View Full Version : Character Question

2010-12-19, 06:17 AM
in the upcoming campaign i'm DMing, one of the players dropped out, a would-have-been rogue.

In said campaign, i've created a cast of people that have a 1/day ability to touch-cast Domination (uses up all spells for the day, as to not over power them) at first i thought i'd have to create a whole new class for this, and then i found the beguiler. who's description is a dead on fit for how the Vera work in my game (they lie and tell half truths to a small amount of people with skill for the safety and betterment of the society as a whole)

at first, the character was just going to be a recurring NPC, giving missions to the PCs that help move the story along here and there. and accompany the party to cities that he himself had a job to do at, using the PCs as bodyguards. but with the disappearance of the friend due to work and school issues next term, i'm thinking i may have to DMPC the Vera.

well, seeing as i'll have to DM and DMPC, and Beguiler (aka Vera) get trapfinding, it somewhat works out, but i'm "forgetting" to give any ranks in Disable Device.

my question is this: should i put at least 1 point in disable device, to attempt to disarm traps if the PCs can't find an innovative way around, or just keep him as i've got him now. As it stands, i have a single skill point left to use, i'm thinking of boosting my Bluff from 3 to 4.

Gamer Girl
2010-12-19, 03:05 PM
Yes, leave him disable device less.

2010-12-19, 03:09 PM
Give him the rank. It'll be handy if you ever need to retire him - trap explodes in his face, killing him instantly.