, sighing in relief. "Well, that's enough of that."
He twiddles his thumbs for a few moments, stricken by aimlessness, trying not to look at the gym- anything but the gym, maybe he'll go to climb the tower... or take a walk. Yeah, that works.
He trods through the town, and within a minute is standing in front of the gym.
Sighing and resigning himself to his fate, he heads inside to check out the premises.

2010-12-20, 10:57 AM
((Please contact me on Skype when you have some time available.))

The same thing as with the others occurs:
State your business here.

2010-12-20, 12:19 PM
Ixion safely returns you to the main Route. Going back to town?

Raikou Rider
2010-12-20, 05:53 PM
As soon as Ixion reached the main road, he took a sharp turn to the east and rapidly accelerated. The sparking Ponyta wasn't built for twisty courses--just pure speed. The sudden rush shook Josh up for a bit, but he managed to relax when the Tin Tower came into distant sight. There was still a ways to go, and it was starting to get dark out. He hoped that the light from Ixion's glowing mane would last long enough to get him back to Ecruteak. He didn't feel pushing his Pokemon harder would do him any good. More speed would probably end up making him dizzy after a battle like that.

2010-12-20, 06:26 PM
You return safely to Ecruteak. What will you do there?

2010-12-20, 06:51 PM
Kamon just blinks a little at the man for a few moments.
"Um. I really just wanted to take a look inside... walk around the premises a bit... is that, ah, a problem?"

Raikou Rider
2010-12-20, 06:56 PM
Upon passing the pagoda marking the west border of town, Josh dismounted and recalled Ixion. "Now the Pokemon Center nearest here should be pretty close to Morty's place," he thought, moving Blitzen and Ixion to the front of his belt.

2010-12-20, 06:58 PM
Arriving at the Pokémon Center, you take a moment to contemplate how bright and cheery a place devoted to helping injured pokémon is, considering that its job is one of life and death. After that thought, what will you do?
Certainly, feel free to explore the front part of the Gym. The rear is not open to the public save when one is challenging the Gym Leader.

2010-12-20, 08:10 PM
"Ah, okay.... Em, when exactly would be a good time to challenge him, exactly?"
Kamon bites his lip, and nods, heading inside once he gets his answer to survey the Gym a bit.

2010-12-20, 08:51 PM
Well, he's having another challenge in two days. Perhaps a bit after that one fails?

Jesse Drake
2010-12-20, 09:04 PM
After a moment, Wynn turns towards Django and says "I'm heading to the tower- maybe you'd like to be there when I find the legendary bird within." He flashes a winning smile, and begins towards the tower, with or without Django.

Raikou Rider
2010-12-20, 09:17 PM
Josh presented Blitzen to the nurse on duty. "Hello. Can I arrange for my Luxray to be picked up in the morning? Just your usual treatment this time."

2010-12-21, 07:29 AM
After standing there sometimes he follows Wynn not really worried. He had been to that tower many times in the past

"He won't. And I told you, the bird I am looking for has no connection with ones you look for. I suggest you take a look at the other legends of Ecruteak"

Taking a slight glance at the burned tower, he wonders if that place also had a legendary creature in it.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-21, 09:51 AM
"I'd like to see the one you mentioned too." Wynn looks at Django. "A Golden Phoenix-" Just the sound of that made Wynn want to fly. He looked up at the tower, knowing he'd probably find nothing- this time.

"You said you were a collector- which makes sense. You know your legends pretty well. But me- I like to fly. I'd like to fly with both birds- and if I'm lucky, I'll get a feather-"

2010-12-21, 12:57 PM
Certainly... wait, is your arm hurt? Get that looked at too.

Wynn and Django
Arriving at the Tin Tower, there is a man standing by the entrance. He speaks:
We are not at present admitting visitors to the Tin Tower without a letter from the Gym Leader. You may explore this bottommost floor if you wish, but that is all.

--IC time is now 18:30--

Jesse Drake
2010-12-21, 01:34 PM
"Alright- guess I'll just have to wait for the leader to show up." He walks outside and looks to the top of the tower. "I wonder... how bad would it be if I flew up there..."

Wynn instead looks around the base of the tower- searching for any signs of any birds that might have been by. But only for a moment- and then then heads back to the gym, where he heard the noises.

Is there an Inn in Ecruteak, or at least someone wiling to put up someone, or will I have to fly to Goldenrod for that?

