View Full Version : [NEXUS] Trog's Second Floor X

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2010-12-17, 02:59 AM
Once you walk upstairs in Trog's Tavern, you find yourself looking down a long hall at twenty doors. Each room has one large bed in it, a desk and chair, and a couple of chairs at a small table.

(When posting, please put which room you're posting in at the top of the post)



Destro paces the room, thinking.

Previous Threads:
Trog's Second Floor I (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/../cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=town;action=display;num=1154060332;s tart=0)
Trog's Second Floor II (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/../cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=town;action=post;num=1157086841;quot e=0;title=Post+reply;start=0)
Trog's Second Floor III (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17637)
Trog's Second Floor IV (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28765)
Trog's Second Floor V (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31803&page=51)
Trog's Second Floor VI (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1985621#post1985621)
Trog's Second Floor VII (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37704)
Trog's Second Floor VIII (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55422)
Trog's Second Floor IX (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=133782)

2010-12-18, 01:36 AM
Serena makes her way up the stairs, somewhat unsteadily. Vice should be following.

She looks back at him and grins. As she walks she sways her hips seductively, if somewhat clumsily.

She'll enter room 13 and, facing away from the door, start to unbuckle the straps on the back of her armor, revealing a thin, white under armour.

"I could use some help."

2010-12-18, 01:57 AM

"Allow me." Vice shuts the door behind him and move to helo Serena with her armor. His nimble fingers make quick work of it.

((And I'm going to call it a night here. Want to drop the curtain now and I can explain all the corruption possibilities tomorrow?))

2010-12-18, 02:00 AM

((Yeah sure))

Serena quickly slips out of the rest of her armour and just as quickly works on Vice's clothes. She's surprisingly aggressive.

She pulls him into the bed and the curtain falls.

((warning, she's going to be rather distraught in the morning.))

2010-12-18, 09:21 PM

And so, morning comes. Vice sits up in bed and stretches.

2010-12-18, 09:31 PM

((and by morning you mean a few hours before sunrise. Vampire needs to exit the building))

Serena stirs as the bed moves.

My head. What happened last night? Where am I?

She remembers drinking, chatting, and talking to this one guy a lot. And kissing him.

Where are my clothes?

She opens her eyes, dreading what she'll see.

"No." She sees Vice stretching beside her, also not wearing any clothes.

She falls out of bed and scrambles away from it. "No, no, no."

She sees her under armor. She grabs it and runs out of the room, leaving everything else behind.

She pulls it on as she runs, tears flowing freely from her eyes. And she heads to the main floor.

2010-12-18, 09:41 PM

Vice just looks at her oddly as she flees the room. That... wasn't quite what he had expected. Oh well, he had schieved his goals here. She'd come find him again, eventually. So he doesn't run after her, instead opting for a nice hot shower.

2010-12-19, 12:27 AM
Reinholdt arrives out in the hall!
... Only to realize he has no idea where Vice is.
Thus the only solution is to start banging on every door in order and yelling like a drunk man.

2010-12-19, 10:09 PM
Door number 13 opened up and Vice steped out into the hall. At present, he was shirtless and his golden colored hair was damp. He stood casually, with his hands in his pockets. His entire being spoke of uncaring confidence, bordering on arrogance, from the way he slouched just so, to the small smirk that played across his face.

"Hello, Reinholdt. Did you miss me?" Vice asked, his red eyes glittering.

2010-12-19, 10:19 PM
"No!" Reinholdt counters sharply, perhaps too quickly. :smallmad:

He unslings his rifle and points it at Vice. "Yoush and mes are going to have a talks. By chats I mean, I'm going to threatens you and you're going to take backs whatever you did to me!" Reinholdt is angry and slurring, but sounds a bit fearful too. Not so much of Vice himself, but of whatever might have been done to him. Of whatever he might do as a result.

2010-12-19, 10:29 PM
"But I haven't done anything to you, Reinholdt. Well, except to get you drunk, but I didn't have to do very much there." Vice adds with a chuckle. He seems entirely unconcerned by the rifle.

2010-12-19, 10:35 PM
Reinholdt jabs the rifle forward in the air a bit.
"NO! Yous corrupted me or somethings. That'sh why the drink was all funny and blacks and stuffs! Raril knowsh. He shaid."

2010-12-19, 10:38 PM
Vice laughs. "And you think Raril knows about everything I can do? No, Rein. All I did was alter the drink a little, to more suit your tastes. I wanted you to feel good. I told you that already."

2010-12-19, 10:49 PM
"You woulds shay that!" Guess Reinholdt has already made up his mind. Or can't think clearly enough to change it. Or perhaps is too scared that Vice is lying to realize he's not. I personally think it's the last one. Paranoia will do that to you.

"I wash not killing you caushe I thought we might needs to shtick you back in Rarils shtomach. Now I shee you're too dangerous." Reinholdt starts raising his rifle into a proper aiming position. He is still an excellent marksman. Don't have a clue how good a shot he is while drunk though. But I know he certainly would have already fired by now if he wasn't. It's certainly affecting his reaction time.

2010-12-19, 11:00 PM
Vice drops low, under Reinholdt's aim, and charges. His movments were quick and fluid, as he tries to throw his shoulder square into Rein's chest and lift up. the move, if successful, should throw Reinholdt back a few feet, possibly into the wall, or maybe down the stairs, depending on the particular make up of the hallway. It will probably hurt. Vice is a bit stronger than he looks.

2010-12-19, 11:12 PM
We'll say wall today.
Reinholdt's chest meets Vice's shoulder! Err... equal and opposite reaction? Nope? Guess it hurts Reinholdt a heck of a lot more than it hurts Vice then as he's hurtled into the nearby wall with a crunch and slides down it afterwards. "Oww..."

Normally he'd just shrug it off, giggling madly, but with all the drinks and the fighting earlier and the wall slamming, he looks ready to slip into unconsciousness.

2010-12-19, 11:19 PM
Vice moves to stand over him and sighs, a dissappointed expression on his face. "We could have been friends, Reinholdt. We could have had fun together. But you won't even hear me out. You wanted to kill me. How can we be friends now?" There was a profound sadness in his voice. Rein will probably feel a bit guilty because of it.

2010-12-19, 11:23 PM
"I.. I..."
"I'm shorry. You swear you did nothing to me?" Reinholdt asks, looking up and seeming ready to cry. Or pass out.

2010-12-19, 11:44 PM
"I swear it." Vice says, truthfully. "But what difference does that make now?" He looked, quite honestly, hurt.

2010-12-19, 11:51 PM
Reinholdt looks down at the floor. He screwed up AGAIN. Geeze. Can't catch a break.

He looks back up at Vice, his expression pained. "I'm shorry, I jusht... Raril's sho convinced your bad and he shaid you did shtuff to me and maybe others and... and... someone's done shomething similar to me before and I thought..."

2010-12-19, 11:57 PM
Vice simply bent down to offer Reinholdt a hand up. "Alright, I forgive you. There's no need to be this way anymore." A hint of an encouraging smile appeared on his face.

2010-12-20, 12:01 AM
Reinholdt looks down for a moment. What if Raril was right and this was all one big lie? But so far... he's yet to see Vice do anything bad. There were none of the usual tip offs in behaviour or speech. It's all so confusing. Ugh. He needed some sleep to think all this over. Reinholdt takes the hand and wobbily gets up. "I think I should gets a ten hour nap..."

