View Full Version : Final Fantasy: Genesis IC

2010-12-14, 02:56 PM
Cancer 13, Year 1367

Near the town of Kelowna,

The roads are like spider webs, they join up and split without ends, no one know why they were build like that, the town is in a corner of the Arkanian Republic where that many roads is completly useless and easy to get lost. Upon this seemingly standard day, 5 unsuspecting person walk those roads trying to get at a town that is said to be hiding somewhere around. This small village, one of the few remaining one in the republic, hold nothing of much importance.

Each one of these person have their own reason to get to Kelowna, may it be that they come from the north east and that their way to the capital make them go throught this town, the old ruins near the town or simply their wanderlust that guided them there.

Upon arrival in Kelowna, the most important detail that can be seen is the complete lack of townsmens.

2010-12-14, 06:17 PM
Russell crests a hill and sees the town just a small ways further ahead. Finally, I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to find it. He walks down the hill and approaches the gate, but stops short when he sees the gate hanging open, with no guards or townsfolk in sight. Strange, I wonder where everyone is? Russell looks around and decides to wait in the guard house, to see if anyone shows up.

2010-12-14, 07:18 PM
As the town entrance come into view, Amelia smiles brightly. Finally, I've gotten to the Arkanian Republic! If I can make here, I can make it anywhere! She draws one leg back to start a mad-dash to the gate, and freezes in place. Wait wait wait. First impressions are important, I shouldn't waste this opportunity.

She stands there, rubbing her chin, tilting her head, pondering her grand entrance. The mysterious stranger was overdone, if a classic. Too bad she wasn't in the proper costume for that, not that anyone would find her stature imposing. The innocent new arrival was always relegated to the love interest and/or designated victim, so that wasn't an option either.

That left the hyperactive, burning spirit protagonist. A favorite of hers, always entertaining. Right, then. Here goes nothing! Amelia tinkers with her bracelets and anklets for a second. All set, she dashes towards the entrance. She gives the bracelet on her left wrist a twist, and her accessories leave colored trails of smoke as she moves past the entrance and cartwheels into the city.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Introducing the end-all, the BE-all, the PLEASE-all of street performances, Ameliaaaa-" She freezes in the middle of several complicated poses, her face falling at the empty town. "...oh. That's disappointing. She sighs, and turns off her bracelets as she looks back and forth for any signs of life. Where is everyone?

2010-12-14, 07:41 PM
As the smoke from Amelia's bracelets clears, a slow clap can be heard drawing near to her form the direction of the guard house. A lone figure dressed in red approaches her through the smoke, clapping slowly. Quite the performance, miss, I must admit disappointment that you stopped. The figure stops clapping and looks around. In regards to your question, I couldn't say. I arrived not fifteen minutes ago, and the place was as deserted then as it is now. I was napping in the gatehouse, hoping for someone to come by, and look! Here someone has. But I forget myself and my manners. The figure draws himself up to his full height, his cape falling around him. With a flourish, he parts the cape, removes his hat, and bows low. I am a red mage, and would be called the same. However, as it is just the two of us here, and I already know your name, I suppose I can give you mine. You may call me Russell. Russell straightens and returns his hat to his head, his cape now hanging behind him.

2010-12-14, 08:02 PM
Now THERE'S a good example of a mysterious stranger appearing. "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Russell. Amelia bows politely, then begins a simple if amusing warm-up routine for his entertainment. "It IS really strange that there's nobody around. I wonder what could have chased them off? By the way, I really liked that entrance you did there. Have you ever considered a role in show-biz?" She maintains the conversation in her politest tone, the flips and handstands not throwing her off for a moment.

2010-12-14, 08:11 PM
Just Russell, please, the "Mister" is unnecessary. And thank you, my mentor and I shared a flare for the dramatic. Russell looks away for a moment, as if remembering something only half-forgotten, then quickly focuses back on Amelia. I've never considered show-business, no, though I suppose it could be fun. ...You're quite graceful.

2010-12-14, 09:51 PM
As the two stand together, talking, a third figure approaches. With her gray skin and long bunny ears, she was obviously a Viera, although the question then becomes 'what is a Viera doing here?'. Her white robes and staff might indicate her as a White Mage.

Lenna has a slight frown on her face. She wasn't used to cities yet, but surely someone should have come out by now? The two she had seen should have attracted some attention, at least...

She walks up to them. "Greetings. Do... either of you know where anyone else is?"

2010-12-14, 10:19 PM
She smiles again. "Thanks, Russell. Yes, there's no-biz quite like show-biz. I'm a dancer by trade, so I'm pretty good at the acrobatics needed for the steps. But thank you." Amelia looks around again in anticipation, then sighs when nothing happens.

"Normally, this is the part where something would keep the story rolling. A monster attack, a citizen blowing their hiding place, a new arrival, an invasion..."

"I'm itching to investigate, but trying to search alone is a good way to end up as the disposable extras that show off the evil monster's gimmick by dying horribly." She shudders, and nearly stumbles as a result of the distraction. We're in a heavily traveled border town. There's gotta be more people showing up eventually, ri-?"

Amelia jumps when she sees the new visitor, ending her routine. Called it! "Oh! Hello, there. We only just arrived ourselves. It seems like the city's been deserted, for some reason or other. My name is Amelia. It's a pleasure to meet you." She punctuates the introduction with a twirl.

2010-12-14, 10:21 PM
Hearing the question of the new arrival, Russell turns his attention from Amelia to focus on the newcomer. Salutations. I am sorry to say that I do not know where anyone else is, we two were pondering over that very conundrum before you arrived. Speaking of, introductions are in order. Russell removes his hat with a flourish and bows low again, this time toward the viera. I am a red mage. Were there more people here, I would have you address me as such, but as it is just the three of us, you may call me Russell. He straightens and puts his hat back on his head. And your name is...?

2010-12-15, 05:34 AM
Phineas's left hand tightened around the hilt of his sword as he walked through the eerie silence. Why wasn't anyone around? Even in a small town, there should have been people going about their daily business. Drache wondered if his former employers had a hand in this.

He was relieved to find the three travelers standing around, talking. "Hello. Am I wrong to assume that you arrived to find the town empty of people as well?" Phineas raised his hand in greeting.

2010-12-15, 05:47 PM
Hamak stomped into town, shocked to see so few people about. As he saw the small congregation forming, he approached them and coarsely said, "Hey, where'd everyone go? I was hoping to pick up some supplies. Though, three Humes is already more than I care to see, heh..." He look at the white mage, and attempting (see: failing) to be suave, he said, "But I got no problem with Viera, girly."

2010-12-15, 07:05 PM
"My name is Lenna. It is a pleasure to meet you as well."

Then, new arrivals. Lenna turns to face them. "You would be correct in assuming so. It is... worrying."

2010-12-15, 07:17 PM
Russell turns to the newcomers, ignoring the bangaa's slight. Greetings to the both of you. It is as she said, I arrived to find this town as deserted as it is now. Moreso, in fact, given that most of us weren't here at the time. Russell chuckles at his joke, then returns his focus to the newcomers. I don't know where everyone went, but I suggest we try to find out. That is how these things usually go, is it not? Further, I am personally curious to know what happened here, and if there is any way I can help. If there is anyone who wishes to join this merry band, I am sure they will arrive presently, wherever we may be. Ah, but I'm getting ahead of myself again. If we are to be a group, introductions are in order! I am a red mage, and, were we a larger group, I would be known as such. However, as there are only five of us, you may call me Russell. And you two are...?

2010-12-15, 10:58 PM
Before anyone can answer Russell's question, a black unreflective portal open up about 15 feets into the air. Staying there for about 10 seconds before taking on a translusive sheen to it.

Before long, a figure fall to the ground and a disembodied voice can be heard: Help save this place! .... AND! .... No cheating using my weapons! As a clearly rusted sword fall to the ground. Also little lady, beat that as an entrance!! the voice added in a joyfully challenging tone before the portal disappear from the air.

The-Mage-King..... Have Fun!! :smalltongue:

Must be one of the finest "out of nowhere" entrance ever.

