View Full Version : {Nexus} Riverside I: The Beginning

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2010-12-19, 06:57 PM
This thread is for Riverside. Riverside is currently just an average big city, run by your typical mafia-like "business-men".

The residents who live here are not super-powered. They rely on the healing abilities of Gersemi, and now Melody, from her little island in the lake nearby.

Riverside is the only city in a area filled with villages and one or two other towns. One of which is Beddling.

Riverside is outside the influence of Inside, and therefore the Empire.

Long, long ago, Riverside was a simple fishing village.

It was able to blossom into a city once trade begun, because of it's placement not only on the river, but between most of the other small villages within this area of the Nexus.

Of course, this means that the Merchants were able to take over the government of the city. But other than that, it remained quite peaceful.

Very few other cities attack Riverside, and it would remain neutral in conflicts. Though, due to the few that did try to attack it, the citizens of Riverside did develop a small military force. For protection purposes only, of course.

For years, Riverside grew in power, yet never exerted it over any of the other villages. That is, until a man named Johnny Duluth came to power.

At first, the people loved him. He was fair and just. And soon, he brought even more prosperity to Riverside.

Then a change. A small force of unknown marauders besieged the city. Mayor Johnny declared a state of emergency, reorganized the military, and with the help of some of his aides, transformed them into a offensive unit.

After a long 4 month battle, Riverside won a decisive victory. But they didn't stop there. Mayor Johnny declared that a nearby village was responsible for the attack.

He personally led the military and crushed the village with no resistance.

Some Merchants balked at this, and tried to warn the citizens of the dangers of allowing Mayor Johnny to take this power.

They were all silenced, one way or the other. Bought off, murdered, or their families kidnapped and held hostage.

By the time the residents realized what was happening, it was too late. They found themselves over run by the same marauders that they had "defeated" before.

Soon, the city was run by a Mafia-dictatorship, and Johnny Duluth was it's mayor.

What the citizens didn't know, was that Johnny Duluth was just a puppet. There was another man pulling his strings.

Ezekial Von Hookes, a prominent member of the Merchant class had employed Johnny for just this. He even arranged for his own daughter, Patricia, to be kidnapped, tortured, and finally returned to him a gibbering mess.

Mayor Johnny ruled Riverside for thirty years, before dying of a sudden heart attack at the age of 78.

A kinder, gentler man took his place, returning Riverside to a peaceful, defensive center of commerce it was before Johnny Duluth took over.

The citizens were happy. But deep within the dark corners, and under the city foundations, the Mafia still ruled. Ezekial passed his hidden empire to his son-in-law, Cameron.

Cameron and Patricia (yes that Patricia) had a son, Frederick Von Hookes. Cameron raised his son to be his successor. Slowly the citizens of Riverside became aware, yet intentionally ignorant, of the criminals that were truly in charge.

People would disappear, and the police did nothing. There were rumors of daughters from surrounding villages being kidnapped and sold to wealthy men, or held under the bar for the local prostitution ring.

By the time Frederick "retired", and Jonah took over, everyone in the city knew that the city was run by a mostly hidden group of men, maybe some women.

When Reinholdt came to town, and murdered Johan, and set the prostitutes free, business came to a screeching halt.

The Green Flagon Bar, where Johan ran his business out of, shut down for repairs. But has only just recently reopened.

There is rumors that Frederick has returned. ASnd people are afraid. Where Johan was cunning, Frederick was brutal.


The police are owned by the Mafia. Unless you wish to die, you turn a blind eye to any crime you see.

For the most part, the citizens are protected. Only those who try to reform or change the current system find themselves on the wrong end of the "law".

Otherwise, the victims are from the more rural villages surrounding Riverside.

The Mafia has dealings with people in other large cities, including the Empire run Inside. Though most of those are in deep hiding since the Empire took over.

More recently, SAINT, the Assassins guild has sprung up in the cities underworld. Since there has been no fighting between the guild and the Mafia, it is assumed that they have a peaceful agreement with each other.

Of course, in the most recent happenings, the Golden Flagon has been shot up recently when a human female and some blue girl came asking questions.

Soon after they disappeared, an earthquake struck the twon, felling many buildings. A strange man named Riv is reported to have been to blame. How that can be, the citizens do not know.

They are currently rebuilding.

Places Within
Golden Flagon Tavern
The Golden Flagon Tavern was the main hideout of the local mafia, when it was run by Johan.

After a confrontation with Reinholdt, Johan was killed, and the Golden Flagon nearly destroyed. It's current owner is in the midst of restoration.

Moth Park
About 100 acres big, the moth park is approximately rectangular in shape, with a bandshell/performance stage at the north end, a soccer (football) field and softball diamond at the south and a forested area in the center.

It also holds two playgrounds (swing sets, slides, monkey bars) several fountains (most of which are nonfunctional) various statues and a network of walking paths.

Since the re-opening, Moth park is pretty popular with the local residents as well as those who come into the area to work or visit.

The park have a park guard which keeps out most small-time criminals and drug-dealers which makes it considered safe, at least during day time.

Sawyer's Inn
The inside of Sawyer's is beautiful, though humble. Whoever keeps the place, keeps it in fine condition.

The dark wooden floors are waxed and shiny. There are four wooden pillars that reach up to the ceiling. The four walls are painted in a brick red, with light grey accents.

Along the left wall there is a large hearth fire burning, with a dog and cat sleeping together. The dog raises it's head slightly to observe the newcomers, but doesn't rush to sniff them out.

Along the right wall is the customer service area, with a dining hall just past it. The smell of freshly baked bread and some kind of meat can be smelled eminating from beyond.

And then there is the back wall. There is a set of stairs leading up and another leading down. Both sets are made of the same wood as the pillars and floor.
For now, this thread is run by: Lex-kat

But will handed over to ApeofLight, RPGsr4Me, and ThirdEmperor after this plot has run it's course.

2010-12-19, 07:03 PM
Cathy arrives with the others, looking around cautiously! "Do we have somewhere to stay where I can work on this?"

The Bushranger
2010-12-19, 07:14 PM
And Quinn has arrived as well!
"Well, I'm not sure. I suppose we could try to find a room at the tavern for you to work on."

2010-12-19, 08:44 PM
[Vampire Manor]

((I believe it has been long enough to say it's night.))

The sun sets and it is night once more. Gabriel sleeps soundly, still drained. He'll likely sleep for a few more hours.

Serena stands just inside her room, the door closed. She waits until Tia is not in the main room. As soon as she isn't there Serena slips out of the house with an amulet in her hand.

Her ring remains on the mantle.

[Riverside Inn]

Nire looks out the window. Sunset. He'll wait a couple more hours before he goes back to the manor.

Tia doesn't notice that Serena has slipped out. She just wanders the house, alone, and hungry.

I could slip out and find someone. Gabriel would never have to know. But as she thought of it, she saw the sparkle of the ring in the light of the oil lamp on the mantle. She didn't want to hurt Gabriel the way Serena had hurt Nite.

2010-12-19, 09:55 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Nite enters the manor once more. Gabriel takes this opportunity to wake up and enter the main room at the same time.

Gabriel gives Nite a nod and Nite walks into his and Serena's room. "Serena?"

"Serena?" She's not there. Nite comes back out. "Where's Serena?"

Gabriel just looks at him. He doesn't know what to say.

"She... no." Nite says weakly and takes off out the door.

2010-12-19, 09:56 PM
Vampire Manor

"I didn't see her leave..." Tia says weakly.

2010-12-19, 10:06 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel looks shocked. The first lapse he could almost understand considering the alcohol, but this? It made no sense at all.

The front door opens, "Nite?" Gabriel asks.

It isn't Nite that enters however. A huge man walks though the door. His girth in expansive, but it suggests power rather than a life of luxury.

He is bald and wears a white suit. His eyes are red and he has long fangs. Think vampire King Pin.

Behind him enter two npc other vampires.

"Oh Ramiro. What do you need?" Gabriel asks.

"It's almost time, Gabriel." The man responds, his voice rich and full.

One of the vampires gives Tia a hungry look.

2010-12-19, 10:09 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia smiles and returns the vampire's hungry look. She instantly feels better having more men in the room.

2010-12-19, 10:22 PM
[Vampire Manor]

The vampire's face looks briefly confused before it contorts in agony. He clutches at his head.

"Never look at Tia that way." Gabriel says.

Ramiro laughs, "You have to forgive my young friend. He is new to vampirism let alone our lifestyle."

"Now for the matter at hand. Let us finalize the details for taking this city."

They will move to sit and further discuss their plans. Gabriel offers his hand to Tia and his expression suggests she doesn't have to come, but she's welcome to.

2010-12-19, 10:26 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia joins them, giving most of her attention to Gabriel, while enjoying the presence of the other men. It feels good to be admired. She probably doesn't pay much attention to the details of the planning, unless she's actually meant to be part of any specific part of it.

She sits close to Gabriel, with her arm around him, and her fingers running along his spine.

2010-12-19, 10:32 PM
[Vampire Manor]

They primarily discuss such things as key locations to take, the known locations of mob leaders, and how to implement Ghar's everlasting night spell. The discussion goes on for a long time. Let's say until TE and Ape are organized.

Gabriel never even considered the idea that Tia could be part of the takeover because that would mean putting her in danger.

Every so often one of the young vampires glances at Tia with a hungry look, but every time they wince in pain and look away.

2010-12-19, 10:38 PM
Vampire Manor

Gabriel probably doesn't see the sad look she gives every time he disciplines one of the vampires. She only wants to make people happy! Her mind wanders as she plays out an imaginary scene in her mind of her comforting them, which is far too forum inappropriate to post here, but causes her aura to grow stronger without her realizing it.

2010-12-20, 01:58 AM
{Hunt for Fred}

Melody looks toward the tavern that she and Quinn had almost killed last time they were here. Are you sure that's a good idea?

((1- There are likely more places to stay than the place they were almost killed.

I don't even remember the name I gave the tavern oh so long ago, when Reinholdt first arrived here. :smallredface:

2- Please let me know of any places or information needed to be added to the OP.

I wrote it quickly, only adding the History I'd written so it wouldn't be lost to PM deletion. :smallsmile:))

2010-12-20, 07:52 PM
[Vampire Manor]

One of the vampires starts to think about more than just a meal when he looks at Tia. After a little while he looks directly at Tia, licks his teeth, and winks.

As expected he winces in pain at another mental punishment from Gabriel. The vampire's had enough. He lunges over the table at Gabriel. They slam into the wall and the vampire punches Gabriel in the face.

2010-12-20, 07:58 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia can't help smiling back at the blatant come-on, but immediately regrets it when the two men start fighting. Her aura shrinks down to minimum. "I'm sorry. Please don't fight..." :smallfrown:

2010-12-20, 08:05 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel wraps his fingers around the around vampire's throat. But when he hears Tia he immediately lets go. He suffers another couple blows to the face as a result.

Meanwhile Ramiro has leisurely made his way around the table and approaches the young vampire from behind. Gabriel suffers another blow to the face, but doesn't retaliate. Ramiro takes one hand and grabs the vampire by the head. He lifts the vampire up and turns his back to Tia. Nothing can be seen, but a sharp crack is heard from in front of Ramiro.

He takes the corpse, still concealed from Tia, and throws it out the back door. Gabriel returns to the table and wraps his arm around Tia.

2010-12-20, 08:09 PM
Vampire Manor

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Tia sobs.

