View Full Version : HOL: Nightraid!

2010-12-13, 11:30 AM
((Temp thread for new players. Will eventually link with main thread)).

The balance is upset. Darkness prevails. But in a small corner of the world, a candle still burns.

Saltera, City of Refuge.
Hidden in the rocks at the edge of the Ash Wastes, Saltera is home for those who have none. Exiles, the lost, or the forgotten can find safety here. Home of the Mithril Veil, the last defenders of good known to man, Saltera is where the Prophet resides.

A pair of mercenaries have been recently contracted by the Mithril Veil of Saltera. Firam and Vispania have fulfilled their contract, and been payed.

You both are asleep in a local in when you hear bells beginning to ring. The rest of the guests are moving about, arming themselves.

2010-12-13, 12:01 PM
Firam Laali

Rather than get directly involved, Firam would whisper to his friend. "Shall we see what all this is about?" The elf would smirk as he pressed himself to a wall and disappeared into the shadows while slinking his way toward all the commotion. He would do his best to remain unseen while watching and listening to what was going on. If they planned on killing Firam and his compatriot, they would have another thing (or two) coming to them. While he was moving toward the commotion being careful not to stray too far from the shadows, Firam would palm a smokestick in one hand and a thunderstone in the other.

(Hide in Plain Sight) Stealth [roll0]
(Watching + Listening) Perception [roll1]
(Where are we?) Knowledge Local [roll2]

2010-12-13, 06:34 PM
Vispania Augusta

Vispania wakes; bells are ringing outside the inn. Alarm bells? Damn! The hardened warrior knows enough that, even when safety is presumed, one's sword should never be far away. She draws it, turning to her elven companion, her face grim. "We should indeed. If they're planning to kill us, then there's no point waiting around for it. And if they're not, then I'd just as soon see for myself."

She buckles on her shield, advancing out of the room, shield held in front of her and her sword ready.

Ready action to attack anyone who moves aggressively in range.

2010-12-13, 07:19 PM
Firstly, what if anything are we doing about OOC for this mini-game? Also, Volos, we should establish in what capacity our characters know each other. In that vein, the way I see it there are two options:

1. Joined together just to fulfill their contract, and thus barely know each other.
2. Longer-time mercenary companions who have worked together before.

I'm fine with either of the two, or hearing something entirely different.

2010-12-14, 09:28 AM
((OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9964303#post9964303)))

You leave your rooms, descending into the common area. The room is deserted; the light is low. You do not, however, sense any enemies nearby.

2010-12-14, 04:09 PM
Firam Laali

Still not leaving the shadows, or at least not moving any further from a shadow than needed, Firam moves toward the doors that everyone seems to have exited by. He peeks out, remaining hidden. From this he should be able to get a gist of what happened as well has a general time of day. If it is night, then he is in luck but still not sure what time it is. If it is day, he should be able to guess an hour of the day.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2010-12-14, 04:23 PM
It seems to be the middle of the night. He can hear the cries of battle in the distance, but the area immediately outside the inn seems empty. In the sky, you notice an immense, deep violet nebulous formation, blotting out some of the stars. Its image sends shivers down your spine.

2010-12-14, 04:46 PM
Firam Laali

The elf had a strange urge to hide from the nebula in the sky. Ducking back inside of the room, he turns to his friend and speaks from the shadows. This would give away his general location but not keep him from remaining hidden. "There is a fight in the distance and a terrrible shape in the sky. I do not like it, but perhaps we should see what is going on? Whatever has happened, it is keeping us from getting to our destination. What is your take on this Vispania?" Firam would draw his Elven Curve Blade, holding it firmly between his hands while waiting for a responce from the Lady Augusta.

2010-12-14, 05:57 PM
Vispania Augusta

Vispania rolls her eyes at Firam, then says in a firm, cool voice "Looking at the stars, Laali? There are more earthly concerns before us; the gods may damn the firmament for all I care."
She steps out of the inn, glancing up at the violet sky with a disparaging look, as though her disapproval was enough to dispel the strange nebula. Now, let's see to this battle, shall we?

That's a move action out of the inn, if it matters. Ready action to attack anything that comes in range besides Firam still stands.

2010-12-15, 04:49 PM
You leave the inn, coming out onto the empty street. Most of the fighting is going on in the distance.

Suddenly, you see a group of figures, one small and 3 large, dart into a building nearby.

2010-12-15, 05:09 PM
Vispania Augusta

Vispania drops into a fighting stance, bringing her shield up in front of her, sword poised behind. More cautious now, she flicks her head forward to express her intent to Firam. Without saying a word, she leaps into action, moving quickly across the street towards the house that the figures ran into.