2010-12-20, 12:19 AM
"Well, you're in luck." Vice points out, trying to put a arm around Reinholdt's shoulders and steer him back towards room 13. "I happen to have a room. I assure you, the bed is quite comfortable."

Reinholdt may begin to feel a bit better now. He also might think that Vice's suggestion was a good idea. Well, better than he would normally consider it, anyways. It's unfortunate that Raril never explained to him that Vice spreads his corruption through touch.

2010-12-20, 12:25 AM
Oh silly, silly Vice. The one thing about Reinholdt that's been a rather big deal lately is that he can't stand much touch. It's an issue he's been struggling with ever since he was raped by Tanker the witch. Vice has his arm around him for a couple of seconds before Reinholdt becomes rather uncomfortable and scoots forward to get the arm off of him.

"That'd be greatnesses." Reinholdt does get led to Vice's room though, feeling a bit better about everything and totally ready to flop down on Vice's bed and fall asleep.

The Bushranger
2010-12-22, 11:02 PM
[First Open Room]

And lo, Becky and Kara arrive upstairs! Becky slipping into the first open room, kicking the door shut behind her, and then heading straight for the bed with a grin.

And the curtain.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-12-23, 10:53 PM
After the curtain decides to leave, Kara is giving Becky a comfortable cuddle, sighing softly.

The Bushranger
2010-12-23, 10:54 PM
And Becky is cuddling back, looking very relaxed.
"So. Feeling better able to concentrate now?" she asks, chuckling.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-12-23, 10:59 PM
Kara smiles and kisses Becky on the cheek, stretching her wings behind her.
Quite a bit...
However, she does look like something is on her mind.

The Bushranger
2010-12-23, 11:04 PM
Becky chuckles, and spends a minute admiring those wings of Kara's.
"So. Penny for your thoughts, or do I need to get back to work so you're not thinking them?"

Shadow of the Sun
2010-12-23, 11:05 PM
We should go on a date sometime. Not just a prelude to sex, or anything like that, but an actual romantic date.
She nuzzles Becky's cheek affectionately.
I'd love to be in a relationship with you. Instead of just being 'the friend you sometimes have sex with'.

The Bushranger
2010-12-23, 11:09 PM
And Becky's eyes go a bit wide at hearing that!
Somehow she manages to avoid the urge to slide into a shadow and flee...
"Um. Well. You do know my last relationship ended...poorly, right?" she says, stalling for time.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-12-23, 11:13 PM
Yes. I know relationships can go bad. But I know they can go well, too. Mama had a bad relationship, but now she's in a good one.
Becky will find that Kara's snuggling on her in such a way that if Becky tried to escape, she'd probably end up with Kara going with her.

The Bushranger
2010-12-23, 11:16 PM
That probably helps with the discouragement. :smalltongue:
Becky closes her eyes, and hugs Kara tightly.
"I'm not the settling-down kinda girl. You know that, right?"

Shadow of the Sun
2010-12-23, 11:19 PM
Kara smiles at Becky, kissing her on her nose.
Just coz you're in a relationship doesn't mean you have to settle down.

The Bushranger
2010-12-23, 11:22 PM
Becky lays there for a moment, then has to giggle.
"Curse you and your having a retort for my every argument. What about my being with AMEN? We're not Boy and Girl Scouts, ya know."

Shadow of the Sun
2010-12-23, 11:23 PM
I'm fine with that.
Kara's of the general opinion that Becky is about as evil as a puppy.

The Bushranger
2010-12-23, 11:28 PM
A chihuahua puppy? Those things are EBIL.

"You're supposed to leave me an out here somewhere!" Becky protests, but she sticks her tongue out at Kara playfully. "Tell you what, I'll agree to a date next time and we'll see how things go after that. Alright?"

Shadow of the Sun
2010-12-23, 11:30 PM
Kara slips out of the bed, stretching (obviously), before throwing her clothes on in a rather dishabille style.

She then turns around and hands Becky a black rose.

For you.

The Bushranger
2010-12-23, 11:36 PM
And Becky admires a bit...then when the rose is presented, her pale cheeks turn bright red.
And she accepts it.

"I...but...thanks..." she finally manages to stammer out.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-12-23, 11:40 PM
Kara smiles happily and scoops Becky up into her arms.

2010-12-23, 11:42 PM
Reinholdt makes his way to the farthest room from the stairs and steps inside, closing the door behind him, and locking it.

The Bushranger
2010-12-23, 11:43 PM
Becky squeaks in surprse.
Then chuckles, and grins at Kara.
"Hey now! I didn't know the date was on for right now," she says with a chuckle.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-12-23, 11:44 PM
Kara smiles down at her, and leans down to smooch her forehead.
I'd like it to be now. But, to be fair, you're not exactly dressed for the occasion.

The Bushranger
2010-12-23, 11:49 PM
"Oh, I'd say that depends on the culture you're from..." Becky teases, giving Kara a squeeze and a return kiss on the cheek.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-12-23, 11:50 PM
Kara grins.
Well, if you're comfortable...
And she begins walking towards the door.

The Bushranger
2010-12-23, 11:56 PM
Becky eeps in surprise at that!
"Ah, well, I would be but not here, please. I'd like to be able to keep coming back here," she says with a laugh.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-12-23, 11:58 PM
Kara nods and gently sets Becky onto her feet, smiling.
Once you're dressed, we'll go somewhere.

The Bushranger
2010-12-24, 12:04 AM
Becky chuckles, and sets about getting dressed...

Considering her outfit, this takes a bit of a while.

2010-12-24, 01:08 AM
[Far Room]

Song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH7WXlf9WLk) for whoever was reading the italics in the tavern downstairs.

Fortunately for everyone, these rooms are probably magically soundproofed, considering their sole purpose is almost always a curtain draw. Though there are no curtains here, other than the ones Reinholdt currently ripping down.

Reinholdt screamed. Screamed loud and screamed long. Grabbing the lamp, he tosses it at the mirror shattering it.

Shifting into human form, he grabs the bed and in a feat of strength he usually doesn't possess, flips the entire thing over.

Tears ran freely down his face as he grabbed the nightstand and tossed it at the window, shattering it and sending the furniture hurling to the ground. He grabs a piece of bedding and fights with it pointlessly for a few seconds before tossing it aside.

Reinholdt punches a wall, causing it to crack. Ignoring his shattered fist, he summons holy water and liquid agony and starts tossing the vials against the floor with another scream.

He brings out a wand and using the sink counter, smashes it against the surface and discarding the pieces. Not satisfied, he pulls out another one and repeats the process.

Reinholdt punches the TV with his other hand, shattering it and slicing his arm up pretty good. Uncaring, he grabs it and rips it out of the wall, tossing it out the window as well, with a crash.
"PIECE OF ***** ***** ****"
He goes on a bit making Charity look like a Saint.

Taking his silver heart locket, he hangs it on the doorknob before taking a few steps back and pulling his rifle off his back and firing it at his trinket. Once. Twice. Three times. Four times. Five times. Six times. Seven times. Eight times. Nine times... before tossing the rifle aside and sinking to his knees as sobs wracked his body, inhibiting him from further movement. "... you stupid cat. Damn you Reinholdt."

