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View Full Version : Witch/Magus problem

2010-12-22, 01:43 AM
Looking at the Magus play test I saw something interesting I want to add to my Witch (pathfinder) character. The Magus arcana: Wand Mastery, allows a Magus to determine the dc of any wand he uses with his int mod instead of the minimum required for the spell. I want to multi-class to Magus and take this Magus arcana, if I do will I be able to augment wands wands in this way that cast Witch only spells without a UMD check?

2010-12-22, 01:56 AM
You may pitch it to your GM as a Homebrew Hex.

I'd allow that (your mileage may vary.)

2010-12-22, 02:03 AM
You may pitch it to your GM as a Homebrew Hex.

I'd allow that (your mileage may vary.)

I am not talking about homebrewing rules, I just want to know if this works.
(My DM hates any homebrew rule that isn't his)