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2010-12-11, 10:49 PM
Current events:
-The Empire has banned LANTERN from acting within its territory, including Inside.
-The Imperial Army has moved into the Red Zone in the face of extreme unrest in the area, along with the vampire problem. The NPC vampire population has dropped sharply.

Rules and locations in the spoiler. Please Spoiler any fan service written in this thread. Thank you.
All standard forum rules apply here, as do the godmodding rules generally agreed upon on this sub-forum.

PM Darkcomet to have a new location placed in this registry.

A note on the 'Zones'.

The Blue Zone is the area of the greatest Imperial presence, housing the Imperial Army and ISF HQs and boasting the greatest concentration of Imperial influence. Physically, it's located in the center of the city.

The Yellow Zone has some Imperial influence, but it's not as significant, so crime rates there are higher than in the Blue Zone. The Yellow Zone is physically located at the outskirts of the city, with the justification of having to keep an eye on what's coming in and out of the city, and thus the main concentrations of Imperial influence in the Yellow Zone are at the docks and city gates.

The Null Zone is around midway between Yellow and Blue, and lacks much Imperial influence, with a similar patrolling situation to the Red Zone below. Despite this, it's largely a quiet environment.

Perhaps it is because the Red Zone, a blemish on the otherwise neatly-organized Zones, is essentially a fancy term for the crime infested slums? Who knows! The Red Zone is essentially just the slums, independent of the neat physical arrangement of the others, though DC imagines it's around Null/Yellow, physically, since it wouldn't make all that much sense for the Red Zone to be right on top of ISF HQ of all things. The Empire's influence here is light, but not completely nonexistent, with occasional speeder patrols.

Imperial Bases

Acro-Imperial Army HQ (Blue Zone)
The Imperial Army HQ itself is a massive dome-like structure in the center of the city. The building itself is fairly standard at ground level, but going up from there is when you reach the dome. The dome is the focus of the visible structure, and is capable of housing one of the Empire's oh-so-loved airships.

The main building itself also has underground portions, as it's not like the rest could contain everything a building of this purpose needs.

This building, however, has concrete walls surrounding it at a sizable distance in a square shape, with gates in the center of each segment. The walls have rapid-fire laser turrets mounted at corners and on each side of each gate. Interlopers beware!

ISF HQ (Blue Zone)
Go here! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164358)

Acro-Imperial Civil Government Complex (Blue Zone)
The main center of the Empire's central government is an odd complex composed of five main structures.

The more notable four are a group of futuristic, utopian-looking towers arranged in the shape of a Y, with the tower taking the position of the center joint being significantly taller than the outer three towers, by about 40% of the other towers' height. This is harder to make out than it seems, however, due to the odd nature of the fifth 'structure'.

This one is actually surrounding the lower two-thirds of the outer three towers, with all four appearing to be coming out of it from the outside. It resembles an odd set of walls, following along the Y-arrangement of the towers. These 'walls' are in the shape of a highly irregular hexagon. The top side, with the two points of the top of the Y within, is fairly long, with two shorter segments heading downward at an obtuse angle from them. These are very short, and two more long wall segments soon move downward and inwards, speaking from a bird's-eye view, ending a bit after the edge of the bottom tower in the Y-arrangement. A final long segment links these two ends.

However, the 'walls' are not merely walls, but actually enclose the area around the towers, with their own roof. The four towers seemingly erupt out of the top of this structure, while they do actually have the rest of them beneath it. The wall-like structure is built around the towers, linking to them at certain points. The structure is not merely that shape described previously with a flat roof, however-the walls reach to a certain point, then slant upwards and inwards, again from a bird's-eye view. The upward slant stops at the edges of the outer three towers, and from there now forms a flat area, this flatness marred only by the towers.

There are three main entrances to the odd complex, each at the center and bottom of one of the longer wall segments. These are oversized sliding doors, essentially. Each is a long, dull metal slab in appearance. When the entrance is open, these are drawn upward into the wall-structure, and when closed, they drop back down like blast doors.

The complex is guarded by normal military and ISF elements alike, landspeeders patrolling the ground outside with the silent gunships patrolling the skies above. The main soldiers guarding the area are ISF troopers, as they are more specialized for urban warfare. Several rapid-fire pulse laser turrets (laser chaingun turrets, essentially) are mounted on the slanted portions of the outer structure, with a single heavy turbolaser turret mounted at the upper central area of each slanted area of the longer sides.

There are two enclosed bridge-like structures linking each of the three outer towers to the main building. The lower one is within the wall-esque structure, and the upper one is visible from the outside, linking the upper areas of the outer towers with the main, central one. To avoid confusion, there are two of these per outer tower, putting the total count at six.

Imperial Docks (Yellow Zone)
These rather typical drydocks hold the Imperial naval fleet. Due to its relative lack of size, the Imperial Navy falls under the Imperial Army's authority.

Evolution Industries Headquarters + Factories (Player: Darkcomet, Blue Zone)
The headquarters of the company known as Evolution Electronics and Power is a fairly standard-looking modern-day tower in appearance, not quite reaching the level of skyscraper.

The company owns a large factory nearby, used in production of its MACE units, and potentially other products, should it be desired.

The company also possesses a number of other factories around the city, used for production of weaponry and other military materiel.

Retail outlets for Evolution's products are scattered around the city.

Trader's Trove (Player: EleventhHour, Null Zone)
A large, crashed starship lies in what was once a park, now ruined by its crash.

The ship is very strange to most, resembling Gothic architecture, particularly cathedrals, in appearance, while at the same time being a spacefaring craft. Or, rather, a former spacefaring craft.

The ship remains in use, however. The owner is a Rogue Trader, and is currently using the ship as a shop.

Erin's Emporium (Player: The Bushranger, Yellow Zone)

Construction Gnomes have been hard at work renovating a small store along one of the various merchantile roads. Well, it was small. Now it's bigger on the inside.

And filled with every sort of weaponry imaginable, from across the multiverse. From blaster carbines to P-90s, surface-to-air missiles to ballistas, zats to nunchucks, they're all here.

Is that a siege crossbow sitting in the corner?

The Misspelled Cemetary (Null Zone)
It's the rain that makes for the perfect atmosphere.

Since the party left the well lit cobbles lanes of the Market Streets the sky has opened up upon our intrepid band of adventurers with a vengeance. The wind howls through barren trees as the rain descends in sheets. The heavens are split by a ribbon of lightning and a roar of thunder.

A massive cast iron gate surrounds this place of once hallowed ground. Yes, hallowed once but no longer. The earth appears dead. Rotten. A phosphorescent green fog creeping along the ground. Misshapen fungus and molds clinging to crumbling monuments. Corpses exposed on the surface, half-eaten with decay.

The gate creeks open of its own accord as the party nears.

And above the gate, in rusted iron letters, reads:

The Misspelled Cemetary

The Misspelled Cemetary is largely ruins now, due to the battle against Ebon Mirror, an evil Exalt that used it as his base of operations.

MagMart (Player: Lord Magtok, Blue Zone)
An absurd mash-up of K-Mart, Wall-Mart, Target, and every other vile retail chain, MagMart is staffed by an unswervingly loyal Magbots, lobotomized talking cats that are too brain-dead to know any better, several voodoo spirits, and a pickle jar that everyone insists is a sentient being that only communes with those who truly believe in it.

Here you can find everything from curtains to carpets, macaroni to monkeys on motorcycles, groceries to zombies. The staff is always happy to help (or else), and if you aren't entirely satisfied with your shopping experience, you can pay a small fee to watch the MagMart employee of your choosing get fired out the MagMart complimentary employee morale cannon.

Pontius' Custom Constructs (Player: Earl of Purple, Null Zone)
The caravan of 6 wagons (I never said 3! Well, I did, but still.) arrives at a warehouse, previously for sale. The gnomes lead the golems and other constructs inside, and get to work. The warehouse has an open yard at the main entrance, and several golems, like crude figures of worked stone or wood, stand in the yard. A gnome wearing an apron over smart-yet-practical artesan's clothes and puts a sign up.

Pontius's Custom Constructs
Golems of Any Material* at Unbelievably Low Prices!!!**
You Won't Find a Golem, Gargoyle, Guardian or Homonculus Cheaper!!***
Come Now and Buy 1 Get 1 Full Price!!!****

*Flesh has an additional charge. **Define 'low'. ***Except at our competitors. ****Terms and conditions apply.

Sanctuary Fortress of Zoemaytare (Player: Rebonack, Red Zone)

Like so many other prominent buildings in Town, or not so prominent buildings for that matter, this place seemed to pop up out of nowhere over night.

Buildings are like mushrooms in Town. Probably spread via spores, too.

Regardless, here it is. A rather sizable campus marble hewn from the mountains some distance away. Carved and hauled here near the edge of the slums where they were no doubt assembled. Though... no one can quite place a finger on when this happened.

Though the buildings aren't of only cold hard stone, no. There are timbers as well. Not what one might expect, however. They seem almost organic. As though they had grown into place rather than being hewn.

Oddness aside, the temple is arranged in a rather interesting fashion. Several concentric wall and courtyards ending in a central temple.

The outer wall is lower than the rest, each tier of the temple built onto higher ground like a wedding cake. Each wall is topped with a roof supported on the inside by pillars, creating a sheltered walkway. The exact use of these porches depends on the section of the temple one happens to be in.

Anyone is allowed entry through the first wall and into the first court, the Court of Meeting. Beyond the second wall only worshipers of Zoemaytare are allowed admittance to the second court, the Court of the Blessed. Beyond the third wall only the priests are allowed, where they carry out holy rituals within the temple itself.

The Court of Meeting is dedicated to service of those the worshipers of Zoemaytare dwell among. Food is prepared for the hungry here and given out without expectation of recompense. Those without a place to lay their head are allowed to sleep within the porch. The grounds beyond the porch are devoted to a wondrous garden boasting vibrancy and spectacular color. This are is always comfortably warm and brimming with life. Wounds heal faster as the body is refreshed. Undead creatures will find that remaining here is decidedly uncomfortable.

The sky above the temple seems to be perpetually clear, filled with pleasant sunlight in the day and cloaked with gossamer stars at night. Benches are set up here and there, under trees with hanging branches and above fragrant shrubbery. A lively stream flows endlessly in a circuit about the Court, spilling into several larger pools and meandering up a small outcrop of stone before cascading back down the other side.

This section of the temple is tended by members of the faith. Not priests, though devote. They can be found tending the garden and serving warm food. When in service to the temple these devotees wear a white linen ephod bearing the symbol of a willow tree, ornately rendered in blue thread. They'll be more than happen to answer any questions. Priests tend to have stricter ceremonial garb, including a blue tunic and white robe in addition to the ephod.

Welcome, traveler. May you be more blessed when you leave than when you came.

New information that isn't readily noticeable at first glance at the temple will be added here.

The temple grounds are protected by a dampening field that blocks unauthorized teleporation and dimensional shifting. The place is something of a fortress after all. Being able to pop in and out at will would defeat the purpose.

Zoemaytare isn't a god of (fill in the black) but rather the patron and protector of her people. As such, her domain, if she even has one, is over all that her people do. The people in question are collectively known as the Zoeos, and this particular temple is their first major venture into Town. At present their stated goal is to set up trade relations and aid the city. This is ministered through the temple on account of the Zoeos government being a theocracy.

It just so happens that there's a dungeon under the temple, though the entrance to it is well hidden.

NPCs thus far:

Potentate of the temple: the head priest and administrator. He has yet to be seen 'on screen' though he has been referred to.

Regent Zachius: And elderly human with a coppery complexion and deep-set wrinkles, the sort of face one expects of a person who has spent a great deal of time in the sun smiling. He's a kind old fellow who is in charge of the Court of Meeting.

Regent Stephen: A younger human who smells rather distinctly of wolf. He's in charge of the dungeons of the temple and seems to be a rather caring and compassionate fellow. It's his job to bring the cases of prisoners before the Potentate.

Regent Thadeus: One of the priests who aids in minor upkeep in the temple proper. He usually isn't seen outside the temple and since his position doesn't put him in much contact with the common folk he tends to be somewhat aloof and judgmental. Also happens to be an elf. Those snooty elves!

Bognus Thundershield: a lay dwarf that operates the temple's teleporter, primarily from Trog's. Though people can be 'ported in from elsewhere as well. While it isn't commonly known, this device can send people over rather long distances, though it's somewhat inaccurate when doing so. Bognus is a bit gruff, though generally good natured. He speaks with a thick Scottish Dwarven accent.

Trollfinger, Ironpick & Greencheek, Mining & Engineering (Player: Morty, Blue Zone)
A run-down building near Trog's Tavern was bought by three goblin enterpreneurs with a large crew and now houses their mining and engineering company. Everyone who needs something dug, built, repaired or blown up is welcome.

The Temple of Dalachrech (Player: Earl of Purple, location pending)
The first room entered is a foyer. On the walls are red drapes with silver, two-tailed scorpions embroidered on to them, and next to the door is an ornate font. The granite font stands about waist height, and is a plinth with a bowl of unholy water. Winding around the font are carved centipedes. A door away from this chamber leads to the main prayer hall. This room also has drapes with the two-tailed scorpion device on the walls, and a red velvet carpet flanked by wooden pews leads to an altar at the far end. The altar is covered with red velvet, with a gold statue and red candles placed upon it. The statue depicts a demon with a centipede's body, a scorpion's tail with spinnerets next to the sting, a stag beetle's head and the claws of a praying mantis.

Warwick Works (player: happyturtle, Yellow Zone)
In the industrial area, a building is rented and has a new sign put out front.

Warwick Works

The building itself consists of a small office area in front and warehouses in back. There is no indication of what sort of business this is, but a certain cyborg with a satellite might recognize the logo and name.

Eternal Library - Across from Trog's (player-Eternal Drifter)
The First floor has bookshelf after bookshelf of various books, and a few tables in three corners, and a checkout counter. There is a fireplace leading upwards at the side opposite the door. All the books are stamped "Property of the Eternal Library," and have security devices on them. There is a security bar at the entrance of the building. In one corner is a stairwell leading upwards.

The Second Floor is a hallway with three rooms. One of them is a bathroom for public use. The other two are rooms with chairs and a large table in each, mainly for meetings. The larger of the two meeting rooms, "Space," has a fireplace.

The Third Floor is Drifter's personal residence, with all the necisities. This floor is private, officially only open to Drifter and those who have recived and invitation from him.

Drifter (played by Eternal Drifter) is the librarian. You are free to check out books as you wish, but be sure to actually have the books checked out before you leave... those who forget quite often find themselves at the receiving end of Drifter's glare and Magic Missile spell.

Emergency Bunkers

Eight bunker-like structures in a ring-like arrangement at about the midpoint between the walls (or the docks) and the center of the city have been completed.

The interior of each is rather dull, rather befitting a bunker, but there are underground areas beneath the visible bunkers. These are similarly dull and military-styled, but they also act as hospitals.

These are mostly designed with emergencies such as shelling in mind, and are usually closed.

Hastings and Sons Mortuary (player: Kid Kris, Yellow Zone)
Near one of the older parts of the city sits a large and somewhat dour building of brick and mortar, built in the traditional sense, with a metal plaque by the door that reads (predictably enough):

Hastings and Sons
For the preparation of the dearly departed.
And indeed, should one go in one should find all the trappings of a conventional mortuary, including several large visitation rooms, run by this guy:

http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1008/d05/2213/715a669.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/38746382)
Though of course, usually without the zombie there.
In recent times however, the true business of the resident Mortician has branched into a more heretical bent, offering certain services to the living impaired (more commonly known as the foul Undead). These start at simple healings and flesh grafts (the flesh occasionally obtained 'legitimately', when a body comes in for cremation and the Mortician gives them an urn full of wood-ash, but usually corpses are obtained through donations from customers or good old fashioned grave-robbing). But services can also range into body part replacement and augmentation for the undead who wishes his creator had seen fight to give him a giant lobster claw or retractable venomous spines, or even full body/flesh reconstruction for the self-conscious lich (or lich in disguise, though making your new flesh look like someone else usually costs extra) or the zombie in his golden years. These customers usually come in through the back door, where there is a plaque listing the full list of services. Though of course some are brazen enough to come through the front door anyway.

