View Full Version : Harbinger House: Prologue - Harkarth's Hearty Haven

2010-12-13, 09:22 AM
It has been said that Sigil has two main exports: dead bodies and cynicism.
The crossroad of the planes, where every world a cutter can imagine is only three steps and a key away, has it's own, very unique breed of people. A true planar has seen everything and heard even more. When one lives in a city where Heaven and Hell meet, where the Abyss does not stare back, but come over for tea, there remains little for these folks to wonder about.
But for every Sigilian, the city houses ten outsiders. The clueless, from the prime material, or from backring, from the most isolated regions of the planes. Some natives of the City of Doors see this flood of wide-eyed primers as a mixture of obstruction of traffic, pest and free entertainment, others as future converts, con victims and walking pockets to be picked.
And then there's the third, and smallest party: those who realize that at least some of those making it to Sigil are the mages powerful enough to find ways to the planes, the merchants rich and adventurous enough to seek business opportunities on the planes, the adventurers seasoned enough to have run out of challenges on their own worlds.

Harkarth Hearthfire belongs in this third group. This dwarf, born and raised in Sigil's lower ward, has found a new niche for himself: Harkarth's Hearty Haven is a tavern that caters entirely to those new to the city and a little overwhelmed by all the new sensations. It has been carefully outfitted in order to appear just exotic enough to excite the clueless, but to be normal enough not to disturb them. The walls are paneled with darkly varnished wood carved into simple, geometric shapes. The lanterns on the ceilng, though lit with magic, are tinted as yellow as the windows to give them the appearance of petroleum light. Hung along the walls are trophies and memorabilia of the adventurers who began their careers here: the skull of a monstrous, boar-like creature with six tusks, a gem-studded mace that looks too heavy for most men, a map of some forgotten oasis on Pelion, singed along the edges, a battered leather shield. The tables are set into niches along the walls, with half-high walls separating them from each other, surrounded by benches of soft, red leather. To fight Sigil's chilly and often foul-smelling and thin air, a roaring fire has been made in a large fire pit in the middle of the room, and copper braziers with pleasant smelling herbs are slowly smoking in the many corners of the room and on the wooden pillars carved to resemble stout oak trees.
Even the staff has been carefully selected: planetouched, but not too obviously, with few otherworldly traits, an unusual skin tone, an eye flashing red or gold if the light falls into it at a strange angle, small fangs or fingernails just a little too pointed, elongated ears on an otherwise human-looking person.

There is an open secret to Harkarth's Hearty Haven, though: it values those from the prime not just as customers. Harkarth realized the true potential those prime adventurers could have: not connected to the factions when they arrive, but well-trained in combat and exploration, willing to do jobs Sigilians would scoff at for a handful of gold. The tavern, conveniently located close to not one, but three portals to the prime, two of which seem to cycle randomly between all manner of crystal spheres, has become an insider's recruiting ground for prime mercenaries and adventurers.

It is an especially chilly morning on a market day, still three lanterns to peak with the fog outside thick enough to cut with a knife, and only a handful of grumbling guests have left their warm beds to come to the tavern today, two silent, dour earth genasi sitting at a table in the most remote corner they could find, staring at their mugs of herbal tea, two old and white-haired halfling ladies, chatting excitedly over slices of bytopian apple pie and, then, a few adventurers...

2010-12-13, 10:15 AM

One of those adventurers was a winged woman, mostly human, but with several bird like traits to her. Closer observation would reveal her to be a harpy, but unlike the filthy and hag like appearance of the rest of her kin, this one was beautiful with soft golden blonde hair (not encrusted with blood) and blue eyes; a tiny golden circlet in her hair and an amulet around her neck being her only visible pieces of jewelry.
As she sits in her booth, she hums softly to herself, for those who listen unwarily to the music, it has a captivating effect, drawing them closer and closer to her, heedless of what else might be happening around them.

Claiming blue for speech

Image idea for Xenobia
http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www-cache.daz3d.com/store/item_file/5715/image_medium.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.daz3d.com/i.x/shop/itemdetails/-/%3Fitem%3D5715&usg=__nV9PaSMHkYx2nft2-Gg3HsdW2fc=&h=455&w=350&sz=71&hl=en&start=51&zoom=1&tbnid=jaq41-nybZuwFM:&tbnh=151&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dharpy%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D918%26bih%3D4 88%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C2222&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=567&vpy=113&dur=7207&hovh=256&hovw=197&tx=107&ty=101&ei=YLAGTeoUw6zxA-b-rTc&oei=hq8GTdCqBoGW8QPk2tSHBg&esq=31&page=7&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:51&biw=918&bih=488

2010-12-15, 05:09 AM
Another such adventurer is Namespeaker Nyelan - a wisened and frail old Illumian, bald as most of his kind are and with striking blue eyes. He hides beneath old, battered robes and has but a single weapon - a mace hanging from his belt.

