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2010-12-15, 05:52 AM
I know this is a bit of an odd build - i have somewhat of a rep for odd ideas with the guys i play with - but its fun and thats the main thing.

i just wanted to ask what people thought of it and any ideas people had for where i should go.

Female Rogue 3/Hexblade 6 (i think, dont have my character sheet with me atm)

Basic idea is that she is a bit sneaky, can search for doors/traps and open/disable.
she's an archer laying down fire whilst cursing and debuffing the enemy for the rest of the party (barbarian and fighter especially) to take down.

I'm thinking of going into the havoc mage prc from mini hb so i can cast spells whilst firing.

i need suggestions and ideas for what spells i should be taking, what i should have on wands, how best to ensure i get my ranged sneak attacking, how else i can debuff (for example, thinking of taking the frightful presence feat)

When i have my character sheet in front of me, i'll add in more details about the feats etc that i have taken. but until then, what do people think? I can use core, but no house rules or editted classes.

Sir Swindle89
2010-12-15, 08:13 AM
I don't think Havoc Mage would be worth it, you don't get enough spell casting to waste it that way. May be the Arcane strike feat would surfice. Splitting bows are always a good option I think CChamp or whatever book valourous is in has the enchantment.

For sneak attacking you can get an improved familiar to assist in flanking and delivering melee touch debuff spells.

2010-12-15, 08:15 AM
Egh. I'd skip the Havoc mage, just alternate between casting spells and making full attacks. Just stick with your Hexblade.

Knowing what spells and feats you have taken is pretty relevant.

General spell advice? Uh... Hexblades get Tasha's Hideous Laughter at a discount (even if they have virtually no spell slots...), that could be one of your first-level spells. You'll get 2nd level spells soon (awful to be saying that about a 9th level character), Alter Self is the best there. Invisibility is starting to lose its usefulness due to ever-increasing monster sensory abilities, but it works as utility.
Eventually, get Polymorph.

2010-12-15, 08:24 AM
Handy link is handy (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=7412.0). Get an Improved Familiar - a Winter Wolf for preference. Let it make trip attacks on your enemies in between breathing cold death and biting faces off. When they are prone from the Winter Wolf's attack, fire away.

2010-12-15, 08:27 AM
Handy link is handy (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=7412.0). Get an Improved Familiar - a Winter Wolf for preference. Let it make trip attacks on your enemies in between breathing cold death and biting faces off. When they are prone from the Winter Wolf's attack, fire away.

Nitpick, but... you really don't want wolfie to trip him before you start shooting. A prone target gets an effective +4 AC against ranged attacks. =/

2010-12-15, 09:01 AM
ive taken the dark companion acf to help debuffing as familiar flanking isnt going to help with a ranged build

ive got tashas laughter and backbiter spells
want invisibility and distract assailant to help give me sneak attack

is it worth taking more rogue levels? or something else instead of havoc mage?

2010-12-15, 09:01 AM
Nitpick, but... you really don't want wolfie to trip him before you start shooting. A prone target gets an effective +4 AC against ranged attacks. =/

... and is denied DEX bonus. Flanking does not count for ranged attacks, but denied DEX bonus does, last I checked.

2010-12-15, 09:20 AM
I'd focus on the Hexblade part, unless there are some skill points you really need about now.

If you have access to Forgotten Realms books, the Craven feat (Champions of Ruin) can really boost the damage you are getting out of the Rogue levels you already have, without requiring you to take any more of them.

... and is denied DEX bonus. Flanking does not count for ranged attacks, but denied DEX bonus does, last I checked.
Yep, but being Prone (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#prone) does not deny the defender his dex bonus, unfortunately.

2010-12-15, 10:11 AM
I need suggestions and ideas for what spells i should be taking, what i should have on wands, how best to ensure i get my ranged sneak attacking, how else i can debuff (for example, thinking of taking the frightful presence feat)

There are two ways to keep sneak attack on targets beyond 30':

1) Crossbow Sniper feat (PHBII). This increases your sneak attack range to 60'. Combined with Rapid Reload, this lets you full-attack with a light crossbow. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with longbows, unless your DM allows the Aptitude property (+1 enhancement, Tome of Battle p. 148) to let Crossbow Sniper apply to another ranged weapon. If you're proficient with Hand Crossbows (i.e., Drow), you can use Hand Crossbow Focus, which combines Rapid Reload and Weapon Focus into one feat.