2010-12-20, 08:24 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel holds Tia and strokes her hair, "Tia, it's not your fault. You did nothing wrong." He whispers to her. He kisses the top of her head. "It'll be alright."

The other young vampire is pointedly looking at his hands.

Ramiro returns and takes his seat. "I apologize for that unpleasantness. That isn't something the lady needed to see."

2010-12-20, 08:26 PM
Vampire Manor

"I should leave you to talk," Tia says, and tries to leave the room.

2010-12-20, 08:33 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel lets her go, "Tia..." He turns on Ramiro, "Damnit Ramiro! Why did you do that right in front of her?"

"The young ones need to know their place." He responds.

Gabriel just shakes his head and gets out of his seat. He goes to find Tia.


Back in the meeting room the remaining young vampire says, "She's got him by the balls, eh?" and snickers. Ramiro looks at him and casually backhands him across the face. He hits the ground and spits out a tooth.

2010-12-20, 08:34 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia is sitting in their bedroom crying. "It's my fault. I wasn't being careful enough."

2010-12-20, 08:44 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel sits beside her and wraps his arm around her. "No Tia, it's not your fault. They're young vampires. They find it hard to stay in control."

2010-12-20, 08:47 PM
Vampire Manor

"I find it hard to stay in control too." Tia says. v.v

2010-12-20, 08:50 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel nods his head and says, "Everybody has struggles. Just know I'll be right here beside you no matter what. I love you."

2010-12-20, 08:52 PM
Vampire Manor

"You should go back to your meeting," Tia says, forcing a smile. "I love you."

2010-12-20, 08:54 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel frowns slightly, knowing that she isn't completely ok, "Are you sure, Tia? We can finish the meeting some other time. You will always come first."

2010-12-20, 08:56 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia puts a hand to his face and kisses him rather chastely, for her. "I'm sure."

2010-12-20, 09:02 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel smiles and stands. He backs out of the room, holding her in his gaze until she is out of sight.

He returns to the meeting room. "Ramiro, you will never do such things when Tia is around again."

Ramiro nods once, slowly.

"Now where were we?"

Gabriel sits back down and they continue their discussion.

2010-12-20, 09:39 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia cries a little while longer, and then writes a note.

"I'm sorry, Gabriel, I'm just making everything worse."

And she calls Maelstrus. He sends Geeves to open a portal for her, and she steps towards it.

((And I'll pause here since I don't know if Gabriel would sense that happening or not.))

2010-12-20, 09:43 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel won't notice a thing. He'll just continue his discussion.

Ghar may have noticed, but he isn't even in the Nexus at the moment.

2010-12-20, 10:41 PM
Vampire Manor / Kundalin Keep (in another dimension, but here for convenience)

Atticus couldn't communicate directly with Tia, but he also had a link to Maelstrus, and sometimes he felt a little echo over that link, a hint of sweetness, that told him when Tia and Maelstrus were talking.

Was it Tia? Is she okay?

Physically well, but troubled. You know her soft heart. Go and meet her. Geeves is bringing her home.

When Atticus arrived at the portal, he saw her sitting on the bed, her beautiful face stained with tears. He stepped through and took her in his arms, and she sobbed against him a bit before kissing him hungrily. That took him by surprise. Not the kisses, but the delay. He wasn't sure what to make of it.

"Come home, Mistress. Whatever happened, we'll take care of you and make it better." He always called her Mistress, and she'd given up protesting long ago.

"I... I want to..." she sobs. "But I can't... can't leave him."

Atticus just holds her while she struggles, gently stroking her hair. He wanted to kill Gabriel for doing this to her.

Finally her natural hungers grow too strong to ignore and she started kissing him more urgently. "Not here, darling. Let me take you home," he murmured, putting an arm under her knees to scoop her up in his arms.

She melted against him at first, but then struggled to get down. "Wait. That note..." He let her down, watched her take a piece of paper off of the pillow, and add a few lines to it. And then she took his hand and stepped through the portal with him.

"I'm sorry, Gabriel, I'm just making everything worse.

Maybe if I feed, I won't lose control so easily. I promise, I'll come back to you soon.

Love, Tia."

2010-12-21, 12:38 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Eventually Gabriel finishes his meeting and Ramiro and the remaining young vampire departs.

He goes to his and Tia's room to see if Tia is doing alright.

She's not in the room. He sees the note and reads it.

Tears well up in his eyes and he crushes the note in his hand.

Using you

"NO!" Gabriel forces the voice to the back of his mind.

He sits on the bed and stays there for a long time, thinking.

She's coming back.

She's coming back.

2010-12-21, 02:11 AM
Vampire Manor

It's a few hours before dawn when another vampire arrives at the manor, with a pair of dominated mortals carrying her luggage, and walks in without knocking. Because she'd been invited already, of course. "Uncle Ghar? Gabby? Where is everyone?"

2010-12-21, 02:15 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel walks into the main room. He smiles, all signs of distress gone.

"Aunt Riley. You finally decided to move in."

2010-12-21, 02:24 AM
Vampire Manor

Aunt Riley gives her little Gabby a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Of course I did, dear. I told you I would, it just took forever to pack. You did save me the room nearest the kitchen, didn't you? On the ground floor? You know I can't abide stairs. Now where are Serry and that young man of hers? Nite is it? And little Addy - I can't wait to see her again. And didn't I hear that some pretty little mortal girl had caught your eye? When are you going to turn her? It's a shame you didn't meet her before you turned - we can never have enough babies in the family."

2010-12-21, 02:36 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel's face goes though a whole range of emotions, none of them positive. He hides it before auntie Riley can see.

"The room you wanted is free, just like you asked. I'm all alone at the moment. Adele's at school. Nite and Serena are... out, busy. And Tia had to go home for a little while. Ghar's off on one of his excursions."

"Oh, Ramiro was here a little while ago."

2010-12-21, 02:51 AM
Vampire Manor

"Ramiro's such a sweet boy. He's the one who brought me these two after I lost Ethel. At least I think it was him. It might have been Antonio. Shame about Ethel. She was such a good girl. I always meant to have someone turn her, but then there was one thing, and then another, and next thing I knew, she was nearly 80, and I needed a snack to take to the bridge club.

"Go on, girls. The bedroom by the kitchen. Get everything unpacked, and don't forget to draw some blood to leave by the bedside." The two humans carry off the trunks. Once they're gone, Aunt Riley closes the door and leads Gabriel to the sofa. "Gabby, dear, what's wrong? You know you can talk to your Aunt Riley, right?"

2010-12-21, 02:55 AM
[Vampire Manor]

"Nothing serious is wrong,"Gabriel lies, a huge lie, "It's just hard with Tia gone. Not to mention Nite and Serena had a bit of a fight. But nothing to worry you about Auntie Riley."

2010-12-21, 03:06 AM
Vampire Manor

"Gabby, you shouldn't lie to your Aunt Riley. If you aren't going to tell me, then just say so," she says, in a good-natured tone. "Why don't you tell me about Tia then? What is she like? I've heard Uncle Ghar doesn't like her, but of course that means nothing at all."

2010-12-21, 03:19 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel chuckles a bit, "Well you know Ghar," he says.

"Tia is amazing. She's beautiful, a joy to talk to, and perfect in every way..." He drifts off, but manages to keep the pained expression off his face.

((Obviously Gabriel is the one that best puts up with Auntie Riley:smallwink:))

2010-12-21, 03:35 AM
Vampire Manor

((Heehee... she's fun. I love it when a character jumps right in with their own voice. I wonder how Uncle Ghar puts up with her? :smallbiggrin:))

Aunt Riley sits up for a few hours into the day, sharing harmless gossip about the various branches of the family and asking questions about Riverside and their plans. Occasionally she has something particularly shrewd or perceptive to say, but Gabriel is no doubt used to the way her intelligence comes and goes.

As noon approaches, she decides to head for bed. "... I hope the new girls have set everything up the way I like. It's always so hard the first decade or two getting used to new mortals, isn't it? Goodnight dear. Be sure and wake me up when your Tia gets home. I'm so longing to meet her." She gives Gabby another hug and kiss, and heads to bed, as her player should have done hours ago. :smalltongue:

2010-12-21, 03:40 AM
[Vampire Manor]

((I don't even want to picture Ghar's face when he gets back.:smalltongue:))

"Good night Auntie Riley." Gabriel says as she goes to her room. He decides it's about time he got some sleep as well and goes to his room.

((Tell me about it. It's 2:40 here.:smallcool:))

2010-12-21, 12:37 PM
Cathy arrives with the others, looking around cautiously! "Do we have somewhere to stay where I can work on this?"

And Quinn has arrived as well!
"Well, I'm not sure. I suppose we could try to find a room at the tavern for you to work on."
Let's stay away from the tavern, okay? I didn't like it there.

Melody waves over a passerby. Excuse me, ma'am. Can you direct us to a nice little hotel or motel?

The woman, who has been eyeing Melody and her companions warily, turns her head just enough to keep the trio within peripheral. Head down West street here, turn left on Minkle. About halfway down, you should find a red brick building with the sign Sawyer's on the front. That's a nice little inn.

She waits for any further questions.

The Bushranger
2010-12-21, 06:01 PM
[The Hunt for Fred December]

"That's...probably a good idea," Quinn says, nodding, and blushing slightly in embarassment.

When the passerby reccomends Sawyers, she smiles warmly at the woman. "Why, thank you, ma'am."

2010-12-21, 06:41 PM
The woman leans in slightly. Just be careful. This city isn't safe for non-citizens. she then walks away.

After she's way out of hearing range. Melody says softly. Couldn't have warned us earlier? she turns to Quinn. Sounds as safe as anywhere, I guess.

The Bushranger
2010-12-21, 06:45 PM
Quinn nods in acknowledgement, then chuckles quietly at Melody's observation. And nods.
"Probably a better choice than our...previous accomodations, yes."

2010-12-21, 07:27 PM
Much better. Melody says, as she leads the trio toward Sawyer's Inn.

2010-12-21, 07:30 PM
Much better. Melody says, as she leads the trio toward Sawyer's Inn.

Cathy follows her! Looking around cautiously.

The Bushranger
2010-12-21, 08:41 PM
And Quinn follows as well, her senses alert. Just in case Admiral Ackbar was right, and It's A Trap.

2010-12-21, 09:20 PM
Quinn, Cathy, and Melody make it to Sawyer's Inn with no troubles.

The inside of Sawyer's is beautiul, though humble. Whoever keeps the place, keeps it in fine condition.

The dark wooden floors are waxed and shiny. There are four wooden pillars that reach up to the ceiling. The four walls are painted in a brick red, with light grey accents.

Along the left wall there is a large hearth fire burning, with a dog and cat sleeping together. The dog raises it's head slightly to observe the newcomers, but doesn't rush to sniff them out.

Along the right wall is the customer service area, with a dining hall just past it. The smell of freshly baked bread and some kind of meat can be smelled eminating from beyond.

And then there is the back wall. There is a set of stairs leading up and another leading down. Both sets are made of the same wood as the pillars and floor.

2010-12-22, 02:35 PM
Cathy looks around approvingly. "This should do nicely."

2010-12-22, 02:54 PM
[Moth Park]
((This is the start for a plot made for E-D powered characters.))

About 100 acres big, the moth park is approximately rectangular in shape, with a bandshell/performance stage at the north end, a soccer (football) field and softball diamond at the south and a forested area in the center.

