View Full Version : Boffle's Baffles (3.5 Items)

2010-12-13, 03:47 PM
The infamous Boffle and his apprentices are travelling the land, selling cheap disposable magic to nobles, adventurers and con-men alike! Below, from his latest catalogue, are eight inexpensive and simple magic items designed to spice up combat or extend some basic magical advantages to more 'mundane' characters.

Shower Globe
This tiny glass sphere is about an inch in diameter and filled with crystal clear water. The globe can be broken as a standard action or thrown against a subject with a ranged touch attack. Upon breaking the globe will shower a subject in clear rain sufficient to extinguish flames, wash away acid or perform other effects that a sudden downpour might have. A single globe will work on a Large or smaller creature. For every size category greater than Large, two times again the number of globes must be used (e.g. Huge creatures must break 2 globes to be showered, Gargantuan creatures require 4 globes and Colossol creatures must break 8 globes to be showered). Fire elementals and creatures with the Fire subtype that are vulnerable to water take 1 point of damage if hit.

Faint Conjuration; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, create water; Price 20gp.

Ivory Parrot
This tiny parrot figurine is carved from ivory or bone. When the command word is spoken, the owner of the parrot may speak a message of up to 60 words and the parrot will record the message as spoken. When the command word is spoken again, the parrot will repeat the message exactly as given. Once the message is delivered, the parrot breaks in two and becomes useless.

Faint Illusion; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, ventriloquism; Price 70gp.

Knock-Out Gas
This handy device is essentially an eggshell filled and sealed with sleep-inducing vapours. It can be broken on the spot or thrown as a grenade. Both magical and mundane versions are available, but the effect is the same. Up to 4HD of creatures in a 10ft radius from the point where the eggshell is broken must make a Will save against DC 11 or fall unconscious, starting with the creature with the least HD.

Faint Enchantment; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, sleep; Price 50gp

Craft(alchemy), DC 20; Price 35gp.

Web Lock
This 1-inch iron spider figurine can be pressed against any door, gate, window or shutter as a standard action. When the command word is spoken, the cube will dissolve into a web of iron, penetrating the frame of the portal and effectively locking it for 60 seconds before disintegrating. During this time, the DC to force or break the portal increases by 5. The device can be dispelled instantly by a dispel magic or knock spell.

Faint Abjuration; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, hold portal; Price 50gp

Arrow of Accuracy
This otherwise mundane arrow bears an inscription across its shaft in Elvish; "Find thy foe, strike true, strike hard." The arrow must be activated by running one's finger slowly across the inscription (a standard action). When fired, the shot will gain a +20 to its attack roll. The arrow always breaks after use, even if it somewhow misses.

Faint Divination; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, true strike; Price 60gp

This set of gold-plated caltrops is linked by a simple magical enchantment. They can be used as ordinary caltrops, and 'attack' as such. Upon successfully hitting a target, they deal 1 point of normal piercing damage (and have all the normal caltrop effects) and the enchantment discharges through the point of one of the caltrops, electrocuting the target for 1d6 electrical damage. Once the enchantment has discharged upon a single target, the sparkspikes become ordinary caltrops. If the target is wearing metal footwear, the sparkspikes get an additional +3 to their attack roll but only deal 1d6 electrical damage. They still have ordinary caltrop effects and function as ordinary caltrops thereafter.

Bathing the sparkspikes in a solution of carefully prepared alchemical salts (costing no less than 50gp per set of sparkspikes to be treated) will recharge the enchantment.

Faint Evocation; CL 1st, Craft Wondrous Item, shocking grasp; Price 50gp

Doll of Disguise
This handy porcelain doll is rarely larger than one's thumb, but contains a piece of hair, skin, blood or other body part from a (willing or unwilling) donor. The doll is activated by breaking it against a hard surface. If the donor is of the same body type (e.g. humanoid, goblin, dragon) as the user, breaking the doll will cause the user to take on the appearance of the donor at the moment the doll was created. Clothing, armour, weapons and equipment will all change to fit, as will physical appearance. The illusion is purely visual; sounds and tactile sensations will not change. The illusion will persist for 10 minutes, after which it will fade.