Seeing the strange Harpy-like woman, Nyelan finds himself intrigued at the notion of a beautiful harpy and finds it irresistible to approach her.

"Hello, what's your name?"

2010-12-15, 07:29 AM

Xenobia looks up from the table with a smile, taking in the appearance of the Illumian. She moves a bit, making room for him to sit if he wishes, and replies in her soft, musical voice.

My name is Xenobia, whats yours? Are you new to Sigil, like myself?

2010-12-15, 08:57 AM
Adjusting his robes, Nyelan takes the seat next to Xenobia and returns the smile, offering his hand to hers.

"I'm Namespeaker Nyelan, pleased to meet you Xenobia. And yes, I'm new to Sigil, arrived here just a few days ago. Found this place to be ... quiet ... enough compared to the rest of sigil. And yourself, when did you get here?"

2010-12-15, 09:59 AM

Xenobia turns her head to the side, the motion seems quite birdlike.

Namespeaker? Is that some sort of political title or an indication of your powers?

Flashing a mischevious smile, Xenobia decides to have a bit of fun with the wait staff of the Haven,and perhaps Nyelan as well. She catches sight of whoever is waiting tables, and raises her voice in her captivating song, drawing him over to her. She glances once to the side to see the effect on Nyelan.
She holds the waiter (waitress) entranced for a just a few seconds longer than she should, and then places her order for a breakfast, bacon, eggs and toast (or whatever the local equivalent is)

Ive only been here a short time myself as well, just getting used to the place and seeing what sort of mischief I can get myself into.

2010-12-15, 10:10 AM
The waitress is a young planetouched woman of indeterminable ancestry, with high cheekbones and black eyes, a faint, cyan-blue pattern along the cheeks and brow that could be small scales hidden under a few layers of skin, or just a strange arrangement of veins. She wears a simple, black dress that reaches past her ankles and the kind shoes favoured by anyone who has to walk more than a few steps in the poorer districts of Sigil: heavy, brown leather boots, with hobnails and steel caps.
She stares at Xenobia for a few seconds, even after the song ends, then blinks a few times and vanishes into the kitchen, coming out only three minutes later with a large, earthenware plate of bacon and eggs and a small basket of toast. It is not entirely certain what animal the eggs (just a shade more orange than chicken eggs) or the bacon are from, but in any case, they fill the herb-scented air with their delicious flavour.

2010-12-16, 05:11 AM
With a low creak, the door to the Hearty Haven is pushed open and a Bariaur (http://www.deathstar.org/~krlipka/ps/sense/3erules/race_bariaur.jpg) enters, his hooves producing hollow knocking sounds on the wooden floor. A few tendrils of grey mist snake in around him quickly dissolving in the warm air as he pushes the door shut again.
The Ysgardian goat-man pushes back the fur-trimmed hood of his heavy brown woolen coat, shaking the last few droplets of water out of his hair.
Leaning on a long, wooden staff carved in the shape of a hissing serpent, he walks over to the bar and exchanges a few hasty, whispered words with the barman, glancing over at the table where Xenobia and Nyelan are sitting. Finally, he shakes his head slowly and comes over.
"Would you be from the prime material?", he asks. He looks old and weary, his short white beard greasy and unkempt, the lines on his forehead deep, the bags under his eyes slate-grey.
"We have a bit of a situation where we could need your help..."

2010-12-16, 07:48 AM

Xenobia glances to Nyelan for a moment, before looking back to the man.

I cant speak for my companion, as we just met, but I am from the prime, and Im always interested in new situations...as long as they pay well. She favours him with a mischevious wink as she says the last.

2010-12-16, 08:36 AM
"Payment should not be a problem."
He stands closer to the table, though unable to sit down with you, quadruped that he is.
"I'm Torusk Slatekin. There is a problem with a newly arrived primer. He has barricaded himself in my shop with three of my customers and refuses to come out. He also threatens to kill them. The situation is... volatile, to say the least. Could I tell you the rest while we go?"

2010-12-16, 09:13 AM

Xenobia unfurls her wings as she stands up

I will come, but Nyelan's choice is his own to make.

