View Full Version : In need of a Lvl 6 Hexblade build (D&D 3.5)

2010-12-19, 10:57 AM
Hey there :)

Well, for the first time in almost a year I get to be a player instead of being DM, and as the thread title indicates I want to try hexblade. I've never played a hexblade before, I've never really liked the look of them, but I want to show my friend who ALWAYS plays a straight Cleric (and is only now showing some variety by playing a straight *gasp!* Druid...) that you can have a lot more fun with inventive multiclass builds of weaker character classes than just going for the straightforward powerhouse every single time.

I've considered Hexblade/Spellthief, as they're both classes I've never liked the look of but I think could be fun if I can find a good way to combine them.

However, I like the idea more of going Fighter2/Hexblade4 then leveling into Blackguard, just for the more vicious and combat-focused character.

Oh, and I know it's not optimal, but I'd like to play a Kobold. If anyone knows any tips for getting the most out of a Kobold character, I'd love to read them.

I'll most likely be using the PHB2 alternate Hexblade class feature, unless anyone has any better ideas, and so far I haven't found any.

Thank you, anyone who can help me out :)

2010-12-19, 12:16 PM
Anyone have any suggestions?

2010-12-19, 01:14 PM
Yeah, you're not going to match up with a Druid as a Kobold Hexblade. Hexblades make pretty poor multiclass characters, too, so you'll probably want to stick to the class as much as you can. The nice thing about Hexblades is that they have a high BAB and HD, meaning that your familiar will also be beefy. Don't underestimate a combat familiar, especially if you're going Kobold. In fact, as a Small creature, you could easily get a Medium familiar and ride it as a mount (such as a Gold Dragon wyrmling that you can get with Dragon Familiar). Even the Imp can transform into a boar, which you can ride. You don't even need to choose - Extra Familiar gets you, well, extra familiars. Give them all wands of something and watch the fireworks, or take Share Soulmeld and a dip in Totemist to give your buddies ridiculous natural attacks.

2010-12-19, 01:19 PM
Well, I'd like to chip in.

I find the hexblade to be a quite efficient mage slayer... specially if you take the Mage Slayer feats from the Complete Arcane.[those are= Mage Slayer, Pierce magical Concealment, Pierce Magical protection, the requirements are a bit steep, so you may not be able to pul this off till level 9 or something, but is worth it if you go against mages a lot]

With the ability to add charisma to saves against spells and Mettle which works just like Evasion but for fortitude and Will saves. These guys can really stand against a most wizards in single combat.

After getting Cha to saves against spells, go Paladin of Tyranny for a double bonus on saves, this time not just for spells but against everything they throw at you [IIRC those still stack]

The pally of Tyranny has a despair aura that further helps the debuff flavour of the Hexblade.

Then you should take the... shadow companion ACF, was it? it gave you something like a moving debuff you could use before hexing the opponent.

Get yourself some intimidating equipment [imperious command armor], find a way to use intimidate during combat as something other than a standard action and you are some scary frontliner who can withstand most magical attacks and cut down most foes with a Greataxe.

Additionally = Hexblade's Handbook http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=7412.0

aaand, a homebrew fix from the Playground

Hope this all helps ya out lad

2010-12-19, 01:28 PM
The problem with the Mage Slayer line is that now you can't cast any of your spells, which are your primary class feature. And even with the Paladin stack, you're still brought low by any no-save spell or just ignored because you can't get to them (can't cast fly, and you're not flying there on your familiar because you nuked your CL).

2010-12-19, 01:46 PM
The problem with the Mage Slayer line is that now you can't cast any of your spells, which are your primary class feature. And even with the Paladin stack, you're still brought low by any no-save spell or just ignored because you can't get to them (can't cast fly, and you're not flying there on your familiar because you nuked your CL).

that's true, but as a Hexblade you only get the chance to cast a couple of spells, and rather low ones at that, as early as 4th level and only if you have a rather high charisma [which you should have anyways]. The thing is, your spellcasting is so very limited you might as well do without it, so I suggest going full melee and demoralizing the opponents into a blabering ooze to try and cover for that.

I know Magic rocks and there are very few things wich are as powerfull as spells... but you can always get a wand and wing it with your high charisma. it may not be the most efficient way, but still doable, since you just have to UMD it... [you mays still have to purchase some ranks into it]

About the No Save variety of spells... whether you have awesome saves, or whatever... let's face it, if it does not allow a save or Spell resistance of some sort you are screwed and can just take the hit.

In case of being unable to get to the opponent because the guy in the robes casted fly and you cannot hit it with your massive axe because you are stuck on the ground, that happens to most melee characters, there are ways to work around it, like magic items.