2) Sniper's Shot (Spell Compendium). This isn't a hexblade spell, but you can either UMD it as a wand or dip into Unseen Seer for two levels to add it to your spell list with Advanced Learning. This allows sneak attack at any range, but eats your swift action for the round. Ask your DM if you can add this spell on your bow as a use-activated ability: spell level x caster level x 2000 GP x 4 (duration is 1 round) = 8000 GP. There are a large number of swift and immediate action spells that you're going to want to use on your ranged attacks, so your swift actions are going to be extremely valuable.

If you don't have a reliable way to move + full attack, consider picking up the Travel devotion. 1/day for 10 rounds, you can move up to your speed as a swift action. Person_Man has a guide for gaining pounce (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=103358) if you prefer some other method.

If you haven't maxed out UMD, do so ASAP. Some other feats to consider for optimizing UMD:

Shape Soulmeld: Elder Spirit (Magic of Incarnum and Dragon Magic). +4 insight bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), and UMD. Requires the dragonblood subtype, but you can get that a variety of ways: Dragonborn of Bahumat, Dragontouched feat, or a dip into Dragonfire Adept.

Hardened Criminal (City of Stormreach). Requires Iron Will, but you might be able to get that with Otyugh Hole (Complete Scoundrel p. 151). Makes you immune to intimidate (yawn), and also lets you take 10 on one skill under any conditions. This becomes somewhat irrelevant for wands once you can consistently hit a UMD check DC 20, but can still be useful for activating scrolls and staves. A dip into Exemplar also can get you the "take 10" on UMD, but you lose a caster level.

If you don't have enough skill points to max out UMD, there's a couple ways around that:

Arcane Schooling (PGtF). Activate spell-trigger items as a 1st level bard/sor/wiz. Only available at 1st level as a regional feat, so probably not much help to you.

Planar Touchstone (Planar Handbook). Requires 8 ranks of Knowledge (the Planes) and a 250 GP tsotchke. Linked to the Catalogues of Enlightenment (Note: you do *not* have to visit the planar touchstone site to get the base ability), you can pick up a Cleric domain power, such as Magic. This allows you to activate spell-triger items as a wiz/sor. However, Knowledge (the Planes) is a cross-class skill for you. Consider dipping into Cloistered Cleric to pick up the Knowledge Devotion (a good damage buff for any ranged build, and add one knowledge skill as a class skill), Magic domain, and maybe the War domain (pick up Weapon Focus: longbow).


Add wand chambers (100 GP, Dungeonscape p. 34) to all your weapons and shields. If you don't use shields, pick up two masterwork bucklers and wear them anyway (neither rogues nor hexblades are proficient with shields, but a masterwork buckler's ACP = 0, so there's no penalty for non-proficiency).

Swift and Immediate action spells that you'll want to have handy:

Arrow Mind (Spell Compendium, Rgr/Sor/Wiz 1). Actually, I don't recommend this spell, since you can spend +300 GP for an elvencraft bow (Races of the Wild), which lets you threaten squares around you and treat your longbow as a quarterstaff. However, Arrow Mind also allows you to make ranged attacks without triggering AoOs. But if you're good about staying out of melee range, have reliable flight, or a method to move + full attack, you can ignore Arrow Mind.

Arrow Storm (Spell Compendium, Rgr 3). Whirlwind Attack with a bow, up to a number of targets equal to your character level. Expensive, but a neat way to get that "I Am Pure Awesome" rush.

Critical Strike (Complete Mage, Asn 1). Ignore concealment on next attack. Note: this is different from the Critical Strike in the Spell Compendium, which is a melee-only spell. If you're only making one attack, this version is a little better than Guided Shot, since it works against total concealment and it's only a 1st level spell. If you're making multiple ranged attacks, then Guided Shot is better.

Distract Assailant (Spell Compendium, Asn/Sor/Wiz 1). This is another one I don't recommend, because a 1st-level wand's save DC is an abysmal 11. There are a bunch of ways to reliably get sneak attack on an opponent that doesn't depend on a failed Will save. But you're also a hexblade, so debuffing saves is one of your class features (particularly with the Dark Companion ACF). If you really have to use this, then consider a few pointedly snide comments at the rest of the party for not doing their job. If you want to avoid the save entirely, consider Vital Strike (Complete Mage, Asn 3).

