View Full Version : Total War: Dark Millennium

Lycan 01
2010-12-20, 11:23 PM
It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.

Yet Even In his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants - and worse.

To Be A man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

The Malchior Sector is located on the very edge of the Segmentum Tempestus, near the Halo Stars - the border of space known to the Imperium of Man. The galaxies it contains are mostly untouched, with many of its worlds yet to be colonized or explored. Some worlds already host Imperial colonies, while several planets host indigenous populations of Feral Orks, and a few worlds even provide shelter for marauders and space pirate, human and Xeno alike. There is much potential to be found in the "unclaimed" planets that populate the Malchior Sector. Some would seek to claim them in the name of the God-Emperor, the Greater Good, or Fate, while others simply wish to destroy these worlds, and let the galaxy burn...


Black Slasher Tribe (Thelonius)
Military: ++
Economy: +++
Espionage: ++++
Morale: +++

The Black Brigade (LongVin)
Military: ++++
Economy: ++
Espionage: +++
Morale: +++

Red Crown Rebellion (Daelog)
Military: +++
Economy: ++++
Espionage: +++
Morale: ++

Uash'o Monat (Murska)
Military: ++++
Economy: ++
Espionage: +++
Morale: +++

Independent Protectorate of Haven (Greystone)
Military: +++
Economy: +++
Espionage: ++
Morale: ++++

Biel-Tan (Talkkno)
Military: +++
Economy: ++
Espionage: ++++
Morale: +++

The Luminary Cabal (Falconer)
Military: ++
Economy: +++
Espionage: ++++
Morale: +++

2010-12-21, 02:30 AM
"To walk in such a place, its savage beauty reminds of the myths of Kurnous's hunts." Anastari remarked, as she stood at height at the edge of a great cliff, which sprawled winter landscape. While she stood ahead of a great moutain range, its craggy peaks reaching high into heavens.

"Indeed, the Exodites here have have scorned any notion for settled life, emulating Kurnous's hunts in their way of life." Elarique replied, he stood right behind her, his twin power swords held firmly on his belt.

"Yes, it is unfortunate we can not reflect longer of such times...but enough of such ruminations, is the warhost prepared?" Anastari said, with a sharp divergence tone, sharp and inflexible.

"Yes, noble seer, we only await your command. Currently we are based in the mountain range behind us. Should the time for retreat need be to sounded, we shall be long gone and the portals closed. The mon-keigh shall shant find anything but empty caves in the left our wake.

"Now we simply wait, as the fates their course." Anastari replied solemnly, as she took in a deep breath of the frigid winter air.

"You seem not so confident in your vision, seer. Forgive the intrusion, but on Biel-tan, we simply cut the heart of matter with the tempest of blades, and let the rest fall into place. Why so reactionary?" Elarique inquired, he had much respect for seers, and their arcane matters of divination he knew little, but yet directed the fates of all Eldar.

"There are many troubling shadowpoints in my vision of what is to come to pass here, the Farseers assures me it is one of the warp's many lies, but I refuse to believe it. The Yngir shall rise and cascade from the depths of their slumber until the entire galaxy is nothing more then a deathless husk in the name of Star Gods." She replied, breathing out, as she trued to face the warrior.

"This is why we must wait, for there is no clear place to which to cut with one's blade from binded so many more knots to which there is no escape. The situation will become clearer as we let fate take its course."

"As you say, Anastari, in a moment's notice, the swordwind is preapred rend mon-keigh to carrion."

"There is one matter however, that has taken great interest however. A Tau fleet had rumbled its way into a warpstorm and now lie afloat on the other side of the galaxy. Lost, afraid, and uncertain, have know taken root here. I'm sure we can make them an offer they cannot refuse, given their circumstances. Given the much work is needed to restore the webway in proper order, it is essesntional we secure an alliance to keep others from encourhing on where the Ygnir still lie in their slumber."
Anastari says with much trepidation.

"Shall you need protection? I and my most veteran of Dire avengers will accompany you if necessary."

"No it is not nesscary, I've dealt with Tau before, and unlike many races, they are most reasonable before coming to arms." She replied, as she took her leave to the webway portal hidden deep inside the mountains.

With only himself, the Autarch reflected on this moment of peace, peering into the coming storm. A rare moment to be treasured indeed in such strife ridden times. He had yet needed to don Khaine's spirit yet, but it surety to come as the interplay of fate collided,.