2010-12-16, 10:38 AM

The front door opens and a dwarf (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2464/4038294646_67d22719c0_m.jpg) walks in, his black and grey tinged hair and beard flat and damp from the fog. Stamping his feet on the floor to warm up, he rubs his arms and the red and brown markings that cover them. Glancing around at the bar he raises an eyebrow at the centaur thing, bird woman, and old man in the booth. Shaking his head he mutters under his breath "Only in sigil..." as he walks toward the bar.

He steps around to the side of the bar and motions for the barman. "This is for the house." He places a coin pouch in the bartenders hands and nods. "Now we're even. You got anything else needs doing?" He says, then slowly glances out at the other patrons in the bar.

I'm guessing Kalein would be using Harkarth as a way to find jobs, legal or otherwise. The money is Harkarth's finding fee for the last job he threw to Kalein.

2010-12-16, 04:01 PM
The bartender takes the coin and drops it in a bag behind the counter, where it lands with a little clink indicating many more like it, then nods his head at the Bariaur entering the shop.
"He said he needs primers. Might try that."

The bariaur is already hurrying towards the door, pulling up the hood of his cloak again, talking as he goes.
"As I said: there I was, in my shop, when suddenly this priest bursts out of my back room. I guess there was a portal there. He sees me and my customers and starts screaming about demons, then starts praying loudly and kinda obnoxiously. That wasn't too bad, but then he started the fireworks. I ran out, but at least two of my customers are still inside. One of them's a Baatezu, and I think if the priest calls him "Demon" a few more times, there will be blood. However, my main problem is this: I had a Dabus (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P8v7NiYW4L4VfkakwbjHsHQnqtDQCkNEVbJaee363iE/edit?hl=en#)in there to repair my wall. If that priest starts something, we'll have Her Serenity down there before we can even complain."
He makes a quick sign in front of his chest with his fingers outspread, as if to ward of the Lady's Shadow.
"In any case... he cast some ward on it, we planar's can't get through. Maybe a primer can..."

2010-12-16, 04:33 PM

Nodding to the bartender Kalein walks over to stand by the bariaur. "Hey. Man over there said you could use a hand wit somethin'. And if it's a lock or ward that you need help with, well, today's your lucky day." He steps out the door and into the fog. "I've got a knack for things like that. Names Kalein."

2010-12-16, 05:21 PM
Looking up at the Bariaur, Nyelan's face flashes with excitement.

"A problematic situation? I'd certainly be interested! Lead the way!"

2010-12-17, 07:22 AM

Although she could fly if she wished to, Xenobia doesnt know the way to the store, so she just falls into step one pace behind Torusk

Lead the way she chimes in, in her musical voice.

2010-12-17, 09:46 AM
As they walk along, Nyelan decides it best to make idle chatter, especially considering the beautiful creature he walked with.

"So how did you get to Sigil then, Xenobia?" He pauses for a moment before smacking his forehead and sighing. "My apologies, I completely forgot about your earlier question! Namespeaker is the name of my cabal and is slightly related to my abilities. My people live in cabals, you see, groups of Illumians who share similar goals and ideals. I founded the Namespeaker cabal to facilitate those with powers such as my own ... for example ..."

Nyelan points to the ground a little ahead and speaks an ancient word, indecipherable by anybody present, that seems to resonate around the area he's pointing to as darkness creeps over it. A few moments and another mystical word later and the darkness dissipates.

"My words have great power, equal to that of any magic."

2010-12-17, 10:57 AM

I served my goddess Sabrina, in our temple, in my home world, called Daystor. The portals to Sigil only recently touched to Daystor, and eager to see what lay beyond, and also to make sure none had hostile intent towards our world, Sabrina and several other deities have sent out scouts to see what is going on. I am one of those scouts.

2010-12-18, 02:38 PM
"Oh, good, very good", the Shopkeeper nods.
"That priest has indeed put up some kind of ward around my shop. So far, no one got in, but from what I heard, you primers can pass wards."
He leads you through several alleys, most of them empty on this cold day, until you come out in a narrow street in the market ward. The buildings here all rise four or five stories high, built from stone, painted white, but, after years in Sigil's wet atmosphere, now grey and streaked with soot and water. The roofs here are covered in slate and, in sigilian fashion, sport curved metal blades, three feet or more in length.

The shop is small, a single window and a heavy iron door, with a brass plate naming it"The Divine Spark". There is a faintly glowing, golden dome of light hanging in the air over the entire building.

The bariaur hesitates for a moment, the topic seems embarrassing to him.
"Listen, I just want you to go inside and get the priest out. Talk to him, or knock him out. Don't kill him. I heard you do that kind of thing on the material, but we're a little more civilized out here.
And please, make sure the Dabus or my customers aren't hurt. I wouldn't want the Lady's wrath called down on my shop. And, by all the ascended, make sure not to use any fire. I produce fireworks, and there's enough flash powder in there to blow a small crater into this ward."