((PM if you wish to interact with the Mortician, as Kid Kris may not always check the thread.))

Emergency Clinic (Null/Yellow Zone border)
Funded by the empire, this clinic provides the care you would get in a modern emergency room. This is the place to come for getting bones set, wounds stitched, normal illnesses treated, etc. They can't handle magical ailments, nor do they provide magical healing, and the further a being is from being human, the less likely they are to have the necessary expertise to help.

This is an NPC facility. Please godmod your own care.

Witch Which's Wish Shop (Yellow Zone, Player: Haruki-kun)

Welcome. If you have stepped into this store, it is because you have a wish.

The store is big, ancient and beautiful. It has a large garden with colorful flowers, a pond with fish and running water, and chirping birds. This is the outside of the store. The inside, however, is, to put it simply, gloomy. There’s burning candles and incense everywhere. From the hall where you enter you are led off into a side room with a low table and cushions around it. A tall, masked and unnamed stranger brings tea and snacks to the guests. The Witch sits opposite and rarely ever moves.

This is a Wish shop. Your character will only enter this shop if he has a wish. Whether the wish is granted or not is a different issue.
Witch Which is in charge of the shop and will grant wishes to everyone who asks, regardless of intent or alignment, as long as the appropriate price is paid. Under certain conditions:

Condition one: Witch Which will not haggle. She couldn’t lower a price or overcharge even if she wanted to. A balance must be kept in order for the wish to be granted.

Condition two: When a Wish directly affects another player’s character in a way that would be considered godmodding, the other player must agree first.

Condition three: The Witch may not reject any wish unless the price is too high to be paid. Wishes to take a life or to destroy the world, for example, carry a price higher than anyone can pay. ANYONE.

Condition Four: The Witch will never engage in battle. Be glad. The Witch is the very definition of True Neutral.

Condition Five: The store is not hard to access; in fact, there’s a big sign outside and everything. However, the store’s grounds exist in a special separate dimension, protecting it from anything that could destroy it, up to and including plot.

Condition Six: Haruki-kun reserves the right to alter the conditions if he feels they’re causing problems such as godmodding or similar issues.

NOIR (Red Zone, Players: Moff Chumley and Project_Mayhem)
In a rather seedy building, off of a rather seedy hall, is a door. It's not a pretty door, but it does its job admirably. It's got an eye painted on it, rather sloppily. Under the eye, is the word "NOIR". Inside, is a small, cramped, rather dusty reception room. Coffee machine, secretary's desk, several chairs, the like. The desk looks like it's never been touched; the coffee machine, like it's survived several wars. Three doors lead off the room: Raz's office, Ilyena's office, and a closet. Word to the wise: don't open that door.

Between the two of them, Ilyena and Raz are capable of everything from fairly standard PI fair to more complicated contracts using Ilyena's ability to write spells.

Needle and Thread (Blue Zone, Player: Artemis97)
On one side of a wide cobblestoned street is a small shop. The sign hanging over the door depicts a simple spool of thread, pierced by a needle. No words were included, as a courtesy to those who could not read, nor were they needed. It was clear from the merchandise displayed in the two large windows on either side of the door that this was a clothing boutique. The right side displayed the latest in women's fashions, dresses and skirts in unique designs, all detailed by hand with beading and emboidery. The left window showed men's clothing, from a beautifully tailored three piece suit, cut from expensive fabrics, to the very best in adventuring style, rugged and sturdy, clearly built to last.

Inside, racks and manequins display more clothing, split down the middle between men's and women's fashions. The back wall held rolls of fabric, some plain, others with obviously magical porperties. A large, three-sided mirror sits in the back corner, next to a small changing stall. On the other side is a small counter holding a cash register, behind that the door that led to a small workroom.

The Needle and Thread is a clothing shop specializing in custom tailoring and specialty designs. It is owned and operated by Lillith Rock, and the kindly fiendish woman can usually be found behind the counter, or working on orders in the back workroom.

On the City's government
As the capital city of the Acronymian Empire, Inside is subject to its laws. They largely resemble modern-day laws*, with the exception of weapons control and small-scale vigilantism, as those would be extremely difficult to enforce. Vigilantism, however, once again becomes problematic when it causes more problems than it fixes.

Slavery is illegal in the Empire. This would be treated as a given (see above), but it has come up many times.

The Empire has also imposed a light tax on arms sales and a light-moderate one on imports. The latter grants much more funding than it normally would, thanks to the Empire's location in a nexus of realities-many goods, mundane and exotic, often pour into Inside and the greater Empire.

*DC may experiment with punishments, though, as he's aware that being unable to play a criminal character because they're stuck in jail for a realistic amount of time is no fun.

On Apocalypses
When determining apocalyptic effects that threaten Inside, please keep the bottom of this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9918777&postcount=315) post in mind.

The title is a misnomer, of course. No doubt the moniker of this place was settled on after a brief conversation that started with, 'Wouldn't it be funny if...?'. But now the name has stuck.

But what is this place, you ask?

The city of Inside is the capital city of the nation known as the Acronymian Empire. The city was once the center of the Nexus, the dimensional anomaly that acts as a crossroads between any number of radically different worlds. Now, it is no longer the center, but still shows the influence of the Nexus.

Thanks to the Nexus, the cityscape is high in variety of architectural styles, varying tech levels factoring in to the myriad designs. Though the city is now relatively stable, it's still possible to find buildings of any number of architectural styles within it. Shopping malls lie beside medieval architecture, and futuristic towers rise alongside old cathedrals.

The city is surrounded by defensive walls, with an artificially and accidentally created moat outside the walls. A gap in the walls and a bridge allow for entrance into the city proper, the main gate opening up to welcome newcomers Inside.

2010-12-11, 11:09 PM
Atoya blushes.

"Yes, that would be fine, thank you.
Erm... will it fit?" She asks awkwardly.

[Needle and Thread]

"Oh yes, it should fit just fine." Lillith assures her with a nod. Measurements were useful for knowing such things.

The Bushranger
2010-12-11, 11:10 PM
[Alien Slums]

Zamira follows her, turning into a bird in order to fly down.
Let's see if we can't capture one of the troops first!"

"You can do that," Shrike says after she lands, surprisingly dexterously. "I'll be doing...other work."
She grins, drawing her Daiklave.

2010-12-11, 11:12 PM
[Needle and Thread]

"Oh yes, it should fit just fine." Lillith assures her with a nod. Measurements were useful for knowing such things.

"Well, good."
She smiles, pulling out her bag of (stolen) coins.
"Um, how much for the fancy dress, the top, the sweater, the jeans and the, um, undertop?
...And could I have a bag to put all of this in?"

2010-12-11, 11:12 PM
Onboard the UFO
Keith looks around the cell.
"Dis plaze iz niiiize. I should get a home like diz!"
He pulls out one of his knives and throws it at the energy 'shield'.

2010-12-11, 11:14 PM
And from the last thread.

[Onboard the UFO]

"What in the Hells?" Kirk looks around his cell. "Please don't tell me they finally got me and this is the Abyss."

He reaches out and touches the wall.

2010-12-11, 11:23 PM
IA forces in the Red Zone/slums could not have been there at a better time, it seems. Though they take some casualties in the initial bombardment, the IA starts to fight back against the alien invaders on the ground, EvAV-1 gunships, EvTV-1 IFVs, and IA Medium soldiers with EvR-1 blaster rifles coming to battle the extraterrestrials.

Elsewhere in the city as a whole, ISF forces quickly deploy to stomp down on the fewer alien landings outside the slums, mainly in high-speed landspeeders armed with rapid-fire laser turrets. They're mainly performing high-speed drive-by attacks in order to keep the aliens from taking hold of the area, swiftly moving from one group to the next without bothering to make sure all of each is dead.

The Imperial Navy also deploys, beginning to point a grand total of 12 rapid-fire AA laser turrets and 11 missile launchers at alien aircraft going after the dock area.

In the Yellow Zone as a whole, ISF forces on foot, mainly equipped with the same blasters as the IA and with lighter armor, move to secure the area against the aliens.

In the Null Zone, there is less Imperial action, though the raiding speeders likely still help there.

It is in the Blue Zone that the strongest resistance will be found.

The shield generators on the IA and ISF HQs also activate, along with that of the Govt Complex. The defensive turrets of the first and last Imperial structures (described in the first post) are pointed at any alien ground troops that come near, and will fire on the UFOs if possible.

The near-full force of the IA comes from the IA HQ, including IA Light, Medium and Heavy Soldiers armed with anything from EvR-1 blaster rifles for the former two to EvAT-2 heavy sweeper-beam cannons and EvHW-1 rapid-fire heavy assault blasters for the last. These also include EvAT-1 precision laser cannons (Medium soldiers) and older K-Corp beam sniper rifles (Lights).

Vehicular IA forces deployed once again include EvTV-1 IFVs and EvAV-1 gunships. EvCV-1 Assault Hovertanks are pointedly not deployed, the IA not opting to deploy railgun-bearing tanks on infantry targets within the city itself. Talk about unnecessary collateral damage. Some older

ISF HQ also gets its fair share of force coming from it, ISF troopers (equivalent to IA Lights) moving out to secure the area around it.

The Blue Zone seems like it's probably in pretty good shape, given the IA and ISF forces around there and how the aliens didn't deploy as much outside the Red Zone. Should the Blue Zone be basically secured, the Imperial forces there will move out into the Null Zone.

Meanwhile, on Imperial comm channels...

The IA's General Noir is not exactly pleased. "[I]Get the Supremacy here now!"

Off in the distance, away from the city, a large, ominous silhouette is visible.

[Abductees' UFO]

DC blinks as he takes in his new surroundings, not particularly liking the lighting very much. "...well, damn."

He looks around, taking note of giant the disk at the top of the room and the energy field. "Maybe..."

He raises a hand at the disk, a dark reddish aura appearing around said hand, and he starts attempting to telekinetically tug at the disk. He's not trying to rip it off, though. Just to test its resistance at this point.

2010-12-11, 11:27 PM
[Alien Slums]

"You can do that," Shrike says after she lands, surprisingly dexterously. "I'll be doing...other work."
She grins, drawing her Daiklave.

Zamira nods. "All right."

She flies off, towards the alien troops!

The Bushranger
2010-12-11, 11:33 PM
And Shrike heads in the direction of a different group of aliens, a grin on her face and her long, shining blade held high.

"Hey, boys! Welcome to Town, I think you'll have a great time here! Or at least I will..."

2010-12-11, 11:33 PM
"Well, good."
She smiles, pulling out her bag of (stolen) coins.
"Um, how much for the fancy dress, the top, the sweater, the jeans and the, um, undertop?
...And could I have a bag to put all of this in?"

[Needle and Thread]

"All together that will be [slightly expensive price]" Lillith replies, after tallying up the total in her head. "I'll have to hold onto the dress for a day or two, to make the proper adjustments, but everything else should fit you just fine." The fiend finds a bag behind the counter and begins folding the clothes and carefully placing them inside.

2010-12-11, 11:40 PM
[Needle and Thread]

"All together that will be [slightly expensive price]" Lillith replies, after tallying up the total in her head. "I'll have to hold onto the dress for a day or two, to make the proper adjustments, but everything else should fit you just fine." The fiend finds a bag behind the counter and begins folding the clothes and carefully placing them inside.

Atoya hands over the money.

"Thank you." She beams, happy.

"I'll just wait for my friend Rebecca to be finished.
I want to find her something sexy to wear." She grins, almost evilly. "Forcibly, if I must."

2010-12-11, 11:56 PM
[Needle and Thread]

Lillith laughs at that. "Alright, then. Take your time." She says, placing the cash in the register. She then picks up the fancy dress. "I'm going to put this in the back and start working. Just call if you need anything." The fiend then turns to go through the door that led to the back room.

2010-12-11, 11:59 PM
[Needle and Thread]

Lillith laughs at that. "Alright, then. Take your time." She says, placing the cash in the register. She then picks up the fancy dress. "I'm going to put this in the back and start working. Just call if you need anything." The fiend then turns to go through the door that led to the back room.

"Alright!" She smiles and keeps browsing through the clothes, sometimes appalled at the clothes, sometimes in awe of the fabrics, sometimes just interested in the design.

2010-12-12, 12:01 AM
[Up in the air! ....And other places!]

There was suddenly a lot of chatter on the air waves. The invaders were not expecting this kind of resistance. Really, when most of the place looked medieval in some way, one tended to make assumptions... Then again, the 'static' from all the inter-planar/dimensional/worldy crossover would mess up quite a few sensors not built for a place like the Nexus.

One of the ships aimed a laser blast at the Gov't Complex HQ only for it to bounce off with a magnificent flash of light, sending the beam flying off towards the mountains. There was a brief pause before several other blasts followed. These too landed in the face of the mountainsides. What resulted was a pockmarked series of holes that looked oddly like a smiley face if looked at from the right angle. Normally this would be impossible but the Nexus tends to allow such things like that.

At the least there were no more laser strikes from the ships at the moment. Probably due to shock, really.

The Blue Zone might find the very few aliens there about as difficult as a speed bump. Well, they did have a few tricks with them though.. One of which was an orb of green plasma that quickly ran along the ground, leaving a shallow divot in the ground before leaping up and detonating in the faces of whatever it was aimed at. Might be a problem for ground vehicles..

That aside, their armaments and armor were comparable to the Empire's standard issue gear but having a tactically unsound location combined with fewer numbers would mean they probably were in for a world of hurt. Green alien blood would paint the walls soon... Not acidic though. That would be bad.

The Yellow Zone would find a bit more resistance as these troupes had more advanced powered armor. Stuff could deflect laser blasts moderately well even. But apparently, focused fire would overheat the suits.. Rapid-fire turrets made that easy as well..

The Null Zone seemed to have lucked out as there were very few aliens there at all. This might be puzzling at first but it is quite possible that the 'static' mentioned before made them overlook this area entirely. At least, at first..

The Red Zone seemed to be the busiest place, having a large step up of extra-terrestrial activity. Not to mention the brunt of their forces seemed to be here as well. Green lasers were scoring burn marks in various buildings as stray shots flew this way and that. More of that 'jumping fire' plasma was seen here than elsewhere, setting several places alight with the superheated explosions. It would be fierce and bloody for a while here...

And Shrike would find several green laser beams coming her way for a moment before going back to focus on the battle with the IA. Apparently they were more important than some nut-job with a blade and a gun. Besides, facing a well armed troupe of trained alien soldiers, even though they were at a disadvantage to the forces brought to bare, was rather... Idiotic.


Sadly, there were no new snacks to be found in the holding cells. Shame really. Alien food was supposed to be really weird. Like, more weird than jello with brain-shaped fruit chunks in it.

The walls would feel like the inside of a sea-shell. Smooth and a little cool. They wouldn't zap anyone either. Not to say sea-shells zap people, though. That would just be strange.

If someone put an ear to the wall, they might just hear someone calling for help. Apparently, the abductees were in adjacent cells... Maybe one of them knew Morse code?

The axe, being made of some sort of blue adamantine-like material, made a nice hole in the wall, which wasn't made of a blue adamantine-like material. More of a gash, really. Apparently Rebonack had severed the power supply to his energy field but not the others. They ran in parallel after all. He was free to go and rescue people though! Or cause havoc. Havoc might be fun too.

The knife thrown at the energy field? Well, it bounced off at the same angle it was thrown with a loud 'SPANG!' Apparently that wouldn't work too well..

The disk up top gave up as much resistance as an object would if it was being held up by a circular wall. That is to say, it probably wasn't going to come down unless the walls began crumpling as well. And that might be messy.. Or not, depending.

2010-12-12, 12:02 AM
Ember is walking down the streets on an unauthorized 'vacation' taking in the sights. Being an old god buried in a temple for thousands of years can cause a bit of a culture shock, but she seems to be adjusting quite well.
It might help that she's usually completely out of it, and doesn't really care about anything but fun. Ah, fire elemental type-things.