2010-12-16, 12:05 AM
Russell looks up at the portal as it disappears, and then looks down at the figure on the ground. Well. I would say that he wins for Most Dramatic Entrance. I wonder if he's okay? Russell steps over to the figure, crouches down, and pulls a stick out of his belt. Using the stick, he begins poking and prodding at the figure. Hey. You alright?

2010-12-16, 02:36 AM
"Help save this place? From what?" Phineas wondered, staring after the portal as it vanished. He turned to speak with the others. "Have you heard of anything unusual happening in the area lately?"

2010-12-16, 03:06 AM
Amelia applauded the entrance, pondering how the portal was made. "That was random. Impressive, though. He forgot to introduce himself, but if he plays the mysterious antagonist, it could work. Speaking of, my name is Amelia. No, I haven't heard of anything like this." She bows in the general direction of the two, before rushing off to Russel's side to check on the mystery person.

"Hey, are you alright?"

2010-12-16, 10:32 AM
Groaning, Enmerkaar sits up and looks around.

"...Damnit, Master dropped me somewhere strange again, didn't he." He mutters, rising to his feet.

"I'm fine, though-" He starts, catchign sight of the sword. "Oh, damnit. That thing again."

Picking up the rusted blade, he turns to the rest of the group.

"Now as for introductions, I am Enmerkar, the student of the greatest swordsman in existance. My master, who you most likely heard, decided I needed some 'Real World Experience', and dropped me here."

He pauses for a second.

"So, what's the quest that you five were here for?"

2010-12-16, 10:53 AM
When the figure stirs, Russell stops poking him and rises to his feet, returning the Poking Stick to its rightful place in his belt. Greetings, Enmerkar. I am a red mage, and would be known as such, but given that these five already know my name, and you seem to planning to join our merry band, I suppose you should as well. Call me Russell. Now, as to a quest, I can't really say that I have one. I was just passing through, planning to stop in this town to rest and resupply, and maybe see if they needed any help, when I found it to be quite deserted. More deserted than it is now, in fact, given that when I arrived, there was one person here, myself, and now there are six. Russell looks around at the town again. I suppose a fitting quest would be finding out what happened to this town that we have all met in, wouldn't you agree?

2010-12-16, 05:19 PM
Phineas nodded. "Unless everyone decided to leave all at once, I would say something very wrong is going on here. Perhaps we should start by looking for signs of habitation." He regarded Enmerkaar with curiosity. "Pardon me, but why do you carry a rusted sword? Do you not have any other weapon?" Drache wondered if they could temporarily borrow a sword from the local weapons store, if the belongings of the townspeople hadn't vanished with them.

2010-12-16, 05:56 PM
"This... Is a weapon my master has made a point of leaving me with. It's a test of skill- until I can get enough gil together to buy a better sword, or I can kill something that wields one, I'm stuck with it." Enmerkar says, glaring at the blade.

"And I hate it. The balance is off, and everything else is awful. But, as my master says, 'you can't make an omelet without stealing a few legendary eggs."

2010-12-16, 10:16 PM
Russell eyes the sword curiously. Your master must have some very expensive tastes, in that case. He holds his hand out toward Enmerkar's sword. May I?

2010-12-16, 10:28 PM
"Great, just what we need, more Humes," grunts Hamak in a corrosive tone. "Well don't expect me to go along with your silly adventure!" Hamak says this, and then remembers his pack is lacking any supplies, and the town remains empty, "Well, I guess I'll come along, just so you Humes don't end up bringing about the end of the world"

2010-12-17, 11:30 AM
"Not at all." Enmerkar says, flipping the blade over and handing it to Russell hilt first.

2010-12-17, 01:00 PM
Thank you. Russell takes the sword and studies it closely. Hmmm...

DualShadow, can I make a Lore :Relics check to see if there are any hidden magical properties on the blade?

2010-12-17, 01:06 PM
Thank you. Russell takes the sword and studies it closely. Hmmm...

DualShadow, can I make a Lore :Relics check to see if there are any hidden magical properties on the blade?

By all means do so, for future reference and in order to speed things up, if you think something warrant a skill check but not sure, do it anyway.

Good case scenario, you have your answer swiftly
Bad case scenario, I tell you it does not warrant a skill check

Its kind of a win/win situation

Anyhow, yes please do your check.

2010-12-17, 02:51 PM
So we have a mysterious mage, a battered apprentice, a kind healer, a racist but lovable rogue, a straight-man, a spunky, determined girl who dreams of adventure, and an empty town they are charged with saving. That sounds like a good set up to me! She rubs her chin, nodding to herself.

She watches the conversation silently, but quickly grows bored."There has to be some clue as to where everyone went. A whole town doesn't up and leave without leaving a track." She comments idly. Amelia turns her head back and forth to look for any signs of violence or tracks.

Search Check: [roll0]

2010-12-17, 03:24 PM
So we have a mysterious mage, a battered apprentice, a kind healer, a racist but lovable rogue, a straight-man, a spunky, determined girl who dreams of adventure, and an empty town they are charged with saving. That sounds like a good set up to me! She rubs her chin, nodding to herself.

She watches the conversation silently, but quickly grows bored."There has to be some clue as to where everyone went. A whole town doesn't up and leave without leaving a track." She comments idly. Amelia turns her head back and forth to look for any signs of violence or tracks.

Search Check: [roll0]

You see nothing out of the ordinary, no broken windows, no battered doors, nor any sign of anything left out in the streets.

2010-12-17, 05:30 PM
Hamak searches around as well, looking for anything relevant

Search Check: [roll0]

2010-12-17, 05:39 PM
Thank you. Russell takes the sword and studies it closely. Hmmm...

DualShadow, can I make a Lore :Relics check to see if there are any hidden magical properties on the blade?

Your analysis of the blade reveal no hidden magical abilities.

Hamak searches around as well, looking for anything relevant

Search Check: [roll0]

Your eyes catches barely nothing that the eager hume girl didnt already noticed, but you notice a little white bunny standing near a magicite powered street lamp. By it size you recognize it to be a leafer but it eyes seem to be softly illuminated by a red light.

It watches the group intensely, with his solid red eyes, unmoving, unblinking.

2010-12-17, 11:03 PM
Well, that's disappointing. After a test swing or two, Russell returns the blade to Enmerkar. Unfortunately for you, as far as I can tell, this isn't one of those legendary eggs. Jsut a very awful sword. I do not envy you. Russell then turns to look around the city like everyone else.

Awareness: [roll0]

2010-12-18, 12:24 AM
Well, that's disappointing. After a test swing or two, Russell returns the blade to Enmerkar. Unfortunately for you, as far as I can tell, this isn't one of those legendary eggs. Jsut a very awful sword. I do not envy you. Russell then turns to look around the city like everyone else.

Awareness: [roll0]

Like your newly acquianted Bangaa friend, you spot a leafer with the eyes softly glowing red.

2010-12-18, 08:17 AM
Russell tilts his head to one side looking at the leafer. He points it out to his companions who seem to have missed it. Uhh, guys? Leafers don't normally have glowing red eyes, do they?

2010-12-18, 09:06 AM
Hamak tenses up, and begins to grip the hilt of his sword, ready for battle.

2010-12-18, 04:11 PM
Spinning the blade around quickly, Enmerkar assumes a battle stance.

"None but those possessed by demons, devils, elite ninja, or that are just plain evil." He says, eyeing the creature.

"My bet is on the last. That looks like it's dynamite."

2010-12-18, 05:13 PM
Amelia turns to the indicated area. "Huh? But I thought that Leafers always..." She tilts her head, pondering the creature's appearance. "But more importantly, why is it here when nothing else is?"

Lore (Monsters) check: [roll0]

...why didn't I give Amelia any points in Lore skills?! It would fit her so perfectly!

2010-12-18, 05:20 PM
Amelia turns to the indicated area. "Huh? But I thought that Leafers always..." She tilts her head, pondering the creature's appearance. "But more importantly, why is it here when nothing else is?"

Lore (Monsters) check: [roll0]

...why didn't I give Amelia any points in Lore skills?! It would fit her so perfectly!

Best timing for a complication :smallbiggrin:

As Amelia ponders upon the leafer's appearance, a little buzzing noise can be heard, slowly but surely the buzz is getting louder.