2010-12-24, 06:04 PM
[Far Room]

Sometime later, Reinholdt exits the room, leaving the broken pieces of his silver locket behind. Though taking his sniper rifle.

The Bushranger
2010-12-27, 08:40 PM
[One Room]

And Roland will bring Phèdre upstairs and to his room, his strong arms holding her surprisingly gently, and his breath soft against her ear...

2010-12-27, 08:43 PM
[One Room]

Phèdre's hair is free swinging, brushing against his arm as he carries her up and to a room. She tightens one arm around him in anticipation.

The Bushranger
2010-12-29, 09:41 PM
[Room One]

Roland chuckles softly, and turns, aiming to softly set Phèdre down on the bed, before stepping back. And then divesting himself of his shirt.

He's a demigod of the working man, and his muscles show it...

2010-12-30, 04:22 PM
[Room One]

Phèdre is finding him more attractive by the moment. She loves muscles on a guy, it's just so hot. She flips her hair back and brings one leg up a little... :smallamused:

The Bushranger
2010-12-30, 06:40 PM
[Room One]

And the sultry, curvaceous Phèdre is being admired a fair bit, as well, as Roland crosses to the bed and settles on the edge of it, reaching out to softly run a hand across that raised leg.

"You are a most beautiful woman," he observes, rather astutely.

2010-12-30, 06:47 PM
[Room One]

Phèdre slowly reaches down with one hand and slips her high heels off. She scoots back on the bed, inviting him closer with her eyes.

The Bushranger
2010-12-30, 07:01 PM
[Room One]

And he runs a work-firmed yet still gentle hand up her leg, but not too far, before back down again. As closer, he comes, a smile on his face as he drinks in her beauty.

2010-12-30, 07:04 PM
[Room One]

Phèdre, in turn, runs one hand down his chest, feeling the sculpted muscles. :smallamused: She smiles and finally exposes the tips of her fangs. She waits to find out his reaction. This should be interesting. At the same time, she's distracting him with her other hand.

The Bushranger
2010-12-30, 07:14 PM
[Room One]

For a moment, Roland pauses, the distraction half-working (and certainly appreciated). But then he smirks.
"I see. Well, I'd advise against taking any samples. My blood wouldn't be good for you."

2010-12-30, 07:20 PM
[Room One]

Too bad for you, most thoroughly enjoy it. Phèdre smirks at the memories that brings up. She doesn't even think to ask him why she shouldn't try to taste him. She's far to interested in bringing him closer to her.

The Bushranger
2010-12-30, 07:33 PM
[Room One]

"Oh, I'm sure they do. But I prefer to have my partner enjoy herself as well." As opposed to roasting from the inside due to divine energy...

And closer, he comes, running a fingertip up Phèdre's front, perhaps.

2010-12-30, 07:45 PM
[Room One]

Phèdre pouts a little, Of course I'll enjoy it. Thinking that he meant that she wouldn't enjoy what's coming next, of course she'll enjoy it. Of course, her pout invites a kiss and more behind a black silk curtain.

2011-01-03, 03:52 PM
Din will walk upstairs , heading for an empty room, probably 23

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2011-01-03, 03:55 PM
A winged llama enters an empty room and then sneaks out through a window into safety!!

2011-01-03, 03:56 PM
And Brianna, meanwhile, follows her!

2011-01-03, 04:06 PM
And Brianna, meanwhile, follows her!

Din opens the door for her "after you!"

2011-01-03, 04:08 PM
Brianna nods, and enters.

2011-01-03, 04:13 PM
Din tries to sense how brianna fells about things. she may be having second thoughts

2011-01-03, 04:17 PM
Brianna smiles at her. No second thoughts, really. "So, shall we get started?"

She starts to undress.

2011-01-03, 04:22 PM
Brianna smiles at her. No second thoughts, really. "So, shall we get started?"

She starts to undress.

Din giggles, and nods "ok then" she follows suit, slowly taking off her clothes

2011-01-03, 04:27 PM
After finishing stripping, Brianna heads towards the bed, and waits for Din there...

2011-01-03, 04:30 PM
Room 23

Din gets into bed with her , and kisses her lightly

2011-01-03, 04:38 PM
Brianna kisses back, and reaches for the curtain!

{{Deadtime soon, so I'll wrap up here.}}

2011-01-04, 02:26 PM
The curtain can rise on Brianna and Din. :smallsmile:

2011-01-04, 04:34 PM
The curtain can rise on Brianna and Din. :smallsmile:

the curtain rises, and Din will be holding onto Brianna "mmmmh....that was nice..."

2011-01-04, 06:12 PM
Brianna is snuggling back. "Yes, it was."

2011-01-04, 06:42 PM
Brianna is snuggling back. "Yes, it was."

Din smiles "that was the first time for me with that one spell...I didn't know it was so ...strong"

2011-01-04, 06:44 PM
Brianna chuckles. "What other sort of spells do you have in that area?"

2011-01-04, 06:49 PM
Din giggles "lots of different ones...a lot of them have to do with bubble baths..."

2011-01-04, 06:51 PM
Brianna chuckles. "Heh.

...thanks. I did need the stress relief, if nothing else."

2011-01-04, 06:54 PM
Brianna chuckles. "Heh.

...thanks. I did need the stress relief, if nothing else."

Din smiles "I'm glad to help..."

2011-01-04, 07:04 PM
"So... what do ye want to do now?"

2011-01-04, 07:05 PM
"So... what do ye want to do now?"

Din smiles "me...I'm just a plotclone. the real me is being held captive at the temple of an evil cult, waiting to be saved, or sacrificed..."

2011-01-04, 07:13 PM
Brianna doesn't notice the OOC.

Her question still stands.

2011-01-04, 07:37 PM
Brianna doesn't notice the OOC.

Her question still stands.

Din sighs "I don't know....my girlfriend is almost never there for me...so...anything I guess"

2011-01-04, 07:39 PM
"Oh? Who is she? And does she know about this?"

2011-01-04, 07:58 PM
"Oh? Who is she? And does she know about this?"

Din sighs "she's this girl at HALO....and she knows I sleep around. but she's always ...gone somewhere or other, and I don't know if I can keep up much longer..."

2011-01-04, 08:00 PM
"What's her name?"

2011-01-04, 08:02 PM

2011-01-04, 08:03 PM
"...have ye talked to her about it? Maybe if she knew ye felt lonely, she wouldn't be gone as much."

2011-01-05, 06:40 PM
A somewhat worn-out looking man ups the stairs and wanders along the corridor.

He enters Room 6 and after depositing his personal belongings by the door, proceeds to flop onto the bed and quickly finds sleep.

His player will likely do the same now. Zzz.

The Bushranger
2011-01-09, 10:45 PM
[Room One]

Phèdre pouts a little, Of course I'll enjoy it. Thinking that he meant that she wouldn't enjoy what's coming next, of course she'll enjoy it. Of course, her pout invites a kiss and more behind a black silk curtain.

It'll be quite awhile before the curtain rises, as Roland does his best to make sure Phèdre enjoys it. A lot.