Energy Surge, Lesser (PHBII, Sor/Wiz 2). Adds +1d6 energy damage to all your attacks for 1 round. Doesn't specify melee, and doesn't say anything about discharging after one hit, so this should work for bows.

Fly, Swift (Spell Compendium, Brd/Sor/Wis 2). A good "Get Out of Certain Death Free" card in certain situations, although a permanent flight speed (Dragonborn of Bahumat, Feathered Wings graft, Winged Mask) is much preferred.

Golemstrike/Gravestrike/Vinestrike (Spell Compendium, Sor/Wiz 1, Clr/Pal 1, Dru/Rgr 1). Even if you pick up the Penetrating Strike ACF, you still need to flank to use it. These spells allow you to use sneak attack on constructs/undead/plants without worrying about flanking.

Guided Shot (Spell Compendium, Rgr/Sor/Wiz 1). Ignore distance penalty and anything less than total concealment on all your ranged attacks for the round.

Haste, Swift (Spell Compendium, Rgr 2). Ranged characters need all the extra attacks they can get. Unlike other swift spells, this one lasts 1d4 rounds.

Hunter's Eye (PHBII, Rgr 2). +1d6 sneak attack for every 3 caster levels.

Instant of Power (Forge of War, Brd/Dru/Rgr 1). +4 enhancement bonus on your next attack, save, or damage roll.

Invisibility, Swift (Spell Compendium, Brd 1). Get sneak attack on your first attack, or use this after your attack to avoid any payback.

Master's Touch (Spell Compendium, Brd/Sor/Wiz 1). Use an exotic ranged weapon without wasting a feat on Exotic Weapon Proficiency. Bone Bow (Frostburn) is very nice: functions as a composite longbow regardless of your Strength bonus.

Nerveskitter (Spell Compendium, Sor/Wiz 1). Going first means all targets are flat-footed.

Sniper's Shot (Spell Compendium, Asn/Rgr/Sor/Wiz 1). Sneak attack at any range.

Wings of Cover (Races of the Dragon, Sor 2). Negate one attack as an immediate action.

Other not-so-immediate spells:

Blinding Spittle (Spell Compendium, Dru 2). Ranged touch attack with a -4 attack penalty, target is blinded *no save*.

Bone Talisman (WotC website (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20040721a), Dru 2). Gives you a turn undead attempt you can use to activate more Travel Devotion uses.

Guidance of the Avatar (WotC website (www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a), Clr 2). +20 competence bonus on your next skill check (I'm looking at you, UMD). Also potion-able.

how else i can debuff (for example, thinking of taking the frightful presence feat)

Frightful Presence... there are a few ways to get that. Do you mean the non-monstrous feat in Draconomicon? That might be good for a hexblade, but see if you can take Dreadful Wrath (Player's Guide to Faerun, regional feat) instead. There's no HD limit on Dreadful Wrath. There's also a Frightful Crest graft in Races of the Dragon, but it's expensive (28000 GP).

Other debuffs:

Dark Companion ACF (PHBII p. 47). Trade your familiar for a 5' x 5' square you can move around that confers -2 saves and -2 AC.

Dark Speech feat (Book of Vile Darkness). Four different effects, although Dread is probably what you're looking for, since shaken is one of the effects it can confer (among others). It's not clear what kind of action it uses, though... probably standard, I assume.

Doomspeak feat (Champions of Ruin). Requires a dip into Bard, and the target has to fail a will save, but gets a -10 on their next save. Anyone know what kind of action Doomspeak requires?

Atramen Oil (Planar Handbook). 50 GP, throw as grenade-like splash weapon (ranged touch attack). On a direct hit, target takes -4 penalty on Fort saves for 1 minute. On a splash, any target within 5' takes a -1 penalty on Fort saves for 1 minute.

Eggshell Grenade, Dust (Oriental Adventures). 10 GP, thrown as a grenade-like weapon. On a direct hit, target is blinded for 1d4 rounds, *no save*. (Note: don't overuse this one, or the DM will probably ban/nerf it.)

Entangle effects: Nets, lassos, tanglefoot bags, and a variety of spells (entangle, entangling staff, bands of steel, kelpstrand, orb of electricity, shadow binding, wingbind, web) can entangle, which confers a -4 Dex penalty (which reduces their Ref save by -2).