2010-12-18, 06:03 PM
Hearing the buzzing, Russell drops into a defensive stance, drawing his sword and holding it raised vertically in front of him. He raises his other hand to blade, closes his eyes, and intones several complex syllables, shaping his fingers into complex designs and touching certain spots on the blade. When he finishes, he opens his eyes and swings the blade down to his side, leaving a crackling arc of electricity in the air behind the blade.

Can I use my Spellblade ability now, or do I have to wait until my first turn in combat? Got the PM, using Spellblade to imbue my sword with my Thunder spell.

2010-12-18, 07:09 PM
The growing noise draws Amelia's attention away from the Leafer. "Oh, that can't be good." She adjusts her posture and begins dancing about. To those more familiar with dancing, it seems as though she's doing the steps backwards. "Well then, I guess it's time for the first clash of good and evil..."

She lightly squeezes her lucky charm, sitting securely in her pocket, as she looks around herself to spot the source of the buzzing.

Using the Reverse of Wake to Life to grant Amelia and Russel the MP Drain weapon property. Roll for Awareness to spot the source of the buzzing.


2010-12-18, 08:22 PM
During your reversed Wake to Life dance, while raising up your head you spot a giant bee with the same soft red glow as it passes over a rooftop.

Only missing the battle ready post of RqMarquis and horngeek.

2010-12-18, 09:12 PM
Drache's training demanded that he take any combat situation seriously, but he couldn't help but smirk a little at Amelia's comment. "Hmm. Would you really call these animals evil? They are possessed, after all."

He draws his sword and adopts a fighting stance.

2010-12-18, 10:01 PM
Lenna frowns, and positions her staff in front of her. "What are these things?"

2010-12-18, 10:47 PM
"I was talking about the person or force doing the possessing, but that's besides the point." Amelia waves off his concern, continuing her dance. "As for what it is..." She turns to answer the Viera's question.

Lore (Monster) check: [roll0]

2010-12-18, 11:04 PM
"I was talking about the person or force doing the possessing, but that's besides the point." Amelia waves off his concern, continuing her dance. "As for what it is..." She turns to answer the Viera's question.

Lore (Monster) check: [roll0]

Its a Killer Bee and its a bad sign, usually where there is one, there is more nearby.

******Screen Shattering SFX******

Battle mode engaged!

There is a leafer standing at medium range from the group, down the street. The Killer Bee is flying above the rooftop within short distance but an athletic check DC: 7 is required to get up there.

You may act now.

2010-12-18, 11:10 PM
Russell turns his gaze to focus on the Killer Bee. I've got the bee! He runs towards the wall, attempting to run up it to a height where he can reach the roof-edge with his free hand. Athletics: [roll0] Upon reaching the roof-edge, he grabs it with his free hand, and uses his momentum to propel himself into the air within reach of the killer bee, slashing into it with his saber, before dropping back to the roof top.

Attack: [roll1] Damage is 8 (7 from dice + 4 STR - 3 ARM). Due to the MP Drain from Amelia's dance, Russell would regain 4 MP, if he wasn't already at full. And how was that for a dramatic attack?

2010-12-19, 12:12 AM
"That... could be a problem. Where there's one killer bee, there's usually more. Watching Russell rush up the wall, she whistles admirably. "Nice one. Let's see if I can't do better..."

Closing her eyes, Amelia visualizes Russell's acrobatics in her head. The steps taken, the grooves of the wall, and the man's speed and foot placement. Breaking smoothly out of her dance with an acrobatic flip, she activates her bracelets and dashes the route Russell took.

Knowing she wasn't strong enough to boost herself all the way up like Russell, she flips off the wall onto the nearby awning. With a skillful bounce, she launches herself upwards. She pulls a total of three flips towards the Killer Bee, then stretches out her anklets with intent to strike it.

Copycat Russell's action. Use Acting instead of Acrobatics for the skill check, and roll for accuracy/damage.

Acting check: [roll0]
Attack Roll: [roll1] +4 for accuracy, +5 for damage (8 Dex against 3 ARM).

2010-12-19, 08:08 AM
A sinister grin comes across Hamak's face, "Heh, you guys take the bee, I'm going to kill this little bunny. I swear, its giving me diabetes with its cuteness." Hamak unsheathes his swords, while holding it upside-down, and lunges at the Leafer, stabbing downwards at it.

[roll0] +4 for Attack, +8 for Damage

2010-12-19, 06:20 PM
Phineas arms himself for battle and follows Hamak. "I'd better go help him with that..." He mutters, mostly to himself. The Bangaa's casual attitude toward the possessed Leafer wasn't reassuring. It didn't pay to underestimate one's opponent, especially not a rabbit. He had heard rather macabre stories about what they could do if pushed far enough.

Drache moves his sword into a reverse grip and slashes at the Leafer.

I make a Move Action toward the Leafer, then attack. [roll0] +5 for accuracy, +6 for damage.

2010-12-20, 05:44 PM
Muttering something when he sees the bee, Enmerkar glares at the leafer and thrusts his right hand forwards, an obviously gleeful expression on his face.

"FIRE!" He cries, a sphere of the same flying from his hand and hitting the leafer.

Damage: [roll0]+6

MP remaining: 2

2010-12-20, 05:48 PM
Lenna, unlike the others, remains where she is, ready to provide healing if nessesary.

Full Defence option for me. Healbot ready! :smalltongue:

Mainly because I don't have enough MP for more than one spell.

2010-12-20, 06:07 PM
The leafer at the end of the street let out a cry as if calling others.

Russell's slash hit the Killer Bee right down its head, making it flip foward from the pressure. nearly crashing into the ground before recovering back to its original altitude. Before it can completly recover from the saber slash, Amelia's kick connect strongly against the Bee's side sending it spinning on itself.

Dizzy from all those attack the Killer Bee try to dash into Amelia.

Attack roll: [roll0] dealing 15 damage.

Round 2

Enmerkar's Fire spell hit the Leafer right up front sending the little bunny ablaze leaving only charred remains.

2010-12-20, 06:33 PM
Amelia gasps in pain when the bee collides with her ribcage. She loses her place in the movements, the effects of her previous performance fading away. She clings to the oversized bee desperately to stay aloft. Her grip tightens as anger bubbles up inside her. "Never interrupt a performance, you hack!"

Swinging her legs back and forth to get momentum going, she flips on top of the bee and kicks off it, making a grab for it's wings with the intent of tearing them off.

Missing by the narrowest of margins, she kicks off the bee to launch herself higher into the air. Amelia again closes her eyes to focus on steps she new well, doing them in reverse as she feels gravity begin to take hold.

Shadowy energy envelops the Killer Bee, threatening to crush it and tear it apart at the same time. The darkness distorts its appearance and seems to hold it in place, as Amelia descends towards it.

Her eyes flicker open, and she finishes the performance by drop-kicking the overgrown insect.

Reversed Healing Etude on the Killer Bee. If it does not succeed a Difficulty 14 Resist Roll, it takes 50% of it's maximum HP in damage (Demi effect).

Either way, the Weapon of Choice Job Ability immediately does 5 damage to it, ignoring ARM and Protect.

2010-12-20, 07:20 PM
Right then, time to finish this. Russell charges to the edge of the roof, before leaping up swinging his blade in an upward arc toward the ailing bee.

[roll0] +4 ACC, +4 STR for Damage

2010-12-22, 02:14 PM
Phineas whirls around and heads for the rooftop. "I hate insects." He mutters to himself as he attacks the bee.

This will probably take longer than a round, but I will first make a Move Action toward the Killer Bee. [roll0] +3 for Athletics to reach it. Then I'll make an Attack Roll. [roll1] +5 for accuracy, +6 for damage.

2010-12-22, 05:30 PM
Lenna notices Amelia's injury, and focuses, muttering in Viera. A ball of light gathers in her hands, before floating over to Amelia and infusing her with healing magic.

Restoring 20+[roll0] HP to Amelia, not that the roll's really important. :smalltongue:

2010-12-22, 06:38 PM
Cackling, Enmerkar turns to look for another target, then realizes something.

"...I'm at less than half magic. Damnit!" he says, falling into another stance, one that seems better for defending against attacks than the previous.


I'm using Defend.

