View Full Version : Power Word spells. Quick questions

2010-12-12, 10:16 PM
If I cast Power Word: Fatigue (Races of the Dragon) twice at the same target, does that target become exhausted? Likewise would casting Power Word: Pain (Same Source) two or more times stack up the spell's damage every round?

2010-12-12, 10:26 PM
Same Effect More than Once in Different Strengths: In cases when two or more identical spells are operating in the same area or on the same target, but at different strengths, only the best one applies. For example, if a character takes a –4 penalty to Strength from a ray of enfeeblement spell and then receives a second ray of enfeeblement spell that applies a –6 penalty, he or she takes only the –6 penalty. Both spells are still operating on the character, however. If one ray of enfeeblement spell is dispelled or its duration runs out, the other spell remains in effect, assuming that its duration has not yet expired.

Basically, no, the spell only applies once.

2010-12-12, 10:36 PM
I'm not sure that quote applies Prinny. The OP is talking about stacking tiredness, not applying the same effect at different strengths.

I seem to recall that tiredness-stacking works like fear-stacking - e.g. casting Scare over and over at one target can lead to panic.

2010-12-12, 10:40 PM
I think they do stack, as scaring a scared person leads to more scared.

2010-12-12, 11:03 PM
Oops. I was only talking about Power Word: Pain. Honest. :smalltongue:

2010-12-12, 11:07 PM
I always wondered about the fear stacking, as it seems to be the only exception to "Things from the same source don't stack".
Well, that and Morale bonuses, which apperently stack as well.

2010-12-12, 11:15 PM
@Private-Prinny: I dont know if it applies there either. Multiple Acid Arrow (for example) spells deal their individual damage each round.

I lean more toward the "they do stack" side of the issue, but I wanted some opinions from the playgrounders before I start Exhausting party members for shiggles. Oh and using it against monsters too I guess. :smalltongue:

I'm playing an Invoker (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153863), so I get them at will.

Fear and exhaustion specifically state that they stack, but I wasnt sure about when it comes from the same spell.

Edit: Along those lines, I wish sickened stacked to produce Nausea, that would be sweet. This Character could use 2 rounds to make people puke on command, since he also gets power word: sicken.

2010-12-13, 12:32 AM
Edit: Along those lines, I wish sickened stacked to produce Nausea, that would be sweet. This Character could use 2 rounds to make people puke on command, since he also gets power word: sicken.

But that class can pick up Power Word: Nauseate down the line anyway...

2010-12-13, 01:02 AM
Just be careful you don't in-fear-iate them :P

2010-12-13, 01:03 AM
I know, isnt it great? I just wanted it a little sooner is all. :smallwink: