View Full Version : Playing Wizard in 3 person party; no healing

2010-12-11, 07:11 AM
So: I'm playing a Wizard in a three person party. Party is Rogue, Barbarian, and myself. Neither of the aforementioned characters is using any kind of variant.

Wondering how I should set myself up: which feats to get, which spells to put as spells known, which specialization to take if any, what race to play, where to put skills, what magic items to get...

I'm basically asking for suggestions on any and all facets of the character in this situation XD

I have this idea about being a save or suck specialist (possibly Enchantment or Necromancy?) and/or a Craft bitch. I see my character as wanting to avoid combat with his wits, and when combat comes, sticking to a wand or a good crossbow or a reserve feat. When he casts, it should be decisive: someone - or several someone's - should be out of action.

But, I'm willing to permit the concept to derail a bit so that I can make this, 'party with no healer' work.

To deal with the healing, I've considered http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Arcane_Disciple + the Touch of Healing (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Touch_Of_Healing) reserve feat.

Two problems there. A) That still isn't real healing in terms of, ''you gain 10-20 points'' and B) That eats two feats.

Should I even worry about it? Have people played a wizard in a similar setting and found that with enough smart play (buffing allies, disabling or rendering impotent the most important enemies, showing up forewarned and forearmed) it's possible to just make it on a wand of Cure Light Wounds?

Word of warning, I generally avoid cheese and don't want to look like I'm overshadowing players (even if for practical purposes my contribution to the battle was the most significant, I'm going to just shut up and allow the barbarian and rogue to enjoy themselves.) I'll suck up a hard in game situation rather than making the game unenjoyable for friends who I've known for five+ years.

2010-12-11, 07:22 AM
There's a Rogue in the party?

If you're starting above level 1, someone buy a wand of lesser vigor (or cure light wounds, depending on splat availability), and have the Rogue Use Magic Device it.

Buy Healing Belts (Magic Item Compendium).

Basically, what I am saying is that the answer to

Should I even worry about it? Have people played a wizard in a similar setting and found that with enough smart play (buffing allies, disabling or rendering impotent the most important enemies, showing up forewarned and forearmed) it's possible to just make it on a wand of Cure Light Wounds?
is yes. The party doesn't need to have a Mr. Healer around, just make sure you know you don't have a Mr. Healer around and plan your tactics accordingly.

2010-12-11, 07:35 AM
Enchanter or Abjurer would be a pretty solid idea here. Enchanter definately if your rogue is more combat-less charisma.
Illusion might be a good one too, if only to create a bunch of fake people for enemies to spend attacks on, but I'd just keep it in this case, not specialize in it

2010-12-11, 07:40 AM
While in-combat healing isn't essential, out-of-combat healing is. If the Rogue has a good UMD score, you can rely on him to use wands. If not, you'll have to handle it yourself, by wands or some other means.

2010-12-11, 08:11 AM
As far as combat options go, it's best to have some no-save-just-suck spells (like Solid Fog - best combined with someone with long reach), since with such a small party you have no room for slip ups. Since such spells don't come early, pick some spells like the Grease (which even on a successful Balance check allows only half movement speed). If you get creative, then Silent Image can give you a cheap Mass Invisibility (at least at long distances). Obscuring Mist will save you a lot of hurt, if you encounter ranged enemies. Enlarge Person on the barbarian will double his reach and thus lessen his chances of being hit in meele.
Just remember to have one save-or-lose spell for every save. Glitterdust is worth mentioning, since it's a rare will save spell, that is not mind-affecting. Summon Monster X spells will on the other hand allow you to redirect enemy fire from your teammates on expendable minions.

2010-12-11, 08:33 AM
You may want to consider using summons as a tank. They can help disable foes (eg: wolfs trip, centipedes grapple), while providing flankers for the rogue. Support with battlefield control spells such as grease and glitterdust.

Most of these are conjuration spells, so consider using the focused specialist variant in complete mage for extra slots.

Fouredged Sword
2010-12-11, 08:56 AM
I have had great effect at lower levels with shape spell metamagic, expecialy in lower level parties. Grease is worth it as a second level spell as a rather large cone. Glitterdust as well. Metamagic reducers can be applied latter to make the cost zero. Good battlefield control keep people alive, and with three people, that means heavy magic intervention.

2010-12-11, 07:38 PM
You can take the feat Arcane Disciple : Healing if you worship a god with the Healing descriptor. It puts all of the Cure spells into your spells known and some more interesting ones at the higher levels.

This is not a very efficient use of a feat, however, nor an efficient use of your spell slots. Have multiple Wands of Cure Light Wounds for out-of-combat healing, and Eternal Wands of Lesser Vigor for pre-combat. In-combat, use tactics so that your friends don't get hurt much. You can't keep up with a Cleric for healing in combat, except with expensive magic items.

