View Full Version : Epic Version of Blackfire

Silva Stormrage
2010-12-16, 01:11 PM
Okay group's party is nearing the BBEG of a long campaign and I want the fight to be challenging. The BBEG is an epic necromancer and my favorite necromancy spell is Blackfire. I was wondering what would be a balanced epic spell version of Blackfire for a 21st lvl necromancer. I don't actually want people to use the regular epic spell rules because in order to get those to work you need to either chain gate or use long term buffs.

I was thinking that a 1d10 con damage 2 consecutive saves vs being nauseation and the spread effect is all within 10ft get affected. For the people that don't know what Blackfire does, its an 8th lvl necromancy spell that deals 1d3 con damage and requires a fort save vs nauseation. If anyone is within 5 ft they need to make a reflex save or also be afflicted.

What would be a good baseline for epic versions of normal spells, I know there aren't any rules for it but how much stronger is a Epic spell supposed to be compared to a regular spell?

2010-12-16, 01:34 PM
You could use Incantations from UA.