It also holds two playgrounds (swing sets, slides, monkey bars) several fountains (most of which are nonfunctional) various statues and a network of walking paths.

Since the re-opening, Moth park is pretty popular with the local residents as well as those who come into the area to work or visit.

The park have a park guard which keeps out most small-time criminals and drug-dealers which makes it considered safe, at least during day time.

2010-12-22, 04:42 PM
Vampire Manor

Aunt Riley sits in the living room in her rocking chair, sipping on a bottle of blood, while one of her dominated humans reads aloud to her from a Wilkie Collins novel.

2010-12-22, 04:47 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Ghar walks into the room. Of course he's not supposed to be in another dimension. Why do you ask?

"Gabriel we ne-" Ghar stops when he sees Auntie Riley. "Ah, Rilayne. I wondered when you'd arrive." He smiles slightly. It's very strained.

2010-12-22, 04:51 PM
[Moth Park]
((This is the start for a plot made for E-D powered characters.))

About 100 acres big, the moth park is approximately rectangular in shape, with a bandshell/performance stage at the north end, a soccer (football) field and softball diamond at the south and a forested area in the center.

It also holds two playgrounds (swing sets, slides, monkey bars) several fountains (most of which are nonfunctional) various statues and a network of walking paths.

Since the re-opening, Moth park is pretty popular with the local residents as well as those who come into the area to work or visit.

The park have a park guard which keeps out most small-time criminals and drug-dealers which makes it considered safe, at least during day time.

A Fez-Hat Blue Cat wanders into the park. Seems FHR's still out and about, exploring the Nexus and Riverside was his next stop. So far it kind of seems... alright on the surface, but not really. Hard to tell.

Reinholdt's taking a break by visiting the park though! Parks were always nice.

2010-12-22, 04:51 PM
Vampire Manor

"Uncle Ghar! Hush Jenny. We'll pick this up again later." Riley gets up and goes to give Uncle Ghar a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "It's so good to see you. Gabby has picked out such a nice place, don't you agree? I haven't met his little girlfriend yet, though."

2010-12-22, 04:55 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Ghar manages to keep his smile in place, despite the hug and kiss. "Yes, it is nice. And I'm sure you'll meet Tia soon enough. I'm surprised you haven't already. They are usually joined at the hip."

2010-12-22, 04:57 PM
Vampire Manor

"He said she had to go home for a little while. Now how have you been, Uncle Ghar? And why is it so quiet here? I've seen no one but Gabby since I arrived. That won't do at all, you know." Riley says.

2010-12-22, 05:04 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"Really? Home?" Ghar says, "I've been good. Things are progressing well here."

Ghar looks confused, "Neither Nite nor Serena has been here since you arrived? That is strange. I am was gone on a project of mine. Allow me to scry them."

He pauses and looks off into space for a few moments.

"Interesting. Nite appears to be at the LANTERN base. They are a crime fighting organization he is associated with."

He pauses for a little longer this time. He furrows his brow. "I can't seem to locate Serena. Odd. I'm sure she will be back soon enough."

2010-12-22, 05:10 PM
Vampire Manor

"I imagine she's out hunting. You know how she does enjoy that," Riley says affectionately, with a shake of the head. "It does seem strange when there's plenty of blood at home." She reaches down and pets one of her humans. "Heidi has such a nice flavor, don't you dear?"

"Yes, ma'am," Heidi says. She appears a bit anemic. Riley probably hasn't been keeping track of how much blood she's been having her donate.

2010-12-22, 05:17 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"Well the thrill of the hunt does seem to get to the young." Ghar says. He still looks troubled however. He should be able to track her unless he was being bloked.

"I trust you had no trouble settling in?"

2010-12-22, 05:20 PM
Vampire Manor

"None at all. Jenny and Heidi did such a good job. Not as good as Ethel would have done, but they are both still new. Do you have any projects going?" Riley asks.

2010-12-22, 05:35 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"Good." Ghar says.

"I'm further studying that metal etherium. The twisting metal I was studying a few years back."

2010-12-22, 05:41 PM
Vampire Manor

Riley smiles broadly. "Good good. I know you're happiest when you have a project. Do you want my help with anything?"

2010-12-22, 06:05 PM
[Moth Park]

It's a cloudy, but dry day in Moth park, the first after several with heavy rain.

FHR might see children out playing in the playgrounds as their parents watches them, making sure that no one is lost here in the middle of the city. Riverside can be a dangerous place after all, as any long time inhabitant might know.

There is a odd man dressed in ragged clothes sitting on one of the benches, the rest of the people keeping a secure distance away from him. He seems odd really, perhaps drunk, looking down on the ground, mumbling something.

Suddenly he looks up, starting to follow FHR with his gaze, mumbling something else.

Some distance away he can hear children shouting, chasing each other as their game changes to tag.

2010-12-22, 06:12 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"I think everything is fine." Of course if anybody comes to the door feel free to entertain them until myself or Gabriel can deal with them." Ghar says.

2010-12-22, 06:20 PM
Vampire Manor

She beams, quite pleased to have been given a task. "Of course, Uncle Ghar. I'll take care of it. Jenny's already made some appetizers - you know those little blood sausage balls that everyone likes, but I don't have any extra mortals to spare if anyone arrives too hungry. I'll have to go out tonight and pick up a few."

2010-12-22, 06:23 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"Be sure to leave the people in the city unharmed. We want a positive image here." Ghar says.

2010-12-22, 06:25 PM
Vampire Manor

"Not even dominating them?" Riley asks, a little disappointed.

2010-12-22, 06:33 PM
[Moth Park]

Wow! FHR has lasted a whole five minutes without someone trying to pet him. A new record.

Figuring he doesn't want to get toooo involved in a game of tag and a bunch of children that are likely to pull and prod and poke, Reinholdt takes a look at mumbling man.
"Speak up! Can't hear you."
Well if didn't believe himself drunk before...

2010-12-22, 06:33 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"Only if nobody else will notice that they are missing." Ghar says.

"Now I have to return to Alara my studies. Be sure to let me know the second Serena returns." He leaves for his room.

2010-12-22, 06:48 PM
[Moth Park]

The rugged old man stares back and says out loud "Cat's shouldn't speak. Don't you know? It's crazy! He shouts at FHR and then quickly moves forward in a attempt to steal his hat.

2010-12-22, 06:56 PM
[Moth Park]

"What the...?"
"HEY! That's my hat you thief! One of the two things that make me unique! Give it back!"
The other thing being having more sanity than all of Reinholdt's other characters... combined.

Reinholdt tries to jump and grab his hat back.

2010-12-22, 07:13 PM
[Moth Park]

The man laughs loudly as he attempts to run away from FHR that will manage to land on his back as he waves around the hat wildly.

The man is still running like crazy, making quite the scene as parents keeps an hold of their children, the children looking curiously at the crazy man and the funny talking cat and a park guard watching them with increasing concern.

2010-12-22, 07:18 PM
[Moth Park]

Reinholdt doesn't cling to the man's back, preferring to fall off and land. "Give me back my hat!"

Reinholdt lets the man get a little distance before bolting after him and trying to slam into the back of his leg around the knee area to knock him down. Considering the speeds cats can get to, it can be pretty effective if it hits, even though he's pretty small.

2010-12-22, 07:34 PM
[Month Park]

The man manages to run away a fair bit before Reinholdt starts to caught up with him, running away from the crowd.
Reinholth manages to hit the man in the knee area, with a scream the man falls forward, already cursing Reinholdt and all of cat-kind as he reaches the ground.

2010-12-22, 07:37 PM
[Month Park]

"Yeah, well you started it." :smallannoyed:
Reinholdt wobbles a little from the impact before darting forward to make a grab for his hat.

2010-12-22, 07:53 PM
[Month Park]

He does manage to grab his hat from the cursing man that suddenly stretches out his hand to grab Reinholdt in turn. "Aha!"

2010-12-22, 07:57 PM
[Month Park]

Reinholdt is grabbed! Presumably by the scruff of his neck.
"You are most cruel. Now LEMMEGO!!"
*flail flail squirm squirm*

2010-12-22, 08:11 PM
[Month Park]

The crazy man shakes Reinholdt back and fourth and tries to grab the hat again, slowly getting up on one of his knees. "I got you now stupid cat! Ahahah!"

2010-12-22, 08:17 PM
[Month Park]

Reinholdt's holding on to his hat with his paws now compared to on his head. It'll probably a bit harder to steal. Especially when he bites at the hand that tries.
All this shaking is making him dizzy though. @.@
Where's that security guard?! Animal abuse! Animal abuse!

2010-12-22, 08:33 PM
[Month Park]

Reinholdt feels the man letting him go as he might get a glimpse of the park guard dragging the man away that keeps shouting. "Those cats are going to kill us all! Abominations! Monsters!"

The Bushranger
2010-12-22, 08:36 PM
[Sawyer's Inn]

Quinn, Cathy, and Melody make it to Sawyer's Inn with no troubles.

The inside of Sawyer's is beautiul, though humble. Whoever keeps the place, keeps it in fine condition.

The dark wooden floors are waxed and shiny. There are four wooden pillars that reach up to the ceiling. The four walls are painted in a brick red, with light grey accents.

Along the left wall there is a large hearth fire burning, with a dog and cat sleeping together. The dog raises it's head slightly to observe the newcomers, but doesn't rush to sniff them out.

Along the right wall is the customer service area, with a dining hall just past it. The smell of freshly baked bread and some kind of meat can be smelled eminating from beyond.

And then there is the back wall. There is a set of stairs leading up and another leading down. Both sets are made of the same wood as the pillars and floor.

Cathy looks around approvingly. "This should do nicely."

"I think it will too. I wish we'd known about this place last time we were here," Quinn says, taking a deep breath and inhaling the scent of bread and meat. "I could almost call a place like this home..."

2010-12-22, 08:41 PM
[Moth Park]
((This is the start for a plot made for E-D powered characters.))

About 100 acres big, the moth park is approximately rectangular in shape, with a bandshell/performance stage at the north end, a soccer (football) field and softball diamond at the south and a forested area in the center.

It also holds two playgrounds (swing sets, slides, monkey bars) several fountains (most of which are nonfunctional) various statues and a network of walking paths.

Since the re-opening, Moth park is pretty popular with the local residents as well as those who come into the area to work or visit.

The park have a park guard which keeps out most small-time criminals and drug-dealers which makes it considered safe, at least during day time.

A deer is wandering through the park, eyes far too bright and intelligent for a simple animal, exploring the general area.

It's also wearing a pack. This may be seen as odd.

2010-12-22, 08:41 PM
[Month Park]

Reinholdt takes a few moments to recollect himself, swaying a bit, before putting the hat back on his head, it turning into a miniature bucket hat for the time being.

He looks around to see who's staring at him. Hopefully no one. "Umm... pay no attention to the crazy man?" This... was awkward. Why the heck did he think cats were monsters? Maybe the guy had run into the other him which... well fit the description.

Still... that was rather disturbing to Reinholdt. He frowns. He's a kitty not an abomination! :smallfrown:

2010-12-22, 08:53 PM
[Moth Park]

There is someone looking at Reinholdt actually, a young woman dressed in a disheveled gray raincoat with a partly open umbrella sits at a playground turnabout nearby.
She holds her head at an angle as she seems to stare at him, sometimes tilting her head so deep to one side that her left ear touches her shoulder. Her dark hair hangs loose and seems to be tangled with leaves and sticks. Her hair and coat look wet.