2010-12-21, 05:34 AM
Back Slahsers

Gromysh raised his customized Shoota and fired at the distant target. ''Nailed em!'' he roared with laughter. ''Straight through da eye''. The gretching at the shooting range has fallen on the ground, playing dead. ''I'm leading you dumb gitz by seventeen kills''.

Everybody knew the rules, and they were all thinking. ''Doesn't count, cause his head didn't xplode.'' None of course said so out loud.

''Now, how do I get this one?'' A large, structure with a moving propeller was protecting the next gretching. There was just one-second opening between the rotating blades.

''Da Boss needs some Rokkit Launcha'' an ork carrying Gromysh's weaponry in a huge sack ventured. ''You don't tell me what I need!'' Gromysh slugged the ork, who was swiftly replaced by another. ''Rokkits now''.


Okay I'm sending kommandoz on a mix of orkish and captured imperial ships (traveling separatly) to investigate the three nearby systems (priority E, D, A). In orkish fashion its a numbers game - I've got lots of them some are bound to survive and return with a report.

My psykers scan the situation from Hephaestus IV.

I'm basically putting my superior espionage to good use, to see what I'll be dealing with in this systems in terms of Resistance/Loot.

Edit: Ah and also if my kommandoz and psykers detect any other lightly armored scout ships, they get ambushed and destroyed

OOC - That was Orks playing golf by the way. Yes, Gromysh is an ork of high society.

2010-12-21, 10:25 AM
Red Crown Rebellion

Governor Damius Aurellius sat upon his throne made from skeletons of his predecceesor and his inner council. His eyes looked out in front of him, as if he could see the very stars from where he sat. The weight of Chaos bore down upon his shoulder, and the once handsome noble had aged greatly.

"Spread across the sector. The gods say that soon this area of space wil be awash in blood. It shall not be mine."

"We are your, my Lord." The chorus echoed across the chamber as a hundred voices spoke in unison, giving their very souls to the no longer fully human sitting above them, and to the gods he served.

"Shadow Meld... where are you?"

"I am always here, my dear sweet Damius. What need have you for me?"

"Send word to Castior and his lieutenants. It is tiem to expand beyond this single world."

"Of course." The demons laugh filled all save Damius Aurellius with an icy cold in their hearts.

Send an expeditionary force to planets A, F, and B.

2010-12-21, 05:09 PM
Spire City, IPH HQ

Inquisitor Anastasia Gallia leaned back and scratched her chin. She had left her artificer armor of for the moment, and she took a moment to actually relax in normal- if unreasonably fine, clothes.

Her mouth quirked into a smirk, before she pulled up several files on her terminal.

Colony Production
Inquisitor Gallia:

Refinery F Quad: 96% Efficency
Refinery G-4 Quad: 98% Efficieny
Refinery H Quad: 93% Efficiency
Refinery Quad's A-E: 75% Efficiency
-Reasoning for low efficiency
-Recent Tectonic abnoormalities in mines corresponding to sectors A-E
-Slight chance of small conflicts with remaining chaos reanimates
- Malfunction of under-cleansed equipment

Quarterly Report- Magos Grenix

Overview of Military Personnel Report of Military disposition
Submitted: Lady General Salomis

note- I think I finally got the army squared away. What do you think?

Grand Army 1: Steel Castellans
-Made up of primarily infantry and mechanized infantry
-Made up of remnent 78th Draconis Mechanized, 754th Steel Legion, and the 33rd Veruven.
- Defensive and Urban Warfare Specilists
-Commanded by Lady General Rhia Salomis, previously 78th Draconis

Grand Army 2: Hell's Angels
- Made up of light vehicales and guirella infantry
- made up of 89th Valhallen, 345th Catachan, 576th Elysium drop troopers
- Drop and ambush infantry, able to fight through all types of terrain
- Commanded by General Kye von Hewett, 567th Elysium

Grand Army 3: Praetorians of Freedom
-Made up of heavy armored groups and Heavy infantry
-Made up of 65th Narmenian Armored, 88th Legion Amored, 975th Draconis Heavy Infantry
-Shock troops, this army is designed to push through and break the enemy
- Commanded by General Lucas Kaiser, 88th Steel Legion

Grand Army 4: Wolves of Haven
- Made up of general armor and infantry
- Made up of 75th Cadian, 123rd Cadian Armored, Combined Abhuman Regiment
- All purpose regiment
- Commanded by General Caius Vec, 75th Cadian

Fleet Disposition Inquisitor,

Our Fleet Forces can be split in four main categories:

Imperial navy- The most heavily armed, under command of myself, Lord Admiral jair.