As his knife apparently did no damage whatsoever to the energy field, Keith this time tries shooting it with one of his pistols. Unfortunately, he's watched way too many movies, and his pistols are loaded with incendiary rounds...

2010-12-12, 12:15 AM


Save other people?

Ahahahahahaha! Oh man, that's great.


Anyway, he instantly notices that the annoying crackly sound coming from the barrier is gone. What's more, that particular spot isn't distorting sound coming through it any longer and thus distorting Rebonack's echo-vision. Score!

The Cobalt Knight yanks his weapon out of the wall and moves to tromp on out of the chamber. "There are few problems I've yet to run across that don't cease to be problems after getting an axe in the face."

With any luck he'll get a chance to further test this philosophy of his today!

2010-12-12, 12:19 AM

After the wall doesn't shock Kirk he decides he wants out. He whips out his pen and a contract appears in front of him. When he signs it a bolt of hellfire blasts his prison.

The Bushranger
2010-12-12, 12:25 AM
[Alien Nation]

And Shrike would find several green laser beams coming her way for a moment before going back to focus on the battle with the IA. Apparently they were more important than some nut-job with a blade and a gun. Besides, facing a well armed troupe of trained alien soldiers, even though they were at a disadvantage to the forces brought to bare, was rather... Idiotic.

A gun? Shrike is rather surprised to hear she has a gun.
But regardless, she spins her Daiklave in front of her the moment the aliens turn her way...

...the laser beams seem to bounce right off it. :smalltongue:

"Oh, you're ignoring me. Big mistake. Really huge mistake. Didn't anyone ever tell you there's one thing you never do if you're smart?"

And she doesn't tell them what that thing is, as she leaps forwards, four-foot-long blade slashing.


2010-12-12, 12:25 AM
The Needle and Thread

Arthur, after a good long time out of action, decides to rush inside the shop from the nearby city streets. He doesn't look hurt at all, and he isn't, but he's definitely freaking out more than can be considered healthy. OK, note to self! Stay the hell out of the yellow zone from now on! He most likely just passed through one of the last pockets of ongoing fighting in that area. Some of his clothes look torn, but that appears to be the extent of anything wrong with him.

2010-12-12, 12:26 AM
The Needle and Thread

Arthur, after a good long time out of action, decides to rush inside the shop from the nearby city streets. He doesn't look hurt at all, and he isn't, but he's definitely freaking out more than can be considered healthy. OK, note to self! Stay the hell out of the yellow zone from now on! He most likely just passed through one of the last pockets of ongoing fighting in that area. Some of his clothes look torn, but that appears to be the extent of anything wrong with him.

"Are you alright?" Atoya asks, concerned. She puts down a silk scarf she had been admiring and walks up to Arthur.

2010-12-12, 12:27 AM
The Blue Zone is likely pretty much secure, though a few IFVs get blasted by the plasma.

The bulk of the IA forces move to assist the rest of their comrades in the Red Zone, which are taking heavy casualties.

The Blue Zone ISF forces, meanwhile, go to assist their fellow paramilitary-ish law enforcement in mopping up in the Yellow Zone.

That dark silhouette in the distance continues to approach the city.

[Abductees' UFO]

DC frowns, ceasing his telekinetic testing. "Hrm. Oh well." He calmly reaches into his suit, pulling out a baseball-sized black orb. "When lacking an exit, create one."

The psychic tightly grips the orb for a moment, and a rather large weapon appears in front of him-this weapon being similar to this (http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x280/kriskatarn/IonCannon.png) in appearance, albeit upgraded, less bulky, and silvery instead of dark red.

He hefts the cannon, which starts to emit a low-pitched ominous hum. He's...grinning? "It's been too long..."

He points it at the wall right near the edge of the energy field, and then-[I]THOOM! DC fires, a white-colored, white-hot and deadly energy blast coming out of the weapon.

2010-12-12, 12:32 AM

Hmmm...nobody answering...great.

She gets a small energy sphere ready in her hand, and tosses it at the wall opposite her. It will explode on impact with fiery/chaotic energy.

2010-12-12, 12:40 AM
The Needle and Thread

Looking up at Atoya, the teenage half-fiend seems to simmer with barely-controlled frustration, giving her an 'I'm surrounded by idiots and you're not helping' look. Yes, just fine, totally peachy. Everyone knows passing through a ****ing warzone is completely healthy for you. I just went for a nice brisk walk through walls of oncoming plasmafire. Good for your skin. Had to drop half the stuff I had looted in the Yellow Zone on my way to the Red Zone, then turned back when I saw that the fighting in the Red Zone was worse. So I just put my life in danger for the sake of some spare parts, and have nothing to show for it. Yeah, I'm completely fine. The young half-fiend is calmer now and takes a few deep breaths, actually taking the time to relax and mentally take stock of his situation.

Then he realizes he's just cursed twice in his mother's store. Uh-oh.

2010-12-12, 12:43 AM
The Needle and Thread

Looking up at Atoya, the teenage half-fiend seems to simmer with barely-controlled frustration, giving her an 'I'm surrounded by idiots and you're not helping' look. Yes, just fine, totally peachy. Everyone knows passing through a ****ing warzone is completely healthy for you. I just went for a nice brisk walk through walls of oncoming plasmafire. Good for your skin. Had to drop half the stuff I had looted in the Yellow Zone on my way to the Red Zone, then turned back when I saw that the fighting in the Red Zone was worse. So I just put my life in danger for the sake of some spare parts, and have nothing to show for it. Yeah, I'm completely fine. The young half-fiend is calmer now and takes a few deep breaths, actually taking the time to relax and mentally take stock of his situation.

Then he realizes he's just cursed twice in his mother's store. Uh-oh.


Atoya is taken aback by the half-fiend, taking a step away.

"I... was just asking."

2010-12-12, 12:59 AM
[Streets outside Trog's]

Al is leading Delta down the streets holding her hand.

2010-12-12, 12:59 AM
[Needle and Thread]

"Arthur Leonard Rock!" Lillith's voice boomed from the back room. The fiend appeared in the doorway and stormed across the room to stand in front of her son. "You do not use that sort of language. Especially in front of the customers! I am so sorry for this." She says quickly to Atoya. "Somehow, my son never learned any manners. And where in the world have you been? Your father and I have been worried sick!" Lillith reaches to grab Arthur by the arm and pull him towards the back of the store.

2010-12-12, 01:01 AM
The Needle and Thread

Arthur's not about to argue with his mother. The only recourse he can take is to let out a weak Sorry? in Atoya's direction as he's dragged to the back of the story. He definitely had some explaining to do as to where he's been the last few months. Considering his excuse amounted to 'working', he doubted his mother would be particularly satisfied.

2010-12-12, 01:02 AM
[Streets outside Trog's]

Al is leading Delta down the streets holding her hand.

Delta follows with no resistance at all.

2010-12-12, 01:07 AM
Delta follows with no resistance at all.

((poor delta :smallfrown:))

2010-12-12, 01:07 AM
Rebecca looks up at Arthur and Atoya in puzzlement.

What was he saying to you? She asks. Must have missed it through the deadtime. It didn't look very nice.

2010-12-12, 01:08 AM
[Streets outside Trog's]

And since it doesn't seem like they're being followed I assume they make it back to Al's Lab.

2010-12-12, 01:09 AM
[Alien Attack on the Imperial City!]

There was nothing but green blood in the Blue Zone now. Some of the toys were left behind though... Might be nice to look through and reverse engineer the things at a later date though. Jumping plasma was about as expected as St. Cuthbert's Inquisition after all.

The Yellow Zone aliens was pulling back towards the Null Zone. Well, they were for a while at least. Getting smashed in the back of the head by the droves from a speeder patrol was about as effective as one might expect. That said, a few speeders probably had a nice new, green paint job. Probably smelled awful though.

The heat in the Red Zone was picking up. It seemed as if the troupes here moved as one entity. This enhanced their battle capabilities by a good bit but that didn't mean they were winning.. Really, all it did was stall their losses as they lacked the mobility of the IA forces. They did happen to have another shiny weapon that was appearing here and there... It was a proximity device that distorted the sensations of those near it. Not by much but probably enough to send lasers astray or for a driver to temporarily loose control of their vehicle. Or just cause a sense of vertigo. It was not commonly seen at least...

And Shrike lops off a head!.... Only to find that a slew of laser fire flies at her as if the group were of one mind. A bouncing ball of explosive plasma flew her way as well. Magic sword spinning or not, this would likely hurt a bit. This, however was splitting their attention and having to hold down two fronts was never a good idea in any battle. Hopefully, they didn't have any other tricks up their sleeves.. Or carapaces as the case might be.

Incendiary rounds? Awesome! Incendiary rounds exploding and sending fire and shrapnel everywhere? Not so awesome! Though, the sudden appearance of a MASSIVE hole in the wall might help in getting out though. There did happen to be an equally loud explosion and quite a bit of light at that.. Hopefully Keith wasn't standing too close to the wall there...

Oh look! Several surprised guards who were lazing about! If Rebonack wanted to 'axe' them any questions, he should feel free. Though, he might be a little bothered by the sudden explosion and brilliant rush of energy that just flew past his face as it destroyed a cell's wall across the room. Or maybe the bolts of green lasers flying at him would be more pressing.. Those might hurt a bit and all...

Apparently, the cells are not hellfire-proof... The wall slowly melts as infernal flames devour the material. It looks like it might eat a hole in the floor too... That might be bad... For someone else at least.

Energy blasts aimed at the power feeder of a strange force field? Well, that can only be summed up in one word:


An angry white lance of destructive fire ripped through the wall and proceeded to obliterate the cell across the room... And leave a hole in the back side... As well as the cell after that.. And the one after that... Needless to say, there was a lot less wall where DC had fired on.

Sadly these walls were about as good as wet cardboard against all the stress they seem to be hit with. Though, it might help that DC's blast pretty much removed any sort of structural integrity of the cells. The area was still good but those holding cells were not going to be of any use to anyone for a while..

2010-12-12, 01:10 AM
Rebecca looks up at Arthur and Atoya in puzzlement.

What was he saying to you? She asks. Must have missed it through the deadtime. It didn't look very nice.

"I think his scavenging business didn't go well...
I just asked if he was okay...

Anyway, let's get you some clothes! I want to find you a sexy outfit for special occasions." She grins.

The Bushranger
2010-12-12, 01:12 AM
[Alien Attack on the Imperial City!]

And Shrike lops off a head!.... Only to find that a slew of laser fire flies at her as if the group were of one mind. A bouncing ball of explosive plasma flew her way as well. Magic sword spinning or not, this would likely hurt a bit. This, however was splitting their attention and having to hold down two fronts was never a good idea in any battle. Hopefully, they didn't have any other tricks up their sleeves.. Or carapaces as the case might be.

Shrike, being in attack mode, gets hit a few times...

...huh. It sure didn't look like she was wearing armour. But that flickering glow, skintight, around her looks almost like a force field.

The lasers burn through it in a hurry, of course, but she doesn't even seen to notice the pain.

In fact, if anything, she's grinning more.

The plasma scorches her boot and lower leg, but her bezerker grin only grows.

She likes pain.
She likes inflicting it, too, which is why she's in melee, slashing at aliens to the left of her!
Aliens to the right of her!
Aliens in front of her, and alien behind!
The latter being kicked. Probably literally at times.

2010-12-12, 01:14 AM

To Al's she goes!


Sweet. Talia fires another sphere to make the hole a little bigger, and crawls out of it, looking around as she does.

She doesn't wanna get surprised by any guards. That would be bad.

2010-12-12, 01:15 AM
The Needle and Thread

Arthur's not about to argue with his mother. The only recourse he can take is to let out a weak Sorry? in Atoya's direction as he's dragged to the back of the story. He definitely had some explaining to do as to where he's been the last few months. Considering his excuse amounted to 'working', he doubted his mother would be particularly satisfied.

Lillith begins lecturing her son. She keeps her voice low, but it's clear just from body language she isn't happy. The fiend has slipped into speaking Infernal as well. Arthur will know that that is a rare thing for his mother to do. Quite plainly, the young half-fiend was in trouble. Having been gone so long, with barely a word as to where he'd been. He'd even missed Thanksgiving dinner! He really did have a lot of explaining to do.

2010-12-12, 01:17 AM
Keith thankfully wasn't standing too close to the explosion. Wiping the soot off of his power armor, he looks around, then exits the cell. With all the explosions going on, it probably wasn't safe to be in here.
Now free, he goes looking for Talia. He just fought side by side with her, after all. Having a higher military rank makes him responsible for her safety.

2010-12-12, 01:19 AM

Well that was easy. Kirk steps out of his prison and takes a look around. All seems quiet, but you never know. He twirls his pen, ready for any danger as he explores his surroundings.

2010-12-12, 01:19 AM
Oh, no Atoya... Rebecca groans. I don't need one, honestly. She says.

2010-12-12, 01:22 AM
[Abductees' UFO]

DC blinks.

The psychic looks between his gun and where the wall used to be. Back at the gun. Back at the wall. Back at the gun.

"Why did I ever stop using this!?"

Cackling, the psychic will hover out of his now-useless holding cell and look around for any sign of his captors. That is to say, the aliens. Maybe he'll find Rebonack's group! Or maybe he won't, I dunno.

[Alien Attack on the Imperial City!]

It seems that most of the city is now clear of alien ground forces, other than those in the Red Zone. However, the few remaining IA forces outside the Red Zone, as well as the ISF forces that went to mop up in the Yellow Zone, are now moving to finish off the alien presence in the slums.

That said, a good chunk of the IA forces here that were originally there to fight the vampires have been eradicated. Good thing the full might of the Imperial military and law enforcement is now coming down on the aliens in the Red Zone...

2010-12-12, 01:22 AM
Oh, no Atoya... Rebecca groans. I don't need one, honestly. She says.

"Come on, Rebecca! I got a fancy dress, you can flaunt your stuff."

Still grinning, she tasks Rebecca's arm and pulls her over to the clothes and starts looking for something 'sexy'.

2010-12-12, 01:23 AM
The Needle and Thread

Mom! Arthur starts trying to speak over his Infernal-speaking mother, trying to explain exactly where he's been, what he's been doing, and why he was cursing, but she keeps cutting him off mid-sentence with her very displeased rant about what he just did. Finally, he manages to get a word in edgewise. You'll have to cut me a little slack! I was just getting shot at, OK?! Jeez!

2010-12-12, 01:28 AM
[The Needle and Thread]

Lillith doesn't reply to her son. Instead, she tries to pick him up and pull him into a hug, wrapping her wings around him. The fiend was nearly crying at this point.

2010-12-12, 01:29 AM

The lasers splash against Rebonack's armor, causing little bits of it to glow dull red. The stuff seems to be quite heat resistant, which is probably a bad thing for the aliens.

Bad like that axe he just hurled at one of them.

The weapon spins end over end with deadly accuracy, aimed to plant firmly in the middle of the extra-terrestrial's chest.

The Knight then raises his wrist at the other guard aaaand-!


A single gear roughly the size of a compact disc is launched at the critter at bullet speed. The gear in question has a smaller gear between each pair of teeth. Which in turn each have more smaller gears between their teeth. And so on and so forth.

Suffice to say getting hit by the thing would leave a rather messy hole behind.

2010-12-12, 01:32 AM
[Red Zone]
Hayden pops into Red Zone, cape billowing behind him in the breeze. Then he notices the alien invasion and begins firing upon aliens with red lazers. He aims methodically and efficiently, going for head or body shots, while keeping an eye out for incoming fire.

2010-12-12, 01:33 AM
The Needle and Thread

Arthur's a little stunned, having not expected his mother to suddenly flip to 'so happy to see you' from 'angry at what you just did.' Arthur decides to milk this opportunity for all it was worth and get her while he's on her good side. So...what'd I miss? A lot, Arthur. You missed a lot.

2010-12-12, 01:39 AM
[The Needle and Thread]

Lillith holds her son out at arm's length and gives him a look. "Really, Arthur?"

2010-12-12, 01:39 AM
"Come on, Rebecca! I got a fancy dress, you can flaunt your stuff."