Okay, this is a bit complicated:
-Vispania take a move action towards action towards the house.
-If she cannot get there with a single move, she'll run as a full action at double speed.
-If she can get there with a single move, and there is no door, she'll ready an attack against anything that comes in range except Firam.
-If she can get there in a single move, and there is a door, she'll attempt to bash it down. Strength check (?) to bash down the door if necessary: [roll0]

2010-12-15, 05:17 PM
You arrive at the door using full speed. Once there, nothing else happens, I'm assuming you take another turn to break down the door.
Vispiana races towards the door, bashing it down. You find yourself in what looks like a small warehouse. The walls are dry, as to be expected in this desert city. Based on the sounds you hear, the figures are heading downstairs.

2010-12-15, 06:08 PM
Vispania Augusta

Vispania spares a glance back at the smashed door. No point in subtlety anymore. She holds her ground in the warehouse, ready for action. To buy time for her roguish companion, she yells: "Whoever's down there, you have ten seconds to show yourself before I cut you to ribbons!"

Yet another ready action, same as the others.
And an intimidate roll for her shouting, if necessary: [roll0]

2010-12-16, 11:47 AM
The only response Vispiana's shouts gets is a deep, unearthly howl.

Will Save vs. Shaken
Vispiana: [roll0]
Firam: [roll1]

2010-12-16, 11:35 PM
Vispania Augusta
What manner of creature is this? Vispania quickly shakes her momentary hesitation. "Come, Laali, let us go forward together!"

2010-12-17, 12:17 PM
Firam Laali

Having followed his companion from the shadows, Firam would have attempted to sneak by her just as she was screaming at the supposed enemy. At that moment he would feel the sickening sensation of fear rising up within him, but he was able to keep from falling prey to it. His blade having been at the ready for some time, he waits in the shadow for the foe to show itself. Just inside of the door, he would strike at any beast or foe that ran foward to attack Vispania.

Stealth [roll0]

If needed...
Attack [roll1] crit 18-20 x2
Crit Confirm [roll2]
Damage [roll3] + [roll4]
( It is a bane Monsterous Humaniod weapon... so +2 atk and +[roll5] +2d6 dmg vs Monsterous Humaniods )

2010-12-17, 12:28 PM
Vispania Augusta

She turns to her companion. "I'm going to flush whatever creatures are down there out and make good on my threat." With that, she will advance down into the basement.

-She'll take a move action down to the basement, with a ready action to attack anything in range.

2010-12-17, 12:56 PM
((Does Firam follow? My impression of your plan is, Vispiana goes down, chases the enemy up the stairs, where Firam ambushes them))

2010-12-17, 01:03 PM
((OOC: that was my plan, but it may have to change depending on the circumstances in the basement.))

2010-12-17, 01:14 PM
((I am waiting for the ambush plan. I wait in darkness and see if I can't hit someone who runs by. If there are multiple foes I will stike first, wait for provoked AoOs later. As long as they can't beat my 33 Stealth with their Perception checks, I should be able to catch them flatfooted and get sneak attack damage!))

2010-12-17, 01:17 PM
((Sounds like a plan to me))

2010-12-17, 02:44 PM
Vispiana descends into the basement. The place is unnaturally cold. She patrols between the shelves, crates and barrels, but finds no one.

Suddenly, she turns to the back of the room. 30 feet away from her, a midnight shaded ichor oozes from the walls. It coalesces into a solid front that deliberately advances upon Vispiana.

2010-12-17, 02:50 PM
Firam Laali

Awaiting for a foe to appear or for danger to make itself known, the rogue waits in the shadows.

Perception [roll0]

2010-12-17, 03:01 PM
From his current position, Firam is uncertain what is going on, however, he sense no enemies currently approaching.

2010-12-17, 03:20 PM
Vispania Augusta
What... Vispania shakes off her uncertainty. It's solid, so it can be killed. She charges it, thrusting forward with her sword.

Charge action (+2 attack), then attack with bastard sword:
Damage: [roll1] + [roll] 1d6 acid damage.

Edit: 1d6 Acid damage didn't work the first time.

2010-12-17, 03:22 PM
And, apparently, it didn't work the second time.


2010-12-17, 04:02 PM
Vispiana cleaves into the mass, causing it to broil, and eat away. It stands still for a moment, and 3 skeletons emerge. They surround Vispiana, striking at her with their weapons. She defends herself, without getting struck.

2010-12-17, 05:12 PM
Vispania Augusta

((I don't know how initiative is working, but if it is my turn...))