Rogue Trader- Full of frigates and modified craft, and headed by that monster of a cruiser.

Mechanus Fleet- Rather small, but very advanced. Pound for pound, better ships all around. Under magos Svell, a loyal Grennix crony.

Misc- Everything else, from colony ships to traders, the largest collection of our ships.

The Inquisitor scanned this, and quickly made some orders.

Have colonization efforts to the B,G, and C sectors.

Send Grand Army 2 to C with the Rogue Traders ships
Grand Army 3 to B with Mechanus ships
and Grand Army 4 to G with a Strike Force of Navy ships

Grand Army 1 and The remander of the navy ships are to defend Haven.

The plan is to move in with scout ships, with the troop and colony ships defended by the heavy military vessels. If there is little to no danger, colonization proceeds. If there is... civilians and troops are pulled back still under escort while military ships deal with the threat.

2010-12-21, 06:47 PM
The Lone Command

Mont'ka. It wasn't his style. But, Puretide had used both, and so must he. In this situation, Kauyon was ineffective. The enemy remnants had entrenched themselves too deep in the mountains to be easily removed.

However, the plan was perfect, and the fortunes of war favoured the Tau. Today, victory was assured. The enemy had only five reasonable ways of responding to his initial offensive, and that limited the possibilities of the battle progression too much. He would be able to calculate out a response for each of those, easily.

O'Ukos turned to a viewscreen showing the faces of El'Mal'Caor and O'J'karra.

"This is it. We have solidified our position for good. But now, we must proceed and plan our way out of here, according to plan. Have the Air Caste begin the operations."

"As you wish."

To GM: We send 0,5 Military to L, I and J with the orders to scout the planets, colonize if possible and retreat if facing too strong opposition. 0,5 military stays to defend at home. The rest goes to take over and colonize M.

Lycan 01
2010-12-21, 09:39 PM
The Back Slashers

Kommando ships are ready to launch at Da Boss' orders. (They will count as being 0 Military Value, but will have the element of surprise if the enemy fails to detect them.)

Da Weirdboyz use the power of the WAAAGH!! to reach out into space and see what those other guyz are doin' around the place. It seems most of the other powers are mobilizing and scoutin' their surrounding planets. The most immediate thingy to pay attention to is those guys a couple planets over who worship the Demony things. Red Crown Rebelz, or sumthin' like that. It seems they're sending scouts of their own out to their closest worlds - one of them being Planet H, which is where you're fixin' ta send some Kommandos.

Orders, Boss?

Red Crown Rebellion

Scout vessels are prepared to launch for Planets A, F, & B. Will you be sending military escorts to aid in the ravaging of these forsaken worlds?

(All three expeditionary forces count as being 0 Military value. Do you want to divide up any of your military and send them for protection?)

What do the Dark Gods command, sire?


The military and navy have been divided into 4 distinct group, Master. Planets B and C are within range of immediate colonization, however Planet G is beyond the range of our vessels at this time, we're sorry to say.

As it stands, Armies 2 and 3, and their escort vessels, awaiting your orders to launch. Armies 1 and 4, as well as their naval escorts, are currently on standby.

(Your four groups and their naval escorts are worth 0.75 Military each. 2 and 3 are ready to launch for Planets B and C, while Grand Army 4 currently has no orders since their target was beyond their reach.)

What orders do you have in the name of the Greater Good?

The Lonely Command

Planet J is beyond our reach, Sir. However, our forces are prepared to launch for their remaining targets at your orders.

(Two forces worth 0.5 Military are prepared to head for Planets L and I. 0.5 points of your Military will remain behind. Do you wish to send 1 Military point to Planet M and keep the remaining 0.5 forces for the defense of your homeplanet, or will you be sending a 1.5 Military expeditionary force to Planet M?)

What must be done for the Greater Good, commander?

2010-12-22, 01:38 AM
The Black Brigade

Drachenfels -

A squad of the black coated brigade marched through the narrow streets of the Hive city. These were newly inducted members of the Brigade. While, they had the black trench coats only granted to the graduates of boot camp they still did not bear the insignia of the Brigade meaning they had one more test to past. Which means this unit still had their final task of arresting and usually executing a citizen or group of citizens who have been found to be traitors to the God-Emperor. Those who followed through with their orders would be granted their insignia, and those who didn't usually faced death before the rest of the squad. Civilians in the path of the marching unit rushed aside to avoid the gaze of the members of the Black Brigade, to many of the senior members their was little difference between their assigned targets and those who didn't show the proper signs of respect to the guardsmen.

