View Full Version : Mr. Moti Cosplay: Help Requested

2010-12-20, 02:24 AM
Ever played the Legend of Mana games? Mr.Moti is the coolest character ever... period, and i wanted to make a Moti costume. only problem...

...the turban

how would i tie that? any suggestions?

2010-12-20, 04:30 PM
I'd suggest asking in Arts & Crafts. Or Friendly Banter. With the title "How do I tie a turban?"

2010-12-21, 12:36 AM
I'd suggest asking in Arts & Crafts. Or Friendly Banter. With the title "How do I tie a turban?"

I'll do that, but it isnt about tying a turban, it is about tying THAT TURBAN, th one that my avatar is wearing