Using a Doll of Disguise will provide a +10 bonus to Disguise checks, so long as you are trying to disguise as that person.

Faint Illusion; CL 1st, Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Price 50gp

Dart of Disarmament
This light dart is tipped with a light enchantment or poison. It can be thrown as an ordinary dart and breaks upon successful contact. If it pierces the skin (i.e. if it deals at least 1 point of damage; damage reduction may prevent this happening) it releases the poison/discharges the enchantment, causing a wave of weakness to pass through the target. This weakness does no damage but the target must make a Fortitude save against DC 11 or drop his weapon.

Faint Necromancy; CL 1st, Craft Wondrous Item, touch of fatigue; Price 25gp

Craft (alchemy), DC 20; Price 20gp

2010-12-13, 06:22 PM
i love these, they provide a useful addtions to any indiv. particularly a thief:smallsmile: if you have any move ideas i think you should contine to create these

2010-12-14, 09:29 AM
If you are wearing metal footwear, you probably wouldn't take the piercing damage of the sparkspikes. Also, the damage should be "electricity" not "lightning."

I was actually surprised that you picked brass over silver. Silver is a much better conductor of electricity. Standard caltrops cost 1 gp for a 2-pound bag. I'd estimate that a 2-pound bag of silver caltrops would cost 10 gp.


2010-12-14, 11:51 AM
True, silver or gold would have been a better option technically speaking, but I felt like using the old Diablo-based 'Yellow is Lightning?!?' trope.

Of course, since I've raised that I should really just make them copper...

2010-12-14, 06:47 PM
So they're fire caltrops? :smallyuk:

Gold is also an excellent conductor of electricity, better than copper, and it's yellow. It's also extremely soft and unable to poke anybody in the foot. Maybe gold plated caltrops or 14 karat gold (a gold-copper alloy that's a little harder). Or say "Gold Caltrops" but then explain it somehow in the text body.

I really like these items and hope for a dozen more. That said...

Arrow of accuracy is way too OP for 60 gp. A high level character will buy a quiver for near nothing and never miss. You need to make it command word activated to make it balanced. For example, spend a standard to read the inscription then fire it next round. As is it could be done for 2,250 gp as a swift action. That means only 1 such arrow could be activated per round, but you could fire other arrows as well.

Dart of Disarmament: A DC 12 will save is hard at low levels. A level 4 cleric has a 50:50 shot, and with rapid shot even he gets taken out once a round on average. This alone might win low level combats. For comparison a daze effect could also disable someone for one round, would be DC 11, only works on creatures up to 4 HD, would only be allowed once per standard action (so no rapid shot) and would cost 50 gp.

The ivory parrot could be made with a magic mouth + NPC and then sold for 70 gp per PHB pricing.

2010-12-14, 10:56 PM
Dart of Disarmament: A DC 12 will save is hard at low levels. A level 4 cleric has a 50:50 shot, and with rapid shot even he gets taken out once a round on average. This alone might win low level combats. For comparison a daze effect could also disable someone for one round, would be DC 11, only works on creatures up to 4 HD, would only be allowed once per standard action (so no rapid shot) and would cost 50 gp.

... a level 4 cleric has a base will save of +4 plus Wisdom. So +7ish.

Not sure how you got a +1 modifier out of that.

2010-12-14, 11:27 PM
Simple, I did the math too fast :P. It is in fact 25% per hit. It's still a bit strong though. OTOH those with weapons to drop tend to have high AC too, so I could be wrong there. I forgot about that.

Let's see, more carefully this time... hit maybe half the time with full BAB vs. heavy armor, but damage drops from 1d8 to 1d4. Probably targetting a fighter or barbarian, who really does fail the save half the time. So 25% per attack. Maybe 2 attacks at low level. You could do 3 with TWF and rapid shot, but more likely you have one or the other for the sake of future level plans. 50:50 shot of screwing over a target in exchange for dealing maybe 4-5 damage instead of 6-7. That's well worth it for a couple points of damage. Soon you'll have a few thousand gp so the cost isn't so bad for the ability to shut down opponents. I'd still weaken it a bit. Making it a fort save might be a good start, in addition to enough of a cost bump that it's usable at low levels but not easily spammable.