2010-12-21, 02:00 PM
There are no signs of birds around the tower, and no signs of what was causing those noises at the gym.

Wynn only:

Yeah, there's an inn. Since I'm doing abstract money, don't worry about the cost.

EDIT: Since people are beginning to get impatient, I sense, over downtime, I'm advancing game time to the next day. If you want to act before that time, post your retroactive actions clearly labeled with the time. You have 12 hours to do so if you so wish.
Game time: Day 2 of 2 of the downtime, 9:00 AM

Raikou Rider
2010-12-21, 06:25 PM
19:15 Josh headed back to his home on the northwest side of Ecruteak and covered his wounds from his battle earlier. He really wasn't in much condition to do anything strenuous, and needed his rest for tomorrow and especially the day after.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-21, 06:34 PM
Wynn wakes up to some chirping Pidgey's outside. "Ah- what a wonderful day." He reaches for his clothes, and throws on a shirt that says "Spearow"- otherwise solid dark blue. "Well, let's get off to the gym."

He heads back to the gym- he's ready to challenge Morty- and perhaps get permission to enter the tower.

2010-12-21, 06:57 PM
Not entirely surprisingly: State your business here.

2010-12-21, 06:59 PM
Kamon spends most of his first day in Ecruteak moping around before finally heading to the inn, sleeping away the time. In the morning he goes for a large breakfast that he nurses over an hour or two before heading to the gym to see if there were any fellow waiters who he might challenge in proxy of the gym leader.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-21, 09:39 PM
"I'm here to challenge Morty." Wynn states.

2010-12-21, 09:44 PM
After sleeping at his parent's house, deciding to pay them a visit Django goes back to the Gym. Not really encountering anyone, without waiting to be asked what he wanted there he says

"Speak with Morty.And challenge him"

2010-12-22, 08:27 AM
Everyone except Josh
As those of you who were here yesterday should recall, Morty is not accepting challenges until tomorrow. You may battle amongst yourselves if you wish, but you will need to wait until the next day to challenge him.

2010-12-22, 10:37 PM
"Well... two trainers, both ready to challenge Morty. What do you say, lads? Any of you up for a quick battle or two?"
While his words would imply a smirk, Kamon speaks with a quiet acceptance. He's already prepared for defeat.
Nevertheless, he grabs a pokeball off his belt, holding it in a classic trainer's challenge.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-22, 11:52 PM
Wynn nods. "I'll bite." He says. "Two Pokemon each... Can you do two at once?"

2010-12-22, 11:55 PM
"Quite easily." He draws out 2 pokeballs and nods. "Well then, where would you like to do this?"
You got a chat system? If so, want to just finish this presently?

2010-12-23, 12:06 AM
OOC - Wynn, Kamon only

I can DM this either in thread or over Skype/AIM. Alternately, you two can work it out with yourselves and just post an IC account of the battle. That's fine too, though I wouldn't recommend it as much.

Jesse Drake
2010-12-23, 12:07 AM
"Two on Two- 1000 Poke at stake."

Like Yahoo Messenger? I have that, and na account, though I rarely use it. How would the rolls be taken care of? I'm fine in-thread.

2010-12-23, 12:07 AM
Kamon shrugs. "Hey, works for me." He takes out his wallet and gives Wynn the poke, shrugging, then grabs two of his pokeballs.
Whichever works for me. My AIM is brandp32, and I believe my skype is
Gorgondantess (been a while, though). I'm on AIM now.
Yahoo is my preferred, actually. Mine is Gorgondantess.