Still grinning, she tasks Rebecca's arm and pulls her over to the clothes and starts looking for something 'sexy'.

Oh... fine. I'll try something on. Rebecca concedes, being pulled over to the clothes rack, and looking through it.

2010-12-12, 01:43 AM
Oh... fine. I'll try something on. Rebecca concedes, being pulled over to the clothes rack, and looking through it.

"Alright, get into the change rooms and strip off, I'll bring you some stuff I think you'll like." She beams, enjoying the shopping.
"Oooh, maybe this..." She says to herself, holding a pair of leather pants.
"We'll see.
We'll have people fawning over you before the day is out!"

She is pointedly ignoring the scene going on at the back of the shop. Not her business...

2010-12-12, 01:44 AM
The Needle and Thread

Uh-oh. The look. Arthur's not getting out of this one easily. Look, I'm sorry I haven't checked in, alright? I've been busy. For four months. I know it's not a good enough reason, but I've been working at Warwicks' almost non-stop ever since I got that job there. I've barely left the building. The things I've been working on, they're brilliant. Arthur sounds a little...obsessed with his work, now. Weird, considering he was never one to fixate on something for long. Lillith notices that he's a little more pale than when she last saw him. I only went on this one little trip into the Red Zone to see if I couldn't scavenge any alien technology from the fighting. I figured, maybe the war wouldn't really be all that bad if I avoided any serious pockets of fighting.

2010-12-12, 01:47 AM

There's another anti-vamp rally going on, Dalev preachig to the crowd to be brave and fight back, not speaking anymore but singing, waves of bloodlust pouring through the crowd as he plays along on his lute. The crowd sways with each note, and watches with rapt attention, holding on to hsi every word, cheering with each yell to purge the city of the vampire menace. Helpers are handing out torches, holy water and wooden stakes to the crowd. And Falev's voice can be heard above all.

2010-12-12, 01:48 AM

There's another anti-vamp rally going on, Dalev preachig to the crowd to be brave and fight back, not speaking anymore but singing, waves of bloodlust pouring through the crowd as he plays along on his lute. The crowd sways with each note, and watches with rapt attention, holding on to hsi every word, cheering with each yell to purge the city of the vampire menace. Helpers are handing out torches, holy water and wooden stakes to the crowd. And Falev's voice can be heard above all.

((You...DO realize that the Red Zone, where any anti-vampire activities would likely take place, is currently a warzone, right? And that the rest of the city just stopped being a warzone?

I seriously doubt there are going to be crowds around right now.))

2010-12-12, 01:54 AM
[Alien Head Smashing in the City!]

In the Red Zone... Well, what it should likely be described as would be a great meat-grinder of Imperial powered armor and blasters as they chewed through the extra-terrestrial invaders. The opposition was minced.. No.. Pulped by the overwhelming might and numbers of the IA. This was no longer a curb-stomping as much as it was out and out slaughter. It would almost make one feel bad about the aliens.. If they hadn't started it at least...

Shrike was facing one of the last groups as they began fleeing as a group now. A crazy sword lady who didn't respond to injuries combined with heavy losses from trading fire was enough to make any person in their right mind retreat to safer ground. At least, they would if they could do more than find themselves in a corner... Shrike might feel, just for a moment, a faint psychic leak from the alien forces. It was an unmistakable feeling that, when translated, meant something along the lines of : '...We are so screwed.'


Everyone who had broken out of their cells would find themselves in the same area. Handy, that. Though that meant there were the guards to take care of. At least Rebonack was doing that at the moment.

A green skinned, thin, lanky alien was now gifted with one extra hole in their body! Sadly, they didn't seem to be liking the gift all that much. It was even trying to take the axe out in a panic as it bled green blood all over it's shiny blue suit. How rude, trying to throw away a perfectly nice gift like that. Someone should teach it a lesson!

The gear made of gears made of gears struck right between the alien's eyes, giving it a moment of pure, cross-eyed horror before it fell over backwards, the gear-disk flying out the back of it's head and continuing to embed itself in the far wall.

More lasers flew at the party in retaliation!

Except for one alien though.. They were running over to a button on the wall and - ERRRT! ERRRT! ERRRT! -Set off an alarm. Apparently they had plans for this sort of thing.. Which was good as they didn't seem to be so competent in battlefield strategy as already seen..

2010-12-12, 01:55 AM
"Alright, get into the change rooms and strip off, I'll bring you some stuff I think you'll like." She beams, enjoying the shopping.
"Oooh, maybe this..." She says to herself, holding a pair of leather pants.
"We'll see.
We'll have people fawning over you before the day is out!"

She is pointedly ignoring the scene going on at the back of the shop. Not her business...

Okay... Rebecca says.

She heads to the small stall at the back of the shop, trying not to disturb Lillith and Arthur.

2010-12-12, 01:59 AM
[The Needle and Thread]

"Oh Arthur... I love you and I think you're brilliant, but what were you thinking, walking into an active warzone?" Lillith asks, her voice full of dissapointment.

[Streets, Anti-Vampire Rally]

A drow stands at the back of the crowd, attracted by all the commotion. He could sense the emotion in the air, and knew it didn't originate with the people. Whatever was going on here, it wasn't right. Sure, he hated vampries as much as the next guy, but toying with people's emotions that... that was reserved for special occasions. Not for something as petty as this.

Raril slips his fine silver harmonica from his coat pocket and begins to play a countersong, trying to calm the crowd and break them free from the enchantment.

2010-12-12, 01:59 AM

Talia quickly jumps up onto a wall to dodge laser fire. She continues jumping around to dodge.

Hey, anybody here with elemental energy, fire it at this. She takes the amulet off her neck and holds it up as she goes. It needs a charge.

The Bushranger
2010-12-12, 02:00 AM
Shrike was facing one of the last groups as they began fleeing as a group now. A crazy sword lady who didn't respond to injuries combined with heavy losses from trading fire was enough to make any person in their right mind retreat to safer ground. At least, they would if they could do more than find themselves in a corner... Shrike might feel, just for a moment, a faint psychic leak from the alien forces. It was an unmistakable feeling that, when translated, meant something along the lines of : '...We are so screwed.'

Shrike isn't able to translate the psychic leakage, but she is able to pick up on the mood behind it.

"You boys picked the wrong girl to get in the way of. For the Unconquered Sun!"

And she charges one of the cornered groups of aliens!

Pulling out another sword. :smalleek:

Yes, right now, she's double-wielding a four-foot-long Reaper Daiklave (think mega-rapier) and a bastard sword cut down to short sword size.

Death is her business, and business is good.

2010-12-12, 02:03 AM
Okay... Rebecca says.

She heads to the small stall at the back of the shop, trying not to disturb Lillith and Arthur.

Soon after, Atoya ducks into the change room with several leather articles of revealing clothing, a few pieces of sexy lingerie, what looks like a leotard, a short skirt and tube top, and a few more comfortable, simple clothes, such as a basic T-shirt and shorts.

"Alright, I pretty much just grabbed everything that I thought might look good on you.
Do you want to try them on?"

2010-12-12, 02:04 AM
[Red Zone]

The IA and ISF will continue to mop up the aliens here. Yay.


A reddish forcefield springs up to keep lasers from hitting him as DC catches up, pointing his once again ominously humming cannon at the rough center of the alien group, still grinning.

"Out of my way, you miserable little bastards!"

His forcefield dissipates as quickly as it formed when he fires, the weapon producing a now-familiar THOOM as the deadly blast heads for the center of the alien grouping, likely causing a fair bit of splash damage in the process...

2010-12-12, 02:06 AM

Another couple contracts appear and Kirk signs them both, The first fires a rather large ball of hellfire at the guards and the second created a pulsating red shield around Kirk. "Hells yeah!"

[Red Zone - Alien Attack]

One alien might suddenly find itself pulled into an alley by a curious vampire. Frederick bites into the alien's throat and begins to feed. More importantly he tries to turn the alien into a vampire.

Yeah, he's kinda weird.

2010-12-12, 02:07 AM
The Needle and Thread

I wanted to get my hands on some alien technology, and maybe some Imperial stuff. I could use the parts down at the lab. I've been burning through Warwicks' materials like no tomorrow, and I figured maybe they'd have some stuff Warwick didn't. It was definitely worth the risk, but I couldn't get my loot out of the warzone, since I had to move and it was weighing me down.

Arthur sighs in frustration. I had my hands on a gods-damned Imperial rifle, too. You have no idea how much I want to figure out how those work. In other words, he was robbing the dead before anyone else could. His dad would be proud of the little opportunist.

2010-12-12, 02:14 AM
[Anti-Vamp Rally]

The anti-vamp rally is in fact being held in the Yellow Zone. As for how the crowd appeared, it's all part of Dalev's song. It calls to people, and those who have heard it will be drawn there again.

2010-12-12, 02:14 AM
[The Needle and Thread]

Lillith crosses her arms over her chest and her wings droop as she sighs. "You are just like your father. And if I didn't know any better, I'd say you had some of your uncle in you too."

2010-12-12, 02:17 AM
[Ex-War Zone]

Three robots appear and walk through the streets, trying to grab as much gear, alien or Imperial, as they can. Der Gud Professor Konradd doesn'f believe in taking breaks.


Ar, staff in hand, walks up to the building and knocks on the door.

2010-12-12, 02:20 AM
[Ex-War Zone]

The robots will find themselves rather lacking in Imperial gear, given how very much the IA and ISF curbstomped the aliens.

Not to mention a lot of the alien gear is missing too. They must've taken it with them...

2010-12-12, 02:22 AM
Soon after, Atoya ducks into the change room with several leather articles of revealing clothing, a few pieces of sexy lingerie, what looks like a leotard, a short skirt and tube top, and a few more comfortable, simple clothes, such as a basic T-shirt and shorts.

"Alright, I pretty much just grabbed everything that I thought might look good on you.
Do you want to try them on?"

Uh... okay... Rebecca says. She hasn't done this before, cause she doesn't know anyone else her age. She starts to pull on a few of the less revealing items, shirts and shorts.

2010-12-12, 02:24 AM
[Ex-War Zone]

Nonetheless, the robots collect what they can and move on, scouring everywhere for as much gear as theycan collect.


Dalev notices the interference with his song, and the next note he plays is very special, for it is part of the Song that Made the World, and it was the note that brought pain, agony and suffering into being. Dalev does not know how to truely use the Song, but it has power nonetheless, and the drow may find a whole lot of pain heading his way.

2010-12-12, 02:26 AM
Uh... okay... Rebecca says. She hasn't done this before, cause she doesn't know anyone else her age. She starts to pull on a few of the less revealing items, shirts and shorts.

"Very nice!" Atoya compliments cheerily.
"Those show off your legs nicely!

And that shirt is very cute on you.
Perfect for warmer weather!
I'd never seen any clothes like these until I came to the Nexus.
Alright, I say buy those.
What else do you want to try on?"

2010-12-12, 02:26 AM
The Needle and Thread

I know, I know, it's a bad thing to do, but opportunity knocked and I answered. Dad would've done it in a heartbeat. Well, at least his father taught him something useful.

Some of that stuff could've been worth something, too. One of the guys in my Biology class at school knew a gun collector in the city's Yellow Zone, would've wanted one of those alien weapons for his collection. Sure, s'not exactly legal, but a little positive cash flow never hurt anybody.

Jeez, this kid's gotten a little ruthless and shady since Lillith last saw him. Illegal arms dealing? What could he possibly have been cooking up in his lab at Warwicks this entire time?

2010-12-12, 02:30 AM
Keith grabs the nearest person (aside from the knight) and pulls them into cover before launching himself at the aliens with his semi-automatic shotgun.
Still loaded with magnesium shells.

2010-12-12, 02:34 AM
She'll continue trying on clothes, basically from least to most revealing. She'll probably agree to buy most of them, but none of the stuff made from leather.

2010-12-12, 02:36 AM
She'll continue trying on clothes, basically from least to most revealing. She'll probably agree to buy most of them, but none of the stuff made from leather.

Atoya tries to convince her to at least keep them 'just in case', but relents eventually.
She does, however, demand Rebecca have as least one set of sexy underwear, and refuses to let her leave without buying one.

Once finally finished helping Rebecca try on new clothes, Atoya helps carry the clothes to the counter, setting them down and waiting patiently for service, smiling at Rebecca.

2010-12-12, 02:42 AM
[Ex-War Zone]

Nonetheless, the robots collect what they can and move on, scouring everywhere for as much gear as theycan collect.

They'll find that there is pretty much no high-end IA or ISF equipment left behind. In addition to low casualties in the Blue and Yellow Zones, any with anything like EvA-3 Power Armor or heavy weapons were pretty damn unlikely to die here.

In addition, what parts of the alien gear that previously faced IA forces in the Blue Zone are probably unusable from heavy damage thanks to IA heavy weapons and gunship attacks.

The Yellow Zone may have more, as the ISF held there rather than the IA, but there's still nothing high-end (for the Empire, anyway) there, given that it was the ISF and all. They don't get all the fancy toys the IA does. But there were still fairly few casualties for a battle like this, so there's still not much, even in the ISF's low-end equipment.

Any other gear left there is alien, and most of that will have been salvaged already as well.

Null didn't see much combat at all, so pretty much nothing there.

Red is still a warzone.

2010-12-12, 02:43 AM
[Needle and Thread]

Again, Lillith looks dissappointed. "You're doing all of this just to get money? Arthur, we don't need to worry about that anymore. And you shouldn't be worrying about it in the first place..."


Raril stops playing immediately and covers his ears. He felt like his ears were about to burst. He growls out a spell, shielding his mind. Oh, it still hurt, but it was something manageable now. "Just like old times." The drow notes with a dark chuckle.

Raril licks his lips and takes a hold of his harmonica again. Okay, time to get serious. The drow plays fast and strong, the notes high and dischordant. Imbued in the song was fear. Pure primal terror. All who heard it would be compelled to flee and seek shelter. At the very least, they'd want to get far away from the Drow.

2010-12-12, 02:45 AM
[Yellow Zone]

The robots continue their collection, and wait for the battle to end, at which point they'll swoop in and grab as much gear as they can. One does not even wait, and walks directly into the Red Zone and tries to grab as much tech as it can, doing it's bet to keep it's distance from Imperial and alien troops.


Dalev counters, playing instead the note of Hate, weaving it into the song, trying to make the civilians hate of the vampires greater than their fear of the drow. He also focuses upon Raril, who may find his shoes alight with hellfire. The hellfire will likely hurt like crazy and damage his ability to feel emotions for a while, should the attack work.

2010-12-12, 02:46 AM
The impatient robot will likely find itself blasted by an IA gunship's twin laser cannons.

2010-12-12, 02:47 AM
She will, eventually, give in, taking the stuff to the counter.

She'll grab her purse, and wait for Lillith to be done with the family reunion.

Gods, the service is terrible! :smalltongue:

I still cant believe I'm buying all of this... Rebecca says.

2010-12-12, 02:54 AM
She will, eventually, give in, taking the stuff to the counter.

She'll grab her purse, and wait for Lillith to be done with the family reunion.

Gods, the service is terrible! :smalltongue:

I still cant believe I'm buying all of this... Rebecca says.

"Come on, have a little fun!
Surely you'll need to show off your sexy body at some point!
Don't you have a person you want to impress?
Even if you don't, you'll look marvellous anyway." She winks.

Pulling out her own new jeans, Atoya remains impressed by modern clothing.
"Look at these. So tight, but so strong. I can show off my figure and still fight without risking my whole outfit just tearing off!
She puts the jeans back in her bag.
"So, anything else you want to buy? I'm satisfied with what I have for me and the new, sexy look we've got for you. Got anything else on your mind?"

2010-12-12, 02:58 AM
The Needle and Thread

Arthur's quick to dodge the question. You've got a customer. He probably has a good reason for the arms-dealing thing, if he's even doing that often enough to warrant it being anything more than a one-time loot-drop. I should get going... He stands aside to let his mom do her job, but doesn't actually move to leave yet.

2010-12-12, 03:05 AM
I, um... thanks. She says, with a grateful smile.