Vispania backs away up the stairs as far as possible, shield held in front of her.

move action back up the stairs, and full defense.

2010-12-18, 10:55 AM
Firam Laali

Starting to worry but not wanting to ruin what chance they might have to execute one of their more successful battle strategies, Firam listens and watches for Vispania or the enemy.

Perception [roll0]

If I see the enemy and I can charge toward them, I will charge to move double my speed and attack. I will use Acrobatics to tumble through my foe's threated square(s) at half my speed to avoid AoOs. EDIT: Forgot to roll Acrobatics.
Attack Charge [roll1] crit 18-20 x2
Damage [roll2] (Using Slashing, not Piercing if I see they are Skeletons)

2010-12-18, 10:57 AM
Acrobatics [roll0]

2010-12-18, 11:58 AM
Vispiana is able to retreat all the way back up the stairs. Firam can see the skeletons following her.

2010-12-18, 12:17 PM
((Does that mean that Firam has charged them and attacked?))

2010-12-18, 12:25 PM
((If I can get past you, then yes! Should I roll to tumble through her squares?))

2010-12-18, 12:27 PM
((I'd roll the check, outline what you'd like to do in if-than statements, and Maquise can say which are actually possible.))

Edit: I thought you didn't need a check to move through an ally's square. I was under the impression that tumble was only needed for moving through an enemy's square without provoking an AoO.

2010-12-19, 09:37 AM
((Roll for the charge damage, please.))

Firam dashes down the stairs, holding his blade high.

2010-12-19, 11:59 AM
Firam Laali

Not sure what you want me to roll for, as I already rolled in my previous post. I will re-roll everything and let you decide what it is that you want.

Elven Court Blade Charging and Tumbling
Acrobatics [roll0]
Attack [roll1] Crit 18-20 x2
Crit Confirm [roll2]
Damage [roll3] + ([roll4] if bane)

2010-12-19, 02:03 PM
Firam lands a blow on the skeletons, but it fails to do damage; the blade cannot slash through the bone.

Order of Battle:

2010-12-19, 02:15 PM
Vispania Augusta

With Firam joining the fray, Vispania stops backing up. She drops her defenses and launches a full-out attack on the nearest skeleton.

Full-attack action.
Bastard sword attack 1:[roll0], damage: [roll1] + acid damage: [roll2]
Bastard sword attack 2:[roll3], damage: [roll4] + acid damage: [roll5]
Off-hand shield attack: [roll6], damage: [roll7]

2010-12-19, 02:51 PM
The skeleton shatters under the force of Vispiana's attack.

2010-12-20, 10:41 AM
The two remaining skeletons lash out at Firam, for 5 damage. Firam can also hear more skeletons coming up the stairs.

2010-12-20, 11:41 AM
Firam Laali

The elf would take a moment to evaluate the situation. More foes were coming and the ones here were resistant to his attacks. Lady Augusta seemed to be able to do away with her target without much trouble though. Sliding his blade back into it's sheath, he strikes at the nearest skeleton with this improvsied club.

Sheathed Elven Curve Blade
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2010-12-20, 02:00 PM
Vispania Augusta

Vispania launches an attack on the skeleton not yet engaged by Firam, wanting to destroy it quickly before more arrive.

Full-attack action. Skeleton 1 is the skeleton Firam did not attack. Skeleton 2 is the one he is attacking.
Bastard sword attack 1 vs skeleton 1:[roll0], damage: [roll1] + acid damage: [roll2]
Bastard sword attack 2 vs skeleton 2:[roll]1d20+6, damage: [roll3] + acid damage: [roll4]
Off-hand shield attack vs skeleton 2: [roll5], damage: [roll6]

2010-12-20, 10:22 PM
Vispiana vanquishes both skeletons. Two more are climbing up the stairs. You strike at both.
Attacks of Opportunity:
Vispiana:[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
Firam:[roll3], [roll4]

2010-12-20, 10:23 PM
Both skeletons go down. Firam and Vispiana are alone, for now.

2010-12-21, 10:27 AM
Firam Laali

Panting from the thrill of battle, Firam still holds his blade at the ready. Turning to Vispiana, he attempts to whisper without annoucing their presence to anyone. "Shall we continue downstairs and see why these undead appeared or should we investigate the battle outside? I will follow your lead, as I am nearly useless against these skeletons." Sinking back into the shadows, Firam anticipates Lady Augusta's movement to run ahead of her checking for traps or foes.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception (Traps) [roll1]
Perception (Foes) [roll2]

2010-12-21, 02:17 PM
Vispania Augusta

Vispania nods authoritatively. "Very well. It seems the choice between a known threat and a potential one. The causes can be pondered by wizards after the fact; we warriors fight." Vispania moves outside, sword still drawn, swiftly advancing towards the sounds of battle.