2010-12-23, 02:14 AM
Kamon heads off to a clearing with Wynn to do battle.
Wynn throws out two pokeballs, revealing Ace and Dora- a flying glaceon and jolteon, respectively. At the same time, Kamon throws out two of his own pokeballs, revealing a rather normal metang (named Metang) and a rather normal haunter (named Haunter).
With neither warning nor prompting, Haunter immediately begins gathering noxious sludge from its innards, hurling the resultant ball at Ace. It explodes in a mass of acidic sludge, affecting Dora as well. Ace and Dora both brace for the hit, but are overwhelmed by the strike. They both are reeling in pain, but firm up.
Wynn calls out to Dora "Okay, give it your all- thundershock!" It leaps forward, zapping out at Haunter, but before the electricity can reach it Kamon leaps in front, taking the brunt of the damage. Meanwhile, Haunter begins to spin rapidly, taking one or two zaps directly but otherwise deflecting a good portion of the bolts. "That's pretty hardcore." Wynn mutters to himself.
Kamon lands below Haunter, his shirtsleeve torn and hair standing on end, but quite unscathed. He brushes himself off, and brushes back his hair. "I take care of my own.
"Metang- Rock slide!"
The metang digs into the ground, picking up gravel and boulders and hurls it at the glaceon, brutally knocking it to the ground and burying it in boulders.
Wynn recalls his Jolteon. "You've killed my Pokemon!"
Kamon flusters, running a hand through his hair. "Umm... what?"
Wynn holds his Glaceon tight, and hears a gasp of breath... "He's alright." Wynn replies, then holds out the poke to Kamon. "You won."
Kamon kicks the ground, sighing. "...Right. No, keep the money, get your pokemon fixed up. I... overdid it. I guess." And with that, they head their separate ways.

Kamon heads back to the gym, and approaches Django. "Hey, so... you want to battle? I mean, I understand if you don't want to... especially considering that I almost killed that guy's pokemon... but we're both kindof waiting here, until the gym leader comes out, so...."

Jesse Drake
2010-12-23, 07:45 AM
Wynn rushes off to a Pokecenter. He wasn't so angry he lost- but the battle wouldn't leave his mind. Kamon jumped in front and took the brunt of the assault... and then almost killed his Pokemon. It was very strange indeed... Then Wynn caught himself, and said to himself "You're just mad you lost... I'm sure you'll get over it."

2010-12-24, 01:36 PM
Time is now 16:00, last day of downtime.
Retroactive actions as before. Make sure to take advantage of the offer in the OOC if you want to.

2010-12-24, 04:09 PM
Feh, I'll keep my feats. I like them too much to change out.
If the fellow doesn't respond soon enough, Kamon'll go out to train and fight some wild pokemon.

Raikou Rider
2010-12-25, 12:20 AM
BGM: Osc-Sync Carnival (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z39zJD87iAs)

The yellow-armored rider flashed a look of determination on his face when he saw the white flag--it was the last time around and he had a lot of ground to make up. Knowing how long the opening straightaway was with the jump down, the young man practically laid on top of his Pokemon--that's how tightly he was holding on. "Raikou! Extreme Speed!" he cried.

A thunderous roar later, the Beast's legs began moving so fast that they were no more than yellow blurs. Its tail glowed with a constant electrical discharge, further accelerating the savage creature. 400 km/h. 450 km/h. Even to the other riders on the track, Raikou was a yellow blur as it zoomed past. 475 km/h. Even the most gentle of turns on the course threatened to tear Josh off the great runner of Johto, forcing them to slow down. 7th place.

Raikou took the high road, going up a jump ramp to sail over the competition at the surreal speed it ran at. 3rd place. It cut past a treacherous segment of track, finding the long backstretch. Electricity burst out of its tail again, the fabled creature shooting forward in Extreme Speed once more. 485 km/h. The track was flying by so fast that the rider himself didn't even seem to exert control over his mount--he was letting Raikou itself stay on course through superhuman reflexes. Again, even the gentle curves threatened to unseat him.

The finish line was in sight, and there was only one Pokemon in front of him. Seeing Arcanine in the distance "copying" the Extreme Speed move, incredible determination filled Raikou. 500 km/h. The rider screamed bloody murder, holding on for his life. He couldn't see anything except the track in front of him. No gallery, no Arcanine trainer, nothing. Just the blur of the fastest thing on four legs, using the fastest Pokemon technique known to man.

Suddenly, Josh opened his eyes, his heart racing. If it wasn't real, it sure felt real. He peered out the window, seeing it was close to sunset. "I know I was sleeping...but that felt so real," he said aloud to himself.

2011-01-05, 05:40 PM
Downtime has ended!
As you awake, you realize that today is the day you were to be at the Gym - in Josh's case to battle with the Gym Leader, for the others to perhaps be able to do the same, assuming that the first challenger fails.
What will you do?

Raikou Rider
2011-01-05, 06:49 PM
This was it. Today was Josh's to seize. His team healthy and raring to go, he walked toward Ecruteak Gym with a smile on his face, letting Saber trail behind him, outside the Ball. Even with the excitement in the air, he couldn't get last night's dream off his mind during the trip there.

