View Full Version : Batman: Arkham City and Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Oh My

2010-12-12, 08:48 PM
Hugo Strange Reveal Trailer (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/vga-10-batman-arkham/708342) and Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut Trailer (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/cg-directors-deus-ex/708299); these are utterly, utterly amazing.

2010-12-13, 09:10 PM
I have tentative hope or Deus Ex 3.
The original is one of my all-time favorite games, sitting in the small category of games that I simply do not uninstall in case I want to play them again.
But, knowing the modern gaming industry, this new one is just going to piss me off to no end. But hell, I'll buy it anyway because it has 'Deus Ex' in the title.

Demon 997
2010-12-13, 09:43 PM
I watched the Dues Ex trailer knowing pretty much nothing about the series, but I want to play that game now. If they manage to pull of the story (earlier ones in the series had amazing stories right) it looks cool.

I'm also desperate for Batman. How long till its out?

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-12-14, 02:10 AM
Hugo Strange Reveal Trailer (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/vga-10-batman-arkham/708342) and Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut Trailer (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/cg-directors-deus-ex/708299); these are utterly, utterly amazing.

Watched this, and knowing what I know about Hugo Strange, something's always bugged me about him.

He knows Batman's secret identity. Okay, I'll buy that. But WHY DOESN'T HE EVER TELL ANYONE?! What's his deal? All I've read about him in the comics has him gloating over figuring Batman out, but what's the point? What does he get for figuring Batman out? He's got this bombshell of a secret, but he doesn't seem to be doing anything with it!

2010-12-14, 04:39 AM
I watched the Dues Ex trailer knowing pretty much nothing about the series, but I want to play that game now. If they manage to pull of the story (earlier ones in the series had amazing stories right) it looks cool.

Avoid the second one(Invisible War). It was terrible.

It suffered from the whole "The last game was good and most people that play that kind of game loved it! Not lets simplify the hell out of it and then everyone else will love it too!" thing.

Deus Ex is on Steam, just saying.

2010-12-14, 01:58 PM
What does he get for figuring Batman out?

He got a cookie.
He was sorrily mistaken, though. Batman isn't Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne is Batman.
Did some reading. He tried to sell the information, and was nearly beaten to death by Thorne for it. He tried to tell people, but like most mad prophets he was considered mad.
Seriously though, Strange never seemed villainous material. He's super power is that he knows Batman's alter ego. So what? Ra's al Ghul also knows this secret and is immortal on top of it. His knowledge never aided him. Batman isn't Bruce Wayne. If push came to shove Bruce Wayne could disappear or even die, leaving Batman alter ego less, but otherwise unaffected.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-12-14, 07:44 PM
That's what bugs me about this. Sure, he's at least a credible threat by sending snipers after Batman, but what does he get out of all of this? It almost seems like he does this stuff solely to mess with Batman for no reason. Even the Joker had a reason to mess with Batman. Strange doesn't seem to have any motivation.

2010-12-15, 03:27 PM
Avoid the second one(Invisible War). It was terrible.

Eh, IW's underrated. Certainly not as good as the first one, but patched and with a mod to update the graphics it's perfectly playable. The tiny areas, lack of RPG elements, universal ammo, lack of balance in the biomods, how the easiest path is always through the air ducts, etc. are annoying, but it's still fun.

I've got very high hopes for Deus Ex 3, because a game with an Elder Scrolls-ish open world in a cyberpunk setting is basically my ideal game, and I really enjoy conspiracy-theory plots. It's certainly too early to say much about how the actual game will play, but I like what I've seen. Especially since it looks like you will, in fact, be able to punch through walls and grab people. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usOUtOBntB4) And the interface and inventory look decent. (http://store.steampowered.com/video/39170/80466)

2010-12-15, 07:09 PM
That's what bugs me about this. Sure, he's at least a credible threat by sending snipers after Batman, but what does he get out of all of this? It almost seems like he does this stuff solely to mess with Batman for no reason. Even the Joker had a reason to mess with Batman. Strange doesn't seem to have any motivation.

Well, at least in the show: The Batman, he had a good reason, he was a psychiatrist, and was in his own twisted way studying the mind. No matter what damage resulted as the results of his actions. There he was a good villian.

2010-12-17, 05:06 AM
Watched this, and knowing what I know about Hugo Strange, something's always bugged me about him.

He knows Batman's secret identity. Okay, I'll buy that. But WHY DOESN'T HE EVER TELL ANYONE?! What's his deal? All I've read about him in the comics has him gloating over figuring Batman out, but what's the point? What does he get for figuring Batman out? He's got this bombshell of a secret, but he doesn't seem to be doing anything with it!

For the same reason, I would imagine, that....

(Spoiled, for comic book fans)
...the Riddler never tells anyone who Batman is either. At the end of the 'Hush' storyline he is threatening to tell everyone about Bruce Wayne's extracurricular activities, however Batman asks him a riddle:

B: "What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?"
R: " It's time to get a new fence. That's a old riddle, everyone knows the answer to that one."
B: "Right. And what value has a riddle, if everyone knows the answer?"
R: "....."

Essentially, Batman convinces Riddler that he is more of a threat by NOT revealing his secret identity. It wouldn't be a long stretch to imagine the Hugo Strange knows this too, just like Hush, Bane and Ra's Al Ghul all do too. :smallsmile: