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2010-12-15, 12:48 PM
Are missed javelins always retrievable, or do they have the same 50% chance to miss as ammunition?

2010-12-15, 12:50 PM
Thrown weapons aren't ammo, so they are always recoverable. (even on impact)

2010-12-15, 12:58 PM
Thrown weapons aren't destroyed on impact so there is no 50% loss chance.

Thrown weapons can be lost, (unless you place a returning property on them) or destroyed like any item though. So if your throwing that javelin onto the guy flying above the bottomless pit? Ya, don't expect to recover your weapon. Even in less severe cases you still need to think about it, but most of the time you can recover javelins/daggers/short-spears/etc that you have thrown.

2010-12-15, 01:32 PM
Cool. Thanks for the info!

2010-12-15, 02:09 PM
Another question:
If I miss with a javelin attack, what square would the javelin occupy for retrieval?

Grelna the Blue
2010-12-15, 02:52 PM
Another question:
If I miss with a javelin attack, what square would the javelin occupy for retrieval?

Unless you're

throwing from a very long way away,
throwing the javelin on a steep downward trajectory, or
there is a cliff, wall, or tree right behind the target
then the answer to your question is almost certainly going to be "too far away to matter in the middle of combat."

2010-12-15, 02:59 PM
Assuming a javelin thrown level at short range:
t=(2*1.5x/g)^0.5=(3x/g)^0.5 (time it takes to fall to the ground)
d=vt=v(3g)^0.5 (distance it travels before hitting the ground)
=16m=515 ft.=16m=52.6 ft.
Perhaps not quite as far if your PC isn't a champion javelin thrower (29m/s) but still pretty dang far.

What Grelna said. Too far to worry about in combat unless it hits something behind the target.

2010-12-15, 03:06 PM
Assuming a javelin thrown level at short range:
t=(2*1.5*g)^0.5=(3g)^0.5 (time it takes to fall to the ground)
d=vt=v(3g)^0.5 (distance it travels before hitting the ground)
=157m=515 ft.
Perhaps not quite as far if your PC isn't a champion javelin thrower (29m/s) but still pretty dang far.
Given that the world record in javelin throw is about half of that, I find this calculation highly suspect and suggest you double check it ... so I don't have to :smallwink:

Shhalahr Windrider
2010-12-15, 03:13 PM
Another question:
If I miss with a javelin attack, what square would the javelin occupy for retrieval?
I would suggest extrapolating from the grenade-like weapons miss rules.

2010-12-15, 03:58 PM
Given that the world record in javelin throw is about half of that, I find this calculation highly suspect and suggest you double check it ... so I don't have to :smallwink:

Whoops, multiplied by 9.8 instead of dividing by 9.8. (9.8x9.8)^0.5=9.8. That increased the distance by a factor of 9.8...

Um ya, whaddya know, the javelin goes a couple range increments when thrown level like you would at short range (not at an arc for more distance). Sure, use something like what windrider said. IIRC the grenade rules say 1 range increment in a random direction.