He looks at the group for a while and ponders.
"You know, you two look material enough, but she", he points at Xenobia.
"She has wings. I didn't know there were primers with wings. Here, take this..."
With a quick motion, he pulls a thin strip of leather, tied into a loop, out of his hair, then shakes it. It turns into a small silver circlet.
"It can disguise you. Better make sure you look as material as possible, from the way that priest was ranting."

2010-12-18, 02:53 PM
"Technically I hail from the Plane of Shadow ... but, sure, primers I can do."

With that, Nyelan steps into the shop* and takes a look around while being as cautious as he can.

*Assuming he can get past the ward.

2010-12-18, 09:42 PM

I can assure you, that despite the wings, I am definately from the Prime. Im a harpy, and we are all prime, through and through.
She takes the cord from the bariaur.
But I will take this, if he is indeed from the Prime as well, he likely will recognize a harpy, and be put off by that
Xenobia concentrates on the magic, hoping to appear the same as she always does, just not with wings or any other bird like features. She then attempts to pass through the ward, enter the store, and look around.

2010-12-18, 09:54 PM

Glancing at the yellow dome around the shop, Kalein laughs. "You said ward, weren't joking either. Gimme a minute to examine - hey!" He shouts as the two try to breach the ward. He grimaces and shields his face with his arms. Damn crazies! Just gonna go walking through damn glowing magic!

If nothing bad happens and they walk through he'll use Spellcraft to try and identify the effect. DC is 20 + spell level.

Spellcraft [roll0]

2010-12-20, 04:42 AM
You feel a slightly, electric tingle as you push through the ward, but it does not seem to stop you.

The door to the shop emits a slow creak from rusty hinges as you shove it open. Inside, you find a store room, only a few steps long and wide and full of cast iron shelves, each crammed full with firework rockets, long, explosive-filled tubes of paper and bamboo, the shortest as long as a man's lower arm, the longest almost thrice that, and nearly a food wide.
On the ceiling, crystals glowing yellow and emerald green provide just enough light to make out the rest of the scene, and the four people in the shop.
Near the back wall, one of the Dabus, the horned, yellow-skinned, floating servants of the Lady of Pain is busy whitewashing a wall that looks like it has been newly bricked.
Standing in a corner next to him and watching the work, with a serene, if slightly dumb-looking smile on his face, is a man in an amber robe with wide silver sleeves. He has cloven hooves for feet, and small black horns on his glistening, shaven head, betraying his fiendish heritage.
Sitting on a chair in a second corner is the devil the shopkeeper mentioned: a Barbazu, or bearded devil (http://azrai.com/wiki/images/thumb/e/e7/Barbazu.jpg/180px-Barbazu.jpg), wearing a heavy black cloak with a golden clasp near his throat over a light suit of mail that looks more ceremonial than practical, studded with small rubies and onyxes along the collar and seams. He is wearing his wiry, spiked beard in a dozen neat braids falling past his chest, each braid held together with over a dozen small metal rings.
Finally, there is the priest: an aging man with wrinkled skin and a neatly trimmed, grey beard, wearing a full suit of plate, the image of a five-pointed star engraved on the chest in gold. He holds a similar star in one hand, and a mace in the other, it's heavy iron head almost the size of a man's head.
The priest is ranting and screaming, half in the celestial tongue, half in the planar trade language that is spoken on many primes as common, waving his symbol and mace at the three customers. The young, shaven man watches him with fascinated interest, but the Dabus seems oblivious, painting the wall in wide strokes, while the Hamatula wears a purposefully bored expression, holding in one hand a small paper booklet. The book's cover says, in slightly slanting capital letters: "The Amazing Ordan Kresh in: Temple of the Beast". Underneath, a woodcutting shows a young man with a wide-brimmed hat swinging on a rope inexplicably hanging over a swamp, a young woman in a nightshirt held in one arm, a rapier in the other.
"DEMONS! Demons all!", the priest shouts, his back to you.
"This city will be cleansed! A holy crusade will drive you all back to the pit! By the Star and the Tree, you will kneel before your maker, Abominations!"

2010-12-20, 07:38 AM
Taking cautious steps forwards, Nyelan looks the priest in the eyes as he talks to him.

"Hello there, friend. Might I ask what it is you're doing here, you don't seem like the usual Sigil type?"

