View Full Version : Bored Druid Feat Selection

2010-12-14, 04:38 PM
My druid is a bit bored and underwhelmed by the loot our DM gives out. When the campaign started, I was asked what difficulty level I wanted the game to be. We basically got the choices of Easy, Medium, Hard, Doomsday and You're Level 1 so Fight the Tarrasque...now. I chose Doomsday because I was told that the amount and level of magic items and gold we would get would be a plenty and awesome. We're almost level 10, this campaign started at level 1, and Each party member has seen a total of 5000g and maybe one +1 weapon of random element. To think back on it, we have found exactly 35,000g, a +2 Flaming Long Sword, a +1 Rapier of Frost, a Monocle of Truth (Candle of Truth once a day) a Staff of Healing, a Necklace of Non-detection and Protection Against Scrying and a Potion of Greater Magic Fang +3. For 7 people that's kinda piddle for a campaign that was supposed to have a dragon's horde of treasure. If we had access to a city to be able to buy and sell anything, I probably wouldn't complain, but the end of the world kinda ruins that.

So in my druid's boredom and frustration, I'm actually considering taking Magic Item Creation Feats...

I tend to be a pretty heavy optimizer, but not even having access to Cloaks of Resistance is...annoying. I'm just at a loss as to where to start so I'm looking for some opinions. Current level is 9th, for feat and spell access purposes.

Grelna the Blue
2010-12-14, 04:49 PM
I have a character with two Craft Item feats, and I can tell you from experience that if the GM doesn't hand out much in money, you're still screwed for magic items and also down the feat slots you expended for feats you cannot benefit from. If you do get one, get Craft Wondrous Item, as it's the most generally useful. Don't forget you can make Wilding Clasps for your stuff.

As far as the Cloaks of Resistance, have you considered casting Greater Resistance? It's a 4th level spell and lasts 24 hrs. For a +3 resistance bonus, that's not bad. When you get 6th level spells, there's Superior Resistance for a daylong +6 bonus, which is better than you can normally get from items at that level.

2010-12-14, 04:55 PM
If I may just make a slightly off-track suggestion?

How about dealing with the lack of magic items / gold in-game? Your character will want magic items and wealth him/herself. You might want to consider raiding an armory with magical weapons, a magic shop, taking down higher-level bad guys and stealing their items, intercepting bad guys' supply lines or whatever.

It'd be a lot more tasteful from an OOC perspective, in my opinion.

2010-12-14, 05:18 PM
I have a character with two Craft Item feats, and I can tell you from experience that if the GM doesn't hand out much in money, you're still screwed for magic items and also down the feat slots you expended for feats you cannot benefit from. If you do get one, get Craft Wondrous Item, as it's the most generally useful. Don't forget you can make Wilding Clasps for your stuff.

As far as the Cloaks of Resistance, have you considered casting Greater Resistance? It's a 4th level spell and lasts 24 hrs. For a +3 resistance bonus, that's not bad. When you get 6th level spells, there's Superior Resistance for a daylong +6 bonus, which is better than you can normally get from items at that level.

Wilding Clasps are my big draw, to be honest, for Craft Wondrous Item. That and the +Wisdom headbands, which I've been dying for.

To be fair, we have been "offered" magic items. But we'd practically have to sell our soul to a, probably, epic level, or close to, wizard that we're not exactly sure if he's evil or just crazy.

Losing a feat that could have been useful elsewhere is my other fret because, with my luck, the second I take it we'll be overwhelmed by magic items.

If I may just make a slightly off-track suggestion?

How about dealing with the lack of magic items / gold in-game? Your character will want magic items and wealth him/herself. You might want to consider raiding an armory with magical weapons, a magic shop, taking down higher-level bad guys and stealing their items, intercepting bad guys' supply lines or whatever.

It'd be a lot more tasteful from an OOC perspective, in my opinion.

well, I've brought it up in and out of game. All we got was a Welpling Shadow Dragon's Lair, the 35,000g (5,000 a piece) the rapier and the necklace. For a lair that ALSO housed a Wrym Shadow Dragon, it was pretty measly considering how much we could have carried out. At the moment, we're not in a "go running off to kill who we want" situation though. We're in the middle of a castle siege and we have "persons of GREAT interest" to protect.

I guess what I'm saying is that I've tried it and we didn't exactly get a lot for it.

2010-12-14, 05:22 PM
You could always take VoP. Not saying it is what you want, but if your DM isn't handing out the phat loots you might need to alter your strategy.

Another possibility is to have the party sneak start pickpocketing the higher level GREAT interests in the city.

2010-12-14, 05:40 PM
You could always take VoP. Not saying it is what you want, but if your DM isn't handing out the phat loots you might need to alter your strategy.

Another possibility is to have the party sneak start pickpocketing the higher level GREAT interests in the city.

yeah...I somehow doubt he'd be able to pull anything on Robilar...

ours also...drowned...the number one cause of death in our party seems to be being alone...and stupidity...

My only thing about VoP is that this is going to end up being an epic level campaign and something useful is bound to arise. I also may or may not have made a deal with the devil that removed a cursed item from me and gained me a set of robes that let me wildshape into a Medium sized green dragon...

2010-12-14, 05:43 PM
Well you have a nondetection item! Hmmmm, another option would be to barter for better pay. Tell the city folk you won't help unless they pay you, and if they won't pay you don't help!

2010-12-14, 05:59 PM
"Mighty fine city you have here, would be a shame if something happened to it"

2010-12-14, 06:02 PM
"Would be a shame if anything happened to your tanks"

2010-12-14, 06:56 PM
Well you have a nondetection item! Hmmmm, another option would be to barter for better pay. Tell the city folk you won't help unless they pay you, and if they won't pay you don't help!

we're...not exactly getting paid...long story short, someone released the God of Pure Chaos from his cage and ALL of the other gods are currently doing battle with him. Greyhawk is all but gone and the Council of Eight has "Disappeared". The survivors of Greyhawk called out for new champions to rise up and try to defend the world. I was one of those who volunteered because it was asked of me by the Greensingers, nearly all the Greensingers ventured out to try and help fix this.

So, unless we WANT the end of the world, we don't really have much choice in helping. ESPECIALLY since we have a sword that belongs to Pelor and Robilar is on our side...and they want both.

My educated guess is that they're capturing the Council of Eight for a reason, probably has something to do with fully releasing this god we're trying to put back in his cage.