View Full Version : So my players sank the Flying Dutchman...

2010-12-15, 10:54 AM
For those of you that don't know, I'm currently running my first ever campaign, in a modern day real world(ish) setting. I sent the players on a quest from Detroit to Italy, and due to the previously established timeframe, this happened more or less as Eyjaffjallajokull erupted. So, no planes. This meant they had to go through Faerie to get there in a timely manner.

The party, all level 5:
Sara, a Beguiler
Jakob, a Binder
Victor, a Warblade
Barkley, a Werewolf (homebrew class)
Xiao, a Gold Dragon Shaman
Matsu, a Monk (player absent, character present but largely ignored as frequently happens)

So, having had some experience with Faerie before, they load for bear. Especially Jakob, who'd put ranks in Craft (Demolitions) at some point. He had rather a lot of explosives on him. They head to Faerie, Barkley taking his motortrike with him. As soon as they get into Faerie, the engine dies. Jakob I think has Malpheas bound? The one that lets you summon a warhorse. I let him summon a motorbike instead. This worked fine in Faerie, being entirely magical. So he towed the trike. They carry on for a while, some riding, some walking, until the path peters out at a largeish pond. To the left of the pond is incredibly dense undergrowth, and to the right is far sparser growth that looks like it could be pushed through. The motorised party go right. It's hard going, but eventually they manage to get through. The path closes up behind them, leaving no trace.

They wait for the walking party to catch up with them, and eventually they do, walking straight towards them from in front, and asking why the first group are on the left side of the pond when it's clearly impassable. They work out that they must have been turned around somehow. To demonstrate, the motorised group pushes their way through the undergrowth on the right side of the pond again, and once again emerges on the left, the thorns closing up behind them.

After a few abortive attempts at pushing through the thorn walls, the group as a whole had another try at going to the right. They went about halfway into the undergrowth, then turned right and moved directly away from the pond, then left again. On clearing the brush this time, the party on foot emerged beside the pond as normal. The party with wheels didn't.

After a bit of thought, Sara realised that the others had just gone around the pond three times widdershins. She decided there was no recourse other than to follow.


All of them found themselves floating in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

More storry to come, watch this space!