View Full Version : items for mindblades?

classy one
2010-12-16, 01:44 PM
Where can I get some items for mindblades? I know there is one in MIC that lets you treat your mindblade as a admantine weapon, are there any others? Like maybe giving you wider crit range or reach?

2010-12-16, 02:31 PM
The usual advice for soulknifes is either don't play one or check out the soulbound weapon ACF for the psychic warrior.


Nate the Snake
2010-12-16, 03:21 PM
The only item I know of that specifically benefits mind blades is a legacy weapon called Mau-Jehe (from Weapons of Legacy, of course). It's a short sword that can be converted into a mind blade, allowing you to stack your class mind blade enhancements on it or giving you two mind blades.

As for improved crit range and reach, you can give your mind blade the keen special property and use a feat to reshape your mind blade into a reach weapon.

classy one
2010-12-16, 04:21 PM
Mau-Jehe huh? I'll take a look at it. I know there is a gauntlet with a gem on it that gives you adamantine properties to your mindblade but can't find it.

Shape mindblade is a class feature of soulknife isn't it? Can it be shaped to get reach? Or does free draw and throw mindblade make it pointless?

2010-12-16, 04:23 PM
Shape mindblade is a class feature of soulknife isn't it? Can it be shaped to get reach? Or does free draw and throw mindblade make it pointless?
I'm pretty sure that you cannot "threaten" squares via thrown weapons, so no, having reach would not be pointless.

2010-12-16, 04:54 PM
The limitations on what you can shape your Mind Blade into are very restrictive within the books themselves, and offer no truly 'good' weapons, even through feats, as far as I can tell. But Dragon Magazine #341 has a small handful of borderline-worthwhile feats that might have brought the Soulknife up to usable levels if they were just class features and didn't require feats from the feat-starved Soulknife. Reshape Mind Blade (any weapon you're proficient with) and Practiced Mind Blade in particular are nice for doing unusual things with a Soulknife build, but aren't incredible if you're playing a normal Soulknife not engaging in shenanigans. You can also get the ability to throw lots of Mind Blades in a round, treat it as a special weapon material for DR, and reassaign your weapon special ability to something else from your tiny list of allowed weapon abilities in a shorter time than usual.

classy one
2010-12-18, 01:20 AM
found it: MIC 68 Admantine mindblade gauntlets. It lets you add the admantine property for +1 cost.

Not sure if there are any others.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-12-18, 01:25 AM
IIRC there are some gauntlets in RoE that lets you add propierties (or maybe just keen) to your mind blades....they were a tad pricey though

2010-12-18, 01:26 AM
I think there are a few items in the Eberron Campaign Setting and there's at least one item in Races of Eberron. Most of the items are comparatively overpriced, since the class is underpowered anyway.

The one from RoE is a gauntlet that lets you add a weapon enchantment to your mind blade for 1 minute by spending your psionic focus. Unfortunately, it's insanely overpriced.