View Full Version : [3.5] Complete bastard of a character?help

2010-12-18, 03:55 AM
I'm constantly turning to forums for help for a character and once again here I am asking for help. I always seem to have a hard time trying to find my niche, can't really find that character that just clicks with me, but one thing I have always wanted to play was a truly just a annoying bastard of a character.

I have looked into rogue and unseen seer, which is interesting but before I commit to this character I was hoping that I might hear some other suggestions. Thanks very much in advance.

2010-12-18, 03:57 AM

Exalted Cleric with sacred vows. Talk foes into submission.

2010-12-18, 04:21 AM
what kind of bastard do you want to be?

A psion can make a very good sick bastard. They can use Aversion to mess with someone's mind, along with Suggestion to make them do things. Many of the Telepath discipline powers can be used to be a sick bastard.

2010-12-18, 04:49 AM
Well, if you're interested in a martial dabbler, there's a couple of disciplines out there that do exactly that (Cthonic Serpent for the chain using of doom and another one for psion/martial adepts whose name escapes me). Also, I've made an ice-based discipline that is focused on slow/stun/battlefield control so much it would annoy a wizard (yes, it's possible). It's posted over at Sorcerer Studios on the Homebrew section if you're interested.

Though, in general, first you should figure out what you want to do with that character. After all 'bastards' exist in all ways and walks of life.

2010-12-18, 05:09 AM
Depending on what you have in mind, it might be useful to already plan the character you are going to play after the party got rid of the 'bastard'... :smalltongue:

2010-12-18, 05:36 AM
I was hoping to make a character that is exceptional in the art of thieving and trickery, but I am really open to anything. Psion doesn't sound to bad. I'm just looking to for a character for the other PCs to hate and be annoyed by. I also have eight levels to build on as well.

2010-12-18, 05:39 AM
what kind of bastard do you want to be?

A psion can make a very good sick bastard. They can use Aversion to mess with someone's mind, along with Suggestion to make them do things. Many of the Telepath discipline powers can be used to be a sick bastard.

I haven't thought of playing a psion before. Are they hard to play? If you can't tell I'm a bit of a noob.

2010-12-18, 05:41 AM
Beguiler might fit this niche well. I suggest beguiler all the time. It's my favourite class, I think.

Your DM and players might see an Unseen Seer as a bastard when you cast cloud of knives for sneak attack damage as a free action every round, followed by a quickened ray of frost with sneak attack, another ray spell for more sneak attack...

2010-12-18, 05:45 AM
Annoying bastard?
I don't care about class. You should play a Kender.