And, not so far away another individual feared the approach of the Black Brigade, though this man had the power to resist them but was too cowardly to do so. Governor Beck slumped in his seat at the approach of General Wolff. The arrival of the General meant only one thing, that he wanted something. Today would be no different. The general quickly explained that it was now time to launch a Crusade of expansion to the outlying systems. What could the Governor do to accept? Wolff would merely have him arrested if he didn't. Perhaps, one day Beck would be able to stand up to the Black Brigade but today wasn't that day.

Send expeditionary forces to H, I and L. Each planet will have + military sent to them.

2010-12-22, 01:59 AM
To GM: Considering I have four points of military, I'm sending one point to L, two to M, half to I and half stays home.

2010-12-22, 02:23 AM
"How was your talks with the Tau?" The Autarch asked, still mediating on the cliff, as the Seer approached, the storm now buffeting against the mountains like a raging beast, yet his peace was undistributed, as he spoke with a solemn tone.

"It has been done, the streams of fate have been set, as crows are to be set free." She said cryptically, but the warrior knew implicitly its meaning.

"Yes, noble seer." Elarique replied, standing upright, and donning the helmet he set by his side during his mediation. The spirit of Khaine filling his spirit.

"Let us only leave carrion in their wake." He said much deeper, as if a all together different individual took root, as he left to meet his warhost.

To the GM

2 units of milltary are to be sent to point N, 1 stays home. I'm going to be building a webway portal there.

2010-12-22, 10:05 AM
Back Slashers

Henry Flint was a large human, a physical feature he was confident made xenos respect him. He emulated their mannerisms and speech, trying to blend in. They were playing some twisted orkish game. The small group of humans surrounding him were drowned in the sea of green. They were actually armed and at their psychological limit. Flint hoped no idiot would snap and open fire.

''All those years of scorn and suspicion from Imperium. Accusations that we Traders are being corrupted by the xenos. Well, thank you for putting ideas in my head. It sure came useful.'' He thought with perverse satisfaction.

Henry discreetly moved to add a bit more drugs into his system. They were helping him to keep his nerves calm.

And what luck, to be invaded by the dumbest xenos in the Galaxy. These things were practically a joke. If he painted himself green, half of them wouldn't be able to tell a difference. Well, well, give it five years and Henry Flint will be running this sector. With his brain behind their brawn, it'll be a child's play. The imperial worlds will fall one after another and he'll get the best enhancements, drugs and women. Everything a man could wish for.

The Gromysh's rocket has blown up the structure. It was part of the local mining operations, but the dumb xenos wrecked everything they got their hands on, for no good reason.

Flint cringed inwardly, but openly he joined the orkish hooting, ''I'll bring some discipline to them later. But first to earn their trust. Perhaps kill one of my followers for an imagined insult, that seems like a typical ork-ish thing to do. But which one? Philip is useful, Ramona is pretty good entertainment, especially with her enhancements. Derrick... He did save my life once. But what did he do for me lately. Not much... not much...''


A Trader ship is being prepared. It will be piloted by Hanry Flint and its secret compartments would be filled with orks, instead of the usual contraband. I'll adjust the plan later, once intelligence from the nearby planets arrives.

If my psykers detect any scouts traveling to systems adjecent to mine a task force will be prepared to ambush and destroy them

2010-12-22, 11:11 AM
O'J'karra appeared on the viewscreen. "Everything is proceeding according to plan. First phase should be secure, though we can never be sure. However, with our current situation we're not in danger of imminent collapse no matter the result."

To GM: If the troops sent to L find one military's worth of Black Brigade units or less, they won't open fire and will try to open communications to secure the previous negotiations of making planet L a demilitarized zone with both sides' observation- and listening posts enforcing it. They'll be careful and avoid situations where they can be surprise attacked, however. If there's more than one military, they'll form up defensively, ready to retreat if they're attacked with too much force, and notify the enemy of the requirement to only bring one military at most.

2010-12-22, 12:29 PM
Red Crown Rebellion

+- military to planet A
0 military to planet F
- military to planet B

2010-12-22, 01:46 PM
The Black Brigade

Recruitment drive

Across Drachenfels a large push begins to entice citizens in enlisting with the Black Brigade:

"Citizens of the Imperium! Your Emperor needs you as we embark on a crusade to rid the sector of the taint of heretics and Aliens. Enlist today with the Black Brigade for fame, glory, honor and booty. Join now and become part of a proud tradition of service and duty to the Emperor of Mankind and the Imperium!