2011-01-09, 10:53 PM
[Room One]

Phèdre is laying on her stomach next to Roland, the sheet down around her small waist and her bare feet are in the air. Her skin is pale and perfect and her long hair trails across the tattoo on her back. She turns a little to smile at Roland, her pointed canines peeking out between her full lips.

The Bushranger
2011-01-09, 10:58 PM
[Room One]

And Roland, laying on his back with the sheet strategically positioned, chuckles softly, looking back in her direction.
"I trust that that was most satisfactory, then?" he asks, with a roguish wink.

2011-01-09, 11:04 PM
[Room One]

She chuckles a little and reaches over to trail one long fingernail lightly across his skin. Is that all? You ask if it was satisfactory? She lets it dig in just a little, leaving a long welt behind.

The Bushranger
2011-01-09, 11:06 PM
[Room One]

He winces a little, but in a good way, and chuckles as well.
"Well, I would ask if it was extraordinary, but I wouldn't want to sound full of myself."
And he brushes a hand down her side lightly, barely touching.

2011-01-09, 11:11 PM
[Room One]

Phèdre slyly smiles at him, Never say less than what you actually mean.

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 12:25 AM
[Room One]

"Duly noted." Roland smirks. "But forgive me, I don't know if I should be fetching a bottle of champagne, pulling up the covers, or pulling on my pants as the next step in the evening..."

2011-01-10, 12:29 AM
[Room One]

Phèdre's sly smile turns into a grin, Well, considering I don't drink champagne and you look even better in a sheet than in pants, I'll take the other option.

The Bushranger
2011-01-10, 12:40 AM
[Room One]

Roland laughs heartily, his laugh clear and ringing.
"Covers it is, then, milady," he declares, reaching out to attempt to pull Phèdre against his side, running his hand down her side.

2011-01-10, 01:03 AM
[Room One]

Phèdre is cool to the touch and he can't relight that particular fire, but the fire in her dark eyes is a magnetic pull as she gives him a sultry smile and a long kiss in return.

The Bushranger
2011-01-15, 11:40 PM

Becky chuckles, and sets about getting dressed...

Considering her outfit, this takes a bit of a while.

But is finally completed after quite awhile? :smalltongue:


[B][Room One]

Phèdre is cool to the touch and he can't relight that particular fire, but the fire in her dark eyes is a magnetic pull as she gives him a sultry smile and a long kiss in return.

And Roland is...quite a good kisses, she'll find. (As if she hadn't already.)
And he'll hold the kiss a remarkably long time. Of course, he needs to breathe and she doesn't.

2011-01-15, 11:43 PM
[Room One]

Very true, no breathing for her. She enjoys every moment he can hold it though. :smalltongue:

The Bushranger
2011-01-16, 12:03 AM
[Room One]

It's longer than a ordinary person can hold it. :smalltongue:
After awhile, though, he pulls back for air, and smirks at her.

2011-01-16, 12:41 AM
[Room One]

Phèdre smirks right back at him, finding the whole thing rather amusing. Most of what he might dish out, she can take (well, other than stakes to the heart or other various vampire killing things...). but, she isn't expecting that from him. So...you ready to let me have a taste? Many find it quite intoxicating.

The Bushranger
2011-01-16, 12:48 AM
[Room One]

"Well, that depends. The last vampire who had a taste of me - in combat - burned up from the inside out," Roland cautions. "I don't know about you, but being hot is one thing, that would be quite another."

2011-01-16, 12:57 AM
[Room One]

And why'd they burn out? Is there something about you I should know? After all, here in Town, there are many sorts of people and who knows exactly what sort Roland is.

The Bushranger
2011-01-16, 01:13 AM
[Room One]

Roland taps his forehead, and chuckles.
"Because my blood is divine," he says, matter-of-factly. "And divine blood has...bad effects on creatures of the night, I have found."

2011-01-16, 01:24 AM
[Room One]

Phèdre arches one delicate eyebrow. Oh? So, are you a good diety? Or, and her smile turns sly, Something else entirely?

The Bushranger
2011-01-16, 01:35 AM
[Room One]

"Demigod, actually. And I prefer to think of myself as being my own alignment." Roland's own smile is equally sly, and he winks at her.

2011-01-16, 02:00 AM
[Room One]

Now Phèdre is even more curious to know what he tastes like. Oh...really, she slides closer, in a very distracting way, So, one little taste?

The Bushranger
2011-01-16, 02:04 AM
[Room One]

Roland doesn't mind being distracted, it seems.
"Do they make pepto-bismol for vampires?" he wonders. "If they do, better have it handy if you want to try that."

2011-01-16, 02:13 AM
[Room One]

Pepto Bismol?? She gives him an odd look, How about a chaser of DLB? After all, I just want a taste to find out, nothing more. Strangely enough, she'll actually stick to her word when or if they agree on a taste.

2011-01-22, 01:26 AM
[Room 1.6180339887... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_golden_ratio)]

Jay comes up here, presumably carrying Psi, and sets her down on the bed.

He takes a chair, sets it against the wall, and sits in it.

Guess I'm just gonna wait up here.

2011-01-22, 06:35 PM
[Fibbonacci room]

Psi wakes up later on. Much later on. She starts to stir, then slowly opens her eyes and starts to stand. "Systems re-activating. Unit registering need to ingest water and a slight pain in head. Logging Data.

Data logged. Must determine location."

She turns to Jay and stares at him curiously. She seems to vaguely recall him last night. "Human detected. Engaging in interaction.


Did you bring me here?"

2011-01-24, 12:31 AM
[Room of Divine Proportion]

Guess I must have. Jay says. He stands up from his chair and stretches; it wasn't exactly a comfortable way to spend a night.

You need a glass of water? Half a question, half a statement. She sorta announces every need she has.

2011-01-24, 09:20 AM
[Room of the Golden Ratio]

"Assesing. Affirmative. Unit requires an estimated 500 ml. of water," she says. She looks a bit more human like this, waking up, her clothes wrinkled and her hair messy. Her expression is still as blank as ever, though.

Psi leans over and picks up her 23 helmet, which she pressumably didn't sleep with, and puts it back on.

"Analyzing. Searching Database. Subject's identity not found. Creating a new entry is suggested. Suggestion accepted."

She looks at the man. "Who... are you?"

2011-01-24, 05:27 PM
[#Mean of Phidias]

The name's Jay. He says, heading to the door. I'll be back up in a minute. He says, before heading downstairs to grab a glass of water.

He comes back up a minute or two later, holding two glasses.

2011-01-24, 05:55 PM
[Nicely Rectangular Room]

Psi accepts the glass of water and starts drinking. "Thank you," she says. She stays silent for a moment, then looks up. "Information on identity was never given. Introduction is suggested. Suggestion accepted.

Foreign Interface Device Ψ, Serial Number 23. Alias 'Psi' or 'Psi Twenty-Three'."

2011-01-24, 06:11 PM
It's good to meet you, Psi. Jay says to her, holding out his hand to shake. So, why the hell did you think it was a good idea to drink that much? He asks her.

2011-01-24, 09:07 PM
[Room where Donald Duck wouldn't fit]

"Assesing. Attempt at 'handshake' detected. Proceeding to shake hand." She shakes Jay's hand. "Process complete." She takes her hand back.