Nah, I don't think I really need anything. Rebecca says. Gods, I was about to suggest we go try and complete some more contracts. I forgot for a second. She says, tapping her head.

2010-12-12, 03:06 AM

"Heh, this is becoming a regular party!" the ooze laughs menacingly as he brings his shield to bear, many of the lasers simply flying into the inky void in the face of the barrier. One of the rather useful things about the Mouth of the Abyss, that.

"Thanks for holding onto that for me," he comments to the axed alien as he moves to yank the weapon out of its chest before back-handing it with his shield. "But I'll be needing that again. Just remember to catch it with your hands instead of your torso next time."

A pause as Rebonack slaps the side of his helmet with one hand.

"Oh! Silly me. You're dead. What a crying shame," that said he slings the axe over his back, grabs the alien corpse by the collar, and hurls it bodily at the other guards with rather impressive force. "You guys need to take better care of your buddies! They keep getting killed!" the Cobalt Knight sneers.

2010-12-12, 03:08 AM
[The Needle and Thread]

Lillith takes her place behind the counter. "I'm so sorry about that, Ladies. Will this be all for you today?"


When the fire springs up around Raril's feet, he jumps back, levitating up to the top of a building that edged the square where the rally was taking place. He lands hard, his focus broken by the pain. But now. Now his emotions were dulled. Logic and cold cunning took over. Standing on the edge of the rooftop, the drow smirks.

Picking out Dalev as his opponent in this duel. Raril reaches his hand out towards him and chants the words of a spell. Magic reaches out from his fingertips, twisting through the air, over the heads of the crowd. Its target was Dalev, and it would force itself down his throat, into his voice box. The spell would dull the magic of his song, quiet his voice, impair his singing. It was a precision strike, designed to utterly cripple his opponent.

2010-12-12, 03:09 AM
I, um... thanks. She says, with a grateful smile.

Nah, I don't think I really need anything. Rebecca says. Gods, I was about to suggest we go try and complete some more contracts. I forgot for a second. She says, tapping her head.

"Don't worry, you'll be all better in no time!" Atoya smiles, her face cheery and optimistic.
Suddenly, she giggles "Maybe next time we have a sleepover it won't be because of injuries."

[The Needle and Thread]

Lillith takes her place behind the counter. "I'm so sorry about that, Ladies. Will this be all for you today?"

"Yes, thanks, my friend would just like all of these sexy clothes and then we'll go." She grins again, Atoya never one to resist teasing somebody.

2010-12-12, 03:21 AM
Atoya! Rebecca complains. Yes, thank you, that's everything. She tells Lillith.

2010-12-12, 03:25 AM
[The Needle and Thread]

Lillith giggles a bit and bags up the clothes. "Here you are. That'll be [Again, a slightly expensive price]"

2010-12-12, 03:27 AM
[Spectacular Alien Defeat in the Nexus!]

The last alien forces were being mopped up rather quickly.

As for the UFOs? Well, they seemed to have a bit of a problem now... They hadn't fired upon anything, though, as they were aiming to capture, not destroy. They were hovering in the air still.. Apparently there was some chatter on the airwaves, though. Seemed as if something was wrong inside the lead ship....

As for trying to turn an alien into a vampire? Well, that would require getting the armor plating away from the neck as it struggled in rather good power armor. Not to mention that the bio-chemistry would likely prevent that from happening in the first place. And then there was the case that the aliens were now focusing their fire at the vampire. That's quite a lot of green lasers flying at Frederick. Plus, the blood would taste nasty and bitter.

And Shrike was butchering the dwindling numbers of the fighting squad... After cleaving the head of a particularly strange looking one, the rest simply broke ranks and began running, a few dropping their weapons to lighten the load. Looks like they didn't want to stick around anymore..


Perhaps it would be easier to say, what with the Doom Blaster, the hellfire, the incendiary rounds, and the weaponising of bodies to floppy and flailing javelins that the guards are now, promptly, ex-guards. They are Dead, Gone Ceased to be! There is more alien guard on the walls than one would think possible! And there was also now a large hole in the floor... Perhaps an escape route? Either way, apparently, this material was not intended to be subjected to this sort of stress...

That said, things will likely get more hectic fun as the group goes on with their slaughtering of the ship escape.

2010-12-12, 03:33 AM
Keith peers into the hole, a shotgun and another thermobaric grenade at the ready.

2010-12-12, 03:34 AM
[The Needle and Thread]

Lillith giggles a bit and bags up the clothes. "Here you are. That'll be [Again, a slightly expensive price]"

Rebecca blushes furiously as Lillith giggles, and takes the money out of her purse. It was a lot, but she figured she'd be getting at least some of the money from killing those vampires.

Thanks. She says, taking the bags.

2010-12-12, 03:38 AM

Kirk doesn't hesitate to stick his head down the hole and see what was down there. No use jumping head long into danger. At least without looking first.

[Red Zone - Invasion]

"Ruining my fun are we?" Frederick says to the aliens as they fire on him. So much for his little experiment. The alien in question did make a spectacular meat shield though, giving Frederick the chance to get out of range with only a few minor burns.

2010-12-12, 03:41 AM
[Needle and Thread]

Atoya grins as Rebecca blushes, finding it adorable and hilarious.

"I'll see you when I come pick up my dress." She says to Lillith.
"Alright, Rebecca, let's head back." She smiles, taking her friend by the arm and walking out of the store.

2010-12-12, 03:44 AM
[The needle and Thread]

"Have a goodnight!" Lillith calls after them, cheerfully.

2010-12-12, 03:52 AM
Yeah, let's. Bye. Rebecca says, heading out of the store. That was really embarrassing, did you see her laughing at me? She whispers when they're out of the store.

2010-12-12, 03:56 AM
Yeah, let's. Bye. Rebecca says, heading out of the store. That was really embarrassing, did you see her laughing at me? She whispers when they're out of the store.

Atoya just laughs and heads back to NO (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9949160).

2010-12-12, 06:02 AM
[Red Zone]

Zamira, meanwhile, will attempt to find an alien to capture!

...when she finds one, she'll try to drop on it, yank it away from its fellow men and into the sewers. Given she's currently a tentacled...



It must be some kind of Fey Behmoth or something, because NOTHING in Creation could ever look like that. Essentially, tentacles around a central mass. And... that's about it. Oh, right. Some of the tentacles have eyes.

Zamira doesn't like using this form. But if she gets through, capturing an alien and convincing the others not to chase her down... well, it works.

2010-12-12, 06:31 AM

Ilyena is present, blasting some Aesop Rock (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz58WKDQK0o&feature=related). :smallamused:

Raz sticks his head through the door

Hey man. Dipsnig's onto us. He's sent his Second in Command to speak to us. All I know about this guy is his devilish handsomeness and immense sexual prowess. And he's called Raz or something. Anyway, long story short, 'Snig reckons NOIR as a concept intrudes on NO's territory

2010-12-12, 08:37 AM
Red zone

Din , having been covered in dead time ooze, now finds herself lost again, and wanders aimlessly over the rooftops

2010-12-12, 09:33 AM
[Spectacular Alien Defeat in the Nexus!]

As for trying to turn an alien into a vampire? Well, that would require getting the armor plating away from the neck as it struggled in rather good power armor. Not to mention that the bio-chemistry would likely prevent that from happening in the first place. And then there was the case that the aliens were now focusing their fire at the vampire. That's quite a lot of green lasers flying at Frederick. Plus, the blood would taste nasty and bitter.


Perhaps it would be easier to say, what with the Doom Blaster, the hellfire, the incendiary rounds, and the weaponising of bodies to floppy and flailing javelins that the guards are now, promptly, ex-guards. They are Dead, Gone Ceased to be! There is more alien guard on the walls than one would think possible! And there was also now a large hole in the floor... Perhaps an escape route? Either way, apparently, this material was not intended to be subjected to this sort of stress...

That said, things will likely get more hectic fun as the group goes on with their slaughtering of the ship escape.

Onboard the UFO, DC glances around at the gathered abductees. "Now I don't know about you guys, but I think we ought to try to take control of this thing rather than just abandoning it to be annihilated by the Empire. Who's with me?"

[Red Zone - Invasion]

"Ruining my fun are we?" Frederick says to the aliens as they fire on him. So much for his little experiment. The alien in question did make a spectacular meat shield though, giving Frederick the chance to get out of range with only a few minor burns.

Unfortunately for Frederick, his little stunt made him a target for the IA, too.

"Vampire under fire by the aliens! Let's help them out!"

Ooooh boy. He made the mistake of doing that when most of the goddamn IA and ISF are in the Red Zone.

There are many things flying Frederick's way now, including:

-Rapid-fire lasers
-Many blaster shots, normal and rapid-fire (Is that an IA Heavy using an EvHW-1 assault blaster there? I think it is! This is in addition to the gunships and IFVs as far as rapid-fire goes.)
-Laser cannons (gunships, IA Mediums with EvAT-1 precision laser cannons)
-Frag and electro-burst grenades

Somehow I doubt his meatshield is going to work against that.

2010-12-12, 09:58 AM
Red zone

Din looks at the UFO battle over her "...this is...weird"

she still has no sence of where she is, and wanders ever deeper into the slums

2010-12-12, 11:48 AM

"You know," Kirk the AMENite ((:smalltongue:)) says to DC, "I like how you think."

[Red Zone - Invasion]

Oh Frederick you nut case. He'll keep running as his meatshield is reduced to a green paste. I imagine that there are manholes around, so he'll jump into the first one he sees.

2010-12-12, 12:01 PM
[Red Zone - Slums]

Michalson steps out of a back alley, where the light wind is blowing a vampire's ashes away. He whistles a merry tune as he wonders where to go next.

2010-12-12, 12:03 PM
[Red Zone - Slums]

Michalson steps out of a back alley, where the light wind is blowing a vampire's ashes away. He whistles a merry tune as he wonders where to go next.

he will see a familiar face face, running over the roof tops...

Moff Chumley
2010-12-12, 12:04 PM
Raz sticks his head through the door

Hey man. Dipsnig's onto us. He's sent his Second in Command to speak to us. All I know about this guy is his devilish handsomeness and immense sexual prowess. And he's called Raz or something. Anyway, long story short, 'Snig reckons NOIR as a concept intrudes on NO's territory

Ilyena smirks. "Dippy's aware he couldn't touch us if he tried, right?" :smallamused:

2010-12-12, 12:05 PM
[Red Zone - Slums]

Michalson grimaces, recognizing the priestess chit who humiliated him. He waves his hand, muttering a spell, which summons a shadowy throrn to spring from one of the roofs and try to entangle itself around Din's leg.

2010-12-12, 12:08 PM
Ilyena smirks. "Dippy's aware he couldn't touch us if he tried, right?" :smallamused:

Raz shrugs

'Well, he could kick me out of NO. And I like the whole him-not-knowing thing. Dunno. How about I pay myself a tithe? I'll set it up all complicated and hard to trace.

2010-12-12, 12:09 PM
Din screams as she is entangled , and uses her sword to try and cut them

2010-12-12, 12:12 PM
[Red Zone - Slums]

The thorns are half-tangible, so the sword might have some trouble cutting them unless it's magical and/or Din is very strong. If either of those is true though, they're cut. Michalson, meanwhile, casts a spell to cover the roof in a film of slippery shadow substance.

2010-12-12, 12:15 PM
[Red Zone - Slums]

The thorns are half-tangible, so the sword might have some trouble cutting them unless it's magical and/or Din is very strong. If either of those is true though, they're cut. Michalson, meanwhile, casts a spell to cover the roof in a film of slippery shadow substance.

Din, after her magic sword cuts through the vines tries to get up, and slips off the roof, falling into a snow back. she groans "...what the hell is happening?"

2010-12-12, 12:17 PM
[Red Zone - Slums]

It's payback time, vampire-lover. More black thorns emerge from shadows around Din.

2010-12-12, 12:27 PM
Keith grins at DC.
"Hyu is a schmot vun, aren't hyu? I think I vill like vurking vith hyu!"
He holds out a nog and honey ham sauce soaked hand for DC to shake.

2010-12-12, 12:28 PM
[Red Zone - Slums]

It's payback time, vampire-lover. More black thorns emerge from shadows around Din.

Din lets some of her own vines try and protect her, forming a shield around herself "YOU!"

2010-12-12, 12:31 PM
[Red Zone - Slums]

Yes, me. Busting out of HALO was a piece of cake, by the way.
The thorns try to close themselves around Din and crush her vines.

2010-12-12, 12:34 PM
red zone

Din thinks over her options for a minute, trying to fight back

then she calls out to him

"...ok....I surrender..."

2010-12-12, 12:35 PM
[Red Zone - Slums]

Michalson is taken completely by surprise.
What? Not going to fight back?

2010-12-12, 12:38 PM
[Red Zone - Slums]

Michalson is taken completely by surprise.
What? Not going to fight back?

Din pants, trying to keep the vines away

"not today...I'm already pretty spent from another fight..."

Lix Lorn
2010-12-12, 12:38 PM

You really think that you're better than me? You're nothing more than a murderer and a thief. When you were Riv, I thought that there was hope for you. I was wrong. Justice will be served, but not to me. I killed in self defense, and it wan't even really me. As far as I see it, you are guilty of three counts of murder, robbery, and accessory to murder. I will find you, and I will take my ring back, and then I'm locking you up for life. No, let's make that my life, half-angels live a lot longer than humans, after all.

Rae says, before turning back to Emily.

Emily, you can't imagine how dangerous they would be. Both of them are exactly as I am in power, but one is merciless, and the other is crazy. They also both hate me intensely, so I'd be the first they'd go after, and I know that I couldn't beat them both at once.
"But between the two of us, we could defeat them one at a time, couldn't we?" she starts, before


Rae jumps toward Emily, trying to wrap his wings around her and shield as much of her as he can from the blast, at the same time throwing a half dome of blue denim about a foot thick up between them and the blast. The dome will most likely be vaporized, but it should protect Rae enough that he can survive the blast, and Rae's body, along with his layers of protective clothing, should protect Emily.
She cries out, throwing out a wave of white mana to soak up the attack, which should stop herself or Rae from being badly injured... again.

Moff Chumley
2010-12-12, 12:46 PM
Raz shrugs

'Well, he could kick me out of NO. And I like the whole him-not-knowing thing. Dunno. How about I pay myself a tithe? I'll set it up all complicated and hard to trace.

Ilyena raises an eyebrow, then laughs. "Oh, he doesn't know you're involved? Perfect. You could just keep telling him you're on NOIR's trail, almost found 'em, those sneaky bastards just got away." :smalltongue:

2010-12-12, 01:04 PM
Din pants, trying to keep the vines away

"not today...I'm already pretty spent from another fight..."

I guess I'll just have to settle for trashing you and leaving you in the snow. He has the vines grab Din and smack her against the wall a couple of times. And by "a couple of times" I mean "a lot of times".

2010-12-12, 01:08 PM
or...that works too

Din scrams in pain as she is pounded against the wall again and again. after a while though she's nocked out cold, and will be left in the snow, that is colouring it's self red around her

2010-12-12, 01:10 PM
[Red Zone - Slums]

Michalson opens a shadow portal and steps through it.

2010-12-12, 01:14 PM
'Heh. After all, they are rumoured to be powerful mages.'

Raz laughs.

'Cool. Anyway, I'm supposed to go vamp hunting. Wanna come?'

2010-12-12, 01:15 PM
Very red zone

Din lays there, unconscious, and reeking of blood

2010-12-12, 01:15 PM
Red Zone
With all the crazy activity and warfare going on the Red Zone, it's no wonder that the Last Moon Medical Center will come no closer than the edge of the wretched hove of scum and villainy. The LMMC is sending out vans of paramedic and scouting drones however. The 'vans' fly over the streets, avoiding combat if at all possible, and answering any call for help.
The drones have a much more subtle job.
They search the back alleys, the darkened streets, the places where a van full of well-armed medics isn't very welcome. Lighting the darker corners up with LED lighting, they search for those too wounded to call out.
Who knows what they may find...