Move action towards the noises. Readied action to attack anything that comes in range but Firam.

2010-12-21, 02:26 PM
You advance out to the street. The terracotta structures, once warm and inviting, now seem to loom menacingly over you. As the road starts to bend towards the base of a cliff side, you encounter an injured man, in Saltera guard armor. He calls out to you.

2010-12-21, 02:38 PM
Vispania Augusta

Vispania moves cautiously over to the injured guard. Provided nothing happens en route, she barks: "Soldier, what's the situation?" As an afterthought, surveying his wounds, she says stiffly: "and are you severely injured?"

2010-12-21, 02:57 PM
"Wizard. Company, on our way to wall. Surrounded in darkness," he bites past the pain. You can see what looks like frostbite on his skin. "We were separated. I couldn't see my own hand. I'm not sure what happened then."

2010-12-21, 04:49 PM
Firam Laali

Looking for the tracks of the soldier that Lady Augusta is speaking to, Firam does his best to figure which direction he came from. Once he had a general idea of where to look, he reaches into his Handy Haversack to obtain his Spyglass. Looking in the direction that he thinks the Soldier came from, the elf gathers what he can from what he sees. He describes it to Vispania in hushed tones, being that he is still hiding.

Perception (Tracks) [roll0]
Perception (Through Spyglass) [roll1]
Stealth [roll2]

2010-12-21, 05:07 PM
Vispania Augusta

Vispania tries very hard not to get impatient with the wounded man. "Wizard? What wizard?" she says sharply. She listens to Firam describe what he sees, then whispers: "Do you have any skill in treating wounds, Laali?"

2010-12-21, 05:36 PM
Firam Laali

Raising his eyebrow, Firam gives Vispania a look that says volumes. Still, he kneels down near the man and attempts to bandage his wound. Whether or not he is successful, he takes a collection of branches and wood from off the trail to put into a small pile. Striking a tindertwig against a stone, he lights the brush to get the wood burning. "Stay close to the flame, it will warm you. Are you sure that is all you know?" Firam gives a soft smile, trying to convince the man to tell them a little more. He uses a stick to tend the flames, making sure they burn slow and hot.

Heal Check [roll0]
Diplomacy [roll1]

2010-12-21, 05:50 PM
Vispania Augusta

Vispania stands, arms crossed over her chest, as her elven companion starts a fire. She returns his look, hissing under her breath: In case you hadn't noticed, we're in the middle of a battle; we hardly have time to ask nicely."

She listens for the sounds of battle, trying to determine if it's still raging:
perception: [roll0]

2010-12-22, 12:01 PM
Firam peers through the spyglass, and sees a barricade of soldiers under attack by dark, creeping figures. Some of the track are of clawed, webbed feet.
"Black... robe," the man coughs, "Warn the-" he suddenly shudders and goes still.

2010-12-22, 02:34 PM
Vispania Augusta
"Dead," Vispania mutters dispassionately. Then louder, she says: "Come, we've wasted enough time already; there's still a battle to be fought."

She'll head towards the barricade. Same readied action as always applies.

2010-12-29, 12:42 PM
Firam Laali

Clenching his fist tight onto the hilt of his blade, Firam quakes slightly before following Lady Augusta with much haste. He stays to the shadows and avoids rushing foward too quickly. The shadows envelop his form, a blessing and a curse for those who have commited these vile acts. While they will be cursed with being unable to see Firam's attacks they will be spared the wrath of his visage.

Wow he's pissed. Anyways...

Moving at more than half but less than full speed while using stealth. Normally a -5 penalty, my Swift Hunter (racial) ability allows me to reduce any penalty toward using stealth while moving by 5. So my total penalty is -0.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

I am also readying an action to attack any foe I can reach while moving toward the battle. I will avoid charging, as it would remove my stealth. If I see foes appoaching, I try to get ahead of Vispania by running foward at top speed before diving behind cover (shadows or a tree/rock or something) to use Stealth again. This way I might get AoOs from charging foes.

2010-12-29, 04:32 PM
Vispania Augusta

As she moves towards the barricade, Vispania surveys the battle.

Perception: [roll0]
If the soldiers appear to be in a great deal of trouble, Vispania will forego her readied action and instead use a full-round run action.

2011-01-03, 01:19 PM
((Go to the main thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10086045#post10086045) now))