View Full Version : Your Pick of Spells [D&D 3.5]

2010-12-11, 02:50 PM

2010-12-11, 02:59 PM
Flame Strike
Magic Missile
Detect Magic
Major Image

Everything else is unnecessary.

2010-12-11, 07:30 PM
Cleric Spells - with these you could remake the world and build a utopia
Cure Minor Wounds
Detect Magic
Zone of Truth
Remove Disease
Cure Blindness/Deafness
Dispel Magic
Neutralize Poison
Raise Dead
Plant Growth (if you only have medieval technology)

Wizard spells - super cool and fun but not necessary
Wall of Iron

Everything else - the entire spellbook, in fact - is just interesting ways to kill monsters. Seriously, what percentage of your day is going to be filled up with killing monsters?

2010-12-11, 08:36 PM
Flame Strike
Magic Missile
Detect Magic
Major Image

Everything else is unnecessary.

What about polymorph?!? Or baleful polymorph?!?

Wall of Force
Greater dispel magic (5th level spell for bards)
And the most crazily overpowered non-core spells.

2010-12-11, 08:39 PM

Lesser Planar Binding
Planar Binding
Greater Planar Binding
~Glibness means your going to be able to bind anything.

Magic Circle
Spell Reflection
Prismatic line
Bigby's Crushing Hand

2010-12-11, 09:16 PM
Polymorph. Teleport. Scrying. Rope Trick. Prestidigitation. -Image spells.

Seriously, Image spells. What else can get an entire army fleeing from an illusionary swarm of Colossal red dragons as a 2nd level spell (Minor Image, the best IMHO)?

2010-12-11, 10:46 PM
Leave psionics out -- many of their lower-level effects can be augmented to high-level effects in the same class, like dominate person effectively becoming dominate monster. And most offensive powers that are augmentable at all can get their DC higher than the equivalent of a 5th-level spell. So it's not fair for purposes of this exercise.

I'd like shadow conjuration and shadow evocation, myself. They duplicate the effects of lots of sorcerer and wizard spells, which I can then leave off my list. :smallbiggrin: Maybe divination, contact other plane ... detect magic, definitely ... polymorph and teleport are obviously great picks ...

To get much deeper, I'd have to know something about what I'm choosing for. Three vastly different sets of spells for "me in the real world", "adventurer in fantasy world", "benefactor of nations in fantasy world", ya know?