2010-12-12, 01:19 PM
they may very well find a big red puddle, with a elf in the middle of it

2010-12-12, 01:21 PM
Red Zone
One of the flying grey spheres comes across in elf lying in a puddle of blood. Following basic protocol, it sends out an encrypted signal along the LMMCs bandwidth and scans the elf for signs of life before attempting to inject it with depressants meant to slow down the body's activity and lower the need for blood and oxygen.

2010-12-12, 01:26 PM
Red Zone
One of the flying grey spheres comes across in elf lying in a puddle of blood. Following basic protocol, it sends out an encrypted signal along the LMMCs bandwidth and scans the elf for signs of life before attempting to inject it with depressants meant to slow down the body's activity and lower the need for blood and oxygen.

it can find a heart beat, and brain activity...though the body heat is going down

2010-12-12, 01:28 PM
it can find a heart beat, and brain activity...though the body heat is going down

The drone injects the depressants and scans the wounds, checking to see if there's any need for biofoam.
((biofoam is useless against blunt force trauma, though if anything is bleeding or cut, it's extremely useful.))

Moff Chumley
2010-12-12, 01:28 PM
'Heh. After all, they are rumoured to be powerful mages.'

Raz laughs.

'Cool. Anyway, I'm supposed to go vamp hunting. Wanna come?'

Ilyena gestures at a stack of paperwork. "I'd love to, but I have some business to finish."

((By which I mean, when I finish this essay.)) :smalltongue:

2010-12-12, 01:35 PM
The drone injects the depressants and scans the wounds, checking to see if there's any need for biofoam.
((biofoam is useless against blunt force trauma, though if anything is bleeding or cut, it's extremely useful.))

she has a lot of cuts, all over her body.

2010-12-12, 01:37 PM
(ouch man :p Good luck)

'Ah, cool.' nods Raz.

'Call me if you need me'

And with a puff of fire and brimstone, he ports to the slums

2010-12-12, 01:38 PM

When the fire springs up around Raril's feet, he jumps back, levitating up to the top of a building that edged the square where the rally was taking place. He lands hard, his focus broken by the pain. But now. Now his emotions were dulled. Logic and cold cunning took over. Standing on the edge of the rooftop, the drow smirks.

Picking out Dalev as his opponent in this duel. Raril reaches his hand out towards him and chants the words of a spell. Magic reaches out from his fingertips, twisting through the air, over the heads of the crowd. Its target was Dalev, and it would force itself down his throat, into his voice box. The spell would dull the magic of his song, quiet his voice, impair his singing. It was a precision strike, designed to utterly cripple his opponent.

Dalev falls to the floor, coughing blood, but he does not stop playing. He merely changes his tune, and plays a new one, one that screams, The meaning clear in the rhythm: "Vamppire lover! Evil sonovabitch! Kill him! AVENGE THOSE WHO DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE!"

The crowd turns as one, picking up stones, draweing crossbows, loading guns. the first stone is hurled, flying straight towards Raril's face.

2010-12-12, 01:41 PM
she has a lot of cuts, all over her body.

The drone whirs as it's outer chassis spins to align the right tools. A spray of sloshy yellow foam is applied to each of the wounds in an orderly fashion. Within the goop are depressants to slow the bleeding, selective stimulants meant to speed up the production of platelets to stop the bleeding, disinfectants, and short-lived nanobots that attempt to cauterize the wounds on a microscopic scale and fuse back together any flesh that they can.
Of course, when you're smaller than small, there's only so much you can do.
Ambulance sirens can be heard in the distance, quickly coming closer.

2010-12-12, 01:44 PM
The drone whirs as it's outer chassis spins to align the right tools. A spray of sloshy yellow foam is applied to each of the wounds in an orderly fashion. Within the goop are depressants to slow the bleeding, selective stimulants meant to speed up the production of platelets to stop the bleeding, disinfectants, and short-lived nanobots that attempt to cauterize the wounds on a microscopic scale and fuse back together any flesh that they can.
Of course, when you're smaller than small, there's only so much you can do.
Ambulance sirens can be heard in the distance, quickly coming closer.

Din is still far from consciousness, so she just lays there

2010-12-12, 01:51 PM
Red Zone-Din
The ambulance can now be seen in the distance. A flying, smooth white van with a green crescent moon on the side. It seems to be heading to Din's exact location, and the back doors are already open and ready to accept a patient.
Whether it was on purpose, or just misdirected fire from the battles below is never known, but something big hits the side of the van, and suddenly there is fire everywhere. The unmistakable sound of a dying engine is heard, and the ambulance is caught in a fast descent.
The ambulance plows into the snowy ground meters away from Din, and the drone can be heard audibly cursing.

2010-12-12, 01:53 PM
Red Zone-Din
The ambulance can now be seen in the distance. A flying, smooth white van with a green crescent moon on the side. It seems to be heading to Din's exact location, and the back doors are already open and ready to accept a patient.
Whether it was on purpose, or just misdirected fire from the battles below is never known, but something big hits the side of the van, and suddenly there is fire everywhere. The unmistakable sound of a dying engine is heard, and the ambulance is caught in a fast descent.
The ambulance plows into the snowy ground meters away from Din, and the drone can be heard audibly cursing.

Din slowly comes round "wh..."

2010-12-12, 01:55 PM
Warwick Works

Arthur returns to work after the sun rises, having spent the night in his mother's shop, and once again leaving without a word. His mother won't be too happy, probably. Passing right by the front desk and heading to the workshop once again, he seems a little bitter, and begins work on yet another machine.

There's a lot of clutter from a combination of inventions, unused parts, and inventions he was dis-satisfied with and scrapped. Not worth my time. Not worth my time at all.

2010-12-12, 01:57 PM
Red Zone-Din
The side door on the ambulance opens, and the first person out is a large, brown minotaur woman in white and green combat armor with a tattoo of Trogdor on her arm.
"Damnit Mote, this is why we don't let you drive!" she turns and shouts at a small, black haired halfling in a full suit of white and green power armor crawling out of the van.
"Hey, at least when I get shot down I don't hit any buildings!" the halfling scowls through his visor.

2010-12-12, 02:00 PM
Red Zone-Din
The side door on the ambulance opens, and the first person out is a large, brown minotaur woman in white and green combat armor with a tattoo of Trogdor on her arm.
"Damnit Mote, this is why we don't let you drive!" she turns and shouts at a small, black haired halfling in a full suit of white and green power armor crawling out of the van.
"Hey, at least when I get shot down I don't hit any buildings!" the halfling scowls through his visor.

Din tries to comprehend what she is seeing, but decides to faint instead

2010-12-12, 02:00 PM
Warwick Works

Arthur returns to work after the sun rises, having spent the night in his mother's shop, and once again leaving without a word. His mother won't be too happy, probably. Passing right by the front desk and heading to the workshop once again, he seems a little bitter, and begins work on yet another machine.

There's a lot of clutter from a combination of inventions, unused parts, and inventions he was dis-satisfied with and scrapped. Not worth my time. Not worth my time at all.

"You're making a mess." Willow says. At her impossibly neat workbench, she's got test tubes and bunsen burners going.

2010-12-12, 02:05 PM
Din tries to comprehend what she is seeing, but decides to faint instead

"Let me through, let me through! The EDD's down and the pilot's dead, but I've got the stasis gun off of the EDD before it went into lockdown," a rat man in combat armor similar to the minotaur's but with a cloak and hood climbs out of the van with what looks suspiciously like a dalek's shooting arm. He shoves his way past the bickering paramedics and walks up to Din.
"What's the readout?" he asks and the drone plugs in to a slot in the combat armor. Computer-y sounding beeping and booping is heard.
"Alright, I can work with that," Edgar says and he primes the stasis field gun.
"Why is it whenever something gets shot down, the pilot dies? Isn't the cockpit supposed to be the safest part of a flying vehicle?"
"It's the cockpit that's always getting shot at, idiot! The pilot doesn't get to brace for impact."

2010-12-12, 02:11 PM
"Let me through, let me through! The EDD's down and the pilot's dead, but I've got the stasis gun off of the EDD before it went into lockdown," a rat man in combat armor similar to the minotaur's but with a cloak and hood climbs out of the van with what looks suspiciously like a dalek's shooting arm. He shoves his way past the bickering paramedics and walks up to Din.
"What's the readout?" he asks and the drone plugs in to a slot in the combat armor. Computer-y sounding beeping and booping is heard.
"Alright, I can work with that," Edgar says and he primes the stasis field gun.
"Why is it whenever something gets shot down, the pilot dies? Isn't the cockpit supposed to be the safest part of a flying vehicle?"
"It's the cockpit that's always getting shot at, idiot! The pilot doesn't get to brace for impact."

still out cold, and almost dead...din doesn't notice any of this

2010-12-12, 02:14 PM
still out cold, and almost dead...din doesn't notice any of this

Luckily for Din, Edgar has experience with this sort of stuff. He fires the stasis field gun, which filters out some of the primary 13 physical dimensions (depth, time, length, width, all that crap) to slow the effect time has on her.
"Call in some more drones, we're going to need a teleport," Edgar snaps at the arguing pair behind him and pulls out a small meteor on a silver chain. What's particularly strange about this meteor? Well, it's covered in cold, green fire.
Edgar holds the meteorite up to Din's wounds. If it works, the fires should slowly drift towards Din's wounds and act as a cure moderate wounds spell, just enough to keep most people alive until they can get to the surgery table.

2010-12-12, 02:15 PM
Warwick Works

Arthur isn't getting defensive, but his response is quick. I can still tell where everything is. OK, so, the mess isn't that bad. Still, last night wasn't fun for me, at all.

Well, considering he just got shot at while on a looting spree, then topped that off by getting chewed out by his mother for missing Thanksgiving dinner, then topped that off by sleeping in her store and then leaving without a word, she's probably not going to be in a happy mood the next time she sees him, and Arthur's not happy about that.

2010-12-12, 02:16 PM
Luckily for Din, Edgar has experience with this sort of stuff. He fires the stasis field gun, which filters out some of the primary 13 physical dimensions (depth, time, length, width, all that crap) to slow the effect time has on her.
"Call in some more drones, we're going to need a teleport," Edgar snaps at the arguing pair behind him and pulls out a small meteor on a silver chain. What's particularly strange about this meteor? Well, it's covered in cold, green fire.
Edgar holds the meteorite up to Din's wounds. If it works, the fires should slowly drift towards Din's wounds and act as a cure moderate wounds spell, just enough to keep most people alive until they can get to the surgery table.

the spell will most lickly work..Din stirs a little, but doesn't wake up

2010-12-12, 02:18 PM
the spell will most lickly work..Din stirs a little, but doesn't wake up

More drones hover in through a nearby alleyway and circle Din and Edgar.
"Are you ready to teleport?" one asks, though it's not apparent whether it's asking Edgar or Din.

2010-12-12, 02:18 PM
Warwick Works

"You went out after dark? Are you NUTS? With all the vampires around?" :smalleek:

Winslow wanders in just as Willow is saying this, and frowns. "Enough of that, Willow. You're too old to believe in that sort of rubbish. There's no such thing as vampires." :smallannoyed:

2010-12-12, 02:19 PM
More drones hover in through a nearby alleyway and circle Din and Edgar.
"Are you ready to teleport?" one asks, though it's not apparent whether it's asking Edgar or Din.

Din mumbles something that is probably a yes

2010-12-12, 02:22 PM
Warwick Works

Uh, hello? Living proof of supernatural creatures, right here? Half-fiend? Arthur raises his hand and waves it a little, as if he were in a classroom. There are actually vampires. I'm actually related to one. Long story, and that's all I'm going to say. Aunt/uncle Sszinyon was something the family explicitly avoided talking about most of the time.

2010-12-12, 02:22 PM
Din mumbles something that is probably a yes

The drones will spin faster and faster in a circle, generating a light blue cylinder around Din and Edgar, and making a noise like static.
If all goes well, Din and Edgar should be teleported to one of the receiving stations in the Last Moon Medical Center.
((also, I need to know if Din has broken bones or internal bleeding, or if it's just the cuts))

2010-12-12, 02:22 PM

Ar knocks on the door of NOIR oncemore.

2010-12-12, 02:24 PM
The drones will spin faster and faster in a circle, generating a light blue cylinder around Din and Edgar, and making a noise like static.
If all goes well, Din and Edgar should be teleported to one of the receiving stations in the Last Moon Medical Center.
((also, I need to know if Din has broken bones or internal bleeding, or if it's just the cuts))

((both her legs are broken, along with her left arm, and she has a lot fo internal wounds ))

Din is teleported, leaving a bloody puddle where she was

10-15 minutes deadtime

The Alexandrian
2010-12-12, 02:26 PM
[Red Zone-Streets]

Hamnet is running down the street wearing a red sweatjacket, black running pants, running shoes, and black gloves with superior grip pads across the palm. He has his katana slung across his back. If Ember is still roaming the streets, Hamnet might run across her and greet her with a friendly
and the customary head nod as he slows down to become one of her acquaintances. If Ember isn't present, he continues to run down the street doing wicked flips as he goes. Eventually, he might make his way into a random alleyway and run up one of the walls then jump from wall to wall until he makes his way to the rooftops where he notices the alien vessel above and stands there speechlessly examining it.

2010-12-12, 02:29 PM
Warwick Works

"Arthur, if you want to call your relatives names, could you at least avoid doing it at work?" Winslow says.

Willow rolls her eyes, and shakes her head 'no', clearly trying to signal Arthur without her dad seeing.

2010-12-12, 02:31 PM
Warwick Works

So, let me get this straight... Arthur then notices Willow's signal, and blinks in confusion, before continuing anyways. Demons real, vampires fake? Am I in the ballpark?

2010-12-12, 02:32 PM
((both her legs are broken, along with her left arm, and she has a lot fo internal wounds ))

Din is teleported, leaving a bloody puddle where she was

10-15 minutes deadtime

((Alright, Edgar took her to the Last Moon Medical Center thread.))

2010-12-12, 02:32 PM
As Hamnet freeruns, he might see Raz, doing the same.

Raz comes alongside him, and grins, keeping up for a bit. Then he starts to push forward, racing. He's very good, and seems to have the ability to stretch and shrink distances as he runs.

2010-12-12, 02:34 PM
Warwick Works

"Demons? I'm not a theologian. I couldn't say." Warwick says. "I've certainly never met one."

2010-12-12, 02:37 PM
Warwick Works

Arthur blinks in surprise, before gesturing to himself. Dude. I'm standing right here. He's realizing that Warwick's probably insane, right now. I- You- The horns...Nevermind. He turns back to his work, sighing in frustration.

The Alexandrian
2010-12-12, 02:38 PM
[Red Zone]

Hamnet grins at the other runner. Hamnet may not have the ability to stretch and shrink distances, but he does have the advantage of experience and daily practice to aid him. Hamnet quickly matches Raz's pace, if it a pace a mere human could match. As he approaches an underpass he promptly vaults over across the gap to the other side, unless something prevents him from doing so.

He is focused and ready to race and his determination is expressed through his face.

2010-12-12, 02:41 PM
Warwick Works

After a bit, Winslow goes to his office, and Willow sighs.

"He's been like that ever since the kidnapping. Refuses to believe in anything magical or supernatural or even sufficiently advanced tech."

Red Zone

((You guys do realize you're racing through a war zone at night, right? :smalltongue:))

2010-12-12, 02:42 PM
Raz's grin widens, and he hits the jump at the same time. He's probably on par with Hamnet to be honest, Doesn't stop him trying to win though

@ Happy: Why yes I do :D

Moff Chumley
2010-12-12, 02:50 PM
[Red Zone]

Ilyena, finished with his chores, 'ports near Raz, and casts a quick Fly spell, easily keeping pace. "Having fun?"

The Alexandrian
2010-12-12, 02:50 PM
[Red Zone]

Hamnet progresses through the warzone continuing to match Raz's pace. The scenery will probably continually gets bloodier as they progress. Hamnet comes to a fence and vaults it. Of course, there is a dog behind this fence, a Great Dane to be precise. It, being alerted, probably chases after Hamnet, but it cannot keep up. After Hamnet jumps the fence he probably emerges in an alley where fresh blood forms a puddle on the ground. He decides to prompt Raz to choose where to head to next as he calls between panting breaths to Raz,

"Where, you, headed?"