At last, arrival. Josh breathed a heavy sigh and knocked on the Gym door.

2011-01-05, 06:50 PM
No response comes from inside the Gym.
Also, make a Wisdom check.

2011-01-05, 06:50 PM
Kamon heads to the gym, in unusually high spirits (in that he was in high spirits at all). He was emboldened by his recent victory, and ready to kick some ass.

Raikou Rider
2011-01-05, 06:51 PM
WIS check: [roll0]

"Huh," Josh mumbled. "That's weird--he should be here this time of day."

Jesse Drake
2011-01-05, 07:33 PM
Wynn heads to the Gym, hoping that things go better today than yesterday. He grips his Pokemon at his side. "Who's it gonna be?" He wonders silently. "Who am I gonna call?"

2011-01-07, 07:03 AM
The gym door's not opening by itself. You're going to have to go in, it looks like.

Raikou Rider
2011-01-09, 11:42 AM
A look of paranoia materialized upon Josh's face as he was able to turn the doorknob and push the door open. "Last time I talked to Morty, I spoke to his receptionist first. It's very unusual for a Gym Leader to leave the place unlocked with no receptionist." He turned around, then drew his electric blade. "Guys, something doesn't feel right. Keep your guard up." Josh slowly walked inside, his eyes shifting rapidly.

2011-01-09, 11:44 AM
The lights are switched off inside - you do not see any of the typical Trainers to be found inside the Gym.

Everyone who's going in would please make a perception (Wisdom) check at -5.

Jesse Drake
2011-01-09, 11:55 AM
Wynn walks in with caution. He may not be so sure where he's going, but he will keep his wits about him. Before Wynn walks in, he puts his hand on Tron- if things get rough, he wants to use a fire Pokemon so he might have a chance of seeing what's going on. Not that that's likely. "This place is probably just supposed to seem creepy. I'm sure that's part of the Ghost Pokemon motif."


Raikou Rider
2011-01-09, 12:06 PM
"The lights are off in the lobby even," Josh muttered. "Can't see a thing. If any of you have weapons, have them ready. I smell a rat."

Perception: [roll0]

2011-01-09, 07:40 PM
As Josh whips out his sword, Kamon leaps back. "Geez, man, is that really necessary? What the heck are you doing with a sword, anyways? You're liable to poke somebody's eye out with that thing!"
He shrugs at the paranoid comments. "I've seen worse." He sends out Haunter, having it flank him, and walks on in.

Raikou Rider
2011-01-09, 08:19 PM
"I'm sorry if I scared you, Kamon," Josh started talking quickly, "but there's nothing unusual in Morty's schedule today. He should be accepting Gym challenges all day. His receptionist is nowhere to be found, and there appears to be no electricity in the lobby, if not the entire Gym. I dunno about you, but I feel something is wrong here, and I'm going to find out what. I'm going in, and you need to keep an eye on me. If something goes wrong, you need to provide cover fire. Understand?"

2011-01-09, 08:30 PM
Kamon shrugs. "Oh, I have no doubt something's going on. But, like I said, I've dealt with worse."
He's already ready to go ahead and check it out, but with Josh's words, he waves his hands forward. "Well, I'm usually the one who gets beat up myself... but if you'd like to stand in front, then by all means, go right ahead!"

Raikou Rider
2011-01-09, 08:33 PM
"Thank you, Kamon." Josh turned to Wynn. "Wynn, if you're in this, follow behind me. Let's move!" He led the way deeper into the dark lobby, his sparking blade providing some illumination.

Jesse Drake
2011-01-09, 08:57 PM
Wynn nods. "I'm right behind you." At this point, he removes Tron from his belt and throws him out. The flying Flareon hovers right overhead.

2011-01-09, 09:31 PM
By the light of the Fire pokémon and Josh's sword combined, you can faintly see what you expect - exactly what the Gym normally looks like, but no people.

Raikou Rider
2011-01-09, 10:49 PM
"Why is there nobody here...?" Josh said just loud enough for the others to hear. "We need to tear this place apart--there has to be a reason why this place was unlocked with no one inside. Search the battle arena, the lobby, and locker rooms. We need to get to the bottom of this. Keep your guard up."