2010-12-21, 11:24 PM
Boffle's Baffles, Camping Catalogue

So you're looking to head out into the wilderness with a few friends, maybe just to see the sights or maybe to hunt down some sort of marauding dragon. No doubt you'll have packed your swords of decapitation, your animated full plate and all those other essentials for killing the beast, but have you thought about the journey there?

Well, we at Boffle's Catalogue have! Why not travel to that cave of darkness, fiery doom and treasure in style with some samples from our Camping Catalogue?

Are you sick of trying to get a campfire lit? Are you forever wasting good money on tindertwigs when you really wish you could just get the hang of using the flint and tinder? Or, more practically, have you realised the dangers presented by a campfire in terms of bright light and smoke trails giving away your position to your foes?

Then you should try the stone of warmth, our proudest new addition to this year's catalogue. The stone of warmth emits a bare minimum of light, is compact and produces all the heat of a roaring fire. Fry sausages on it! Boil stew on it! You can even try roasting a suckling pig, just don't hope for a char-grilled flavour!

Stone of Warmth
This appears to be an ordinary flat stone, suitable for heating with a campfire or embers for cooking on. If the correct command words are spoken the stone will heat up or cool down over the course of one minute to the desired temperature. Speaking any of the words other than algor will activate the stone. Whilst active, the temperature of the stone may be adjusted without taking up any further uses per day of the stone. Once deactivated, reactivating the stone will use up another use per day.

The stone can be adjusted by speaking the following words;

Algor will deactivate the stone and within a minute return it to a cold state.

Exuro will make the stone assume a mild heat, suitable for warming milk or sustaining a simmering pot of water.

Concoquo will make the stone assume a moderate heat, suitable for frying sausages or slowly bringing a pot of water to the boil.

Praefervidus will make the stone assume an extreme heat, suitable for boiling water very quickly or flash frying food.

The stone can easily support a large pot or frying pan on its surface and radiates heat as a campfire would at its various degrees. It can support a heavy cauldron or the like if earth is banked up around it, so long as whatever is put atop it does not actually break the stone. The stone emits no smoke or light, save for a softly glowing red pattern on its active surface which glows brighter or softer depending on its state but never brighter than banked embers. The pattern can be obscured by a non-flammable material (such as a wet cloth or banked earth) without stopping the heat.

The stone can be picked up safely on its inactive side even when in its hottest state (though that side will still be quite warm). It can be wielded as a weapon, but the difficulty of holding a flat stone on the flat requires a Dexterity check against DC10 to throw or use it in melee (failure means dropping the hot stone and taking 1 point of fire damage). Fire resistance 1 or greater (such as from an endure elements spell) nullifies the need for a check. On contact, if in its Exuro or mild state it will deal 1 subdual damage on the first round of contact and 1 fire damage for every round it remains in contact thereafter. If in either of its hotter states, the stone deals 1d3 fire damage on contact and for every round thereafter that it remains in contact with the victim.

The stone can only be activated three times per day.

Faint Evocation; CL 1st, Craft Wondrous Item, ray of heat; Price 540gp

So you're on a long journey, possibly across some manner of endless winding desert to seek out a tomb of horrors full of the merciless undead. No problem! But aren't you getting tired of eating scorpions and drinking your camel's blood? I know I would be!

That's why you need one of our two premier products, the portable icebox and the portable preserver. Both products will keep your perishables from perishing for months on end, so finally you can recline back in the burning desert sun (don't forget that sun cream!) and enjoy some caviar and chilled sparkling wine. Adventuring for the gentleman adventurer.

Say you're in that desert after all. Well, the icebox is sure going to come in handy in all that heat! Even if you decide you don't want to keep any food in the box, all you need is to speak the command word and she'll pour out enough ice to keep your body cool and you and your camel watered!

Or how about you've actually developed a taste for scorpion meat anyway, but you're never quite sure if you've completely cut out all those troublesome venom glands? With the preserver, those worries are a thing of the past! Simply stick the scorpion in the box, leave it to chill for a day and when it comes out it'll be as safe as your grandma's cookies!