No mutants or heretics need apply!"


The expeditionary force in L will not fire on Murska's forces unless fired upon first.

2010-12-22, 02:01 PM
@GM: Oh, and if I forgot to mention, the + military meeting with Black Brigade isn't colonizing. They'll be building observation posts and listening posts as well as scouting and figuring out what the planet itself is like, but that's all for now.

Lycan 01
2010-12-22, 05:40 PM
The Black Brigade

Planet I is beyond our reach at this time, sir. But the expeditionary forces destined for Planets H & L have been launched with success.

The recruitment drive is being met with success, sir. Many a man has enlisted, and some members of the PDF are requesting transfer to full guardsmanship. However, it must be asked - is enlistment limited to healthy and loyal male citizens, or are women entitled to join as well?

Sir... We've just received news that our expeditionary force sent to Planet L have encountered another fleet in the system. They appear to be Tau vessels, and they are attempting to hail us. What are your orders, sir?

The Lonely Command

Sir, our force sent to Planet L has encountered a fleet of vessels belonging to the humans. They bear the markings of the Black Brigade, and they appear to be of equal strength to our own force. They have yet to fire, sir, and we are making attempts to hail them as ordered.

2010-12-22, 08:27 PM
The Black Brigade

1. Women are entitled to join the Black Brigades.

2. Colonization will begin on Planet H with the construction of industrial factories to aid in the expansion of the Black Brigade.

3. Frequencies will be opened to the Tau fleet.

@ The Lone Command from Black Brigade expeditionary.

Greetings to the The Lone Command. As per our orders from General Wolff we are prepared to divide up the planet with your forces and establish a DMZ with the planet serving as a neutral buffer between our two races.

2010-12-22, 08:52 PM
To Black Brigade: The face of El'Mal'caor appears to respond to the hailing. "This is good. We intend to first investigate the planet and see what kind of indigenous population it has, and then based on that construct a few observation posts on locations suitable for the Greater Good.

I hope you will coordinate with us to avoid any clashes. Even though I am sure both our forces are exceptionally trained and would never disobey orders to hold fire, it is always best to make sure. There has been tension between our two races in the past, sadly."

2010-12-23, 01:30 AM
To the Lone Command:

We will conduct our own expedition on our own half of the planet and give orders to our troops not to interfere with your operations.

Lycan 01
2010-12-24, 12:11 AM
The Black Brigade; The Lonely Command

Both fleets have assumed orbit around Planet L, which has yet to be given an official name, though it has been nicknamed "Specter" by Rogue Traders and explorers passing through the system. The reasoning behind this is soon made apparent. When scouting parties are sent planetside, the report back that the world possesses a hot and humid atmosphere, and the majority of the planet is swampland and bayous. There seems to be an ever-present fog, and many of the scouts sent to the planet return back shaken and edgy, as though spooked by something. Rumor has it that some of the men, on both sides, saw and heard things in the fog. But what it was, none of them will say...

(Specter is a swamp world which possesses the "Creepy" quality. While simply having control of the world has no ill effects, Colonizing it will cost 0.5 Morale. Rumors will spread of things in the fog stalking workers, and men having nightmares or awaking to strange sounds. Likewise, quashing these rumors will have an ill effect on morale because of the fear and intimidation it will cause.)

The Black Brigade

Planet H is a temperate world, with an even mix of land and water. The atmosphere and environment are quite hospitable, and there appear to be no threats or issues that would disrupt colonization. The planet does not currently have a name - would you wish to create on, sir?

Women have been given the right to join the Black Brigade. They are enlisting in droves.

The Lonely Command

Sir, we've received grave news from Planet I. Our scouts indicate that the world is tainted. The presence of the Warp is strong there, with multiple locations where the boundaries between dimensions are weak. One group of scouts reported to have witnessed fully materialized daemons, but... we lost contact with them before that could be verified.

(Planet I is a Chaos World! While controlling it has no ill effects, colonizing it will be a challenging task! It will cost 0.5 Military and 0.5 Morale, as the Warp rifts will be extremely challenging to close and the troops' belief in the Greater Good will be put to the test by such an endeavor.)

Planet M, on the other hand, is a perfect world. It has a temperate environment, with crystal-clear seas and sprawling forests. It is a beautiful environment - we have been blessed by the Greater Good indeed!

Neither planet currently possesses a name. Would you like to name it, sir?

The Back Slashers

Oi, Boss, we gots a problem. Uh... Several, actually...