Besides this I guess the character will not be alone in the battlefield and may still receive magical assistance from his companions [unflavourful since the mage slayer hates all casters with a passion... but still, who games alone?] A friendly mage may always cast something on you to get some flight capability, you may get a mout that can fly as well, the Paladin can get flying mouts if he/she so desires or can just purchase horseshoes that allow him to get his/her horse off the ground.

There are many optiones that the character can use to work around the fact that he/she does not have magics

2010-12-19, 01:51 PM
Paladin of Tyranny 2/Hexblade 4 is a popular combination, with Daunting Presence, Obtain Familiar, and Improved Familiar to get some decent debuffing and battlefield control. Add Dark Speech as you level and enjoy.

If Evil is disfavored in your group (it is in mine), Binder 2/Hexblade 4 does much the same with the right vestige.

2010-12-19, 02:12 PM
Paladin of Tyranny 2/Hexblade 4 is a popular combination, with Daunting Presence, Obtain Familiar, and Improved Familiar to get some decent debuffing and battlefield control. Add Dark Speech as you level and enjoy.

If Evil is disfavored in your group (it is in mine), Binder 2/Hexblade 4 does much the same with the right vestige.

Daunting presence was the feat that gave you something like a Frightful Presence right? where was it from?

and about the Evulz, actually the Tyranny variant is rather interesting to play, at least is less disruptive than the Slaughter variant... but yes, you should get the group to give it the thumbs up before going that path

2010-12-19, 02:28 PM
Talon of Tiamat in the Draconomicon is a pretty good fit. You could to Hexblade 4/ ToT 10/ whatever, focus on social skills and get Maximize Breath and Clinging Breath along with Power Attack and Combat Reflexes. A few times per day you'll be able to do a breath attack for considerable damage, it makes a decent second-row combatant, and your Hexblade spells add considerable versatility over other dedicated melee types. Get an Eternal Wand of Hound of Doom for a strong combat pet, and maybe use Obtain Familiar and Improved Familiar for an Imp or Quasit. Be sure to take Practiced Spellcaster, and you can get a lot of mileage out of lesser metamagic rods and a Circlet of Rapid Casting.

Another option would be Hexblade 4/ Sorcerer 2/ Talon of Tiamat 5/ Spellsword 1/ Talon of Tiamat 5/ Spellsword 4. That's more of a gish that's light on spellcasting, but it plays relatively the same.

2010-12-19, 02:36 PM
Hexblade's spellcasting is hands-down their best class feature. That should tell you something about how good the class is.

And multiclassing 2 half-casters is definitely a bad, bad, bad idea.

What exactly is your character concept? Because i can shoot optimized hexblades at you all day, but there might be a better class for your concept.

2010-12-19, 02:51 PM
Daunting Presence is in Libris Mortis, and makes enemies Shaken when conditions are met. Requires a decent CHA.

2010-12-19, 02:57 PM
Hexblade's spellcasting is hands-down their best class feature. That should tell you something about how good the class is.

And multiclassing 2 half-casters is definitely a bad, bad, bad idea.

What exactly is your character concept? Because i can shoot optimized hexblades at you all day, but there might be a better class for your concept.

Duskblade, I'm looking at you.

2010-12-19, 05:15 PM
This may be derailing but I agree with the above post, the Duskblade is a great gish-type class that neatly mixed arcane and melee. See if you can get a way to learn Haste and then go into Swiftblade to unleash madness

2010-12-19, 06:03 PM
Aaah, this is why I love this forum. Only a vague idea of what to do for a character, no knowledge of what to do with the classes you have in mind, come here and get loads of ideas. Thanks fellas :)

I'll have a look at duskblade, I know it's a better class than Hexblade but I liked the idea of the ghost kitty debuffing people by just next to them, staring.

How would Paladin of Slaughter go with either Hexblade or Duskblade?

Edit: Just had a look at Duskblade;

I remember I never liked the look of this class. It seems to me like someone noticed their was no good class that was a real mix of magic & combat and made one with no real flavour to it. I prefer the Hexblade just because it seems less bland.

I know this character is no way going to measure up to a Druid, but I just want to demonstrate the fun you can have being a bit inventive in character creation.

2010-12-19, 06:14 PM
If your going hexblade I would greatly recommend taking the variant in PHB2 (can't remember name off hand but its a great debuff). Also the author of the class released some unofficial fixes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88349) for the class which I would look into. The curses as written are very lackluster.

As others have mentioned blackguard/paladin of tyranny and binder are good dips for a hexblade if your focusing on debuffing.

edit: Depending on your GM you might not want to go spell thief. As a player they are an amazingly fun class, as a DM they are a huge book keeping nightmare. Just forces the DM to prepare full spell lists for all their casters and finding ways to choose random spells gets annoying fast.