View Full Version : Distance/Size visualization tools

2010-12-17, 07:15 PM
Spatial inteligence is my weakness and I have a very hard time to visualize sizes like you wouldn't believe it. How big is a feet? A meter? How tall is a 15 meters building? How long is a 2 meters car? How far away is 250 feet away?

Do you know any online tool that could help me on this? I mean, are there any online tool that would say, show me how big is exactly a 2 meters box? This would really help me on my works and my pbp games.

2010-12-17, 07:22 PM
Here's one I found with a quick google search (http://www.sizeasy.com/page/sizeup), but I don't think it will work with very big things, like large buildings or mountains.

2010-12-17, 07:33 PM
i dont know about any program, but simple references tend to help.

a size 12 men's shoe is a foot long. a little longer than the average person's shoe.
a typical baseball bat is a roughly a meter

"How far away is 250 feet away?"
if you live in a house, find out how far across or back the lot is. that should multiply into something close to 250 easily enough.
in my case, its 5 times the depth of my property.

2010-12-17, 08:06 PM
A collection of reference pics could be useful too I guess. Do you guys know any good ones?