Because of...

MP remaining: 2

2010-12-24, 10:51 AM
Hamak defends himself, waiting for the others to finish off the bee.

2010-12-24, 04:26 PM
The Killer Bee resist the Reverse dance of Amelia as if it didnt even existed, but have less sucess dodging her feets, taking it square on the head.

Russell's rising slash is a little too much on the left making it easy for the Bee to dodge it.

Phineas get his feets on the roof top.
Lenna gather magical energies for a cure spell.
Enmerkar and Hamak stands at the ready near the leafer's corpse.

Trying to take down Amelia the Killer Bee go for her legs but dodging Russell's blow made the fly-by attack go way off at Amelia's right.

Another leafer come around the corner near Enmerkar and Hamak while another Bee appears on the roof near the guarding duo, the Bee appear to be gathering magical energy.

******Round 3*******

Lenna's spell is complete and ready to be casted.

The new Leafer and Killer Bee are within short range of Enmerkar and Hamak, the Bee requiring an athletic check DC: 7. To get from the first bee's roof to the new one require an athletic check DC: 11 as a jump across a 15 feet road must be made and the movement will take a round.

2010-12-24, 09:07 PM
Russell lands on the roof, rolling back to his feet. Okay then, try this on for size. Russell sheathes his sword and brings his hands together, forming his fingers into complex shapes while chanting a spell under his breath.

Casting Lightning at the bee. [roll0] + 27 damage, when the spell goes off next round.

2010-12-25, 12:34 AM
Amelia takes a calming breath to gather her thoughts, and starts up her dance again as the new bee enters the area. "Right, a new customer. Welcome to the show!" She focuses on the newly arrived Killer Bee, but takes care to sweep her leg out and boot the injured bee aside during the complicated steps.

Reversed Healing Etude on the newly arrived Killer Bee. If it does not succeed a Difficulty 14 Resist Roll, it takes 50% of it's maximum HP in damage (Demi effect).

The Weapon of Choice Job Ability immediately does 5 damage to the injured bee, ignoring ARM and Protect.

2010-12-25, 08:39 AM
"I didn't know I was joining the exterminator business," Hamak says under his breath. He attempts to climb up the building and stab the first bee.

Athletics Check: [roll0]
Attack and damage: [roll1] +4 for attack, +8 for damage

2010-12-26, 03:53 PM
"It's rabbit squashing time!" Enmerkar says gleefully, moving towards the Leafer with an obvious plan.

Spinning his blade around, he grins, and then... sheaths it.

A pause, and he blurs and appears next to the rabbit, blade extended.

Attack: [roll0] +1 ACC, +7 Damage

2010-12-28, 08:36 PM
Lenna, the spell prepared, unleashes it!

2010-12-28, 11:35 PM
Phineas carefully studied the Killer Bee as he approached it. "I have you now, bug." Twirling his sword expertly, he feinted, hoping to confuse the big insect, then attacked it with his sword.

[roll0]+5 for Accuracy, [roll1]+6 for damage, and [roll2]+3 for Athletics to land safely (disregard the Athletics roll). If my Accuracy roll isn't high enough, I'd like to use Featherblow to add +6 to the roll and cut my damage in half.

2010-12-31, 01:51 AM
Russell start to gather magical energies.

Amelia's dance steps take effect on the second bee as her leg connect with first one's side.

Hamak is successful in climbing the building but his slash is only successful at cutting a few hair on the bee's body.

Enmerkar blur slash pass right above the Leafer's head.

Lenna's spell eases the pain of Amelia's bruise and restore her vitality.

Phineas's strike only pass near the bee as it dodge the blow by going just a bit higher.

The first bee, near Amelia, Russell and Phineas, from its higher vantage point, after dodging Phineas's blow, try to bump into the fencer but hit nothing as Phineas sidestep the bee.

The second bee near Hamak finish gathering magical energy and unleash the its spell. Magically charged pollen spore fly from one bee to the other, healing it. Trying to use the flashy display as a distraction the bee charges at Hamak. The bee connect with Hamak's left side.

As Enmerkar's flashy but unaccurate slash pass by the Leafer without any problem, the little bunny jumps at the swordsman's ankles. Bitting through his boots, the Leafer's teeth connects with Enmerkar's skin.

------Round 4------

Russell's spell is fully charged.

Hamak, you take 10 points of damage.
Enmerkar also take 10 points of damage.

Sorry RqMarquis but Feather Blow is a standard action to use, thus must be declared as an attack and not as an "in-case-my-attack-miss".
Featherblow -- Standard, Single
Fencers have the ability to strike almost anything, though such accuracy comes at the cost of power. As fast as lightning, the Fencer attacks with a +6 bonus to ACC, but deals only 50% damage.

2010-12-31, 09:35 AM
Russell focuses on the bee nearest him, thrusting his hand with fingers splayed at the bee, unleashing the fury of his spell. Thunder!

His spell cast, Russell turns his attention toward the other bee. You're not going to survive this. Russell charges towards it and leaps from the rooftop, drawing himself into a spin to drive his sword into the bee's flank.

The first Killer bee takes 37 points of damage from my Thunder spell. Russell is attacking the one that just healed the first bee. [roll0] +4 (ACC) +4 (DAM)

2010-12-31, 02:41 PM
Mid-round battle changes

Russell's lightning have slain the first bee. Leaving the Leafer on the ground within medium range of those near the first bee. I can allow you to still attack the bunny if you attack include jumping down from the roof with an Athletic check DC 9 to not suffer some damage from the fall.

Otherwise, the second Killer Bee is also at medium range and requires an Athletic check DC: 11 to jump from rooftop to rooftop.

2010-12-31, 03:05 PM
The Athletics check to attack the other bee is in the OOC thread, it totaled 12. Guess I'm not murdering that bee just yet. Still, that's the one I'm gunning for.

2010-12-31, 11:25 PM
Amelia's smile in no way hid her satisfaction. She quickened her pace, picking up a small hunk of broken masonry from the aged roof as she did a low sweep. Repeating her steps over again, the darkened energy around the bee grows in force, pulling at its every fiber roughly.

"Time for the finale!" Going into the final spin, Amelia activated her bracelets once more. Light colored smoke gingerly poured out from the devices, tracing ribbons through the air. With all her might, which wasn't much, she threw the stony material at the bee. A four colored trail followed it in its arc towards the center of the bee's forehead.

Second verse, same as the first: Reversed Healing Etude on the Killer Bee. If it does not succeed a Difficulty 14 Resist Roll, it takes 50% of it's maximum HP in damage (Demi effect).

The Weapon of Choice Job Ability immediately does 5 damage to it, ignoring ARM and Protect.

2011-01-01, 11:46 AM
rolling away from the rabbit, Enmerkar shoots it a glare.

"Now you must pay! For great justice! And FIRE!" He says, spinning his sword around again and attacking once more.

[roll0] +1 Attack, +7 damage.


Then I'm moving a short distance away, back towards the healer.

2011-01-04, 04:14 PM
"I guess I should just make things easier for the others while I'm hurt," Hamak says to himself as he casts Lock on the Killer Bee.

2011-01-06, 06:06 AM
Looking around him, Phineas decided that the other bee was just a little too far away to attack. But he could see a quick way to reach the rabbit below him. "This is either going to look extremely impressive, or extremely stupid." Drache hurled himself from the rooftop, pointing his sword down to stab the Leafer.

[roll0]+5 for accuracy, and [roll1]+6 for damage. [roll2]+4 for Athletics.

2011-01-09, 08:14 PM
Playing for horngeek
Lenna moves up to the area near Enmerkar and Hamak.

Russell start running toward other bee, leaping from roof to roof with success.

Amelia's dance step produce the desired effect and the bee is unable to resist, at the same time, her projectile reach the bee.

Enmerkar's slash goes right above the bunny once again.

Hamak start gathering magical energies.

Phineas jumps down from the roof, right before landing, he brings down his sword upon the Leafer's, piercing it deeply and then roll off the momentum of the fall.

The Leafer make a jump at Phineas's ankles but afflicted by the fencer's wound, the bunny land a whole foot before Phineas.

