View Full Version : Magic or Madness

2010-12-22, 01:08 PM
I'm using the "Magic or Madness" books as inspiration for this.

Think of it as a variant rule.
No mechanics yet, just fluff.

They say that "Arcane" magic-users hate "Divine" magic-users, and I can sympathize. .....You don't understand? Then let me explain:

"Magic" is really "Active" Mana, passive mana is just Lifeforce.

Passive mana is invisible, it exists in peoples veins and nerves, unseen and unknown.
Active mana with an "Arcane" source has a blue glow, tinting blood an odd maroon-violet color, and sizzling on contact with oxygen.
Active mana with an "Divine" source is yellow, gives off a warmth that has nothing to do with heat, and makes blood look like molten steel.

You can feel active mana bubble in you, feel it cry out to be used, but if you do then its gone and you're life is that much shorter. .......Right about now you want to ask me "why don't you just not use it?", the answer is simple; old mana curdles like old milk.
The overall effect leaves you sickly and mad.
So either die young or become bedridden and insane.
But that only applies to "Arcane" mana, "Divine" mana come to you in a constant flow.

Now do you understand why Sorcerers hate "The Chosen" so badly.

Wizards age prematurely, that why everyone always pictures wizards as old men and withered crones. A Wizard's magic is passive, they don't risk going insane if they don't use magic, but every spell they prepare makes them older.(they do risk going insane if they don't prepare as many spells as they can)

Sorcerers have mortal bodies and mystic souls, their bodies just can't take the strain of magic, most die of heart-attacks or strokes. A Sorcerer's magic is active, its like their mana is a bonfire, to much fuel and the fire is smothered, and when the fuel runs out the fire dies

Clerics devote their lives to a deity in exchange for eternal life, their mana is replenished every time they pray, but if they displease their patron their supply of mana is cut off, time catches up with them, and they age into dust. A Cleric's magic is passive.

"The Chosen", otherwise known as Chosen Souls receive mana in a constant flow from their Patron/Source. Chosen Magic is Active.

Druids gain mana from Nature, the world itself. For every spell a Druid prepares they become closer to nature,more powerful Druids use this to change into animals, plants, and elementals. "Wildshaping" they call it, ...eventually they lose the ability(or the desire) to change back. Druid magic is passive.

Warlocks.....Warlocks are just plain odd, their magic is neither arcane or divine, more like a mix of the two. The more magic a Warlock uses the more thier bodies are changed to resemble their source, in other words; they becomes demons. A Warlock's magic is active, unfortunately.

2010-12-22, 01:11 PM
Not bad for flavor.

If you're going for disfigurement/aging and going crazy, I'd probably recommend Chaos Magic (http://grandwiki.wikidot.com/qcmg) for you instead, though, as it sounds like it can serve your purpose with a little bit of tweaking.

2010-12-22, 01:14 PM
"I just heard an odd bit of information, some people say that arcane magic users can "trade" their mana, why they would want to trade away their lives I don't know....."

2010-12-22, 01:23 PM
Not bad for flavor.

If you're going for disfigurement/aging and going crazy, I'd probably recommend Chaos Magic (http://grandwiki.wikidot.com/qcmg) for you instead, though, as it sounds like it can serve your purpose with a little bit of tweaking.

I'm trying to adapt the magic-sysyem in the Magic or madness (http://justinelarbalestier.com/books/magic/) series to a DnD setting.

The fluff is all in-character and so far none of it has come from an actual magic-user, keep that in mind.