"I was performing investigation on the effects of Ethanol Intoxication, as my other research has now reachedthe end of the line."

2011-01-25, 06:12 PM
What was your other research? He asks her, curious. And hoping it was less dangerous than her current.

2011-01-25, 06:31 PM
Aemi will lead emily to room 22, and open the door "after you, your highness!"

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 12:12 PM
Aemi will lead emily to room 22, and open the door "after you, your highness!"
She'll giggle, and go in.

2011-01-26, 12:14 PM
aemi follows, and closes the door behind her . the then takes her armour off slowly "...can't remember why I bother wearing this really..."

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 12:19 PM
She giggles quietly.
She herself is wearing rather simple robes of black and purple.

2011-01-26, 12:23 PM
aemi will strip down to her underware, and lay down on the bed "what's with the robes? are you in some kind of cult? I heard there are some strange and evil ones nearby..."

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 12:24 PM
She giggles, blushing as she looks at the girl, and shakes her head. "No, no cults."

2011-01-26, 12:26 PM
She giggles, blushing as she looks at the girl, and shakes her head. "No, no cults."

aemi leans up to kiss her again giggling "...take it of then...I want to see just how hot you are"

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 12:30 PM
She blushes deeper, pulling the robe off, down to her own underwear.

2011-01-26, 12:35 PM
She blushes deeper, pulling the robe off, down to her own underwear.

Aemi giggles,and moves to hold Emily close to her "you're the cutest girl I've ever seen..."

she giggles and kisses her neck

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 12:37 PM
She blushes bright scarlet.

2011-01-26, 12:46 PM
aemi kisses her, and tries to pull the curtain!

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 01:16 PM
And succeeds!
Wow, Emily is easy. :smalltongue:

2011-01-26, 01:21 PM
And succeeds!
Wow, Emily is easy. :smalltongue:

Aemi will cling on to her afterwards"wow...thanks for being my first time..." she kisses her again

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 01:24 PM
"Your fi..." she'll trail off, going bright red.

2011-01-26, 01:33 PM
"Your fi..." she'll trail off, going bright red.

Aemi nods, blushing even harder

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 01:35 PM
"I woulda done something special if I'd known..." she murmurs blushily.

2011-01-26, 01:44 PM
"I woulda done something special if I'd known..." she murmurs blushily.

aemi smiles "it was great...you don't need to apologise"

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 01:48 PM
She blushes deeper.
"I do have a lot of practice..."

2011-01-26, 02:12 PM
aemi smiles "with a body like that? I bet you do"

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 02:13 PM
aemi smiles "with a body like that? I bet you do"
She giggles and blushes. "How are you so good at the seducing?"

2011-01-26, 02:14 PM
She giggles "...natural talent I suppose. I grew up in HALO watching the priestesses of Angela talking to each other..."

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 02:21 PM
She giggles again.

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 03:53 PM
"...I think I need to meet her." she grins.

2011-01-26, 04:11 PM
She giggles again.

she nods "goddess of lust. she's a very nice person too!...you seem like the kind of person who'd like to meet her" she giggles, kissing Emily again

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 04:25 PM
She giggles and kisses back.
"Is she the type of goddess who embodies her thing?" she says, grinning cheekily.

2011-01-26, 04:27 PM
She giggles and kisses back.
"Is she the type of goddess who embodies her thing?" she says, grinning cheekily.

"if you're asking if she's the sexiest thing on earth, then yes"

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 04:32 PM
"I could give her a run for her money." she giggles. "...is she hard to seduce?"

2011-01-26, 04:36 PM
aemi shrugs "probably. but if she wants you, she can have you.she's that good"

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 04:37 PM
"Oh good. I like goddesses." she giggles, and kisses Aemi again.

2011-01-26, 04:41 PM
"Oh good. I like goddesses." she giggles, and kisses Aemi again.

"there are three of them at HALO. the others are the goddess of death, my adoptive mum, and the goddess of light...if you like...we could go there together...you could meet angela" she grins

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 05:26 PM
"Sounds great." she giggles.

2011-01-26, 05:30 PM
"Sounds great." she giggles.

Aemi smiles "awesome! do you want to have a few more drinks before we go?"

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 05:31 PM
"Do you?" she asks, smiling.

2011-01-26, 05:33 PM
"Do you?" she asks, smiling.

aemi smiles "only if you're up for it"

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 05:36 PM
She giggles.
"Don't mind."

2011-01-26, 05:41 PM
aemi will get dressed again, but leaving off her armour "let's get drunk then!"

Lix Lorn
2011-01-26, 05:42 PM
She dresses as well, almost having forgotten.

2011-01-26, 05:48 PM
aemi will lead emily back downstairs again!

2011-01-26, 06:57 PM
What was your other research? He asks her, curious. And hoping it was less dangerous than her current.

"Performing investigation on Power Rings," she says. "Attempt at finding knowledgeable people: Unsuccessful."

2011-01-28, 01:32 AM
You mean with Lantern? Those guys... aren't the smartest. Jay says tactfully. So you're finished with the drinking research, right? He says, not really as a question.

2011-01-28, 10:57 AM
You mean with Lantern? Those guys... aren't the smartest. Jay says tactfully. So you're finished with the drinking research, right? He says, not really as a question.

"Affirmative. Research is tabled until further information is required. Previous research is to be retaken. Obstacle: Unit is currently unable to find a Human who has knowledge related to the Power rings, and access to the rings themselves is limited."

"Proceeding to inquire. Do you know people with related knowledge?"

2011-01-28, 09:08 PM
I can't say I do. Jay says. I think lantern's in some sort of satelite, but I haven't seen them around in a while, so who knows? He says.

The Bushranger
2011-01-28, 11:08 PM
[Room One]

Pepto Bismol?? She gives him an odd look, How about a chaser of DLB? After all, I just want a taste to find out, nothing more. Strangely enough, she'll actually stick to her word when or if they agree on a taste.

And Roland hesitates, but then nods. "Very well. However, be advised that I have warned you."
He chuckles softly, though, and tries to pull Phedré closer.

2011-01-28, 11:15 PM
[Room One]

Phèdre is soft in all the right spots as she cuddles closer. She's hungry, but she won't take more than she said. She looks him up and down, looking for an offering, a good location, where he'd prefer that she take a taste from.

The Bushranger
2011-01-28, 11:23 PM
That'd be the wrist he's lifting, most likely. And she'll notice as his other hand wanders just a bit (although she's probably noticed already) that his skin is flawless (but not artificially so), even the scratches from earlier seem to have healed.

2011-01-28, 11:25 PM
[Room One]

Hm, wrists, and on a man, the second most enticing part of his body for biting. She inhales his scent and takes a long lick first, might as well enjoy every moment.

The Bushranger
2011-01-28, 11:34 PM
[Room One]

She gets a satisfied shiver from him, as he closes his eyes and smiles, enjoying the sensation.

2011-01-28, 11:43 PM
[Room One]

Phèdre closes her eyes, enjoying the sensations, she always loves it. She breathes softly on his wrist before nicking his skin, just enough to draw out a drop or two. After last night, she should be able to judge it to a fine hair.