Trying to bring down the bangaa, the Killer Bee lauches itself at Hamak again. A bit distracted by the focus required to gather the spell's energy, the bee ram into the casting dark knight.

------Round 5------

Hamak's spell is ready to be casted.

Hamak take 10 points of damage.

2011-01-09, 08:27 PM
Hamak unleashes the Lock spell on the bee, and then shouts, "Hey, White Mage, some healing would be nice right about now!"

2011-01-09, 08:47 PM
As the Bee suffers the effects of Hamak's Lock spell, Russell closes with it.

How does this sting?

Russell lunges at the bee, bringing his saber in a wide horizontal arc to slice at the bee's body, hoping to make it think twice about using its stinger anytime soon.

Athletics check, in case I need it: [roll0] +2
Attack: [roll1] +4 ACC, +4 STR for Damage

2011-01-09, 08:55 PM
His anger growing as the rabbit dodges again, Enmerkar finally snaps.

"Alright, let's do this Salamander's way." He says, reaching into his bag and pulling out a fist sized red sphere, before throwing it far enough away that he wouldn't be hit by the ensuing blast. "BOOM FOR THE BOOM GOD!"

I'm throwing a Bomb Core... Past the leafer.

[roll0]+40 M.Arm Fire damage to the leafer and anything behind it.

2011-01-10, 04:30 AM
Amelia grumbles when the bee refuses to go down. Stupid thing, that was SUPPOSED to be the climatic end of the fight! She watches it buzz down towards Hamak and slows to a halt. Smoothly, she transitions to doing the dance in the manner it was intended. A light glow surrounding herself and the Bangaa. As she does, she kicks another rock at the buzzing nuisance.

Healing Etude (Normal): Amelia and Hazak heal 10% of their maximum HP each turn this is active.

Weapon of Choice does 5 damage to the Killer Bee again, ignoring ARM and Protect.

2011-01-10, 04:45 AM
"I don't have enough mana to do that! You'll have to hold on, sorry!"

2011-01-13, 10:28 PM
Russell's slash cleave the Killer Bee in two, defeating it.

Enmerkar's Bomb Core explode into furious fires, burning the Leafer into ashs.

Battle End

There is no immediate danger anymore, you guys are now free to act freely.

1 XP

Enmerkar: 1 Destimy Point granted by Salamander for fiery demonstration of superior fire power.

Sorry for not posting a mid-battle situation change, I was kinda out of business.

2011-01-13, 11:49 PM
Landing perfectly on his feet, Russell flourishes with his blade, then pulls out a cloth to clean the blood and ichor from it.

Well, he says, wiping his blade clean, that was invigorating. He sheathes the blade, then looks to his companions.

So, shall we head deeper into the city? There don't seem to be any answers about what happened to the populace around here, and it's a little too corpsey for my tastes.

2011-01-15, 02:27 AM
"That was kinda disappointing, though the start of the story never has anything really big as the first clash between the heroes and the antagonists." Amelia sighed melodramatically, pushing a strand of hair out of her face. She continued her dance, hoping to speed up her Bangaa acquaintance's healing. Once done, she would move onto the next most injured, and so on.

"Anyways, don't ya think we should do one more quick check of the area before moving on, in case there's any clue? Like some sort of evil charm that controls monsters?" As she brought this up, she quickly looked over the bodies of her enemies, starting with the crushed Killer Bee next to her.

Search Check for anything suspicious: [roll0]

2011-01-19, 04:29 PM
Phineas replaces his sword in its sheath.

He nodded to Russell. "I agree. We should head deeper into the city. Perhaps someone is still here, hiding from the wild animals." At least he hoped they would. Drache hated to think that a horde of possessed rabbits and bees had already disposed of the populace.

2011-01-31, 11:44 AM
Still laughing maniacally, Enmerkar sheaths his, admittedly poor, sword and turns to look at the rest of the party.

"Uh... I went overboard, didn't I?" He says, before closing his eyes for a moment and... seeming to change on a fundamental level.

"Anyway, to the center of this town! We shall investigate!"

Job Change!


2011-01-31, 01:58 PM
Lenna sighs in relief. "...let's investigate further."

2011-02-01, 11:21 AM
"You may be a Hume, but you sure can fight, I'll give ya' that." Hamak hesitantly admits to Emerkar. "Now, where are we off to? I get that we need to 'investigate', but what exactly do we investigate?"

2011-02-01, 01:29 PM
Russell looks thoughtful. I don't know. Maybe we're looking for an abandoned building with a secret staircase that leads to an elaborate underground base (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ElaborateUndergroundBase). Maybe we're looking for a church (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CorruptChurch) or temple (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TempleOfDoom) that has been taken over by a religion of evil (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ReligionOfEvil) or other form of cult (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Cult) that's drawn all of the townsfolk into the worship of some monster claiming to be a deity. Or we could be looking for an artifact of doom (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ArtifactOfDoom) that has killed or enthralled all of the townsfolk, or turned them into monsters. Or maybe a portal (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Hellgate) of some kind that has lured all of the townsfolk into it. Russell looks over at his companions. One way or another, we're the heroes here, so I'm sure we'll just stumble over whatever we're looking for with no major issues. With that, Russell turns and begins walking toward the center of town.

2011-02-01, 04:53 PM
Amelia's blinked at the summary. Finally! Someone who had a tenuous grip on how the world worked. "Careful now. When people list off a bunch of nasty possibilities like that, it usually means something worse is around the corner. That, or something disappointing, which is rarely a good thing for a story."

She continued her dance, sparing one last glance at the area.

Should I make a separate Search check for the whole area, or is that considered under my previous roll?

2011-02-05, 01:37 PM
Slowly walking through the town, everyone can see a badly made post planted in the middle of the street. "To all who come to this town, monsters are everywhere, we all took refuge in the town center."

Amelia can spot some small traces of smoke in the air, as if it was recently put out.

2011-02-05, 04:13 PM
Russell reads the sign quickly and turns to his companions. See? What'd I tell you? Here we are, walking down the street, and lo and behold, a sign telling us exactly where we need to go next. Feeling proud of himself, Russell starts off towards the town center.

2011-02-05, 06:18 PM
"What one damn second, you stupid Hume," Hamak gruffly interjects, "It doesn't at all occur to you that this may be a trap? This is far too convenient, and besides, if these people were really in such a worry, would they really have time to put down this neat little sign? I think the last place we want to be is the town center."

2011-02-05, 09:28 PM
"Especially since there was just a fire around here. Look at all the smoke!" She noted, pointing towards the wisps floating through the air.

"I agree, it's gotta be a trap." She nodded sagely, then returned to her goofball demeanor and followed after Russel. "Whelp, let's make it blow up in the mystery trap setter's faces, shall we? Rules of drama dictate that it's gonna go off one way or another, and it's not like we have any other leads."

2011-02-05, 09:47 PM
Phineas tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Suppose we don't all walk into this trap, then? We could split up into two groups, and then wait for one of them to return or not return from the town center. Or, if we could find a vantage point, one group could keep watch while the other approached the town center. I understand that splitting up is a normally inadvisable step to take, (he smiled at Amelia) but we can avoid having the entire group captured or injured this way."

2011-02-05, 11:17 PM
Russell turned to look at the rest of the group, nodding at Amelia's statement. I remember the first time my mentor and I encountered a trap. We were trying to rescue the mayor of a small town, Curranest or Cresanent or something. We'd just gotten into the kidnappers' hideout, when I observed that it had been too easy thus far. We hadn't met any real resistance yet, and I suggested that we may have been walking into a trap. He agreed, and I asked him what our next move should be. He simply responded, "Spring the trap." So that's what I'm going to do. Turning to look at Phineas, he shook his head. And we don't want to split up. That only results in somebody getting captured, usually the group that stayed behind to avoid the obvious trap. If the trap wasn't so obvious, it might be a good idea to leave one or two people behind to rescue us if we get captured. But with how obvious this one is, I think it'll be the waiting group who gets captured.

2011-02-05, 11:31 PM
Looking around, Enmerkar listens to the conversation.

"How about this. First, we see if there's an abandoned weapon store around here..." He starts, not waiting for any objection. "And get me a better sword!"