We sent some scouts to Planet A, and accordin' to the Weirdboyz, they got some company there. It looks like a jungle world, and we sent a few scouts down to check it out. Most of 'em got nommed on by various things with lots o' teef. Seems like the place is a massive death trap. Its perfect! Heh heh heh.

Unfortunately, an enemy fleet showed up shortly thereafter, and we quickly hid our ships and scouts. It was a huge bunch of dem Red Crown Rebel guyz. Lots o' ships, lots o' dakka. So, our Boyz an' Commandos are hidin' around, ships behind da moon, Orks in da jungles. We're pretty outnumbered sir, but they have no idea we're there. What should we tell da boyz, Boss?

(The Red Crown Rebellion has a large fleet exploring Planet A. They don't know you're there yet, though. Planet A itself is a Death World, of the jungle variety. It'll cost 0.5 military to colonize, just from the environment. If the Red Crown Rebellion fights back... it'll likely cost a lot more.)

Planet E is a bunch o' water. Like... bunches. We had trouble findin' a place to land, and it seems da Meks didn't think to include Flotationing Devices on da ships and da Roks. So, we're gonna have a bit o' trouble colonizin it...

(Planet E is an Ocean World. Possessing it has no penalties, but Colonizing it will cost 0.5 Economy, since it will take extra work to find or build stable locations for building and colonization.)

Planet D is pretty. Like... really pretty. Pretty oceans, pretty trees, pretty skies... We can fix dat. Heh heh heh.

(Planet D is a Temperate world. Relatively normal... No penalties or anything for colonizing it.)

None of these worlds gots names yet, Boss. Got any ideas?

Red Crown Rebellion

My Master, our exploratory fleets have reached their destinations.

Planet A is uninhabited, but the world is quite deadly. Our ships encountered no signs of enemy fleets or troops presence. But when we sent scouts to its surface, they painted a rather dark picture. It is covered in dense jungles, which are filled with predatory beasts. Many of the scouts did not return...

(Planet A is a Death World, of the Jungle variety. Possessing it costs no penalties, but to Colonize it will cost 0.5 Military from the loss of life it will take to tame it.)

Planet F was a bit of a treat. It seems the Dark Lords have blessed us - our fleet met no resistance, and when our scouts visited the surface of the planet they discovered that it is a world where the barriers between Reality and the Warp are weak! The planet is tainted, and some scouts even reported seeing true Daemons manifested! Shortly before they were... um... eaten, of course...

(Planet F is a Chaos World. Because the Red Crown Rebellion is a Chaos power, they incur no penalties for possessing OR colonizing the planet!)

Planet B poses a bit of a problem, Master. There is an enemy fleet approaching from the other side of the system, and they bear the markings of the IPH, a traitorous human faction that split from the Imperium to follow the Tau philosophy of the Greater Good. Or something like that. At any rate, they slightly outnumber us, but we still have time to flee, open negotiations, or take action! And while we have yet to scout the planet, we can see Warp Storms ravaging some portions of its surface - it appears to be another Chaos World, Master!

(Planet B is a Chaos World as well, but the IPH has a slightly larger fleet there. What do you intend to do?)

None of these planets are named yet, sir. What titles will you give them in the name of the Ruinous Powers, if you so desire?


News from the fleets, Master!

The exploratory force sent to Planet B has sighted a fleet coming from the other side of the system. They bear the markings of Chaos, and we slightly outnumber them. They have not yet opened fire, so we have some options on the table - run, shoot, or negotiate. Also, the planet itself... its... Well, it appears to be a Chaos World, we're afraid. Warp Storms can be seen ravaging its surface, and our Astropaths are sensing much Chaotic energy bleeding from the world into the Immaterium.

(A force from the Red Crown Rebellion has been sighted approaching Planet B, and Planet B is a Chaos World. While possessing it will cost nothing, Colonizing it will cost 0.5 Military and 0.5 Morale, as there will surely be much loss of life if we wish to purge the Warp taint from the world, and many men will likely be driven mad or to heresy by the challenges they face.)

Planet C is a temperate world, with a good atmosphere and variable environment that ranges from frigid to tropical, with quite a few bodies of water. Our scouts explored the world, but came under attack in a few places by Ork forces. These Greenskins are very unorganized, and only a few of them seem to have access to guns. They're quite numerous, though...

(Planet C is a world plagued by Feral Orks. While controlling it has no penalties, Colonizing it will cost 0.5 Military due to the loss of life that it will take to wipe out the Xenos who inhabit the planet.)

Neither of these planets have names, Master. Do you wish to remedy this?