Her lips moves a bit as if she's mumbling as the turnabout rotates slowly around, making her disappear, eventually it comes around again and then the woman is no longer there.

The deer will find itself wandering in a quite dry park, while it have rained much lately, it have been completely dry today.
It might notice the park's main attraction, the Sycamore tree, standing about 150 feet, far higher then any tree around it.
There is some type of note attached to it, one of the park guards notice the dear and stares at it, blinking a bit, unsure he's seeing things.

2010-12-22, 09:01 PM
[Moth Park]

Blink. Blink.
"Please tell me that crazy guy didn't infect me with his crazy." :smallsigh:

Reinholdt decides he doesn't much like this creepy part of the park and starts making his way to another part of it. Preferably a part without ghosts and hobos. Like... err... the fountains!

2010-12-22, 09:10 PM
[Sawyer's Inn]

"I think it will too. I wish we'd known about this place last time we were here," Quinn says, taking a deep breath and inhaling the scent of bread and meat. "I could almost call a place like this home..."
I didn't even know this place existed. Shall we sign in? She nods toward the handsome young man waiting at the front desk.

He smiles warmly to them, saying nothing, and trying not to look impatient.

((I thought it was Moth Park? :smallconfused:))

2010-12-22, 09:13 PM
Cathy nods. "Good idea."

The Bushranger
2010-12-22, 09:17 PM
[Sawyer's Inn]

Cathy nods. "Good idea."

Quinn nods in agreement, and steps forwards, up to the counter, with her best Paladin's Smile on her face.
"Good evening, sir. Do you have any rooms with three beds? Adjoining rooms with two and one would be fine also, and we'd like to reserve them for a few days, if we can."

2010-12-22, 09:31 PM
Good evening to you, Ma'am. We don't have rooms with three beds, nor adjoining rooms. But we do have two rooms with one bed each, and we can bring in a second bed for one of them. They are next to each other, if that will suffice? he looks hopeful.

The Bushranger
2010-12-22, 09:36 PM
[Sawyer Inn]

"I think that'll work out alright," Quinn says gracefully, looking back to Melody and Cathy for a yay or nay.

@v That's what I said. :smalltongue:

2010-12-22, 09:38 PM
You mean Cathy. :smalltongue:

Cathy nods. "Sounds good to me."

2010-12-22, 10:05 PM
{Sawyer's Inn}

That'll be fifty gold pieces, please. he says with a smile. Do you have any luggage? he looks down beside them to where their luggage would normally be.

Melody nods her head slightly. Just my backpack.

2010-12-22, 10:09 PM
"Only what I've got on me."

The Bushranger
2010-12-22, 10:12 PM
[Sawyer's Inn]

Quinn fishes out the requested fee, putting on a slight 'oh, I'm running low on cash' look, so as not to attract 'RICH NEWCOMERS' kind of attention.
"Only my Bag of Holding," she says with a smile, as she hands over the gold coins.

2010-12-22, 10:16 PM

The desk clerk frowns ever so slightly at their lack of bags. But it quickly disappears when he recieves the coins.

Who is going to which room? And who gets keys for them? he asks, turning his back to retrive the keys for the assigned rooms.

The Bushranger
2010-12-22, 10:20 PM
[Sawyer's Inn]

"I believe Melody and I will be sharing a room, while Cathy will be taking the other," Quinn says, keeping her best smile on her face, and waiting paitently for the keys.

She added a bit of a tip, 5% or so.

2010-12-22, 10:27 PM
{Sawyer's Inn}

He turns back to them, holding up two keys. This, he lifts his left hand. is the single bed room. And this, he lifts his right. is the two bed room. He holds both keys out so who wants them can get them.

They are rooms thirteen and fourteen on the second floor.

Thank you. Melody says, but doesn't reach for a key.

2010-12-22, 10:28 PM
[Moth Park]

There is someone looking at Reinholdt actually, a young woman dressed in a disheveled gray raincoat with a partly open umbrella sits at a playground turnabout nearby.
She holds her head at an angle as she seems to stare at him, sometimes tilting her head so deep to one side that her left ear touches her shoulder. Her dark hair hangs loose and seems to be tangled with leaves and sticks. Her hair and coat look wet.

Her lips moves a bit as if she's mumbling as the turnabout rotates slowly around, making her disappear, eventually it comes around again and then the woman is no longer there.

The deer will find itself wandering in a quite dry park, while it have rained much lately, it have been completely dry today.
It might notice the park's main attraction, the Sycamore tree, standing about 150 feet, far higher then any tree around it.
There is some type of note attached to it, one of the park guards notice the dear and stares at it, blinking a bit, unsure he's seeing things.

The deer strides up to the tree, clearly interested, not paying any attention to the guard.

It looks like that the deer is trying to read the note...

2010-12-22, 10:29 PM
Vampire Manor

A portal from Kundalin Keep opens in Gabriel's room, and Tia steps through looking absolutely radiant. Even more so than usual.

The Bushranger
2010-12-22, 10:31 PM
{Sawyer's Inn}

He turns back to them, holding up two keys. This, he lifts his left hand. is the single bed room. And this, he lifts his right. is the two bed room. He holds both keys out so who wants them can get them.

They are rooms thirteen and fourteen on the second floor.

Thank you. Melody says, but doesn't reach for a key.

Quinn takes the two-bed room keys with a continuing smile.
"Thank you, sir, very much. I appreciate it."

2010-12-22, 10:33 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"Tia!" Gabriel immediately rushes across the room to embrace her. "I missed you so much."

2010-12-22, 10:39 PM
[Moth Park]

Blink. Blink.
"Please tell me that crazy guy didn't infect me with his crazy." :smallsigh:

Reinholdt decides he doesn't much like this creepy part of the park and starts making his way to another part of it. Preferably a part without ghosts and hobos. Like... err... the fountains!

Yes, there they are, the fountains!
Sadly many of them doesn't seem to work very well, just pushing up a small beams of water that hardly reach a feet in foot in length.
Some children are trying to drink from them thought, stupid children.
Hey, isn't there something buried there in the ground?

The note the deer reads explains the following: "Nexusian Sycamore (Planatus occidentalis) Perhaps the oldest tree in the park, this sycamore is said to have been present before Alexander Moth purchased this land and built his estate. It's true age is unknown."

The guard meanwhile seems to trying to decide wherever its illegal for deer to read or not, staring at it confused.


2010-12-22, 10:44 PM
[Moth Park]

"That's probably unsanitary you know?" Reinholdt asks the kids before going to check out what's buried in the ground. Hmm... Maybe it's priceless treasure!

2010-12-22, 10:47 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia wraps her arms and wings around him as the portal closes behind her. She had missed him too, but not quite as much since she'd been rather occupied. She's brimming over with energy at the moment, having fed as much as she could hold. So when she kisses Gabriel, it's as tender and loving as ever, but lacks the edge that her hunger had given it.

"It's so good to be home." :smallsmile:

And then immediately wonders at herself. Hadn't she said the same thing to Atticus when she'd first returned to Kundalin?

Where did she belong, really?

2010-12-22, 10:56 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel holds that kiss as long as he can, or as long as she can I should say. To say he is overjoyed at her return is an understatement. With recent events he felt like his world was falling out from under his feat.

He forgets the reason she was gone, only focusing on that she is back. "I love you Tia."

2010-12-22, 11:02 PM
Vampire Manor

"I love you, Gabriel." She gazes happily into his eyes, running a hand through his hair. Seeing him happy feels so good that her inner conflict vanishes, at least for now.

2010-12-22, 11:09 PM
"All right. Shall we go up and see the rooms, then?"

2010-12-22, 11:12 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel looks toward the bed and pulls Tia over to it to sit beside him on it. He kisses her deeply and passionately, and reaches for the curtain.

2010-12-22, 11:18 PM
Vampire Manor

The curtains falls, and no nomming occurs, at least not on Tia's part.

2010-12-22, 11:24 PM
Yes, there they are, the fountains!
Sadly many of them doesn't seem to work very well, just pushing up a small beams of water that hardly reach a feet in foot in length.
Some children are trying to drink from them thought, stupid children.
Hey, isn't there something buried there in the ground?

The note the deer reads explains the following: "Nexusian Sycamore (Planatus occidentalis) Perhaps the oldest tree in the park, this sycamore is said to have been present before Alexander Moth purchased this land and built his estate. It's true age is unknown."

The guard meanwhile seems to trying to decide wherever its illegal for deer to read or not, staring at it confused.

The deer is suddenly a nude young fellow with antlers, who takes a minute and puts on a pair of pants from his pack. He then touches a hand to the tree, trying to use his vaguely-defined minor nature powers to read the true age of the tree, and perhaps a sampling of its experiences.

2010-12-22, 11:40 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Maybe a little bit. And the curtain rises.

Gabriel lies with Tia, his arm wrapped around her. He smiles, all troubles forgotten for the moment.

"I should tell you. My Auntie Riley moved in. She's been dying to meet you."

2010-12-22, 11:43 PM
Vampire Manor

"I'd like to meet her too," Tia says. But she makes no effort to get up. "I'm sorry about the way I left."

2010-12-22, 11:49 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel kisses the top of her head. "There is nothing to apologize for. I could never be upset with you." Very true, he blames himself for the entire situation.

He smiles warmly at her.

2010-12-22, 11:58 PM
Vampire Manor

"I'll learn to control myself better," Tia promises. "For you, I'll do anything, Gabriel."

2010-12-23, 12:02 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel isn't about to argue that she did nothing wrong anymore if she's so resolute about it. He'll never believe it himself though.

"What did I ever do to deserve you, Tia?"

2010-12-23, 12:10 AM
Vampire Manor

Tia answers that the only way she can, which is to kiss and snuggle more. :smallyuk:


*grumbles about stupid characters not finding enough to be all angsty and stuff about*

2010-12-23, 12:18 AM
[Vampire Manor]

I've got my hands full with Nite and Serena.:smalltongue:

Gabriel will stay with Tia until either of their players has something for them to do. Because I'm at a loss at the moment. :smalltongue:

2010-12-23, 09:40 AM
[Moth Park]

"That's probably unsanitary you know?" Reinholdt asks the kids before going to check out what's buried in the ground. Hmm... Maybe it's priceless treasure!

The deer is suddenly a nude young fellow with antlers, who takes a minute and puts on a pair of pants from his pack. He then touches a hand to the tree, trying to use his vaguely-defined minor nature powers to read the true age of the tree, and perhaps a sampling of its experiences.

"Oh, look the kitty speaks, thats so cool!" One of the kids exclaims, and before Reinholdt can uncover the treasure that seems to be something shiny he finds himself surrounded by a gang of kids.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... come here puss." One of the girls says to him.


Well, that certainly shocks the park guard, "Hey you can't go around naked here you... stag thing!" He yells at him, waving his hand. "And don't touch that tree!"

As the deer touches the tree however, he feels that it's ancient, many hundreds years in fact, older even then the city itself and it's at an extremely good health for it's age.
When he tries to see it's memories thought, the tree seems to hide them somehow, instead he gets a backlash of sorrow, rage and hatred that suddenly seems to bubble up from within the tree.

2010-12-23, 12:03 PM
[Moth Park]

Well... buried treasure could always wait he supposes.
He'll wander over to the girl and sniff her hand. And look up and meow at her. Meow!

