View Full Version : Epic Druid Help

2010-12-15, 07:06 AM
It looks like our campaign is going to extend to the epic levels, and I'm kind of underwhelmed with the Epic Druid options. So I'm thinking either multiclassing or picking a PrC... but what to pick? I don't think Planar Shepherd is an option; the game is theoretically "core" but really it's "all official WotC material and even a splash of homebrew as long as you ask first, with a few big NOs" (like Bite of the Werethingy and Enhance Wildshape. And probably PS.)

(Oops, hit Post too soon)

My stats are 18/23/19/10/20/6 (reincarnation wackiness), and I have unlimited WS/day (including elemental), due to a different magical mishap. I tend to wildshape into something big and scary and then throw spells the whole time, but at least I'm lookin' good while I do it. Oh, and my type is actually "animal", in case that matters. (See reincarnation wackiness, above.)

2010-12-15, 07:29 AM
I'd stick with Druid, personally. It's not that the epic progression grants a whole lot, but starting on a PrC is mostly going to give you stuff that is made with ECL 6 characters in mind. You could of course start doing things like getting yourself some Divine Metamagic or something, but... meh. Epic Feats are made of awesome when you're a Druid, and you get a few extra ones. And being able to write "Druid 21" on your character sheet is cool.

2010-12-15, 10:47 AM
I really am not seeing the featly awesomeness here - yay, I can wildshape into a Colossal animal! Except there aren't any. I can take another feat, and wildshape into a Colossal Elemental! Except there aren't any of those, either. Magical Beast/Dragon wildshapes sound nice, but I'd need another 5-6 levels to have enough ranks in K:Nature, plus 200-something-thousand gold to increase my Wisdom enough to qualify. (4 skill points/level is not enough, if you didn't start planning your level-30 character from level 1). I might as well do something else (maybe something with skill points?) while I'm waiting for the cool to start.

Oh, and I am even dumber than that. I wasn't reading "inherent" as a type of bonus, so 137500 gp + 6 Wis from... somewhere? I mean, we're going epic, but I don't think we're going to level 40.