Planet N, which is currently unnamed, is a volcanic world covered in oceans of magma and mountains that bleed fire. It is extremely inhospitable, but with enough effort, we can create a Webway Portal.

(Planet N is a Death World, with a volcanic environment. To possess it will cost you nothing, while Colonizing it will cost 1 Economy point, since it will take a large amount of effort and resources to construct a stable and safe location for the Gate, on top of the costs of the Webway Portal itself.)

The world has no name yet. What shall Fate remember it as?

2010-12-24, 01:49 AM
Red Crown Rebellion

GM Only
Damius sat on his throne, almost appearing bored, though the glint in his eyes suggested otherwise. "Have our forces leave Planet A. I have no interest in planets that will sap our resources, at least not for now. We will focus on the Chaos Worlds, for what better sign is there?

"Make preparations to colonize Planet F, and begin negotiations with the rebel humans of the INP. We will worry about naming the planets once they are in our control."

The Red Crown Rebellion Fleet is asking to open a channel to begin negotiations concerning Planet B.

Lycan 01
2010-12-24, 01:56 AM
The Red Crown Rebellion

Master, your orders are being heeded. The force sent to Planet A is returning, and preparations are being made for colonization on Planet F. The Dark Gods shall smile upon you for this, I am sure!

(The fleet at Planet A is returning, but will not be available for use until the start of next turn, since Warp travel, while fast, isn't fast enough to get them back quick as a flash.)

Back Slashers Tribe

Oi, Boss. News from the Weirdboyz again. Seems the Chaosy guys at Planet A have decided to turn around and fly away. They're leavin' the system as fast as they can. Maybe somethin' scared 'em off? Besides us, I mean. No way they knew we wuz there. At any rate, looks like the planet is ours, Boss! Hah hah hah!

(The Red Crown Rebellion has retracted its fleet from Planet A. The world is now under Back Slasher control, though the previous circumstances for control and colonization still remain. And it still needs a name...)

2010-12-24, 02:24 AM
"So much like Khaine's skin and temperament, as it was a harbringer of what was to come." Elarique remarked, as he stood at the peak at the edge of a extinct volcano on the planet's surface, where unprotected the heat and ash would easily choke a man in minutes, his warriors suffered from no such troubles, such was Eldar armor even the least among their warriors were protected from such troubles that would plague mon-keigh.

"Then let it be known as Kiram." The Seer remarked, as she began to pulse warp energy threw runes that lie etched on the surface.

"Let's see what these humans intentions lie upon the tapestry..."

The lonely Command
"I assume your forces are prepared, Commander?"

I'm building a webway portal on Kiram, and petitioning the Council for more wraithbone, I'm want to see what I.P.H. is up too...I may or may not order a attack, depending on how Spoon replies.

2010-12-24, 05:30 AM
To GM:
We shall colonize planet M, and have 0,5 Military travel from our homeworld to guard it. As per our agreement with the Eldar, however, the 2 Military already there will begin preparations for travel towards planet 6. Planet M shall be named Fio'Or'res, or Powerful Earth.

As for planet I, taking control of this gateway world is instrumental to our long-time strategic aim. Our fleet there begins careful, slow and methodical cleansing operations, perhaps to take control of any moons or asteroids or similar in the system to construct forward bases and artillery positions. ((Can I avoid the Military losses by having the Colonization take twice as long? After all, the Warp affects the Tau very weakly. If not, I intend to try and leave the planet untouched but fortify the system, for now.)) Planet I shall be named Tsua'm'Run, Middle Bunker.((Forgive me if I've taken some liberties with the Tau language, but there's not much resources about it around.))

To GM and Black Brigade: The Tau fleet in orbit around Specter begins constructing several observation and listening posts, after negotiating the specifics of the division. They will not colonize the planet itself and will place their fortifications on other bodies such as moons or asteroids if possible. The commanders make sure the Tau start no clashes with the humans.

To Biel-Tan: "We are ready. If you have finished your preparations, we should order the assault immediately. For the Greater Good!"

2010-12-24, 12:56 PM
The Black Brigade

Specter - GM and Murska

The Black brigade will begin colonization efforts in accordance with the division establishing listening and observation posts on the moons and asteroids surrounding Specter. However, the Brigade will also build a small facility on the planet itself.

Troop Movements @ GM

.5 forces from Specter will be relocated to Planet H.
the 1 military destined for I will also be redirected to Planet H.
.5 forces from Drachenfels will be moved to Planet H.