Earl of Purple
2010-12-23, 03:46 PM
Vampire Manor

An unusually large wolf has just appeared nearby. It has red eyes, large teeth and black fur. It is also howling loudly outside the kitchen window.

Looks like Mateo has arrived.

2010-12-23, 03:55 PM
Vampire Manor

Does Aunt Riley know Mateo?

Tia, at least, doesn't. She shivers and holds onto Gabriel. "What's that?" :smalleek:

2010-12-23, 04:02 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel frowns. "One of us maybe." He gives Tia a squeeze before getting out of bed. "I'll be back in a minute." He slips on his pants before quickly walking to the kitchen

Earl of Purple
2010-12-23, 04:13 PM
Vampire Manor

I don't know if Mateo and Auntie Riley have met. Possibly at a compulsory family gathering.

The large, black wolf continues howling outside the kitchen window. Gabriel might recognise him, even in his current form. In fact, Gabriel might even recognise wolf-Mateo better than man-Mateo.

2010-12-23, 04:16 PM
Vampire Manor
(which is still a silly name for a house)

Aunt Riley is headed towards the back door to open it when Gabriel gets downstairs.

2010-12-23, 04:21 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"Mateo?" Gabriel says. "Please don't frighten the humans, and get in here."

Earl of Purple
2010-12-23, 04:27 PM
Vampire Manor
(I quite like it)

Mateo the wolf pads inside. Once in the kitchen, he changes his form. When complete, Mateo stands in his human form. He is tall and skinny, with black hair more like fur and red eyes. He is wearing a grubby black waistcoat, once-white shirt stained with earth and grass and a pair of creased, dirty trousers. "Good to see my nose didn't mislead me. Hello, Gabriel, Aunt Riley."

2010-12-23, 04:31 PM
Vampire Manor

Aunt Riley smiles. "Look at you, Matty. Too skinny. And me without any mortals in the larder. I'm so sorry, dear, but Uncle Ghar said I couldn't dominate anyone here in Riverside, though I'm sure I don't know why. They breed to fast for us to run out of them, and even if they get stirred up to make trouble, it'll all blow over in a decade or too."

2010-12-23, 04:38 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"Still spending all your time as a wolf I see Mateo." Gabriel says with a chuckle. "I don't deny that the freedom is intoxicating."

"And you know we have to keep the mortals happy, auntie Riley."

2010-12-23, 04:44 PM
Vampire Manor

"Gabby, you know I keep my mortals happy. Jenny, you're happy, aren't you?" Aunt Riley says.

"Yes, ma'am. Very happy." Says the dominated human who has a needle in her arm with blood draining into a bottle.

Gabriel might have realized by this point that while Aunt Riley will obey the restrictions in place, she'll never actually understand the point of them.

Earl of Purple
2010-12-23, 04:48 PM
Vampire Manor

"Wolves are more interesting than people. Less likely to stab you in the back, too. I'm not too skinny. I'm lean. I hope travellers aren't off limits. I ate three on my way here." Mateo seems awkward. He is awkward.

2010-12-23, 04:57 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"No that's alright. We just need to keep the populace friendly towards us," Gabriel says.

He smiles at Auntie Riley.

2010-12-23, 05:00 PM
Vampire Manor

"It's still very inconvenient," Aunt Riley says fretfully. "I'll need to stock up. How many mortals can we keep in the basement, Gabby?"

Earl of Purple
2010-12-23, 05:09 PM
Vampire Manor

"I'd be more than happy to take you hunting, Aunt Riley. I don't think the travellers were headed here, one was a bandit, another was a woodcutter and the third was a tinker." He means it, too. Seems Mateo trusts Riley more than most. He wouldn't extend the offer to any of the others.

2010-12-23, 05:16 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"I'm sure anyone would be glad to help you as well." Gabriel says to Auntie Riley. They wouldn't be glad, but they'd do it. Or find a good way to weasel out of it.

"So what brings you here Mateo?"

2010-12-23, 05:29 PM
Vampire Manor

Aunt Riley doesn't want to hunt and kill. She wants to find mortals to dominate and bring home to keep alive until they're needed to feed guests. She hasn't been to the basement herself, but she's hoping there's enough room there for a dozen or so mortals to live comfortably. Jenny and Heidi, of course, sleep on a pallet on the floor in her room. One likes to have one's cherished pets close by, after all. :smallsmile:

Riley recognizes that the men are talking business, and lets them get to it, while she putters around in the kitchen. Probably making blood flavored snacks or something.

Earl of Purple
2010-12-23, 06:03 PM
Vampire Manor

"I heard that a colony was being set up here. Would you believe that a youngling actually decided to find me and tell me about it? I decided to come anyway, to get away from younglings that hear of a vampire living outside immortal society and thinks it would be 'cool' to talk to them, not realising that solitary elders don't want to be disturbed." Mateo sounds like he genuinly doesn't believe that a young vampire would do something like that.

2010-12-23, 06:21 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"Some youths are ignorant of such things. Especially the most recently turned." Gabriel says, "I am surprised you decided to come seek us out."

Earl of Purple
2010-12-23, 06:26 PM
Vampire Manor

"I'd seek out other territory, but another clan could have already claimed it. At least here I know I'll be welcomed, even if the vampires here are entrenched in civilisation and, therefore, can't be trusted." At least he's honest about his suspicion, even if it is completely baseless. Probably had bad experiences when he was young with being manipulated by a civilised vampire.

2010-12-23, 06:41 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"You are welcome to stay as long as you like." Gabriel says. "You're welcome to a room as well." He has a feeling Mateo won't be inclined to accept a room.

"We aren't fully established here yet, but things are moving along nicely."

2010-12-23, 07:46 PM
{Sawyer's Inn}

Quinn takes the two-bed room key with a continuing smile.
"Thank you, sir, very much. I appreciate it."
You are welcome, Ma'am. Have a pleasant stay.

"All right. Shall we go up and see the rooms, then?"
Yes. Melody waits to follow Quinn and Cathy up stairs.

Assuming the trio heads up, they will find a young man holding the back half of a mattress on the outside of room 213. Okay, ready. Calls a female voice from within. And with a little effort, the mattress moves into the room.

Let's set it down here. And then a fwumph.

Now to get the second half. says the man. Both he and a young woman exit the room. They both smile at the trio as they pass.

2010-12-23, 11:38 PM
Cathy smiles back. "Thank you. By the way, could I please have a pen and paper?

A lot of paper, in fact. It can wait, though."

The Bushranger
2010-12-23, 11:51 PM
{Sawyer's Inn}

You are welcome, Ma'am. Have a pleasant stay.

Yes. Melody waits to follow Quinn and Cathy up stairs.

Assuming the trio heads up, they will find a young man holding the back half of a mattress on the outside of room 213. Okay, ready. Calls a female voice from within. And with a little effort, the mattress moves into the room.

Let's set it down here. And then a fwumph.

Now to get the second half. says the man. Both he and a young woman exit the room. They both smile at the trio as they pass.

Cathy smiles back. "Thank you. By the way, could I please have a pen and paper?

A lot of paper, in fact."

Quinn returns the smile of the young man and woman working on the beds. "Oh, hello there. We'll wait out here while you finish, then. Don't rush though." And she peeks into the room.

2010-12-23, 11:57 PM
Cathy waits until they go down, then will turn to Quinn and Melody. "The unfortunate part is...

A summoning ritual requires use of either the Second or Fourth Magic, depending on whether you're summoning something living or dead. I can't technically do either.

The good news is I can cheat my way around this, since in this case it's the former."

2010-12-24, 12:04 AM
Well, that certainly shocks the park guard, "Hey you can't go around naked here you... stag thing!" He yells at him, waving his hand. "And don't touch that tree!"

As the deer touches the tree however, he feels that it's ancient, many hundreds years in fact, older even then the city itself and it's at an extremely good health for it's age.
When he tries to see it's memories thought, the tree seems to hide them somehow, instead he gets a backlash of sorrow, rage and hatred that suddenly seems to bubble up from within the tree.

Adir absorbs all of this in about half a second, and quickly withdraws, a bit spooked, when the tree voices its negative feelings.

He blinks, glancing around for whoever spoke. The stag spots the guard, and frowns a bit, reaching for his pack to put on a shirt. "Hey, pal, this is the Nexus. Y'know, freedom of culture. I'm surprised you don't get more naked folks around here. And besides, I'm wearing pants!" He gestures to said clothing. "As for the tree, it's not like I can hurt it."

2010-12-24, 12:40 AM
[Vampire Manor]

In the room between the main room and the entrance ((Yes such a room exists. How do you not notice it? You walk through it all the time. In fact it is open to the main room. Where was I?)) Ghar is carefully drawing a pentacle. It's a bit over the top, in fact it could easily contain an abyssal deity. Ghar was never one to take chances with demons.

When her finishes he produces his spell book. It is very thick and is bound in the flayed skin of demons. He opens it and begins to chant in a strange tongue.

He is summoning a Execuloth.

The Bushranger
2010-12-24, 12:43 AM
[Sawyer's Inn]

Cathy waits until they go down, then will turn to Quinn and Melody. "The unfortunate part is...

A summoning ritual requires use of either the Second or Fourth Magic, depending on whether you're summoning something living or dead. I can't technically do either.

The good news is I can cheat my way around this, since in this case it's the former."

"Oh? How so, exactly?" Quinn asks, curious and wanting to learn more about this strange form of magic.

2010-12-24, 12:49 AM
[Vampire Manor]
There is a gout of stale-smelling, tepid steam and a sound like gears clicking against one another. Gears made of chitin and calcium.
And a voice---strident and harsh, like a series of sharp clangs.
Who calls H'retkåzhnu'rëplí forth from the Granite Spires of---what follows would be a bugger to write and would include too many consonants, too few vowels, and a heresy's worth of apostrophes.
Speak unto me a name for your own self, so that I might know my summoner.
Dim shapes contort in the steam.

((Execuloths are a daemon race I made up. Essentially, they do EEEEEEEEVIL PAPERWORK so other entities won't be tied up in red tape; they also can act as personal assistants to sorcerers and the like, especially when the sorcerers are eccentric and in need of someone less wacky to handle the boring work.
So basically... I maded it ups mah vewwy own self 'cause IM A RITER.))

2010-12-24, 12:52 AM
Vampire Manor

*googles execuloth*

*gets two results* :smallconfused: ??

Tia creeps downstairs, wanting to make sure Gabriel was alright, even though he'd told him to wait for her.

2010-12-24, 01:03 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Ghar looks into the pentacle and smiles. It was drawn perfectly.

"My name is Gulaghar of the House Baenurden, High Arch-Magi of the Council of Gul-Thadar." Totally not his real name by the way, "Now I ask you demon. What is your name?" The contempt is obvious in his voice.

Don't you love good how everybody is just so friendly at these things?

Gabriel smiles warmly at Tia when she arrives. He was going to tell her it was alright, but he felt it would be wrong to leave Mateo. Besides she probably needed a bit of time to dress. He would have appreciated the time himself seeing as he is only wearing his pants.

2010-12-24, 01:04 AM
"Right. What I can use is called Magecraft. It's quite flexible, but under normal circumstances, it can't go beyond what technology could do, given time. In the final effect, that is. True Magic can do things that are otherwise impossible. The Third Magic, Heaven's Feel, is the materialisation of the soul. The Second Magic, Kaleidescope, is the operation of alternate worlds. The First is Denial of Nothingness- the absolute reversal of entropy- and the Fifth is Blue- the absolute destruction of matter and energy. There are only a few magicians in my world.