Portable Icebox
This small 1' by 1' by 2' chest can be used to store up to 2 cubic feet of food and liquids (roughly 120lbs or 16 gallons, using the weight of water as a base). This chest continually emits cold, extending the shelf life of food to 3 months from first being put into the portable icebox before breaking.

If there is nothing else in the icebox, the icebox can be commanded to produce ice. Producing ice takes a full day and yields 1 cubic foot of ice when it is done. This will melt to approximately 6 gallons of water. The icebox can produce up to 2 cubic feet of ice in this manner before it must be emptied out.

Faint Evocation; CL 1st, Craft Wondrous Item, ray of frost; Price 200gp

Portable Preserver
This small 1' by 1' by 2' chest can be used to store up to 2 cubic feet of food and liquids (roughly 120lbs or 16 gallons, using the weight of water as a base). Throughout the course of one full day, the portable preserver will purify any spoiled, rotten, poisonous or otherwise contaminated food or water placed within it. Food kept in the preserver will never decay or become contaminated through natural means.

Faint Transmutation; CL 1st, Craft Wondrous Item, purify food and drink; Price 200gp.

The tent's been one of our most popular items in the catalogue for the last three years, and it's just as popular today. You know the going; you've finally tracked the lich sorcerer down to his mountaintop abode and you're headed there to bring the fight to his doorstep. Great! You know what's not so great? Trying to set up a tent in a blizzard when your fingers are numb from the cold.

That's why we created the tent of self assembly. Not only does the tent set itself up and pack itself away with you so much as having to lift a finger, no matter the weather, it finally does away with the constant frustration of having to decide whether it's worth the 20lbs of extra weight on top of your backpack just to be able to sleep away from the stars - the tent carries itself! A load off your back, and a load off your mind.

Tent of Self-Assembly
This sturdy canvas tent can shelter up to five characters in a pinch, though it is really better suited for three. When not in use, the packed-up tent will float in the air and can be commanded to follow a character. Left to its own devices, the tent will float at a rate of 15 feet, one foot above the ground. The tent bag comes with a small rope or tether which can be held or tied to one's belt and pulled along at a character's move speed, effectively weighing nothing. The tent can be commanded to stop following a character or to stop levitating, at which point it will simply act as an ordinary tent.

Once per day the tent can be commanded to deploy itself. No matter how poor the weather conditions, the tent will immediately assemble itself in two minutes flat, driving poles into the ground and otherwise securing itself as firmly as any ordinary tent can be secured.

Once per day the tent can also be commanded to unpack itself. The tent will only unpack itself if it is empty of all characters and possessions. Again, no matter how poor the weather conditions, the tent will immediately disassemble itself and pack itself into the tent bag in no more than two minutes. The tent will then follow the character it was last designated to follow or else will float in the air until it is taken or redesignated to follow or stop following.

During strong winds (21-30mph) the tent will cease following a character against the wind of its own volition, expending its energy to remain in place. It can be dragged as a weightless item as usual. During severe or greater winds the tent will cease levitating and fall to the ground as a normal tent to prevent itself being blown away. It can still be commanded to deploy in these conditions, in which case it will assemble itself uninterfered as usual. Note: Once the tent has deployed, it is an ordinary tent. If winds or other conditions are sufficient to displace a well-secured tent, the tent will immediately be blown away or displaced in this manner.

Faint Conjuration; CL 1st, Craft Wondrous Item, unseen servant; Price 370gp

One of the most common complaints we hear from adventurers is that, having finally reached the dread keep of despair, blades readied to meet the unholy armies of the demon duke, their plans are fouled by one simple problem; they can't get in! Who hasn't spent time and frustration at some point or another bashing down the door or trying desperately to get the locks picked whilst arrows and boiling pitch are raining down from above?

That's why we came up with the grippli grappling hook and the brass door knocker, when you simply don't have the time to worry about getting past the gates - after all, that princess isn't going to rescue herself! The hook, named for our fine friends in the jungle, is absolutely guaranteed to hit any mark within the reach of its rope; and with that knocker, no lock is going to stand in your way. Don't let a simple barred iron door get in the way of your victory - come prepared!