2010-12-11, 07:42 PM
Enchanter or Abjurer would be a pretty solid idea here. Enchanter definately if your rogue is more combat-less charisma.
Illusion might be a good one too, if only to create a bunch of fake people for enemies to spend attacks on, but I'd just keep it in this case, not specialize in it

I'm thinking of going Enchanter for the Unearthed Arcana socialite variant and picking up on all the nice Conjuration battlefield control.

What's an eternal wand?

2010-12-11, 07:43 PM
Healing save-moves are not very handy usually.
Especially in a 3 man party having 1 person use an entire turn just to patch another up is a slippery slope to defeat.
Being at full health at the start of every fight and making good use of abilitys and actions will probably be better.

In conclusion: healing belt and wand of lesser vigor ftw.

2010-12-11, 07:50 PM
I'm thinking of going Enchanter for the Unearthed Arcana socialite variant and picking up on all the nice Conjuration battlefield control.

What's an eternal wand?

Eternal wands are exactly what they sound like: wands that don't run out. It really isn't needed in this case though: a normal wand of Lesser Vigor will have enough juice that by the time you need to replace it the cost will be minimal. An eternal wand would be a waste of money.

2010-12-11, 07:54 PM
Also; if you get Arcane Disciple it adds the spells to your list, so you don't need a wisdom score to use items with that spell.

2010-12-11, 07:54 PM
Like others have said, load up on buffs and control spells.

Evard's Black tentacles, Mage armor, Cat's Grace, and Fire shield are all good ideas. So are blur and displacement.

2010-12-11, 07:56 PM
I suggest you make good use of spells which grant temporary hit points, both to buff your companions pre-battle, and to allow you to enter combat yourself. (Vampiric Touch is a good one for you.)

2010-12-11, 08:10 PM
Have you read Treantmonk and Logicninja's guides? They tell you all you need to know about being a wizard.

2010-12-11, 08:17 PM
Have you read Treantmonk and Logicninja's guides? They tell you all you need to know about being a wizard.
No, not really.
The Wizard and his Adventuring Buddies, AKA "Those Chumps Who Hit Things For You, Stop Things From Hitting You, And Heal You When You Need It, While You Do All The Important Stuff"

Your job is to do whatever it is that needs doing, unless it falls into the category of "hitting things", "healing things", or "using skills that aren't Knowledge or Spellcraft". The LogicNinja guide doesn't cover this situation.

2010-12-11, 08:54 PM
No, not really. The LogicNinja guide doesn't cover this situation.

It doesn't. Further, I take a level of frustration with those two: playing god is the kind of archaic condescension you expect to hear from annoying fantasy archmages, not real life people writing on how to play annoying fantasy archmages.

I did read them both some time ago, however, just for thoroughness.

I'm contemplating Mystic Theurge, my DM is allowing Precocious Apprentice for entry and I can take Craft Wondrous Item and/or Craft Wand and/or Touch of Healing?

2010-12-11, 09:59 PM
What level are you starting at? It'll help a lot for suggested spells. If you're starting from scratch, say, I'd definately go Enchanter over Necromancer or Abjurer.

2010-12-11, 10:13 PM
A 1 level dip into Cleric can get one of the characters 2 domain abilities, Turn Undead, Armor Proficiencies and Divine spellcasting. If one of the players takes a single level dip, then they'll be able to use all the cleric wands that you would need out of combat to heal eachother with.


Also, if you want to play a really badass Prestige Class and gain the ability to heal on the way, you can turn your wizard into a Dweomerkeeper.

You can find the information on the class inside of the Complete Divine Web Enhancement (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20040522a). The class requires the ability to cast arcane and divine spells, along with the Magic Domain plus 1 item creation and 1 metamagic feat.

I would suggest grabbing Craft Wondrous Items, because there are tons of stuff you can craft as a wizard that will make your party happy. For the metamagic feat, take a look at the ones available and pick one out that you think you would like. From core, Extend Spell and Empower Spell are very useful and popular.

Since a Dweomerkeeper requires a level divine spells and the Magic Domain you would take 1 level of Cleric (before level 6 if possible) and then go into the PrC. This would allow you to cast all the basic cleric spells from wands that everyone loves using. Wand of Lesser Vigor, Wand of Cure Light Wounds and many others will be available for you to use all the time.

2010-12-11, 10:58 PM
if you really want to set up your build for this then you can all be warforged and cast heal construct when needed. or just use craft checks.
But that means youre using setting specific stuff and that might not fly your dm...

2010-12-12, 12:28 AM
If you're planning to take the Arcane Disciple feat you could look into the Combat Medic prestige class from Heroes of Battle. Basically it nets you Evasion and the ability to spontaneously cast Heal. Also here is A Player's Guide to (3.5) Healing (And, why you don't need a cleric to heal) (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19871786/A_Players_Guide_to_Healing_And_why_you_will_be_Jus t_Fine_without_a_Cleric_to_heal)

2010-12-12, 12:45 AM
What level are you starting at? It'll help a lot for suggested spells. If you're starting from scratch, say, I'd definately go Enchanter over Necromancer or Abjurer.