2010-12-20, 10:06 AM

Xenobia positions herself right behind Nyelan, ready to take an action if the priest does not respond in a friendly manner towards the intrusion and the question. For the moment however, her hands are open and not showing any hostile intent.

fil kearney
2010-12-20, 02:02 PM
Trundling through the murk, Trufaux's massive frame clicks and whirs as the manufactured hero passes through crowds that hastily step aside as small gouts of steam hiss impatiently from reinforced joints that propel the warforged through crowded thickets of lookiloos.
Panick, the Iron Hound clipped along easily at his side; snapping at kids and clueless alike that ventured too close, or refused to step aside as it's master pressed on.

It has been... awhile... since Trufaux found himself in Sigil after being "salvaged" by the inevitables from the stray experiments of immortality on Khorvaire... time became much more fluid on the planes; and exactly how long ago was less a concern than perhaps a daily calendar had been... the component he accepted has kept Trufaux busier than he had ever been researching the vast catalogs of Cannith experiments-- much more active now as well-- almost like one of the heroes that had been embellished in the Chronicles printed in Sharn.. though the warforged would hardly call itself a warrior like it's namesake implied. more a participant... or perhaps a consultant.
It wasn't really his decision, though; the component installed into the metal chassis has a mind of it's own, and it would compel Trufaux to take actions against his scholarly nature; such as accepting odd jobs in the guise of being a "clueless prime", despite the --extensive-- experiences and information this docent has regarding planar phenomenon and residents.
Trufaux just KNEW he was being used... used by this sigil contact, used by the inevitable component, used by house Cannith... Yes, it was better to simply chronicle the events trufaux witnessed, since the events were beyond his control anyway....

Arriving at the Divine Spark moments later, Trufaux nods to Torrusk in acknowledgment and salutations as Panick climbs up it's master's wooden and steel frame; whirring and scraping metal as it unfurled it's composition to surround and connect to the various protrusions installed for this very purpose on the warforged's chassis... with a final, all-too-lifelike snort, the construct dog rests quietly upon it's master's chest.... Trufaux really wishes he could take credit for the ingenious design; it was quite literally fed through him from the docent into the forges. The construct idly pet Panick's head as it rested comfortably on his breastplate like a forged pelt.

spellcraft [roll0]
knowledge arcane using the research feat [roll1]

"Greetings, Torrusk. Did some digging around about what this ward may--BY THE GODS! what are you DOING??"
The artificer could not hold back his surprise as the obviously clueless primes went headlong into the ward... standing there for a moment, his carefully chiseled eye lids clicked in amazement that nothing went "boom".. he then noticed Kalein gawking similarly next to him. Speaking with a hollow, tinny echo of a voice Trufaux asked,
"... you know those sods?"

I figure the rolls are high enough to know what the ward is, and any info that would be relevant to go along with it... gotta love investigate and research skills.

2010-12-20, 06:32 PM
Torrusk shakes his head and sighs.
"Not really, no. They were the first primer I found. Couldn't find any planars able to get past that ward in a hurry, and I don't want to this to turn bloody."


The cleric spins around as you enter, mace lifted as if to strike, but then, eyeing you suspiciously, he lowers it again.
Behind him, the Hamatula makes a questioning "hmm" noise and turns a page.
"Who are you, that you question a servant of the star of Karrash? What protections do you have, against the hellish nature of this city of demons?"

fil kearney
2010-12-20, 07:55 PM
The light of Trufaux's eyes dim a moment as he contemplates the potential fate of the Dabus and demon within. Flaring back to normal capacity, the artificer begins reciting the details of the ward with as precise detail as possible, being sure to specify any points of variation and probability.
Kalein nods at the majority of what Trufaux recounts, noting a few points of reference in the disclosure.
Torrusk appears to be torn in his opinion of which is more boring... staring at a closed door, or trufaux's dissertation. When the warforged's monologue eventually grinds to a halt, Panick stirs to nuzzle it's master beneath the chiseled chin, as though to say, 'pet me...'
Trufaux reflexively scrapes a stone-and-steel finger along the dog's muzzle. Panick begins sharpening it's teeth on the whetstone fingertips as it gnaws fondly on the gauntlet-like hand. The sharpening sound mixes pleasantly with the gray-toned drizzle plinging on the blades set overhead.

The warforged releases a short gout of steam like a sigh as the three stand quietly beyond the magic barricade.

2010-12-21, 07:25 AM

We are simple travellers like yourself, not wanting to cause trouble, death or mayhem. Now, cant we just talk about this little problem like civilized people, we dont want these Sigillians to think that we are just a bunch of uncultured barbarians, do we?