Grippli Grappling Hook
This fine grappling hook bears engravings on the head depicting small frog-like people clinging to cliff faces. Once per day a command word may be spoken and when the hook is next thrown it will automatically catch whatever hookable surface the user aimed it at, so long as that surface is within 50ft (the length of the grappling hook's rope).

Faint Transmutation; CL 1st, Craft Wondrous Item, jump; Price 250gp

Brass Door Knocker
This charming brass door knocker comes complete with a struck plate in the shape of a two-faced beast. When the knocker is affixed to a stuck, barred, locked, held or arcaned locked door, secret door, locked or trick-opening box or chest, it may be knocked once with the knocker ring. The knocker immediately dissolves into the substance of the portal, unlocking and opening it. The knocker will not remove an arcane lock but will suspend it for ten minutes. Once a portal has been opened by the knocker, it will not relock itself or become stuck again on its own. The knocker will not raise barred gates or similar impediments (such as a portcullis) and does not affect ropes, vines or the like.

Only portals that can fit within an area of 60 sq. ft. can be opened in this manner.

Faint Transmutation; CL 3rd, Craft Wondrous Item, knock; Price 300gp.

The Alchemy Appendix - Excerpt

We've released another edition of our famous Alchemy Appendix, where we detail our range of items of an alchemical nature; many with magical counterparts also available from our catalogues, some without. You can pick up a copy at your local alchemists' or adventurers' guild.

Fighting Dirty

Sometimes it's just not enough to defeat your enemy - sometimes you really have to drive the message home. Maybe you want to make a statement. Maybe you just can't risk this person getting in the way of your plans. Or maybe you're just doing this because you think it's more merciful than killing them. Whatever your reasons, why not take a look at our disabling powders - before your enemies do!

Blinding ash has been a mainstay of the AA for a long time, but classics are classics for a reason. Sure that swordmaster looks deadly now, but how cocky will he be when he's floundering about trying to hit thin air? It's always worth reminding though; these disablers are permanent. If you're just after a temporary advantage to bring someone down safely, or you want a cheaper alternative, look at our flash bomb section.

We're pretty proud of the portable thunderclap. We know some of you have been anticipating it eagerly, especially after the failed launch last year, but it's here now and it shines! More importantly though, it's cracking! The percussion cap works like a dream, and we can finally say we have an alchemical version of the old favourite that can stand up to its older brother.

Blinding Ash
This ordinary-looking white powder burns on contact with exposed soft tissue, particularly eyes. Doses of blinding ash usually come in small, tightly-bound leather pouches and have to be handled with gloves. A dose of blinding ash may be thrown as a ranged touch attack with no range increment but a maximum range of 15ft. On a hit, the target must make a Fortitude save against DC 13 or be permanently blinded.

This ash is hard to obtain and often illegal but can be produced through magical or alchemical means.

Faint Necromancy; CL 3rd, Craft Wondrous Item, blindness/deafness; Price 300gp/dose

Craft (Alchemy), DC 20; Price 275gp/dose

Portable Thunderclap
This tiny bronze hammer is balanced to be thrown with a range increment of 10ft, but does no appreciable damage. Instead, on a successful ranged touch attack, it will let loose a clap of thunder. The target of the throw must make a Fortitude save vs DC 13 or be permanently deafened.

In the alchemical version of this weapon, the hammer conceals an impact-sensitive percussion cap and a small charge of powder. It won't blast anything apart, but the sound will work wonders just as well as its arcane counterpart.

Faint Necromancy; CL 3rd, Craft Wondrous Item, blindness/deafness; Price 300gp

Craft (Alchemy) DC 20; Price 275gp


If you've been reading our supplement from the Camping Catalogue, then you'll probably be interested in the stone of purification. If you can't afford or aren't interested in the portable preserver but you're still concerned about the safety of the food you pick up on your travels, have no fear. The stone of purification comes in magical and alchemical varieties and can simply be crumbled into food or drink to render it perfectly safe from a wide variety of forms of food spoilage.

So you've finally tamed that owlbear chick, but now she's running around all over the place, knocking over vases and furniture and anything else that might get in your way. Not a problem. With polymorphic sealant you can fix any break, no matter how complex. Even if the line doesn't quite match, so long as you have most of the pieces, polysealant will put it back together good as new. Saves you more time to be spending with that adorable young terrifying beast of the plains.