Raikou Rider
2011-01-09, 10:51 PM
Perception: [roll0]

Jesse Drake
2011-01-09, 10:55 PM
Wynn nods. He reaches for Dora, and throws her out. Figuring A- it could help with the light situation, and B- should someone actually be here, he's not too defenseless. Much like Kamon, he was in shock when Josh pulled out the sword- and unlike Kamon, Wynn doubted he could take more than a few kicks from even a Nidoran. "So- should we stick together, or do you think we should split up?"

Wynn takes a look around, now that the room is lit up a bit. [roll0]

Raikou Rider
2011-01-09, 11:16 PM
"Let's separate, but stay in the same room," Josh suggested. "We cover more ground, but can still protect each other in case of an emergency."

2011-01-10, 08:38 AM
Josh, Wynn - Same perception check results as before, except with more certainty and less darkness.

Raikou Rider
2011-01-10, 12:40 PM
"CLEAR!" Josh shouted. "Okay, let's move onto the next room. If nothing turns up, I'm calling the police for a more thorough investigation."

Perception: [roll0]

2011-01-10, 01:47 PM
Which room are you going to?

Raikou Rider
2011-01-10, 05:42 PM
Searching the west side locker rooms next.

2011-01-10, 05:43 PM
Nothing, more nothing, nothing, oh someone dropped a soda can, nothing, nothing, and also nothing.

Raikou Rider
2011-01-10, 05:55 PM
Sweeping the other side of the Gym, including other battle arena(s). If nothing is found, check the lobby one more time.

2011-01-10, 05:58 PM
Perception checks at -10, with a +2 for each light source.
[Eg: Josh's sword, any Fire pokémon or pokémon with Flash, lanterns, etc.]

Raikou Rider
2011-01-10, 06:01 PM
Perception: [roll0]

2011-01-10, 06:14 PM
That'll do it.
You notice a note written as such:
Challengers - I have closed the majority of the Gym for various reasons. I apologize for this inconvenience. Josh, you will recall the room in which we typically speak. The keys are attached. All the challengers should meet me there as soon as possible.

There are no keys attached.

Raikou Rider
2011-01-10, 06:21 PM
Josh searched the immediately surrounding area a second time to be sure, but still found nothing. "Morty's locked himself in a room near where we began our search. I'm gonna see if he'll let me in. You two, search for those keys!" He ran out of the side rooms and into the back of the main arena, then started knocking on the door. "Morty, it's Josh! The keys from your note are missing! You have to open the door!"

2011-01-10, 06:22 PM
No response comes.

Raikou Rider
2011-01-10, 06:23 PM
Josh started banging on the door more loudly. "Morty!" he began yelling. "Those keys are missing, and we don't know why! You have to open the door, now!"

2011-01-10, 06:24 PM
No response again.

Raikou Rider
2011-01-10, 06:31 PM
"Damn it!" Josh shouted in anguish, then returned to Wynn and Kamon. "Morty's not in the room the note says he's in. He may have been attacked. We need to get the authorities in here, now!"

Jesse Drake
2011-01-10, 06:34 PM
"Tron!" Wynn calls Tron to him. "Give him the note. He might be able to find something. Dora- go with him." Both Pokemon have the tracker ability, and might be able to find something.

2011-01-10, 07:06 PM
Tron seems to find a trail leading from the note... but it stops at the very same door you're searching for keys to.

Raikou Rider
2011-01-10, 07:09 PM
Josh opened his cell and dialed for the local police. "Pick up, damn it..."

2011-01-10, 07:12 PM
For some reason, the phone doesn't appear to even be ringing.
And then you decide to look at the phone...


Raikou Rider
2011-01-10, 07:14 PM
Josh pounded his fist against the nearest wall. "Damn it!" He ran outside to check signal strength--just to be sure.

Jesse Drake
2011-01-10, 07:17 PM
"Stand back." Wynn steps up to the door. "Dora- return." He calls back his Jolteon, then throws out his Skarmory. "Knight- try and open the door." He says. "Use Steel Wing!"

[roll0] Taget 3 +, if the door even has evasion... for [roll1]

2011-01-10, 07:20 PM
Josh - Make a (Dexterity + Intelligence) roll.
Yes, that is written like that.
Yes, I am telling you to make the roll as per White Wolf rules.
Yes, you will need to learn how to make such rolls because I use them for a few things.
[Roll the sum of both stats in d10s. Each die that comes up 8, 9, or 10 is worth a success. The "10 again" rule applies - each die that comes up 10 allows you to add an additional die.]