[roll0] Diplomacy

2010-12-22, 05:30 AM
The priest frowns, though at least seems to pause in his rage for a while.
"They are the barbarians, not us, if they consort with demons, and mingle their blood."
Behind him, the Hamatula sighs, whispering in the loudest possible voice:
"There he goes again with the racism..."

2010-12-22, 06:52 AM
"Oh, friend, these people are not inherently evil or cruel, you merely have to look at them. Do you truly believe a society such as sigil could survive and thrive as it does if every creature in the city were utterly despicable? Take these fine people in the room as an example."

Nyelan looks at each of them in turn, taking a moment to do so.

"You have barged into their home, stopped them from leaving their local tavern and began preaching at them, but do they make to attack you? No. Do they promise hellish assaults against your world for this crime? No. Do they do anything but merely sit and be calm, patient and understanding? No, they do not. These fine Sigil folks are not to be hated or despised, they are to be revered, as a culture that survives despite its infinite differences."

2010-12-22, 07:07 AM
"The demon is crafty, do not trust its actions or its words, for it ever plans the downfall of mankind."
The priest has a glazed look in it's eyes as he quotes whatever scripture he believes in.
"I do not know this Sigil you speak of, but it must be a hellish city, if such abominations walk its streets."

2010-12-22, 09:02 AM
The Illumian sighs to himself.

"This is Sigil. This city you're in is called Sigil, a planar hub that connects to all realities and allows for interaction between all races. Frankly, your belief is archaic and outdated by all standards and you would do well to not be so narrow-minded and extremist if you wish to interact with the larger multiverse. All that can be achieved here is invoking the wrath of the Lady, which will surely end in your destruction, as she is mistress over Sigil and commands ultimate power in this realm. Now I suggest you desist with your childish chants of demons and absolute evil and leave this place, go back to your world where such a foolish ideal is held in high regard."

2010-12-22, 10:01 AM

Xenobia sighs to herself as well, while she shares the Illumians opinion, she has dealt with enough close-minded people herself in her times, and knows that the words he has chosen will likely just set him off into an even further rant. She quietly clears her throat, readying herself to use one of her songs if the priest choses the route of battle.

2010-12-22, 11:16 AM

Hrmmp. Might as well join them... Kalein walks through the barrier and follows them into the room with the priest. Glancing around at the scene he nods to the Hamatula. "Ah, I read that one. Good fights, but lousy dialogue."

He looks at the Dabus and then back at the ward outside the building. Great. Finally he turns and looks at the priest. "Hey." He says, raising one eyebrow. "I don't care who you are, or where you came from, or what your belief is....but if that warding does any kind of harm to that one over there..." he points to the Dabus. "...then all of us will probably die. If we're lucky she'll just cut us up into small pieces before we can even feel it. If we ain't that lucky we'll all be stuck in little endless mazes." He stares hard at the priest. "So unless you want everyone in here to die, I suggest dropping that ward so the fellow can get on with his business, and these folks can do the same."

Not bluffing. It's the truth as far as he knows it (which may be wrong).

2010-12-22, 03:28 PM
The priest frowns.
"Are you all mad? What are you talking about? Surely demons can not be peaceful. And who is this Lady you talk about? Is she married to the lord of the city?"

The Hamatula makes a sound almost like a snicker and turns over another page, before saying:
"The wife of the moneylender was a sorceress. Quite obvious, really. Now, will this amusing little interlude be going on for much longer?"

2010-12-22, 03:40 PM

"Bah. You ask questions but don't listen to answers, priest." He turns and grins at the Hamatula. "Yah, they mostly follow the same pattern. Kinda like this fool here..." He says, nodding over his shoulder to the priest. "Come on, I'll see if I can take down the ward."

He nods to his companions from the bar and walks over to the front of the building, just inside the ward. His eyes flash silver for a moment and he raises his hand, his fingers outstretched. "Where's your weak spot....come on..." He mutters under his breath.

Voracious Dispelling on the ward.
Dispel Check [roll0]

2010-12-22, 09:27 PM

Xenobia looks angrily at the priest.

What do you mean, is she married to the lord of the city? Are you so stupid that you cant grasp the concept of a woman holding power on her own? I know plenty of women who hold power by themselves, with no need of a man's assistance. The Lady of Sigil is the same. If youre going to survive here, you need to alter your way of thinking.

Xenobia is still getting ready to sing, especially if the priest moves to disrupt Kalien's casting.

2010-12-24, 06:16 AM
Nyelan chuckles to himself at the mention of the lord of the city.

"Friend, the Lady of Pain is a being that even the mightiest of gods cannot challenge. She rules over Sigil and maintains the peace. None can match her power in this realm, although many have tried."