"No? Alright, how about this- I go towards the center with bard girl and the red mage, while the white mage, the other swordsman, and the liza-" At that, he pauses, as though remembering something important. Ish. "The Bangaa. Not lizard. I did not say lizard. At all. Nosirree. Not lizard."

"Anyway, I... What was I saying?"

2011-02-06, 12:05 AM
I think you were suggesting looting a weapon shop to find a better sword, and then splitting the party. Russell shakes his head. I don't really have much of a problem with the looting. We're the heroes, grabbing stuff that's in unlocked chests anywhere we go is a perk. My problem is with this insistence on splitting the party. Don't you people know you never split the party? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waa2ucfgVgQ)

2011-02-06, 12:16 AM
"Because there are six of us. Adventuring regulations (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ArbitraryHeadcountLimit) state that the party has to split into two groups if there are more than five members." Enmerkar retorts. "At least, that's how it was on the world master trained me on."

2011-02-06, 06:49 PM
"Oh good lord, you guys, stop acting like this is a book! This is serious here. The last thing we want to do is walk in to a trap, regardless of whatever tropes you idiots want to play. What we need to do is find the castle of a nearby kingdom, hopefully the one that this may be a part of, and report the fact that there is a whole town missing, and hope that someone does something about it. If not, then we most certainly don't just walk into the monster's lair, and we definitely don't split up. What we do is we slowly make our way to the town center, and occasionally have mister fire-slinger here throw a spell in that direction, and see what reaction we get."

2011-02-06, 06:57 PM
So, what you're suggesting is... We spring the trap. Russell looks directly at Hamak. You seem to be misunderstanding me. I'm not suggesting we go running ahead blindly. We already know there's a trap ahead, so if we decide to spring it on our own, it puts us in control. The villains here aren't expecting us to see this as a trap. They're expecting us to charge ahead blindly, hoping to rescue everyone. What we should do instead is force them to reveal themselves on our terms, giving us the advantage. And the best way to do that is to spring the trap.

2011-02-28, 07:42 PM
"As much as I think finding a nearby kingdom's castle is a good idea, the problem is supplies and time it would take to find and get to it." Amelia interjected, during a rare bout of common sense. "I'm not sure about all of you, but I'm flat out of supplies and was hoping to pick some up during my stay here."

"Although, I actually have to agree with not rushing in." She tilted her head and slowed her steps, now giving the situation more thought. "Just springing a trap without having any idea how to not get caught in it is kind of the same as falling for it. Aren't we supposed to plan something off stage first? Like, I could create a distraction so you guys could get a closer look without someone noticing?"

2011-02-28, 10:53 PM
Russell shakes his head. Alright, if we're not going straight in, what should we do? I don't want to sit here arguing about this anymore.

2011-03-04, 04:50 AM
"Let's not charge in blindly then." Phineas headed toward the town center, keeping his sword at the ready. He continued speaking as he went, but lowered his voice to a whisper. "If we avoid anyone's notice, we should be able to get an idea of what is happening without springing any traps."

2011-03-11, 11:16 PM
"Well, I can take the long route around, try to approach the building from behind. Flying under the radar normally goes against my principles, but I'm light on my feet and good at ducking off stage when I need to disappear" She began dancing full speed again, smile practically glowing. She, too, lowered her voice as she followed Phineas's gradual pace with measured steps.

"If it's safe, I'll use my bracelet to shoot a blue light up in the air. If it's a trap or I'm in trouble, I'll shoot a red light up. You can approach freely or attempt a rescue while I've got them distracted when you see the light. Does that sound good to you guys?"

2011-03-11, 11:22 PM
"...I suppose that you wouldn't allow me to join you? I assure you, I can assist with this venture." Enmerkar asks, looking to the entertainer. "And it's always best to have someone who's more perspective of things on a scouting mission."

2011-03-12, 09:56 PM
"That sounds like a good plan." Phineas nodded at Amelia and Enmerkar. "Let's be off."

2011-03-12, 10:57 PM
Russell shakes his head again. "I know I'll regret this later, but fine. You two follow Amelia's plan. I'll stay with the rest of the group. We need to have at least one genre savvy (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenreSavvy) person with each group. If Amelia's going that way, I should stay with the main group." Russell looks towards the center of town. "Let's do this, then." With that, he draws his sword, and sets off towards the town center.

2011-04-08, 03:29 PM
Upon approaching the central square from the rooftops, Amelia and Enmerkar spot an empty town square. As all seems dull and quiet, the duo notice that the town hall's door seems to have been hastilly reinforced with wooden plank nailed left and right.

The air around the hall seems heavy, something is wrong in the neighborhood, the pressure rests heavily on your souls.

2011-04-08, 06:57 PM
Russell arrives in the town square several seconds after Amelia and Enmerkar have reached it via rooftops. Looking around and seeing that there is no immediate threat, Russell nevertheless keeps his sword out. "Something's wrong here," he mutters to himself. He glances at Amelia and Enmerkar, Russell gestures at the slightly barricaded door and then himself, trying to convey the message that he is going to see if anyone is inside. He then goes over to the town hall, and, standing to one side of the door, raps on it sharply three times.

2011-04-11, 03:56 PM
Amelia nods silently to his signal, gesturing for Enmerkar to follow her. She went into a steady sprint, hurrying around to the other side of the building using the most roundabout path she could take.

Any objects lying around large enough to conceal herself from sight along the way were used. She caught herself attempting a flashy bit of acrobatics a few times, and had to consciously stop herself from doing so. I hate being off-stage; anything I do won't be seen by anyone!

Amelia pushed aside her pouting in favor of continuing her sprint, her eyes occasionally drifting to the side of the building for any signs of a trap or danger. I really hope it won't be much longer until something happens; this running around quietly stuff sucks! She never did understand how the pickpockets that showed up at the traveling show could stand it.

Stealth: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

2011-04-11, 06:14 PM
Phineas stands on the other side of the door, crouching so that no one looking out a window could see him. He is armed as well. For all he knew, there could be a scared townsperson inside. But it was safer not to take any risks.

2011-04-11, 06:55 PM
Following Amelia through the area, Enmerkar climbs to the roof of the building instead of lurking behind things, planning to get a better view and maybe find an unguarded entrance from there.

Athletics: [roll0]+1
Search: [roll1]+(whatever rating matches it)
Awareness: [roll2]+4

2011-04-12, 10:28 PM
With everyone looking at the town square and the fortified door, the atmosphere seems heavy with something dark and eerie. A few red eyed bunny come out fron the various streets and hidding, gathering near the doors, all staring at it.

The area seems to grow darker and small whisp of dark energies start to emerge from their eyes and gather into a form resembling a small humanoid with a hazy contour.

As if suddenly out of a trance, the Leafers, seeing the dark shape, run away.


The dark shape is standing near the town hall.

Enmerkar is on a roof stading at medium range from the shape, Athletic DC: 7 to not suffer falling damage.

Phineas stand at close range.

Amelia, at the far edge of the town square, is at medium range.

Russel is in a state similar to Phineas.

2011-04-15, 01:03 AM
Amelia stares at the creature that had formed before them, green eyes running up and down its figure. Well, that's obviously no angel. She resumed her dance with great gusto, trying to analyze whatever she could about the newcomer.

The shadowy creature would feel the same effects its insect minions did wrapping around it, attempting to collapse it in on itself. Amelia was uncharacteristically silent during her dance, too busy staring intently at her target for dramatic dialogue. Her parents would be ashamed, really.

Reversed Healing Etude on the shadow. If it does not succeed a Difficulty 14 Resist Roll, it takes 50% of it's maximum HP in damage (Demi effect).

The Weapon of Choice Job Ability immediately does 5 damage to it, ignoring ARM and Protect.

Lore (Monsters) Check to identify it: [roll0]

2011-04-15, 09:25 PM
'Let it not be a manniquin, let it not be a manniquin, let it not be a manniquin' Enmerkar thought as his mantra as he fought futilly to keep his balance, watching the creature form as he slowly slid down the roof.

Athletics: [roll0]+1

2011-04-16, 08:38 PM
Wasting no time, Phineas charged the shadowy figure, stabbing at it with his sword. "Stop right there."