Stone of Purification
This chalky white stone can be added to up to 8 gallons of water or crumbled and mixed with up to 60 pounds of food (or any mixture of the two not exceeding the given bounds) to purify it and make it suitable for eating and drinking. Spoiled, rotten, poisonous or otherwise contaminated food and drink will all be made safe in this manner, but the stone's effects will not prevent subsequent natural decay or spoilage.

Faint Transmutation; CL 1st, Craft Wondrous Item, purify food and drink; Price 25gp

Craft (Alchemy) DC 20; Price 20gp

Polymorphic Sealant
This rather unimpressive translucent grey goop can be smeared in between cracks, small breaks or tears or breaks in most mundane items. Within ten minutes of application, the sealant will not only repair the damage but take on the appearance of the material surrounding it, making it indistinguishable from a brand new item.

Polysealant will repair small breaks and tears (but not warps, as might be caused by a warp wood spell). It can mend broken metallic objects such as a ring, chain link, medallion or slender dagger, providing only a single break is to be mended. Ceramic or wooden objects with multiple breaks can be rejoined invisibly and as strong as new. Holes in leather items are completely healed over by the application of polysealant. In all cases, a single ounce of polysealant is only sufficient to repair an object of up to 1lb in weight.

Polysealant can repair the mundane parts of a broken magic item, but will not restore the magic. Polysealant cannot mend broken magic rods, staves, or wands. Generally polysealant will not affect creatures, but two applications of polysealant can repair 1 point of damage to a construct. This counts towards the 20hp limit/day on repairs to that construct.

Faint Transmutation; CL 1st, Craft Wondrous Item, mending; Price 25gp

Craft (Alchemy) DC 20; Price 20gp

Coca Coca!

Sometimes you just need a little bit of an extra kick in a fight - and usually to give it to the other guy! Taking advantage of the beneficial and advantageous properties of the humble coca leaf, we've prepared two handy extracts that you can imbibe to give yourself just that little bit of an edge before the battle. With the coca extract and coca stimulant on your side, you'll make mincemeat of your enemies!

Coca Extract
This handy extract of the beneficial and advantageous coca leaf will give you that extra edge in a fight! Imbibing the coca extract will grant 1 temporary hit point for 10 minutes thereafter. Temporary hit points gained from drinking coca extract do not stack.

Craft (Alchemy) DC 20: Price 20gp/dose

Coca Stimulant
This handy extract of the beneficial and advantageous coca leaf has been prepared to give you a little extra bite in combat. Imbibing the coca stimulant will provide a +1 alchemical bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls for the next minute. Stronger preparations can provide +2 and +3 bonuses to attack and weapon damage rolls for the next minute, but cost significantly more.

Craft (Alchemy) DC 20: Price 45gp/dose (+1 bonus); 280gp/dose (+2 bonus); 425gp/dose (+3 bonus)

Disclaimer: Boffle and the Boffle's Baffles Catalogue bear no responsibility for side effects or addiction resulting from coca preparations stronger than those listed here.

2010-12-22, 04:08 PM
Simple, I did the math too fast :P. It is in fact 25% per hit. It's still a bit strong though. OTOH those with weapons to drop tend to have high AC too, so I could be wrong there. I forgot about that.

Let's see, more carefully this time... hit maybe half the time with full BAB vs. heavy armor, but damage drops from 1d8 to 1d4. Probably targetting a fighter or barbarian, who really does fail the save half the time. So 25% per attack. Maybe 2 attacks at low level. You could do 3 with TWF and rapid shot, but more likely you have one or the other for the sake of future level plans. 50:50 shot of screwing over a target in exchange for dealing maybe 4-5 damage instead of 6-7. That's well worth it for a couple points of damage. Soon you'll have a few thousand gp so the cost isn't so bad for the ability to shut down opponents. I'd still weaken it a bit. Making it a fort save might be a good start, in addition to enough of a cost bump that it's usable at low levels but not easily spammable.

Adjusted the fluff on the sparkspikes (Gold-plated caltrops! Bling your enemies' feet with pointy electric disablers!).