2010-12-25, 01:51 PM
For the first time now, the young Tiefling in the amber robes speaks:
"The Lady rules this city, through Her love, which connects all the planes. Praise be upon Her Serenity, and Her lovely countenance, for we are not worthy of Her love."

"Either I'm mad or everyone else is... or I'm in hell...", the Priest whispers to himself, staring at everyone in turn with an incredulous look.
"You're certainly not in hell!", the Hamatula chimes in.
"I'd know, believe me. For one, unless you were on Stygia or Cania, it wouldn't be as damnably cold as it is here."

At this moment, the ward around the door falters under Kalein's magical onslaught. There is a low, humming sound for just the briefest of moments, then the yellow light of the dome first dims,then goes out.

The Hamatula stands up from his chair, putting the paperback on a low table and heads for the door, turning around at the last moment and shoving a card into Kalein's hands.
"Thanks for removing that barrier. My name is Rad-Suul-Kar, I have a shop in the Lower Ward. Come by some time."

2010-12-25, 02:11 PM

As the dome falls, Xenobia begins to sing, focusing all of her effort on the priest, seeking to put him into a trance so that any attempt to arrest him will not be met with opposition.

Will Save, DC:21

fil kearney
2010-12-27, 02:42 PM
When the spell falters, Trufaux nods in approval... more towards the process of collapsing than any motivation behind it. The warforged continues to stand motionlessly as the lesser devil exits, noting Torrusk's tense anticipation of the other hostages being released as well

Reflexively, Trufaux looks out for any jar-headed brutes that may attempt to play the role of law enforcement... or any anarchists simply looking to stir up further trouble... anything could still go wrong, and rushing the door is the fastest way to see that Wrong come to fruition.

2010-12-27, 07:06 PM

Glancing at the card he nods to the Hamatula. "Kalein. And you're welcome, though you should thank Harkarth next time you see him too." Turning around he looks back at the priest and then shakes his head, walks over to the bariaur. "So...there's your priest, and your shop. Need anything else?"

2010-12-30, 06:33 PM
Looking around in bewilderment as the barrier is lowered and the patrons of the tavern begin to leave, Nyelan returns his attention to the priest.

"Where are you going now, friend? I should hope you are returning to your own backward plane, where your beliefs are accepted as true and not revealed for their complete inaccuracy."

2010-12-31, 08:06 PM
Torrusk shakes his head, smiling gently.
"No, and thank you all a great deal. Let's hope he's leaving peacefully now."


Inside the shop, the priest is now fully preoccupied by staring vacantly at Xenobia and her song, his mouth standing open half an inch. At this moment, the amber robed Tiefling walks up to him and hugs him tightly around the chest (he is almost a foot shorter than the priest), and says to him:
"Do not worry, dear brother. We are all lost and confused, before we awaken to see the Love of the Lady of Pain. Come with me, and praise her Serenity."
He turns around and says, over his shoulder:
"If you could help me, brothers and sisters, would you know where I can find Bloodgem Park? I was told to go there. And perhaps a shop for flowers, or fine perfumes. Or jewellery, perhaps? Do you think the Lady of Pain likes jewels?"

2010-12-31, 08:28 PM

Is this berk crazy? "No, I'm not thinking she cares for jewelry, or anything else you could give her." Kalein takes a step away from the Tiefling, glancing up at the ceiling and around them. "And I dunno where the park is neither."

I thought that worshiping the Lady of Pain was a quick way to wind up dead? Is that different in this game/era of time, or is it indeed common knowledge and this tieflings off his rocker?

2010-12-31, 08:30 PM
Common Knowledge. Worshipping the Lady is a death sentence.
The superstitious don't even speak her titles very often.

2010-12-31, 09:13 PM
Turning to the Tiefling, Nyelan looks him up and down quizzically.

"Yeah, you might wanna back off with the worshipping of the Lady there, friend. She doesn't take kindly to worshippers, it seems."

2010-12-31, 10:38 PM

The harpy continues to sing her entrancing song to the priest, hoping that her employer will soon decide what he wants to do with the priest, either let him go or place him under arrest.