Attack Roll: [roll0]+5
Damage Roll: [roll1]+6

2011-04-19, 05:44 PM
Russell levels his sword at the shadowy figure, then sweeps it out behind him and rushes forward. He runs just past the figure, drawing his sword into a horizontal slash at it as he passes. After completing his slash, eh uses the last of his momentum to spin himself around and bring his sword up to guard his center.

Attack roll: [roll0] + 4
Damage: as above, less armor.

2011-04-21, 09:40 PM
Amelia's dance seems to not take well upon the dark creature, but the rock she have thrown seems to disrupt the creature's shape as it pass through it. Her mind cannot recall anything that could help to identify the creature.

Enmerkar's attempt to safely get down the rooftop is met with a minor trouble as his last foot hold gives up.

Phineas's stab goes through the hazy dark form, with less resistance than a corporeal creature but more than air, disrupting its shape and clearly it does like it.

Russell's passing slash is met with result simillar to his battle companion.

Reacting to Russell's slash the creature moves with quick and eratic movements positioning itself behind Phineas and claws at him.

------ Round 2 ------

Enmerkar, Russell and Phineas are within short range of the creature.
Amelia is within medium range.

Think of the creature as a more feral and vicious looking Heartless from Kingdom Heart.

Edit: I forgot, my bad: Enmerkar takes 4 points of damage and Phineas receive 13.

2011-04-21, 10:01 PM
Reacting to the creature's movements, Russell jumps and spins out the way. He then charges it and slashes at it again, sliding to the side of it opposite Phineas, trying to flank it.

Atk again: [roll0]+5
Dmg: Atk roll +4

2011-04-22, 04:24 AM
Amelia frowned at the creature's resistance. In retrospect, using shadows against a shadow was pretty stupid. Unfortunately, the creature itself was entirely foreign to her, so what it WAS weak to was beyond her. She slid seamlessly into the proper form of the dance she was performing before, summoning a soft light. While she was at it, Amelia punted another rock at the thing.

I feel as though I should say something witty...

So, kind of like the Neoshadow Heartless? Cool.

Also, you didn't state whether the attack made by the creature hit Phineas, or if Enmerkar took damage from the fall.

If the creature hit Phineas, Healing Etude (Normal) targets him. If not, it targets Enmerkar.

After that, the Weapon of Choice Job Ability immediately does 5 damage to the shadow, ignoring ARM and Protect. Again.

2011-04-25, 05:51 PM
"You'll have to do much better than that." Phineas would have been lying if he said the wounds inflicted by the creature's claws didn't hurt. But he wasn't about to let the monster know that. Keeping his expression neutral, he aimed another stab at it.

Attack Roll: [roll0]+5
Damage Roll: [roll1]+6

How much did Amelia heal Phineas for? The attack from the creature brought him down to 8 HP.

2011-04-25, 08:50 PM
"I meant to do that!" Enmerkar yells as he picks himself up from the ground.

Drawing his blade, he dashes towards the creature and makes a slice at it, trying to distract it from his current teammate with a pair of quick slashes through the arms.

Roll: [roll0]
Acc: +4
Damage: +7

Evasion: 10

2011-04-26, 08:41 PM
Flying around town on Drake (his dragon companion) Edward heard battle noise coming from the town center. Heading directly into the skirmish, he saw people battling against a dark creature.

Against his habit, Ed decided to enter the battle and help these people. He didn't know why, but his guts told hi mto help them.

Stopping on the roof of one of the house, he diseambark his mount and draw his scythe. Activating his scythe who then transform into a spear. As he move to attack the shadow, he tried to see what kind of monster it is. Then he attack the creature with his spear.

Monster Lore: [roll0]
Attack Spear(Reach): 2d6 +6

** OOC, it seem i failed at writing my roll , can someone can help me ?? **

2011-04-27, 05:39 PM
You added a space between the dice count and your modifier. And I'm not sure you can combine the view command with modifiers.
Nope, you evidently can. So yeah, it was just that extra space between the 6 and the +6.

2011-04-28, 10:21 PM
So I'll reroll the attack:
Attack Spear(Reach): [roll0]

2011-05-01, 07:27 PM
Russell's strike phases the creature again, clearly, it's not liking it.

Right above the red mage's blow, Amelia's rock phase the creature.

Phineas, ignoring the pain, stab at the shape's head. By the creature's relentless twitching, the blow did not go unnoticed.

Enmerkar's slash disturb the creature's form.

Edward's first analysis of the creature make him think of the void, the absence of creation, something taught to him by his master. Not stopping after learning of the creature's composition, Ed brings his spear through the creature.

Twitching wildly and still disrupted even after the weapons passed through it, the creature jumps at the new hume. His claws only missing him by a few short inches.

------ Round 3 -------

Enmerkar, Russell and Phineas are within short range of the creature.
Amelia is within medium range.
And Edward is also at short range.

The creature now seems unstable, surely its end is near.

2011-05-01, 08:41 PM
Russell grins as he twists the blade in the creature's psuedo-body, before tearing it out with a wrenching jerk. "How do you like that?"

[roll0] +4 =11 (Attack), +4 =11 (Damage)

2011-05-02, 01:23 PM
POinting the spear at the creature, Ed walk to it then thrust his weapon into the body of the shadowy creature , Ed let out an battle cry: "Go back to where you came creature of the void !"

spear attack : [roll0]
Damage: 16 + roll

2011-05-04, 12:56 AM
"Just a little more..." Phineas approached the creature cautiously. It was his experience that wounded enemies would fight with the strength of desperation, making his opponent more dangerous than ever. This was not a time to be reckless.

The swordsman watched the creature carefully, looking for a gap in its defenses before going for the death blow.

Attack Roll: [roll0]+5
Damage Roll: [roll1]+6

2011-05-04, 02:00 AM
Amelia blinked at the rival of a man on dragon back. "A mysterious, ebony clad stranger who arrives to help the battle? Isn't that a different genre...?" His mention of the void caught her attention, but now was not the time to ask questions. Now was the time for the finishing blow.

With a quick cartwheel, Amelia sent colored smoke flying around herself, small flashes of colored light tracing through the air. A small pebble leaving a golden trail of wisps flew through the air, aimed directly at the creature's skull.

A black and purple sphere surrounded the monster once more, simultaneously threatening to tear and compact its form. The rock entered the sphere, gold swirling among the shadowy colors as the spell worked its magic.

Amelia smirked, suddenly pausing in her steps. The sphere began to pulse without her constant motion supplying energy to it. "Aaaaand, the finale!" The dancer stomped her foot down to complete the dance, snapping her finger for excess showmanship. The sphere exploded into a cloud of purple, black, and gold, being mostly harmless in its effects if beautiful.

Reversed Healing Etude on the shadow. If it does not succeed a Difficulty 14 Resist Roll, it takes 50% of it's maximum HP in damage (Demi effect).

The Weapon of Choice Job Ability immediately does 5 damage to it, ignoring ARM and Protect.

2011-05-04, 04:16 AM
"This can't be of the void! I should know! I trained there for years!" Enmerkar says, spinning his blade around and moving for another attack.

Attacl: +4
Damage: +7

2011-05-05, 10:43 PM
As Enmerkar dispatch the creature of the void, everything seem suddenly more peaceful around the town square.

The Townhall is hastily fortified and everything is quiet.

1 xp for everyone. Sorry for the short post but inspiration is lacking tonigh.

2011-05-09, 05:39 PM
Phineas sheathes his sword and sits down on the ground, breathing heavily. "Is everyone alright?" He examines the injuries their enemy gave him. Not too serious. "What was that thing?" The swordsman did not direct his question toward any of his comrades in particular.

2011-05-09, 08:26 PM
Russell examines his blade for marks or dirt before sheathing it again, and then leans against the wall of the inn. "I've no idea. I've never seen anything like it before in any of my travels. I doubt it was working alone, but I'll bet it was what initially made the townsfolk barricade themselves in here." Russell raps on the door behind him. "You can come out now, the heroes are here!"

2011-05-11, 05:06 PM
Ed cleans his scythe then sheath it. He look around him, trying to see if others were nearby. He then look at the party and said:

"The creature was a lot like the void, like it was compose of an absence of matter. Beyond that I don't know anything that is like that."