Starting at 5th level. I've resolved for mystic theurge. It's the balance I was hoping for. I loved the fluff I had for a Cleric character but hated the mechanics. This gives me divine casting and some spells I'll have fun using.

2010-12-12, 12:52 AM
You are using early entry right?
Or at least wizard/archivist right?

you can also go dread necro and have the 2 of them take tombtainted soul.

At lvl 5 that makes you a veritable healing tank.

2010-12-12, 12:58 AM
Arcane Hierophant usually works better for divine + arcane spellcasting. It's a druid/wizard dual spellcasting PrC that also allows you to mix your animal companion class ability with your familiar class ability to some very amusing effects.

I remember one thread where a player's Companion familiar was a Huge sized Raptor that he could store in his Belt of Many Pockets to unleash upon townpeople.


You have to admit, the option to ride around on a giant intelligent dinosaur that shares spells and can deliver touch spells for you is way better than anything the Mysthic Theruge gets.

(And if things get too out of hand after you've gone on a rampage, you can always hide your companion in your Belt of Many Pockets then Wild Shape and fly away or use Alter Self to turn into another race to hide out for a while.)

2010-12-12, 01:13 AM
A 1 level dip into Cleric can get one of the characters 2 domain abilities, Turn Undead, Armor Proficiencies and Divine spellcasting. If one of the players takes a single level dip, then they'll be able to use all the cleric wands that you would need out of combat to heal eachother with.


Also, if you want to play a really badass Prestige Class and gain the ability to heal on the way, you can turn your wizard into a Dweomerkeeper.

Seconded. Dweomerkeeper gets you quite a few signature spells, the ability to cast as supernatural abilities a few times per day, and the capstone is a 1 level reduction in metamagic. You can get really, really powerful with these things if you put your mind to it and the DM lets you.

Plus, the level of cleric lets you use healing items for after-fight fixing, or a powerful healing item (low levels... wand of cure critical, high level... staff of life) as an emergency in combat. But as previously stated, don't make a habit of using actions in combat to heal. If you find yourself doing that, then it's time for someone to take Leadership and get a heal bot for the party.

2010-12-12, 10:57 PM
As a random option, if you can use Forgotten Realms PrCs, I'm getting some mileage out of Wiz 5 (with Spontaneous Divination)/Knight of the Weave 1/Ultimate Magus X. Knight gives you Cure Light Wounds (and eventually higher Cures but you won't actually get Cure Med until about 12th level), and UMD as a class skill. It doesn't replace having a cleric, but it certainly allows me to keep us active with wands and scrolls, and I can play downtime cleric fairly well.

The biggest problem with this plan is, of course, the fact that you are starting at level 5 and would have to survive to lvl6 to get access to cures following this plan. I have a lot of fun with the flexibility though, and also added in Versatile Spellcaster and a reserve feat (I went with Fiery Burst) for more fun.

At 9th level you should be effectively Wizard 8/Knight 3, have the ability to cast 7 cure light wounds, and use Augmented Casting to maximize or empower (if you go that route) 4 of them, all 7 if you pick up Residual Metamagic. It's not what you should be doing in combat, but it really helps your ability to be downtime medic, esp. for a small group.

2010-12-13, 02:35 AM
if you're going to take MTheurge and also be a cleric, don't forget to take academic priest and cast off just int :p

2010-12-13, 09:28 AM
if you're going to take MTheurge and also be a cleric, don't forget to take academic priest and cast off just int :p
You do realize that Academic Priest is a Dragonlance-only feat, and not approved by WotC for D&D? Only the Dragonlance Campaign Setting is published by Wizards; the other stuff is unapproved 3rd party material.

Edit: Also, Academic Priest only changes your bonus spells and maximum spell level; your divine spell DCs are all still based on Wisdom.

The Glyphstone
2010-12-13, 09:33 AM
I'd also support a summoner build. Small parties benefit proportionately more from disposable flankers and meatwalls, and you can summon a lot of utility - including, if have a decent Wisdom (you would have if you'd been considering Arcane Disciple), take the Spontaneous Summon Nature's Ally feat and get Unicorns for healing.

2010-12-13, 09:35 AM
Don't try and play Mario. You can't cover every role.

Debilitating enemies is a decent preventative measure.

As a wizard, you don't need to worry about healing, because one someting starts hitting you, you are probably dead anyway.

Hit Points are more of a concern for the rogue and barbarian. It may be tempting to play the buff-b*tch, but it is really not a rewarding play experience.

Make healing the responsibility of another party member. Diverting your focus makes the group less powerful.

2010-12-13, 10:21 AM
You can be everything.
It just requires you to be a Factotum/Crusader/Wizard/Jade Phoenix mage...

2010-12-13, 11:48 AM
If you really want to be the bookworm and still heal, you can easily be an Archivist instead of a Wizard, and learn most if not all of the same spells.