Fatigue/exhaustion effects: Fatigue confers -2 Dex penalty (Ref save -1), and exhaustion confers a -6 Dex penalty (Ref save -3). Stack with an entangle effect and you can render low-Dex targets completely immobile/helpless.

2010-12-15, 10:38 AM
My suggestion is either to drop the Rogue levels, or drop the Hexblade levels, or drop both and pick another build.

Hexblade is a full BAB Charisma based half caster who relies heavily on his Familiar and spells. Specifically, the ability to Share Spells with Alter Self, Invisibility, and Polymorph. (It's not particularly good at debuffing, despite it's name). Levels of Rogue slightly nerfs your BAB (and thus your To-Hit and Power Attack and your Familiar's BAB) and Hex progression, and seriously nerfs your already weak spell progression. Evasion can be purchased with a ring or two feats. 2d6 Sneak Attack is a minor situational bonus. And if you want to be the primary scout/trapfinder, then you don't want a Familiar (because he also will have to Hide and Move Silently everywhere you go, doubling your chances of being caught).


Human Rogue 1/Binder X. Take the Able Learner feat to lock in your class Skills. Ashardalon, Chupoclops, Focalor, and Vanus vestiges each grant a debuff aura. Ashardalon also grants a bonus to Search checks equal to your Binder level. Balam vestige also grants a reroll on almost any die once every 5 rounds, making many Skill rolls a lot simpler. Malphas vestige grants at-will Invisibility, 2d6 Sudden Strike, and some scouting tricks. Marchosias vestige grants massive bonuses to Hide and Move Silently. And most vestiges have grant at least one Save or Suck/Lose ability. Can also easily use various Vile feats (you take a point of ability damage, but impose a potent Fear/debuff effect) thanks to the Naberius vestige (which heals ability damage).
Beguiler X: Has Trapfinding and most Rogue class Skills, but it also a full caster (with a limted but awesome spell list focused on debuffs, stealth, and mind control).
Bard X: Although he lacks Trapfinding, but has plenty of other Skills and 3/4 casting. Bardic Music gives you access to the Doomspeak Feat (Champions of Ruin) which forces an enemy to Save or take a -10 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks for 1 round.

If you stick with Rogue/Hexblade, you might find this helpful:

Minor Shapeshift: As long as you have any Polymorph spell of 4th level or higher memorized, you can spend a Swift Action to give yourself temporary hit points equal to your Hit Dice. Although this isn't helpful to you until higher levels, once you get it, it's a handy way to improve your front line abilities. Complete Arcane.
Combat Panache: Offers several maneuvers. The main benefit is that you can make an Intimidate check (Move Action) to impose your Cha bonus as a penalty to hit against one enemy until the end of the encounter (great for boss fights). In addition, after an enemy hits you, you can make a Bluff check to play dead. PHBII.
Abominable Form: Living creatures with fewer hit dice then you that can see you must Save must Save or be Shaken for a number of rounds equal to your Con modifier. The Save DC is based on the number of Deformity feats you have though. Some of them are actually quite good, but this feat basically requires that you load up on 3-4 of them for it to be useful. Elder Evils.
Imperious Command: When you Demoralize an enemy, they Cower for the first round and are Shaken on the next. Ridiculously useful once you've learned how to optimize your ability to Demoralize. Drow of the Underdark.
Staggering Strike: When you Sneak Attack with a melee weapon, your enemy must Save (DC = total damage dealt) or be Staggered for 1 turn, which prevents them from making a full attack or any other action that requires a full round (summoning, metamagic for spontaneous casters, etc). Comp Adventurer.
Subjugating weapon enhancement: Enemy must make a DC 20 Will Save or be Shaken for 5 rounds. Stacks with other Fear effects, but not with itself. +2 bonus. Heroes of Battle.
Sudden Stunning weapon enhancement: Enemy must Save or be Stunned for multiple rounds. Useable Cha bonus times per day. A steal at only +2,000 gp. Magic Item Compendium.
Amulet of Fearsome Might: Increases the area and Save DC of your Frightful Presence. Dragon Magic.
Roaring weapon enhancement: Evil creatures must Save or be Shaken. Deals extra 2d6 sonic damage on a successful critical hit. Book of Exalted Deeds.

