View Full Version : The "True Construct Character Build <3.5/Dragonmech/Eberron>

2010-12-14, 02:48 PM
Having recently recieved several old D&D books as an early Christmas Present from an old friend of mine, I looked through Dragonmech, and instantly fell in love. I immediately called my DM, asking if instead of ther leShay I could use these new books (Campaign Setting and Steam Warriors) in our current campaign. To my deepheld surprise, he said, "Yes"

So, flipping through, I ran across Steamborg, a class that is essentially Renegade Mastermaker as a Base Class. Then I thought, "What if a Warforged took this?" Then I remembered Warforged Juggernaut and realised this is a perfect flavor match. DM said that Gestalting everyone would only happen if everyone did so.

So, here are the questions:

1. Steamborg was designed for the Core races, to make them more machine, so would Warforged, who is already machine qualify?
2. In Optimization, I never see WfJ in a build, but over 5 levels, it seems just crazy-powerful. Ideal for a charger build, which with Steamborg's 3/4 BAB isn't impossible.
3. I have the build up to 12th level (Steamborg 7/WfJ 5), so what should I do post-WfJ? Artificer? More Steamborg? Another PrC?
4. This is a roleplaying aspect: He doesn't understand Human Emotion (using Human as the "paragon" of emotion, not saying Dwarves/Elves/whatever don't have emotions...), and thus is confused by the thoughts of joy, sadness, and rage. He understands humor, but gets the jokes wrong (such as kicking a door in and yelling, "And I'm all out of bubblegum"). Would this aspect get annoying, or just be great roleplaying material?
5. Feats. I know what I need to qualify for WfJ, but what others are good/required/ect.
6. Components/"Upgrades": The book Dragonmech has "parts" which do not count as "item slots", so what Warforged Components should I pick up? I know Wing Cloak is on top of the list, so plz help with others. His Parts are:

Self-Destruct Device
Force Generator
Iron Jacket

7. Weapon of choice: No clue