2011-01-03, 04:47 AM
The robed man smiles brightly, staring at you with a slightly vacant expression, and let's go of the priest's shoulders.
"The Lady will not hurt us. Her love is like the rays of the sun, a golden warmth banishing the darkness, and Her Beauty like frozen mountain, cold, and monumental, and perfect. The caress of her blades is..."
At this moment, Torrusk the bariaur bursts back into his shop and grabs both the entranced priest and the Tiefling, who still is rambling on and on about the Lady, by their shoulders (lifting the priest a few inches of the ground with one arm) and shoves them out of his shop.
"That is very nice, my friend, but I'd be very pleased if you could do the exploding into bloody chunks elsewhere. Ask one of the touts (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P8v7NiYW4L4VfkakwbjHsHQnqtDQCkNEVbJaee363iE/edit?hl=en&pli=1#)outside, I'm sure one of them can recommend a nice gutter for that."
After removing the two unwanted guests, he wipes off his hands on his cloak with a slightly disgusted look on his face, then turns back to you.
"So. Payment. Can I perhaps interest you in some fireworks?"

2011-01-03, 04:20 PM

Xenobia examines the fireworks with some interest, but eventually turns back to Torrusk.

I was hoping for something slightly more tangible, or something that I could use to better my position. While fireworks do make nice, pretty lights, they are so fleeting, gone almost before you know it.

2011-01-06, 12:20 AM

Standing aside as Torrusk hustles the priest and crazy out the shop, he shakes his head and glances up at the sky once more before turning back to the bariaur. "Fireworks? Can't say I've got much use for those." He looks around the shop, giving it a once over. "But I'm always interested in knowing folks that are good with crafting specialty goods. I work in security; both getting in and protection. If you know where I could get a supply of blast disks for a good price, we'd be square."

Or any other kind of alchemical/thieving type item. Nothing really specific, just trying to build connections.

Also, Spot check to see what's in the place.

2011-01-07, 06:58 AM
The Bariaur sighs.
"Everyone always says that. Especially the adventurers. I've been one myself, and a good Gehennan Volcano or Marquad's Grenade of Choking Stench has saved my live more than once."
He walks over to his small counter.
"I assume you will want money, then?"

The shop is stacked with complicated fireworks, some traditional rockets, but others complex tubes and packages of powders and arcane liquids, covered in runes and splinters of crystal, some with instructions the size of small booklets. Obviously, many of these are very advanced alchemy, or even magical.

2011-01-07, 11:10 AM
"Now then, don't be hasty! I for one would be intruiged as to the uses of your fireworks, and even the magical properties of the things themselves! What would you be willing to offer as compensation in regard to your more advanced and magical displays?"

2011-01-07, 11:15 AM

It doesnt have to be money. Information about other people needing jobs done has its value to. We are sort of trying to build a reputation as trouble shooters. And some of your more advanced fireworks wouldnt be unwelcome.

2011-01-10, 06:13 AM
"I rarely deal in information, and barely know the newest rumours myself", Torrusk admits.
"That new crazy cult you just witnessed, a few of the more interesting crimes that happened lately, but not much more. So I will barely be able to help you there."
Then, however, his face lights up as he turns around.
"However! I am the finest provider of magical fireworks this side of the prime material plane. Nowhere safe in the secret laboratories of the most advanced alchemists of the cities of brass will you see fire brougth to such creative, beautiful and, to the adventurer, useful uses!"
He starts grabbing rockets, bombs, pouches of powder and other items from his shelves.
"The eternal spark! Burns for forever and a day, or until the plane of fire itself burns out! The Trueshine Torch! Through the shadow of death and the clefts of the negative, this torch shines where angels fail. Or are you more interested in explosive applications? Torrusk's Tempestuous Torrent makes mere Alchemist's fire look like a children's toy! The Blazing Star! Shoot the fires of hell at your enemy on the wings of a rocket! Amaze your allies with Rovokantras Ridiculous Rainbow, or use it to blind your enemies! All this, and much more, can be yours!"
After this outburst, he calms down a little.
"I also offer several varieties of smoke grenade. I'd say one item for each of you? That sounds like a fair trade. Take whatever you want."

2011-01-10, 10:22 AM

I could see a smoke grenade coming in handy, especially if my first song fails to snare an opponents mind, it would give me time to perform a second one. I'll take one of those.
And while you may not deal in information, you could always point anyone who does come to you towards us. Or at least make it known among your fellow merchants who was able to get you out of your latest jam.

2011-01-12, 10:22 AM

Smiling at his pitch, Kalein says "Your Tempestuous Torrent sounds like it'll come in handy." He frowns for a moment, then. "Wait. You said crazies like the tiefling are a cult? That's more than a little unsettling." He looks around nervously, making sure another cultist isn't hiding somewhere.

2011-01-13, 12:49 PM
Taking out a pad and a pen, Nyelan takes notes as the Bariaur speaks of the cult and his stock.

"One of the Rovokantras Ridiculous Rainbows would be perfect for me, I think."

Placing the pad and pen back into his pack, he looks curiously back at the Bariaur.

"Do tell us more of this cult though?"