And then he might step in the blood puddle, yuck.

2010-12-12, 02:52 PM
Every Maxios plotclone is turned to ash.

Rae Artemi
2010-12-12, 02:54 PM
"But between the two of us, we could defeat them one at a time, couldn't we?" she starts, before

She cries out, throwing out a wave of white mana to soak up the attack, which should stop herself or Rae from being badly injured... again.

Their combined efforts should be able to stop it, And when he is sure that they aren't in danger any more, he will let the dome drop, and bring his wings back.

As you were saying, together, yes, we could take them on one at a time, but I don't think they would let us. I any case, if we were to try to get them out, we'd need bodies for them to inhabit, and a powerful mind mage to get them out of me.

He pauses for a moment.

Though I do know where we can find both of those things. I just need to know one thing, can you get us to space?

Lix Lorn
2010-12-12, 02:55 PM
Their combined efforts should be able to stop it, And when he is sure that they aren't in danger any more, he will let the dome drop, and bring his wings back.

As you were saying, together, yes, we could take them on one at a time, but I don't think they would let us. I any case, if we were to try to get them out, we'd need bodies for them to inhabit, and a powerful mind mage to get them out of me.

He pauses for a moment.

Though I do know where we can find both of those things. I just need to know one thing, can you get us to space?
"I could." she nods. "...or I could make bodies for them and bring them out myself. Probably."

2010-12-12, 02:58 PM
Warwick Works

Kidnapping? This is the first Arthur's ever heard of any 'kidnapping.' Sounds like every family's got some incident they don't like talking about. And...that means he won't believe in anything that's around him, then? It's just a normal city to him?

2010-12-12, 03:03 PM
Raz skids to halt, nodding at the teleporting mage.

'Hey man'

He shrugs

'Dunno. I was supposed to be hunting vamps - didn't know there was all this **** going down. Can ya fill me in?'

2010-12-12, 03:06 PM
Warwick Works

"Yeah, I tried to tell you he was missing, but you mumbled something about needing more depolarized cathodes and wouldn't look up. I ended up going with Magtok to rescue him from this creepy asylum, and he was really glad to be home, but ever since then, he's been a complete muggle. He doesn't even bid on Empire jobs anymore because he looks at the specs and says they can't be done." Willow says.

Rae Artemi
2010-12-12, 03:08 PM
"I could." she nods. "...or I could make bodies for them and bring them out myself. Probably."

I'd rather you not do that. As I said, I know other ways to do both of those things, and if we're fighting them together, I want you at full strength.

Rae says, before looking to the sky, searching for something.

Lix Lorn
2010-12-12, 03:11 PM
I'd rather you not do that. As I said, I know other ways to do both of those things, and if we're fighting them together, I want you at full strength.

Rae says, before looking to the sky, searching for something.
She nods. "...yeah, I wouldn't be able to fight after doing it."

The Alexandrian
2010-12-12, 03:19 PM
[Red Zone]

Hamnet halts when Raz halts and notices the flying mage hovering near him. He stands there for a moment as his rate of breathing drops to a normal rate abnormally fast. He glances at Raz, his blue eyes alight and his blond hair pressed to his head.

"Hey, I was just getting warmed up! You're pretty darn good though."

He then stares at the bloody puddle he is standing in as the smile covering his face is converted into a perplexed and interested smirk.

"Yep, the aliens, IA, vampires, and mobs sure did a number on this place. I have no clue why though. The aliens are abducting people, the vampires are consuming people, the IA is killing the aliens and vampires, the mobs are burning anything they dislike, and the civilians are just caught in the crossfire. It makes you wonder, who this was."

He gestures towards the puddle with his right hand then leans against the wall, still gazing at it intently.

Moff Chumley
2010-12-12, 03:20 PM
Raz skids to halt, nodding at the teleporting mage.

'Hey man'

He shrugs

'Dunno. I was supposed to be hunting vamps - didn't know there was all this **** going down. Can ya fill me in?'

Ilyena shrugs. "No idea. I guess if we run into bad guys, we get rid of 'em and leave it at that." :smalltongue:

2010-12-12, 03:24 PM
Warwick Works

Arthur's completely stunned that his boss was kidnapped right from under his nose. Normally, he wouldn't let that slide. I, uh...whoa. That's...

Nice one, Arthur.

2010-12-12, 03:32 PM
Warwick Works

Willow doesn't seem particularly bothered by his lack of help. She knows how mad scientists get. "So... wanna come with me? I'm thinking of going and hiring that new PI agency to track down a cure for him. He's going to get himself hurt if this keeps up. Wander out after dark and turn into snackfood or something."

Rae Artemi
2010-12-12, 03:33 PM
She nods. "...yeah, I wouldn't be able to fight after doing it."

Rae continues to scan the sky, and then spots what he was looking for. He points to a space station just barely visible in the sky.

I need you to get us there. That's LANTERN.

He says.

2010-12-12, 03:36 PM

Rebonack grabs one of the laser guns off a dead alien, turns it over a few times in his hands, then stows the thing away in his cape. Have to check it out in more detail later.

Then he spots DC!

"Hey! I remember you! You were that annoying spineless psion I met on that boat! Looks like you've managed to avoid getting yourself killed," that's probably about the closest you can get to 'I'm glad to see you again' from the Cobalt Knight.

He then glances at the hole in the floor.

Then at the mage peering down it.

Then hauls back to kick said mage into said hole.

Lix Lorn
2010-12-12, 03:41 PM
Rae continues to scan the sky, and then spots what he was looking for. He points to a space station just barely visible in the sky.

I need you to get us there. That's LANTERN.

He says.
"Can you show me what it looks like inside?" she asks. "I could teleport us, then."

2010-12-12, 03:43 PM
A box, metallic, but neither steel nor any other recognizable metal, flickers into existance next to Rae. It does not appear to be about to explode.

2010-12-12, 03:46 PM

I guess Kirk is the closest thing to a mage near the hole, so he gets a boot in the butt.

Down into the hole he goes. That's going to hurt.

Of course if it is any significant distance he'll sell his soul again to not splat all over the floor.

Rae Artemi
2010-12-12, 03:47 PM
That might be a problem, as I can't do illusions to save my life. If we can find a phone, though, I can call them and they can teleport us.

Rae ignores the box.

Lix Lorn
2010-12-12, 03:52 PM
"Can't you just tell me mentally? I can be telepathic." she says.

2010-12-12, 03:53 PM
'Cool!' Raz, predictably, replies.

'Need any shooters?' he asks, porting in a combat shotgun. More asking Hamnet there, as Ily is a mage

2010-12-12, 03:56 PM
Hayden looks around from his rooftop, and seeing nothing else to do, steps backwards into the teleporter he used to get there, heading back to LANTERN.

2010-12-12, 03:59 PM
A robotic voice is projected from the box, scrambled so that it would be all but impossible to tell who is speaking from the voice alone. "Hell Rae, you'll be wanting your ring back I suppose. You can have it. I want something in return though. A green ring, for study purposes, I would never wear one of those useless devices myself, too unreliable."

Rae Artemi
2010-12-12, 04:01 PM
Oh, yeah, that may work.

He says, and puts a picture of LANTERN's main room in his mind, The couch, chairs, TV he smashed Maxios through, that one potted plant...

Lix Lorn
2010-12-12, 04:04 PM
She attempts to reach out and see his thoughts, eyes closed and glowing slightly blue.

The Alexandrian
2010-12-12, 04:08 PM

Hamlet unzips his sweatjacket, revealing two pistols neatly stowed underneath the clothing strapped to the sides of his torso.

"Thanks for the offer, but I never leave home without my weapons. I have a third pistol attached to my ankle for use if I really find myself in a mess."

He shoves two 15-bullet cartridges of steel, incendiary bullets into the pistols, which are finely crafted and have his initials, HC, carved into the side of the handle and tick marks along the barrel of the weapon denoting how many people he has killed with the weapon.

Hamnet turns his head to face Raz and grins at him, ecstatically proclaiming,

"We should get this party started."

It seems that Hamnet has joined Raz's creature slaying party!

2010-12-12, 04:11 PM
Warwick Works

Willow doesn't seem particularly bothered by his lack of help. She knows how mad scientists get. "So... wanna come with me? I'm thinking of going and hiring that new PI agency to track down a cure for him. He's going to get himself hurt if this keeps up. Wander out after dark and turn into snackfood or something."

Well... Arthur looks down at what he was working on, realizing he'd need to take a lot longer than expected for it to work, before turning back to Willow. I guess so. I can always pick this back up at a later point. Hurrah!

Rae Artemi
2010-12-12, 04:13 PM
He won't stop her, but she will notice walls springing up just past that thought. She could probably break through them easily, though.

2010-12-12, 04:15 PM
Warwick Works

"Great! Let's go." And Willow reaches under her lab bench and pulls out a Big Ass Gun. "Oh, um... don't tell dad I have this." >.>

2010-12-12, 04:22 PM
Warwick Works

Arthur blinks in surprise before backing away. Uh...why do you have that? Reasonable question to ask, right up there with 'do you know how to use it?' and 'seriously, what?' Especially considering Willow's never been especially violent.

Lix Lorn
2010-12-12, 04:24 PM
He won't stop her, but she will notice walls springing up just past that thought. She could probably break through them easily, though.
She doesn't try, and is slightly hurt that he thinks she would. Nonetheless, she takes his hand and teleports!
(Is there a thread for Lantern HQ?)

2010-12-12, 04:24 PM
Warwick Works

"In case of vampires. Duh."

And unless he tries to stop her, she'll scribble a note for her dad, and lead Arthur out into the streets towards NOIR.

Rae Artemi
2010-12-12, 04:26 PM
She doesn't try, and is slightly hurt that he thinks she would. Nonetheless, she takes his hand and teleports!
(Is there a thread for Lantern HQ?)

((Here be it. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=178819) And he didn't think she would, I just thought I'd include it.))

2010-12-12, 04:33 PM
Warwick Works/Streets

Please tell me you know how to use that! Poor geek. Granted, he's had actual combat experience in the past, but he's not exactly eager to fight, ever. He's a talker-type, after all. He follows Willow, neglecting to grab his own weapon on the way out. Besides, last I checked, vampires don't exactly die from bullets. What kind of weapon is that, anyways?

2010-12-12, 04:38 PM

"It's a radiation gun. Currently set to UV. I can dial it through the spectrum though. I could set that building on fire, if I went to full infra-red." Er, Willow... you didn't actually answer the question about whether you knew how to use it. :smallconfused:

To anyone who might encounter them, Willow is a teenage human and Arthur is a teenage half-fiend.

2010-12-12, 04:49 PM

You build it or get it secondhand? Arthur seems to miss that she didn't mention knowing how to use it. And, more importantly, have you actually used it before? OK, so, he didn't miss that. He seems intent on figuring that one little point out.

2010-12-12, 04:51 PM
Warwick Works

"Built it. Haven't had a chance to test fire it yet." Uh-oh. She's got a dangerous gleam in her eyes.

2010-12-12, 04:55 PM
Warwick Works

Oh, jeez... Arthur's worried, now. If she gets bored, she might start shooting stuff. With radiation. You might want to exercise some gun safety precautions, then. Are you holding that thing by the trigger? He's mentally reciting the words 'please say no.'

2010-12-12, 04:59 PM

"... No." Arthur might get the impression Willow just moved her finger before answering. >.>

2010-12-12, 04:59 PM
Pontius's Custom Constructs

"Yes, it will be [exorbitant amount of money], or its value in gems, magic or materials. Alternately, three new designs of constructs would be appreciated, not including the one I already received. Golem designs count as half a design because they are so similar." Pontius really overcharges. Especially with the plywood in Nite's feet. The golem has turned to face upwards as musculature is carved on.

((Now, though, Deadtime))

"Right, one moment." Nite raises his hand to his... ear? which has one of those bluetooth phones on it.

"Ghar, I need you here to pay for something."


"Just come now."

Ghar will appear with a loud pop. Unless there are wards on the room, then he'll come in the old fashion way. Description in the link in my sig.

"I have a sort of construct design that should pay for your entire price." He says. "Are you interested?"

2010-12-12, 05:02 PM

Arthur pretty much picks up on that instantly, and decides there's no way he's going to stand next to someone who's both trigger happy and fails to exercise gun safety protocol. Willow, give me the gun. His tone of voice says 'there's no way we're going to NOIR without you giving me the weapon.'

2010-12-12, 05:10 PM

Willow looks back at him defiantly for a moment before relenting and handing it over. "Fiiiiiiine. But you better not scratch the paint."

2010-12-12, 05:18 PM
Dalev falls to the floor, coughing blood, but he does not stop playing. He merely changes his tune, and plays a new one, one that screams, The meaning clear in the rhythm: "Vamppire lover! Evil sonovabitch! Kill him! AVENGE THOSE WHO DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE!"

The crowd turns as one, picking up stones, draweing crossbows, loading guns. the first stone is hurled, flying straight towards Raril's face.


Seeing the mob turn on him, Raril drops below the roofline, easily avoiding the attack.

The mob might notice the drow climbing down the side of the building a few moments later and fleeing the scene.

Earl of Purple
2010-12-12, 05:19 PM
Pontius's Custom Constructs

As Ghar teleports in, every golem will turn to look at him. He should get the impression that, should Pontius give the word, they'll do their best to stop him. Since most are at least ten feet tall, and three are silver-plated, this is more threatening than it may otherwise appear. "Of course I am interested. What kind of construct is it?" There was also the faintest glint of metal from one of the wooden arms of Pontius's chair. This would be from a knife springing out before being sheathed inside again.

2010-12-12, 05:32 PM
[Angry Mob is Angry!]

A third party observer takes the reigns of the angry mob, as is often the case when two people are trying to control the actions of a large group of often times disgruntled citizens!

The magic is compelling them to be rather angry at the moment. But the object of their rage has fled! They might have to take this frustration out on someone else if they don't-

Ah ha!

There he is!

Shouts go up as Raril is spotted fleeing the scene!

And the chase is on!

The peasant mob races after the drow, armed to the rotting teeth with torches and pitch-forks.

Not really sure where they got those, honestly...

2010-12-12, 05:32 PM

Arthur practically snatches the weapon out of her hands, and then checks it over before screaming at her. Are you freaking crazy?! Never hold a gun by the trigger! Was the safety on?! How much radiation did you just blast this entire street with?! He begins suppressing the urge to scream louder. It doesn't work.

Are you even licensed to handle a lethal weapon?! Or trained, at all?! Crap's sake! Now he's just generally ranting about how he could've been killed, instead of specifically ranting at her. Arthur's very jittery about dying.

2010-12-12, 05:34 PM
[Pontius's Custom Constructs]

Ghar takes in the reaction to his appearance with amusement. He's hardly concerned as he could likely raze the entire building with a few muttered words.

"It's an old magic, lost except for me." Ghar says, "It's also rather simple to make if you know how."

He raises his hand and a lead orb, about a foot in diameter appears in it. The orb is polished and inscribed with ancient runes. "This orb is a centimeter think and filled entirely with mercury. It can morph to take on a multitude of complex shapes. I don't believe there is a limit. It cannot get bigger than the size of a dog however."

"The most significant aspect of this that I have discovered, it that these runes can be applied to parts of constructs. The possibilities are endless."

"What do you think?"

2010-12-12, 05:38 PM

Willow sort of shrinks (metaphorically, not literally - such things are important to note in the Nexus) into herself as she's scolded.

If he ever gives her a chance to speak, she'll finally say. "I just thought I needed some way to protect my family, with dad being nuts and all..."

Earl of Purple
2010-12-12, 05:43 PM
Pontius's Custom Constructs

"That would be a sufficient payment, yes." Pontius, oddly, doesn't mention that he'd sell all of his current stock for something like that. Pontius is too greedy. He's sure that he could double sales! (Currently, one. And that was a legged wagon that had to be de-magicked; Pontius obviously charged extra.)