The Bushranger
2011-01-28, 11:52 PM
[Room One]

He shivers a bit more, and she'll find, quite possibly, that his blood is like Tabasco sauce. One or two drops is fine, but try to drink it and it would be decidedly unpleasant. :smalltongue:

2011-01-28, 11:55 PM
[Room One]

Phèdre delicately licks up the drops, savoring the taste, enjoying the feeling of pain that comes along with it. It produces a distinct reaction that Roland should recognize.

The Bushranger
2011-01-29, 12:02 AM
[Room One]

Roland grins at Phèdre, certainly noting her reaction, and he shifts to run a hand down her side...

2011-01-29, 12:02 AM
I can't say I do. Jay says. I think lantern's in some sort of satelite, but I haven't seen them around in a while, so who knows? He says.

"Satellite was searched, but no interaction was encountered other than the satellite's artificial intelligence."

2011-01-29, 12:05 AM
[Room One]

She's barely able to wrench herself away from the lure of his wrist, but she looks up at him and licks her lips before she kisses him.

2011-01-29, 12:07 AM
Guess I can't help you then. Jay says. Why are you researching stuff anyway? What's the end here? He sits down on his chair again and leans backwards onto two legs.

The Bushranger
2011-01-29, 12:14 AM
[Room One]

And he kisses back with a passion, before reaching for the curtain once more, to give her a fun time to remember him by. :smallamused:

2011-01-29, 12:15 AM
Guess I can't help you then. Jay says. Why are you researching stuff anyway? What's the end here? He sits down on his chair again and leans backwards onto two legs.

"Researching Power Rings as assignment of 'Aurora'. Unit is a quasi-member. Researching Ethanol Intoxication as part of Sociopolitical research of 'Nexus'. This is part of all Foreign Interface Devices' programming."

She looks around. "Unit is detecting noises from adjecent room. Probably caused by a piece of cloth intended to obscure light being drawn. Disregarding is suggested. Suggestion accepted."

2011-01-29, 12:20 AM
Suddenly, a pleasant feminine voice chimes near Psi.

"Grace of Celestial Dynamics and Aurora is attempting to contact you. Will you accept? Please clearly state your answer as either yes, or no."

2011-01-29, 12:20 AM
So you're going to try and research... everything? Well, there's worse ways to spend time, I suppose. Jay says, contemplatively. He's just been bumming around, occasionally interfering in incidents that occur in the street. Not really lofty ambitions.

What's that? He asks her.

2011-01-29, 01:57 AM
Suddenly, a pleasant feminine voice chimes near Psi.

"Grace of Celestial Dynamics and Aurora is attempting to contact you. Will you accept? Please clearly state your answer as either yes, or no."

"Affirmative. Yes."

She turns to Jay. "SAM. Artificial Intelligence designated for Aurora headquarters. Currently attempting to contact Unit."

2011-01-29, 02:03 AM
Do you want me to leave the room, or...? Jay says, aware of privacy concerns Psi might have, but also curious about SAM.

2011-01-29, 09:58 AM
"Actually, that's a Celestial Dynamics system."
Says the voice of Grace.
"SAM doesn't have that capability, at least just yet."

She then proceeds with the main issue.
"Psi, I would like to have an update on your investigation's progress."

2011-01-29, 03:35 PM
Psi looks at Jay. "That would be advised. Subject 'Jay' does not have clearance. Unit will now leave. I would like to thank you for your help."

She gets up and walks out. "Confirmed. Now loading investigation. Complete. Now displaying data log.

Current investigation has confirmed the magical and scientific origins of the 'Power Rings', as well as some of the uses. Research, however, has been unable to demonstrate an upper limit to their power, or the reason why the 'Power Rings' were brought into 'Nexus'.

'Power Rings', appear to be programmed to advice their user on course of action. It is not yet confirmed whether they are sentient. Furthermore, the course of action is not the most adviced, but tends to vary on ring color. If desired, Unit can perform further research on each ring.

Unit has been unable to find origin of 'Power Rings' in 'Nexus'. Subject 'Maxios' is nowhere to be found."

She pauses. "End of summary. Unit will return to headquarters now."

2011-03-19, 03:15 PM
[Room #4]

Kirk comes up the stairs, holding Tina in his arms. It's very likely his shirt is mostly unbuttoned by this point. He has a very uncertain look on his face, not fully hidden by his strained smile.

He carries her to room four and lays her on the bed. After doing so he straightens himself and makes no move to join her yet.

2011-03-19, 03:21 PM
[Room #4]

Again, Kirk might find the look on Fettina's face unsettling, but not unappealing. She's already trying to get his shirt off when he sets her down. Given her drugged-out state, she doesn't notice his uncertainty in the slightest.

Of course, she doesn't lay down immediately. The neon girl probably goes to grab his shirt and drag him on top of her, laughing a little. It's a pretty, somewhat tinny sound.

Of course, she's not very strong, so I'm sure he can remain standing if he intends to.

2011-03-19, 03:35 PM
[Room #4]

His shirt is likely no longer tucked in and is wide open. When she tries to pull him down he falls right on top of her, caught off guard and with the bed there to stop him taking a step to recover.

He blinks in surprise for just a second before trying to roll off her. "Tina... I can't." He doesn't really expect her to listen to his protests.

This is the greatest test of willpower and morals Kirk has ever faced. >.>

2011-03-19, 03:41 PM
[Room #4]

Well, at least he's doing what he thinks is right. Shows how far he's come from, well, being a drow.

Tina immediately goes to kiss him. Violently. She'll try and hold him that way, but again, she's not very strong. If he does still roll to one side, the musician clings to him, perhaps getting pulled on top. But of course, this breaks the kiss if it occurred at all, and she blinks, cheeks literally glowing a rosey red. Eyes large. Her voice is stunned, but there's still that edge of need. "Why?"

2011-03-19, 03:56 PM
[Room #4]

Kirk will hold that kiss a little longer than he should, almost succumbing to the temptation as he slides his hand under her shirt.

But he does resist. He sits up at at the side of the bed. "Believe me, I want to." And that moment before he pulled away should clearly reflect that. "But that stuff you put in your drink..."

2011-03-19, 04:07 PM
[Room #4]

"What about it?" Fettina says, sitting up and trying to slide up against him. Her voice is breathy, fast, barely controlled. "I put it in. Not you." A strained, but broad smile. "You don't know when to stop talking, Kirk."

Unsurprisingly, she leans forward to start laying kisses down the side of his neck. Poor guy. :smalltongue:

2011-03-19, 04:15 PM
[Room #4]

"Well yeah..." Kirk still sounds torn. "But what if you hadn't, would we still be up he-" He's interrupted when she starts kissing his neck. He tenses up a bit, but doesn't immediately move away.

2011-03-19, 04:21 PM
[Room #4]

Fettina doesn't answer, kissing and tugging at his belt.

Unless he stops her now, she probably tries to pull the curtain.

2011-03-19, 04:25 PM
[Room #4]

And the drow turns around and finally succumbs. He does not have the willpower to put up any further resistance.

The curtain is pulled.

2011-03-19, 04:44 PM
[Room #4]

All in all, his Will save must be pretty awesome. :smalltongue:

I'd imagine, after the curtain, Fettina is snuggled up on top of Kirk. She's lost some of her usual luster, but that loud hum is still thrumming off of her at a constant pace.