My specific form of Magecraft is called Tracing. I can replicate not only an object, but all of its properties. I have to have seen it first, though. One of the swords I have in my collection of blades I have seen- and therefore can trace- is the Jeweled Sword of Zeltrich. It was made by the Magician who it is named for, and utilises the Second Magic. Essentially, I'll be piggybacking off the Jeweled Sword to make the entire ritual actually work. The main reason it might not work is that... well, I don't know if it'll be powerful enough. When I Trace a weapon, it doesn't have the power of the original.

There's also the possibility that it wouldn't work even if I was using the original Jeweled Sword, or had Zeltrich himself helping me. That's why you two should see if you can work something else out while I get this ready-the chances of failure are so high that pinning all our hopes on this is foolish. I need to recalculate the summoning ritual somewhat before I try this."

2010-12-24, 01:06 AM
Vampire Manor

*has been reminded of Beans's character concept and feels silly for forgetting* :smalltongue:

Tia goes to put an arm around Gabriel, and Aunt Riley sees her and opens her mouth...

... but the no doubt long and glorious rambling introduction will have to wait till tomorrow. I did already overshoot my original bedtime by 3 or 4 hours. >.>

2010-12-24, 01:09 AM
[Vampire Manor]
Is that Gulaghar with one or two R's?
The steam clears...
http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q106/Beans-tastic/g14998.png (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10006653&postcount=320) She's got her clipboard and pencil out.
And to be pedantic I'm a daemon, also known as a yugoloth, but I'll take what I can get.
Ah. In any case, my name is H'retkåzhnu'rëplí---except I only ever say that when I'm being summoned and I'm hoping to catch some sort of neophyte warlock off guard, break out of the pentacle, and---well, I digress.
My name is, for all intents and purposes, Hretka.

The Bushranger
2010-12-24, 01:10 AM
[Sawyer's Inn]

Quinn listens intently to Cathy's explanation!
"Fascinating. Hopefully it will work. But we do have Plans B, C, D and Z." She smiles reassuringly. "Don't hurt yourself, alright?"

2010-12-24, 01:13 AM
[Sawyer's Inn]

{{Whoops. Realised that what Cathy described as the Fourth Magic was actually the Third. Has been edited. :smalltongue:}}

Cathy nods. "This shouldn't be too dangerous. The only bad part is I think I'll have to leave out the Command Seals... those would be useful, but would remove all possibility of forcing him into being summoned."

2010-12-24, 01:18 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Ghar sighs, these types always take the fun out of binding them to your will.

"One R." He says. "You know how it works, Hretka. For the time being at least you are bound withing the pentacle, you take orders from me, essentially the basics." Ghar is very comfortable with this. He's done similar thousands of times before. It doesn't mean he enjoys it though. Well except when he can torture the demon in question, but those opportunities don't present themselves often.

"Now before a begin. Do you have any questions?"

2010-12-24, 01:24 AM
[Vampire Manor]
She summons a stool and sits on it, crossing her pointy little hooves.
No questions, sir.
She curls her tail around the bottom of the stool.

2010-12-24, 01:30 AM

Meanwhile, Thirteen wanders the streets, scouting for Dalev.

2010-12-24, 01:34 AM
[Vampire Manor]

"Very well. Your task is simple. You will handle the clerical ((bad word choice I know)) duties of this enterprise we've established here. It is important that you keep this information as neat and accessible as possible. You will also handle secretarial duties such as receiving and sending messages and greeting visitors. In regards to visitors, you will record everyone who enters and leaves the building. You generally will be working here, but some flexibility will be granted where ever it is required." Ghar says.

"Now do you have any questions? Or any suggestions that won't lead you to escaping your bonds?"

2010-12-24, 01:36 AM
She nods, understanding... meh, dedteim.

Let's just assume that she takes notes whenever I'm not around as well.

Poof! *passes out on floor*

The Bushranger
2010-12-24, 01:38 AM
[Sawyer's Inn]

{{Whoops. Realised that what Cathy described as the Fourth Magic was actually the Third. Has been edited. :smalltongue:}}

Cathy nods. "This shouldn't be too dangerous. The only bad part is I think I'll have to leave out the Command Seals... those would be useful, but would remove all possibility of forcing him into being summoned."

"Good idea. We need him here," Quinn says, in a tone that says 'yesterday and permamently'. "Is there anything else you'll need for us to get you?"

2010-12-24, 02:08 AM
"Pen, paper, and a calculator if you can handle it."

The Bushranger
2010-12-24, 02:16 AM
Quinn produces a rather pricey Texas Instruments calculator from her Bag of Holding. :smalltongue:
"Will this do for ya?"

2010-12-24, 02:31 AM
Cathy nods. "Yes, it will."


2010-12-24, 11:16 AM
[Vampire Manor]
Hretka is writing down Stuff and Things in her pentacle.

2010-12-24, 12:53 PM
[Moth Park]

Well... buried treasure could always wait he supposes.
He'll wander over to the girl and sniff her hand. And look up and meow at her. Meow!

Adir absorbs all of this in about half a second, and quickly withdraws, a bit spooked, when the tree voices its negative feelings.

He blinks, glancing around for whoever spoke. The stag spots the guard, and frowns a bit, reaching for his pack to put on a shirt. "Hey, pal, this is the Nexus. Y'know, freedom of culture. I'm surprised you don't get more naked folks around here. And besides, I'm wearing pants!" He gestures to said clothing. "As for the tree, it's not like I can hurt it."

"D'aww... aren't you the cutest!" The girl exclaims as she tries to take up Reinholdt and pet him.

"Give him something to eat!"

"Ask him if he can say something!"

The other children suggests as Reinholdt turns into the center of their attention.


"Yeah? Well, I'm not paid to uphold 'freedom of culture', sonny." The guard replies, getting some courage from his annoyance. It was not like shirtless men could come in here and tell him what to do!

"This is a family park so we don't want naked people running around here." He continues stepping closer to the deer as he points up to the tree. "And this tree happens to be the most famous part of the park, so we are careful about you magic types doing something to harm it."

If the dear looks up at the section he happens to point, he might see that one of the lower limbs is completely without leaves. The rest of them are completely healthy which makes it an oddity.

2010-12-24, 01:00 PM
"D'aww... aren't you the cutest!" The girl exclaims as she tries to take up Reinholdt and pet him.

"Give him something to eat!"

"Ask him if he can say something!"

The other children suggests as Reinholdt turns into the center of their attention.

Reinholdt nuzzles the girl and purrs as he's petted.
"Darn right I'm the cutest." :smallamused:

"I'm not hungry though. Thanks for offering." :smallsmile:

2010-12-24, 02:25 PM
[Vampire Manor]
Anyone that Hretka sees will get some wicked notes taken about them.

Otherwise, she takes notes about the area of the house she is in.

2010-12-24, 02:36 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Ghar is still totally there. "I think that should be everything. Things will be picking up as soon as we are fully established here, but for the time being things might be slow." Ghar says.

"I also imagine you'll want a desk?" He snaps his fingers and a desk appears. Go crazy describing it if you have a preference.

2010-12-24, 02:38 PM
[Vampire Manor]

It's... I'unno. Plain, smallish, efficient.
Thank you, sir.
She nods and writes. And writes and writes and writes.

2010-12-24, 02:41 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Ghar nods at Hretka and pop he disappears. She's left to her own devices, so yeah not a lot going on.

2010-12-24, 09:14 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia goes to put an arm around Gabriel, and Aunt Riley sees her and opens her mouth...

... but the no doubt long and glorious rambling introduction will have to wait till tomorrow. I did already overshoot my original bedtime by 3 or 4 hours. >.>

"And you must be Tia! How wonderful to meet you - Gabby's told me so much about you, dear. Welcome to the family. You are going to be turned soon I hope? Oh, but don't worry, Heidi and Jenny will take care of making sure there's always mortal food on hand."

She continues on. Tia tries to answer Aunt Riley's questions, but can't seem to get a word in to do so.

[Vampire Manor]
Anyone that Hretka sees will get some wicked notes taken about them.

Otherwise, she takes notes about the area of the house she is in.

Heidi, a dominated human, comes into the living room to put the finish touches on the Thanksmas tree.

2010-12-24, 09:23 PM
[Vampire Manor]
Hretka (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10006653&postcount=320) takes notes on her. You can almost feel the subnotations!

2010-12-24, 10:11 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel grins down at Tia. He finds the whole situation amusing.

"Auntie Riley, I'm so glad you approve," Gabriel interrupts for Tia's sake. This is her chance to get a word in.... hopefully.

2010-12-24, 10:19 PM
Vampire Manor

"It's very nice to meet you," Tia says. :smallsmile: Finally, someone from Gabriel's family who isn't either making accusations or teary confessions! Okay, so she's nuts, but it's still an improvement.

"Come, come, let's go sit down in the living room where we'll be more comfortable. Jenny, when you're finished with that bottle, bring in some refreshments, both kinds."

"Yes, ma'am." the thrall says obediently.

Aunt Riley leads them into the living room. "Oh look at that. Uncle Ghar has summoned an Execuloth. How thoughtful of him!"

2010-12-24, 10:23 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel chuckles and goes with them to the living room.

"Really?" Gabriel asks, looking at Hretka. Maybe Ghar's getting better about demons.

EDIT: ((And Deadtime. Will be on later.))

2010-12-24, 11:14 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia slips a small wrapped present under the tree, marked for Gabriel.

2010-12-25, 12:23 AM
"Yeah? Well, I'm not paid to uphold 'freedom of culture', sonny." The guard replies, getting some courage from his annoyance. It was not like shirtless men could come in here and tell him what to do!

"This is a family park so we don't want naked people running around here." He continues stepping closer to the deer as he points up to the tree. "And this tree happens to be the most famous part of the park, so we are careful about you magic types doing something to harm it."

If the dear looks up at the section he happens to point, he might see that one of the lower limbs is completely without leaves. The rest of them are completely healthy which makes it an oddity.

He notes the branch.

But, realizing it'd be simpler and more polite, Adir smiles and offers a respectful bow. He says apoligetically, "Sorry, pal. It's just the way I move around. And I won't touch the tree any more. Alright?"

2010-12-25, 12:29 AM
Quinn produces a rather pricey Texas Instruments calculator from her Bag of Holding. :smalltongue:
"Will this do for ya?"

Cathy nods. "Yes, it will."
The pair of workers drag the top half of the mattress into the bedroom. When the girl gets in front of Cathy, she calls out, Wait, Donny. Then puts down her half.

She pulls out three pens out of her back pocket and hands them over to Cathy. She then reaches behind her back and pulls a pad of paper out from the back of her pants. Here ya go.

She then lifts her end back up. Okay. Let's finish this, then get lunch. I'm starving.

The duo manuever the bed into the room, quickly put on the sheets and pillow cases, then leave. They chat with each other as they leave, only nodding slightly to the three guests as they pass.

2010-12-25, 12:40 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel puts a present of his own under the tree. For Tia of course.

It's a bitter sweet Thanksmas without Serena and Nite, but Gabriel is determined to make it the best of it.

Suddenly the manor is fully decorated. It's really quite extravagant. Ghar's present to everybody else.

2010-12-25, 12:41 AM
Sawyer's Inn

Thirteen wanders past, and checks the place out. If it has a tavern or restaurant attached, he'll go in for lunch.