Raikou Rider
2011-01-10, 07:22 PM
White Wolf INT+DEX check: [roll0]

Raikou Rider
2011-01-10, 07:24 PM
Reroll: [roll0]

2011-01-10, 07:26 PM
As you arrive at the entrance to the Gym... you didn't leave the door closed, did you?
You definitely didn't leave the door locked, did you?
BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdAoT_hnsaM

Raikou Rider
2011-01-10, 10:32 PM
"DAMN IT!" Josh screamed, making sure to grab everyone's attention. "We're locked in! Hostiles likely in the facility! Everyone regroup!"

2011-01-10, 11:55 PM
Kamon stares at Josh incredulously.
He shakes his head, and sends out Apple. "Just hold onto Apple and she'll Teleport all of us out of here. Then you can call the police, or whatever you feel like doing."

2011-01-11, 12:57 PM
If you're actually attempting to teleport out, please roll 1d20 + SPATK for the pokémon using Teleport.

2011-01-11, 01:06 PM

2011-01-11, 01:41 PM
Everyone who's coming along must declare so.

Raikou Rider
2011-01-11, 01:45 PM
Josh sheathes his blade and is coming along.

Jesse Drake
2011-01-11, 02:52 PM
Wynn returns his Pokemon and goes with.

2011-01-11, 08:03 PM
Apple used Teleport.
To someone whose first time it is teleporting, it's a dizzying experience. Those who are experienced can usually keep their cool during it, but the mental effects are still non-negligible. Teleportation does not work faster than light, but it is fast enough to still cause relativistic effects. In addition, you see images of many places, even those nowhere near where you're going to teleport, as the user tries to find the destination they want to reach.
This time was even more so dizzying, however, as you do not end up where you expect, but instead... right back inside the Gym... above the ground. As you fall down, take [roll0] points of falling damage to you and any non-flying pokémon that are currently out.
But it failed...

2011-01-11, 08:14 PM
Kamon groans.
"Not this again..."
He withdraws Haunter and Gardevoir, sending out both Scizor and Metang. "Bust the door down."

2011-01-11, 08:32 PM
Roll move damage for whatever you're doing.

2011-01-11, 08:33 PM
They both have a Power of 4. That's what those stats are for.

2011-01-15, 08:09 PM
Door-down-busting success!
However, if anyone has a power they can use to trigger a reroll on any one roll, either theirs or another person's, they must spend one use of it immediately and declare spending it in the thread. If not, post that you do not have one. Once everyone has posted, the game can continue.

Raikou Rider
2011-01-15, 08:14 PM
My character has no such power.

Jesse Drake
2011-01-15, 09:38 PM
I don't have any.

2011-01-15, 11:17 PM
Ummm... Not that I'm aware of...:smallconfused:

2011-01-15, 11:31 PM
Okay then.
As previously described, the door goes flying off its hinges... and you see, waiting outside, four police officers. With guns.
They're surprised for a moment, so I'll give you a quick chance to act, but because of their positioning around the door, you will have great difficulty getting past them.
What will you do?

2011-01-15, 11:44 PM
Kamon holds his hands in the air.
"Umm... hi. We were stuck inside- the doors apparently locked behind us. And then we couldn't get phone service. And the Gym Leader's gone."

Raikou Rider
2011-01-16, 12:07 AM
Josh sheathed his weapon and raised his hands in the air. "I second Kamon's statement. We were trying to contact you after trying to figure out what was going on ourselves, but our phones weren't working."

2011-01-18, 12:17 AM
Gone? What do you mean gone? Boys, take these kids in for questioning, I'll go search the Gym.

As one would expect given this line, the cops except for the one who spoke handcuff you and you are driven down to the police station for questioning.
If someone wants to try to escape, they may do so by posting below and I'll see what happens. If not...

Each player will be receiving a PM from me tomorrow for the next segment. I stress that because your characters will not be able to communicate IC OOC transfer of information should also be kept to a minimum.

Jesse Drake
2011-01-18, 12:19 AM
Wynn's eyes fill with complete horror as he's handcuffed. "But... I didn't... I didn't even do anything..." He seems like he might be about to cry, but he doesn't fight the police or anything.

2011-01-18, 12:56 AM
If you didn't do anything, then you shouldn't be worried, but as it stands you were the only people there, so if something's happened to Morty it's not looking great for you.