Looks like she's close to falling asleep. Sounds like it, too. "I guess you can after all, huh?"

2011-03-19, 04:53 PM
[Room #4]

Kirk chuckles, there's a hard edge to it though. "I guess so." He's still not sure if he should have and is feeling somewhat guilty, as enjoyable as it was.

He fiddles with her strange hair a moment before asking. "That powder. What was it?"

2011-03-19, 05:00 PM
[Room #4]

Fettina pauses. Looking distinctly uncomfortable.

"Don't... worry about it." She says, voice warbling uncertainly. "S'nothin." The neon girl goes to give him another smooch. To silence the questions.

2011-03-19, 05:09 PM
[Room #4]

Kirk is silenced by the kiss. She might spot something in his eyes though. A trace of concern, if you can believe it. It seems there is decent person underneath all the arrogance, greed, and bravado. Buried rather deep most of the time, however.

He runs his hand slowly up and down the length of her back as they lay there.

2011-03-19, 05:42 PM
[Room #4]

Though he probably noticed it by now, there is that musical note ingrained into her back. Since he can feel the patterns, if barely, it doesn't appear to be a tattoo.

Once the kiss ends, Fettina just lays there, looking to one side with her head resting on his chest. It almost seems she's asleep. Then, she finally works up the courage to ask, "Why do you care so much?"

Her tone is tentative. Like she's not so sure she wants to ask the question.

2011-03-19, 05:52 PM
[Room #4]

Kirk doesn't answer for a long moment. He switches to tracing the note on her back. Why does he care? There's no reason to. He could have just treated it as a pleasurable night and just left it at that.

"I... don't really know." Another pause. "It's just, I've seen what drugs do to people. I guess... I don't want to see that happen to you."

2011-03-19, 06:03 PM
[Room #4]

"You're a little late to save me from drugs." Fettina says, giving him a narrow smile. But she doesn't elaborate, instead going on to ask, "But why? I mean, you seemed nice, but... not exactly noble. No offense."

2011-03-19, 06:12 PM
[Room #4]

"I'd be lying if I said I was." Kirk chuckles again, and it's still somewhat forced. "I don't know, some things just bother me I guess." He frowns. Normally he'd just ignore these kinds of things. Lately though? Lately he's been thinking of them.

2011-03-19, 06:21 PM
[Room #4]

"Oh. Okay." Fettina murmurs, laying her head back down. She's... unsettled by Kirk's niceness. It wasn't the norm for her.

Unless he says anything else, she probably pretends to fall asleep. Waiting for him to drift off for real.

2011-03-19, 06:27 PM
[Room #4]

Kirk continues to think and to frown until he falls asleep. His breathing slowing and his hand falling to rest alert her to that fact.

I'm perfectly fine with any and all of his stuff being stolen. Silly drow has been away from other drow for far to long. In any case, it might lead to some interesting interaction in the future.

2011-03-19, 06:39 PM
[Room #4]

I'd imagine she lays there a little longer than she should. Of course, the voice of cold Neutral logic soon calls her back. You don't wanna get attached, do you? Plus, c'mon, you need the cash. He'll get over it. The nice guys always do.

With a little sigh, Fettina gently eases Kirk's arm to one side and slips out of bed. At which point, she promptly starts rooting through his stuff. Searching for items, substances, or anything that looks remotely useful or valuable. Of course, his wallet is probably emptied too.

She's quiet about it, except for the occasional bump. And when she's done, the neon girl gets herself dressed.

2011-03-19, 06:50 PM
[Room #4]

Poor Kirk stays fast asleep throughout the whole process. She will find a variety of items:

- A pair of glasses with smoked, oval lenses. (Object 86)
- A SRV hat. (depicted in avi)
- An antique fountain pen. (It uses the owner's blood as it's ink. Object 42)
- Three silver throwing knives, each inscribed with a different but similar rune and edged with obsidian. (As long as one is held onto the others will return to the bearer when thrown.)
- An ugly, barbed dagger covered in red runes. (This dagger will cause wound inflicted by it to be much more severe and won't stop bleeding very easily.)
- A set of high quality lock picks.
- Wallet quite full of various currencies.

Strangely his saxophone is not there in any form. There is something interesting about his jacket. It has a shallow pocket that runs from his collar all the way down. It only goes a couple inches in, not nearly enough to hold anything.

Oh, and if she takes his Objects, them meeting again is just that much more likely.

2011-03-19, 07:06 PM
[Room #4]

Yeah, Fettina takes everything but the clothes on his back and his snazzy hat. She also gets the distinct impression that, given he's carrying about a billion magicky-lookin' knives, she does not want to run into this man again.

The neon girl glances back towards the bed, stuffing his wallet in her back pocket and frowning. Then, like far too many times before, Tina slinks out the door and hurries out of the tavern as quickly as her legs will carry her.

2011-03-19, 10:08 PM
[Room #4]

A while later Kirk slowly wakes up. The first thing he notices is that Tina isn't there. Alarm bell are set of instantly. He springs out of bed, searching the room rapidly.

It doesn't take long for him to figure out what happened. He searches his clothes and finds everything missing. "Dammit!" He gets dressed quickly.

I'm gonna kill her. Skin her al-

He stops and takes a deep breath. No no, he's not like that anymore. He'll find her, but that's it. Just get his stuff back.

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 01:10 AM
Coming Upstairs...

Amlin and Patty, presumably, come up the stairs!

2011-04-03, 01:16 AM
The Hall => #19

Amlin is quite close behind Patty, and when they reach his room, he'll unlock the door and open it like a gentleman. The room hasn't really been tidied up, but Amlin doesn't have much anyway, and it's really just a pair of spellbooks spread out on the desk and the blankets ruffled

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 01:18 AM

He'll have noted the sway of her hips, then...

She smiles as he opens the door, and steps inside, the faint scent of strawberries following in her wake.

2011-04-03, 01:22 AM

Amlin closes the door behind them and moves in close. He'll put his hands on her hips and lean in for another kiss. That taste of strawberries is a very nice touch, one he's having a lot of difficulty ignoring. Not that he would if he could.

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 01:27 AM

Angelican spells. They're nifty!

Patty rests her hands on Amelin's shoulders and returns the kiss, softly pressing herself against him while doing so. He'll find the kisses to be quite pleasurable, as well.

2011-04-03, 01:33 AM

He'll begin slipping his robe/coat off and taking her over to the bed, still kissing her.

Curtain time?

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 01:36 AM

Patty smiles, and assists him, allowing the other strap of her top to slip away as they move torwards the bed...

Where the curtains are indeed waiting!
And she'll demonstrate several talents for him.

((Up to you if it rises again tonight or not, I'm on for a bit longer.))

2011-04-03, 01:38 AM
((nah, let's leave them for tonight. I'll raise the curtain tomorrow))

Amlin, on the other hand is extremely inexperienced... possibly even a virgin!

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 01:41 AM
Patty will do her best not to cause his brain to explode then. :smalltongue:


2011-04-03, 01:59 PM

Eventually, the curtains rise, and there's Amlin. He smiles at Patty. That was amazing

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 05:05 PM

Patty, for her part, smiles back at Amlin, gently trailing a hand down his chest.
"I take it you found that more enjoyable than you had possibly imagined..."