So my force composition will be
3 - Planet H
.5 - Specter
.5 - Drachenfels

Colonization of Planet H @ GM

The planet will be named Thyssen. And colonization will begin immediately with the construction of several large factory complexes and mining operations to transform this place into a forge world for the military might of the Black Brigade.

The military is going to begin establishing a perimeter around the planet and plans for using it as a springboard for further expansion.

Colonel Peiper and Primaris Psyker Marlitz assigned to Thyssen

Deploying with the rest of the Brigade to Thyssen the unit's second in command and the head Psyker have been transferrred to the newly colonized world of Thyssen to begin preparing fortifications on that world for the Defense of the Imperium against Xenos and Chaos threats.

The Iron Discipline of the Black Brigade

In a move to increase unit morale and cohesion General Wolff has ordered new methods of training to be put into place that mimic those of the space marines(modified of course for regular humans to perform.) While training in the field and between deployments they will be using a rigorous regime of training and indoctrination to train them to peak efficiency and peak loyalty to the Emperor of Mankind.

Lycan 01
2010-12-24, 04:30 PM
OOC: Remember guys, you can only move your expeditionary forces one planet per turn. You can't send them to one world halfway through the week, and then to another world on the last day. The standard movement rate and limitation is two-fold: it makes everyone even and prevents unfair advantages, and it also makes things less complex and confusing for me to keep track of.


Construction has begun on the Gate. However, it takes time for our ships to travel from system to system, so we cannot expect the attack to launch and arrive with any haste.

(In your End of Turn report, please specify if you're spending 1 Economy extra to insta-Colonize, or just letting it take the full turn standard Colonization rate.

Also, you can't attack the Inquisition dudes just yet. For one thing, you've already moved your max distances this turn. Secondly... poor guy hasn't even posted yet. Cut the guy a break! XD)

The Lonely Command

The planet Tsua'm'Run does not have many moons or other heavenly bodies, and those it does possess also appear to be suffering from Warp Taint. It is as though the whole system is cursed!

(Nope, sorry. If you're going to Colonize this planet or surrounding area, you'll need to pay the penalties. Its to keep things fair and even.)

In regards to Specter, there aren't enough moons and surrounding structures for us to build a strong presence. At least things with the Black Brigade are working out well for the Greater Good.

(The world can't be counted as being Colonized without actually placing a presence on the world itself. However, you will count as having Dual Possession of the world with the Black Brigade.)

The Black Brigade

Work has begun on colonizing Specter and the surrounding systems. Though, some of the men are a bit uneasy about it. Of course, that is what Commissar's are for...

(In your End of Turn report, please specify how you'll be Colonizing it - the standard one turn rate, or spending an Economy Point for instant colonization, which will let you actually begin using the new world during your EoT. Though, you'll be taking the 0.5 Morale loss for colonizing it either way...)

Troops are being massed and prepared for launch, and the Adeptus Mechanicus is readying its excavation and construction equipment. The Colonol and the Primaris Psyker are also being prepared for their new assignment. Before long, the planet Thyssen will be a glorious bastion of Imperium might!

(Again, you gonna do the standard 1 turn build, or the insta-Colonize for 1 Economy? Please specify when you submit your EoT.)

The troops have also begun training in earnest, using the new procedures you have prepared for them.

(Some of this stuff should go in your EoT, but I'm sure you already knew that. :smalltongue:)

2010-12-24, 05:57 PM
To GM: Well, certain other races seem to be getting some advantages. Besides, I'd still suffer the morale loss and the colonization would take two turns instead of one.

Oh well, then I guess I'll need to station some units there... can't afford to lose military when I'm about to wage war.

2010-12-25, 12:36 AM
The Luminary Cabal

The Temple of the Emperor Ascendant was more of a palace than a religious building: part church, part fortress, part administrative center, it was the perfect place for Sanctum Hold's Inquisitor-Lords to hold council. And so they did, in the highest room of the highest tower of the highest part of temple.

The room in which they met was completely unlit, save for a single solitary candle in the center of the table around which they sat. This was the Luminary Cabal: an assortment of Inquisitors, planetary officials, retinues, and assorted minions. Their mission was a straightforward one: reclaim the system for the God-Emperor. Nothing was above or beneath them, no life too valuable to expend, no strategy or trick too underhanded. All things are justified in the service of the Emperor.

2010-12-25, 07:30 PM
End of Turn Report
I'm building it the webway portal the slow way.
petitioning the Concuil for more wraithbone.
Scrying on I.P.H.
Moving two ** of military to Kiram, one * stays at home.