Thoroughly rebalanced the Dart of Disarmament. The dart may actually be too weak now - it uses a Fort Save and I've downed the save DC to 11. Most 1st level fighters will have a better than 60% chance of evading this, a 4th level fighter is going to have no problem at all - let alone a raging barbarian. These are the characters you're most likely to be using the dart against anyway. Darts only deal 1d4+Str damage regardless.

The newest crop of items comes in large part from 2nd level spells, so the base price is necessarily rather higher. Some of the items potentially might be a little overpowered, but I've tried to restrict their usefulness to their given designs and purposes only;

e.g. The icebox is borne out of ray of frost but rather than dealing any cold damage it's been re-purposed to emulate a weak create water or limited preservation ability. This one's aimed at arcane spellcasters who cannot get hold of purify food and drink. The portable preserver, its sister item, is made directly from purify food and drink, but to keep the cost down (continuous use item should be 1k for a 0-level item) I re-engineered the design so that it still only uses one use of purify food and drink a day, but that use is spread across the entire day. So if you leave food in the preserver for 24 hours it'll be purified, but not if you only stick it in there for a few hours and try to take it out.

The stone of warmth comes straight out of tactical thinking. In the campaign I'm currently playing in (Evil party leader for a band of neutral/good mercenaries! Working surprisingly well.) we're doing a fair bit of overland movement and it occurred to me that if we were being hunted, nothing shows up our position like a roaring campfire. Bright light, easily seen from a distance at night, column of smoke easily seen during the day. The stone of warmth is my way of coming up with an item that still cooks and otherwise serves as well as a campfire, but does not use fuel or produce (significant) light or smoke.

There is an exploit - to keep price down I again manipulated the idea of 'uses per day' to stretch them out over a long enough period so instead of producing a one-off burst of heat (as the source spell, ray of heat) a 'use' stretches over an extended period of cooking. This means you can pick the stone up and use it like a weapon. The Dexterity check was introduced to make this a less ideal option, but my counter-argument is that you could do exactly the same thing with a burning piece of wood from a conventional campfire, limiting how broken it is by comparison.

Polymorphic sealant comes from far less virtuous motives. Said evil party leader in this campaign is a Bard, but I didn't pick mending as one of his abilites. Now whilst I could certainly just pick up a scroll of mending for him, I felt that polymorphic sealant would make an excellent general use item. In this case, because said character wants to break open a barrel, shove a corpse in there and then seal it so nobody notices it was broken.

2010-12-23, 07:55 PM
Thoroughly rebalanced the Dart of Disarmament. The dart may actually be too weak now - it uses a Fort Save and I've downed the save DC to 11. Most 1st level fighters will have a better than 60% chance of evading this, a 4th level fighter is going to have no problem at all - let alone a raging barbarian. These are the characters you're most likely to be using the dart against anyway. Darts only deal 1d4+Str damage regardless.
Think of it this way. Would a low level rapid shotter, TWF or similarly optimizing monster still want to carry these, at least as a backup option? No? Then up the power. Yes? Then good. If someone who isn't a good thrower usually doesn't want them and finds them "underpowered" and someone who is a good thrower still wants them, then you've hit the power right on the money. The melee has a 36% chance of evading it from two hits. But if he has good AC the thrower might miss too. But the thrower might save them for rogues who have a lower AC and fort save. Etc. To balance them make sure they're sometimes or often useful but not such an obviously strong and cheap choice that everyone uses them against everything.

Subscribed in case in the distant future I want to steal an item. Dunno how to price the second round of items but IMO you can't go wrong at a couple hundred for a minor utility thing. Technically it's 1800 / 5 / 2 = 180 gp for a level 0 spell 1/day, or 360 gp for a level 1 spell 1/day, but drawbacks like taking all day to use and advantages like longer durations muddle that a bit.

Coca stimulant: I'd be very careful about giving bonuses that stack with everything. This takes a round to consume and only lasts a minute so it's not so bad, but given time to buff it quickly becomes epically abusable. Switching it to a bonus type that doesn't stack with other spells that the PCs might buff with could fix that. You could even price the coca similar to the spells or use them to help you ballpark the price. Oh, and cocoa makes chocolate while coca makes cocaine.