2010-12-12, 05:51 PM
[Pontius's Custom Constructs]

Ghar doesn't move to hand over the orb, "Now Pontius, you have talent, I can see that." Ghar says. He also tries to communicate with his mind, And you're greedy, but I can respect that.

"I am aware of the value of this orb. I am also aware that it is worth far more than the work you did on Nite. So in addition to Nite's repairs I want a promise. A promise to assist me with a project in the future." And I will not be cheated.

"What do you say?"

2010-12-12, 05:52 PM

Arthur calms down upon hearing this. I...OK. Sorry. I just don't like getting blasted by radiation. Tell you what, I'll hang onto this, and then teach you handle guns properly later, alright? Arthur's used guns before, so, he knows a thing or two about how to work them. The fact that his dad was a soldier tended to help things along on that front in the household. Can't protect the family if you don't know how to actually handle a weapon safely.

2010-12-12, 05:54 PM

"Thanks Arthur. Of course, getting Dad back in his right mind would help a lot too."

They should be getting close to NOIR now, but I'm not sure if either of the players are online at the moment.

Earl of Purple
2010-12-12, 05:58 PM
Pontius's Custom Constructs

"... Fine. If you want flesh golems, though, you'll have to supply the bodies. I don't care where you get them from, but I can not go around killing people. Not here, anyway." Pontius is more too lazy to murder somebody than scared of the Empire. And he's more scared of Ghar than he is too lazy to murder. Although, Pontius is less scared of Ghar than Ghar might expect; he's quite confident his great-uncle is mor powerful.

Moff Chumley
2010-12-12, 06:00 PM

With the vamp-slaying party deadtimed, Ilyena plotclones back in the NOIR office.

2010-12-12, 06:02 PM

Willow doesn't knock, but walks right in to the NOIR offices. After all, there could be vampires out there. She's a very pretty sixteen year old who has both an air of innocence about her and the sense of just starting to realize her power over boys.

Moff Chumley
2010-12-12, 06:03 PM

Ilyena's swirling around a highball of some sticky looking liquid, staring off into space, derby pulled over his dreadlocks. In the most obscenely cliche manner possible. :smalltongue: "What can I do for you?"

2010-12-12, 06:05 PM
[Pontius's Custom Constructs]

"I'll keep that in mind," although it has nothing to do with flesh golems, "Here is the orb and here is a copy of my notes on the runes." He says as he hands the orb to Pontius and produces a rather large stack of paper. It's understandable that the stack is large. He spent the better half of a century studying the orb.

"Is there anything else?"

2010-12-12, 06:08 PM

So, these guys are private detectives? Arthur asks Willow as he checks over the radiation gun, already thinking of ways to 'improve' it. He's not one to shy away from weapons, so long as they aren't being handled irresponsibly or being aimed at him. He also tries to look for the firing mechanism to see how the thing actually works.

2010-12-12, 06:11 PM

HT knows little about guns. There's a trigger, and a dial to set the electromagnetic frequency, and a power pack and... *insert other gunly type thingammies*

"Hi, my name is Willow Warwick, and I need your help to find a cure for my dad." Willow says.

Earl of Purple
2010-12-12, 06:11 PM
Pontius's Custom Constructs

"Thank you. There is nothing else I can think of. Please, come again." Pontius is trying his hardest not to think of the plywood in Nite's feet, but inevitably it surfaces. Pontius will take the notes and the orb, and will also start reading the notes. Quite rude, but gnomes aren't the politest of individuals.

Moff Chumley
2010-12-12, 06:12 PM

Ilyena removes the ridiculous hat, slams down the glass, and straightens up. "Not my usual line of work, I'll admit, but as long as I get paid. What's the problem with him?"

2010-12-12, 06:13 PM
[Pontius's Custom Constructs]

"It's been a pleasure. I look forward to our next meeting." And with that Ghar and Nite vanish with a loud pop.

2010-12-12, 06:17 PM

"He was kidnapped by Doctor Stroffelnburg's Psychiatric Hospital. I went in and got him back out, but ever since he's returned, he thinks that magic isn't real, supernatural creatures don't exist, and technology hasn't advanced beyond the level of cell phones and personal computers. Actually showing him he's wrong doesn't work. He just refuses to see it. I'm just really worried he's going to get himself hurt." :smallfrown: Willow says.

Moff Chumley
2010-12-12, 06:20 PM

Ilyena winces, then grunts. "Stroffelnburg. Nasty guy. Uh, listen. I'll cut you a pretty good rate on this. Five hundred gold pieces a day, and that's dirt cheap for something like this." Ilyena's mind starts to race, sorting through spells, possibilities. "I can get started right now, though."

2010-12-12, 06:26 PM

The price... that's a lot. Much more than a teenager usually has ready access too. But, she could talk to her dad's assistant Mei Li, and get her to do a purchase order under the business's account. And once her dad was cured, he'd be glad she took the initiative. "Okay. Send the bill to Warwick Works, attn: Accounts Payable."

Moff Chumley
2010-12-12, 06:43 PM

Ilyena nods. "Sure thing. I'll keep you posted." He stands up, closes his eyes. "Askepios, take me to Stroffelburg's facility, please." "If you say so." Ilyena disappears. But Askepios is still there, so you kids had BETTER not touch anything. :smallannoyed:

2010-12-12, 07:04 PM

You sure your dad won't flip his lid again when he sees the bill? Arthur looks at Willow, questioning her judgement. Then again, Arthur shouldn't be talking about good judgement. Less than twenty-four hours ago, he was heading into a warzone without a weapon in an attempt to try and steal a bunch of loot from dead aliens and Imperial soldiers to try and repurpose the parts back at his workshop.

2010-12-12, 07:07 PM

"My dad never looks at the bills. That's all Mei Li. And... well, the business is going to be in trouble if he doesn't start believing in high tech again soon." Willow says. "Besides, if he gets too angry, there's this look I use, and he always caves. He's a total softy."

2010-12-12, 07:17 PM
Dalev is helped to his feet and given a glass of water by one of his helpers. He takes it gratefully and sits down, waiting for the pain to ease.

2010-12-12, 07:40 PM

Arthur looks at Willow suspiciously as she says that. 'Look?' Arthur has yet to really figure out the whole idea behind a girl manipulating someone else, considering every time an opportunity has opened up for a girl to do it to him, it's always been counteracted by the fact that he's part incubus. You can tell how that tends to end.

2010-12-12, 07:42 PM

Talia nods a little at DC. Sounds like a plan to me.

2010-12-12, 07:43 PM
[Angry Mob is Angry!]

A third party observer takes the reigns of the angry mob, as is often the case when two people are trying to control the actions of a large group of often times disgruntled citizens!

The magic is compelling them to be rather angry at the moment. But the object of their rage has fled! They might have to take this frustration out on someone else if they don't-

Ah ha!

There he is!

Shouts go up as Raril is spotted fleeing the scene!

And the chase is on!

The peasant mob races after the drow, armed to the rotting teeth with torches and pitch-forks.

Not really sure where they got those, honestly...

The drow leads the mob on a merry chase through the city, always staying one step ahead, until, rather suddenly, he dissappears. Hopefully, the chase will have lead the mob a long way away from Dalev. That was the entire point of the illusionary diversion, afterall.

Dalev is helped to his feet and given a glass of water by one of his helpers. He takes it gratefully and sits down, waiting for the pain to ease.

The real Raril was still hidden in the eaves of the building. Whispering spells, he makes himself invisible before crawling up to the edge of the roofline. Again,m the drow zeros in on Dalev, but this time his target was not the musician himself, but his instrument. A loud tone rings out, the sound filling the air. It begins low, a barely audible rumble that makes the hairs on the back of one's neck stand on end. It quickly rises, passing through the spectrum to a high, keening squeal. Dalev may notice his instrument begin to vibrate, as all of the soundwaves focus in on it. The sonic nature of the spell was designed to shake it apart, completely shattering it.

2010-12-12, 07:47 PM
[Angry Mob!]

And what a merry chase it is!

The further the mob moves from the sight of the original disturbance the weaker the magical influence over them becomes. Eventually they get so far away that they're left wondering what they were so angry about in the first place!


Really cold out here...

Best get back inside before they freeze! Or get eaten by Vampires!

The mob disperses slowly.

2010-12-12, 08:14 PM

Arthur looks at Willow suspiciously as she says that. 'Look?' Arthur has yet to really figure out the whole idea behind a girl manipulating someone else, considering every time an opportunity has opened up for a girl to do it to him, it's always been counteracted by the fact that he's part incubus. You can tell how that tends to end.

Willow looks away for a moment, and when she looks back, she's got the saddest, most irresistible puppy-eyed expression on her face. "I'm really sorry... please don't be mad." she says in a pleading tone. It should be noted that she's never used the look or that tone of voice on Arthur before. This is weapons-grade emotional manipulation, but so far, she's never used it on anyone but dad.

Chas the mage
2010-12-12, 08:25 PM
[Red Zone Streets / Slums]

Aether continue to wander the streets, completely alone, so far totally untouched by anything.

2010-12-12, 08:25 PM
The lute is struck by the sonic attack, and begins to crack, the wood splintering in Dalev's hands. The lute's five strings, however, are conmpletely unharmed, for they are the physical incarnation of the Notes, the first sounds ever sung, and they cannot be harmed by any lesser sound. That doesn't mean they take kindly to the attempt though, and as one they play themselves, five pure notes. Raril probavly won't appreciate the purity of the sound though, as each note was mental atytack aimed at him. Sorrow, Pain, Greed, Hate and Evil, should this attack work, he shall be struck with all,five of these, each emotion powerful enough to drive a man half-mad, Raril's musical talent likely making him even more affected. It should also be noted that not hearing,the Notes will not cancel them out, although it may dampen their effects slightly.

2010-12-12, 08:51 PM

Raril collapses back on the rooftop, his body wracked with spasms of pain. His mind was shielded somewhat from the music's effects by the protective spell he had cast earlier. The drow was further protected because, well, he was simply used to hearing such things. Pure sounds, full of pure emotions, the kind that could dreate or destroy. It was still maddening, but not to the point that it could have been.

Still, the negative emotions filled his mind. The drow's body changed and shifted. Fur grew, hands became claws, razor sharp teeth filled his mouth. the music had brought out the monster inside of him, and now all that Anger, and that Hatred, and the Evil, it was about to be focused on Dalev.

The werewolf, still masked by the invisibility spell, rolled to his feet and leapt off the rooftop. He runs, full speed, across the square, heading straight for Dalev, seeking to drag the man to the ground.

Lord Magtok
2010-12-12, 09:35 PM
MagMart, Blue Zone

A cyborg sits on the edge of MagMart's roof with a sigh, watching as people come and go about the area for garlic and stakes, food and drink, safe havens and information. It's looking to be another miserable holiday season, and not even the huge garlic profits are going to be enough to keep the winter blues away from our Magtok this evening.

So this is Thanksmas,
And what have we done?
Another year over,
But it's back to square one

He strums some notes on a guitar, watches MagSat recordings of the Rally in his left eye, and sighs gloomily once more. He's got a microphone right next to him and everyone in the area should be able to hear him fine, so it's not exactly a private performance.

And so this is Thanksmas,
I hope you had fun,
Biting near and the dear ones,
Eating old and the young...

2010-12-12, 09:35 PM
Dalev cannot see him, true, but he can feel the presence of one so recently effected by the notes. He dodgres aside at the last moment, taking a gash to the chest, landing on the street below. The lute has shattered completely, but he clutches the strings in hand as he flees, his helpers scattering to avoid the ball of hellfire he hurls at roughly Raril's location.

2010-12-12, 09:39 PM
MagMart, Blue Zone

A cyborg sits on the edge of MagMart's roof with a sigh, watching as people come and go about the area for garlic and stakes, food and drink, safe havens and information. It's looking to be another miserable holiday season, and not even the huge garlic profits are going to be enough to keep the winter blues away from our Magtok this evening.

So this is Thanksmas,
And what have we done?
Another year over,
But it's back to square one

He strums some notes on a guitar, watches MagSat recordings of the Rally in his left eye, and sighs gloomily once more. He's got a microphone right next to him and everyone in the area should be able to hear him fine, so it's not exactly a private performance.

And so this is Thanksmas,
I hope you had fun,
Biting near and the dear ones,
Eating old and the young...

Charity looks up, headed to the red pickup truck with a cart full of winter coats and boots in all sizes to distribute in the slums tomorrow.

A very Merry Thanksmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear

2010-12-12, 09:46 PM
Dalev cannot see him, true, but he can feel the presence of one so recently effected by the notes. He dodgres aside at the last moment, taking a gash to the chest, landing on the street below. The lute has shattered completely, but he clutches the strings in hand as he flees, his helpers scattering to avoid the ball of hellfire he hurls at roughly Raril's location.

The werewolf twists agiley aside, easily avoiding the flames. The drow had been dodging fireballs for too long and reacts almost on instinct. Following the scent of fresh blood, the werewolf relentlessly tracks down Dalev and leaps at him again.

2010-12-12, 09:49 PM
This time Dalev has a plan though, conjuring a wall of hellfire behind him as he feels Raril's presence.

Lord Magtok
2010-12-12, 09:50 PM
MagMart, Blue Zone

And so this is Thanksmas,
For weak and for strong
For mortals and PCs,
The world is so wrong.

Magtok raises an eyebrow at the extra voice to the song, but keeps playing anyways. Some Magbots show up to sing the "War is over" chorus bits, as well act upon their master's unspoken whim, dumping a whole load of extra clothes from the store into the truck. The pickup looked like it could've used another donation, and the rich folks in this side of town probably have at least two or three jackets each, anyways.

And so merry Thanksmas
In dark and in light
In Yellow and Red zones
Let's stop all the fight

2010-12-12, 09:56 PM
The werewolf sees the wall of helfire, but does nothing to slow his charge. He leaps, straight upwards, calling upon his innate ability to levitate to give him extra height. He sails over the flames and drops back down, landing on his feet.

"You think you can get away so easily?!" He snarls. The growl turns into the trigger word of a spell and the werewolf puts on an unnatural burst of speed. Again, he runs for Dalev, intent on taking him down.

2010-12-12, 10:03 PM
[MagMart Blue Zone]

Haruki, meanwhile, is dragging a giant Thanksmas tree through the front door. It's already been decorated and is even properly lit! With super Angel strength, he sets it up... only to discover the very top is bare. No ornament? Well, that can't be!

Mustering up his strength and courage, he starts climbing the tree and settles himself at the top.

"A very Merry Thanksmas,
And a happy new Year!
There's an Angel on this tree,
But you don' thave to fear!"

2010-12-12, 10:11 PM
MagMart Parking Lot

Charity waves up at Magtok, giving him thumbs up for the extra clothing donations.

"War is over
If you want it
War is over

The pacifist sings, knowing the words are a lie, but believing them all the same.

2010-12-12, 10:18 PM
Dalev turns and tries to dodge back through the wall of fire, but he's to slow and is tackled. Still, he has a trick or two left, and he explodes in a massive blast of hellfire just as Raril tackles him. I'll {Scrubbed} sell your soul to a demon of pus to use as his little {Scrubbed}. He hisses.

2010-12-12, 10:34 PM
The werewolf howls in pain, but quickly snarls out another spell. Now, the flames seem to do nothing to him at all. He stares down at his quarry with cold red eyes.

"Do you really think that scares me?" He asks in a low growl which turns into a dark chuckle. "I have been to the abyss and back. To the very edge of madness and survived. Nothing you could do would scare me. Now you listen to me, you pitiful wretch. I don't like what you were doing with those people. Manipulating emotions like that? Turning them into mindless animals, following your whims? There is nothing lower than violating a man's free will!" The werewolf snaps, his jaws closing a bare inch from Dalev's face. "You don't deserve the power you have. I should rip your throat out."

2010-12-12, 10:42 PM
You've been to hell? Then you won't mind a return visit! Dalev laughs, hitting a button on the phone in his hand. A dial tone rings for perhaps half a second, then a fiery portal explodes into existance right below Dalev and Raril, Dalev trying to grab onto Raril so he cannot escape, supernaturaly strong for a instant.