2011-04-03, 05:13 PM

Amlin is just as pale on the rest of his body as his face. all he can really say in response is, "...Yeah" He finds himself not really wanting to move. Anywhere. This is just too nice.

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 05:16 PM
Patty chuckles softly.
"And that was just an introduction, you know...there is lots more that can be done between people."

2011-04-03, 05:25 PM

Amlin chuckles, "Well, I've never been one to turn down learning." it seems his red eyes are sparkling. He likes the prospect of this.

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 05:26 PM
Patty grins, propping herself up on an elbow (and thus providing a nice view).
"And assisting in that learning is part of what my position is all about," she says with a wink.

2011-04-03, 05:33 PM

Amlin's grin widens, "Is there anything special you need me to do to partake of this learning?" evidently he's being playful now

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 05:35 PM

"Well, I could think of one or two things..."
Patty wiggles her eyebrows playfully, then leans over to whisper in Amlin's ear.
The aural curtain covers exactly what is said.

2011-04-03, 05:40 PM

... but we can get a pretty good idea of just ow naughty it is by how much Amlin has begun blushing. Again. :smalltongue:

He's going to attempt to take the initiative himself this time and roll her over, pulling the curtain as he does so

My my, that was quick. He apparently has quite a bit of endurance for a wizard.

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 05:49 PM

Indeed. :smalltongue:
And Patty will make good use of a number of Angelican spells before the curtain rises again!

2011-04-03, 05:53 PM

And when it does rise, He'll be looking quite a bit more tired than he did before. Apparently he's finally worn himself out. He'll probably be on his side, looking at Patty with a smile

"I don't think I'll ever get sick of this kind of learning," he says mirthfully

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 05:56 PM

Patty, her own breath having to be caught and corralled, grins.
"Very few people do. I'm glad I was able to be your first teacher."

2011-04-03, 06:02 PM

He lets out an embarassed laugh, "I'm that obvious, huh?"

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 06:19 PM

"Well, not that obvious. But don't worry. You did great," Patty is quick to reassure him. Along with a deep kiss... "I think a number of beautiful women are going to be very appreciative of your talents"

2011-04-03, 06:30 PM

Aaaaaaand blush. It's surprising his face hasn't exploded yet

He returns the kiss, of course

"Heh, I don't think I'd mind that at all." He yawns, "But I don't think I can do any more tonight. That was... a lot of learning. A lot of very good learning" he chuckles

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 06:33 PM

Patty smiles and gives him a peck on the cheek, before going to slip out of the bed and look for her clothes.

Slowly, of course.

"I'd be happy to meet you again sometime to continue your education, if you'd like," she says with a wink.

2011-04-03, 06:38 PM

Amlin looks at her with a smile as she goes about the room, "I'll keep that in mind. Where can I find you most of the time, anyways?"

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 06:43 PM

"Well, I live at HALO, but I spend a good bit of time elsewhere. You can always send a message there though and I'll get it," Patty says with a smile as she dresses.

2011-04-03, 06:49 PM

"Wonderful," he says, "I'll be sure to leave you a message some time." He looks awfully cozy in those blankets, and he looks like he's dozing a bit, but three's no way he'll fall asleep when he can still watch Patty getting dressed

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 06:50 PM

After she finishes slipping on her skirt, but before anything more, Patty grins and leans over to plant a kiss on his forehead.

"Have fun, big boy," she giggles, turning to head to the door as she slips on her top.

2011-04-03, 07:05 PM

Amlin will fall asleep as she heads for the door, having blissful dreams

The Bushranger
2011-04-03, 07:06 PM
#19 > Hall > Downstairs

And downstairs Patty goes!

The Bushranger
2011-04-04, 10:18 PM
The next day...

Patty leads the way upstairs, ahead of Lightning Lass. A bit of a pleasant sway in her hips, as she heads in the direction of room 20.

2011-04-04, 10:22 PM
Lightning Lass is following along. Doing her best not to seem too fixed on watching Patty. Though she is watching her from time to time.

And so they wind up inside or at the door to room 20. "If you don't mind me asking were do you live? Or do you just stay here?"

The Bushranger
2011-04-04, 10:24 PM
"Well, I tend to keep a room here for when I'm staying in town," Patty says. "But usually I live at HALO," she adds, unlocking the door and motioning for Caitlyn to head in first.

2011-04-04, 10:28 PM

"Oh, I can imagine that would be handy. What's HALO like anyways?" She asks. Just making small talk as she heads into the room. Not quite sure what to expect from Patty at this point she personally hadn't been particularly subtle in signalling that she might be interested and neither had Patty. Still what Patty would try would be the interesting part to find out.

The Bushranger
2011-04-04, 10:32 PM

"Mostly? Fairly relaxing. We act as kind of a rest-station for people who fight evil in their own dimensions, more or less, although we are trying to get a bit more active here," Patty says, as a light scent of strawberry perfume floats on the air.

2011-04-04, 10:40 PM

"Sounds like a fairly pleasant place then. Probably more relaxing then a redzone apartment building." Caitlyn chuckles, before delicately sniffing at the air. "Mhmm it smells lovely in here." She had the feeling that that she knew exactly how this would end. Not that she really cared she was rather looking forward to getting laid. The question of course that she had to figure out was just how coy to play it, or if she should be very forward about it.

The Bushranger
2011-04-04, 10:42 PM

Patty would be fine either way. :smallwink:

"Proabbly so. And thank you. It's my favourite scent," Patty explains as she closes the door, then walks past her guest. Softly allowing her hand to brush against her back on the way past. "So, what shall we talk about? Continuing our discussion from downstairs?" she asks, as she sits on the edge of the bed.

2011-04-04, 10:47 PM

"And a very lovely scent it is." She admits cheerfully. She will notice Caitlyn shiver pleasantly under her touch. "That would certainly be a good choice. Where exactly were we?" She asks rather coyly before walking over to take a seat next to Patty, right next to Patty.

She was leaning towards just kissing her but, somehow she knew if she waited and built up to it, it would be that much better.

The Bushranger
2011-04-04, 10:49 PM

"Well, we were talking about how fighting and drinking were both fine, but...how getting laid combined the best parts of those two in one," Patty says, blushing a little at the closeness, but also grinning, as she moves just a little closer. Almost with their hips brushing together, in fact...

2011-04-04, 10:56 PM

"Oh yes, that is where we were. It certainly does offer the pleasures of both. Though in a very.. different way." She grins her eyes sparkling dangerously, and her fingertips 'accidentally' brush along Patty's leg as she brings it in between them and back behind her for the purposes of leaning on. "I think you can probably agree with me there."

The Bushranger
2011-04-04, 11:05 PM

"A more...intense way," Patty agrees, a small shiver going through her body at the 'accidental' brush. "Absolutely agreed." And she leans a little closer to Caitlyn, smiling. "A way that absolutely has to be experienced to be fully understood."

2011-04-04, 11:10 PM

"Yeah intense is certainly the right word for it." Caitlyn smirks as Patty leans closer to her. She got the feeling she was trying not to push but wanted to, and she was enjoy making her wait. "Oh, it does doesn't it. " She says wiggling an eyebrow, before slowly bringing a hand up to Patty's check which she tries to tap playfully. "You know your starting to look a little flushed." She teases.