View Full Version : Kellhus Vs. Richard

2010-12-23, 07:58 AM
After my other Kellhus vs Someone Else was ruled that Kellhus is overpowered and will beat any other character, I think I've found a character Kellhus might not defeat: Richard Rahl.
The Scenario:
The events of The Thousandfold Thought occur, and Kellhus gears himself for the Second Apocalypse. Richard Rahl, in his world, banishes everyone he doesn't like, as well as a few that he does, from his world into a world called "Totally not earth, guys, seriously". Afterwards, Richard realizes that thre is another world where people aren't bowing down to him and recited that he should guide them and watch over him every day, and finds that unacceptable because he's the hero. He opens a portal to Ea(umlaut)rwa and brings the might of the D'Haran Empire against the villainous Kellhus.
Anasurimbor Kellhus:
Supreme Intelligence & Manipulation skills. He can turn everyone who isn't an outright enemy into a crazed follower.
Super Magic Skills: Kellhus is a Gnostic mage, but since he's super smart, he is a better mage than everyone and he can do everything.
Maniacal Devotion of his Followers: Kellhus has everyone convinced he's a god, and they all worship him.
Realism: Kellhus, despite being the U(umlaut)bermensch, resides in a relatively realistic world, and as such, his men can be hurt by things like disease, starvation, lack of a spinal cord, etc.
Richard Rahl:
Super Magic Skills: Richard is a War Wizard, but more than that, he's also a Seeker, with Deus Ex Machina Generation Skillz. Conventional things like poisons, illnesses, and swords won't work on him because he'll be able to devise a cure at the last possible second from the air around him.
Maniacal Devotion of his Followers: Richard has everyone convinced he's competent, and they all worship him.
Unrealism: The world is bent to worship Richard, and, as such, everyone will always agree with him after he talks to them, even if he says the exact opposite of their beliefs and doesn't rationalize at all. That's okay, because they don't either.
Emotions: Richard has them. Too much of them. Kellhus could make him fly into a rage by telling him he smells of elderberries.

Who do you think is the most overpowered character? And, if the other side had Eragon with it, would matters change?

Smiling Knight
2010-12-23, 09:30 AM
It's times like this that I wish I had writing skills, because then I could create an epic parody for the ages.

Actually, they would probably get along great. Look at what they have in common:
Killed their fathers
Worshiped as gods
Ever-increasing powers
A large portion of the (anti, in Richard's case) fandom thinks them insane
Fighting a completely over-the-top evil enemy

Of course, Kellhus is well-written while Richard... isn't.

2010-12-23, 06:25 PM
On a different board I read, I remember a discussion about how Kellhus is Richard taken seriously.
This is the closest thing I could find to the parody you're talking about. Not very good... (http://sandstormreviews.blogspot.com/2006/08/goodkind-meets-r-scott-bakker.html)
EDIT- Found it:

Richard Rahl is worshipped in his empire too. They hold prayer-like Devotions to him and faith in him is the only thing able to protect people from the evil power of Jagang the Dreamwalker (who in actuality has the power of possessing people from afar - Goodkind isn't very good with descriptive terms). SoT wouldn't be SoT without the rampant hypocrisy. Richard even ends up creating his own planet in the end. But it's not religion because it really works...

Richard's powers are about as unbelievable as Kellhus's but instead of being the product of a breeding program who went through strict mental and physical training in a monastery, Richard was a simple woods guide. They both grew up not believing that magic wasn't real, though, so there's at least that. Richard is just innately awesome at everything and where that isn't enough, his innate plot-device magic appears to help him. It's part of the potential deconstruction that Kellhus is given the sort of background where he can do the things Richard does without relying on sheer main-character-ism.

The name of Richard's sword: Truth.

The name of Kellhus's sword: Enshoya, which means Certainty.

The funny thing about those is that the Sword of Truth would actually be more better called the Sword of Certainty. It is a magic sword that kills only those people the wielder feels deserve death - which is everyone opposing Richard, by the way - but actual facts don't come into it. It is enough that the wielder is certain.

Also, Ricard's title is the Seeker of Truth, but he doesn't actually seek it. He thinks he knows it already and makes long speeches about it. Kellhus is a Dûnyain which means "Truth". They also aren't actually interested in the actual truth, as they believe they have it already. The philosophies of both characters are also very similar.

Yep, it really looks to me that Kellhus is a deconstruction of Richard.