He then rise his head and whistle in the night. His fellow dragon came to him, sitting beside him waiting for an order.

"I'm Edward and this is Drake." said Ed with a slight head bow.

2011-05-11, 06:38 PM
Eh, what's one more? Russell nods at Ed. "A pleasure to meet you, Ed. I am a red mage, and, under different circumstances, would be called the same. However, as everyone else here already knows my name, it would be rude of me not to show you the same courtesy. You may call me Russell."

2011-05-13, 03:15 PM
Looking around him, Ed examine the town square. Looking perplex, he asked to the party :

"What is going on in here? What with the baricade?"

2011-05-13, 07:50 PM
"That, my friend, is what we are trying to figure out. As far as we can tell, the whole town has decided to hole up in the town hall here, presumably out of fear of that monster we just killed, and now we're trying to get them to come out." Russell raps on the door once more, then steps away from it. "Yeah, they're not coming out anytime soon. Anyone know how to open doors that other people don't want opened?"

2011-05-13, 08:02 PM
"As a matter of fact..." Enmerkar says, reaching to a pouch on his belt and removing it, unfolding a set of picks and other lock opening tools. "I just so happen to be slightly proficient in that."

"The name's Enmerkar, by the way." He continues, stepping towards the door and moving to try and open it.

Theivery check to open the door: [roll0]+3

2011-05-13, 08:04 PM
Amelia stayed uncharacteristically silent at the introduction, feeling a bit tired out. She acknowledged the new ally with a nod as she stretched. The blond dancer did a slow, simple version of her Healing Etude to start working at her allies' injuries.

At the question of getting in, Amelia tilted her head. "Well, there's explosives, but I don't think blowing the door in and burning anyone right next to it is a good introduction. Maybe we can bribe them with food or something? Water? What with how long they might have been holed up in there, they might be low on supplies."

"If all else fails, maybe I could put on a show? They're probably bored out of their skulls when they're not cringing in terror, and the sounds of a show outside might convince them there's nothing dangerous around anymore." She shrugged. That last one might be a bit hard on her- a full day without food, she'd been going nonstop running and dancing since the morning. If she had any food or drink, she would've had it herself by now.

2011-05-19, 07:41 PM
Unfortunatly the door seems to be physically blocked by something heavy for that even after Enmerkar's successful try at unlocking it, it does'nt move.

Sounds start to rise up from the town hall. You out there! Have you dealt with those monsters? Are you from the Arkadian army? The voice is clearly from an old man.

Updated the first page of OOC with Arkanian Republic info.

2011-05-19, 09:00 PM
"We have dealt with the monsters, yes, but we have seen no sign of any army, Arkadian or otherwise!" Russell calls back. "Would you be willing to open the door and either step out here or let us in there, so we may speak more easily?"

2011-05-22, 01:25 AM
As a look of impatience grow on his face, Ed approaches the door then yell, with a smile:

Open up! 'cause if you don't open it in several minutes we'll bust it open. I can't guarantee you you'll be able to use it afterwards. So what you choose ?

Smiling again he look at the others:

Don't worry, by experience, they choose to open up the door 9 times out of 10.

2011-05-23, 01:10 PM
Yes, yes we are unblocking the door, just leave us a minute or 2, we just blocked it real good.

A minute or so later, the door opens, a hundred people or more are visible. An old man, maybe 60 years old, greets you and ask that you follow him back to his office.

A room full of paper scattered across the room, You my friends, arrived at a most fortuitous moment. We have been sieged by those creatures for a week now, they are intelligent enough to have cut our communication line to Arkan, we sent some soldier but no news. We need your help young ones! From what we know they come from the old ruins 2 hours to the north. Any question?

2011-05-23, 01:28 PM
Russell nods to the old man. "So, to be perfectly clear, your town has been besieged by monsters coming from the ruins 2 hours to the north. You barricaded yourselves in the town hall, and now that we have come, you want us to go and cleanse the ruins or drive out whatever is guiding the monsters. Is that correct?"

2011-05-23, 03:27 PM
As Ed hear what the old man was saying, he sight.

So, saying that we go there, kill all the little monsters that scared you people. What do we got ? what's our interest in this little "Please go risk your live for us" ?

2011-05-23, 06:43 PM
Russell looks at Ed. "Our interest in this is that we're the heroes. It's why we were all drawn to this particular town on this particular day at this particular time. Besides, being the heroes entitles us to anything we may find in those ruins as treasure, and virtually guarantees some form of recompense from those we save. Though the Hero's Boons are moot if you have to ask about them."

2011-05-23, 08:02 PM

So YOU'll garantee that slaying the hideout of monster will bring me something worthwhile ?

2011-05-23, 08:09 PM
"The chances of it are quite high, dragon-boy. Though I must ask, is there a place around here where I could get a new sword?" Enmerkar says, holding up his sword, still in its scabbard. "Mine is kinda... Inferior."

2011-05-23, 08:28 PM
"I never said that I'd be the one to give you something worthwhile. It's just sort of assumed that when the heroes go gallivanting off into the ruins to save the day, they'll come back with treasure, or new spells or weapons, or any number of different things. It's just the way these things work."

2011-05-25, 03:41 PM
Amelia shook her head at her teammate's (because that was what they'd obviously become in a situation like this, whether they wanted to or not. ESPECIALLY if not) bickering. "What Russel said. Ruins tend to have leftover treasures, artifacts, or objects of interest lying about. A place with monsters like this guy describes isn't likely to have met with any tomb robbers or the like, either, so more for you."

"Besides that, having monsters like that running around will probably prevent you from getting whatever it is you came here for done, so getting rid of them is in your best interests," she pointed out, "and it'll be easier with a group then alone."

The blond did a quick twirl to celebrate her logic, finishing with a bow to the mayor. "Whatever their stance, you have my services. In the heroic 'I'll try and slay the monsters' way, not... well, you know." She rubbed the back of her head bashfully.

2011-05-25, 04:58 PM
Russell nods to Amelia. "Thank you. It is constantly refreshing to be reminded there is someone who understands how the world works." Russell then turns his attention to the old man. "You have my services as a hero as well." Russell removes his hat with a flourish and bows. Straightening, he continues, "Simply call me the Red Mage." He returns his hat to his head and looks at his companions. "Well, shall we be off? Or are we hunting down a sword for Enmerkar first?"

2011-05-26, 09:58 PM
I don't know much in swords or other weaponry but we have a small stockpile we recovered from our armory before we holed ourselves in there. It's nothing fancy but they are all functionnal. The mayor then turn toward Edward, If you want monetary compensation we can gather a reward for the city's vault. It probably won't equal standard mercenary fees but if it could secure your help we would be glad.

Taking a good look at you all, the mayor add, Is there anyone else who want something in reward?

2011-05-26, 11:14 PM
"That's quite alright," Russell says to the man. "It is simply my duty as a hero to help those in need. I need no reward for this. Though a soft bed and a warm meal waiting for our triumphant return would not go unappreciated."

2011-05-27, 06:31 PM
Ed think a moment and say to the elde : I'll make an arrangement, if i don't find find something worth the trouble, I'll take the money.

2011-05-29, 04:20 PM
It is fine by me. Anyone else?

People are not posting as they should.

2011-05-29, 07:48 PM
"I've got nothing to add." Enmerkar says, nodding as he returns the sheathed blade to his side.

I was waiting on the others/dealing with my mother's birthday and my grandmother's birthday/being dragged to the far side of the peninsula.

Busy week.

2011-06-01, 05:06 AM
Amelia shrugged. Normally this would be the part where the heroes would say 'no money is needed' assuming they didn't turn it down at the end, but she was kind of strapped for cash... "If I don't find anything cool along the way, I'll just look over the armory when we return."

A loud rumble erupted from her midsection. She smiled bashfully. "That, or some food would be nice..."

2011-06-01, 07:50 PM
Ed look at Amelia:

Right, eat then we head directly to the caves. We wiped the monsters then come back. ok?

2011-06-02, 05:55 PM
Please take a bite of something before going, there should be bread and stew somewhere around. Take your time, your success is vital to us. Just warn me before you guys head out.

Post in OOC if your character is ready to go. Also consider the session finished.