View Full Version : [opinion] Marksman (psionic) ?

2010-12-14, 06:51 PM
Marksman: http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/marksman
Marksman power list: http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/marksman-powers
(you have to click to expand the class table)

so hey, i was wondering what you thought about this class? i dont know where it is from (besides this website), but what are your thoughts on it? would this be a nice entry into anything? seems like the strength of the class comes from its 'signature style' progression.


2010-12-14, 07:09 PM
So, basically Marksman: Ranger as Psychic Warrior: Fighter?

Two levels of Monk + Tashalatora would probably work out well; you could either use Kensai levels or an enchanted Fanged Ring or something similar to get Throwing unarmed strikes. Plus Flurry allows another use of Cover Fire that way.

If Cover Fire can be used with any attack, not with a standard action, it's very useful. It's a very easy way to deny actions to enemies. A Dex-based build focusing on Cover Fire would work quite well.

There are no official psionics PrCs with full manifesting *and* full BAB, so unless there's a specific class feature from Slayer or Sanctified Mind you want it would work best going single-class.

2010-12-14, 07:55 PM
So, basically Marksman: Ranger as Psychic Warrior: Fighter?

Two levels of Monk + Tashalatora would probably work out well; you could either use Kensai levels or an enchanted Fanged Ring or something similar to get Throwing unarmed strikes. Plus Flurry allows another use of Cover Fire that way.

If Cover Fire can be used with any attack, not with a standard action, it's very useful. It's a very easy way to deny actions to enemies. A Dex-based build focusing on Cover Fire would work quite well.

There are no official psionics PrCs with full manifesting *and* full BAB, so unless there's a specific class feature from Slayer or Sanctified Mind you want it would work best going single-class.

i want to splash something yeah, and i thought monk as well, but i really like the level 19 signature abilities(at least i like the bow one) otherwise, a healthy splash'll'do'ya. still, if you splash, the problem does arise as to what prc to go into.

2010-12-14, 08:37 PM
You're fine going straight 20 with it. They're very good, though I would want the Signature Style stuff to come online a bit more quickly. The top-tier ones don't really feel level 19-worthy.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-12-14, 11:07 PM

There are no official psionics PrCs with full manifesting *and* full BAB, so unless there's a specific class feature from Slayer or Sanctified Mind you want it would work best going single-class.

Damn, I was just going to plug-in the Ghost breaker a full bab 5/5 manifesting prestige class, but I just noticed that you said official; and as awesome as I find Hyperconcious some since it is third party it is not official.

Incidentally, is there any official class besides Anarchic Initiate that gives full manifesting advancement?

2010-12-14, 11:18 PM
Incidentally, is there any official class besides Anarchic Initiate that gives full manifesting advancement?

The only non-theurge one I know is Subverted Psion. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20051125a) (This is best for Ardents, both thematically and mechanically.)

Among the theurges, we have Cerebremancer, Psychic Theurge, Soul Manifester, and Anima Mage. (The last one can be entered without losing ML to Binder, but you may need to puzzle out the class features with your DM.)

2010-12-14, 11:57 PM
i like the sheer volume of arrows (i think) it gets. ive wanted a nice bow class for awhile, and this takes the cake.

i know you'd lose 3 ML and the best signature shot, but it might be worth taking 3 levels of peerless archer to grab power shot (power attack for the bow). plus 1d6 ranged sneak attack, sharp shooting +1 (enemies lose 1 step of cover), and the ability to create +1 enchanted arrows (which at the very least sell for decent $). you still have full BAB, and 5th(top) level powers.