Vampire Manor

Aunt Riley Ooohs and Ahhhs appropriately at the sudden splendor. Tia comes up behind Gabriel and slips her hand into his with a sad smile.

2010-12-25, 12:51 AM
Vampire Manor
Aunt Riley leads them into the living room. "Oh look at that. Uncle Ghar has summoned an Execuloth. How thoughtful of him!"
As she works, Hretka chitters quietly to herself, mildly pleased to hear this.

2010-12-25, 01:00 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel looks around at the decorations, "Sometimes I wonder if the old grouch has a heart and he's been lying to us all this time." He chuckles.

And then Tia comes up behind him. He squeezes her hand, "It's nice isn't it?" He looks down at her, "Is everything alright, love?"

2010-12-25, 01:09 AM
Vampire Manor

"It would just be nice if everyone was here. Your sister. My dad." Tia says.

Aunt Riley puts on some Christmas music. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSroBM-obes)

2010-12-25, 01:14 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel nods solemnly. "We could visit your dad, if you want. I would be more than happy to meet him." he says.

2010-12-25, 01:17 AM
Vampire Manor

"He'd never be okay with what you are," Tia says sadly.

The Bushranger
2010-12-25, 01:22 AM
Sawyer's Inn]

The pair of workers drag the top half of the mattress into the bedroom. When the girl gets in front of Cathy, she calls out, Wait, Donny. Then puts down her half.

She pulls out three pens out of her back pocket and hands them over to Cathy. She then reaches behind her back and pulls a pad of paper out from the back of her pants. Here ya go.

She then lifts her end back up. Okay. Let's finish this, then get lunch. I'm starving.

The duo manuever the bed into the room, quickly put on the sheets and pillow cases, then leave. They chat with each other as they leave, only nodding slightly to the three guests as they pass.

Quinn smiles to the workers as they depart, then looks at Melody and Cathy. "So. Is there anything else we need to do before heading out on our search while Cathy works on her work?"

2010-12-25, 01:22 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel nods, "I suppose not."

"Do you want to go visit him? I shouldn't keep you away from your family on Thanksmas." Gabriel asks. It is somewhat hard for him to suggest she leaves, even if it would be for only a short time, but he wants her to be happy.

2010-12-25, 01:24 AM
Sawyer's Inn

Thirteen wanders past, and checks the place out. If it has a tavern or restaurant attached, he'll go in for lunch.
No tavern, but the restaurant does serve alcohol.

The restaurant has red brick floors and wooden benches with soft padding on the seats. The smell of fresh bread and cooking meat drifts through the air, enticing all but the most ardent of herbivores.

Quinn smiles to the workers as they depart, then looks at Melody and Cathy. "So. Is there anything else we need to do before heading out on our search while Cathy works on her work?"
Melody shakes her head no. I don't need anything. She places her backpack in their room.

When she comes back out. Will you be okay, Cathy?

2010-12-25, 01:30 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Tia pulls Gabriel into a soft kiss. "I couldn't miss our first Thanksmas together"

The Bushranger
2010-12-25, 01:31 AM
[Sawyer's Inn]

Quinn doesn't have anything to put in the room, but she does look it over - both with her eyes and with a quick Detect Magic - as Melody stows her backpack.

2010-12-25, 01:33 AM
Cathy nods. "I should be. I can take care of myself if it comes to that."

2010-12-25, 01:34 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel smiles gently at Tia after the kiss. "The first of many."

"I got a present for you if you want to open it now." He says with a wide smile.

2010-12-25, 01:37 AM
Vampire Manor

"Only if you open mine at the same time," Tia says. :smallredface: She offers him the small box.

2010-12-25, 01:40 AM
[Sawyer's Inn]

Quinn doesn't have anything to put in the room, but she does look it over - both with her eyes and with a quick Detect Magic - as Melody stows her backpack.
Quinn finds nothing magical about the room and sees nothing but a normal room.

Cathy nods. "I should be. I can take care of myself if it comes to that."
((Let me know what it is Cathy does to figure out how to get around the required summoning spell. :smallsmile:

We'll see if it can work.))

2010-12-25, 01:47 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel takes the box offered to him and gives Tia a similarly small box.

Gabriel looks at her and says, "Whenever you are ready."

2010-12-25, 01:47 AM
{{Okay. It's a bit complex, though.}}

2010-12-25, 01:48 AM
Vampire Manor

Tia opens her present.

Gabriel's is a set of bat shaped platinum cufflinks.

2010-12-25, 01:49 AM
((Just do your best to make it simple. :smallsmile:))

((Happy, Is Thirteen going into the restaurant? :smallconfused:))

Melody waits for Quinn to lead them. Where should we start? The Golden Flagon again?

2010-12-25, 02:01 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Tia gets a pair of white gold hair clips with small roses made of flakes of ruby.

Gabriel grins, "I like these." He puts them on and extends his arm to examine them. "I like these a lot."

The Bushranger
2010-12-25, 02:05 AM
[Sawyer's Inn]

"Probably the best idea. Do you think we should be discreet, or make it obvious that we're looking for Frederick so he decides to find us??" Quinn asks, thinking rather like Tobias perhaps as she smiles to Cathy and leads the way there.

((And I'm off, g'nite! :smallsmile:))

2010-12-25, 02:07 AM
Vampire Manor

"Oooh, they're beautiful. Thank you, darling." she says.


Thirteen goes in and orders a giant serving of whatever the special of the day is, a huge loaf of bread, and a pitcher of beer. He's quite emaciated, and needs all the calories he can get.

2010-12-25, 02:12 AM
[Vampire Manor]

"I would twist Ghar's arm anytime for you my love." Gabriel says. Well they had to be made by magic. No jeweler makes roses out of ruby that perfectly.

"There is something I'd like to add to your gift." He leans in for a kiss.

2010-12-25, 02:19 AM
Vampire Manor

Tia very happily kisses him back. Though in consideration of the other people in the house, not quite as passionately as usual.

2010-12-25, 02:19 AM
[Sawyer's Inn]

"Probably the best idea. Do you think we should be discreet, or make it obvious that we're looking for Frederick so he decides to find us??" Quinn asks, thinking rather like Tobias perhaps as she smiles to Cathy and leads the way there.
I don't know how we can be discreet. They already tried to kill us once. And how many blue women have you seen walking around here? Melody follow Quinn toward Golden Flagon Tavern.

Thirteen goes in and orders a giant serving of whatever the special of the day is, a huge loaf of bread, and a pitcher of beer. He's quite emaciated, and needs all the calories he can get.
That'll be one gold piece. the proprietor says.

The special of the day is cod fillet with a side of clam chowder. For a giant serving, they'll bring out two orders of cod.

The bread that is brought out looks as fresh as it smells. And the beer is a nice dark golden hue. The waitress that brings out his meal gives Thirteen a smile. My name is Trixi. I'll be your server for the evening.

2010-12-25, 02:39 AM
[Vampire Manor]

The Christmas music from earlier has started again. Gabriel stands and offers Tia a hand. "Would you like to dance?" He says with a small smile.

2010-12-25, 02:44 AM
Vampire Manor

"I'd love to," Tia says.

Hrekta, no doubt, makes notations on the dance steps used.


"Fanks, Miss," Thirteen says with his mouth full. "Ish very good."

2010-12-25, 02:51 AM
[Vampire Manor]

I imagine she is. :smalltongue:

The dance is nice and slow, given the song they are dancing to. It is perhaps unsurprising that Gabriel is an excellent dancer.

2010-12-25, 02:57 AM
Vampire Manor

Even with the whole fear of intimacy thing? How did he learn?

Tia is quite graceful and light on her feet, and will happily dance with Gabriel all night.

2010-12-25, 03:08 AM

"Fanks, Miss," Thirteen says with his mouth full. "Ish very good."
You're welcome. Trixi says with a smile, then walks toward the kitchen.

There are a few other customers eating their own food. They all seem very content.

((DEADTIME. Night))

2010-12-25, 03:13 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Backstory yay. He and his fiancée would dance all the time. They loved to dance together. After the events before his wedding day he never danced for ten years, it would bring up too many painful memories. Serena worked on him for quite some time to get him to dance again because she knew he loved it. Consequently Serena is a rather good dancer herself.

Of course this was a big step for Gabriel, to ask Tia to dance. Despite being completely in love with Tia, dancing still brought up a past he'd like to forget.

Tia may have noticed that Gabriel was somewhat tense when they first started dancing, but as time passes he gets more and more relaxed.

((I totally made that up on the spot. ^^))

2010-12-25, 03:22 AM
Vampire Manor

Later, when Tia thinks of this first dance, it will occur to her that Maelstrus never did something so simple as to dance with her. But not yet. For the moment, she's completely relaxed and happy, and not thinking of Kundalin Keep at all.

2010-12-25, 03:38 AM
[Vampire Manor]

They dance for a long time. They danced all kinds of dances, wherever the music lead them. There was always something in common though. He would meet her eyes whenever he could and a smile never left his lips.

Eventually they stop. Gabriel is happier than he has been in a long time, even during his time spent with Tia. He looks at her with nothing but admiration and love. "That was amazing." It was so freeing, Gabriel feels like he is walking on air.

Meanwhile Ghar appeared in the corner of the room during their first dance. He watches them curiously. He is one of the few people who knows the significance of that first dance to Gabriel.

2010-12-25, 03:51 AM
Vampire Manor

Tia puts her arms around his neck and looks up at him, her eyes shining. She doesn't move to kiss him though. Ever since she'd changed, passion had come too easily. This emotional connection, she wanted to treasure.

2010-12-25, 04:16 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel, sensing her desire to simply be with him, does nothing but gaze into her eyes. Something clicks inside of him. The fear of commitment that had held him for so long, that had been bypassed by Tia's aura. It was simply gone. It was conquered, consumed by his love for Tia and her love for him.

Any seed of doubt is gone, any unwitting manipulation from Tia is not a factor anymore. He truly loves her, and that is all there is to it.

2010-12-25, 04:21 AM
Vampire Manor

Tia finally sighs happily, and moves closer to rest her head on his shoulder, possibly giving her a glimpse of Ghar watching them.

2010-12-25, 04:36 AM
[Vampire Manor]

Gabriel holds her close and strokes her hair gently.

Tia will see Ghar looking right at her. Nothing in his expression suggests anger, animosity, or even distaste. His expression is completely neutral, maybe with the faintest suggestion of surprise.

He give Tia a slow nod before vanishing silently.

2010-12-25, 04:43 AM
Vampire Manor

Tia closes her eyes and lets Gabriel hold her.

((Shall we leave them there? :smallsmile:))

2010-12-25, 04:47 AM
((Sounds good to me. I'm not sure there is much more that can be said.:smallsmile:

Besides I need sleep. Goodnight.))

2010-12-25, 10:12 AM
Reinholdt nuzzles the girl and purrs as he's petted.
"Darn right I'm the cutest." :smallamused:

"I'm not hungry though. Thanks for offering." :smallsmile:

He notes the branch.

But, realizing it'd be simpler and more polite, Adir smiles and offers a respectful bow. He says apoligetically, "Sorry, pal. It's just the way I move around. And I won't touch the tree any more. Alright?"

The girl pets him some, excited about having a talking cat, the other children are staring at him with awe.

"I wanna hold him now!" One boy whines. "No I wanna!" Another girl exclaims. Reinholdt appears to be pretty popular here.
"You wanna see my dolly kitty?" The girl that is petting him wonders.