2010-12-15, 02:22 PM
some interesting advice here guys, thanks.
unfortunately my dm says once something is chosen you cant undo it - i actually like this rule as it really makes you think carefully about what you choose when levelling up.
so ive finally managed to get hold of my character sheet:

rogue 4/hexblade 6
str 14
dex 18
con 13
int 10
wis 8
cha 20

Equipment:Icy Bust Longbow with serpentstongue arrows (norm, cold iron, silver)
+1 studded leather
circlet of mages
goggles of minute seeing
chronocharm of the laughing rogue and horizon walker
cloak of resistence
ring of disable device
lesser crystal of life drinking

Feats:point blank shot, precise shot, rapid shot, extra curse, woodland archer

ACF: dark companion

spells:backbiter, hideous laughter, distract assailant

next feat i want to take frightful presence to enhance my debuffing. and i'll certainly be looking into a few other ideas youve suggested to help with debuffing. cheers!
any other suggestions?

2010-12-15, 02:32 PM
Dark companion is a nice feature, but your higher-than-a-wizard HP and BAB are really helpful for a familiar. So you might just wish to take "Obtain Familiar" from Complete Arcane. But to make it really useful, you'd need Improved Familiar as well, and that will require a large caster level, so you'd either need to wait longer in Hexblade, or take Practised Spellcaster. And that's three feats for something that might help.

Although your DM might not allow changes, perhaps you could get away with the Official Unofficial Hexblade fix (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19547530/Contacting_Wizards_of_the_Coast_about_Hex_Blades?p ost_id=332210466#332210466)? Perhaps your DM would show some leniency when even the creator of the class admits it needs a bit of a boost.

You have a weird build, but those are often the most memorable, so I wish you good luck.

2010-12-15, 11:40 PM
Feats:point blank shot, precise shot, rapid shot, extra curse, woodland archer

Hmmm... Woodland Archer does very little for you. Adjust for Range isn't all that bad, but it's useless if you're not making a full attack that round. (Actually, I wonder if the math is better if you intentionally miss your first shot?) Pierce the Foliage is easily replicated with low-level spells such as Guided Shot or Critical Strike. And Moving Sniper has two problems: 1) you can already shoot + move + hide with a -20 penalty with the current rules (even with a 5' step) so long as you still meet the cover/concealment requirement and 2) Hexblade doesn't get Hide as a class skill and only gets 2 skill points per level, so keeping your Hide check high enough where it's still effective against level-equivalent CRs is going to be difficult if not impossible.

Ask your DM if retraining is available (rules are in the PHBII) or if you can pay for psychic reformation (http://srd.realmspire.com/psionicPowersGtoP.html#psychic-reformation).

next feat i want to take frightful presence to enhance my debuffing. and i'll certainly be looking into a few other ideas youve suggested to help with debuffing. cheers!
any other suggestions?

Hmm... I'm still debating if Frightful Presence or Craven (Champions of Ruin) would be best. Can't quite make up my mind, although Frightful Presence only gets used once per opponent, and Craven can be used much more often.

Get into Unseen Seer ASAP (if psychic reformation is allowed, this can help you rearrange your skill points to qualify). This advances your spellcasting and your sneak attack. Advanced Learning can also add divination spells such as Sniper's Shot or Hunter's Eye onto your spell list.

Sudden Stunning weapon enhancement: Enemy must Save or be Stunned for multiple rounds. Useable Cha bonus times per day. A steal at only +2,000 gp. Magic Item Compendium.

Sudden Stunning is in the DMGII, actually (p. 261). +2000 GP, and target has to make a Ref save.

Stunning Surge is in the MIC, and is very similar, but the target has to make a Fort save (which tends to be the highest save for most creatures), and is a +1 weapon enhancement. So not quite as good as the DMGII version.

mabriss lethe
2010-12-16, 12:34 AM
If you can get your DM to allow the curse-spewing weapon enhancement from BoVD, (as opposed to the seriously altered version of curse spewing in the MiC)slap that on something nasty (ie, ammunition/bows.) In this incarnation, It's a cheap +1 enhancement that forces a save vs a -4 morale penalty to pretty much everything every time it deals damage. Sure, the save is pretty low (will DC 15), but you can get them to start failing that save rather quickly once you start using the Dark Companion and hexblade cursing them.