The guards peers at him suspiciously but nods slowly "...alright, you can look, but not touch, okay? People like to carve in their name or spray paint it, never works out well you know?" The guard tells him.

2010-12-25, 12:26 PM
[Moth Park]

"Now now. Everybody can get a turn. Let's just wait patiently a little while, ok? Now... is your dolly here in the park? If so, I'd love to see it."
*purrr purrrr purrrr*

2010-12-25, 05:02 PM
Vampire Manor

Aunt Riley seems to have acquired a few more dominated humans. Three are in the kitchen making a feast for mortals, and the others are donating blood. Most of them have red ribbons tied around their wrist, which is her way of designating to the other vampires that they're available for nomming, unlike Heidi and Jenny who are her personal pets.

2010-12-25, 05:13 PM
[Vampire Manor]

More vampires have collected in the manor as well. Being rather large, the manor has more than enough room to hold them.

Gabriel walks around saying a few words to his brethren here and there. Tia may or may not be with him. They don't have to be together all the time do they?:smalltongue:

Most of the assembled vampires are npcs with the exception of Ramiro, who is conversing with a vampire woman, and Ghar, who is sitting in a corner reading a book.

((Be back after I eat))

2010-12-25, 05:26 PM
Vampire Manor

Hopefully Gabriel told the guests not to eat in front of Tia. Aunt Riley wouldn't know to do that.

Tia is keeping her aura turned down, and is in human form, wearing her ruby hairclips, of course. She's mingling with the guests and in general being a very charming hostess.

Earl of Purple
2010-12-25, 05:44 PM
Vampire Manor

Looking very awkward in one of the corners is Mateo. His red eyes are darting around the room, and he hasn't changed from his dirty shirt, trousers and waistcoat. Possibly because he didn't bring any luggage with him. His back is to the wall, and he's not very good at trying not to look nervous. He looks tense enough to fire an arrow.

2010-12-25, 05:45 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Being of the more civilized variety of vampires, most of the guests are drinking from wine glasses.

Gabriel continues his tour around the manor, making a point to talk to everybody there. He approaches Mateo, "I hope you aren't too uncomfortable with the gathering Mateo."

Several of the younger vampires are pointedly avoiding looking at Tia.

Ramiro, upon seeing Tia, breaks off his conversation and approaches her. "I hope you are doing well, Tia." he says.

2010-12-25, 06:00 PM
Vampire Manor

"Yes, Sir. It's such a lovely evening, and so good to have friends here," Tia says, with a charming smile.

2010-12-25, 06:10 PM
[Vampire Manor]

Ramiro nods. "That is good. I'd like to apologize for my behavior the night we first met. I was atrocious to say the least." He doesn't believe it for a second, btut he wants to stay on good terms with Gabriel.

Earl of Purple
2010-12-25, 06:22 PM
Vampire Manor

"It'd help if I knew why the gathering is taking place. Is it somebody's birthday?" It would appear Mateo's asocial nature has caused him to lose track of the date. Mateo's red eyes are continuing to roam the room.

On an unrelated note, Mateo's taken a ground-floor room with a window large enough for him to escape through should it become necessary. Mateo hasn't added any furniture, but hasn't bothered to remove any. If the bedroom was originally empty, then all that's in there is a mattress. If possible, Mateo will have also loosened some of the floorboards, giving him a third escape route into the basement.

2010-12-25, 06:24 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia gives a pained smile. "As did I. Let's not speak of it again." She puts her hand on Ramiro's arm. "I am afraid I don't know everyone here. Would you be so good as to introduce me to the people you and Gabriel will be working with most closely?"

2010-12-25, 06:24 PM
The guards peers at him suspiciously but nods slowly "...alright, you can look, but not touch, okay? People like to carve in their name or spray paint it, never works out well you know?" The guard tells him.

"Never works out well?" Adir says curiously in typical PC fashion, glancing back at the tree. "As in, you throw them out of the park? Or...?"

The stag is used to trees actually getting mad about having their trunks vandalized. He lived in a nature-magic-based world. But around here, he doubted that worked very often.

2010-12-25, 06:27 PM
Vampire manor - the kitchens

http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1012/d25/1722/ccea272.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/41364381)

Mara , the dominated human just stands there, thinking about where she's landed "...why am I here? how did I get here?"

2010-12-25, 06:34 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"It's the holidays Mateo, or Thanksmas as they call it here." Gabriel says.

Mateo's room will have basic furnishings. A bed, bedside table, and dresser. It's simple, but still a mansion room.

Ramiro nods again, "Of course, whatever you desire."

"Those we will be working with most closely? I believe I can. Follow me." Ramiro will lead Tia around to meet several individuals. I won't elaborate on them now, mostly because I don't have the time to come up with a bunch of characters, but I will mention when I introduce them if Tia met them.

"And there is Mateo talking with Gabriel. I don't know how often you'll see him. He prefers to be alone."

Earl of Purple
2010-12-25, 06:39 PM
Vampire Manor

"You sure? I know I hadn't seen a calender for a while, but not for that long. Is it still 2003?" Mateo gets out too much if he's not seeing calenders for over five years. Also seems to have difficulty paying attention to the season and telling the time of year that way, or maybe he loses track of which seasons have occured already in a year.

2010-12-25, 06:40 PM
[Moth Park]

"It's right here!" The girl exclaims as she somehow now have a doll (http://blog.craftzine.com/amigurumi_doll.jpg) in her hand that she attempts to gently push into Reinholdt.


"Well, yeah... we throw them out. What else would happen I mean?" He seems a bit nervous for some reason.

2010-12-25, 06:42 PM
[Moth Park]

Reinholdt will go to hold the doll. Unlike his jaded counterpart, he's not nearly as genre savvy and doesn't know that all dolls are creepy and usually evil.

"Aww, that's really cute!" :smallsmile:

2010-12-25, 06:48 PM
[Vampire Manor]

"No Mareo, it's 2010, almost 2011." Gabriel responds. I guess we go with the actual year here. "You should visit more often. To catch up on such details if for nothing else."

2010-12-25, 06:48 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia makes small talk and endeavours not to flirt (which probably still is more flirtatious than a normal woman would be), and tries to remember everyone's name. Basically, she's trying to be diplomatic and charming to Ramiro for Gabriel's sake.

Aunt Riley is just coming through the kitchen when Mara speaks. "Oh dearie, don't worry. I take good care of my pets. You want to make sure that all the vampires have full glasses of blood, and obey any orders they give, don't you?" She tries to meet Mara's eyes when she says this to try and reinforce the domination, while petting her hair in what she believes is a reassuring manner. :smallsmile:

2010-12-25, 06:51 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia makes small talk and endeavours not to flirt (which probably still is more flirtatious than a normal woman would be), and tries to remember everyone's name. Basically, she's trying to be diplomatic and charming to Ramiro for Gabriel's sake.

Aunt Riley is just coming through the kitchen when Mara speaks. "Oh dearie, don't worry. I take good care of my pets. You want to make sure that all the vampires have full glasses of blood, and obey any orders they give, don't you?" She tries to meet Mara's eyes when she says this to try and reinforce the domination, while petting her hair in what she believes is a reassuring manner. :smallsmile:

mara nods , her eyes going glassy again "yes mistress...any orders mistress? I'm no good in the kitchen mistress..."

2010-12-25, 06:56 PM
Moth Park

Adir smiles charitably, which may serve to unsettle the man further. "Back where I come from? Vandalizing trees? You don't wanna know."

2010-12-25, 06:57 PM
Vampire Manor

"Oh that's quite all right, deary. You can go and mingle with the guests, and refill their glasses. The blood bottles are on the trolley by the Thanksmas tree. And if anyone wants their's fresh, then you'll be a good girl and let them bite you without screaming or struggling, won't you, dear? Heidi or Jenny can help you out if you are confused about anything, or you can always come and ask me." Riley says, still petting Mara's hair. She's so humane to her mortals! :smallsmile:

2010-12-25, 06:59 PM
"Oh that's quite all right, deary. You can go and mingle with the guests, and refill their glasses. The blood bottles are on the trolley by the Thanksmas tree. And if anyone wants their's fresh, then you'll be a good girl and let them bite you without screaming or struggling, won't you, dear? Heidi or Jenny can help you out if you are confused about anything, or you can always come and ask me." Riley says, still petting Mara's hair. She's so humane to her mortals! :smallsmile:

Mara smiles "yes mistress. I'll go right away!"

she will go up where the party is being held

2010-12-25, 07:05 PM
[Vampire Manor]

I believe that is everybody. Everybody that is here at least." Ramiro says to Tia.

Earl of Purple
2010-12-25, 07:11 PM
Vampire Manor

"If it's 2010, then this is the first Thanksmas party I've been to for fourteen, fifteen years. And unless I'm unlucky, I won't die. Years seem like days used to, back when I was mortal. Oh, that's too long ago." After all, the older you are, the smaller a fraction a year is; the smaller the fraction, the faster the year goes.

2010-12-25, 07:13 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia smiles at Ramiro. "I'm so grateful to you for your time. If there's anything I can do to help in your work, I hope you'll let me know." The way she's holding his arm, her posture, the look in her eyes - all the subconscious cues add an innuendo to her words that she doesn't realize she is sending.

As Mara is filling the glasses, one of the younger vampires stands a little too close, inhaling deeply. Not because he needs to breathe, of course, but inhaling does help scent work better. He puts his fingers to her cheek to try and tilt her chin to look up at him and meet his eyes. "Come with me."

2010-12-25, 07:15 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia smiles at Ramiro. "I'm so grateful to you for your time. If there's anything I can do to help in your work, I hope you'll let me know." The way she's holding his arm, her posture, the look in her eyes - all the subconscious cues add an innuendo to her words that she doesn't realize she is sending.

As Mara is filling the glasses, one of the younger vampires stands a little too close, inhaling deeply. Not because he needs to breathe, of course, but inhaling does help scent work better. He puts his fingers to her cheek to try and tilt her chin to look up at him and meet his eyes. "Come with me."

she shivers "...yes...of course..."
she stares at him , still dominated

2010-12-25, 07:16 PM
[Moth Park]

"I found her in the park." The girl says with a smile as she pets Reinholdt again. The doll do look quite old and worn and smells of dirt. Must have been in the park for quite some time.


The guard suddenly seems to want to be as far away from Adir as possible and leans closer and says with a low nervous voice. "...look, a few people have disappeared around here, turning up dead... two of them just happen to be punks that vandalized the tree. It's nothing we should talk much about. People disappear in Riverside all the time, these people just happen to disappear inside the park, okay?"

2010-12-25, 07:22 PM
[Vampire Manor]

How old is Mateo anyway. It's likely he considers Gabriel a child, seeing as he is only 75. Although he's been a vampire 51 years.

"You always have to consider the worst case scenario don't you?" Gabriel says. "You don't have enemies here." Gabriel trusts his fellow vampires a little too much.

Ramiro chuckles. It's a deep rich sound. "Of course, Tia, I'll be sure to let you know." He can see clearly now the reason for the now dead vampire's reaction earlier. She draws men in like a moth to flame, and without even thinking about it.

2010-12-25, 07:28 PM
Vampire Manor

Tia goes to join Gabriel, as the other vampire starts to lead Mara out of the room and towards the back porch to discreetly have a snack. Sort of like a smoker ducking out back.