For the sake of comparison, the the MiC version of Cursespewing is a +3 enhancement that triggers a -4 untyped penalty on a successful critical hit with no save. Rather nice, possibly better than the +1 version if you're optimizing critical hit builds. (lightining Kukri shenanigans maybe?) I'm just not sure it's all that worth it for a +3.

2010-12-16, 12:42 AM
The Torturous property (Ghostwalk p. 64) has a save vs. stun effect on every hit. +1 weapon enhancement, and although the save is pretty low (Fort DC 12), you can upgrade it to a +2 enhancement, and the Fort save DC goes up to 17. Ghostwalk did get a 3.5 update, and Torturous has not been nerfed elsewhere.

2010-12-16, 07:54 AM
Woodland Archer does very little for you. Adjust for Range isn't all that bad, but it's useless if you're not making a full attack that round. (Actually, I wonder if the math is better if you intentionally miss your first shot?) Pierce the Foliage is easily replicated with low-level spells such as Guided Shot or Critical Strike.

Sudden Stunning is in the DMGII, actually (p. 261). +2000 GP, and target has to make a Ref save.

Stunning Surge is in the MIC, and is very similar, but the target has to make a Fort save (which tends to be the highest save for most creatures), and is a +1 weapon enhancement. So not quite as good as the DMGII version.

Woodland archer is useful for me as i am notoriously unlucky with dice rolls, so a boost like adjust for range is ery beneficial. i was also wondering if the pierce the foliage would help me counteract the miss chance if i was to get myself a ring of blinking.

The stunning weapons are great, but are only allowed on melee arent they? i need something like that on my bow (i know this makes it a lot harder, but it was a definite character choice - i wanted someone who was slightly sinister but didnt want to get too close). the BoVD curse spewing that was mentioned might be viable, but isnt that technically 3.0? if so i wouldnt be allowed to use it.

2010-12-16, 08:00 AM
Stunning explicitly says it bestows its ability on ammunition for ranged weapons. (MiC, p44).

2010-12-16, 06:45 PM
Woodland archer is useful for me as i am notoriously unlucky with dice rolls, so a boost like adjust for range is ery beneficial. i was also wondering if the pierce the foliage would help me counteract the miss chance if i was to get myself a ring of blinking.

That's... huh... I don't know.

I was going to say "No" because technically the target you're shooting at doesn't have concealment. The 20% miss chance is because you keep shifting in and out of the material plane, and there's a chance you're ethereal when you fire that arrow. However, the Woodland Archer text doesn't say the *target* has to have concealment, just that you missed because of concealment... it doesn't specify where the concealment came from.

The other issue is I think miss chance and concealment are not the same thing. Concealment is some kind of physical or optical barrier that prevents you from seeing your opponent's location clearly. While it has a miss chance, there are other ways to get a miss chance that doesn't involve the concept of "concealment". Normally, ethereal or incorporeal creatures are on a different plane entirely, and the miss chance is to represent that they just aren't physically "there" when you make your attack.

I checked the spell description, and blink does provide concealment. If your opponent can attack you with a force effect or ghost touch weapon, you still get 20% miss chance due to concealment, since you wink in and out of his vision, and he has trouble identifying where you really are.

However, I don't think the 20% miss chance on your attacks has anything to do with concealment. You can still clearly see your target (at least out to 60'), you're just not physically on the same plane when you attack.

Still, looks more like a DM call. I can kinda buy the argument that Woodland Archer helps you "time" your attack so you're physically present in the material plane when your arrow gets released.

The stunning weapons are great, but are only allowed on melee arent they? i need something like that on my bow (i know this makes it a lot harder, but it was a definite character choice - i wanted someone who was slightly sinister but didnt want to get too close). the BoVD curse spewing that was mentioned might be viable, but isnt that technically 3.0? if so i wouldnt be allowed to use it.

Sudden Stunning (DMGII) and Stunning Surge (MIC) both specify a "melee attack" so yeah, that won't work with a bow... sorry, I missed that.

Torturous (Ghostwalk) doesn't specify melee or ranged, so by RAW it can be used with either. And there's no limit on the number of times it can be used. Every time you hit, the target has to make a save vs. stun.

As far as 3.0 material, unless it's been updated in a subsequent sourcebook, it's still legal for a 3.5 game (unless your DM says otherwise).